
age author description
2010-04-02 hong [svn r65] changed "the story" back to "about" laserkard
2010-04-02 hong [svn r64] Changed laserkard
2010-04-01 rlm [svn r63] showed nick how to use SVN laserkard
2010-03-19 rlm [svn r62] saving for transference to cd laserkard
2010-03-14 rlm [svn r61] h laserkard
2010-03-14 rlm [svn r60] done with kevin session laserkard
2010-03-14 rlm [svn r59] final modifacatios wqith kevin laserkard
2010-03-14 rlm [svn r58] implemented various changes laserkard
2010-03-14 rlm [svn r57] commiting before corrections with Kevin laserkard
2010-02-17 rlm [svn r56] FINALLY got that damn copyright working laserkard
2010-02-17 rlm [svn r55] oops.... laserkard
2010-02-17 rlm [svn r54] put up new front page picture laserkard
2010-02-03 rlm [svn r53] changed the success message for echo.pl laserkard
2010-02-03 rlm [svn r52] implemented SVG backend laserkard
2010-02-01 rlm [svn r51] Venture Mentoring service LIVE laserkard
2010-02-01 rlm [svn r50] implemented max text length laserkard
2010-02-01 rlm [svn r49] implemented resizing text :) laserkard
2010-01-31 rlm [svn r48] almost fixed "hover over" bug laserkard
2010-01-31 rlm [svn r47] saving progresswww.cinemassacre.com/new/?page_id=30 laserkard
2010-01-28 rlm [svn r46] fixed JSON reference bug. laserkard
2010-01-28 rlm [svn r45] Greatly Enhanced Responsiveness of the website. laserkard
2010-01-28 rlm [svn r44] implemented redraw memory. laserkard
2010-01-28 rlm [svn r43] implemented form memory laserkard
2010-01-25 rlm [svn r42] fixed for Manasseh Israel laserkard
2010-01-25 rlm [svn r41] implemented dynamic text. laserkard
2010-01-24 rlm [svn r40] created succesuful interface to corel Draw :) laserkard
2010-01-24 rlm [svn r39] creating compatability with corel draw. laserkard
2010-01-24 rlm [svn r38] added echo.pl, a test program for the backend of the website laserkard