annotate old/stories/ccs_tell-everyone.txt @ 4:69f0191c9016 moonlitnights tip

added error.log and access.log
author Robert McIntyre <>
date Tue, 22 Jun 2010 13:42:35 -0400
parents fc00894c1d4a
rev   line source
rlm@2 1 Telling everyone
rlm@2 2
rlm@2 3 By Radar
rlm@2 4
rlm@2 5
rlm@2 6 ---------------
rlm@2 7
rlm@2 8 'Sakura-chan wake up!' a voice said, interupting her sleep. She rolled over moaning softly.
rlm@2 9 'Come on Sakura-chan! Wake up!' the voice said.
rlm@2 10 'It's not a school day Onii-chan! Go away!' she muttered, pulling the covers over her head, trying to ignore that damn beautiful voice.
rlm@2 11 It gave out a musical giggle. 'Yes it is Sakura-chan and I'm not your brother!' the voice said, pulling the covers away.
rlm@2 12 Opening her eyes she yawned and was surprised to find she wasn't in her bedroom.
rlm@2 13 Looking down she blushed brightly finding herself naked.
rlm@2 14 Looking up her eyes met a pair of stormy blue eyes.
rlm@2 15 'Just a little longer! Please Tomoyo-chan!' Sakura begged, covering herself.
rlm@2 16 Tomoyo smiled at her. 'Sorry but I promised Fujitaka-san that I'd get you up and to school on time!' she said, before tilting her head slightly.
rlm@2 17 'And you do had a problem getting up!'
rlm@2 18 'I can get up on time! But only if the conditions are right!' Sakura said.
rlm@2 19 'What conditions?' Tomoyo asked innocently. Sakura smiled slightly.
rlm@2 20 She knew just by asking that question it prooved that Tomoyo wasn't as innocent as she appeared.
rlm@2 21 'Well.. first you'd have to drop that idea of going to school and I'd have to get you out of those clothes!' Sakura replied, pulling Tomoyo closer to her and starting to pull off the pale girl's school uniform.
rlm@2 22 Tomoyo giggled softly.
rlm@2 23 'Sorry Sakura-chan, but I want to stay as pure as possible for my wedding!' Tomoyo said, showing Sakura the gold band around her finger.
rlm@2 24 Sakura blushed slightly remembering how she gave Tomoyo the ring.
rlm@2 25 'I understand!' she muttered, falling back on the bed. They sighed heavily.
rlm@2 26 'I still have to get you out of bed!' Tomoyo whispered, lightly resting her head on Sakura's bare chest.
rlm@2 27 She sighed softly, loosing herself in Sakura's heartbeat.
rlm@2 28 Closing her eyes, she felt Sakura move slowly.
rlm@2 29 The other girl's heartbeat softened before stoppping altogether.
rlm@2 30 Upon openning her eyes hers was instantly met with her beloved emerald eyes.
rlm@2 31 Leaning forward Sakura captured Tomoyo's lips with her own. 'Can you get up now?' Tomoyo asked.
rlm@2 32 'Hai!' Sakura whispered. 'Sleeping naked! I'll never get used to it! But it feels so good! Especally with Tomoyo! And we've never slept as well!' she thought, sitting up.
rlm@2 33
rlm@2 34 Almost 10 minutes later they walked into the dining room with Sakura yawning.
rlm@2 35 Looking up from her plate Sonomi giggled softly. 'Joined at the hip! As always!' she said, going back to her breakfast just as Sakura moved slightly.
rlm@2 36 Tomoyo looked at her, very confused.
rlm@2 37 'I now how much you care for her Sakura-chan! You don't have to move away on my account!' Sonomi said, not looking up.
rlm@2 38 'How did you know about us?' Sakura asked. A small smile crossed her lips.
rlm@2 39 'Well.. I saw you kissing under the mistletoe last Christmas and a few times after that! And by what you were doing last night!' the auburn haired business woman replied before looking up.
rlm@2 40 'What were you doing anyway?' she asked.
rlm@2 41 Her eyes widened when she saw the girl's were blushing brightly.
rlm@2 42 'We.. Were.. Making..' was all Sakura could say before her voice failed her.
rlm@2 43 Her blush deepened when she felt Tomoyo's hand on her thigh moving slowly towards her waist.
rlm@2 44 'What's she doing?' Sakura asked herself.
rlm@2 45 'Look at the time! You're going to be late!' Sonomi said, looking at her watch.
rlm@2 46 The girls nodded and left. Moments later she heard a door open and close.
rlm@2 47 She sighed and rested against the back of her chair.
rlm@2 48 'I wish you were here Nadeshiko-chan! Our daughters are a couple! And a very cute one at that!' she whispered.
rlm@2 49 When Tomoyo was younger she would tell her to tell Sakura about her feelings for her.
rlm@2 50 Now she was glad the auburn haired girl had come to realise her feelings about Tomoyo.
rlm@2 51 Unknown to her Nadeshiko watched on and smiled.
rlm@2 52 She regretted not being there when Sakura had been beaten up, but she knew her daughter was in good hands.
rlm@2 53
rlm@2 54 As they walked towards the school they caught a glimps of Rika, Chiharu and Naoko.
rlm@2 55 They were a little surprised when Rika looked up and smiled at them.
rlm@2 56 Closing her eyes she let out a small laugh, knowing what the subjest of their conversation would change to when her friends saw Sakura and Tomoyo.
rlm@2 57 When the others noticed them, they imediately walked towards them.
rlm@2 58 'So are you going to tell you who your boyfriend is today Sakura-chan?' Naoko asked.
rlm@2 59 'I don't have a boyfriend Naoko-chan!' Sakura said. 'But I have a girlfriend!' she added mentally.
rlm@2 60 'If you don't have a boyfriend then why have you been so giddy for the last year?' Chiharu asked.
rlm@2 61 Sakura sighed before she heard a soft giggle.
rlm@2 62 Looking at the pale girl she saw she was covering her mouth, attempting to hold in her laughter.
rlm@2 63 Then they all caught a flash of gold coming from Tomoyo's hand. 'You're married?' Naoko asked.
rlm@2 64 Tomoyo nodded happily, showing her friends the ring Sakura had given her.
rlm@2 65 'When did that happen?' Sakura sighed heavily.
rlm@2 66 'It happened last night when I gave it to her!' she thought.
rlm@2 67 'Aren't you happy for Tomoyo-chan, Sakura-chan?' Naoko asked, turning her head so she faced Sakura.
rlm@2 68 Looking up she smiled and nodded.' Let's get to class!' Rika suddenly said.
rlm@2 69 The girls nodded and started walking to their homerooms.
rlm@2 70 When they reached High school the girls had been separated.
rlm@2 71 Tomoyo smiled when she gazed at Sakura. Slowly she reached out, touching her forearm, smiling when the auburn haired girl gasped softly.
rlm@2 72 Over the years she'd come to know every inch of Sakura's body, the places where Sakura would gasp or let out a small groan.
rlm@2 73 Turning Sakura smiled at her, her emerald eyes sparkling with love.
rlm@2 74 'Please Sakura-chan! Who's your boyfriend?' Naoko asked, for the seventh time.
rlm@2 75 'Leave Sakura-chan alone! If she doesn't want to tell us who her boyfriend is then its up to her!' Rika said.
rlm@2 76 Naoko and Chiharu nodded before entering their homeroom.
rlm@2 77 The 3 remaining girls continued their short walk to their homeroom.
rlm@2 78 'Congratulations!' Rika said. 'Arigatou!' Tomoyo replied.
rlm@2 79 Rika took hold of Tomoyo's hand and took a better look at the ring.
rlm@2 80 'It's beautiful! I wonder who the lucky person is?' she said, looking at Sakura.
rlm@2 81 'You know who it is Rika-chan!' she replied, blushing slightly. Rika smiled before looking at Sakura's hand.
rlm@2 82 'Where's yours?' she asked. 'Well.. I kinda surprised Tomoyo-chan with it last night!' Sakura said, as she placed her hand behind her head.
rlm@2 83 'Really?' Rika asked. Sakura nodded.
rlm@2 84 'I was going to ask her a little later but, I couldn't wait!'
rlm@2 85 'It doesn't matter if it was sooner or later! All that matters is Sakura-chan is going to make a beautiful bride!' Tomoyo said, her eyes sparkling ing antisipation. Rika smiled while Sakura's blush brightened. 'How about you Rika-chan? Has your boyfriend asked you?' Sakura asked. 'I don't think he will!' Rika said sadly. 'Why? What happened?' Tomoyo asked. 'He.. He found someone else!' Rika replied. 'Oh Rika-chan! I'm so sorry!' Sakura said, before hugging the other girl. 'Arigatou Sakura-chan! But I think you're gonna make Tomoyo-chan jealous!' Looking towards Tomoyo, they smiled. 'Besides I found someone else as well!'
rlm@2 86 'Really?' Sakura asked. 'Who?'
rlm@2 87 Just as Rika was about to answer, their teacher arrived.
rlm@2 88 'Ladies, I hope I'm not interupting anything important, but could you please go in?' she asked. 'I'll tell you later!' Rika whispered, when they walked into the classroom.
rlm@2 89
rlm@2 90 The morning classes passed quickly, and all Sakura wanted to do was to be in Tomoyo's arms.
rlm@2 91 Sitting under a cherry tree, they ate the lunchs they made for each other.
rlm@2 92 Looking up Sakura saw Rika walking towards them. 'Hi Rika-chan!' Sakura said, once Rika sat down.
rlm@2 93 Rika smiled slightly, wondering if she should tell them who her new flame is.
rlm@2 94 'So who's the luck person Rika-chan?' Sakura asked. 'Naoko-chan!' Rika said softly.
rlm@2 95 Closing her eyes, she hoped Sakura and Tomoyo hadn't heard her and let the subject go.
rlm@2 96 'Really?' Tomoyo asked. Nodding she sighed. 'Wow!' Sakura said.
rlm@2 97 A short distance Naoko stood silently, having heard everything.
rlm@2 98 'She loves me!' she whispered. Smiling she said them again and again.
rlm@2 99 To her those words were the sweetest words ever spoken.
rlm@2 100 Her smile growning, she slowly approached the other girls.
rlm@2 101 'Hi Sakura-chan, Tomoyo-chan, Rika-chan!' she said, sitting down. Rika paled.
rlm@2 102 'Did she hear me?' she asked herself. Sakura suddenly stood up, gently grabbing Tomoyo's hand.
rlm@2 103 'Let's go Tomoyo-chan!' Sakura said.
rlm@2 104 'Where?' Tomoyo asked, slightly confused with her girlfriends' actions.
rlm@2 105 'You wanted to showme something earlier!' Sakura said.
rlm@2 106 It took Tomoyo a moment to realise what Sakura meant. 'Oh right!' she said, smiling brightly.
rlm@2 107 Standing up they walked away, leaving Naoko and Rika alone.
rlm@2 108 'What are they doing?' Rika asked herself franticly. Blushing she realised what they'd done.
rlm@2 109 'Did Tomoyo-chan tell you who she married?' Naoko asked. Rika nodded.
rlm@2 110 'Hai, she married Sakura-chan!' she replied. 'But they're both girls!' Naoko said.
rlm@2 111 She looked at her confussed for a moment. 'Oh!' she said, realising what Rika meant.
rlm@2 112 'But what if they want children?' she asked. Rika smiled at her.
rlm@2 113 'I'm sure they'll find a way!' Rika replied. They remained silent for a moment, gathering the courage to tell the other girl. 'There's something I need to tell you!' they said together. Giggling they blushed slightly. 'You first!' Rika said. 'I really like you Rika-chan!' Naoko said. 'I really like you too Naoko-chan!' Rika replied, smiling slightly. Naoko smiled saddly. 'I think I'll have to show her!' she thought. Closing her eyes, she leaned foreward and lightly pressed her lips to Rika's for a moment. Leaning apart they blushed. 'Gomen Nasai!' Naoko whispered, looking away. She was sure she'd ruined her friendship with the other girl. Lightly she placed her hand on Naoko's shoulder and made her turn to face her. 'It's ok!' Rika whispered. 'You mean you like me in that way?' Naoko asked. 'Hai!' Rika replied. Naoko smiled slightly, before leaning closer and kissing the other girl again. A short distance away Sakura and Tomoyo looked on. 'They make a cute couple don't they?' Sakura asked, shifting her gaze to Tomoyo. The pale girl nodded, before her eyes went wide.
rlm@2 114 She suddenly grabbed her bag and started sifting through the contense.
rlm@2 115 'Tomoyo-chan?' Sakura asked. 'Found it!' Tomoyo whispered, pulling a small box from her bag.
rlm@2 116 'What?' Sakura asked. Tomoyo smiled as she opened the box.
rlm@2 117 Sliding the ring onto Sakura's finger she stepped back. 'What do you think?' she asked.
rlm@2 118 She looked at the ring for a moment before looking up at Tomoyo, tears suddenly appearing in her eyes.
rlm@2 119 'It's beautiful!' Sakura whispered.
rlm@2 120 'I'm glad you like it, but I think it's time to get to class!' Tomoyo whispered, leaning forward lightly kissing her auburn haired love.
rlm@2 121 Leaning away, they smiled at each other, before feeling a tingling down their backs.
rlm@2 122 Turning around they saw they had been seen and Chiharu and Yamazaki was stairing at them.
rlm@2 123 'Hi!' Sakura said weakly. 'You're Sakura-chan's boyfriend Tomoyo-chan?' Chiharu asked.
rlm@2 124 Tomoyo nodded slightly. 'So you're gay?' she asked. Both girls nodded.
rlm@2 125 'And married!' Yamazaki pointed out, noticing their rings.
rlm@2 126 'Wow!' Chiharu said, blushing slightly.
rlm@2 127 'Did you know that the first recorded lesbians were in 13th century England?' Yamazaki asked.
rlm@2 128 Sakura shook her head, while Tomoyo smiled.
rlm@2 129 'It was the king's daughter! She feel for the daughter of the countries finest blacksmith!' the boy said.
rlm@2 130 Before he could say anymore, Chiharu grabbed his collor and shook him violently.
rlm@2 131 'Stop lying!' she yelled, before dragging her boyfriend away.
rlm@2 132 'I thought he was telling the truth this time!' Sakura said, slumping her shoulders.
rlm@2 133 Suddenly she felt Tomoyo wrap her arms around her waist and snuggle agianst her.
rlm@2 134 'Don't worry about that for now Sakura-chan!' the pale girl whispered.
rlm@2 135 'Ok! Let's get back to class!' Sakura said. feeling Tomoyo nod they headed for their next class.
rlm@2 136
rlm@2 137 YEARS LATER
rlm@2 138
rlm@2 139 They lay in each others arms, moments away from a contented sleep.
rlm@2 140 That was until a soft knocking started.
rlm@2 141 'Mama! Papa! What happening? Are you alright?' a voice asked.
rlm@2 142 The door opened and a young girl walked into the room. 'Mama?' the child asked.
rlm@2 143 'What is it Nadeshiko-chan?' the pale woman asked.
rlm@2 144 'I heard you and Sakura-papa yelling Tomoyo-mama!' Nadeshiko replied, walking upto the bed.
rlm@2 145 Sakura yawned and opened her eyes, letting them ajust to the light as she sat up.
rlm@2 146 She hadn't noticed the covers had slipped down, exposing her breasts.
rlm@2 147 'Everythings fine Nadeshiko-chan!' Sakura replied, smiling slightly.
rlm@2 148 Looking down she saw Nadeshiko blush brightly.
rlm@2 149 Realising why Nadeshiko was blushing she quickly covered herself up before hearing a soft giggle.
rlm@2 150 'If everthings fine why were you yelling papa?' the girl asked.
rlm@2 151 'What are you doing up Nadeshiko-chan?' another voice asked.
rlm@2 152 Turning Nadeshiko ran upto her older sister.
rlm@2 153 'Somethings wrong with mama and papa Onni-chan!' Nadeshiko said.
rlm@2 154 'Really?' the older girl asked.
rlm@2 155 'Hai!' Nadeshiko replied, 'I heard them yelling at each other! I think their mad with each other!' the child said, looking really worried.
rlm@2 156 Just as the older girl was about to reply a pair of arms wrapped themselves around her waist.
rlm@2 157 She shuddered feeling hot breath on the back of her neck.
rlm@2 158 'Come back to bed Kumi-chan! I'm lonely!' a voice whispered.
rlm@2 159 'Hi Hikaru-san!' Nadeshiko said. 'What are you doing here?' Hikaru smiled at her, not realeasing he girlfriend her the embrase.
rlm@2 160 'We're having a sleep over!' Hikaru replied. 'Plus I get to spend some time with your sister!'
rlm@2 161 'Why? You spend a lot of time with her already!' Nadeshiko replied. Hikaru giggled softly.
rlm@2 162 'I know, but it's time I get to spend with my girlfriend!' Hikaru said to a very confused Nadeshiko. 'Do you know who Hikaru-san's girlfriend is Onii-chan?' Nadeshiko asked. 'Hai! You know her to Nadeshiko-chan!' Kumiko replied. 'What going on Nadeshiko-chan?' a sleepy voice asked. 'Hi Megumi-chan!' Kumiko said, noticing the young blonde blush. 'Hi Kumiko-san!' Megumi stuttered, blushing brighter. Kumiko giggled softly. She notice Megumi always blushed when she was near her. 'Nadeshiko-chan, what's going on?' Megumi asked. 'I'm trying to find out who Hikaru-san's girlfriend is!' Nadeshiko replied. 'Ooo! Can I help?' the blonde asked. Nadeshiko nodded and they turned to face Hikaru and Kumiko. Sakura smiled slightly. 'Do you think they'll find out?' she asked. 'Maybe! But what about Megumi-chan?' Tomoyo whispered. 'I think she's got a crush on Kumiko-chan!'
rlm@2 163 'Really? I thought it was Nadeshiko-chan!' Sakura said.
rlm@2 164 She might have been dense as a child, but she knew somethings were just so obvious.
rlm@2 165 'You know her?' Megumi asked. 'Hikaru-san says I do!' Nadeshiko replied, 'But I can't think who!'
rlm@2 166 'I'm her girlfriend!' Kumiko said. 'Really?' Megumi asked.
rlm@2 167 'Hai!' Kumiko replied, turnin garound and lightly kissing the brown haired girl.
rlm@2 168 Looking at her friend, she was confused when she saw Megumi looking upset, then smiling at the older girls.
rlm@2 169 Sakura and Tomoyo also noticed this. 'Are you ok Megumi-chan?' Sakura asked.
rlm@2 170 The girl smiled and nodded. 'I'll go back to bed!' Megumi whispered, quickly excusing herself.
rlm@2 171 Nadeshiko watched her leave, very confused. She knew Megumi liked her older sister, but was confused by the way she was acting now.
rlm@2 172 'Could you see if Megumi-chan's ok Nadeshiko-chan?' Tomoyo asked.
rlm@2 173 'Ok mama!' Nadeshiko said, before following her friend.
rlm@2 174
rlm@2 175 She sat on the edge of the bed with her head in her hands.
rlm@2 176 'She already has a girlfriend!' she thought sadly.
rlm@2 177 'Besides what knid of a girlfriend would I be?' Tears appeared in her eyes.
rlm@2 178 'What about Nadeshiko-chan? How would she feel?' she asked herself.
rlm@2 179 Suddenly a funny thought hit her. Hadn't she done things that would sugest that she was interested in Kumiko and not Nadeshiko.
rlm@2 180 'What does that mean?' she wondered. 'Are you ok Megumi-chan?' a soft voice asked.
rlm@2 181 Looking up she blushed and nodded.
rlm@2 182 'If you're alright.. why's your face gone all red?' Nadeshiko asked.
rlm@2 183 Megumi didn't answer, her blush deepened. Giggling Nadeshiko sat down next to her friend.
rlm@2 184 'Besides, I already know why you blush near Onii-chan!'
rlm@2 185 'REally?' Megumi asked. Nadeshiko smiled and nodded. 'Too bad she's taken!'
rlm@2 186 'Yeah, but that's ok!' Megumi said. Blushing again she realised what she had just said.
rlm@2 187 Looking at Nadeshiko she was surprised to see the other girl smile at her. 'I thought so!'
rlm@2 188 'You knew?' Megumi asked. The pale girl nodded and smiled.
rlm@2 189 'I know you'll find someone special someday!' Nadeshiko said, lightly kissing the other girls cheek.
rlm@2 190 'Please understand!' Nadeshiko thought. 'Arigatou!' Megumi whispered. 'I think I already have!'
rlm@2 191 'Really? Who?' Nadeshiko asked. 'Not telling!' Megumi said, giggling at the other girl's pout.
rlm@2 192 Falling backwards on the bed, Nadeshiko followed.
rlm@2 193 Moments later they were asleep, Megumi snuggling into Nadeshiko.
rlm@2 194 Sakura smiled when she walked into the room. slowly she pulled the covers over them and left the room, stopping at the door for a moment to watch the girls sleep.
rlm@2 195 When she got back to her room, she undressed and slipped under the covers with Tomoyo.
rlm@2 196 'Are they ok?' Tomoyo asked. 'Hai! I think Megumi-chan has just realised who she really loves!' Sakura whispered.
rlm@2 197 Closing her eyes, she felt Tomoyo snuggle against her. Sighing softly they fell asleep.