
age author description
2010-07-27 Robert McIntyre made it HTML 4.1 strict laserkard
2010-07-27 Robert McIntyre saving progress. laserkard
2010-07-27 Robert McIntyre made main drawing function capable of rendering style selection boxes. no more pics needed laserkard
2010-07-27 Robert McIntyre figured out how to scale down main display laserkard
2010-07-27 Robert McIntyre saving progress, going to add styles laserkard
2010-07-27 Robert McIntyre created text-entry-restriction function laserkard
2010-07-27 Robert McIntyre created card template multifunction laserkard
2010-07-27 Robert McIntyre saving progress. laserkard
2010-07-26 Robert McIntyre saving work laserkard
2010-07-26 Robert McIntyre basic drawing achieved laserkard
2010-07-26 Robert McIntyre saving progress before adding text entry laserkard
2010-07-26 Robert McIntyre saving progress laserkard
2010-07-26 Robert McIntyre no more log files laserkard
2010-07-26 Robert McIntyre remove access.log laserkard
2010-07-26 Robert McIntyre got pure raphael color selector working laserkard
2010-07-26 Robert McIntyre more functional goodness laserkard
2010-07-26 Robert McIntyre got three separate Raphael instances laserkard
2010-07-26 Robert McIntyre oops laserkard
2010-07-26 Robert McIntyre going to try a pure raphael solution laserkard
2010-07-25 Robert McIntyre wrote display_update laserkard
2010-07-25 Robert McIntyre getting color select working laserkard
2010-07-25 Robert McIntyre first stab at js laserkard
2010-07-25 Robert McIntyre read JavaSctipt: the good parts laserkard
2010-07-22 Robert McIntyre moved css files to own directory; deleted USELESS files laserkard
2010-07-22 Robert McIntyre saving laserkard
2010-07-14 Robert McIntyre made card text filled in laserkard
2010-06-29 Robert McIntyre session with nick. redisigned faq page laserkard
2010-06-25 r session with nick, updated the about page laserkard
2010-06-23 Robert McIntyre ready to load live site to server laserkard
2010-06-23 Robert McIntyre implemented temporary buy page in clojure laserkard
2010-06-23 Robert McIntyre Now there is no HTML whatsoever\! laserkard
2010-06-23 Robert McIntyre finally got a lisp server yay laserkard
2010-06-22 Robert McIntyre Added access.log and error.log to switch to lighttpd. laserkard
2010-04-05 hong [svn r69] Made a mistake with which image i was calling, corrected here laserkard
2010-04-05 hong [svn r68] New About image laserkard
2010-04-05 hong [svn r67] New format, brings down the (new) image to left-align with text laserkard
2010-04-05 hong [svn r66] Change in about.css to allow for a no-border look laserkard
2010-04-02 hong [svn r65] changed "the story" back to "about" laserkard
2010-04-02 hong [svn r64] Changed laserkard
2010-04-01 rlm [svn r63] showed nick how to use SVN laserkard
2010-03-19 rlm [svn r62] saving for transference to cd laserkard
2010-03-14 rlm [svn r61] h laserkard
2010-03-14 rlm [svn r60] done with kevin session laserkard
2010-03-14 rlm [svn r59] final modifacatios wqith kevin laserkard
2010-03-14 rlm [svn r58] implemented various changes laserkard
2010-03-14 rlm [svn r57] commiting before corrections with Kevin laserkard
2010-02-17 rlm [svn r56] FINALLY got that damn copyright working laserkard
2010-02-17 rlm [svn r55] oops.... laserkard