changeset 5:116b15d3d68c laserkard

[svn r6]
author rlm
date Fri, 01 Jan 2010 17:44:10 -0500 (2010-01-01)
parents c96cb4e773e5
children ab564637d8ca
files buy.html buy_pieces/materials2.html gimp/prototype.xcf gimp/prototype2.xcf inkscape/clear_acrylic.png inkscape/clear_acrylic.svg inkscape/green_acrylic.png inkscape/green_acrylic.svg paypal/BASE.paylist paypal/basic_acrylic_clear.paylist paypal/basic_acrylic_green.paylist paypal/big_acrylic_clear.paylist paypal/big_acrylic_green.paylist paypal/classic_acrylic_clear.paylist paypal/classic_acrylic_green.paylist paypal/lines_acrylic_clear.paylist paypal/lines_acrylic_green.paylist paypal/ sexy.css
diffstat 20 files changed, 931 insertions(+), 109 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
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     1.2 +++ b/buy.html	Fri Jan 01 17:44:10 2010 -0500
     1.3 @@ -24,8 +24,7 @@
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    1.12  </div>
     2.1 --- a/	Fri Jan 01 01:19:49 2010 -0500
     2.2 +++ b/	Fri Jan 01 17:44:10 2010 -0500
     2.3 @@ -87,12 +87,12 @@
     2.4  $materialcolor = $1;
     2.7 -$r = "Templates:<br>
     2.8 +$r = "<div id = \"i_templates\">Templates:<br>
     2.9     <input TYPE=\"image\" src = \"./templates/thumbnails/classic_$materialcolor.jpg\"  onmouseover=\"pokedex([\'args__classic\'],[\'pokedex\']);\"	onclick=\"display([\'template1\'], [\'display\']); inputbox([\'template1\'], [\'inputbox\']);material([\'template1\'], [\'materials\']);\" ID=\"template1\" NAME=\"template1\" VALUE=\"classic_$materialcolor\"    >
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    2.13 - 
    2.14 +	</div>
    2.16  ";
    2.18 @@ -180,8 +180,8 @@
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    2.20  $b = &template("classic_acrylic_clear");
    2.22 -#$a =~ s/PERL-REPLACE::TEMPLATES//; 
    2.23 -$a =~ s/PERL-REPLACE::TEMPLATES/$b/; #comment out one or the other!
    2.24 +$a =~ s/PERL-REPLACE::TEMPLATES//; 
    2.25 +#$a =~ s/PERL-REPLACE::TEMPLATES/$b/; #comment out one or the other!
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     3.2 +++ b/buy_pieces/materials2.html	Fri Jan 01 17:44:10 2010 -0500
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     3.6 -		
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    3.13 -		
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    3.21 +		</div>
    3.23 +		
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   10.10 @@ -118,3 +118,4 @@
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   11.19 @@ -79,7 +79,7 @@
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   11.21  <!--   -->
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   11.24 +<h1>Clarity LaserKard<br> &mdash; Basic Style</h1>
   11.28 @@ -91,17 +91,17 @@
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   11.44 -	3 cards -- $15
   11.45 +	3 cards &mdash; $20
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   11.49 @@ -158,3 +158,4 @@
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   12.10 +<!-- These two changes allow better functionality with IE and Firefox --> 
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   12.26 +
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   12.30 +<!--   -->
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   12.74 +
   12.75 +<!--   
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   12.78 +  <option value="Please Choose" selected>Please Choose</option>
   12.79 +  <option value="Small @25.00">Small - $25.00</option>
   12.80 +  <option value="Medium @30.00">Medium - $30.00</option>
   12.81 +  <option value="Large @35.00">Large - $35.00</option>
   12.82 +  </select>
   12.83 +<!--   -->
   12.84 +<br>
   12.85 +<h1>Vitality LaserKard<br> &mdash; Basic Style</h1>
   12.86 +
   12.87 +
   12.88 +
   12.89 +<!-- Start of Options  -->
   12.90 +
   12.91 +    
   12.92 +    <input type="radio" name = "whatev"
   12.93 +
   12.94 +	value="40 cards @135.00"   "CHECKED"
   12.95 +	onclick = "ReadForm (this.form, false);"
   12.96 +	onload = "ReadForm (this.form, false);" >
   12.97 +	40 cards &mdash; $135
   12.98 +	
   12.99 +	<br>
  12.100 +	
  12.101 +    
  12.102 +    <input type="radio" name = "whatev"
  12.103 +
  12.104 +	value="3 cards @20.00"   
  12.105 +	onclick = "ReadForm (this.form, false);"
  12.106 +	onload = "ReadForm (this.form, false);" >
  12.107 +	3 cards &mdash; $20
  12.108 +	
  12.109 +	<br>
  12.110 +	
  12.111 +
  12.112 +<!--
  12.113 +<input type     = "checkbox"
  12.114 +       onclick  = "ReadForm (this.form, false);" 
  12.115 +       value    = "30 cards @120.00" checked>
  12.116 +30 LaserKards -- $120
  12.117 + &nbsp;
  12.118 + 
  12.119 +-->
  12.120 +
  12.121 + &nbsp;
  12.122 +<!-- End of Options  -->
  12.123 +
  12.124 +<!-- Start of Text Input Fields -->
  12.125 +<br>
  12.126 +Line 1:&nbsp;&nbsp;
  12.127 +<input type="text" id="Line 1" name="line_1b" size="20" value = "James Bond" ONFOCUS="clearDefault(this)">
  12.128 +<!--   -->
  12.129 +<br>
  12.130 +<br>
  12.131 +Line 2:&nbsp;&nbsp;
  12.132 +<input type="text" id="Line 2" name="line_2b" size="20" value = "MI6" ONFOCUS="clearDefault(this)">
  12.133 +<!--   -->
  12.134 +<br>
  12.135 +<br>
  12.136 +Line 3:&nbsp;&nbsp;
  12.137 +<input type="text" id="Line 3" name="line_3b" size="20" value = "Secret Agent" ONFOCUS="clearDefault(this)">
  12.138 +<!--   -->
  12.139 +<br>
  12.140 +<br>
  12.141 +Line 4:&nbsp;&nbsp;
  12.142 +<input type="text" id="Line 4" name="line_4b" size="20" value = "" ONFOCUS="clearDefault(this)">
  12.143 +<!--   -->
  12.144 +<br>
  12.145 +
  12.146 +<!--   -->
  12.147 +
  12.148 +<!-- End of Text Input Fields -->
  12.149 +
  12.150 +
  12.151 +<br>
  12.152 +Total Cost:&nbsp; &nbsp;
  12.153 +<input class="nbor" type="text" name="tot" size="8" value="$135.00">
  12.154 +
  12.155 +<br><br>
  12.156 +
  12.157 +
  12.158 +
  12.159 +<input type="image" src="" name="submit" alt="cart add">
  12.160 +</form>
  12.161 +<!-- End of Form -->
  12.162 +       
  12.163 +
  12.164 +</div>
    13.1 --- a/paypal/big_acrylic_clear.paylist	Fri Jan 01 01:19:49 2010 -0500
    13.2 +++ b/paypal/big_acrylic_clear.paylist	Fri Jan 01 17:44:10 2010 -0500
    13.3 @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
    13.5 -
    13.6 +<div id = "i_inputbox">
    13.8  <!-- Start of Form -->
    13.9  <!-- Note: target="paypal" was replaced with the variable target="_self" -->
   13.10 @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
   13.12  <!--   -->
   13.13  <input type="hidden" name="baseamt" value="00">
   13.14 -<input type="hidden" name="basedes" value="Clarity LaserKard --- BIG Style">
   13.15 +<input type="hidden" name="basedes" value="Clarity LaserKard <br>&mdash;BIG Style">
   13.16  <!--   -->
   13.17  <input type="hidden" name="baseon0" value = "Line 1">
   13.18  <input type="hidden" name="baseos0">
   13.19 @@ -79,7 +79,7 @@
   13.20    </select>
   13.21  <!--   -->
   13.22  <br>
   13.23 -<h1>Clarity LaserKard --- BIG Style</h1>
   13.24 +<h1>Clarity LaserKard <br>&mdash;BIG Style</h1>
   13.28 @@ -91,17 +91,17 @@
   13.29  	value="40 cards @125.00"   "CHECKED"
   13.30  	onclick = "ReadForm (this.form, false);"
   13.31  	onload = "ReadForm (this.form, false);" >
   13.32 -	40 cards -- $125
   13.33 +	40 cards &mdash; $125
   13.35  	<br>
   13.38      <input type="radio" name = "whatev"
   13.40 -	value="3 cards @15.00"   
   13.41 +	value="3 cards @20.00"   
   13.42  	onclick = "ReadForm (this.form, false);"
   13.43  	onload = "ReadForm (this.form, false);" >
   13.44 -	3 cards -- $15
   13.45 +	3 cards &mdash; $20
   13.47  	<br>
   13.49 @@ -152,3 +152,4 @@
   13.50  <!-- End of Form -->
   13.53 +</div>
    14.1 --- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
    14.2 +++ b/paypal/big_acrylic_green.paylist	Fri Jan 01 17:44:10 2010 -0500
    14.3 @@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
    14.4 +
    14.5 +<div id = "i_inputbox">
    14.6 +
    14.7 +<!-- Start of Form -->
    14.8 +<!-- Note: target="paypal" was replaced with the variable target="_self" -->
    14.9 +<!-- Note: shopping_url also added to code -->
   14.10 +<!-- These two changes allow better functionality with IE and Firefox --> 
   14.11 +<form action="" method="post" onsubmit=" = '_self'; return ReadForm(this, true);">
   14.12 +<input type="hidden" name="add" value="1">
   14.13 +<input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_cart">
   14.14 +<!--your email address goes here -->
   14.15 +<input type="hidden" name="business" value="">
   14.16 +<input type="hidden" name="item_name">
   14.17 +<input type="hidden" name="item_number" "WFB-1001">
   14.18 +<input type="hidden" name="amount">
   14.19 +<input type="hidden" name="currency_code" value="USD">
   14.20 +<input type="hidden" name="lc" value="US">
   14.21 +<input type="hidden" name="shopping_url" value="">
   14.22 +<input type="hidden" name="cancel_return" value="">
   14.23 +<input type="hidden" name="return" value="">
   14.24 +<input type="hidden" name="bn" value="PP-ShopCartBF:btn_cart_LG.gif:NonHosted">
   14.25 +
   14.26 +
   14.27 +<!--   -->
   14.28 +<input type="hidden" name="baseamt" value="00">
   14.29 +<input type="hidden" name="basedes" value="Vitality LaserKard <br>&mdash;BIG Style">
   14.30 +<!--   -->
   14.31 +<input type="hidden" name="baseon0" value = "Line 1">
   14.32 +<input type="hidden" name="baseos0">
   14.33 +<input type="hidden" name="baseon1" value = "Line 2">
   14.34 +<input type="hidden" name="baseos1">
   14.35 +<input type="hidden" name="baseon2" >
   14.36 +<input type="hidden" name="baseos2">
   14.37 +<input type="hidden" name="baseon3" >
   14.38 +<input type="hidden" name="baseos3">
   14.39 +<input type="hidden" name="baseon4" >
   14.40 +<input type="hidden" name="baseos4">
   14.41 +<input type="hidden" name="baseon5" >
   14.42 +<input type="hidden" name="baseos5">
   14.43 +<input type="hidden" name="baseon6" >
   14.44 +<input type="hidden" name="baseos6">
   14.45 +<input type="hidden" name="baseon7" >
   14.46 +<input type="hidden" name="baseos7">
   14.47 +<input type="hidden" name="baseon8" >
   14.48 +<input type="hidden" name="baseos8">
   14.49 +<input type="hidden" name="baseon9" >
   14.50 +<input type="hidden" name="baseos9">
   14.51 +<input type="hidden" name="baseitn">
   14.52 +<!--   -->
   14.53 +<input type="hidden" name="on0">
   14.54 +<input type="hidden" name="os0">
   14.55 +<input type="hidden" name="on1">
   14.56 +<input type="hidden" name="os1">
   14.57 +<input type="hidden" name="on2">
   14.58 +<input type="hidden" name="os2">
   14.59 +<input type="hidden" name="on3">
   14.60 +<input type="hidden" name="os3">
   14.61 +<input type="hidden" name="on4">
   14.62 +<input type="hidden" name="os4">
   14.63 +<input type="hidden" name="on5">
   14.64 +<input type="hidden" name="os5">
   14.65 +<input type="hidden" name="on6">
   14.66 +<input type="hidden" name="os6">
   14.67 +<input type="hidden" name="on7">
   14.68 +<input type="hidden" name="os7">
   14.69 +<input type="hidden" name="on8">
   14.70 +<input type="hidden" name="os8">
   14.71 +<input type="hidden" name="on9">
   14.72 +<input type="hidden" name="os9">
   14.73 +<!--   -->
   14.74 +
   14.75 +<!--   
   14.76 +Select Size:&nbsp;&nbsp;
   14.77 +<select name="Size" onchange="ReadForm (this.form, false);">
   14.78 +  <option value="Please Choose" selected>Please Choose</option>
   14.79 +  <option value="Small @25.00">Small - $25.00</option>
   14.80 +  <option value="Medium @30.00">Medium - $30.00</option>
   14.81 +  <option value="Large @35.00">Large - $35.00</option>
   14.82 +  </select>
   14.83 +<!--   -->
   14.84 +<br>
   14.85 +<h1>Vitality LaserKard <br>&mdash;BIG Style</h1>
   14.86 +
   14.87 +
   14.88 +
   14.89 +<!-- Start of Options  -->
   14.90 +
   14.91 +    
   14.92 +    <input type="radio" name = "whatev"
   14.93 +
   14.94 +	value="40 cards @135.00"   "CHECKED"
   14.95 +	onclick = "ReadForm (this.form, false);"
   14.96 +	onload = "ReadForm (this.form, false);" >
   14.97 +	40 cards &mdash; $135
   14.98 +	
   14.99 +	<br>
  14.100 +	
  14.101 +    
  14.102 +    <input type="radio" name = "whatev"
  14.103 +
  14.104 +	value="3 cards @20.00"   
  14.105 +	onclick = "ReadForm (this.form, false);"
  14.106 +	onload = "ReadForm (this.form, false);" >
  14.107 +	3 cards &mdash; $20
  14.108 +	
  14.109 +	<br>
  14.110 +	
  14.111 +
  14.112 +<!--
  14.113 +<input type     = "checkbox"
  14.114 +       onclick  = "ReadForm (this.form, false);" 
  14.115 +       value    = "30 cards @120.00" checked>
  14.116 +30 LaserKards -- $120
  14.117 + &nbsp;
  14.118 + 
  14.119 +-->
  14.120 +
  14.121 + &nbsp;
  14.122 +<!-- End of Options  -->
  14.123 +
  14.124 +<!-- Start of Text Input Fields -->
  14.125 +<br>
  14.126 +Line 1:&nbsp;&nbsp;
  14.127 +<input type="text" id="Line 1" name="line_1b" size="20" value = "James Bond" ONFOCUS="clearDefault(this)">
  14.128 +<!--   -->
  14.129 +<br>
  14.130 +<br>
  14.131 +Line 2:&nbsp;&nbsp;
  14.132 +<input type="text" id="Line 2" name="line_2b" size="20" value = "" ONFOCUS="clearDefault(this)">
  14.133 +<!--   -->
  14.134 +<br>
  14.135 +
  14.136 +<!--   -->
  14.137 +
  14.138 +<!-- End of Text Input Fields -->
  14.139 +
  14.140 +<br>
  14.141 +<input type     = "checkbox"       onclick  = "ReadForm (this.form, false);"        value    = "( +0.01 ^__^ )">
  14.142 +Add a penny! ^__^
  14.143 +<br>
  14.144 +
  14.145 +<br>
  14.146 +Total Cost:&nbsp; &nbsp;
  14.147 +<input class="nbor" type="text" name="tot" size="8" value="$135.00">
  14.148 +
  14.149 +<br><br>
  14.150 +
  14.151 +
  14.152 +
  14.153 +<input type="image" src="" name="submit" alt="cart add">
  14.154 +</form>
  14.155 +<!-- End of Form -->
  14.156 +       
  14.157 +
  14.158 +</div>
    15.1 --- a/paypal/classic_acrylic_clear.paylist	Fri Jan 01 01:19:49 2010 -0500
    15.2 +++ b/paypal/classic_acrylic_clear.paylist	Fri Jan 01 17:44:10 2010 -0500
    15.3 @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
    15.5 -
    15.6 +<div id = "i_inputbox">
    15.8  <!-- Start of Form -->
    15.9  <!-- Note: target="paypal" was replaced with the variable target="_self" -->
   15.10 @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
   15.12  <!--   -->
   15.13  <input type="hidden" name="baseamt" value="00">
   15.14 -<input type="hidden" name="basedes" value="Clarity LaserKard --- Classic Style">
   15.15 +<input type="hidden" name="basedes" value="Clarity LaserKard <br>&mdash; Classic Style">
   15.16  <!--   -->
   15.17  <input type="hidden" name="baseon0" value = "Line 1">
   15.18  <input type="hidden" name="baseos0">
   15.19 @@ -79,7 +79,7 @@
   15.20    </select>
   15.21  <!--   -->
   15.22  <br>
   15.23 -<h1>Clarity LaserKard --- Classic Style</h1>
   15.24 +<h1>Clarity LaserKard <br>&mdash; Classic Style</h1>
   15.28 @@ -91,17 +91,17 @@
   15.29  	value="40 cards @125.00"   "CHECKED"
   15.30  	onclick = "ReadForm (this.form, false);"
   15.31  	onload = "ReadForm (this.form, false);" >
   15.32 -	40 cards -- $125
   15.33 +	40 cards &mdash; $125
   15.35  	<br>
   15.38      <input type="radio" name = "whatev"
   15.40 -	value="3 cards @15.00"   
   15.41 +	value="3 cards @20.00"   
   15.42  	onclick = "ReadForm (this.form, false);"
   15.43  	onload = "ReadForm (this.form, false);" >
   15.44 -	3 cards -- $15
   15.45 +	3 cards &mdash; $20
   15.47  	<br>
   15.49 @@ -168,3 +168,4 @@
   15.50  <!-- End of Form -->
   15.53 +</div>
    16.1 --- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
    16.2 +++ b/paypal/classic_acrylic_green.paylist	Fri Jan 01 17:44:10 2010 -0500
    16.3 @@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
    16.4 +
    16.5 +<div id = "i_inputbox">
    16.6 +
    16.7 +<!-- Start of Form -->
    16.8 +<!-- Note: target="paypal" was replaced with the variable target="_self" -->
    16.9 +<!-- Note: shopping_url also added to code -->
   16.10 +<!-- These two changes allow better functionality with IE and Firefox --> 
   16.11 +<form action="" method="post" onsubmit=" = '_self'; return ReadForm(this, true);">
   16.12 +<input type="hidden" name="add" value="1">
   16.13 +<input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_cart">
   16.14 +<!--your email address goes here -->
   16.15 +<input type="hidden" name="business" value="">
   16.16 +<input type="hidden" name="item_name">
   16.17 +<input type="hidden" name="item_number" "WFB-1001">
   16.18 +<input type="hidden" name="amount">
   16.19 +<input type="hidden" name="currency_code" value="USD">
   16.20 +<input type="hidden" name="lc" value="US">
   16.21 +<input type="hidden" name="shopping_url" value="">
   16.22 +<input type="hidden" name="cancel_return" value="">
   16.23 +<input type="hidden" name="return" value="">
   16.24 +<input type="hidden" name="bn" value="PP-ShopCartBF:btn_cart_LG.gif:NonHosted">
   16.25 +
   16.26 +
   16.27 +<!--   -->
   16.28 +<input type="hidden" name="baseamt" value="00">
   16.29 +<input type="hidden" name="basedes" value="Vitality LaserKard <br>&mdash; Classic Style">
   16.30 +<!--   -->
   16.31 +<input type="hidden" name="baseon0" value = "Line 1">
   16.32 +<input type="hidden" name="baseos0">
   16.33 +<input type="hidden" name="baseon1" value = "Line 2">
   16.34 +<input type="hidden" name="baseos1">
   16.35 +<input type="hidden" name="baseon2" value = "Line 3">
   16.36 +<input type="hidden" name="baseos2">
   16.37 +<input type="hidden" name="baseon3" value = "Line 4">
   16.38 +<input type="hidden" name="baseos3">
   16.39 +<input type="hidden" name="baseon4" value = "Line 5">
   16.40 +<input type="hidden" name="baseos4">
   16.41 +<input type="hidden" name="baseon5" value = "Side">
   16.42 +<input type="hidden" name="baseos5">
   16.43 +<input type="hidden" name="baseon6" >
   16.44 +<input type="hidden" name="baseos6">
   16.45 +<input type="hidden" name="baseon7" >
   16.46 +<input type="hidden" name="baseos7">
   16.47 +<input type="hidden" name="baseon8" >
   16.48 +<input type="hidden" name="baseos8">
   16.49 +<input type="hidden" name="baseon9" >
   16.50 +<input type="hidden" name="baseos9">
   16.51 +<input type="hidden" name="baseitn">
   16.52 +<!--   -->
   16.53 +<input type="hidden" name="on0">
   16.54 +<input type="hidden" name="os0">
   16.55 +<input type="hidden" name="on1">
   16.56 +<input type="hidden" name="os1">
   16.57 +<input type="hidden" name="on2">
   16.58 +<input type="hidden" name="os2">
   16.59 +<input type="hidden" name="on3">
   16.60 +<input type="hidden" name="os3">
   16.61 +<input type="hidden" name="on4">
   16.62 +<input type="hidden" name="os4">
   16.63 +<input type="hidden" name="on5">
   16.64 +<input type="hidden" name="os5">
   16.65 +<input type="hidden" name="on6">
   16.66 +<input type="hidden" name="os6">
   16.67 +<input type="hidden" name="on7">
   16.68 +<input type="hidden" name="os7">
   16.69 +<input type="hidden" name="on8">
   16.70 +<input type="hidden" name="os8">
   16.71 +<input type="hidden" name="on9">
   16.72 +<input type="hidden" name="os9">
   16.73 +<!--   -->
   16.74 +
   16.75 +<!--   
   16.76 +Select Size:&nbsp;&nbsp;
   16.77 +<select name="Size" onchange="ReadForm (this.form, false);">
   16.78 +  <option value="Please Choose" selected>Please Choose</option>
   16.79 +  <option value="Small @25.00">Small - $25.00</option>
   16.80 +  <option value="Medium @30.00">Medium - $30.00</option>
   16.81 +  <option value="Large @35.00">Large - $35.00</option>
   16.82 +  </select>
   16.83 +<!--   -->
   16.84 +<br>
   16.85 +<h1>Vitality LaserKard <br>&mdash; Classic Style</h1>
   16.86 +
   16.87 +
   16.88 +
   16.89 +<!-- Start of Options  -->
   16.90 +
   16.91 +    
   16.92 +    <input type="radio" name = "whatev"
   16.93 +
   16.94 +	value="40 cards @135.00"   "CHECKED"
   16.95 +	onclick = "ReadForm (this.form, false);"
   16.96 +	onload = "ReadForm (this.form, false);" >
   16.97 +	40 cards &mdash; $135
   16.98 +	
   16.99 +	<br>
  16.100 +	
  16.101 +    
  16.102 +    <input type="radio" name = "whatev"
  16.103 +
  16.104 +	value="3 cards @20.00"   
  16.105 +	onclick = "ReadForm (this.form, false);"
  16.106 +	onload = "ReadForm (this.form, false);" >
  16.107 +	3 cards &mdash; $20
  16.108 +	
  16.109 +	<br>
  16.110 +	
  16.111 +
  16.112 +<!--
  16.113 +<input type     = "checkbox"
  16.114 +       onclick  = "ReadForm (this.form, false);" 
  16.115 +       value    = "30 cards @120.00" checked>
  16.116 +30 LaserKards -- $120
  16.117 + &nbsp;
  16.118 + 
  16.119 +-->
  16.120 +
  16.121 + &nbsp;
  16.122 +<!-- End of Options  -->
  16.123 +
  16.124 +<!-- Start of Text Input Fields -->
  16.125 +<br>
  16.126 +Line 1:&nbsp;&nbsp;
  16.127 +<input type="text" id="Line 1" name="line_1b" size="20" value = "" ONFOCUS="clearDefault(this)">
  16.128 +<!--   -->
  16.129 +<br>
  16.130 +<br>
  16.131 +Line 2:&nbsp;&nbsp;
  16.132 +<input type="text" id="Line 2" name="line_2b" size="20" value = "123.456.7890" ONFOCUS="clearDefault(this)">
  16.133 +<!--   -->
  16.134 +<br>
  16.135 +<br>
  16.136 +Line 3:&nbsp;&nbsp;
  16.137 +<input type="text" id="Line 3" name="line_3b" size="20" value = "James Bond" ONFOCUS="clearDefault(this)">
  16.138 +<!--   -->
  16.139 +<br>
  16.140 +<br>
  16.141 +Line 4:&nbsp;&nbsp;
  16.142 +<input type="text" id="Line 4" name="line_4b" size="20" value = "MI6" ONFOCUS="clearDefault(this)">
  16.143 +<!--   -->
  16.144 +<br>
  16.145 +<br>
  16.146 +Line 5:&nbsp;&nbsp;
  16.147 +<input type="text" id="Line 5" name="line_5b" size="20" value = "Secret Agent" ONFOCUS="clearDefault(this)">
  16.148 +<!--   -->
  16.149 +<br>
  16.150 +<br>
  16.151 +Side:&nbsp;&nbsp;
  16.152 +<input type="text" id="Side" name="line_6b" size="20" value = "" ONFOCUS="clearDefault(this)">
  16.153 +<!--   -->
  16.154 +<br>
  16.155 +
  16.156 +<!--   -->
  16.157 +
  16.158 +<!-- End of Text Input Fields -->
  16.159 +
  16.160 +
  16.161 +<br>
  16.162 +Total Cost:&nbsp; &nbsp;
  16.163 +<input class="nbor" type="text" name="tot" size="8" value="$135.00">
  16.164 +
  16.165 +<br><br>
  16.166 +
  16.167 +
  16.168 +
  16.169 +<input type="image" src="" name="submit" alt="cart add">
  16.170 +</form>
  16.171 +<!-- End of Form -->
  16.172 +       
  16.173 +
  16.174 +</div>
    17.1 --- a/paypal/lines_acrylic_clear.paylist	Fri Jan 01 01:19:49 2010 -0500
    17.2 +++ b/paypal/lines_acrylic_clear.paylist	Fri Jan 01 17:44:10 2010 -0500
    17.3 @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
    17.5 -
    17.6 +<div id = "i_inputbox">
    17.8  <!-- Start of Form -->
    17.9  <!-- Note: target="paypal" was replaced with the variable target="_self" -->
   17.10 @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
   17.12  <!--   -->
   17.13  <input type="hidden" name="baseamt" value="00">
   17.14 -<input type="hidden" name="basedes" value="Clarity LaserKard --- Lines Style">
   17.15 +<input type="hidden" name="basedes" value="Clarity LaserKard <br>&mdash; Lines Style">
   17.16  <!--   -->
   17.17  <input type="hidden" name="baseon0" value = "Line 1">
   17.18  <input type="hidden" name="baseos0">
   17.19 @@ -79,7 +79,7 @@
   17.20    </select>
   17.21  <!--   -->
   17.22  <br>
   17.23 -<h1>Clarity LaserKard --- Lines Style</h1>
   17.24 +<h1>Clarity LaserKard <br>&mdash; Lines Style</h1>
   17.28 @@ -91,17 +91,17 @@
   17.29  	value="40 cards @125.00"   "CHECKED"
   17.30  	onclick = "ReadForm (this.form, false);"
   17.31  	onload = "ReadForm (this.form, false);" >
   17.32 -	40 cards -- $125
   17.33 +	40 cards &mdash; $125
   17.35  	<br>
   17.38      <input type="radio" name = "whatev"
   17.40 -	value="3 cards @15.00"   
   17.41 +	value="3 cards @20.00"   
   17.42  	onclick = "ReadForm (this.form, false);"
   17.43  	onload = "ReadForm (this.form, false);" >
   17.44 -	3 cards -- $15
   17.45 +	3 cards &mdash; $20
   17.47  	<br>
   17.49 @@ -168,3 +168,4 @@
   17.50  <!-- End of Form -->
   17.53 +</div>
    18.1 --- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
    18.2 +++ b/paypal/lines_acrylic_green.paylist	Fri Jan 01 17:44:10 2010 -0500
    18.3 @@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
    18.4 +
    18.5 +<div id = "i_inputbox">
    18.6 +
    18.7 +<!-- Start of Form -->
    18.8 +<!-- Note: target="paypal" was replaced with the variable target="_self" -->
    18.9 +<!-- Note: shopping_url also added to code -->
   18.10 +<!-- These two changes allow better functionality with IE and Firefox --> 
   18.11 +<form action="" method="post" onsubmit=" = '_self'; return ReadForm(this, true);">
   18.12 +<input type="hidden" name="add" value="1">
   18.13 +<input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_cart">
   18.14 +<!--your email address goes here -->
   18.15 +<input type="hidden" name="business" value="">
   18.16 +<input type="hidden" name="item_name">
   18.17 +<input type="hidden" name="item_number" "WFB-1001">
   18.18 +<input type="hidden" name="amount">
   18.19 +<input type="hidden" name="currency_code" value="USD">
   18.20 +<input type="hidden" name="lc" value="US">
   18.21 +<input type="hidden" name="shopping_url" value="">
   18.22 +<input type="hidden" name="cancel_return" value="">
   18.23 +<input type="hidden" name="return" value="">
   18.24 +<input type="hidden" name="bn" value="PP-ShopCartBF:btn_cart_LG.gif:NonHosted">
   18.25 +
   18.26 +
   18.27 +<!--   -->
   18.28 +<input type="hidden" name="baseamt" value="00">
   18.29 +<input type="hidden" name="basedes" value="Vitality LaserKard <br>&mdash; Lines Style">
   18.30 +<!--   -->
   18.31 +<input type="hidden" name="baseon0" value = "Line 1">
   18.32 +<input type="hidden" name="baseos0">
   18.33 +<input type="hidden" name="baseon1" value = "Line 2">
   18.34 +<input type="hidden" name="baseos1">
   18.35 +<input type="hidden" name="baseon2" value = "Line 3">
   18.36 +<input type="hidden" name="baseos2">
   18.37 +<input type="hidden" name="baseon3" value = "Line 4">
   18.38 +<input type="hidden" name="baseos3">
   18.39 +<input type="hidden" name="baseon4" value = "Line 5">
   18.40 +<input type="hidden" name="baseos4">
   18.41 +<input type="hidden" name="baseon5" value = "Line 6">
   18.42 +<input type="hidden" name="baseos5">
   18.43 +<input type="hidden" name="baseon6" >
   18.44 +<input type="hidden" name="baseos6">
   18.45 +<input type="hidden" name="baseon7" >
   18.46 +<input type="hidden" name="baseos7">
   18.47 +<input type="hidden" name="baseon8" >
   18.48 +<input type="hidden" name="baseos8">
   18.49 +<input type="hidden" name="baseon9" >
   18.50 +<input type="hidden" name="baseos9">
   18.51 +<input type="hidden" name="baseitn">
   18.52 +<!--   -->
   18.53 +<input type="hidden" name="on0">
   18.54 +<input type="hidden" name="os0">
   18.55 +<input type="hidden" name="on1">
   18.56 +<input type="hidden" name="os1">
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   18.58 +<input type="hidden" name="os2">
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   18.60 +<input type="hidden" name="os3">
   18.61 +<input type="hidden" name="on4">
   18.62 +<input type="hidden" name="os4">
   18.63 +<input type="hidden" name="on5">
   18.64 +<input type="hidden" name="os5">
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   18.66 +<input type="hidden" name="os6">
   18.67 +<input type="hidden" name="on7">
   18.68 +<input type="hidden" name="os7">
   18.69 +<input type="hidden" name="on8">
   18.70 +<input type="hidden" name="os8">
   18.71 +<input type="hidden" name="on9">
   18.72 +<input type="hidden" name="os9">
   18.73 +<!--   -->
   18.74 +
   18.75 +<!--   
   18.76 +Select Size:&nbsp;&nbsp;
   18.77 +<select name="Size" onchange="ReadForm (this.form, false);">
   18.78 +  <option value="Please Choose" selected>Please Choose</option>
   18.79 +  <option value="Small @25.00">Small - $25.00</option>
   18.80 +  <option value="Medium @30.00">Medium - $30.00</option>
   18.81 +  <option value="Large @35.00">Large - $35.00</option>
   18.82 +  </select>
   18.83 +<!--   -->
   18.84 +<br>
   18.85 +<h1>Vitality LaserKard <br>&mdash; Lines Style</h1>
   18.86 +
   18.87 +
   18.88 +
   18.89 +<!-- Start of Options  -->
   18.90 +
   18.91 +    
   18.92 +    <input type="radio" name = "whatev"
   18.93 +
   18.94 +	value="40 cards @135.00"   "CHECKED"
   18.95 +	onclick = "ReadForm (this.form, false);"
   18.96 +	onload = "ReadForm (this.form, false);" >
   18.97 +	40 cards &mdash; $135
   18.98 +	
   18.99 +	<br>
  18.100 +	
  18.101 +    
  18.102 +    <input type="radio" name = "whatev"
  18.103 +
  18.104 +	value="3 cards @20.00"   
  18.105 +	onclick = "ReadForm (this.form, false);"
  18.106 +	onload = "ReadForm (this.form, false);" >
  18.107 +	3 cards &mdash; $20
  18.108 +	
  18.109 +	<br>
  18.110 +	
  18.111 +
  18.112 +<!--
  18.113 +<input type     = "checkbox"
  18.114 +       onclick  = "ReadForm (this.form, false);" 
  18.115 +       value    = "30 cards @120.00" checked>
  18.116 +30 LaserKards -- $120
  18.117 + &nbsp;
  18.118 + 
  18.119 +-->
  18.120 +
  18.121 + &nbsp;
  18.122 +<!-- End of Options  -->
  18.123 +
  18.124 +<!-- Start of Text Input Fields -->
  18.125 +<br>
  18.126 +Line 1:&nbsp;&nbsp;
  18.127 +<input type="text" id="Line 1" name="line_1b" size="20" value = "James Bond" ONFOCUS="clearDefault(this)">
  18.128 +<!--   -->
  18.129 +<br>
  18.130 +<br>
  18.131 +Line 2:&nbsp;&nbsp;
  18.132 +<input type="text" id="Line 2" name="line_2b" size="20" value = "Secret Agent" ONFOCUS="clearDefault(this)">
  18.133 +<!--   -->
  18.134 +<br>
  18.135 +<br>
  18.136 +Line 3:&nbsp;&nbsp;
  18.137 +<input type="text" id="Line 3" name="line_3b" size="20" value = "MI6" ONFOCUS="clearDefault(this)">
  18.138 +<!--   -->
  18.139 +<br>
  18.140 +<br>
  18.141 +Line 4:&nbsp;&nbsp;
  18.142 +<input type="text" id="Line 4" name="line_4b" size="20" value = "123.456.7890" ONFOCUS="clearDefault(this)">
  18.143 +<!--   -->
  18.144 +<br>
  18.145 +<br>
  18.146 +Line 5:&nbsp;&nbsp;
  18.147 +<input type="text" id="Line 5" name="line_5b" size="20" value = "" ONFOCUS="clearDefault(this)">
  18.148 +<!--   -->
  18.149 +<br>
  18.150 +<br>
  18.151 +Line 6:&nbsp;&nbsp;
  18.152 +<input type="text" id="Line 6" name="line_6b" size="20" value = "" ONFOCUS="clearDefault(this)">
  18.153 +<!--   -->
  18.154 +<br>
  18.155 +
  18.156 +<!--   -->
  18.157 +
  18.158 +<!-- End of Text Input Fields -->
  18.159 +
  18.160 +
  18.161 +<br>
  18.162 +Total Cost:&nbsp; &nbsp;
  18.163 +<input class="nbor" type="text" name="tot" size="8" value="$135.00">
  18.164 +
  18.165 +<br><br>
  18.166 +
  18.167 +
  18.168 +
  18.169 +<input type="image" src="" name="submit" alt="cart add">
  18.170 +</form>
  18.171 +<!-- End of Form -->
  18.172 +       
  18.173 +
  18.174 +</div>
    19.1 --- a/paypal/	Fri Jan 01 01:19:49 2010 -0500
    19.2 +++ b/paypal/	Fri Jan 01 17:44:10 2010 -0500
    19.3 @@ -3,14 +3,14 @@
    19.4  {#classic_acrylic_clear
    19.5  &paylist
    19.6  (
    19.7 -TITLE  => "Clarity LaserKard --- Classic Style",
    19.8 +TITLE  => "Clarity LaserKard <br>&mdash; Classic Style",
    19.9  NAME   => 'classic_acrylic_clear', 
   19.11  FIELDS      => ["Line 1", "Line 2","Line 3","Line 4","Line 5","Side"],
   19.12  DEFAULTS      => ['','123.456.7890','James Bond','MI6','Secret Agent',''],
   19.14 -COSTS_NAMES   => ['40 cards -- $125', '3 cards -- $15'],
   19.15 -COSTS_CODE    => ['40 cards @125.00', '3 cards @15.00'],
   19.16 +COSTS_NAMES   => ['40 cards &mdash; $125', '3 cards &mdash; $20'],
   19.17 +COSTS_CODE    => ['40 cards @125.00', '3 cards @20.00'],
   19.18  INITIAL_PRICE => '$125.00',
   19.20  ADD_PENNY       => 0,
   19.21 @@ -21,14 +21,14 @@
   19.22  {#big_acrylic_clear
   19.23  &paylist
   19.24  (
   19.25 -TITLE  => "Clarity LaserKard --- BIG Style",
   19.26 +TITLE  => "Clarity LaserKard <br>&mdash;BIG Style",
   19.27  NAME   => 'big_acrylic_clear', 
   19.29  FIELDS      => ["Line 1", "Line 2"],
   19.30  DEFAULTS      => ['James Bond',''],
   19.32 -COSTS_NAMES   => ['40 cards -- $125', '3 cards -- $15'],
   19.33 -COSTS_CODE    => ['40 cards @125.00', '3 cards @15.00'],
   19.34 +COSTS_NAMES   => ['40 cards &mdash; $125', '3 cards &mdash; $20'],
   19.35 +COSTS_CODE    => ['40 cards @125.00', '3 cards @20.00'],
   19.36  INITIAL_PRICE => '$125.00',
   19.38  ADD_PENNY       => 1,
   19.39 @@ -38,14 +38,14 @@
   19.40  {#basic_acrylic_clear
   19.41  &paylist
   19.42  (
   19.43 -TITLE  => "Clarity LaserKard --- Basic Style",
   19.44 +TITLE  => "Clarity LaserKard<br> &mdash; Basic Style",
   19.45  NAME   => 'basic_acrylic_clear', 
   19.47  FIELDS      => ["Line 1", "Line 2","Line 3","Line 4"],
   19.48  DEFAULTS      => ['James Bond','MI6','Secret Agent',''],
   19.50 -COSTS_NAMES   => ['40 cards -- $125', '3 cards -- $15'],
   19.51 -COSTS_CODE    => ['40 cards @125.00', '3 cards @15.00'],
   19.52 +COSTS_NAMES   => ['40 cards &mdash; $125', '3 cards &mdash; $20'],
   19.53 +COSTS_CODE    => ['40 cards @125.00', '3 cards @20.00'],
   19.54  INITIAL_PRICE => '$125.00',
   19.56  ADD_PENNY       => 0,
   19.57 @@ -55,16 +55,89 @@
   19.58  {#lines_acrylic_clear
   19.59  &paylist
   19.60  (
   19.61 -TITLE  => "Clarity LaserKard --- Lines Style",
   19.62 +TITLE  => "Clarity LaserKard <br>&mdash; Lines Style",
   19.63  NAME   => 'lines_acrylic_clear', 
   19.65  FIELDS      => ["Line 1", "Line 2","Line 3","Line 4","Line 5","Line 6"],
   19.66  DEFAULTS      => ['James Bond','Secret Agent','MI6','123.456.7890','',''],
   19.68 -COSTS_NAMES   => ['40 cards -- $125', '3 cards -- $15'],
   19.69 -COSTS_CODE    => ['40 cards @125.00', '3 cards @15.00'],
   19.70 +COSTS_NAMES   => ['40 cards &mdash; $125', '3 cards &mdash; $20'],
   19.71 +COSTS_CODE    => ['40 cards @125.00', '3 cards @20.00'],
   19.72  INITIAL_PRICE => '$125.00',
   19.74  ADD_PENNY       => 0,
   19.75  );
   19.76  }
   19.77 +
   19.78 +
   19.79 +
   19.80 +
   19.81 +{#classic_acrylic_green
   19.82 +&paylist
   19.83 +(
   19.84 +TITLE  => "Vitality LaserKard <br>&mdash; Classic Style",
   19.85 +NAME   => 'classic_acrylic_green', 
   19.86 +
   19.87 +FIELDS      => ["Line 1", "Line 2","Line 3","Line 4","Line 5","Side"],
   19.88 +DEFAULTS      => ['','123.456.7890','James Bond','MI6','Secret Agent',''],
   19.89 +
   19.90 +COSTS_NAMES   => ['40 cards &mdash; $135', '3 cards &mdash; $20'],
   19.91 +COSTS_CODE    => ['40 cards @135.00', '3 cards @20.00'],
   19.92 +INITIAL_PRICE => '$135.00',
   19.93 +
   19.94 +ADD_PENNY       => 0,
   19.95 +);
   19.96 +}
   19.97 +
   19.98 +
   19.99 +{#big_acrylic_green
  19.100 +&paylist
  19.101 +(
  19.102 +TITLE  => "Vitality LaserKard <br>&mdash;BIG Style",
  19.103 +NAME   => 'big_acrylic_green', 
  19.104 +
  19.105 +FIELDS      => ["Line 1", "Line 2"],
  19.106 +DEFAULTS      => ['James Bond',''],
  19.107 +
  19.108 +COSTS_NAMES   => ['40 cards &mdash; $135', '3 cards &mdash; $20'],
  19.109 +COSTS_CODE    => ['40 cards @135.00', '3 cards @20.00'],
  19.110 +INITIAL_PRICE => '$135.00',
  19.111 +
  19.112 +ADD_PENNY       => 1,
  19.113 +);
  19.114 +}
  19.115 +
  19.116 +{#basic_acrylic_green
  19.117 +&paylist
  19.118 +(
  19.119 +TITLE  => "Vitality LaserKard<br> &mdash; Basic Style",
  19.120 +NAME   => 'basic_acrylic_green', 
  19.121 +
  19.122 +FIELDS      => ["Line 1", "Line 2","Line 3","Line 4"],
  19.123 +DEFAULTS      => ['James Bond','MI6','Secret Agent',''],
  19.124 +
  19.125 +COSTS_NAMES   => ['40 cards &mdash; $135', '3 cards &mdash; $20'],
  19.126 +COSTS_CODE    => ['40 cards @135.00', '3 cards @20.00'],
  19.127 +INITIAL_PRICE => '$135.00',
  19.128 +
  19.129 +ADD_PENNY       => 0,
  19.130 +);
  19.131 +}
  19.132 +
  19.133 +{#lines_acrylic_green
  19.134 +&paylist
  19.135 +(
  19.136 +TITLE  => "Vitality LaserKard <br>&mdash; Lines Style",
  19.137 +NAME   => 'lines_acrylic_green', 
  19.138 +
  19.139 +FIELDS      => ["Line 1", "Line 2","Line 3","Line 4","Line 5","Line 6"],
  19.140 +DEFAULTS      => ['James Bond','Secret Agent','MI6','123.456.7890','',''],
  19.141 +
  19.142 +COSTS_NAMES   => ['40 cards &mdash; $135', '3 cards &mdash; $20'],
  19.143 +COSTS_CODE    => ['40 cards @135.00', '3 cards @20.00'],
  19.144 +INITIAL_PRICE => '$135.00',
  19.145 +
  19.146 +ADD_PENNY       => 0,
  19.147 +);
  19.148 +}
  19.149 +
    20.1 --- a/sexy.css	Fri Jan 01 01:19:49 2010 -0500
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