rlm@71: (ns laserkard.buy-temp rlm@71: rlm@71: (:use (compojure.http request servlet session routes) rlm@71: (compojure.server jetty) rlm@71: (compojure control) rlm@72: (clojure.contrib prxml str-utils duck-streams) rlm@75: (laserkard common) rlm@71: )) rlm@71: rlm@72: rlm@72: (defn buy-gen [] rlm@72: rlm@72: rlm@72: (str rlm@72: (header) rlm@72: (re-gsub rlm@72: #">" ">\n" rlm@72: (pxml rlm@72: [:html {:xmlns "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"} rlm@72: rlm@72: [:head rlm@72: [:meta {:http-equiv "Content-Type" :content "text/html" :charset "UTF-8"}] rlm@72: [:link {:rel "stylesheet" :href "main.css" :type "text/css" :media "screen"}] rlm@72: [:link {:rel "stylesheet" :href "old_sexy.css" :type "text/css" :media "screen"}] rlm@72: [:link {:rel "stylesheet" :href "faq.css" :type "text/css" :media "screen"}] rlm@72: ] rlm@72: [:body rlm@72: [:raw! (slurp "/home/r/Desktop/web/laserkard/top_menu.include")] rlm@72: [:div {:class "whole"} rlm@72: [:div {:id "pokedex"} r@74: [:p "We are currently sold out of LaserKards due to high demand."] r@74: [:p "We will be back up soon so please check back later!"] rlm@73: ]]]] rlm@72: )))) rlm@72: rlm@72: rlm@72: r@74: