view awesome_js/robert.js @ 48:b2a11435a89b laserkard

[svn r49] implemented resizing text :)
author rlm
date Sun, 31 Jan 2010 20:26:16 -0500
parents 4431dc7d4bb5
children 5eb11cf654de
line wrap: on
line source

2 descHash = new Object();
4 prevVal = "";
8 descHash.classic_acrylic_clear =
9 "<h1>The Classic LaserKard.</h1>Balanced and Complete. The original LaserKard. For those that wish to leave no stone unturned. It's all there.";
11 descHash.big_acrylic_clear =
12 "<h1>The Bold Kard.</h1>Austere and Iconic. For those that wish to leave an impression with the power of their name accompanied only by their main method of contact. Bold, period.";
14 descHash.basic_acrylic_clear =
15 "<h1>The Arrow Kard.</h1>Precise and Straightforward. For those that seek to make a statement while being clear and concise. Straight as an arrow.";
17 descHash.lines_acrylic_clear =
18 "<h1>The Direct Kard.</h1>Thorough and Distinct. For those that aim to demonstrate their professionalism with style. Push the envelope. Be Direct.";
25 function pokedex(target)
26 {
29 var description = eval ("descHash." + target);
31 document.getElementById('pokedex').innerHTML = description;
33 }
37 function stabForm(ID)
38 {
39 var JSONtext = document.getElementById('formValues').innerHTML;
40 var hash = new Object();
41 hash = eval('(' + JSONtext + ')');
43 propertyValue = document.getElementById(ID).value;
44 propertyName = ID;
45 propertyValue = escape(propertyValue);
47 eval("hash."+propertyName+"='"+propertyValue+"'");
49 var JSONtext = document.getElementById('formValues').innerHTML = JSON.stringify(hash);
50 }
54 function getPosition(style, field)
55 {
57 var cardType = eval ("laserkard." + style);
60 if ( eval("typeof cardType." + field + " != 'undefined'")) //shouldn't ever really matter
61 {
62 values = eval("cardType." + field);
64 if (typeof values.posx != 'undefined'){posx = values.posx;}
65 if (typeof values.posy != 'undefined'){posy = values.posy;}
66 if (typeof != 'undefined'){center =;}
67 if (typeof values.font != 'undefined'){font = values.font;}
68 if (typeof values.face != 'undefined'){face = values.face;}
69 if (typeof values.width != 'undefined'){width = values.width;}
70 if (typeof values.weirdFlip != 'undefined'){weirdFlip = values.weirdFlip;}
71 if (typeof values.resize != 'undefined'){resize = values.resize;}
72 }
75 }
80 function smallRedraw(style,field)
81 {
85 var JSONtext = document.getElementById('formValues').innerHTML;
86 var hash = new Object();
87 hash = eval('(' + JSONtext + ')');
89 var content = eval("hash."+field);
91 content = unescape(content);
93 if (prevVal == content){return;}
95 posx = 10;
96 posy = 10;
97 center = 0;
98 font = 10;
99 face = 700;
100 weirdFlip = 0;
101 resize = 1;
102 width = 450;
104 getPosition(style, field);
109 target = "d_" + field;
112 var whatev = eval("typeof " + target + " != 'undefined'")
114 if (whatev){eval ("{" + target + ".remove();}");}
116 eval ( target + " = raphe.print(posx, posy, content , raphe.getFont('HelveticaNeue', face), font);" );
119 var sizzle = eval(target+".getBBox().width;");
121 document.getElementById('output').innerHTML = sizzle;
124 if (resize == 1)
126 {
131 //base case
132 if ((sizzle) > width)
133 {
135 mul = .9;
138 mul = (width/sizzle);
141 font = font * mul;
143 //eval( target + ".scale(mul,mul)" );
145 eval ( target + ".remove();");
146 eval ( target + " = raphe.print(posx, posy, content , raphe.getFont('HelveticaNeue', face), font);" );
149 }
153 }
157 var sizzle = eval(target+".getBBox().width;");
159 document.getElementById('output').innerHTML = sizzle;
161 eval ( target +".attr('stroke', '#fefefe');");
162 //eval ( target +".attr('stroke', '#fbafcd');");
164 eval ( target +".attr('fill', 'none');");
169 if (center == 1)
170 {
171 eval ("var c = " + target+".getBBox().width; " + target + ".translate((485 - c)/2,0);");
172 }
175 if (weirdFlip == 1)
176 {
177 eval("var c = "+target+".getBBox().width;");
178 eval(target+ ".translate((317 - c)/2,0);");
179 eval(target+".translate(0, -490);");
180 eval(target+".rotate(90,0,0);");
181 }
185 prevVal = content;
189 }
191 function clearAll()
192 {
193 if(typeof d_Name != 'undefined' ){d_Name.remove();}
194 if(typeof d_Company != 'undefined' ){d_Company.remove();}
195 if(typeof d_Email != 'undefined' ){d_Email.remove();}
196 if(typeof d_Occupation != 'undefined' ){d_Occupation.remove();}
197 if(typeof d_Phone != 'undefined' ){d_Phone.remove();}
198 if(typeof d_Website != 'undefined' ){d_Website.remove();}
200 if(typeof d_lineArt != 'undefined' ){d_lineArt.remove();}
201 }
203 function redraw(style)
204 {
209 if (style == "bold")
210 {
212 clearAll();
213 smallRedraw("bold","Name");
214 smallRedraw("bold","Email");
218 }
221 if (style == "arrow")
222 {
224 clearAll();
226 smallRedraw("arrow","Name");
227 smallRedraw("arrow","Email");
228 smallRedraw("arrow","Occupation");
229 smallRedraw("arrow","Company");
232 d_lineArt = raphe.path("M 2 272 L 258 272");
233 d_lineArt.attr('stroke', '#fefefe');
235 }
238 if (style == "classic")
239 {
241 clearAll();
243 smallRedraw("classic","Name");
244 smallRedraw("classic","Email");
245 smallRedraw("classic","Occupation");
246 smallRedraw("classic","Company");
247 smallRedraw("classic","Phone");
248 smallRedraw("classic","Website");
249 }
252 if (style == "direct")
253 {
255 clearAll();
257 smallRedraw("direct","Name");
258 smallRedraw("direct","Email");
259 smallRedraw("direct","Occupation");
260 smallRedraw("direct","Company");
261 smallRedraw("direct","Phone");
262 smallRedraw("direct","Website");
264 d_lineArt = raphe.path("M 350 165 L 512 165 M 350 173 L 512 173 M 350 181 L 512 181 M 350 189 L 512 189 M 350 197 L 512 197 M 350 213 L 512 213 M 350 205 L 512 205 M 350 221 L 512 221");
265 d_lineArt.attr('stroke', '#fefefe');
269 }
275 }