view buy_temp.clj @ 78:4ebd94bfecda laserkard

moved css files to own directory; deleted USELESS files
author Robert McIntyre <>
date Thu, 22 Jul 2010 09:56:12 -0400
parents 781127893010
children 343dc947f999
line wrap: on
line source
1 (ns
3 (:use (compojure.http request servlet session routes)
4 (compojure.server jetty)
5 (compojure control)
6 (clojure.contrib prxml str-utils duck-streams)
7 (laserkard common)
8 ))
11 (defn buy-gen []
14 (str
15 (header)
16 (re-gsub
17 #">" ">\n"
18 (pxml
19 [:html {:xmlns ""}
21 [:head
22 [:meta {:http-equiv "Content-Type" :content "text/html" :charset "UTF-8"}]
23 [:link {:rel "stylesheet" :href "css/main.css" :type "text/css" :media "screen"}]
24 [:link {:rel "stylesheet" :href "css/old_sexy.css" :type "text/css" :media "screen"}]
25 [:link {:rel "stylesheet" :href "css/faq.css" :type "text/css" :media "screen"}]
26 ]
27 [:body
28 [:raw! (slurp "/home/r/Desktop/web/laserkard/top_menu.include")]
29 [:div {:class "whole"}
30 [:div {:id "pokedex"}
31 [:p "Soon we will be offering premium business cards in anodized aluminum."]
32 [:p "We will be back up soon so please check back later!"]
33 [:img {:src "./images/color-spread.jpg"}]
35 ]]]]
36 ))))