view stories/btscenes.txt @ 1:dbe144217c71 moonlitnights

[svn r2] getting it to work with the local server
author rlm
date Fri, 19 Feb 2010 06:33:41 -0500
parents ed1308d04df2
line wrap: on
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1 Hi! ^-^ Not much to say this time. There is a love scene in this one, so
2 please read responsibly. ^^ We wanted to do more with this plot, but
3 we ran out of ideas. If you can think of anything, or if you just liked the
4 story, please e-mail us at:
5 Oh, and for anyone who’s interested, we have finished two Card Captor
6 Sakura stories. If you’re at all interested in reading them or if you know
7 of a place we can post them, please, please e-mail us. We’ve finally got
8 some ideas for how to write a Sailormoon, Pretty Sammy, and Card
9 Captor Sakura crossover, but we’d like to know if anyone likes the idea
10 before we start it. Thank you. ^^ Enjoy the story. ^-^
14 Behind The Scenes:
16 Rini walked briskly back to her dressing room. She had
17 another scene she had to do in a little while and she had to change
18 costume. She sighed. Acting was hard work, but it was her passion.
19 Acting and a sweet dark haired girl.
20 Rini’s mind drifted as she started thinking about Tara. At first
21 she’d been a little weary of the shy, introverted girl. When she’d first
22 met her on the set, she’d barely managed to get the dark haired girl to
23 look up at her. She’d read the script and knew she’d be having a lot of
24 scenes with her, so she wanted to get to know her better before they’d
25 be acting together. She thought it would be impossible with how shy
26 the other girl was.
27 Gradually things had changed. Tara had quickly gained Rini’s
28 respect as she watched the other girl act. She came to look forward to
29 her scenes with the dark haired girl, enjoying working with her. As
30 time went on, they spent more and more time together on and off the
31 set. Rini had slowly managed to work past the other girl’s shyness and
32 got to find out about what was behind the facade. She found everything
33 about the dark haired girl fascinating. From the books she read to what
34 her favorite food was to what she dreamed about.
35 Everyone had thought her first kiss was onstage when an
36 episode called for her to, but her real first kiss had been weeks before
37 that with that dark haired beauty. It had been heaven. Rini smiled at the
38 memory. They’d started dating a while before that, but neither was
39 ready to make the first move. She’d surprised that shy girl when they’d
40 kissed. Rini had been almost as surprised when she’d felt the other girl
41 kiss back. It had felt like… what was the saying? Fireworks. Thousands
42 of fireworks going off at once for the two girls. It still felt like that
43 every time they kissed.
44 Rini looked around absentmindedly for the door to her
45 dressing room, lost in thought. She shook her head to think clearly and
46 finally stepped in. She stretched as she looked around the small room.
47 It was small, but she’d grown accustomed to it. It was pretty
48 comfortable for her. That was probably because of quick naps she’d
49 had to take when filming went late. As she let her hair down from the
50 odango hair style she’d had it in all day, she noticed something near the
51 mirror. ChibiUsa’s heart swooned as she picked up the roses. “Oh,
52 Tara…” she sighed. She sniffed the lovely fragrance of the roses and
53 giggled to herself. She couldn’t wait to see the other girl later.
54 Rini froze when she heard a knock at the door. She smiled
55 brightly at the thought of her love. “Come on in!” Her smile faded
56 when the door opened. Rather than the love of her life, it was another
57 one of the actresses, Erika. She was a friend, but Rini had gotten all
58 worked up over nothing.
59 “Hey! Don’t worry about getting ready yet. This Inner Senshi
60 scene seems to be taking a lot longer than they’d expected. They won’t
61 be doing your scene for at least an hour. The director sent me over to
62 tell you.”
63 Rini mustered a smile. “Thanks, Erika.”
64 The tall blonde smiled back at her. She motioned to the roses
65 still in the pink haired girl’s arms. “An adoring fan?” she asked
66 teasingly.
67 Rini stuck her tongue out. “You know who they’re from.” She
68 walked over to the mirror and set the flowers down. “Where is Tara,
69 anyway?”
70 “I’m not sure. I can ask Michelle if you want,” Erika offered. “
71 She might have seen her.”
72 “Thanks. If you see her…”
73 “I’ll send her this way,” Erika finished. She laughed. She
74 waved to Rini and shut the door before heading off.
76 Rini stood alone in the now silent room thinking to herself.
77 After a minute, she picked up a pen and paper and wrote down a quick
78 note just in case Tara stopped by the dressing room again. She left the
79 note where she hoped Tara would see it and then walked out the door.
81 Tara was sitting on one of the benches in the park set. No one
82 was there, so she had the whole place to herself. She found it relaxing.
83 She finally had a chance to read. She knew she should be reading the
84 script instead, but the book she was in the middle of was too engrossing
85 to put down. She had a sinking feeling in her stomach that she should
86 be doing something, but she pushed that to the side, thinking it was the
87 script. She’d read it enough so far. She should do fine.
88 As she turned the page, her vision was abruptly obscured. She
89 felt the two small hands placed over her eyes and a warm body pressed
90 against her. She sighed happily and leaned back against the other girl.
91 “Hi, Rini.”
92 The pink haired girl giggled. “I’m supposed to say guess
93 who.” Her hands went down from the girls eyes and clasped around the
94 dark haired girl’s stomach. Her chin rested on Hotaru’s shoulder. “I’ve
95 been looking all over for you,” She said more seriously.
96 “I’m sorry. I was going to come see you earlier, but I lost track
97 of time.” Tara’s hand stroked the other girl’s cheek before running
98 through her shoulder length pink hair. “I’ll remember next time.”
99 Rini laughed. “I’m sure you will.” She nuzzled the dark
100 haired girl’s neck lovingly. “I’m just glad I found you before I had to
101 go on.”
102 “Don’t go,” Tara said simply.
103 “But I need to finish a scene.”
104 “If they don’t find you, they can finish a different scene today.
105 Things have been pretty hectic all day. No one will mind if you don’t
106 show up. And I’d be much happier if you don’t.” Tara’s fingers trailed
107 down to Rini’s chin. She turned the other girl so that their lips were
108 inches apart. They moved at the same instant, their soft lips meeting.
109 Tara’s fingers intertwined in the other girls light pink hair as the kiss
110 grew more passionate. Their tongues brushed against each other as they
111 lost themselves to the moment. They were finally alone.
112 When they pulled away, they were both breathing heavily.
113 “You’re right. Nobody will mind,” Rini said quickly.
114 Tara smiled at the pink haired girl. “You are so cute.”
115 Rini mock pouted. “Cute? I need to stop dressing like my
116 character.”
117 Tara giggled. “What’s wrong with that? I like cute.” The two
118 leaned towards each other and kissed again. Tara stood up quickly.
119 “Come on.” She tugged at the pink haired girl’s hand. Rini stood up
120 and followed as Tara led her away from the park set.
121 “Where are we going?” Rini asked. Tara just smiled and
122 walked faster. They finally arrived at the set of Hotaru’s bedroom. Rini
123 just looked confused.
124 Tara smiled mischievously. She whispered to the other girl
125 seductively. “I’m sorry I didn’t show up earlier. Can I make up for it?”
126 Rini swallowed, her throat suddenly dry. The dark haired girl
127 always managed to affect her like this.
128 Tara lay down on the bed after slipping off her shoes. Rini
129 leaned down and kissed her soft lips, her hand gently running up and
130 down Tara’s leg, the thin cloth of the girl’s stockings the only thing
131 between them. She slowly started pulling the stockings down the other
132 girl’s shapely legs. Rini felt Tara’s fingers unbuttoning her blouse.
133 Rini climbed onto the bed on top of the other girl, never
134 stopping their sweet kiss. Rini finally slipped one of the stockings off
135 Tara’s small foot, tossing it behind the two of them. Her fingers slid
136 under the cloth of Tara’s other stocking, the cloth pushing her hand
137 tightly against Tara’s warm flesh. Rini moaned as Tara’s hands cupped
138 her breasts through the soft cotton bra. Her hands shakily unclasped the
139 bra, the fire within her growing uncontrollably. Tara’s other stocking
140 quickly joined the first on the floor. Rini sucked in a sudden breath of
141 air as she felt Tara’s hands against her breasts. Rini’s hand traveled up
142 Tara’s now bare legs. She continued on up under the dark haired girl’s
143 skirt. She slipped Tara’s panties down. Tara kicked them off when they
144 reached her feet. She felt Rini’s fingers brush against her inner thigh as
145 they moved upward. Tara gasped as Rini’s fingers touched her most
146 private of places.
147 The pink haired girl moaned softly as Tara continued to
148 massage her breasts. Tara’s fingers danced over Rini’s pink nipples.
149 Her fingers circled one of the nipples, the pink bud hardening as she
150 directed her attention on it. Tara’s other hand slid down Rini’s smooth
151 stomach, her fingertips inching across the other’s skin, slowly enough
152 to savor the feel of the soft flesh while driving the pink haired girl
153 crazy. “Tara…” Rini whimpered as her lover’s hand continued with
154 agonizing slowness. After passing Rini’s naval, Tara’s pace quickened
155 as she felt her the other girl’s fingers rubbing up and down against her
156 swollen labia. Rini slowly parted Tara’s petals and slid a finger inside
157 the dark haired girl’s entrance.
158 “Rini… Oh, Rini…” Tara moaned her love’s name
159 breathlessly. She paused for a brief moment when she reached Rini’s
160 skirt. Her hand went under the skirt and the elastic band of Rini’s
161 panties in a fluid motion. Rini took in a sharp breath of air when she
162 felt Tara’s fingers brush past her soft, pink hair. The pink haired girl
163 moaned as Tara’s fingers pressed against her soft skin. Her own finger
164 pushed deeper into Tara. Tara’s hand stopped as searing pleasure shot
165 through her body like an electric current. Her legs bucked as she felt
166 the other girl touching her so intimately.
167 “Tara, don’t stop,” Rini pleaded. Their lips met as their half-
168 clothed bodies pressed together. Their tongues dueled as they kissed,
169 both wanting the other to know the extent of their feelings. Tara looked
170 deeply into her lover’s beautiful crimson eyes. She could feel all the
171 love and passion that radiated between them as she lost herself in those
172 eyes.
173 A trail of kisses led down Tara’s jawline as Rini reveled in the
174 salty taste of the dark haired girl’s skin. A soft moan escaped her lips as
175 Tara’s fingers found her jewel. The heat between her legs grew
176 unbearable from the other girl’s loving touch. She kissed down Tara’s
177 neck, her hand brushing through her soft, dark hair. She continued to
178 tease and kiss Tara’s glistening, pale skin. The pink haired girl gasped,
179 her lover’s sweet caresses pushing her over the edge. She never could
180 describe the sheer ecstasy she felt when she and Tara made love. Her
181 finger pushed further between Tara’s soft folds as pleasure shot through
182 her.
183 “Rini!” Tara cried, her muscles clenching around Rini’s
184 probing finger. She arched her back, the incredible feelings rushing
185 throughout her body. Her eyes clenched shut as she waited for the
186 sweet sensations to pass, wishing she could somehow stop the all too
187 brief moment from ending.
188 The dark haired girl slumped back on the bed in the mock-up
189 of a girl named Hotaru’s room. Pink hair obscured her vision from Rini
190 landing beside her. Tara laughed and brushed some of her lover’s hair
191 out of the way. She was still breathing hard when she caught a glimpse
192 of the other actress. Hands folded across her stomach, she was looking
193 up at where a roof would be had they been in a real room. A smile
194 swept across Tara’s face as she looked at the girl she loved. Rini looked
195 over and returned the smile, her eyes lighting up. Tara’s arms went
196 around her love, her head resting on the other girl’s shoulder. Her hand
197 rested atop both of Rini’s. She felt the rise and fall of her lover’s chest
198 as they lay in silence. “What are you thinking about?” Tara asked
199 quietly.
200 Rini paused a moment before answering, as if deep in thought.
201 “Do you ever stop and wonder if maybe somewhere out there, there’s
202 another you?”
203 Tara laughed and held Rini closer. “As long as she’s with the
204 other you that’s out there.” She smiled and kissed the other girl softly.
205 “I’m sure I’d be happy no matter where or when I was as long as I was
206 with you.”
207 Rini grinned and raised an eyebrow. “Even if the other me was
208 as clumsy or ate as much as my character?” the pink haired actress
209 asked.
210 “Even then,” Tara said, laughing. The two kissed again, longer
211 this time. Everything around them started to fade away as they lost
212 themselves in each other.
215 ChibiUsa bolted upright in bed. She looked frantically around
216 the dark bedroom. She felt the sleeping form next to her roll over. She
217 sighed in relief when she saw Hotaru lying beside her. She could feel
218 the dark haired girl’s bare skin against her own. She hugged her close.
219 She felt Hotaru stir before getting comfortable again.
220 That had been such a strange dream. But had it really been that
221 bad? She’d still had Hotaru.
222 The others had still been there, even if everything was a little different.
223 Maybe it hadn’t been so bad after all.
224 ChibiUsa silently watched Hotaru’s sleeping face. The other
225 girl looked so peaceful. She’d thought about waking her up, but now
226 she decided against it. It wasn’t anything to worry about. And she had
227 everything she could want right there in the sleeping dark haired girl.
228 They could always talk about it in the morning. In the meantime, she’d
229 just try and get some sleep. She kissed Hotaru softly on the cheek
230 before laying her head back on the pillow. ChibiUsa smiled and closed
231 her eyes as Hotaru snuggled closer in her sleep.