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[svn r2] getting it to work with the local server
author rlm
date Fri, 19 Feb 2010 06:33:41 -0500
parents ed1308d04df2
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1 Disclaimer: This is my first attempt at a Sailor Moon fanfiction. Chibiusa looks a bit like her grandmother at first (white hair, blue eyes) but the story will explain why it changed later on. So just bear with me. Haruka and Michiru are off in never-never-land with Hotaru for the time being, but they’ll come in soon. I don’t own what I don’t own, but wouldn’t it be nice if I did? Please, enjoy the story. Feel free to send comments or advise my way…I’d prefer no death threats, but I suppose you can send those along as well…Bye! ~.^ ~~Forever3330~~ ^.~
3 Foreign words and phrases…Most will not appear….
5 1) Ohayou - hello 2) onii - brother 3) Yo - yo 4) chotto matte - wait a minute, hold on 5) hai - yes 6) Tadaima - I'm home 7) Gomen nasai - I'm sorry 8) Daijoubu - It's okay 9) Arigatou - Thanks 10) Hontou - Really? 11) Ne - like asking for agreement…like putting 'okay?' at the end of a sentence 12) Ano… - ummm… 13) Baka - silly, stupid...a million things really...all depends on the context 14) O-yasumi - goodnight 15) Onegai - please 16) furin: a wind bell with a small piece of paper hanging from it; seen in a lot of animé 17) zettai daijoubu desu yo - everything will always be alright! 18) Sono mama de iinda - stay the way you are 18) hanasa nai de - please don't leave me/ don't let go 19) Ikimasu! - let's go 20) Wo ai ni - I love you 21) Aishiteru - I love you 22) Konbanwa - Good evening 23) Konnichiwa - Good morning 24) Kawaii - cute 25) Ogenki desuka - How are you? 26) Daijoubu desuka - Are you alright? 27) Daijoubu - Okay 28) Masaka- It can't be! 29) Tonikaku- At any rate, anyways 30) Wasurenai yo zutto-I'll never forget
7 What My Heart Knows~~A Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon Fanfiction
9 By Forever3330
12 Prologue:
14 World-Gate
16 She hadn’t known that it was truly over, that the peace and happiness their world had known all her lifetime, and most of her ancestors, until the day when Crystal Tokyo fell.
18 She had known, yes, that there was war. She had known that the enemy was strong, that they were losing most of the battles, being forced back…but as long as her parents smiled, as long as the Senshi smiled, it was alright. Because they did not seem worried, she was not worried.
20 Even if she had noticed what was hidden behind their calm-happy masks, Small Lady Serenity would not have been able to see what happened. She would not have known what was coming. As the very walls and floors and ceilings of the Crystal Castle began to tremble, as her mother gave a small cry, eyes gazing into the depths of something only she could she, as all the crystal became black and clouded, fizzled with colored lightning sparks, that was when the full understanding of it hit her. They would all die. As demons charged the city, and the Senshi who had never before gone to battle scattered, going to try to fight them, she finally realized that there was no escape from their destiny.
22 The Dark Queen would rule.
24 And they would all bow to her or die.
26 There was a flurry of shouting, orders passed quickly, taken without question. Someone grasped her hand; one of the guards, tugging at her, trying to get her to walk. Where to? Was there someplace safer then this one? Her siblings followed a few others without question. Older sister Kousagi, younger sister Chibi-Chibi, older brother Toki, younger brother Sapphire. Where was her mother? Where was her father? A glint of green caught her attention, and she turned swiftly.
28 Setsuna.
30 Shaking the guard off, she felt him reach out, pulling back only a pink hair ribbon and a few locks of silver-white hair. A sense of relief came as she raced after the tall woman, who seemed to be going somewhere…going where? Setsuna would make it all better. She would make Small Lady safe, with her hugs and smiles, and gentle mothering. She would make it safe. It had been a long while since Small lady had felt the urge to run into Pluto’s arms.
32 “Puu!” The Senshi turned around, eyes widening, then she stopped, and grasped Small Lady’s arm with one slender hand.
34 Ruby eyes glinted, narrowing. The Senshi of Time’s face was taunt with worry, fear, anger. At who or what, Small Lady couldn’t begin to guess. “Small Lady! You must go with your siblings! You’re to go-Ahh!”
36 Small Lady felt Pluto pull her aside, away, and shield her, as chunks of the now-black crystal began to crumble away, falling, falling down upon them. The way she had come was blocked, and the palace was still shaking…it would all be over soon…
38 Small Lady pulled closer to Setsuna, who surged up. “Small Lady, there is no time! You…” She sighed, sorrow to great for the girl to understand, even after her fifteen years of life. Pluto had many more years…she had much more knowledge…she was a second mother, a mother who was less detached. A dark shadow passed over Setsuna’s face. “Small Lady, in the Gardens there is a stone arch. Do you know of it?” Although Setsuna’s voice was calm, she rushed through the words, staring straight into Small Lady’s eyes.
40 Small Lady nodded, not feeling safe as she had hoped she would.
42 “I want you to go to it. Stand in front of it and concentrate. Let lose a small burst of ki at it. Then I want you to step through the Gate that appears. Do you understand me?” Setsuna was scary like this, her eyes hard and hands cold, her face afraid.
44 “Puu, what about-”
48 Small Lady had once thought that Pluto’s voice could never be harsh. But it was now. “Hai.”
50 Pluto gently squeezed Small Lady in a hug, as if in goodbye. “Go.”
52 Small Lady turned, walked a few steps, and turned, seeing Setsuna with her long flowing dark green hair, her gentle eyes, her soft smile. She hesitated, not sure what was happening, what WOULD happen.
54 “Go!” The Senshi turned and continued quickly on her path, disappearing down the dark hallways.
56 She stood still, terrified of how suddenly her mother’s birthday feast had turned into the end. “Plu…Pluto…” Now was no time to cry over what was lost. The palace shook again, stronger this time.
58 The third-born child to Neo-Queen Serenity turned and fled.
60 ~
62 The arch was old, crumbling. No one paid much notice to it, as there was little to notice about it. Still, now Small Lady saw that the arch stood firm while all around it things were being destroyed.
64 She looked within herself, deep within, and found the white energy that was her life force. And suddenly, horribly, she felt herself being lifted of the ground, and looked into pure black eyes that held so much hatred they burned, saw a horrid cloaked figure. Where the hand, or claw, held her, she felt something flow out of her. Something important. She didn’t know what.
66 Small Lady tried to scream, but the claws sunk into her, deep, deep, and she felt blood run over her, saw it splash to the ground. She had no voice. Choking, the claws moving to her neck, she tried to escape. There was no way. Pluto had said…
68 To open…
70 …A Gate…
72 Something forced her away from the demon, a blast of pure power. A glowing cat-form floated, fizzling and snapping like lightning. Yet Small Lady didn’t feel fear, as she realized, with the kind of detachment that people who have lost too much, of blood or something else, feel, what the cat-spirit was doing. It was fighting.
74 Fighting the demon for her.
76 The Gate!
78 Looking within her, she found her life-energy, but it was so small. So weak. The last of herself. Small Lady grasped the ki, and threw it with her mind at the arch, the effort making her dizzy, spots of red in her sight. Was that actual blood, or was it simply the pain that made her see things?
80 A watery mirror-like substance appeared, and images flashed through it. Of many places, few of which she knew.
82 World-Gate, her dying mind supplied. It’s a World-Gate.
84 If she had any life-force left she could have perhaps shown the Gate where she wanted to go. But what was left was flickering. The images flashed, growing quicker, too fast for her to see which was which, as they all became simple blurs of colors.
86 If anything, she could at least fulfill Puu’s orders. A hand reached out, pale…it almost surprised her that it was her own. A full-grown hand. She must not, at her dying moment, have the child-body any longer. This body was the one of a girl of fifteen-years. She had always wished she would grow to match her age. Now was a horrid joke of whatever deities there were to finally give Small Lady her wish.
88 She touched the surface of the shimmering World-Gate, and felt it pulling her in, felt herself falling through what felt like water, then through open air. Small Lady saw something white beside her-a cloud or the cat-spirit, she didn’t know or care which-against the iridescent blue of the sky of a world she did not know, where she would die, alone. Against the sky whose hues matches those of her eyes…
90 As her frail body slammed into ground, twisting and breaking, she had one last breath, one last view of the world before it turned black, one last touch, one last sound. As she hit rock-bottom in a forest of green, two pools of deep violet stared at her, as someone held her gently, and a faint musical voice, whose words she did not understand, though they were in a language she knew, was shouting…
92 The goddess of death…Small Lady thought, Come to take me away…
94 And with those words resounding in her mind, everything simply spiraled away into nothingness…
96 TBC
98 Author’s Notes: Um…what is there to say? O.o; This might take a while to finish, but seeing as how I have nothing but Band Camp this summer, I will most likely have the time to finish. If I stay still long enough to write again. For some reason I'm very mellow right now…Must be because I just had a long nap. ^,^ Comments and suggestions would be much appreciated. Criticism as well. This is AU, by the way, just in case you hadn’t noticed…AU’s are fun…I really need to wake up…^,^; And perhaps, if it’s not too much to ask, get un-stuck in Lufia: Ruins of Lore. Gah…I got lost in one of the ruins…but, on the bright side, my characters are now super-strong. That’s how I always beat the bosses with no trouble whatsoever. -_-; I get lost so much that I get into way to many battles and level up much too soon. It’s not a BAD thing, it just means I get stuck really easily…But never on the hard things…o.o; Just the EASY things…it’s quite annoying. Anyways, I'll go away now, and let you get on with your lives, if any of you actually wasted time reading this little babble/rant. ‘Till next time! ^.~