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[svn r4] got moon images from NASA!
author | rlm |
date | Sun, 14 Mar 2010 07:01:51 -0400 |
parents | fc00894c1d4a |
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1 Dear Sakura2 by Amazoness Duo and G.P.3 amazonessduo@hotmail.com4 pearsong1954@yahoo.com7 Dear Tomoyo-chan,9 At our house there is a vine in the garden. It has been there for10 many years, since I was a child. Most people do not pay attention to11 it, for it looks like a dead bush, and is overshadowed by the many12 gaudy flowers around. it. It is called a "peniocereus gregii", or13 Night-Blooming Cereus. When I was six, my Mother told me about this14 flower. She told me because I was not happy so much about my15 appearance. I did not feel as pretty as my sisters at the time, and16 was sad. So, Mother took me into the garden and showed me this most17 pathetic looking little plant. I remember this surprisingly well. She18 asked me, "Fanren, what do you see here?" I told her I saw a plain19 looking plant. She answered, "You see with the eyes of a fool, who20 looks once and knows nothing. Watch this plant at night". In our21 family, when Mother speaks it is wise to listen. This is true in many22 Chinese households, you know, but is especially true in ours. I could23 tell you many amusing stories about this.25 So, in the middle of summer, with no school to worry about, I went26 into the garden each night to watch the plant. There was nothing much27 to see, but I was not only obedient, but also very curious. Then one28 night, a thing most amazing happened. I had nearly fallen asleep when29 I noticed the little buds on the twiggy stems seemed to have moved.30 To my wonder and astonishment, they blossomed that night into the31 most beauteous flowers I have ever seen. They were like pale stars32 with a golden center, delicate and intricate with a fragrant scent33 that wafted over the entire garden. I stared at them all night, at34 that beauty which had been hidden during the day. How easy it would35 have been to miss them entirely. It was magical to share that warm36 summer night with the beautiful flowers, but with the first ray of37 light at dawn the petals withered and the blossoms dropped to the38 ground. That morning I talked to Mother, and told her of the wonder I39 had seen. I asked her if it would bloom again that night, for I very40 much wanted to see it once more. She shook her head, and said the41 plant only bloomed one night every year. She said that sometimes the42 most radient beauty is hidden away, and can only be seen by those43 with patient hearts.45 This was a good lesson for me, as I was not a patient girl. I am46 still not the most patient of women, as my family would no doubt tell47 you. So perhaps this lesson did not work as well as Mother may have48 intended. But what I have always remembered is the surprise of seeing49 such beauty so unexpectedly. I felt that delightful surprise when I50 first saw you and Sakura-chan at our house those many years ago.51 Aiyaaa, I do not think I have ever seen such adorable girls in all of52 my life. And then, to my astonishment, there was Sakura's brother and53 his most attractive companion. Such splendor was enough to break54 one's heart. I felt like this again during your most recent visit. I55 knew from the picture that Sakura-chan showed me that you were very56 beautiful. I thought surely you were a model, or perhaps an actress.57 But I was not quite prepared for you in person. Tomoyo-chan, I was58 enchanted.60 Mother can be very cruel, for when I told her this she said I am61 always being enchanted. She is maybe perhaps right, I suppose. Mother62 says I am too fickle, and like a bee dance about from flower to63 flower, never working hard enough to gather any pollen. Or perhaps64 she is frustrated that I have never married. But you are a flower65 this little bee has been unable to forget. You are of course a most66 beautiful woman. I do not have skill enough with words in this67 language to speak of it properly. But seeing you kept me up at night,68 and I longed to be with you. I have known many beautiful girls and69 women, but most of them are tedious. Often their attractiveness is70 dimmed by their vanity, and I quickly grow tired of their71 companionship. But your company was delightful. You are bright, and72 charming, and most witty. Your loveliness is so natural, as if you73 were blithely unaware of it. Somehow that only makes you more74 attractive.76 I am sorry. I have been writing this while looking at pictures of77 you Sakura has given me. They are quite terribly distracting, and I78 should put them away so that I may finish this letter. But I will79 not, because they are wonderful to look at. Thank you so very much80 for them. Anyway, I quite fell under your spell. I appreciate that81 you are telling me that you are bound to Sakura-chan. However, I82 could see this for myself, as you look at her with such tender83 regard. It is curious, because from the way Sakura-chan talked about84 you, I had assumed the two of you were once lovers. She speaks of you85 with such affection and awe. But oddly, she later seemed quite86 perplexed by what I was hinting at. She is most deliciously cute when87 she is confused about things, is she not? I was even further baffled88 myself when I saw the two of you together during your visit. Your89 love was most charmingly evident, but she did not seem to quite90 understand it all. It was very baffling to me, though perhaps I91 understand more now after your letters. Yet I wonder if anyone really92 knows Sakura-chan's heart just now?94 Thank you for your most forthright honesty. Though it is beautiful,95 it saddens me somewhat that your love is so constant. I myself feel a96 longing for you, and know your presence would brighten life up quite97 a bit. But most of all I am sad for your heart that has no rest, and98 knows such pain. Sakura herself is in a turmoil these days. She is99 always talking about you, and sighs when she speaks your name. I have100 heard her crying at night, in the kitchen and the garden. She misses101 you so, and is much like a little lost child without her mother. I102 hope that all goes well with your plan to fade away from her life.103 What you say is very logical indeed, and must certainly be true. But104 hearts are strange, and sometimes what we think does not seem to105 matter to them. They are impertinent, and have their own way of106 things. Maybe I am sympathetic with hearts, for they are like me bit,107 yes?109 Being with you was a most delightful surprise, for if our meeting110 was as brief as the Cereus blossom, it was also as beautiful. I will111 pray for you and Sakura-chan at the temple today. May all the gods112 and spirits protect your hearts.115 My best regards,117 Fanren119 PS- I will be in Tokyo next year, and will most gladly accompany you120 to the local clubs in Tomoeda. Aiyaaa, I cannot wait to dance with121 you!124 Dear Fanren-san,125 What you said about the Night-Blooming Cereus was beautiful. Ieran-126 sama is a very wise and knowledgable woman. It's true that if your127 heart is patient enough, you can find the most stunning beauty. I'm128 very lucky that it didn't take me long to find it. But it certainly129 caught me by surprise. I had never dreamed that I would discover such130 a gorgeous creature on this planet, not just in her appearance, but131 also in her shining spirit. It was almost too much for me at the132 time. I remember coming home and lying in my bed, staring up at the133 ceiling in amazement, my heart lost in confusion at the sheer bliss134 that the cute girl at school had stirred within me. I didn't get much135 sleep that night. Actually, I haven't gotten much sleep since that136 night. There have always been costumes I have designed just so I137 could see her in them, videotapes to watch her actions from times138 long since passed, and thoughts of her to keep me from sleep's gentle139 embrace.140 But you are right. Patience is necessary to see the beauty that is141 so often hidden right in front of us. I know that patience certainly142 helped with Sakura-chan. Sometimes it takes her a while to understand143 things, but I was happy to wait for realization to dawn upon her,144 helping her gently along the way. You're also right about how cute145 Sakura-chan can be when she's confused. I always loved seeing her146 like that. In the end, Sakura-chan always wound up fixing things. She147 has an awe-inspiring determination that is really unstoppable when it148 comes out. I don't know if you've had a chance to see it, but her149 eyes sparkle like emeralds when it takes hold of her.150 Thank you for letting me tell you all this. I can't tell Sakura-151 chan because I don't want to burden her with any of it. It has helped152 quite a bit to be able to talk to you. I don't think you're fickle at153 all. I think that your heart wanders. But when you find the right154 person, the one who holds your heart, then it will stop its journey.155 I hope that you find this person soon. You are a very delightful156 woman and I think anyone would be extremely lucky to have your157 company.158 I'm sending this at the same time as I send my final letter to159 Sakura-chan. It pains me so much to do so, but I know I have to. The160 thought that I'll never see her again tears at my heart. It was so161 hard to see through the tears while I wrote it. I'm lucky I didn't162 have to tell Sakura-chan in person because I don't think I could163 have. I already miss her terribly. My heart will always belong to164 her, no matter where she is. Please keep an eye on her for me. Her165 happiness means everything to me. I can't stay or I'll ruin that166 happiness. If she continues looking, she may unravel her new life167 because of me. I couldn't bear to see her lose all of that. And even168 if she quit searching, I don't think my heart would last much longer169 if I stayed in her life. I wanted to fade out slower, to disappear so170 that I would only be a distant memory to her. But I can't. I'm afraid171 that everything is too close to the edge. I have to leave her life172 now before it's too late. But it hurts so badly. It feels like I'm173 leaving a piece of myself behind. I will always love her. That's why174 I have to fade away.175 Fanren-san, thank you again for all of your help. I look forward to176 seeing you in Japan someday. Perhaps you can tell me what has become177 of Sakura by then. Right now I would love to dance. I'll always178 remember it as such a beautiful activity, a song of hearts. Thank you.180 Sincerely,181 Daidouji Tomoyo