rlm@46: //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- rlm@46: // VMLRENDERER 1.0 rlm@46: // VML Renderer For RichDraw rlm@46: // Dependencies: rlm@46: // History: rlm@46: // 2006-04-05 | Created rlm@46: // --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ rlm@46: rlm@46: rlm@46: function VMLRenderer() { rlm@46: this.base = AbstractRenderer; rlm@46: } rlm@46: rlm@46: rlm@46: VMLRenderer.prototype = new AbstractRenderer; rlm@46: rlm@46: VMLRenderer.prototype.bounds = function(shape) { rlm@46: var rect = new Object(); rlm@46: rect['x'] = shape.offsetLeft; rlm@46: rect['y'] = shape.offsetTop; rlm@46: rect['width'] = shape.offsetWidth; rlm@46: rect['height'] = shape.offsetHeight; rlm@46: return rect; rlm@46: } rlm@46: rlm@46: VMLRenderer.prototype.init = function(elem) rlm@46: { rlm@46: this.container = elem; rlm@46: // this.container.style.overflow = 'hidden'; rlm@46: this.container.unselectable = "on"; rlm@46: // Add VML includes and namespace rlm@46: elem.ownerDocument.namespaces.add("v", "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml"); rlm@46: var style = elem.ownerDocument.createStyleSheet(); rlm@46: style.addRule('v\\:*', "behavior: url(#default#VML); display:inline-block"); rlm@46: //NOT VML biewBox rlm@46: //http://blogs.msdn.com/ie/archive/2008/03/18/webbrowser-control-rendering-modes-in-ie8.aspx rlm@46: rlm@46: } rlm@46: rlm@46: rlm@46: rlm@46: rlm@46: var proporx=1; rlm@46: var propory=1; rlm@46: rlm@46: VMLRenderer.prototype.view = function(left,top,width,height,viewBox,bgcolor) { rlm@46: var tokens = viewBox.split(' '); rlm@46: rlm@46: var margin=100; rlm@46: var wFront=parseInt(document.getElementById('FRONT').style.width) rlm@46: var hFront=parseInt(document.getElementById('FRONT').style.height) rlm@46: var tC=0 + ' ' + 0 + ' ' + wFront + ' ' + hFront; rlm@46: tokensCanvas= tC.split(' '); rlm@46: rlm@46: var w=parseFloat(tokens[2]); rlm@46: var h=parseFloat(tokens[3]); rlm@46: var wImage = w - parseFloat(tokens[0]); rlm@46: var hImage = h - parseFloat(tokens[1]); rlm@46: var wCanvas = wFront; rlm@46: var hCanvas = hFront; rlm@46: proporImage = hImage / wImage; rlm@46: proporCanvas = hCanvas / wCanvas; rlm@46: rlm@46: document.title= initialFile +' '+wImage+' x '+hImage; rlm@46: rlm@46: rlm@46: if(bgcolor != '') rlm@46: { rlm@46: this.container.style.backgroundColor=bgcolor; rlm@46: } else{ rlm@46: this.container.style.backgroundColor="#ffffff"; rlm@46: } rlm@46: if(viewMode=='preview') rlm@46: { rlm@46: if(proporCanvas==proporImage) rlm@46: { rlm@46: this.container.style.width =wFront+'px'; rlm@46: this.container.style.height =hFront+'px'; rlm@46: this.container.style.left =0+'px' rlm@46: this.container.style.top =0+'px' rlm@46: canvasLeft = 0; rlm@46: canvasTop = 0; rlm@46: canvasWidth =wFront ; rlm@46: canvasHeight = hFront; rlm@46: zoominit1= 0+' '+0+' '+wFront+' '+hFront; rlm@46: zoominit = viewBox; rlm@46: zoominit2 = zoominit1; rlm@46: rlm@46: rlm@46: proporx = 1; rlm@46: propory = 1; rlm@46: rlm@46: } rlm@46: if(proporCanvasproporImage) rlm@46: { rlm@46: var proportion= hFront/wFront; rlm@46: //var image_proportion= width/height; rlm@46: var image_proportion= h/w; rlm@46: var H=wFront*image_proportion; rlm@46: var leftover=(hFront-H)/2; rlm@46: rlm@46: this.container.style.width =wFront+'px'; rlm@46: this.container.style.height =H+'px'; rlm@46: this.container.style.left =0+'px' rlm@46: this.container.style.top =leftover+'px' rlm@46: rlm@46: canvasLeft = 0; rlm@46: canvasTop = leftover; rlm@46: canvasWidth = wFront; rlm@46: canvasHeight = H; rlm@46: //zoominit1 = 0+' '+leftover+' '+wFront+' '+H; rlm@46: zoominit1 = 0+' '+0+' '+wFront+' '+H; rlm@46: zoominit = viewBox; rlm@46: zoominit2 = viewBox;//zoominit1; rlm@46: rlm@46: proporx = wFront/w; rlm@46: propory = H/h; rlm@46: rlm@46: } rlm@46: // proporx = width/tokens[2]; rlm@46: //propory = height/tokens[2]; rlm@46: rlm@46: rlm@46: rlm@46: } rlm@46: if(viewMode=='canvas') rlm@46: { rlm@46: this.container.style.left = 0 + 'px'; rlm@46: this.container.style.top = 0 + 'px'; rlm@46: this.container.style.width = wFront + 'px'; rlm@46: this.container.style.height = hFront + 'px'; rlm@46: rlm@46: // margins 10% rlm@46: var percent=10; rlm@46: var percentX = wImage / percent; rlm@46: var percentY = hImage / percent; rlm@46: var cornerNEx = parseFloat(tokens[0])-percentX; rlm@46: var cornerNEy = parseFloat(tokens[1])-percentY; rlm@46: var percentRectW=wImage + percentX*2; rlm@46: var percentRectH=hImage + percentY*2; rlm@46: rlm@46: document.title= initialFile +' '+wImage+' x '+hImage; rlm@46: // ajust proporImage to proporCanvas rlm@46: if(proporCanvas==proporImage) rlm@46: { rlm@46: cornerNEx = parseFloat(tokens[0])-percentX rlm@46: cornerNEy = parseFloat(tokens[1])-percentY rlm@46: var wi=percentRectW; rlm@46: var he=percentRectH;//hImage+percentY+addHimage; rlm@46: zoominit=viewBox; rlm@46: zoominit1 = (-percentX) +' '+(-percentY)+' '+wi+' '+he; rlm@46: proporx =(w*(100-percent*2)/100)/w; rlm@46: propory =( h*(100-percent*2)/100)/h; rlm@46: zoominit2=zoominit1; rlm@46: tokensZoom=tokensCanvas;//viewBox.split(' '); ;//zoominit1.split(' '); rlm@46: rlm@46: } rlm@46: rlm@46: if(proporCanvasproporImage) rlm@46: { rlm@46: // add to hImage rlm@46: var newHimage = percentRectH * ((hCanvas * percentRectW) / (wCanvas * percentRectH)) ;//newRectH * rlm@46: var diffImages=newHimage-h; rlm@46: cornerNEy = parseFloat(tokens[1]) - (diffImages / 2); rlm@46: var wi=percentRectW; rlm@46: var he=newHimage;//hImage+percentY+addHimage; rlm@46: zoominit=viewBox; rlm@46: proporx =wFront/wi; rlm@46: propory = wFront/wi; rlm@46: rlm@46: zoominit1 = (proporx*cornerNEx) +' '+(propory*cornerNEy)+' '+wi+' '+he; rlm@46: zoominit2=zoominit1; rlm@46: tokensZoom=zoominit1.split(' '); rlm@46: rlm@46: } rlm@46: rlm@46: rlm@46: } rlm@46: } rlm@46: rlm@46: rlm@46: rlm@46: VMLRenderer.prototype.zoomFrame = function(zoom){ rlm@46: myOPF.viewBox=zoom; rlm@46: load(myOPF,c); rlm@46: document.getElementById("source").value=myOPF.toJSONString(); rlm@46: } rlm@46: VMLRenderer.prototype.rectDoc = function(viewBox) { rlm@46: var tokens2 = zoominit2.split(' '); rlm@46: var tokens = zoominit.split(' '); rlm@46: var shape = document.getElementById('rectDoc'); rlm@46: if (shape) { rlm@46: this.remove(shape); rlm@46: } rlm@46: var rect=this.container.ownerDocument.createElement('v:rect'); rlm@46: rect.id='rectDoc'; rlm@46: rect.style.position = 'absolute'; rlm@46: rect.style.left =-parseInt(tokens2[0]); rlm@46: rect.style.top = -parseInt(tokens2[1]); rlm@46: rect.style.width = parseInt(tokens[2]); rlm@46: rect.style.height = parseInt(tokens[3]); rlm@46: rect.setAttribute('filled', 'false'); rlm@46: rect.setAttribute('stroked', 'true'); rlm@46: rect.setAttribute('strokeweight', 2); rlm@46: rect.setAttribute('strokecolor',"#ff0000"); rlm@46: //this.container.appendChild(rect); rlm@46: //this.container.insertBefore(rect, this.container.firstChild ); rlm@46: //alert(docx+' '+docy+' '+docw+' '+doch+' '+viewBox) rlm@46: } rlm@46: VMLRenderer.prototype.rectCanvas = function(docx,docy,docw,doch,viewBox) { rlm@46: rlm@46: var tokens = zoominit1.split(' '); rlm@46: var shape = document.getElementById('rectCanvas'); rlm@46: if (shape) { rlm@46: this.remove(shape); rlm@46: } rlm@46: rlm@46: var rect=this.container.ownerDocument.createElement('v:rect'); rlm@46: rect.id='rectBackground'; rlm@46: rect.style.position = 'absolute'; rlm@46: rect.style.left = tokens[0] ; rlm@46: rect.style.top =tokens[1]; rlm@46: rect.style.width=tokens[2]; rlm@46: rect.style.height= tokens[3] ; rlm@46: rect.setAttribute('filled', 'true'); rlm@46: rect.setAttribute('fillcolor',"#666666"); rlm@46: rect.setAttribute('stroked', 'false'); rlm@46: rlm@46: this.container.insertBefore(rect, this.container.firstChild ); rlm@46: rlm@46: } rlm@46: rlm@46: VMLRenderer.prototype.removeAll = function(){ rlm@46: while (this.container.hasChildNodes()) { rlm@46: this.container.removeChild(this.container.firstChild); rlm@46: } rlm@46: } rlm@46: rlm@46: function VMLviewBox(container,left,top,width,height){ rlm@46: var tokens = zoominit2.split(' '); rlm@46: left *= proporx; rlm@46: left = left - parseFloat(tokens[0]); rlm@46: top *= propory; rlm@46: top = top - parseFloat(tokens[1]); rlm@46: width *= proporx; rlm@46: height *= propory; rlm@46: rlm@46: return {"x":parseFloat(Math.round(left)), "y":parseFloat(Math.round(top)), "w":parseFloat(Math.round(width)), "h":parseFloat(Math.round(height))}; rlm@46: } rlm@46: function VMLviewBox1(container,left,top,width,height){ rlm@46: var tokens = zoominit2.split(' '); rlm@46: left *= proporx; rlm@46: left = left - parseFloat(tokens[0]); rlm@46: top *= propory; rlm@46: top = top - parseFloat(tokens[1]); rlm@46: width *= proporx; rlm@46: height *= propory; rlm@46: rlm@46: return {"x":parseFloat(Math.round(left)), "y":parseFloat(Math.round(top)), "w":parseFloat(Math.round(width)), "h":parseFloat(Math.round(height))}; rlm@46: } rlm@46: rlm@46: VMLRenderer.prototype.create = function(shape, fillColor, lineColor, fillOpac, lineOpac, lineWidth, left, top, width, height, textMessaje, textSize, textFamily, imageHref, points, transform, parent) { rlm@46: var tokens = zoominit2.split(' '); rlm@46: rlm@46: var zoom=VMLviewBox(this.container,left,top,width,height); rlm@46: rlm@46: left=zoom.x; rlm@46: top=zoom.y; rlm@46: width=zoom.w; rlm@46: height=zoom.h; rlm@46: rlm@46: var zoom=VMLviewBox(this.container,left,top,textSize,textSize); rlm@46: //if(zoom.w<1){zoom.w=1} rlm@46: if(zoom.y== undefined){left=0} rlm@46: if(zoom.x== undefined){top=0} rlm@46: if(zoom.w== undefined){width=0} rlm@46: if(zoom.h== undefined){height=0} rlm@46: textSize=zoom.h; rlm@46: rlm@46: var zoom=VMLviewBox(this.container,left,top,lineWidth*2/3,lineWidth); rlm@46: //if(zoom.w<1){zoom.w=1} rlm@46: lineWidth=zoom.w; rlm@46: var vml; rlm@46: var shap=1; rlm@46: if (shape == 'rect') { rlm@46: rlm@46: vml = this.container.ownerDocument.createElement('v:rect'); rlm@46: vml.style.position = 'absolute'; rlm@46: vml.style.left = left; rlm@46: vml.style.top = top; rlm@46: vml.style.width = width; rlm@46: vml.style.height = height; rlm@46: } rlm@46: else if (shape == 'roundrect') { rlm@46: vml = this.container.ownerDocument.createElement('v:roundrect'); rlm@46: vml.style.position = 'absolute'; rlm@46: vml.style.left = left; rlm@46: vml.style.top = top; rlm@46: vml.style.width = width; rlm@46: vml.style.height = height; rlm@46: vml.setAttribute('arcsize', '20%'); rlm@46: rlm@46: } rlm@46: else if (shape == 'ellipse') { rlm@46: vml = this.container.ownerDocument.createElement('v:oval'); rlm@46: vml.style.left = left; rlm@46: vml.style.top = top; rlm@46: vml.style.width = width; rlm@46: vml.style.height = height; rlm@46: vml.style.position = 'absolute'; rlm@46: } rlm@46: else if (shape == 'line') { rlm@46: rlm@46: vml = this.container.ownerDocument.createElement('v:line'); rlm@46: vml.setAttribute('from', left + 'px,' + top + 'px'); rlm@46: vml.setAttribute('to', (left+width) + 'px,' + (top+height) + 'px'); rlm@46: rlm@46: } rlm@46: else if (shape == 'polyline') { rlm@46: vml = this.container.ownerDocument.createElement('v:polyline'); rlm@46: vml.setAttribute("points", points); rlm@46: rlm@46: } rlm@46: else if (shape == 'path') rlm@46: { rlm@46: vml = this.container.ownerDocument.createElement('v:shape'); rlm@46: var tokens = zoominit1.split(' '); rlm@46: var tokens1 = zoominit1.split(' '); rlm@46: var tokens2 = zoominit2.split(' '); rlm@46: tokens[0]=0; rlm@46: tokens[1]=0; rlm@46: var path=points; rlm@46: path=path.replace(/, /g, ','); rlm@46: path=path.replace(/ ,/g, ','); rlm@46: var ps =path.split(" ") rlm@46: var pcc = ""; rlm@46: rlm@46: var re = /^[-]?\d*\.?\d*$/; rlm@46: var contArc=0; rlm@46: var isArc=false; rlm@46: for(var i = 0; i < ps.length; i++) rlm@46: { rlm@46: if(ps[i].indexOf(',')>0){ rlm@46: rlm@46: var point =ps[i].split(","); rlm@46: var char1=point[0].substring(0,1); rlm@46: rlm@46: if (!char1.match(re)) rlm@46: { rlm@46: var num0prev= parseFloat(point[0].substring(1)); rlm@46: var zoom=VMLviewBox(this.container,num0prev*1+(parseInt(tokens2[0])*0),0,parseInt(tokens2[2]),parseInt(tokens2[3])); rlm@46: num0=zoom.x; rlm@46: rlm@46: var text=char1; rlm@46: }else{ rlm@46: var num0prev= parseFloat(point[0]); rlm@46: var zoom=VMLviewBox(this.container,num0prev*1+(parseInt(tokens2[0])*0),0,parseInt(tokens2[2]),parseInt(tokens2[3])); rlm@46: num0=zoom.x; rlm@46: rlm@46: } rlm@46: point[1]= parseFloat(point[1]); rlm@46: var zoom=VMLviewBox(this.container,0,point[1],parseInt(tokens2[2]),parseInt(tokens2[3])); rlm@46: point[1]=zoom.y; rlm@46: var cx=num0+parseInt(tokens2[0]); rlm@46: var cy=point[1]+parseInt(tokens2[1]); rlm@46: pcc+=text+cx+','+cy+' '; rlm@46: } rlm@46: else rlm@46: { rlm@46: pcc+=ps[i]+' '; rlm@46: } rlm@46: rlm@46: } rlm@46: //////////////////// rlm@46: var thispath=pcc; rlm@46: thispath=thispath.replace(/M/g,'m'); rlm@46: thispath=thispath.replace(/C/g,'c'); rlm@46: thispath=thispath.replace(/L/g,'l'); rlm@46: thispath=thispath.replace(/z/g,'x'); rlm@46: rlm@46: //document.getElementById('source').value=points+'\r\n'+thispath +'\r\n'+'________'+'\r\n' rlm@46: var zoom=VMLviewBox(this.container,tokens[0],tokens[1],tokens[2],tokens[3]); rlm@46: rlm@46: vml.style.position="absolute"; rlm@46: vml.style.width= zoom.w+"px"; rlm@46: vml.style.height=zoom.h+"px"; rlm@46: vml.style.left=zoom.x+"px"; rlm@46: vml.style.top=zoom.y+"px"; rlm@46: vml.setAttribute('coordsize', zoom.w+','+zoom.h); rlm@46: rlm@46: var path01 = this.container.ownerDocument.createElement('v:path'); rlm@46: path01.setAttribute("v", thispath+' e'); rlm@46: rlm@46: rlm@46: rlm@46: vml.appendChild(path01) rlm@46: rlm@46: } rlm@46: rlm@46: else if (shape == 'controlpath') rlm@46: { rlm@46: rlm@46: vml = this.container.ownerDocument.createElement('v:shape'); rlm@46: vml.style.position="absolute"; rlm@46: vml.style.width= 700+"px"; rlm@46: vml.style.height=500+"px"; rlm@46: vml.style.left=left+"px"; rlm@46: vml.style.top=top+"px"; rlm@46: vml.setAttribute('coordsize', '700,500'); rlm@46: rlm@46: var path01 = this.container.ownerDocument.createElement('v:path'); rlm@46: path01.setAttribute('v', 'm '+left+','+top+' c'+(left+1)+','+(top+1)+' e '); rlm@46: rlm@46: vml.appendChild(path01) rlm@46: } rlm@46: else if (shape == 'image') { rlm@46: var data =imageHref;//document.forms[0].option_text_message.value; rlm@46: vml = this.container.ownerDocument.createElement('v:image'); rlm@46: vml.setAttribute('src',imageHref); rlm@46: vml.style.position="absolute"; rlm@46: vml.style.width=width+"px"; rlm@46: vml.style.height=height+"px"; rlm@46: vml.style.left=left+"px"; rlm@46: vml.style.top=top+"px"; rlm@46: vml.style.margin=0+"px"; rlm@46: vml.style.padding=0+"px"; rlm@46: if (fillColor != '' || fillColor != 'none') { rlm@46: vml.setAttribute('filled', 'false'); rlm@46: vml.setAttribute('fillcolor', fillColor); rlm@46: } rlm@46: else { rlm@46: vml.setAttribute('filled', 'false'); rlm@46: } rlm@46: vml.setAttribute('strokeweight','0px');// parseFloat(lineWidth)+'px'); rlm@46: vml.setAttribute('stroked', 'false'); rlm@46: vml.setAttribute('strokecolor','#000000');//lineColor); rlm@46: rlm@46: rlm@46: } rlm@46: rlm@46: else if (shape == 'text') rlm@46: { rlm@46: rlm@46: var data =textMessaje; rlm@46: vml = this.container.ownerDocument.createElement('v:shape'); rlm@46: vml.style.position="absolute"; rlm@46: //vml.setAttribute('coordorigin',left+', '+top); rlm@46: //vml.style.coorsize= ''; rlm@46: coordorigin="0, 0" rlm@46: rlm@46: var ts=isNaN(textSize) rlm@46: if(ts==true){ rlm@46: textSize=10; rlm@46: } rlm@46: vml.style.width= textSize+'px';//tokens[2]+'px' rlm@46: vml.style.height=textSize+'px'; rlm@46: vml.style.left=(left+"px"); rlm@46: vml.style.top=(top-(textSize*1/4)+"px"); rlm@46: vml.style.margin=0+"px"; rlm@46: vml.style.padding=0+"px"; rlm@46: vml.setAttribute('path','m '+0+' '+0+' r '+(textSize*data.length)+' '+0+' e'); rlm@46: var textPathObj = this.container.ownerDocument.createElement("v:textpath"); rlm@46: textPathObj.setAttribute('string', data); rlm@46: textPathObj.setAttribute('fitshape','false'); rlm@46: textPathObj.setAttribute('trim', 'false'); rlm@46: textPathObj.setAttribute('fitpath', 'false'); rlm@46: textPathObj.setAttribute('on','true'); rlm@46: textPathObj.style.fontFamily=textFamily; rlm@46: textPathObj.style.fontSize=textSize+'px'; rlm@46: textPathObj.setAttribute('vTextKern','true'); rlm@46: textPathObj.setAttribute('text-align','center'); rlm@46: rlm@46: var pathObj = this.container.ownerDocument.createElement("v:path"); rlm@46: pathObj.setAttribute('textpathok', 'true'); rlm@46: vml.appendChild(textPathObj); rlm@46: vml.appendChild(pathObj); rlm@46: rlm@46: rlm@46: } rlm@46: rlm@46: rlm@46: rlm@46: else if (shape == 'texto') rlm@46: { rlm@46: vml = this.container.ownerDocument.createElement('v:shape'); rlm@46: vml.style.position="absolute"; rlm@46: rlm@46: vml.style.coordsize=1000+', '+1000; rlm@46: vml.style.width= 1000; rlm@46: vml.style.height=1000; rlm@46: vml.style.left=left; rlm@46: vml.style.top=top-parseFloat(textSize); rlm@46: rlm@46: vml.style.padding=0; rlm@46: var textBox = this.container.ownerDocument.createElement("v:textbox"); rlm@46: textBox.setAttribute('mso-rotate-with-shape',true) rlm@46: var divtext = this.container.ownerDocument.createElement("div"); rlm@46: divtext.style.coordorigin=0+', '+(0); rlm@46: divtext.style.margin=0; rlm@46: divtext.style.fontFamily=textFamily; rlm@46: divtext.style.margin=0; rlm@46: divtext.style.padding=0; rlm@46: divtext.style.vRotateLetters=true; rlm@46: divtext.style.fontSize=parseFloat(textSize); rlm@46: rlm@46: rlm@46: rlm@46: rlm@46: rlm@46: rlm@46: divtext.style.color=fillColor; rlm@46: rlm@46: rlm@46: rlm@46: rlm@46: rlm@46: //divtext.setAttribute('v-rotate-letters','true'); rlm@46: if(transform.indexOf('rotate')>=0) rlm@46: { rlm@46: rlm@46: myRotate1=transform.split('rotate('); rlm@46: myRotate2=myRotate1[1].split(')'); rlm@46: myRotate3=myRotate2[0].split(','); rlm@46: rlm@46: //divtext.setAttribute('mso-rotate',myRotate3[0]); rlm@46: //textBox.style.msoRotate= myRotate3[0]; rlm@46: //textBox.style.centerX=myRotate3[1]; rlm@46: //textBox.style.centerY=myRotate3[2]; rlm@46: //vml.style.rotation= myRotate3[0]; rlm@46: //vml.style.centerX=myRotate3[1]; rlm@46: //vml.style.centerY=myRotate3[2]; rlm@46: vml.setAttribute('rotation',myRotate3[0]+'Deg'); rlm@46: } rlm@46: rlm@46: divtext.innerHTML=textMessaje; rlm@46: textBox.appendChild(divtext); rlm@46: rlm@46: vml.appendChild(textBox); rlm@46: rlm@46: } rlm@46: else if (shape == 'defs') { rlm@46: var vml; rlm@46: rlm@46: } rlm@46: rlm@46: else if (shape == 'group') { rlm@46: vml = this.container.ownerDocument.createElement('v:group'); rlm@46: vml.style.left=left+"px"; rlm@46: vml.style.top=top+"px"; rlm@46: } rlm@46: rlm@46: if(shape == 'zoom' || shape == 'defs') rlm@46: { rlm@46: rlm@46: }else rlm@46: { rlm@46: if(transform.indexOf('rotate')>=0) rlm@46: { rlm@46: myRotate1=transform.split('rotate('); rlm@46: myRotate2=myRotate1[1].split(')'); rlm@46: myRotate3=myRotate2[0].split(','); rlm@46: rlm@46: vml.style.rotation= myRotate3[0]+'Deg'; rlm@46: vml.style.centerX=myRotate3[1]; rlm@46: vml.style.centerY=myRotate3[2]; rlm@46: rlm@46: } rlm@46: rlm@46: if(shape != 'image' ) rlm@46: { rlm@46: if (lineColor.length == 0){lineColor = 'none';} rlm@46: if (fillColor.length == 0){fillColor = 'none';} rlm@46: (fillColor!=''|| fillColor!=null )?vml.setAttribute('fillcolor', fillColor):vml.setAttribute('filled', 'true'); rlm@46: rlm@46: if (fillColor != '' || fillColor != 'none' ) rlm@46: { rlm@46: vml.setAttribute('filled', 'true'); rlm@46: vml.setAttribute('fillcolor', fillColor); rlm@46: rlm@46: } rlm@46: else rlm@46: { rlm@46: vml.setAttribute('filled', 'false'); rlm@46: } rlm@46: rlm@46: rlm@46: if(lineWidth==0 || lineWidth=='none' || lineColor== 'none' ) rlm@46: { rlm@46: vml.setAttribute('stroked', 'false'); rlm@46: } rlm@46: else rlm@46: { rlm@46: //if(isNaN(lineColor)==false){alert('-'+lineColor+'-');lineColor='#000000';lineWidth=1;} rlm@46: vml.setAttribute('stroked', 'true'); rlm@46: vml.setAttribute('strokecolor', lineColor); rlm@46: vml.setAttribute('strokeweight', lineWidth); rlm@46: var stroke = this.container.ownerDocument.createElement('v:stroke'); rlm@46: stroke.setAttribute("opacity", parseFloat(lineOpac)); rlm@46: vml.appendChild(stroke); rlm@46: rlm@46: } rlm@46: rlm@46: if (fillOpac != '') rlm@46: { rlm@46: if (fillOpac == 'none' || fillColor=='none'){fillOpac=0;} rlm@46: var fill = this.container.ownerDocument.createElement('v:fill'); rlm@46: fill.setAttribute("opacity",parseFloat(fillOpac)); rlm@46: //alert(fillOpac) rlm@46: vml.appendChild(fill); rlm@46: } rlm@46: } rlm@46: } rlm@46: if(parent==''){ rlm@46: if(vml){ rlm@46: this.container.appendChild(vml);} rlm@46: }else{ rlm@46: if(document.getElementById(parent)){ rlm@46: var parentShape = document.getElementById(parent); rlm@46: if(vml||vml!=null ){ rlm@46: parentShape.appendChild(vml); rlm@46: } rlm@46: } rlm@46: } rlm@46: //var parentDoc = document.getElementById('mydraw'); rlm@46: //parentDoc.appendChild(vml); rlm@46: return vml; rlm@46: }; rlm@46: rlm@46: VMLRenderer.prototype.resize = function(shape, fromX, fromY, toX, toY) { rlm@46: var deltaX = toX - fromX; rlm@46: var deltaY = toY - fromY; rlm@46: if (shape.tagName == 'rect' ) rlm@46: { rlm@46: rlm@46: rlm@46: if (deltaX < 0) { rlm@46: shape.style.left=toX + 'px'; rlm@46: shape.style.width=-deltaX + 'px'; rlm@46: } rlm@46: else rlm@46: { rlm@46: shape.style.width= deltaX + 'px'; rlm@46: } rlm@46: rlm@46: if (deltaY < 0) rlm@46: { rlm@46: shape.style.top=toY + 'px'; rlm@46: shape.style.height=-deltaY + 'px'; rlm@46: } rlm@46: else rlm@46: { rlm@46: shape.style.height=deltaY + 'px'; rlm@46: } rlm@46: } rlm@46: } rlm@46: VMLRenderer.prototype.duplicate = function(shape) rlm@46: { rlm@46: var vml; rlm@46: vml =shape.cloneNode(false); rlm@46: //vml.setAttribute('fillcolor', "#aa00aa"); rlm@46: vml.setAttribute('filled', "false"); rlm@46: this.container.appendChild(vml); rlm@46: return vml; rlm@46: rlm@46: }; rlm@46: VMLRenderer.prototype.querySelected = function(shape,centerx,centery,width,height) rlm@46: { rlm@46: var result = true; rlm@46: var shapes='names: group, image, rect, path, ellipse, circle, text, line, '; rlm@46: rlm@46: //if(shape.getBBox && shape) rlm@46: if( shapes.indexOf(' '+shape.tagName+',')>0) rlm@46: { rlm@46: rlm@46: var box = this.bounds(shape); rlm@46: }else rlm@46: { rlm@46: return false; rlm@46: } rlm@46: var p1x = box.x; rlm@46: if(Math.abs(p1x-centerx)>width){result = false} rlm@46: rlm@46: var p1y = box.y; rlm@46: if(Math.abs(p1y-centery)>height){result = false} rlm@46: rlm@46: var p2x = box.x+box.width; rlm@46: if(Math.abs(p2x-centerx)>width){result = false} rlm@46: rlm@46: var p2y = box.y; rlm@46: if(Math.abs(p2y-centery)>height){result = false} rlm@46: rlm@46: var p3x = box.x+box.width; rlm@46: if(Math.abs(p3x-centerx)>width){result = false} rlm@46: rlm@46: var p3y = box.y+box.height; rlm@46: if(Math.abs(p3y-centery)>height){result = false} rlm@46: rlm@46: var p4x = box.x; rlm@46: if(Math.abs(p4x-centerx)>width){result = false} rlm@46: rlm@46: var p4y = box.y+box.height; rlm@46: if(Math.abs(p4y-centery)>height){result = false} rlm@46: rlm@46: if(result) rlm@46: { rlm@46: return { 'in':result, 'cornersx': p1x+','+p2x+','+p3x+','+p4x+',' ,'cornersy': p1y+','+p2y+','+p3y+','+p4y+',' }; rlm@46: } rlm@46: else rlm@46: { rlm@46: return { 'in':result } rlm@46: } rlm@46: //center.distanceFrom(point1); rlm@46: rlm@46: rlm@46: } rlm@46: rlm@46: VMLRenderer.prototype.searchBoxes = function() rlm@46: { rlm@46: var base = this.container; rlm@46: rlm@46: var NumNodes = base.childNodes.length; rlm@46: var chain= ''; rlm@46: for(i = 0;i < NumNodes;i++) rlm@46: { rlm@46: if (this.bounds(base.childNodes[i])) rlm@46: { rlm@46: chain+=base.childNodes[i].id + ';' rlm@46: } rlm@46: } rlm@46: chain+='' rlm@46: return chain; rlm@46: rlm@46: } rlm@46: rlm@46: VMLRenderer.prototype.DrawBorder= function(numNode, targetElement ) rlm@46: { rlm@46: var shapes='names: group, image, rect, path, ellipse, circle, text, line, '; rlm@46: rlm@46: //if(shape.getBBox && shape) rlm@46: if( shapes.indexOf(' '+targetElement.tagName+',')>0) rlm@46: { rlm@46: var bbox = this.bounds(targetElement); rlm@46: rlm@46: var outline = this.container.ownerDocument.createElement('v:rect'); rlm@46: outline.setAttribute('x', bbox.x - 2 ); rlm@46: outline.setAttribute('y', bbox.y - 2 ); rlm@46: outline.setAttribute('width', bbox.width + 4 ); rlm@46: outline.setAttribute('height', bbox.height + 4 ); rlm@46: outline.setAttribute('stroke', '#ff00ff' ); rlm@46: outline.setAttribute('fill', 'none' ); rlm@46: outline.setAttribute('id', 'shapeBoxed'+numNode ); rlm@46: rlm@46: targetElement.parentNode.insertBefore( outline, targetElement ); rlm@46: return 'shapeBoxed'+numNode; rlm@46: } rlm@46: else rlm@46: { rlm@46: return false rlm@46: } rlm@46: } rlm@46: rlm@46: rlm@46: VMLRenderer.prototype.getMarkup = function() { rlm@46: rlm@46: //return this.container.parentNode.innerHTML; rlm@46: return this.container.innerHTML; rlm@46: } rlm@46: rlm@46: VMLRenderer.prototype.remove = function(shape) { rlm@46: if(shape!=null){ shape.removeNode(true); } rlm@46: } rlm@46: rlm@46: VMLRenderer.prototype.removeAll = function() { rlm@46: while( this.container.hasChildNodes () ){ rlm@46: this.container.removeChild( this.container.firstChild ); rlm@46: //this.container.removeNode( this.container.firstChild ); rlm@46: } rlm@46: } rlm@46: rlm@46: VMLRenderer.prototype.editCommand = function(shape, cmd, value) rlm@46: { rlm@46: if (shape != null) { rlm@46: if (cmd == 'fillcolor') { rlm@46: if (value == '' || value =='none') rlm@46: shape.style.fill='none'; rlm@46: else rlm@46: shape.style.fill=value; rlm@46: } rlm@46: else if (cmd == 'linecolor') { rlm@46: if (value != '') rlm@46: shape.style.stroke=value; rlm@46: else rlm@46: shape.style.stroke='none'; rlm@46: } rlm@46: else if (cmd == 'linewidth') { rlm@46: if( value=='none' || value=='') rlm@46: { rlm@46: shape.style.strokeWidth=0; rlm@46: }else{ rlm@46: shape.style.strokeWidth=parseInt(value) + 'px'; rlm@46: } rlm@46: } rlm@46: else if (cmd == 'fillopacity') { rlm@46: if(shape.tagName=='image') rlm@46: { rlm@46: shape.style.opacity=parseFloat(value); rlm@46: } rlm@46: else rlm@46: { rlm@46: shape.style.fillOpacity=parseFloat(value); rlm@46: } rlm@46: rlm@46: } rlm@46: else if (cmd == 'lineopacity') { rlm@46: rlm@46: shape.style.strokeOpacity=parseFloat(value); rlm@46: rlm@46: } rlm@46: else if (cmd == 'filter') rlm@46: { rlm@46: if (value != '') rlm@46: { rlm@46: //shape.style.setProperty("filter", value) ; rlm@46: shape.style.filter=value; rlm@46: //alert(value) rlm@46: } rlm@46: } rlm@46: else if (cmd == 'textContent') rlm@46: { rlm@46: if (value != '') rlm@46: { rlm@46: shape.textContent=value; rlm@46: } rlm@46: } rlm@46: else if (cmd == 'textSize') rlm@46: { rlm@46: if (value != '') rlm@46: { rlm@46: shape.style.fontSize=parseFloat(eval(value)); rlm@46: } rlm@46: } rlm@46: else if (cmd == 'textFamily') rlm@46: { rlm@46: if (value != '') rlm@46: { rlm@46: shape.style.fontFamily=value; rlm@46: } rlm@46: } rlm@46: else if (cmd == 'textSpacing') rlm@46: { rlm@46: if (value != '') rlm@46: { rlm@46: shape.style.letterSpacing=''+value+'em'; rlm@46: //alert(value) //bad letter-spacing word-spacing rlm@46: } rlm@46: } rlm@46: else if (cmd == 'textLength') rlm@46: { rlm@46: if (value != '') rlm@46: { rlm@46: //shape.style.=''+value+''; rlm@46: shape.style.lengthAdjust='spacing';//spacing spacingAndGlyphs rlm@46: //alert(value) //bad textLength rlm@46: } rlm@46: } rlm@46: rlm@46: rlm@46: else if (cmd == 'textAnchor') rlm@46: { rlm@46: if (value != '') rlm@46: { rlm@46: shape.style.textAnchor=value; rlm@46: } rlm@46: } rlm@46: else if (cmd == 'textWeight') rlm@46: { rlm@46: if (value != '') rlm@46: { rlm@46: shape.style.fontWeight=value; rlm@46: } rlm@46: } rlm@46: else if (cmd == 'textStyle') rlm@46: { rlm@46: if (value != '') rlm@46: { rlm@46: shape.style.fontStyle=value; rlm@46: } rlm@46: } rlm@46: else if (cmd == 'textDecoration') rlm@46: { rlm@46: if (value != '') rlm@46: { rlm@46: shape.style.textDecoration=value; rlm@46: } rlm@46: //alert(value) //bad textDecoration rlm@46: } rlm@46: else if (cmd == 'textMode') rlm@46: { rlm@46: if (value != '') rlm@46: { rlm@46: shape.style.writingMode=value; rlm@46: } rlm@46: } rlm@46: else if (cmd == 'textDirection') rlm@46: { rlm@46: if (value != '') rlm@46: { rlm@46: shape.style.direction=value; rlm@46: } rlm@46: } rlm@46: else if (cmd == 'textOrientation') rlm@46: { rlm@46: if (value != '') rlm@46: { rlm@46: shape.style.glyphOrientationVertical=value; rlm@46: } rlm@46: } rlm@46: else if (cmd == 'stopcolor') rlm@46: { rlm@46: if (value != '') rlm@46: { rlm@46: shape.style.stopColor=value; rlm@46: } rlm@46: } rlm@46: else if (cmd == 'linearGradient') rlm@46: { rlm@46: if (value != '') rlm@46: { rlm@46: shape.style.x1=value.x1; rlm@46: shape.style.y1=value.y1; rlm@46: shape.style.x2=value.x2; rlm@46: shape.style.y2=value.y2; rlm@46: } rlm@46: } rlm@46: else if (cmd == 'radialGradient') rlm@46: { rlm@46: if (value != '') rlm@46: { rlm@46: shape.style.x1=value.x1; rlm@46: shape.style.y1=value.y1; rlm@46: shape.style.x2=value.x2; rlm@46: shape.style.y2=value.y2; rlm@46: } rlm@46: } rlm@46: else if (cmd == 'leftTop') rlm@46: { rlm@46: if (value != '') rlm@46: { rlm@46: shape.style.left=parseInt(value.left)+'px'; rlm@46: shape.style.top=parseInt(value.top)+'px'; rlm@46: rlm@46: } rlm@46: } rlm@46: else if (cmd == 'cxcy') rlm@46: { rlm@46: if (value != '') rlm@46: { rlm@46: shape.style.cx=value.cx; rlm@46: shape.style.cy=value.cy; rlm@46: rlm@46: } rlm@46: } rlm@46: rlm@46: } rlm@46: } rlm@46: rlm@46: rlm@46: VMLRenderer.prototype.queryCommand = function(shape, cmd) rlm@46: { rlm@46: var result = ''; rlm@46: rlm@46: if (shape != null) { rlm@46: if (cmd == 'fillcolor') { rlm@46: result = shape.style.fill; rlm@46: if (result == 'none') rlm@46: result = ''; rlm@46: } rlm@46: else if (cmd == 'linecolor') { rlm@46: result = shape.style.stroke; rlm@46: if (result == 'none') rlm@46: result = ''; rlm@46: } rlm@46: else if (cmd == 'linewidth') { rlm@46: result = shape.style.stroke; rlm@46: if (result == 'none') rlm@46: result = ''; rlm@46: else rlm@46: result = shape.style.strokeWidth; rlm@46: } rlm@46: else if (cmd == 'fillopacity') { rlm@46: if(shape.tagName=='image') rlm@46: { rlm@46: result= shape.style.opacity; rlm@46: } rlm@46: else rlm@46: { rlm@46: result= shape.style.fillOpacity; rlm@46: } rlm@46: rlm@46: } rlm@46: else if (cmd == 'lineopacity') { rlm@46: rlm@46: result= shape.style.strokeOpacity; rlm@46: rlm@46: } rlm@46: else if (cmd == 'text') { rlm@46: var text1=shape.textContent; rlm@46: var text2=shape.style.fontFamily; rlm@46: var text3=parseInt(shape.style.fontSize); rlm@46: rlm@46: result= {"data":text1,"family":text2,"size":text3}; rlm@46: rlm@46: } rlm@46: else if (cmd == 'points') { rlm@46: result=shape.style,d; rlm@46: rlm@46: } rlm@46: else if (cmd == 'stopcolor') { rlm@46: result=shape.style.stopColor rlm@46: rlm@46: } rlm@46: else if (cmd == 'box') { rlm@46: result= this.bounds(shape); rlm@46: rlm@46: } rlm@46: else if (cmd == 'linearGradient') { rlm@46: var x1=shape.style.x1; rlm@46: var y1=shape.style.y1; rlm@46: var x2=shape.style.x2; rlm@46: var y2=shape.style.y2; rlm@46: result= {"x1":x1,"y1":y1,"x2":x2,"y2":y2}; rlm@46: rlm@46: } rlm@46: rlm@46: rlm@46: } rlm@46: rlm@46: return result; rlm@46: } rlm@46: rlm@46: VMLRenderer.prototype.showTracker01 = function(shape) { rlm@46: var box = this.bounds(shape); rlm@46: rlm@46: var tracker = document.getElementById('tracker'); rlm@46: if (tracker) { rlm@46: this.remove(tracker); rlm@46: } rlm@46: rlm@46: tracker = this.container.ownerDocument.createElement('v:rect'); rlm@46: tracker.id = 'tracker'; rlm@46: tracker.style.position = 'absolute'; rlm@46: tracker.style.left = box.x - 10; rlm@46: tracker.style.top = box.y - 10; rlm@46: tracker.style.width = box.width + 20; rlm@46: tracker.style.height = box.height + 20; rlm@46: tracker.setAttribute('filled', 'false'); rlm@46: tracker.setAttribute('stroked', 'true'); rlm@46: tracker.setAttribute('strokecolor', 'blue'); rlm@46: tracker.setAttribute('strokeweight', '1px'); rlm@46: this.container.appendChild(tracker); rlm@46: } rlm@46: rlm@46: rlm@46: VMLRenderer.prototype.showTracker = function(shape) { rlm@46: var box = this.bounds(shape); rlm@46: //alert(box.width+' '+shape.id) rlm@46: var trshape = parseFloat(shape.getAttribute('rotation')); rlm@46: var tracker = document.getElementById('tracker'); rlm@46: rlm@46: if (tracker) { rlm@46: this.remove(tracker); rlm@46: } rlm@46: rlm@46: if (shape.tagName == 'shape') rlm@46: { rlm@46: shap=2; rlm@46: if(shape.children[0].tagName == 'path') rlm@46: { rlm@46: rlm@46: /* $('option_path_trx').value= box.x; rlm@46: $('option_path_try').value= box.y; rlm@46: $('option_path_sclx').value= box.width; rlm@46: $('option_path_scly').value= box.height; rlm@46: $('option_path_rot').value= shape.style.rotation; rlm@46: */ rlm@46: //var path=shape.children[0].getAttribute('v'); rlm@46: // $('control_codebase').value=path; rlm@46: } rlm@46: } rlm@46: if (shape.tagName == 'rect') { rlm@46: /* rlm@46: $('option_rect_rot').value= shape.getAttribute('rotation'); rlm@46: $('option_rect_trx').value= box.x; rlm@46: $('option_rect_try').value= box.y; rlm@46: $('option_rect_sclx').value= box.width; rlm@46: $('option_rect_scly').value= box.height; rlm@46: */ rlm@46: } rlm@46: rlm@46: if (shape.tagName == 'image'){ rlm@46: /* $('option_img_trx').value= box.x; rlm@46: $('option_img_try').value= box.y; rlm@46: $('option_img_sclx').value= box.width; rlm@46: $('option_img_scly').value= box.height; rlm@46: $('option_img_rot').value= T.b* (Math.PI * 2 / 360); rlm@46: */ rlm@46: } rlm@46: if (shape.tagName == 'text'){ rlm@46: /* f$('option_text_trx').value= box.x; rlm@46: $('option_text_try').value= box.y; rlm@46: $('option_text_sclx').value= box.width; rlm@46: $('option_text_scly').value= box.height; rlm@46: $('option_text_rot').value= T.b* (Math.PI * 2 / 360); rlm@46: */ rlm@46: } rlm@46: if (shape.tagName == 'line'){ rlm@46: /* rlm@46: $('option_line_trx').value= box.x; rlm@46: $('option_line_try').value= box.y; rlm@46: */ rlm@46: } rlm@46: if (shape.tagName == 'oval'){ rlm@46: /*$('option_ellipse_trx').value= putx; rlm@46: $('option_ellipse_try').value= puty; rlm@46: $('option_ellipse_sclx').value= box.width; rlm@46: $('option_ellipse_scly').value= box.height; rlm@46: $('option_ellipse_rot').value= T.b* (Math.PI * 2 / 360); rlm@46: */ rlm@46: } rlm@46: rlm@46: rlm@46: rlm@46: /*var matrix = shape.getScreenCTM(); rlm@46: var trshape= shape.getAttribute('transform'); rlm@46: var shap=1; rlm@46: if (shape.tagName == 'path') { shap=2; rlm@46: rlm@46: rlm@46: rlm@46: } rlm@46: */ rlm@46: //if (shape.getAttribute('transform') ) { shap=2; } rlm@46: //var svgNamespace = 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'; rlm@46: rlm@46: tracker = this.container.ownerDocument.createElement('v:group'); rlm@46: tracker.id = 'tracker'; rlm@46: //tracker.setAttribute('rotation',trshape); rlm@46: tracker.setAttribute('coordorigin','0, 0'); rlm@46: //tracker.setAttribute('wrapcoords',true); rlm@46: rlm@46: rlm@46: tracker.setAttribute('coordsize',box.width+','+ box.height); rlm@46: tracker.style.position = 'absolute'; rlm@46: tracker.style.left = box.x ; rlm@46: tracker.style.top = box.y; rlm@46: tracker.style.width = box.width ; rlm@46: tracker.style.height = box.height ; rlm@46: rlm@46: rlm@46: //////////////// rlm@46: rlm@46: rlm@46: var corners = []; rlm@46: var point = createPoint(box.x, box.y, box.width, box.height); rlm@46: //point = {x:box.x, y:box.y, width: box.width, height:box.height}; rlm@46: //point = createPoint(box.x, box.y, box.width, box.height); rlm@46: //1 rlm@46: corners.push( createPoint(box.x + box.width, box.y, box.width, box.height) ); rlm@46: point.x = box.x + box.width; rlm@46: point.y = box.y; rlm@46: //2 rlm@46: corners.push( createPoint(box.x + box.width, box.y + box.height, box.width, box.height) ); rlm@46: point.x = box.x + box.width; rlm@46: point.y = box.y + box.height; rlm@46: //3 rlm@46: //corners.push( point.matrixTransform(matrix) ); rlm@46: corners.push( createPoint(box.x , box.y + box.height, box.width, box.height) ); rlm@46: point.x = box.x; rlm@46: point.y = box.y + box.height; rlm@46: //4 rlm@46: corners.push( createPoint(box.x + box.width, box.y, box.width, box.height) ); rlm@46: rlm@46: var max = createPoint(corners[0].x, corners[0].y); rlm@46: var min = createPoint(corners[0].x, corners[0].y); rlm@46: rlm@46: for (var i = 1; i < corners.length; i++) { rlm@46: var x = corners[i].x; rlm@46: var y = corners[i].y; rlm@46: if (x < min.x) { rlm@46: min.x = x; rlm@46: } rlm@46: else if (x > max.x) { rlm@46: max.x = x; rlm@46: } rlm@46: if (y < min.y) { rlm@46: min.y = y; rlm@46: } rlm@46: else if (y > max.y) { rlm@46: max.y = y; rlm@46: } rlm@46: } rlm@46: rlm@46: rlm@46: var border_square = this.container.ownerDocument.createElement('v:rect'); 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