annotate old/stories/vacation.txt @ 4:69f0191c9016 moonlitnights tip

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author Robert McIntyre <>
date Tue, 22 Jun 2010 13:42:35 -0400
parents fc00894c1d4a
rev   line source
rlm@2 1 Vacation
rlm@2 2 By ReiHime
rlm@2 3 You can e-mail her at
rlm@2 4
rlm@2 5 Konichiwa minna...
rlm@2 6 This story is about the cute relationship between Hotaru and Chibi Usa.
rlm@2 7 I know that there are a lot of people who don't believe that Hotaru and
rlm@2 8 Chibi Usa are together, but I think the two of them are cute so that's
rlm@2 9 why I wrote it. If anyone is offended by the idea of them together, by
rlm@2 10 lesbians, or just by sex, don't read the fic. This is my first real
rlm@2 11 attempt at writing a hentai fanfic, so please don't judge it too
rlm@2 12 harshly... The names and characters are all property of Naoko Takeuchi
rlm@2 13 and probably a whole bunch of other people who I don't know. Newayz...
rlm@2 14 I hope ya like it...
rlm@2 15
rlm@2 16 Vacation
rlm@2 17
rlm@2 18 "Why do you want the keys to the beach house?" Michiru asked
rlm@2 19 curiously, as she lifted her cup to sip some of her coffee.
rlm@2 20 "Chibi Usa and I are gonna go down to the shore for a little
rlm@2 21 vacation" Hotaru answered cheerfully.
rlm@2 22 "Just the two of you, on a vacation together?" Haruka chimed
rlm@2 23 in, one eyebrow raised up, and a little smile on her face. Hotaru's
rlm@2 24 face suddenly turned a deep crimson red.
rlm@2 25 "N...N...NOT LIKE THAT!" Hotaru stammered out angrily to her
rlm@2 26 "papa". Haruka gave a slight giggle as she sipped her own cup of
rlm@2 27 coffee.
rlm@2 28 "Oh Haruka" Michiru began as she placed a hand on Haruka's,
rlm@2 29 "stop teasing her."
rlm@2 30 Haruka put her cup back on the table and gave a slight apology
rlm@2 31 to Hotaru. She got up from her seat, and went to her jacket on the
rlm@2 32 living room coat rack. After digging through all the pockets, she
rlm@2 33 returned to the kitchen holding a shiny sliver key. She tossed it
rlm@2 34 toward her little daughter. Hotaru caught it with ease, and smiled back
rlm@2 35 at her papa. "Just don't wreck the place okay? You know how mad your
rlm@2 36 mom and Setsuna get when they have to clean house." She looked at her
rlm@2 37 wife sitting at the table, and gave her a warm smile. Michiru returned
rlm@2 38 it with a smirk. Hotaru began giggling, and ran to her papa, giving her
rlm@2 39 the strongest hug she could. Michiru couldn't resist laughing as she
rlm@2 40 saw Haruka gasping for air. After releasing her papa, Hotaru ran to her
rlm@2 41 mama and gave her a kiss on the cheek. She then ran off to her room to
rlm@2 42 get some clothes packed.
rlm@2 43 Haruka sat back down across from Michiru. She began scratching
rlm@2 44 the back of her head. "Geez, that girl is getting stronger."
rlm@2 45 Michiru gave her a loving smile. "You know, you really
rlm@2 46 shouldn't talk about her and Chibi Usa that way."
rlm@2 47 "Oh come on Michi, we both know how Hotaru feels about Chibi
rlm@2 48 Usa." She replied in an effort to defend herself. "Setsuna has already
rlm@2 49 seen the two of them together in the future."
rlm@2 50 "I know Ruka, demo, Hotaru doesn't know about her future. Plus,
rlm@2 51 she really isn't comfortable with the idea of her and Chibi Usa yet.
rlm@2 52 Right now they only think of each other as best friends. When the time
rlm@2 53 comes, they'll realize their true feelings for one another, but until
rlm@2 54 then, lets not rush them into it."
rlm@2 55 Haruka sighed, leaned forward, and held Michiru's hand. "Okay,
rlm@2 56 you win... I won't mention it again."
rlm@2 57 Michiru leaned forward so that her lips were only centimeters
rlm@2 58 from Haruka's. She brushed her lips against the other girl's softly,
rlm@2 59 and whispered "I always win" before the two began kissing passionately.
rlm@2 60 Hotaru walked back into the kitchen to say goodbye to her
rlm@2 61 parents. She saw them kissing over the table, and sighed. "Gods you
rlm@2 62 two. Get a room."
rlm@2 63 This brought them back to reality, and the two women looked at
rlm@2 64 Hotaru and smiled. Hotaru walked over to them, and gave each a kiss on
rlm@2 65 the cheek before saying goodbye. She ran outside, and started her black
rlm@2 66 convertible. Haruka and Michiru went over to the front door to watch
rlm@2 67 her leave. "So you think they'll realize over this 'vacation'?" Haruka
rlm@2 68 whispered, as she waved to Hotaru. Michiru smiled. "Maybe", she
rlm@2 69 replied. Hotaru backed out of the driveway, and headed to the Silver
rlm@2 70 Palace.
rlm@2 71
rlm@2 72 "So how long are you two gonna be on this vacation?" Queen
rlm@2 73 Serenity asked her 16 year-old daughter.
rlm@2 74 "Uh" Chibi Usa began as she burrowed through her huge closet,
rlm@2 75 looking for her favorite pants. "Only for the weekend. I can't really
rlm@2 76 afford to stay any more than that considering all the work I have." She
rlm@2 77 jumped out the closet with the pants, and ran to her bed to pack them.
rlm@2 78 Queen Serenity looked around her daughter's enormous bedroom,
rlm@2 79 and a huge sweatdrop formed over her brow. The room looked like a
rlm@2 80 mother's worst nightmare, clothes strewn about everywhere; books and
rlm@2 81 dolls covering the floor. "Gods", she muttered out, "your room is more
rlm@2 82 of a mess than mine ever was at sixteen." Chibi Usa gave her a wide
rlm@2 83 smile. "Well, I was inspired by you in the past." Serenity, gave her an
rlm@2 84 evil glare (equal to the one she usually gave Mars Hime). The two girls
rlm@2 85 stayed looking at each other, and soon burst out into laughter at how
rlm@2 86 stupid the other looked.
rlm@2 87 "Ahh" Chibi Usa said as she wiped her forehead. "I'm finally
rlm@2 88 done packing." Serenity's eyes widened as she saw her daughter line up
rlm@2 89 five huge suitcases. "Ano, Chibi Usa, do you really think you need that
rlm@2 90 much clothing for just a weekend?" Chibi Usa gave her mother a
rlm@2 91 surprised look. "I want to be prepared for anything." Another sweat
rlm@2 92 drop formed on Serenity's head. But she figured it would be best not to
rlm@2 93 argue the subject. Chibi Usa turned out as stubborn as she was, and she
rlm@2 94 realized that arguing would do nothing to change her mind.
rlm@2 95 Just then, a servant knocked on Chibi Usa's door. "Begging your
rlm@2 96 pardon Serenity Sama, Usagi-Hime." He bowed to both women. "Hotaru-Hime
rlm@2 97 is here for you Usagi-Hime." Both women thanked him, and asked for
rlm@2 98 servants to take Chibi Usa's bags down to the car.
rlm@2 99 Chibi Usa kissed both her parents and waved bye to the four
rlm@2 100 princesses as she jumped into Hotaru's car. Hotaru looked over at her
rlm@2 101 friend. "Ne, Odango-chan, was five suitcases really necessary?"
rlm@2 102 Chibi Usa stuck her tongue out at her friend, and the two
rlm@2 103 laughed. Hotaru started the car, and the two went through the castle
rlm@2 104 gate, onto the road.
rlm@2 105 "Those two are so kawai" Mars said as she watched them drive
rlm@2 106 off.
rlm@2 107 "Yup" Venus agreed. "They make the perfect couple."
rlm@2 108 Queen Serenity thought back on the vision that Pluto had told
rlm@2 109 her of, and hoped that everything went all right with the two girls.
rlm@2 110 "Ahhhh" Chibi Usa yawned as she stretched her arms above her
rlm@2 111 head. "It feels so good to be away from the palace sometimes." She
rlm@2 112 looked over at Hotaru and frowned. Hotaru hadn't said anything since
rlm@2 113 they left the palace. She just looked straight ahead at the road,
rlm@2 114 seemingly deep in thought.
rlm@2 115 Usa inched closer to her friend. She called her name a couple
rlm@2 116 of times, but with no reply. She let out a big sigh, and sat back in
rlm@2 117 her seat. "Whatever she's thinking about must be pretty damn important"
rlm@2 118 she thought to herself, as she closed her eyes to get some rest.
rlm@2 119 In fact, it was very important, at least to Hotaru. She was
rlm@2 120 thinking about Chibi Usa. That morning's comment by Haruka was not
rlm@2 121 unusual, she had made comments like that to Hotaru plenty of other
rlm@2 122 times. Each time, Hotaru would deny having such feelings for her best
rlm@2 123 friend, but inside she had already begun to question it. It wasn't like
rlm@2 124 she had anything against lesbians, her own parents were lesbians, she
rlm@2 125 had been brought up around it... But she just hadn't ever thought of
rlm@2 126 herself as one. She thought she understood where her parents had gotten
rlm@2 127 the idea from, she had never really been interested in guys, in fact
rlm@2 128 the whole idea of dating a guy hadn't even crossed her mind even though
rlm@2 129 she was already 17. But that didn't mean she liked girls. Then she
rlm@2 130 thought of Chibi Usa. She never failed to notice how good Chibi Usa
rlm@2 131 looked, but she would always dismiss it as just a friend noticing how
rlm@2 132 someone else dressed. It also occurred to her that she would always
rlm@2 133 take an extra amount of time when getting ready whenever she was going
rlm@2 134 anywhere with Chibi Usa, but she just figured that there was nothing
rlm@2 135 wrong with wanting to look good for a friend. After everything they had
rlm@2 136 been through in the past, it didn't surprise her that she loved Chibi
rlm@2 137 Usa, but she wasn't sure just what kind of love it was. They were
rlm@2 138 emotionally very close. They never failed to notice if something was
rlm@2 139 wrong with each other, and always shared their deepest feelings with
rlm@2 140 one another. But Hotaru convinced herself that that was what best
rlm@2 141 friends always did. Then she remembered the thoughts that she had had.
rlm@2 142 Sometimes, when they would talk together, Hotaru would have an erg to
rlm@2 143 lean over and kiss Chibi Usa. Actually, it wasn't just kissing. She had
rlm@2 144 had thoughts of doing stuff that only Haruka and Michiru do, stuff
rlm@2 145 like...
rlm@2 146 The radio suddenly went on, and broke Hotaru's train of
rlm@2 147 thought. She looked beside her, and saw Chibi Usa starring at her very
rlm@2 148 concerned. "Daijobu?" Chibi Usa asked timidly. Her eyes expressed her
rlm@2 149 deep worry over her friend.
rlm@2 150 She looks so pretty, Hotaru thought. She quickly erased the
rlm@2 151 thought from her mind, as she assured her friend that she was fine.
rlm@2 152 "I'm fine, Odango-chan. You don't have to worry about me."
rlm@2 153 Chibi Usa raised an eyebrow as she continued to stare at
rlm@2 154 Hotaru. She still felt that something was bothering Hotaru, but she
rlm@2 155 obviously didn't want to tell her about it right now. Hotaru looked
rlm@2 156 back at the road ahead, trying desperately to avoid Chibi Usa's
rlm@2 157 questioning eyes. She knew she should tell Chibi Usa about these
rlm@2 158 thoughts she'd been having. Inside her, she knew it was the only way
rlm@2 159 that she would feel better, but she was scared at how her friend would
rlm@2 160 take it. She resolved that sometime during this vacation, she would sit
rlm@2 161 down and talk to Usa about it, she had to or else she would go nuts.
rlm@2 162 "We're almost there Odango-chan." Hotaru said cheerfully. "Uh
rlm@2 163 huh" Chibi Usa replied, picking up the hint that they should change the
rlm@2 164 subject. She turned back to face the road. The rest of the trip was
rlm@2 165 traveled in silence.
rlm@2 166
rlm@2 167 "SUGOI!" Usa exclaimed as she looked at the fantastic sunset on
rlm@2 168 the water. They had arrived at the house just in time see it. Usa sat
rlm@2 169 down on the sand, wriggling her toes into it, and watched the fantastic
rlm@2 170 site.
rlm@2 171 Hotaru came out of the house, and saw Usa sitting there in the
rlm@2 172 sand. A huge smile spread across her face, as she watched Usa. Hearing
rlm@2 173 a door shut, Chibi Usa looked behind her, and saw Hotaru leaning on the
rlm@2 174 car, smiling as she quietly watched her. Usa smiled back at her friend,
rlm@2 175 and beckoned her to sit with her in the sand. Hotaru began walking, and
rlm@2 176 sat down next to Usa. Usa quickly grabbed Hotaru's arm, and leaned her
rlm@2 177 head on the girl's shoulder. Hotaru was somewhat surprised by the
rlm@2 178 gesture, but decided to go one step further, and pulled her arm out of
rlm@2 179 Usa grasp. Usa was ready to say something, but was quieted when she
rlm@2 180 felt Hotaru's arm around her waist. Usa leaned closer to her friend,
rlm@2 181 and the two watched as the sun set behind the water.
rlm@2 182 After the sunset, Hotaru looked down at Usa. She had known the
rlm@2 183 girl had fallen asleep in her arms some time ago, but thought she was
rlm@2 184 too peaceful looking to wake up. She sighed as she brushed a strand of
rlm@2 185 hair away from Usa's face. Usa really was very beautiful. Many boys in
rlm@2 186 Crystal Tokyo had asked the Princess for a date, but she had turned
rlm@2 187 them all down flat. She had told Hotaru that none of them had
rlm@2 188 interested her, not even the handsome ones. She said that she was still
rlm@2 189 waiting for her "Prince on a white horse". Thinking of it made Hotaru
rlm@2 190 feel somewhat sad. She didn't want to think about anyone holding Usa
rlm@2 191 the way she was. It felt so good to hold her, it gave her a warm
rlm@2 192 feeling throughout her body. It just felt right, and she didn't want
rlm@2 193 anyone to take that feeling away from her.
rlm@2 194 A cold wind suddenly hit her, and she held Usa a little
rlm@2 195 tighter. Night was falling, and it would be getting cold very soon.
rlm@2 196 Hotaru began calling Usa softly to wake her up. Usa's eyes blinked open
rlm@2 197 sleepily, and she looked up into Hotaru's face. Suddenly, the feeling
rlm@2 198 was back. Hotaru looked into Usa's sleepy gorgeous face, and before she
rlm@2 199 could think to stop herself, placed her lips softly on Usa's. To her
rlm@2 200 surprise, Usa didn't pull away, in fact, she moved into the kiss.
rlm@2 201 Hotaru's eyes closed as she let the feeling wash over her. Hotaru
rlm@2 202 slowly backed away after what seemed like an eternity, and looked back
rlm@2 203 at Usa. Usa just closed her eyes, and snuggled back into Hotaru.
rlm@2 204 Hotaru, feeling the cold wind again, stood and picked Usa up from the
rlm@2 205 sand. Usa unconsciously wrapped her arms around Hotaru's neck, and lay
rlm@2 206 in her arms. Hotaru carried the sleeping princess into the house, and
rlm@2 207 placed her in the guest room bed. She covered her with the quilt, and
rlm@2 208 went into the kitchen.
rlm@2 209
rlm@2 210 It had been about an hour when Usa finally awoke. She looked
rlm@2 211 around, and realized she was in the house. She sat up in the bed, and
rlm@2 212 stretched a bit. She was about to get up, when she remembered
rlm@2 213 something. She thought back, and remembered the sunset, and she lying
rlm@2 214 against Hotaru. Then she remembered a kiss. She had woken up, and was
rlm@2 215 kissing someone. "Hotaru", she whispered aloud as she placed her hand
rlm@2 216 on her mouth. She got up out of bed, and went into the living room.
rlm@2 217 Hotaru sat on the couch, with her head in her hands thinking
rlm@2 218 about what had happened. During the hour, she had finally come to terms
rlm@2 219 with the fact that she had feelings for Chibi Usa, feelings much
rlm@2 220 stronger than that of just a friend, but she didn't know what she would
rlm@2 221 say to the girl. It felt as if the world had changed because of a kiss.
rlm@2 222 Would Chibi Usa be mad, disgusted? How could she look her best friend
rlm@2 223 in the face again? But then, Chibi Usa had moved into the kiss, so
rlm@2 224 maybe she...
rlm@2 225 "Taru-chan?"
rlm@2 226 Hotaru turned around sharply, and starred in surprise at Chibi
rlm@2 227 Usa. Her heart began racing in her chest, and she swallowed hard. Chibi
rlm@2 228 Usa moved around the couch, and sat next to Hotaru, not looking at her
rlm@2 229 face. The two girls sat there in silence. Hotaru was freaking out, but
rlm@2 230 it seemed that Chibi Usa was totally calm. Hotaru began fidgeting with
rlm@2 231 her hands, praying to the Gods that Usa wasn't mad.
rlm@2 232 "Taru-chan" Usa said again. "Did you kiss me?"
rlm@2 233 Hotaru couldn't believe her ears. Chibi Usa sounded so calm.
rlm@2 234 Her heart began racing faster. Could it be that she didn't totally
rlm@2 235 remember what happened? Maybe she could just say that it must have been
rlm@2 236 dream of Usa's. She was asleep and all, it would be a great excuse. No,
rlm@2 237 Hotaru corrected herself. I promised myself that I was going to talk to
rlm@2 238 her about this. Even thought I didn't want to bring it up like this, I
rlm@2 239 still gotta get it off my chest. Hotaru swallowed hard, and turned to
rlm@2 240 Chibi Usa, mouth open and ready to talk.
rlm@2 241 Usa didn't give her a chance, and quickly moved forward, and
rlm@2 242 kissed her friend full on the mouth. Hotaru was shocked, and initially
rlm@2 243 tried to pull away, but Usa stayed on her, and pressed her lips harder
rlm@2 244 onto Hotaru's... Hotaru's eyes began to close slowly, as she allowed
rlm@2 245 the feeling to wash over her again. Chibi Usa leaned forward against
rlm@2 246 Hotaru, and pushed her down onto the couch. Hotaru moved into the kiss
rlm@2 247 more, and her arms went around Usa's waist. Hotaru was again shocked as
rlm@2 248 she felt Usa's tongue slide into her open mouth. The two began probing
rlm@2 249 each other's mouths now. Soon a new feeling began moving through
rlm@2 250 Hotaru, one that was centered between her legs. Her hands began sliding
rlm@2 251 up and down Usa's back, and reached under to explore the naked skin.
rlm@2 252 Usa leaned back up over Hotaru, and pulled her shirt over her head,
rlm@2 253 exposing her white satin bra. Hotaru went to reach for it, but Usa
rlm@2 254 quickly removed it and threw it to the ground. Hotaru grabbed Usa's
rlm@2 255 creamy round breasts and began massaging them. Usa moaned softly and
rlm@2 256 arched her back, pusher her breasts into Hotaru's roaming hands.
rlm@2 257 After a few moments Usa placed her hands on Hotaru's and
rlm@2 258 stopped their movement. Hotaru was about to question it when Usa leaned
rlm@2 259 back down, kissing her again. Usa pulled away, and whispered "Follow
rlm@2 260 me" lustfully. She got off the couch (and Hotaru) and walked down the
rlm@2 261 hall towards the master bedroom. Hotaru wasted no time jumping off the
rlm@2 262 couch, and running after Usa.
rlm@2 263 When she moved into the room, she saw that Usa had gotten under
rlm@2 264 the covers of the bed, covering her totally except for her head. Hotaru
rlm@2 265 began walking closer, until Usa said stop. Usa's face wore a devilish
rlm@2 266 smile, and she bit her lower lip as she tossed something at Hotaru. She
rlm@2 267 caught it, and upon further inspection, saw that it was a pair of silk
rlm@2 268 underwear. The throbbing between her legs increased as she thought of
rlm@2 269 Usa naked under the covers.
rlm@2 270 She attempted to step forward, but was stopped again by Usa.
rlm@2 271 "Odango-chan" she called out frustrated. Usa just giggled at her
rlm@2 272 friend, then commanded her to strip. Hotaru starred wide eyed in
rlm@2 273 surprise at Usa's request, but the increased throbbing between her legs
rlm@2 274 convinced her to follow the princesses orders. Usa watched as Hotaru
rlm@2 275 first pulled off her shirt, then her black pants, her socks, her bra,
rlm@2 276 and finally her underwear. She stood there naked in front of her
rlm@2 277 friend. Usa noticed something shiny on Hotaru's inner thighs, and
rlm@2 278 smiled wickedly. "Come here" she commanded innocently.
rlm@2 279 Hotaru walked quickly to the bed, and pulled back the covers.
rlm@2 280 Usa let out a laughing scream. Hotaru starred in amazement. She had
rlm@2 281 seen Usa naked before on certain occasions, but never had she looked as
rlm@2 282 beautiful as she did now lying naked on the bed. Hotaru leaned down,
rlm@2 283 and kissed the princess on her lips, Usa wrapped her arms around Hotaru
rlm@2 284 drawing her friend closer. Their tongues played in each other's mouths
rlm@2 285 and they moaned softly against one another. Hotaru's hands began
rlm@2 286 exploring Usa's body. She began kneading her breasts, bringing a
rlm@2 287 delighted moan from Usa. Hotaru pulled away, breaking the kiss, and
rlm@2 288 went down to Usa's neck. She began sucking on the skin, and
rlm@2 289 occasionally grazing her teeth against it. Usa loved it, and held
rlm@2 290 Hotaru's head there.
rlm@2 291 From her neck, Hotaru began a trail down to Usa's breasts. She
rlm@2 292 licked at the swollen, hard nipples, and suckled one in her mouth. The
rlm@2 293 pleasure was overwhelming for Usa, and she moaned in delight. Never
rlm@2 294 had she felt anything so good. She could feel her juices running onto
rlm@2 295 her thighs, and began instinctively thrusting her pelvis. Hotaru loved
rlm@2 296 the reaction, and began to gently nip at the nipple with her teeth.
rlm@2 297 This brought even louder moans from the princess, and Hotaru could feel
rlm@2 298 herself getting more and more excited. She raised her head from the
rlm@2 299 first nipple, bringing a frustrated moan from Usa, but then moved onto
rlm@2 300 the other, and began teasing it in the same way.
rlm@2 301 Usa couldn't take it anymore. Her eyes squeezed shut as she
rlm@2 302 screamed out Hotaru's name. Hotaru moved back up to Usa's face, as the
rlm@2 303 orgasm wracked the moon princess's body. When the pleasure had
rlm@2 304 subsided, she kissed her lover deeply. She moved her body, so that they
rlm@2 305 rolled over. Usa was now on top, and it was her turn to play with
rlm@2 306 Hotaru. Usa smiled wickedly, and began massaging Hotaru's smaller
rlm@2 307 breasts. Hotaru moaned out Usa's name and closed her eyes, giving
rlm@2 308 herself up to the pleasure. Usa brought the pebble like nipples to her
rlm@2 309 mouth and began sucking and licking them. Hotaru's moans became
rlm@2 310 steadily louder as Usa had her fun. Then an idea occurred in her. She
rlm@2 311 could keep doing this and bring Hotaru to orgasm, but that would be
rlm@2 312 boring. She wanted to make Hotaru totally lose herself, and she knew
rlm@2 313 just how to do it.
rlm@2 314 She rose up from the bed, and moved to the foot of it. Hotaru's
rlm@2 315 eyes opened and she looked down at Usa in confusion. "Odango" she
rlm@2 316 breathed out "What are you...?"
rlm@2 317 "Bend your legs" was Usa's reply. Hotaru starred at her, not
rlm@2 318 understanding what she meant. Usa repeated the command, only firmer.
rlm@2 319 Hotaru silently obeyed and bent her legs so the knees were off the bed.
rlm@2 320 Usa crawled seductively across the bed, and between Hotaru's parted
rlm@2 321 legs. The smell of Hotaru's juices filled the room, and Usa licked her
rlm@2 322 lips with apprehension. She leaned over, and began kissing Hotaru's
rlm@2 323 flat strong stomach. Hm... all those crunches Haruka makes Hotaru do
rlm@2 324 really paid off... she thought as she kissed around Hotaru's belly
rlm@2 325 button. One hand began slowly playing with Hotaru's black pubic hair.
rlm@2 326 Hotaru gasped as she felt how close Usa was to her most private part.
rlm@2 327 She wanted more. Usa's hand began to travel downward, and she watched
rlm@2 328 her lover's face, as she touched her swollen clit.
rlm@2 329 It sent an electric shock through her body, and her pelvis
rlm@2 330 lifted off the bed. She gasped loudly at the sudden surge of pleasure,
rlm@2 331 and moaned for it to continue. Usa was shocked by the sudden reaction,
rlm@2 332 but it only motivated her to perform more entertaining stunts. Her
rlm@2 333 fingers moved down Hotaru's womanhood, to the moist opening. She began
rlm@2 334 playing around it, going around in circles with one hand, while
rlm@2 335 caressing Hotaru's inner thigh with the other. Hotaru's pleading moans
rlm@2 336 became louder, as her body ached more and more for Usa's touch. Usa let
rlm@2 337 one finger slide in, and began pumping it rhythmically into Hotaru.
rlm@2 338 Hotaru began to move with the pumping, driving the finger deeper into
rlm@2 339 her. Usa continued her assault by pushing another finger into Hotaru's
rlm@2 340 virgin hole. A fire had begun in Hotaru's body, and with each minute it
rlm@2 341 was growing more and more. She had begun calling out her lover's name,
rlm@2 342 as sweat formed on her body. She grabbed the bed in support as Usa
rlm@2 343 picked up her pace. Usa moved her head down to Hotaru's nub, and began
rlm@2 344 to lick her lips. Just as Hotaru thought she couldn't take anymore, Usa
rlm@2 345 grabbed the nub with her lips, and sucked hard on it.
rlm@2 346 It was like electricity surging through her body. That single
rlm@2 347 touch was enough to bring her to the most sensational orgasm that she
rlm@2 348 could ever have. Her entire body lifted off the bed, and she screamed
rlm@2 349 out Usa's name.. Her body was immediately wracked by powerful spasms,
rlm@2 350 and all she could do was moan softly between them. Usa continued to
rlm@2 351 pleasure her lover throughout the orgasm. She continued to pump her
rlm@2 352 with her fingers, and began licking her swollen clit.
rlm@2 353 When the feeling had finally ended, Hotaru looked down between
rlm@2 354 her legs to see Usa smiling happily at her. She began a soundless
rlm@2 355 laugh, and laid back into the pillows. Usa crawled up to her lover's
rlm@2 356 face, and the two shared a passionate kiss. Hotaru could taste her
rlm@2 357 juices throughout Usa's mouth, and she loved it. Just kissing her made
rlm@2 358 her feel all warm again throughout her body, and the aching began
rlm@2 359 again.
rlm@2 360 She pulled her body up and leaned the weight against Usa,
rlm@2 361 causing the princess to fall down on the bed. Usa wasn't quite sure
rlm@2 362 what Hotaru was doing, but she didn't want to stop her. Hotaru used one
rlm@2 363 knee to part Usa's legs, and settled between them. She broke off the
rlm@2 364 kiss, and positioned herself over Usa. They both gasped as both their
rlm@2 365 clits met together. Hotaru began to grind on Usa, rubbing their swollen
rlm@2 366 nubs together. Usa pulled her lover's face down to meet hers, and the
rlm@2 367 two kissed as they rubbed against each other. Hotaru's nipples rubbed
rlm@2 368 against Usa's and the girl moaned loudly into Hotaru's mouth. She
rlm@2 369 quickened the pace of her grinding as she felt the orgasm building up.
rlm@2 370 Hotaru moved her head down to Usa's neck, and bit her softly as the
rlm@2 371 orgasm exploded with her. The pain and the pleasure was driving Usa
rlm@2 372 mad, and her whole body wrapped around Hotaru as she screamed her name
rlm@2 373 into the night.
rlm@2 374 The two girls lay panting for air as the orgasms finally
rlm@2 375 stopped. Hotaru had collapsed on top of Usa, and she nuzzled into Usa's
rlm@2 376 neck. Usa's hand reached up, and she began running her fingers through
rlm@2 377 Hotaru's silky shoulder-length black hair. The last thing heard before
rlm@2 378 either girl drifted to sleep, was the other's mumbled "aishiteru".
rlm@2 379
rlm@2 380 Hotaru awoke the next morning to the sweet sound of the ocean
rlm@2 381 waves hitting the shore. She sat up in bed, and stretched. Looking back
rlm@2 382 to the bed, she noticed that Chibi Usa was gone. Since when does she
rlm@2 383 wake up before me?, she thought to herself. She shook her head,
rlm@2 384 dismissing the thought, and got out of bed. She moved to the closet,
rlm@2 385 and opened the doors looking for her mom's aqua colored robe. She
rlm@2 386 frowned as she only saw her papa's navy blue one. She shrugged her
rlm@2 387 shoulders and put the robe on. She was about ready to leave the room,
rlm@2 388 when she heard a huge crash down the hall, followed by a loud scream.
rlm@2 389 "USA!" she yelled, as she bolted out the door, and into the kitchen
rlm@2 390 Smoke had filled the room, and Hotaru covered her mouth as she
rlm@2 391 looked for her friend. Before she could get very far, she saw Usa
rlm@2 392 waddling out the smoke, totally covered in the black soot. Hotaru ran
rlm@2 393 to her, and pulled her out the kitchen into the hallway. She could see
rlm@2 394 that Usa was crying, and was instantly concerned about her friend.
rlm@2 395 "Daijobu Chibi Usa?" she asked, looking over Usa's body for bruises.
rlm@2 396 Usa sniffled, and began to cry out. "The stove exploded." She
rlm@2 397 mumbled out between sobs. Hotaru suddenly went wide-eyed. "N, nani?"
rlm@2 398 she asked. Chibi Usa continued to cry as she answered. "I was tr, tr,
rlm@2 399 trying to make you some breakfast. And the stove ex, ex, exploded." A
rlm@2 400 huge sweat drop formed on Hotaru's brow. She looked down at her whining
rlm@2 401 girlfriend, and burst into uncontrollable laughter. Usa saw this, and
rlm@2 402 began laughing as well...
rlm@2 403
rlm@2 404 "Odango-chan, breakfast is ready!" Hotaru called out. After
rlm@2 405 they had cleaned up the kitchen, it was decided that Hotaru would take
rlm@2 406 care of the cooking... so that no other explosions occurred. Chibi Usa
rlm@2 407 ran into the kitchen and quickly sat down at the table. Hotaru placed
rlm@2 408 the tall plate of pancakes, scrambled eggs, sausage and bacon in front
rlm@2 409 of the princess. Usa's eyes went wide as she looked at all the food,
rlm@2 410 and drool could be seen at the corner of her mouth. Hotaru laughed as
rlm@2 411 she sat down in her own chair. "How un-princess like Odango-chan." Usa
rlm@2 412 gave her an evil stare, and stuck out her tongue in reply. Both girls
rlm@2 413 laughed as they picked up their utensils. "IKODEKIMASU!" they yelled in
rlm@2 414 unison, as they began eating.
rlm@2 415
rlm@2 416 "Ahhh" Usa sighed contently as she patted her full stomach.
rlm@2 417 "That was a great breakfast Taru-chan"
rlm@2 418 Hotaru smiled as she began washing the dishes. "Arigato, Usa.
rlm@2 419 I'm glad all those hours spent with mama and Setsuna-mama learning to
rlm@2 420 cook didn't go to waste."
rlm@2 421 Usa got up from her chair, and walked over to Hotaru. She
rlm@2 422 wrapped her arms around Hotaru's waist, and rested her head against her
rlm@2 423 back. Hotaru smiled. Having Usa so close felt so right to her. It was
rlm@2 424 something she'd always wanted, she realized. The two had hugged plenty
rlm@2 425 of times before, but it was different now. They were a couple, and
rlm@2 426 would be together forever, Hotaru hoped.
rlm@2 427 "Ne, Taru-chan." Usa began. "This is our last day alone
rlm@2 428 together. What do you wanna do?"
rlm@2 429 Hotaru thought for a moment before replaying back. "We don't
rlm@2 430 have to do anything. I just wanna relax here, with you."
rlm@2 431 Usa smiled. "You're right. We have enough to do at home. We can
rlm@2 432 just relax today, and spend time together."
rlm@2 433 Hotaru cut off the water, and wiped her wet hands on the towel
rlm@2 434 beside the sink. Usa released her hug, and walked over into the living
rlm@2 435 room and turned on the television. Hotaru soon followed, and sat down
rlm@2 436 on the couch beside the pink-headed girl. She put he arm around Usa's
rlm@2 437 shoulder and pulled her closer. Usa nestled herself into Hotaru, and
rlm@2 438 the two girls watched TV.
rlm@2 439
rlm@2 440 "Haruka-chan, Michiru-chan, Setsuna-chan, what a pleasant
rlm@2 441 surprise." Queen Serenity exclaimed as she saw the three women walk to
rlm@2 442 the gazebo. The four other women eagerly greeted the three as well
rlm@2 443 before they all sat down together.
rlm@2 444 "So" Rei began. "To what do we owe to this visit?"
rlm@2 445 "It was too quiet around the house without Hotaru playing her
rlm@2 446 music upstairs. We got kinda lonely." Haruka answered.
rlm@2 447 "And since we haven't seen you all for a while, we decided to
rlm@2 448 come over a pay a visit." Michiru chimed in.
rlm@2 449 "Speaking of Hotaru" Setsuna began. "Have you heard from her or
rlm@2 450 small lady?"
rlm@2 451 The queen shook her head from side to side. "Iie. Not since
rlm@2 452 they left together. I hope everything is all right with those two."
rlm@2 453 Haruka covered her mouth as she snickered quietly. All the
rlm@2 454 women turned to face her, and Michiru sighed as she raised her hand to
rlm@2 455 her forehead. "You must excuse Haruka" Michiru said. "She finds
rlm@2 456 anything referring to Hotaru and Chibi Usa to be very funny."
rlm@2 457 "You mean about the two of them being a couple?" Makoto asked.
rlm@2 458 Michiru shook her head in affirmation. The five inner senshi smiled and
rlm@2 459 shook their heads.
rlm@2 460 "Well they do make a very cute couple at least" Ami stated.
rlm@2 461 "Well you got over the shock fast" Makoto said surprised as she
rlm@2 462 folded her arms. Ami blushed a little. "We were all a little shocked at
rlm@2 463 first. I mean, who would have thought that the two of them would ever
rlm@2 464 get together like that?" All the girls shook their heads.
rlm@2 465 "Yeah especially with that whole Helios thing" Minako chimed in
rlm@2 466 "She seemed to have a big crush on him. I thought for sure that she
rlm@2 467 liked guys."
rlm@2 468 "She also always went after my Mamo-chan" Serenity inserted
rlm@2 469 angrily as she crossed her arms in front of her. Sweat drops appeared
rlm@2 470 on all the girl's heads as they thought back on those years.
rlm@2 471 "Oh Usagi" Rei began. "She was just probably doing that to get
rlm@2 472 on your nerves. You two were always fighting like that." All eyes fell
rlm@2 473 on Rei. "Ahem" Haruka coughed "That sounds more like what you two do
rlm@2 474 all the time." She pointed at Serenity and Rei. The two began
rlm@2 475 scratching the back of their heads while they laughed loudly. The other
rlm@2 476 women soon joined in the laughter as well.
rlm@2 477
rlm@2 478 "Odango-chan"...
rlm@2 479 "Odango-chan"...
rlm@2 480 Usa's crimson eyes slowly opened to see Hotaru looking down at
rlm@2 481 her. She blinked several times, then smiled at her lover. Hotaru smiled
rlm@2 482 back and bent down to kiss her beautiful girlfriend. Their lips met in
rlm@2 483 a soft kiss.
rlm@2 484 "Hmm, I thought you were never going to wake up Odango-chan."
rlm@2 485 Hotaru said as she sat down next to her on the bed.
rlm@2 486 Chibi Usa made a wide smile as she turned to look at the dark
rlm@2 487 haired girl. "You know, I can get used to waking up like this."
rlm@2 488 Hotaru smiled at Usa. "It's already one in the afternoon Usa,
rlm@2 489 we should be leaving soon."
rlm@2 490 Chibi Usa sat up in the bed letting go of her sheet so that her
rlm@2 491 breasts were in full view. "Do we have to leave so early Taru-chan? I
rlm@2 492 don't want to go back to the palace so soon. I want to stay here with
rlm@2 493 you." She wrapped her arms around Hotaru's waist and kissed her again.
rlm@2 494 Hotaru began running her hand up and down Usa's back and through her
rlm@2 495 soft pink hair.
rlm@2 496 "You have to get up now, Usa. By the time your actually ready
rlm@2 497 to leave it'll be around four." Hotaru stood up from the bed, and moved
rlm@2 498 to the doorway. Usa glared evilly at Hotaru. "Mou, I don't take that
rlm@2 499 long to get ready." Hotaru looked back at Usa and giggled. "Yeah you
rlm@2 500 do, now get up and into the shower. I'll start breakfast so it'll be
rlm@2 501 done when you get out..."
rlm@2 502 "I have a better idea" Usa began while getting off the bed. She
rlm@2 503 began walking towards Hotaru whose eyes were immediately drawn to her
rlm@2 504 lover's naked body. "How about we take that shower together?" She
rlm@2 505 stopped in front of Hotaru and wrapped her long arms around her neck,
rlm@2 506 drawing her into a deep kiss.
rlm@2 507 Hotaru smiled as Usa pulled away and took the other girl's
rlm@2 508 hand. The two walked together into the bathroom.
rlm@2 509
rlm@2 510 "So, how did you two enjoy your vacation?" Serenity asked the
rlm@2 511 two girls. All ten scouts sat outside in the garden talking together.
rlm@2 512 "It was great. I really needed to get out of this palace for a
rlm@2 513 while, and being with Hotaru just made everything better." Usa looked
rlm@2 514 to the side and smiled lovingly at Hotaru. Hotaru smiled back with the
rlm@2 515 same love in her eyes.
rlm@2 516 The eye contact didn't escape notice from the other scouts, and
rlm@2 517 all the girls smiled a little as they looked at the two. Of course it
rlm@2 518 was Haruka who began the giggling under her breath that woke the two
rlm@2 519 girls from their gaze. She tried to cover it up as a cough, but with no
rlm@2 520 success. Michiru just sighed as she covered her eyes with her hand and
rlm@2 521 shook her head.
rlm@2 522 "It's getting late, we should be getting back home." Setsuna
rlm@2 523 said, addressing the other three outter senshi. They rose from their
rlm@2 524 seats and walked back into the palace.
rlm@2 525 "It was good to see you four again. You really should come over
rlm@2 526 more often, it's rare to have us all together in one place at one
rlm@2 527 time." Serenity said as they walked to through the main lobby. "Arigato
rlm@2 528 Serenity Sama, we'll come back again soon." Michiru replied as they
rlm@2 529 approached the door...
rlm@2 530 Behind everyone, Chibi Usa and Hotaru walked along the corridor
rlm@2 531 hand in hand. Usa turned to face Hotaru as they reached the door. "Call
rlm@2 532 me when you get home, ne?" she asked the taller girl. Hotaru smiled and
rlm@2 533 assured her that she would They stood looking at one another until
rlm@2 534 Haruka called for Hotaru to come on. All the women stood standing in
rlm@2 535 the doorway watching the two girls together. Hotaru brought her hand up
rlm@2 536 to lift Chibi Usa's chin and placed her lips onto Usa's. The other
rlm@2 537 women just starred, wide-eyed at the two kissing girls. As she felt
rlm@2 538 Hotaru's lips leave hers, Usa could feel her face redden at the thought
rlm@2 539 of her whole family seeing them kiss. Hotaru saw her girlfriend's face
rlm@2 540 and smiled sweetly. She bent down to Usa's ear and whispered
rlm@2 541 "aishiteru" before walking to the door. She walked past the others and
rlm@2 542 outside to her car.
rlm@2 543 After regaining consciousness, the three outer senshi proceeded
rlm@2 544 outside to Haruka's red convertible, all except for Haruka who walked
rlm@2 545 over to Hotaru's black car. "You got some explaining to do when we get
rlm@2 546 home Taru-chan." She said as she bent down to Hotaru's window. The two
rlm@2 547 laughed, and Haruka walked to her own car. When the others had left,
rlm@2 548 all eyes fell on Chibi Usa. The princess stretched her arms over her
rlm@2 549 head and yawned. "You know, I'm feeling really tired right now. I'll
rlm@2 550 see you all tomorrow. Oyasumi." She called out as she quickly ran away
rlm@2 551 to her bedroom.
rlm@2 552
rlm@2 553