view stories/cunpnk4.txt @ 1:dbe144217c71 moonlitnights

[svn r2] getting it to work with the local server
author rlm
date Fri, 19 Feb 2010 06:33:41 -0500
parents ed1308d04df2
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1 ~*~*~*~*~
3 With a thud, the figure fell to the ground. The purple aura
4 around her began to fade and finally disappeared. Serenity ran across
5 the lawn to where the figure lay. As she approached, she could make
6 out more detail. Black hair. Pale skin. Purple fuku.
8 Without hesitation she picked the figure up, and carried her
9 inside the palace. Serenity implemented emergency status right away,
10 which alerted all the Senshi immediately. As she looked down at the
11 figure she was carrying, she could hear faint moans of disorientation.
12 A million emotions were filling her consciousness at this moment, and
13 above all else she felt the need to break down completely and cry.
15 She was calling out now. For someone, anyone to come help her.
16 Several palace workers came to her aid, and momentarily she could hear
17 the clicks of Senshi heels running down the hall.
19 "Serenity-sama!" exclaimed Sailorjuno.
21 "Minna," said Serenity in a controlled, but grief-stricken voice,
22 "Sailorsaturn needs medical attention."
24 Looks of surprise, horror, and shock came over everyone's
25 faces.
27 ~*~*~*~*~
29 Serenity paced nervously outside the room where Saturn was being
30 examined. She looked over at the other Senshi who all reacted to the
31 news in different ways. Most were crying, or had cried when they found
32 out. Some looked deeply confused and distraught, while others were
33 beaming with joy and excitement. She then looked over at her husband
34 who had baby Usagi with him. He gave her a smile of reassurance.
36 Serenity then reflected on her own feelings of the situation. Of
37 course, she just couldn't believe that Saturn was back. How was that
38 even possible? Was it the real Saturn? Could she have been brought
39 back somehow? Millions of questions swam through her head. As hard as
40 it was, she just couldn't deal with the emotional side of the situation
41 right now. She had to push her personal feelings to the side, and lead
42 by example as the Queen.
44 Just as she was contemplating her next course of action,
45 Sailormercury emerged from the room looking haggard and emotionally
46 drained. Despite that, she managed to smile.
48 "It looks like she'll be okay. It was nothing serious. Her
49 energy was just a little drained, but it seems to be coming back to her
50 more and more every minute."
52 "Mercury," asked Venus cautiously, "is it really her?"
54 "From what I can tell, yes."
56 "But how can that be?!" yelled an exasperated Sailoruranus
57 between sobs.
59 "Uranus," offered Sailorjupiter, "do you really need to ask that
60 question? How many times have you seen a miracle occur? How many
61 unexplained things do we still, even today, not know about about the
62 power of the ginzuishou or even the universe?"
64 "Jupiter wa yutoorii da wa," said Mercury. "And whatever the
65 answer, I'm sure we'll come to understand it in due time."
67 "Mercury," asked Serenity, "may I see her? Alone?"
69 The Senshi of Suisei smiled. "Of course. She's not asleep, just
70 resting."
72 Serenity turned to see if Elios was okay with baby Usagi. He
73 nodded to her, and she back at him. She closed her eyes, and balled
74 her hands up to try and gather the courage she needed. A voice inside
75 her head said, 'yuuki wo dashite!', which gave her the motivation she
76 needed to go into the room.
78 The room was dark, the only light being the faint glow of the
79 moon filtering down through the window. Serenity saw a figure laying
80 in the bed, her gentle breathing the only sound. She looked so
81 peaceful, thought Serenity. Like she was a child without a care in the
82 world. That was particularly ironic, considering the childhood Saturn
83 had lived.
85 "Saturn," said Serenity softly, as she didn't feel the need to
86 wake her if she actually was asleep.
88 The figure stirred a little bit, and then two eyelids opened to
89 reveal two shining purple orbs. She looked over at the woman standing
90 over her bed, and smiled.
92 "Small Lady," said Saturn in a somewhat groggy voice, "finally I
93 can see you again. It seems like we've been apart so long. I missed
94 you so much."
96 All Serenity could do was try and choke back the tears that were
97 welling up inside of her. "Do you remember what happened, Saturn?"
99 "I..." Saturn looked away as if in deep thought. "I remember we
100 had been apart for some time. I was...on Kinmokusei, wasn't I? Yes,
101 that's right. I was on a diplomatic mission. There was...a storm. A
102 huge storm, the likes of which the planet had never seen. I tried to
103 save everyone that I could...but there were a few people trapped under
104 mounds of rubble. I held out as long as I could, but then..." She
105 returned her gaze to the pink-haired woman. "It was all over. My last
106 memory, before waking up here, was hearing your voice call out my name.
107 I remember feeling warm and happy at that moment."
109 Serenity couldn't help it anymore. Streams of tears were running
110 down her face. "Yokatta na. I'm so happy you're back. I'm so happy.
111 You must have a million questions you want to ask, as I'm sure everyone
112 here wants to ask you lots of questions, too. But you look exhausted.
113 Why don't you try and get some sleep, and we'll gather again in the
114 morning?"
116 Saturn smiled and nodded, already half back into a deep slumber.
118 ~*~*~*~*~
120 When the morning came, most of the Senshi looked as if they hadn't slept at all. Serenity was no exception. She stayed up all night, sitting beside Usagi's crib, deep in thought about the implications Saturn's return brought. Her eyes had circles of worry, and her heart shook with fear.
122 Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto were the first to greet Saturn when she woke up. They actually hadn't gone to bed at all, and had watched over their daughter all night.
124 "Papa...mama...mama..." Saturn's voice cracked a bit, and she was obviously still very tired.
126 Uranus held her daughter's hand tightly. "Daijoubu, hime-chan?" she asked with concern.
128 Saturn smiled. "I will be soon." She closed her eyes and concentrated. Soon the purple mark of Saturn appeared on her forehead, and she glowed. After a few seconds, Saturn opened her eyes, the mark dissapearing. She sat up in the bed, smiling. "It's good to see you all again."
130 Neptune took her daughter into her arms and hugged her tightly. "You gave us such a scare.
132 "Even I could not predict... We're so glad to have you back." said Pluto with obvious affection.
134 "How long has it been?"
136 The three looked at each other. "A little over three years..." replied Uranus.
138 "Where's-"
140 Just as she started, Saturn got cut off by the door opening, and a figure rushing in.
142 "Saturn!" Serenity cried, still not quite believing what was happening. "I'm sorry I wasn't here earlier. But I had to take care of-" She had to stop, she was so out of breath. She breathed in a few deep breaths. A look of panic was still on her face.
144 "We'll leave you alone." The two others followed Neptune, hugging their daughter one last time, and nodding to Serenity before leaving the room.
146 "Small Lady," said Saturn, leaving the bed clad in loose-fitting comfortable clothes. She walked over to the shocked woman who was stitting at the end of the bed, still breathing hard. Saturn sat beside her and rubbed soothing circles on her back.
148 "I'm sorry."
150 "No!" said Serenity with a force that shocked even herself. "Kami, no..." She shut her eyes, the tears she was trying so hard to hold at bay threatening to overwhelm her. After a few escaped her long lashes, more and more fell until they came in an unending stream.
152 Saturn pulled her partner into an embrace, also sobbing quietly, unable to help herself.
154 "Oh, Saturn..." She was starting to gain some control again. "So much has happened. They're so much I need to tell you, but..." The little control she had back was beginning to slip away. "I don't know if I can..."
156 Saturn pulled away from the embrace slightly, looking her best friend in the eye. "Small Lady, you know you can tell me anything."
158 "I, well, the first thing is I'm not really Small Lady anymore. I...I'm Queen." Saturn's eyes widened at this. "I was named...mama..." she broke off, not knowing quite how to continue. The next part would be the hardest thing she had ever done in her life. The prospect of saying it, of destroying her former lover was breaking her heart. How could she possibly do it? But not telling her would not only be unfair, but would hurt Saturn even more. She sighed, and plowed forward. "I was crowned Queen at my wedding."
160 Saturn reeled. It was almost the same as being hit with a physical blow. Except this hurt more.
162 Serenity saw the hurt in her eyes, and her entire being almost died. She disentangled herself from Saturn who was too stunned to protest. She looked down at the floor, her hands gripping the sheets. "You deserve to know everything. I owe you that much at least. When you...when you died, I felt like I had died, too. I was so alone. The blackness consumed me for a very long time. Almost. There...there was a man. Elios. Do you remember him? I had forgotten at the time. He helped me. He brought me back to the light. There's no doubt in my mind that he saved my life. We were friends for over a year before.....he proposed to me.
164 "At the time I couldn't believe it. I thought if I married him, if I even admitted my feelings for him were more than friendship, that I would be betraying you." She looked up at Saturn, not quite knowing what the expression on the other woman's face meant. "Somehow I convinced myself that you wouldn't mind -- even that you'd want me to...god, I'm so stupid. I had his child."
166 "You have a baby?" was all Saturn could manage.
168 Serenity nodded. "Usagi Hotaru Serenity. Saturn," she said, suddenly with more conviction in her voice, "I never stopped loving you. I know that will never make up for what I did. But I never once loved you any less." Wiping some of her tears away, she got up. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." She glaced at Saturn once more before fleeing the room.
170 Blackness seemed to rush towards Saturn without warning, and she fell back onto the bed. "Small...La..dy...."
172 ~*~*~*~*~
174 "Puu!" cried Serenity as she ran up to her old friend. The Senshi of revolution, however, just kept walking.
176 "Puu!" she cried again. "Matte, Puu!"
178 Suddenly the green haired women turned and fixed Serenity with a glare she had never seen come from her. "What do you want?" came the angry reply.
180 Serenity could only stop and stare. Why was Puu acting like this? "I...I need to talk to you..."
182 Soft, disturbing laughter came from the other woman. "You think I'd talk to you after what you did?"
184 "What? What did I do?"
186 "You betrayed her."
188 "No, I..."
190 "You BETRAYED HER!!"
192 Serenity felt a fist smash into her cheek, sending her to the ground. Uranus stood above her, smirking.
194 "That's for killing our daughter, bitch!"
196 Neptune appeared beside Uranus and swiftly kicked Serenity in the side. The pick haired woman let out a painful gasp as the shoe came in contact with her rib cage.
198 "How did I kill- Ahh!" Another kick to the ribs. She struggled to get up. "Please! Listen to me!"
200 "Why should we? Why should we trust you at all? You betrayed one of us. You LIED and CHEATED! Why should we trust *you*?" cried Neptune.
202 Serenity was too shocked to speak. To her left another figure appeared.
204 "That's right. You dumped your little girlfriend because you liked fucking me better."
206 <Andrea> o.O;;;;;;;;;;; </Andrea>
208 "Elios!?!"
210 "Hn." He forcefully grabed her chin. "You liked it better, didn't you?" he practically spat.
212 "Small Lady."
214 She turned and saw a woman is a purple fuku. "Saturn! Please, hel-"
216 A curved blade pointed at her face, cutting her off. "You don't *deserve* to be helped. You BETRAYED ME! You planned it all along, didn't you? As soon as I was out of the picture, you jumped into bed with the closest warm body?! You're disgusting!"
218 Serenity felt tears on her cheeks, and realised she wasn't crying before. "Sa-"
220 The blade touched her chin. "You don't deserve my love. In fact," said woman with a sneer, "I don't know how I *ever* could have loved you. Or maybe I didn't love you from the beginning, and only thought I did. Yes, that's it. I never loved you at all. I NEVER LOVED YOU!!"
222 The words echoed in Serenity's head as she saw the blade move up, and then down with deadly accuracy towards her neck.
224 "SATURN!!!!!"
226 ~*~*~*~*~
228 She bolted up to a sitting position, sweating and breathing hard. She raised a hand in front of her face and stared at it for a moment. "I'm...not dead?" The dream had felt so real. It still held her rigid with fear, words still running through her mind. She looked over at the figure beside her on the bed. He was watching her with concern clearly visable on his face.
230 "Otome..." He layed a hand on her shoulder. "I saw it. It wasn't real, don't worry, please..." He brought her into an embrace, slowly stroking her back. "None of it was real. They weren't real, the words weren't real. I wasn't real. And she wasn't real."
232 Serenity clung to her husband, unwilling and unable to let go for a long time.
234 ~*~*~*~*~
236 "Yes, of course. If you need my supervision..."
238 "It would be appreciated."
240 She smiled. "It's no problem, Venus. I'll be there later this week. Tell Prime Minister Kinomoto to go ahead with the plans. She'll need to start the construction soon if we want to have the space station in operation by the time Omicron Theta is colonised."
242 "Thank you." Vensus looked into the other woman's eyes from her position on the other side of the screen. She hesitated for a moment, and then cautiously started. "Serenity, maybe-"
244 "I'm sorry, I have to get going," said the Queen with forced cheerfullness. "I'll talk to you later." She pressed a button on her desk, and the picture of Sailorvenus was replaced with a crescent moon with "Crystal Palace" written underneath it. She sighed. It had been a week since Saturn's miraculous return. So far, after their last meeting in the medical ward, Serenity had managed to avoid the black haired woman by emerging herself in work and taking care of Usagi.
246 She knew she was making things harder, both for herself and for Saturn, but she truly thought this was for the best. It just wasn't her place anymore. She had made her decision two years ago, and she would have to live with that choice. Yes, she did still love Saturn. She loved her just as much as when they first admitted their feelings for each other. But she had a commitment to Elios that she just couldn't recind on. She had married him, had a child, and loved him. And she still did love him, but was incredibly confused about it. Didn't she want more than anything to run into Saturn's arms, and continue right where they left off? Yes, she admitted. She repremanded herself. How unfair that would be to Elios! She wouldn't dream of hurting him in that way. And besides, Saturn... Saturn hated her now anyway, so there was really no point...
248 Serenity shook her head. These were exactly the type of thoughts she was trying so hard to keep at bay. She refocused on her paperwork, burrying the thoughts as she did so.
250 ~*~*~*~*~