rlm@46: rlm@46: rlm@46: div#whole rlm@46: { rlm@46: width: 1100px ; rlm@46: margin-top:25px; rlm@46: margin-left: auto ; rlm@46: margin-right: auto ; rlm@46: clear: right; rlm@46: } rlm@46: rlm@46: rlm@46: rlm@46: rlm@46: rlm@46: /* stuff dealing with the templates on the left */ rlm@46: rlm@46: rlm@46: div#i_templates rlm@46: { rlm@46: rlm@46: color: white; rlm@46: background-color:#000000; rlm@46: text-align: left; rlm@46: font: bold 32px "arial", "sans-serif"; rlm@46: rlm@46: padding:10px; rlm@46: padding-top: 15px; rlm@46: border-style:solid; rlm@46: border-color:#ffffff; rlm@46: border-width:1px; rlm@46: rlm@46: float: left; rlm@46: width: auto; rlm@46: margin-right: 7px; rlm@46: rlm@46: } rlm@46: rlm@46: input#template1,input#template2,input#template3,input#template4, input#clear_acr, input#green_acr rlm@46: { rlm@46: padding:3px; rlm@46: border-width:1px; rlm@46: } rlm@46: rlm@46: rlm@46: /*************************************************************************/ rlm@46: rlm@46: rlm@46: /* Display in the middle */ rlm@46: rlm@46: div#centerbox rlm@46: { rlm@46: rlm@46: float:left; rlm@46: margin-top:0px; rlm@46: margin-left:10px; rlm@46: margin-right:10px; rlm@46: width:515px; rlm@46: padding:5px; rlm@46: background-color:#000; rlm@46: } rlm@46: rlm@46: rlm@46: div#disp_contain rlm@46: { rlm@46: position: absolute; rlm@46: z-index:10; rlm@46: top:73px; rlm@46: rlm@46: } rlm@46: rlm@46: div#display rlm@46: { rlm@46: position: absolute; rlm@46: top:73px; rlm@46: background-color:#000000; rlm@46: z-index: 5; rlm@46: } rlm@46: rlm@46: div#pokedex rlm@46: { rlm@46: position: absolute; rlm@46: width: 453px; rlm@46: top: 415px; rlm@46: padding : 30px; rlm@46: clear:right; rlm@46: float:none; rlm@46: background-color:#000000; rlm@46: border-style:solid; rlm@46: border-color:#ffffff; rlm@46: border-width:1px; rlm@46: rlm@46: font: bold 16px "helvetica","arial", "sans-serif"; rlm@46: color: white; rlm@46: } rlm@46: rlm@46: rlm@46: /*************************************************************************/ rlm@46: rlm@46: rlm@46: rlm@46: rlm@46: rlm@46: rlm@46: rlm@46: rlm@46: /* the "input your information form on the right */ rlm@46: rlm@46: rlm@46: div#i_inputbox rlm@46: { rlm@46: rlm@46: padding-left:10px; rlm@46: padding-top:10px; rlm@46: padding-right:0px; rlm@46: border-style:solid; rlm@46: border-color:#ffffff; rlm@46: border-width:1px; rlm@46: padding-bottom:10px; rlm@46: rlm@46: font: bold 14px "helvetica","arial", "sans-serif"; rlm@46: color: white; rlm@46: rlm@46: float:left; rlm@46: width:240px; rlm@46: clear:right; rlm@46: margin-left: 7px; rlm@46: rlm@46: background-color:#000000; rlm@46: } rlm@46: rlm@46: div.descript rlm@46: { rlm@46: font: bold 16px "helvetica","arial", "sans-serif"; rlm@46: color: white; rlm@46: margin-bottom: 15px; rlm@46: background-color: #000000; rlm@46: } rlm@46: rlm@46: rlm@46: /*************************************************************************/ rlm@46: rlm@46: rlm@46: rlm@46: /* try to make teh copyright appear correctly on the bottom*/ rlm@46: rlm@46: rlm@46: div#copyright rlm@46: { rlm@46: position:relative; rlm@46: font: bold 16px "helvetica","arial", "sans-serif"; rlm@46: color: white; rlm@46: margin-left:auto; rlm@46: margin-right: auto; rlm@46: clear:left; rlm@46: rlm@46: } rlm@46: rlm@46: /*************************************************************************/ rlm@46: rlm@46: rlm@46: rlm@46: rlm@46: h1 rlm@46: { rlm@46: padding: 0px; rlm@46: margin:0px; rlm@46: margin-bottom: 10px; rlm@46: color: white; rlm@46: background-color:#000000; rlm@46: text-align: center; rlm@46: font: bold 32px "arial", "sans-serif"; rlm@46: } rlm@46: rlm@46: rlm@46: /* stuff for the paypal button */ rlm@46: rlm@46: div#buttoncon rlm@46: { rlm@46: position:relative; rlm@46: } rlm@46: rlm@46: rlm@46: div#vanish rlm@46: { rlm@46: position:absolute; rlm@46: top:0px; rlm@46: left:0px; rlm@46: z-index:2; rlm@46: } rlm@46: rlm@46: div#crush rlm@46: { rlm@46: position:relative; rlm@46: left:8px; rlm@46: top:0px; rlm@46: z-index:1; rlm@46: } rlm@46: rlm@46: /* end paypal button stuff */ rlm@46: rlm@46: rlm@46: /*stupid stuff for the headers and whatnot */ rlm@46: rlm@46: rlm@46: div.ttyl rlm@46: { rlm@46: padding-top: 0px; rlm@46: padding-left: 10px; rlm@46: rlm@46: } rlm@46: div.ttyls rlm@46: { rlm@46: padding-top:6px; rlm@46: padding-left: 0px; rlm@46: rlm@46: } rlm@46: rlm@46: div#stupid rlm@46: { rlm@46: padding-top: 7px; rlm@46: rlm@46: } rlm@46: rlm@46: rlm@46: rlm@46: titletron rlm@46: { rlm@46: color: white; rlm@46: background-color:#00000; rlm@46: font: bold 32px "arial", "sans-serif"; rlm@46: } rlm@46: rlm@46: rlm@46: rlm@46: rlm@46: /* end stupid header stuff */ rlm@46: rlm@46: div#i_materials rlm@46: { rlm@46: rlm@46: display: none; rlm@46: padding:5px; rlm@46: border-style:solid; rlm@46: border-color:#79797b; rlm@46: border-width:1px; rlm@46: rlm@46: width:auto; rlm@46: float:left; rlm@46: rlm@46: background-color:#000000; rlm@46: rlm@46: } rlm@46: rlm@46: rlm@46: rlm@46: rlm@46: rlm@46: rlm@46: rlm@46: rlm@46: