Mercurial > moonlitnights
view old/stories/secretsdm.txt @ 3:4a98b0ae6e0b moonlitnights
[svn r4] got moon images from NASA!
author | rlm |
date | Sun, 14 Mar 2010 07:01:51 -0400 |
parents | fc00894c1d4a |
children |
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1 Author's Note/Disclaimer: These Characters are owned by Clamp, not2 me, so don't3 sue. But on a lighter note I finally got around to finishing this4 little number.5 People I'd like to thank...The webmaster of this beautifully crafted6 page who7 actually took time to put my story up, and Amazoness duo for actuall8 getting me9 into writing fanfics(I bet you remember that fic I wrote about Diana10 and Momoko,11 this is the same person). So if you have any sugestions email me at12 Now without further adieu, Enjoy!!^-^15 Secrets by Starlight Knight20 It was a nice sunny day at the Penguin Park. Sakura and Tomoyo were21 having a22 small picnic there, seeing that it was a nice day. "Come on come on,23 why all24 this secrecy?" Sakura asked. "Patience Sakura, you'll know in due25 time." Tomoyo26 said. She giggled a little saying this. "I wanna know", Sakura said,27 "all this28 is working on my nerves." "Well, your not gonna until I am ready..."29 Tomoyo30 said. Sakura just whined again, whatever it was she needed to know.31 Tomoyo,32 however, was nervous. She didn't know how to break it to her. Her33 one deepest34 darkest secret was unable to be said in words. She surprised herself35 by even36 asking her Angel in Disguise here for a picnic to tell her of her37 secret. She38 began to shift uncomfortably, not knowing how to word what she was39 going to say40 to Sakura. "Are you ready yet?" Sakura asked impatiently. Tomoyo41 steeled her42 nerves. "What I wanted to say was that I...I..." was all she could43 say. "Yeah,44 you what?" Sakura asked. "I...I...I..." Tomoyo stammered out again.45 At this46 point she just gave up trying to say it.48 Sakura began to grow even more impatient. "Awww, c'mon on Tomoyo",49 she said50 ,"Tell me... tell me... tell me!!" Tomoyo figeted with her fingers,51 then she got52 an idea. She'll just let her actions speak louder than her words.53 She placed a54 small, soft, lingering kiss on Sakura's lips. Sakura had been, more55 or less,56 surprised and shocked when this happened. Tomoyo leaned back to her57 previous58 position, pleasantly pleased with her bravery and the effect of the59 kiss on60 Sakura who was, in effect, in her own world. Although that world had61 been shaken62 quite strongly. Tomoyo mused herself with how things were going so63 far, but now64 the task of how to break her love out of the reverie she was in,65 though she66 wasn't complaining about the small smile that did however grace67 Sakura's cute68 little lips. "Sakura?" Tomoyo said. "Hoe?" Sakura said snapping out69 of her dream70 state. "Daijobu desu?" Tomoyo asked. "H-hai..." Sakura stammered.71 Now that she72 had her senses back she was quite confused. "Ne, Tomoyo-chan, what73 just74 happened?" She asked. "Well, I showed you what I had to say to you75 instead of76 actually saying it." Tomoyo replied. Sakura started to blush. "I had77 no idea you78 felt that strongly for me..." she said just above a whisper. "It is79 kinda hard80 to believe isn't it?" Tomoyo asked. Sakura didn't answer. She was81 still somewhat82 in her own world. Her mind would not let her forget this kiss, not83 that she84 wanted to anyway. "Uh...Tomoyo chan, I think I'll go home it's85 getting pretty86 late." Sakura said still staring off into space.88 Tomoyo was about to protest but decided against it, there was89 something90 bothering her. And whatever it was it would,she would know soon91 enough. Of that92 she was certain. "Okay Sakura", she said, "call me later..." Sakura93 just nodded94 as she got up and left. 'I hope I didn't do anything wrong' Tomoyo95 thought. When96 Sakura got home, she wasn't her usual self. she didn't bother to say97 hi or I'm98 home. She didn't even notice it when Touya called her a kaijuu.99 Everyone in the100 house just looked on as she truged up the stairs with that spaced101 out look on102 her face. They looked upstairs, then to each other, then upstairs103 again. "What's104 up with her?" Touya asked. Sakura's father and Yukito shrugged their105 shoulders.106 "You got me..." they both answered. Sakura sat on her bed in a107 spaced out state,108 she had not fully known what happened at the park. Her mind kept109 returning to110 only one thing. The kiss, simply put, had taken over her mind. She111 liked the112 feeling her best frtend gave her. Yet it was wrong, she scolded113 herself for114 this. She was only supposed to like boys, or so she thought. All her115 mixed mind116 told her now was to go and kiss her friend again and again. And deep117 down she118 wanted to, that's what scared her the most. There was a slight119 knocking at120 Sakura's door as Touya was behind it. "Hey kaijuu", he started, "if121 you're not122 busy then there's a phone call from Tomoyo for you. Sakura's mood123 visibly124 brightened as she heard her best friend's name being called.126 She jumped up from her bed and happily skipped out of her door.127 "Iie, baka, I'm128 never to busy to talk to Tomoyo-chan." She said walking down the129 hall. "And130 while I think about it...I'm not a kaijuu!" she added yelling. 'I131 guess she's132 back to normal' Touya thought. He shrugged and walked to his room133 where Yukito134 was was waiting. Sakura got to the phone that was in the hall and135 picked it up.136 "Moshi moshi?" she answered. "Hi Sakura, this is Tomoyo I was just137 calling to138 see if you were alright." Tomoyo said. "I'm fine", Sakura stated139 cheerfully, "I140 just had to think on a few things, or rather should I say one141 thing." "And what142 was that?" Tomoyo asked. "The kiss you gave me..." Sakura said in a143 small144 whisper. "Oh that...was just..." Tomoyo tried to explain. "Well,145 whatever it146 was, I need to talk to you. Meet me in the park in a few, okay?"147 Sakura asked.148 "Okay..." Tomoyo said. She hung up the phone,got her shoes on, and149 told her150 mother she was heading out to meet Sakura at the park again. "Don't151 stay out to152 late..." Sonomi said with a wink. Tomoyo just blushed and nodded.153 She made her154 way quickly to the park, where the meeting was to take place. She155 walked past156 the penguin slide to a swingset that Sakura was sitting on. Sakura157 looked up as158 she heard footsteps approach her. Tomoyo stood there with her159 trademark smile,160 though there was a bit of uncertainty in her eyes. Sakura promptly161 got up and162 walked the small distance to Tomoyo.164 They stood there looking at eachother for what seemed like an165 eternity, until166 Sakura brake the silence. "Kombanwa Tomoyo-chan" she said. Tomoyo167 smiled and168 bowed politely. "About the kiss, what was it for?" Sakura asked169 getting straight170 to the point. Tomoyo was shocked she couldn't speak at first, but171 she found her172 resolve and used it as her leverage. "To tell the truth, Sakura,173 it's because174 you" she managed to say. "Hoe?!" Now it was Sakura's175 turn to be176 surpried. " heard right", Tomoyo said, "I love you and I177 have loved178 ever since when we first met." Sakura just stood there trying her179 best to take180 this in. Even though it sounded unbelieveable, it would explain why181 she was so182 happy around her, the fact that she taped her so much, and a list of183 other184 things the eccentric girl did around her. Then she realized185 something, didn't186 she like Tomoyo being happy? Wasn't she happy when Tomoyo was happy?187 Wasn't she188 the one who befriended her to keep in this state of happiness? So189 many questions190 swam around in her head. Unfamiliar and newly found emotions mixed191 with these192 questions. But, as she asked the questions over and over to herself,193 she could194 always answer it with a definate yes. Suddenly, a new question195 popped up. Did196 she love Tomoyo? The answer, which was yes, was not surprising to197 her. It was198 there all along, she just had to search her heart for it. Tomoyo199 suddenly200 stopped in her speech and looked at the spaced out Sakura. "Sakura?"201 she asked202 snapping her out of her reverie. "Hai?" Sakura asked back giving her203 the204 brightest smile Tomoyo had ever seen. "Are you okay?" Tomoyo asked205 with a bit of206 uncertainty in her voice.208 Sakura just stepped foward, hugged her, and let out a contented209 sigh of relief.210 "Hai, I'm perfectly fine now." she stated just above a whisper.211 Tomoyo hugged212 her back. Sakura gave another sigh and turned her head slightly to213 see Tomoyo214 looking down at her. She smiled again just before moving in and215 copturing216 Tomoyo's lips with her own. Tomoyo started to Kiss her back without217 hesitation.218 They kissed for what seemed like an eternity, until they both broke219 for air.220 "Aishiteru, Kinomoto Sakura..." Tomoyo said. "Aishiteru, Daidouli221 Tomoyo..."222 Sakura answered back. "When do you think we should tell everybody?"223 Tomoyo224 asked. Sakura thought on it. "If they dont already know, I would say225 tomorrow...sound good?" she asked. Tomoyo nodded happily and turned226 around227 headed for her house. "Until tomorrow then, my love." She said228 walking away.229 "Until then..." Sakura said as she turned and left toward her house.230 Each left231 with 'unique' images of each other as they walked home. Little did232 they know of233 the surprise that waited for them tommorrow...237 THE END