Mercurial > laserkard
comparison onlypaths/js/application_mini.js @ 46:26c2b3ad21c7 laserkard
[svn r47] saving
author | rlm |
date | Sun, 31 Jan 2010 12:33:33 -0500 (2010-01-31) |
parents | |
children |
45:bff96abdddfa | 46:26c2b3ad21c7 |
1 | |
2 /* | |
3 * | |
4 */ | |
5 | |
6 Ext.BLANK_IMAGE_URL = 'theme/images/default/s.gif'; | |
7 | |
8 if(typeof console != 'object') { | |
9 console = {}; | |
10 console.log = function(){return false;}; | |
11 } | |
12 | |
13 | |
14 function $(e){return Ext.get(e).dom} | |
15 var c, browser, browserpath; | |
16 var colorpage="#ccccdd"; | |
17 var colorpage1a="#ee00aa"; //north | |
18 var colorpage1b="#ee00cc"; | |
19 var colorpage1c="#ee00ee"; | |
20 var colorpage2="#77aaaa"; //sud | |
21 var colorpage3="#ddee00"; //est | |
22 var colorpage4="#ccee00"; //west | |
23 | |
24 var selectmode=''; | |
25 var selectedit=''; | |
26 | |
27 | |
28 ie = navigator.appVersion.match(/MSIE (\d\.\d)/); | |
29 opera = (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("opera") != -1); | |
30 | |
31 | |
32 | |
33 window.onresize = doResize; | |
34 var initialFile='big01.txt'; | |
35 var docx=0; | |
36 var docy=0; | |
37 var docw=600; | |
38 var doch=400; | |
39 var canvasWidth=600;//FRONTsize[0]; | |
40 var canvasW=canvasWidth; | |
41 var canvasHeight=400;//FRONTsize[1]; | |
42 var canvasH=canvasHeight; | |
43 var canvasX=0; | |
44 var canvasY=0; | |
45 var zoomx=docx; | |
46 var zoomy=docy; | |
47 var zoomw=docw; | |
48 var zoomh=doch; | |
49 var marginx=0; | |
50 var marginy=0; | |
51 var margin=100; | |
52 var screenSize=myWorkSize(); | |
53 var scrW = screenSize[0];//screen.availWidth; | |
54 var scrH = screenSize[1];//screen.availHeight; | |
55 | |
56 var canvasYpercent=100; | |
57 var canvasXpercent=100; | |
58 | |
59 | |
60 //? | |
61 var wndW=scrW;//window.width; | |
62 var wndH=scrH;//window.height; | |
63 // | |
64 var proporWindow= scrW/scrH; | |
65 var proporCanvas=canvasW/canvasH; | |
66 var proporDoc=docw/doch; | |
67 var proporZoom= zoomw/zoomh; | |
68 var proporx=proporCanvas; //IE | |
69 var propory=1; //IE | |
70 var mode='canvas';//'canvas' or 'preview' | |
71 | |
72 var zoominit=docx+' '+docy+' '+docw+' '+doch; | |
73 var zoominit1 =zoominit; | |
74 var zoominit2 =zoominit; | |
75 | |
76 var fieldViewx=Math.round(canvasH*proporCanvas); | |
77 var fieldViewy=canvasH; | |
78 var diagonalFrame=dist2p(0,0,fieldViewx,fieldViewy); | |
79 var diagonalAngle=getAngle(fieldViewx,fieldViewy); | |
80 var diagonalinit=diagonalFrame; | |
81 //alert(diagonalinit); | |
82 | |
83 // double? | |
84 var diagonalMidx=fieldViewx/2; | |
85 var diagonalMidy=fieldViewy/2; | |
86 var centerZoomx=diagonalMidx;//Math.round(zoomw/2); | |
87 var centerZoomy=diagonalMidy;//Math.round(zoomh/2); | |
88 // | |
89 | |
90 | |
91 var proporDiagonal=diagonalFrame/diagonalinit; | |
92 ////////////////////////// | |
93 | |
94 var wProportion={x:35, y:24} | |
95 | |
96 var vertexNORTHmenu={}; | |
97 var vertexNORTHglobals={}; | |
98 var vertexNORTHoptions={}; | |
99 var vertexSUD={}; | |
100 var vertexEST={}; | |
101 var vertexWEST={}; | |
102 var vertexFRONT={}; | |
103 | |
104 var NORTHmenusize=[]; | |
105 var NORTHglobalssize=[]; | |
106 var NORTHoptionssize=[]; | |
107 var SUDsize=[]; | |
108 var ESTsize=[]; | |
109 var WESTsize=[]; | |
110 var FRONTsize=[]; | |
111 | |
112 | |
113 vertexFrames(); | |
114 | |
115 | |
116 var FRONT=''; | |
117 FRONT+=' <div id="richdraw" style="background-image:url();background-color:#ff0000;position:relative; border:0px outset black;left:'+canvasX+'px;top:'+canvasY+'px;width:'+canvasW+'px;height:'+canvasH+'px; "></div>'; | |
118 | |
119 var NORTHmenu=''; | |
120 NORTHmenu+=' <span id="file">File</span> <span id="edit">Edit</span>'; | |
121 | |
122 var NORTHglobals=''; | |
123 NORTHglobals+='<span id="options_select" style="visibility:visible;position:relative;top:0px;left:'+canvasX+'px; padding:1px; margin-top:1px; background-color:tranparent;">'; | |
124 NORTHglobals+=' <img id="select_deleteone" title="Delete one" onclick="selectedit='+"'"+'deleteone'+"'"+';info_select()" src="img/delete.gif" >'; | |
125 NORTHglobals+=' <img id="select_deleteall" title="Delete all" onclick="selectedit='+"'"+'deleteall'+"'"+';info_select()" src="img/reset.gif" >' | |
126 NORTHglobals+=' <img id="select_tothetop" title="To the top" onclick="selectedit='+"'"+'tothetop'+"'"+';info_select()" src="img/tothetop.gif" >'; | |
127 NORTHglobals+=' <img id="select_totheback" title="To the back" onclick="selectedit='+"'"+'totheback'+"'"+';info_select()" src="img/totheback.gif" >'; | |
128 NORTHglobals+=' <img id="select_onetop" title="One top" onclick="selectedit='+"'"+'onetop'+"'"+';info_select()" src="img/onetop.gif" >'; | |
129 NORTHglobals+=' <img id="select_oneback" title="One back" onclick="selectedit='+"'"+'oneback'+"'"+';info_select()" src="img/oneback.gif" >'; | |
130 NORTHglobals+=' <img id="select_reflectV" title="Vertical reflect" onclick="selectedit='+"'"+'reflectV'+"'"+';info_select()" src="img/reflect_h.gif" >', | |
131 NORTHglobals+=' <img id="select_reflectH" title="Horizontal reflect" onclick="selectedit='+"'"+'reflectH'+"'"+';info_select()" src="img/reflect_v.gif" >'; | |
132 NORTHglobals+='</span>'; | |
133 | |
134 var NORTHoptions=''; | |
135 // <!-- OPTIONS_SELECT_PATH --> | |
136 NORTHoptions+='<div id="options_select_path" style="font-size:9px;visibility:hidden;position:absolute;top:0px;left:5px;height:14px;width:100%; padding:1px; margin-top:1px; background-color:none;">'; | |
137 NORTHoptions+='<input type="text" name="codebase" id="codebase" style="height:15px;width:600px; padding:1px 1px 1px 4px; margin:0px; background-color:#ffffff;" value=""><img id="envshape" style="background-color:orange;" align="top" title="Submit Shape" onclick="setShape();" border="0px" src="img/setpath1.gif">'; | |
138 NORTHoptions+='</div>'; | |
139 // <!-- OPTIONS_RECT --> | |
140 NORTHoptions+='<div id="options_rect" style="font-size:9px;visibility:hidden;position:absolute;top:0px;left:5px;height:14px;width:100%; padding:1px; margin-top:1px; background-color:none;">'; | |
141 NORTHoptions+=' trX<input id="option_rect_trx" type="text" size="1" style="background-color:#ffffdd" value="0" onKeyPress="return edit(this,event)">'; | |
142 NORTHoptions+=' trY<input id="option_rect_try" type="text" size="1" style="background-color:#ffffdd" value="0"onKeyPress="return edit(this,event)">'; | |
143 NORTHoptions+=' wx<input id="option_rect_sclx" type="text" size="1" style="background-color:#ddffdd" value="1" onKeyPress="return edit(this,event)">'; | |
144 NORTHoptions+=' wy<input id="option_rect_scly" type="text" size="1" style="background-color:#ddffdd" value="1" onKeyPress="return edit(this,event)">'; | |
145 NORTHoptions+=' rot<input id="option_rect_rot" type="text" size="1" style="background-color:#ffdddd" value="0" onKeyPress="return edit(this,event)">'; | |
146 NORTHoptions+='</div>'; | |
147 // <!-- OPTIONS_IMAGE --> | |
148 NORTHoptions+='<div id="options_image" style="font-size:9px;visibility:hidden;position:absolute;top:0px;left:5px;height:14px;width:100%; padding:1px; margin-top:1px; background-color:none;">'; | |
149 NORTHoptions+=' trX<input id="option_img_trx" type="text" size="1" style="background-color:#ffffdd" value="0" onKeyPress="return edit(this,event)">'; | |
150 NORTHoptions+=' trY<input id="option_img_try" type="text" size="1" style="background-color:#ffffdd" value="0"onKeyPress="return edit(this,event)">'; | |
151 NORTHoptions+=' wx<input id="option_img_sclx" type="text" size="1" style="background-color:#ddffdd" value="1" onKeyPress="return edit(this,event)">'; | |
152 NORTHoptions+=' wy<input id="option_img_scly" type="text" size="1" style="background-color:#ddffdd" value="1" onKeyPress="return edit(this,event)">'; | |
153 NORTHoptions+=' rot<input id="option_img_rot" type="text" size="1" style="background-color:#ffdddd" value="0" onKeyPress="return edit(this,event)">'; | |
154 NORTHoptions+=' Source: <input name="option_image_href" type="text" size="62" id="option_image_href" value="" onmouseover="" onKeyPress="return edit(this,event)">'; | |
155 NORTHoptions+='</div>'; | |
156 //<!-- OPTIONS_PATH --> | |
157 NORTHoptions+='<div id="options_path" style="font-size:9px;visibility:hidden;position:absolute;top:0px;left:5px;height:14px;width:100%; padding:1px; margin-top:1px; background-color:none;">'; | |
158 NORTHoptions+=' trX<input id="option_path_trx" type="text" size="1" style="background-color:#ffffdd" value="0" onKeyPress="return edit(this,event)">'; | |
159 NORTHoptions+=' trY<input id="option_path_try" type="text" size="1" style="background-color:#ffffdd" value="0"onKeyPress="return edit(this,event)">'; | |
160 NORTHoptions+=' <input id="option_path_sclx" type="hidden" size="1" style="background-color:#ddffdd" value="1" onKeyPress="return edit(this,event)">'; | |
161 NORTHoptions+=' <input id="option_path_scly" type="hidden" size="1" style="background-color:#ddffdd" value="1" onKeyPress="return edit(this,event)">'; | |
162 NORTHoptions+=' rot<input id="option_path_rot" type="text" size="1" style="background-color:#ffdddd" value="0" onKeyPress="return edit(this,event)">'; | |
163 NORTHoptions+=' Open/Close: <input CHECKED name="option_path_close" id="option_path_close" type="checkbox">'; | |
164 NORTHoptions+=' <input type="text" name="control_codebase" id="control_codebase" style="height:15px;width:300px; padding:1px 1px 1px 4px; margin:0px; background-color:#ffffff;" onmouseover="" value="" onKeyPress="return edit(this,event)">'; | |
165 NORTHoptions+=' <img style="cursor:pointer" align="top" title="to curve" onclick="c.renderer.tocurve();" src="img/tocurve.gif">'; | |
166 NORTHoptions+=' <input id="option_path_num" type="hidden" size="1" style="background-color:#ffdddd" value="0">'; | |
167 NORTHoptions+=' Px<input id="option_path_x" type="text" size="1" style="background-color:#ffdddd" value="0" onKeyPress="return editPath(this,event)">'; | |
168 NORTHoptions+=' Py<input id="option_path_y" type="text" size="1" style="background-color:#ffdddd" value="0" onKeyPress="return editPath(this,event)">'; | |
169 NORTHoptions+='</div>'; | |
170 //<!--OPTIONS ELLIPSE--> | |
171 NORTHoptions+='<div id="options_ellipse" style="font-size:9px;visibility:hidden;position:absolute;top:0px;left:5px;height:14px;width:100%; padding:1px; margin-top:1px; background-color:none;">'; | |
172 NORTHoptions+=' trX<input id="option_ellipse_trx" type="text" size="1" style="background-color:#ffffdd" value="0" onKeyPress="return edit(this,event)">'; | |
173 NORTHoptions+=' trY<input id="option_ellipse_try" type="text" size="1" style="background-color:#ffffdd" value="0"onKeyPress="return edit(this,event)">'; | |
174 NORTHoptions+=' wx<input id="option_ellipse_sclx" type="text" size="1" style="background-color:#ddffdd" value="1" onKeyPress="return edit(this,event)">'; | |
175 NORTHoptions+=' wy<input id="option_ellipse_scly" type="text" size="1" style="background-color:#ddffdd" value="1" onKeyPress="return edit(this,event)">'; | |
176 NORTHoptions+=' rot<input id="option_ellipse_rot" type="text" size="1" style="background-color:#ffdddd" value="0" onKeyPress="return edit(this,event)">'; | |
177 NORTHoptions+='</div>'; | |
178 //<!-- OPTIONS_ZOOM --> | |
179 NORTHoptions+='<div id="options_zoom" style="font-size:9px;visibility:hidden;position:relative;top:0px;left:'+canvasX+'px; padding:0px; margin-top:0px; background-color:tranparent;">'; | |
180 NORTHoptions+=' <img id="zoom_more" title="More zoom" onclick="zoommode='+"'"+'more'+"'"+';info_zoom()" src="img/zoom_more.gif" >'; | |
181 NORTHoptions+=' <img id="zoom_minus" title="Minus zoom" onclick="zoommode='+"'"+'minus'+"'"+';info_zoom()" src="img/zoom_minus.gif" >'; | |
182 NORTHoptions+=' <img id="zoom_frame" title="Frame zoom" onclick="zoommode='+"'"+'frame'+"'"+';info_zoom()" src="img/zoom_frame.gif" >'; | |
183 NORTHoptions+=' <img id="zoom_window" title="Window zoom" onclick="zoommode='+"'"+'window'+"'"+';info_zoom()" src="img/zoom_window.gif" >'; | |
184 NORTHoptions+=' <img id="zoom_hand" title="Hand zoom" onclick="zoommode='+"'"+'hand'+"'"+';info_zoom()" src="img/zoom_hand.gif" >'; | |
185 NORTHoptions+='</div>'; | |
186 //<!-- OPTIONS TEXT--> | |
187 NORTHoptions+='<div id="options_text" style="font-size:9px;visibility:hidden;position:absolute;top:0px;left:90px;width:100%; padding:1px; margin-top:1px;z-index:200; background-color:transparent;">'; | |
188 NORTHoptions+=' <input name="option_text_message" type="text" size="22" id="option_text_message" value="My text" onKeyPress="return edit(this,event)" style="visibility:inherit!important" />'; | |
189 NORTHoptions+=' Size:<input type="text" size="3" id="option_text_size" name="option_text_size" value="30" onKeyPress="return edit(this,event)" style="">'; | |
190 NORTHoptions+=' Family:<select id="select_option_text_family" name="select_option_text_family" onchange="setTextFamily(this);" style="font-size:9px;">'; | |
191 NORTHoptions+=' <option style="font-family:Arial;" value="Arial">Arial</option>'; | |
192 NORTHoptions+=' <option style="font-family:Verdana;" value="Verdana">Verdana</option>'; | |
193 NORTHoptions+=' <option style="font-family:Times;" value="Times">Times</option>'; | |
194 NORTHoptions+=' <option style="font-family:Times;" value="Tahoma">Tahoma</option>'; | |
195 NORTHoptions+=' <option style="font-family:Times;" value="Impact">Impact</option>'; | |
196 NORTHoptions+=' </select>'; | |
197 NORTHoptions+=' <input type="hidden" name="option_text_family" id="option_text_family" value="Arial" >'; | |
198 NORTHoptions+='</div>'; | |
199 | |
200 | |
201 var EST=''; | |
202 EST+='<img id="select" title="Select shapes" onclick="c.pathsEdit=false; setMode('+"'"+'select'+"'"+', '+"'"+'Selection'+"'"+');" src="img/select3.gif" >'; | |
203 EST+='<img id="pathsEdit" title="Edit path" onclick="c.pathsEdit=true; setMode('+"'"+'pathsEdit'+"'"+', '+"'"+'Path Edit'+"'"+');" src="img/editpath.gif" >'; | |
204 EST+='<img id="zoom" title="Select zoom" onclick="setMode('+"'"+'zoom'+"'"+', '+"'"+'Zoom'+"'"+');" src="img/zoom.gif" >'; | |
205 EST+='<img id="rect" title="Draw a rectangle" onclick="setMode('+"'"+'rect'+"'"+', '+"'"+'Rectangle'+"'"+');" src="img/rectangle.gif" >'; | |
206 EST+='<img id="roundrect" title="Draw a rounded rectangle" onclick="setMode('+"'"+'roundrect'+"'"+', '+"'"+'Rounded Rectangle'+"'"+');" src="img/roundrect.gif" >'; | |
207 EST+='<img id="ellipse" title="Draw an ellipse" onclick="setMode('+"'"+'ellipse'+"'"+', '+"'"+'Ellipse / Circle'+"'"+');" src="img/circle.gif" >'; | |
208 EST+='<img id="line" title="Draw a line" onclick="setMode('+"'"+'line'+"'"+', '+"'"+'Line'+"'"+');" src="img/line.gif" >'; | |
209 EST+='<img id="path" title="Draw a path" onclick="setMode('+"'"+'path'+"'"+', '+"'"+'Path'+"'"+');" src="img/path2.gif">'; | |
210 EST+='<img id="controlpath" title="Draw a path" onclick="setMode('+"'"+'controlpath'+"'"+', '+"'"+'controlPath'+"'"+');" src="img/path3.gif">'; | |
211 EST+='<img id="text" title="Write a text" onclick="setMode('+"'"+'text'+"'"+', '+"'"+'Text'+"'"+');" src="img/text.gif">'; | |
212 EST+='<img id="shape" title="Open a shape" onclick="setMode('+"'"+'shape'+"'"+', '+"'"+'Shape'+"'"+');" src="img/shape.gif">'; | |
213 EST+='<img id="image" title="Put a image" onclick="setMode('+"'"+'image'+"'"+', '+"'"+'Image'+"'"+');" src="img/image.gif" >'; | |
214 | |
215 var WEST=''; | |
216 WEST+='<div id="xyinput" style="width:40px;background-color:none">0,0</div>'; | |
217 WEST+='<div style="font-size:9px">Grid:</div>'; | |
218 WEST+='<select id="gridwidth" style="font-size:9px">'; | |
219 var chain=''; | |
220 for(var num=1;num<=30;num++) | |
221 { | |
222 chain+='<option value="'+num+'">'+num+'px</option>'; | |
223 } | |
224 WEST+=chain; | |
225 WEST+='</select>'; | |
226 WEST+='<br>'; | |
227 | |
228 WEST+=' <div name="me-container">'; | |
229 WEST+=' <div id="fill-me">'; | |
230 WEST+=' <img style=" padding:0px; border:0px solid orange;" id="img_okfill" onclick="setbe(1,'+"'"+'img_okfill'+"'"+')" src="img/theme/images/ok.gif">Fill<div id="fill-square"></div>'; | |
231 WEST+=' <div id="slider-fill"></div>'; | |
232 WEST+=' <div id="fillContainer"></div>'; | |
233 WEST+=' <div id="opacity-slider-fill" title="Fill opacity"></div>'; | |
234 WEST+=' </div>'; | |
235 WEST+=' <div id="stroke-me">'; | |
236 WEST+=' <img style=" padding:0px; border:0px solid orange;" id="img_okstroke" onclick="setbe(2,'+"'"+'img_okstroke'+"'"+')" src="img/theme/images/ok.gif">Line<div id="stroke-square"></div>'; | |
237 WEST+=' <div id="slider-stroke"></div>'; | |
238 WEST+=' <div id="strokeContainer"></div>'; | |
239 WEST+=' <div id="width-slider-stroke-mask"></div><div id="width-slider-stroke" title="Stroke width"></div>'; | |
240 WEST+=' <div id="opacity-slider-stroke" title="Stroke opacity"></div>'; | |
241 WEST+=' </div>'; | |
242 WEST+=' <div id="divformfill">'; | |
243 WEST+=' </div>'; | |
244 WEST+=' <div id="divformstroke">'; | |
245 WEST+=' </div>'; | |
246 | |
247 WEST+='</div>'; | |
248 WEST+=' <div id="panel_shapes" style="overflow:auto;font-size:9px;visibility:hidden;position:absolute;top:200px;left:0px;height:122px;width:200px; padding:1px; margin-top:1px; background-color:none;">'; | |
249 WEST+=' <iframe id="linksPaths" style="visibility:hidden;overflow:auto;padding:0px;border-style:outset;border-width:0px;margin:0px;width:200px;height:122px;background-color:wheat;" src="svgpaths.htm"></iframe>'; | |
250 WEST+=' </div> '; | |
251 | |
252 var SUD=""; | |
253 //SUD+='<img id="showcode" title="Show the code" alt="" onclick="showMarkupCode();" src="img/viewcode.gif" style="border-color:#dd7700" >'; | |
254 //SUD+='<img id="showmarkup" title="Show the raw markup" alt="" onclick="shm();" src="img/viewcode.gif" >'; | |
255 //SUD+='<img id="loadmarkup" title="Load the raw markup" alt="" onclick="lcm();" src="img/loadcode.gif" >'; | |
256 //SUD+='<br> '; | |
257 SUD+='<br> '; | |
258 SUD+='<input type="text" id="someinfo" value="No Data" name="someinfo" style="width:80%;">'; | |
259 // SUD+='<textarea name="code" id="code" style="width:420px;height:200px;padding:0px"></textarea>'; | |
260 // SUD+='<div>'; | |
261 // SUD+='</div>'; | |
262 | |
263 var currentEditStatus='off'; | |
264 var currentFileStatus='off'; | |
265 var infoFrame, docFrame; | |
266 Ext.onReady(function() { | |
267 | |
268 | |
269 //var map = new Ext.KeyMap(document, { | |
270 // key: [Ext.EventObject.LEFT, Ext.EventObject.RIGHT], | |
271 // ctrl: true, | |
272 // fn: keypresshandler | |
273 //}); | |
274 Ext.get("FRONT").dom.innerHTML=(FRONT); | |
275 Ext.get("NORTHmenu").dom.innerHTML=(NORTHmenu); | |
276 Ext.get("NORTHglobals").dom.innerHTML=(NORTHglobals); | |
277 Ext.get("NORTHoptions").dom.innerHTML=(NORTHoptions); | |
278 Ext.get("EST").dom.innerHTML=(EST); | |
279 Ext.get("WEST").dom.innerHTML=(WEST); | |
280 Ext.get("SUD").dom.innerHTML=(SUD); | |
281 | |
282 resizeFrame(); | |
283 var map= new Ext.KeyMap(document, [ | |
284 { | |
285 key: [46],//DELETE | |
286 fn: function(){ c.deleteSelection(); } | |
287 }, { | |
288 key: "x", | |
289 ctrl:true, | |
290 fn: function(){ | |
291 c.clipboard=c.renderer.copy(c.selected); | |
292 c.deleteSelection(); | |
293 } | |
294 }, { | |
295 key: "c", | |
296 ctrl:true, | |
297 fn: function(){ | |
298 c.clipboard=c.renderer.copy(c.selected); | |
299 } | |
300 }, { | |
301 key: "d", | |
302 ctrl:true, | |
303 fn: function(){ | |
304 c.selected=c.renderer.duplicate(c.selected); | |
305 = 'shape:' + createUUID(); | |
306 Ext.get(c.selected).on( "mousedown", c.onHit,c); | |
307 } | |
308 }, { | |
309 key: "v", | |
310 ctrl:true, | |
311 fn: function(){ | |
312 c.selected=c.renderer.paste(c.clipboard,c.mouseDownX,c.mouseDownY); | |
313 = 'shape:' + createUUID(); | |
314 Ext.get(c.selected).on( "mousedown", c.onHit,c); | |
315 } | |
316 }, { | |
317 key: "z", //UNDO | |
318 ctrl:true, | |
319 shift:false, | |
320 fn: function(){ c.clipboard=c.renderer.undo(); } | |
321 } | |
322 ]); | |
323 | |
324 /* | |
325 Ext.get("richdraw"); | |
326 Ext.get("richdraw"); | |
327 Ext.get("richdraw"); | |
328 Ext.get("richdraw"); | |
329 */ | |
330 | |
331 | |
332 | |
333 menuEdit = new{ | |
334 id: 'menuedit', | |
335 items: [ | |
336 {icon: "img/viewcode.gif", text: 'Copy all ', handler: shm}, | |
337 {icon: "img/viewcode.gif", text: 'Paste all ', handler: lcm}, | |
338 {icon: "img/viewcode.gif", text: 'Delete all ', handler: deleteAllShapes}, | |
339 {icon: "img/viewcode.gif", text: 'Duplicate <b>Ctrl+d</b>', handler: duplicateSelected}, | |
340 {icon: "img/viewcode.gif", text: 'Cut <b>Ctrl+x</b>', handler: cutSelected}, | |
341 {icon: "img/viewcode.gif", text: 'Copy <b>Ctrl+c</b>', handler: copySelected}, | |
342 {icon: "img/viewcode.gif", text: 'Paste <b>Ctrl+v</b>', handler: pasteSelected}, | |
343 {icon: "img/viewcode.gif", text: 'Delete <b>Supr</b>', handler: deleteShape}, | |
344 {icon: "img/viewcode.gif", text: 'Delete last <b>Ctrl+z</b>', handler: deleteLastShapes}, | |
345 | |
346 ] | |
347 }); | |
348 | |
349 menuFile = new{ | |
350 id: 'menufile', | |
351 | |
352 items: [ | |
353 new{ icon: "img/viewcode.gif", text: 'Open ', handler: openFile }), | |
354 new{ icon: "img/viewcode.gif", text: 'View SVG code ', handler: showMarkupCode }), | |
355 new{icon: "img/viewcode.gif", text: 'View OPF code ', handler: showMarkup }), | |
356 new{icon: "img/viewcode.gif", text: 'Document properties ', handler: documentProperties }) | |
357 ] | |
358 }); | |
359 /* | |
360 items: [ | |
361 {icon: "img/viewcode.gif", text: 'View SVG code ', handler: showMarkupCode }, | |
362 {icon: "img/viewcode.gif", text: 'View OPF code ', handler: showMarkup }, | |
363 {icon: "img/viewcode.gif", text: 'Document properties ', handler: documentProperties }, | |
364 | |
365 ] | |
366 */ | |
367 // define the handler for mouseover/out of either button or menu itself | |
368 var editHandler = function(e) | |
369 { | |
370 if(currentEditStatus=='on') | |
371 { | |
372 var edit = menuEdit.getEl(); | |
373 var buttonEdit = Ext.get('edit'); | |
374 if(!edit.getRegion().contains(e.getPoint()) && !buttonEdit.getRegion().contains(e.getPoint())) | |
375 { | |
376 menuEdit.hide(); | |
377 currentEditStatus='off'; | |
378 } | |
379 } | |
380 else | |
381 { | |
382'edit'); | |
383 currentEditStatus='on'; | |
384 } | |
385 } | |
386 | |
387 var fileHandler = function(e) | |
388 { | |
389 if(currentFileStatus=='on') | |
390 { | |
391 var file = menuFile.getEl(); | |
392 var buttonFile = Ext.get('file'); | |
393 if(!file.getRegion().contains(e.getPoint()) && !buttonFile.getRegion().contains(e.getPoint())) | |
394 { | |
395 menuFile.hide(); | |
396 currentFileStatus='off'; | |
397 } | |
398 } | |
399 else | |
400 { | |
401'file'); | |
402 currentFileStatus='on'; | |
403 } | |
404 } | |
405 | |
406 // define the events to observe | |
407 Ext.get('edit').on('mouseover',editHandler); | |
408 Ext.get('edit').on('mouseout',editHandler); | |
409 menuEdit.getEl().on('mouseout',editHandler); | |
410 | |
411 Ext.get('file').on('mouseover',fileHandler); | |
412 Ext.get('file').on('mouseout',fileHandler); | |
413 menuFile.getEl().on('mouseout',fileHandler); | |
414 | |
415 | |
416 | |
417 | |
418 }); | |
419 | |
420 // end ONREADY | |
421 | |
422 function borderDoc(){ | |
423 //c.rectCanvas(docx,docy,docw,doch,viewBox) | |
424 if(mode=='canvas') | |
425 { | |
426 var obj=document.getElementById("rectDoc"); | |
427 if(obj){c.renderer.remove(obj) } | |
428 c.renderer.rectDoc(zoominit1); | |
429 // = "rectCanvas"; | |
430 //c.selected=obj; | |
431 // c.renderer.remove(obj) | |
432 //var clip=c.renderer.copy(obj); | |
433 | |
434 | |
435 | |
436 //var pst=c.container.appendChild( clip ); | |
437 //c.renderer.paste(clip,0,0); | |
438 // = "rectCanvas"; | |
439 | |
440 | |
441 //pasteSelected(); | |
442 | |
443 //c.renderer.duplicate(document.getElementById("rectCanvas")) | |
444 //c.renderer.remove(document.getElementById("rectCanvas")); | |
445 } | |
446 } | |
447 function demo() { | |
448 _dom=document.all?3:(document.getElementById?1:(document.layers?2:0)); | |
449 | |
450 var renderer; | |
451 | |
452 if ((!ie) || (opera)) { | |
453 renderer = new SVGRenderer(); | |
454 browser='svg'; | |
455 browserpath="linkspath.htm"; | |
456 } | |
457 else { | |
458 renderer = new VMLRenderer(); | |
459 browser='vml'; | |
460 browserpath="vmlpaths.htm"; | |
461 } | |
462 | |
463 c = new RichDrawEditor(document.getElementById('richdraw'), renderer); | |
464 | |
465 c.onInputXY = function(x,y){$('xyinput').innerHTML = parseInt(x)+','+parseInt(y)}//[x,y].join("<br>")} | |
466 | |
467 c.onselect = onSelect; | |
468 c.onunselect = onUnselect; | |
469 | |
470 | |
471 | |
472 // c.onkeydown = keypresshandler; | |
473 //c.onkeypress = c.onKeyPress; | |
474 //document.onkeypress = c.onKeyPress; | |
475 | |
476 | |
477 | |
478 c.editCommand('fillcolor', 'red'); | |
479 c.editCommand('linecolor', 'black'); | |
480 c.editCommand('linewidth', '1px'); | |
481 | |
482 | |
483 //setMode('path', 'Path'); | |
484 setMode('select', 'Selection'); | |
485 | |
486 = colorpage; | |
487 | |
488 | |
489 //alert(vertexSUD.SUD1[0]+' '+vertexSUD.SUD1[1]+ '--'+wndW+' '+wndH); | |
490 | |
491 setTimeout(loadDemo,500) | |
492 //Ext.get("richdraw").on('keydown', function(e){alert('dfsd'); }, false); | |
493 //Ext.get("richdraw").on('keydown', function(e){alert(e.keyCode); }); | |
494 //document.onkeydown = keypresshandler; | |
495 //richdraw.svgRoot.setAttributeNS(null,'viewBox', '0 0 700 500'); | |
496 | |
497 //setTimeout(borderDoc,500) | |
498 | |
499 } //END demo | |
500 | |
501 | |
502 ///////////////// | |
503 | |
504 | |
505 ////////////////// | |
506 var Docs = function(){ | |
507 return { | |
508 init : function(){ | |
509 var loading = Ext.get('loading'); | |
510 var mask = Ext.get('loading-mask'); | |
511 mask.setOpacity(.7); | |
512 mask.shift({ | |
513 xy:loading.getXY(), | |
514 width:loading.getWidth(), | |
515 height:loading.getHeight(), | |
516 remove:true, | |
517 duration:2, | |
518 opacity:.8, | |
519 easing:'bounceOut', | |
520 callback : function(){ | |
521 loading.fadeOut({duration:.2,remove:true}); | |
522 } | |
523 }); | |
524 } | |
525 }; | |
526 }(); | |
527 | |
528 | |
529 Ext.onReady(Docs.init, Docs, true); | |
530 | |
531 function showinfoFrame(wtitle) { | |
532 var win = new Ext.Window({ | |
533 closeAction: 'hide', | |
534 renderTo: 'showInfo', | |
535 autoScroll:true, | |
536 modal:true, | |
537 width: '440', | |
538 height:'300', | |
539 x: '120', | |
540 y: '40', | |
541 title: wtitle, | |
542 draggable :true, | |
543 html: '', | |
544 hidden: true, | |
545 contentEl: 'divCode', | |
546 collapsed: true | |
547 | |
548 }); | |
549; | |
550 } | |
551 function showdocFrame(wtitle) { | |
552 var win = new Ext.Window({ | |
553 closeAction: 'hide', | |
554 renderTo: 'showInfo', | |
555 width: '340', | |
556 height:'300', | |
557 x: '120', | |
558 y: '40', | |
559 title: wtitle, | |
560 draggable :true, | |
561 html: '', | |
562 hidden: true, | |
563 contentEl: 'docProperties', | |
564 collapsed: true | |
565 | |
566 }); | |
567; | |
568 } | |
569 function showopenFile(wtitle) { | |
570 var win = new Ext.Window({ | |
571 autoScroll:true, | |
572 closeAction: 'hide', | |
573 renderTo: 'showInfo', | |
574 width: '440', | |
575 height:'300', | |
576 x: '120', | |
577 y: '40', | |
578 title: wtitle, | |
579 draggable :true, | |
580 html: '', | |
581 hidden: true, | |
582 contentEl: 'divopenFile', | |
583 collapsed: true | |
584 | |
585 }); | |
586; | |
587 } | |
588 | |
589 ///////////////////////////// | |
590 //FUNCTIONS | |
591 ///////////////////////////// | |
592 | |
593 function changeInitialFile() | |
594 { | |
595 initialFile=document.forms[0].file.value; | |
596 c.renderer.removeAll() | |
597 loadDemo(); | |
598 | |
599 } | |
600 | |
601 function setMode(mode, status) | |
602 { | |
603 | |
604 | |
605 selectmode=mode; | |
606 if(mode=='shape') | |
607 { | |
608 c.editCommand('mode', 'select'); | |
609 }else{ | |
610 if(mode=='pathsEdit' ) | |
611 { | |
612 mode='select'; | |
613 } | |
614 c.editCommand('mode', mode); | |
615 } | |
616 | |
617 var imgs = $('EST').getElementsByTagName('img'); | |
618 | |
619 for (var i=0; i<imgs.length; i++) | |
620 { | |
621 imgs[i].style.backgroundColor = ''; | |
622 } | |
623 if(c.pathsEdit==true){ | |
624 $('pathsEdit').style.backgroundColor = 'orange'; | |
625 }else{ | |
626 $(mode).style.backgroundColor = 'orange'; | |
627 } | |
628 | |
629 | |
630 if (mode == 'select') | |
631 { | |
632 //$('status').innerHTML = 'Select/Move' ; | |
633 info_select(); | |
634 } | |
635 else | |
636 { | |
637 //$('status').innerHTML = 'Draw ' + status; | |
638 } | |
639 | |
640 /////////// | |
641 | |
642 hiddenAllMenus(); | |
643 | |
644 if(mode=='text') | |
645 { | |
646 info_text(); | |
647 } | |
648 | |
649 if(mode=='shape') | |
650 { | |
651 info_shape(); | |
652 } | |
653 if(mode=='ellipse') | |
654 { | |
655 info_ellipse(); | |
656 } | |
657 | |
658 if(mode=='rect') | |
659 { | |
660 info_rect(); | |
661 } | |
662 | |
663 if(mode=='image') | |
664 { | |
665 info_image(); | |
666 } | |
667 | |
668 if(mode=='path') | |
669 { | |
670 info_path(); | |
671 } | |
672 if(mode=='controlpath') | |
673 { | |
674 info_controlpath(); | |
675 } | |
676 if(mode=='zoom') | |
677 { | |
678 info_zoom(); | |
679 | |
680 } | |
681 if(mode=='select') | |
682 { | |
683 if(c.pathsEdit==true) | |
684 { | |
685 info_pathsEdit(); | |
686 } | |
687 else | |
688 { | |
689 info_select(); | |
690 } | |
691 | |
692 } | |
693 //c.renderer.zoom(0,0); | |
694 //document.getElementById('richdraw').focus(); | |
695 | |
696 } | |
697 | |
698 ///////////////////////// | |
699 | |
700 function hiddenAllMenus() | |
701 { | |
702 document.getElementById('richdraw').style.cursor='default'; | |
703 $('options_text').style.visibility = 'hidden'; | |
704 $('options_select_path').style.visibility = 'hidden'; | |
705 $('panel_shapes').style.visibility = 'hidden'; | |
706 $('linksPaths').style.visibility = 'hidden'; | |
707 $('options_rect').style.visibility = 'hidden'; | |
708 $('options_ellipse').style.visibility = 'hidden'; | |
709 $('options_image').style.visibility = 'hidden'; | |
710 $('options_path').style.visibility = 'hidden'; | |
711 //$('options_controlpath').style.visibility = 'hidden'; | |
712 $('options_zoom').style.visibility = 'hidden'; | |
713 $('options_select').style.visibility = 'hidden'; | |
714 | |
715 | |
716 selectedit=''; | |
717 } | |
718 | |
719 function info_text() | |
720 { | |
721 $('options_text').style.visibility = 'visible'; | |
722 } | |
723 function info_shape() | |
724 { | |
725 $('options_select_path').style.visibility = 'visible'; | |
726 $('linksPaths').style.visibility = 'visible'; | |
727 $('panel_shapes').style.visibility= 'visible'; | |
728 } | |
729 function info_rect() | |
730 { | |
731 $('options_rect').style.visibility = 'visible'; | |
732 } | |
733 function info_ellipse() | |
734 { | |
735 $('options_ellipse').style.visibility = 'visible'; | |
736 } | |
737 | |
738 function info_image() | |
739 { | |
740 $('options_image').style.visibility = 'visible'; | |
741 } | |
742 function info_path() | |
743 { | |
744 $('options_path').style.visibility = 'visible'; | |
745 | |
746 } | |
747 function info_controlpath() | |
748 { | |
749 $('options_path').style.visibility = 'visible'; | |
750 | |
751 } | |
752 function info_zoom() | |
753 { | |
754 $('options_zoom').style.visibility = 'visible'; | |
755 //$('options_zoom').style.backgroundColor = colorpage; | |
756 if(zoommode=='hand') | |
757 { | |
758 document.getElementById('richdraw').style.cursor='move'; | |
759 | |
760 }else{ | |
761 if(zoommode=='window') | |
762 { | |
763 | |
764 }else{ | |
765 c.renderer.zoom(0,0); | |
766 } | |
767 } | |
768 var imgs = $('options_zoom').getElementsByTagName('img'); | |
769 for (var i=0; i<imgs.length; i++) | |
770 { | |
771 imgs[i].style.backgroundColor = ''; | |
772 } | |
773 $('zoom_'+zoommode).style.backgroundColor = 'orange'; | |
774 | |
775 | |
776 | |
777 } | |
778 | |
779 function info_pathsEdit(){ | |
780 $('options_path').style.visibility = 'visible'; | |
781 } | |
782 | |
783 function info_select() | |
784 { | |
785 $('options_select').style.visibility = 'visible'; | |
786 //$('options_select').style.backgroundColor = colorpage; | |
787 | |
788 if(selectedit=='deleteone') | |
789 { | |
790 deleteShape(); | |
791 } | |
792 if(selectedit=='deleteall') | |
793 { | |
794 deleteAllShapes(); | |
795 } | |
796 if(selectedit=='tothetop') | |
797 { | |
798 toFront(-1); | |
799 } | |
800 if(selectedit=='totheback') | |
801 { | |
802 toFront(0); | |
803 } | |
804 if(selectedit=='oneback') | |
805 { | |
806 toFront(1); | |
807 } | |
808 if(selectedit=='onetop') | |
809 { | |
810 toFront(2); | |
811 } | |
812 if(selectedit=='reflectV') | |
813 { | |
814 c.reflect('V'); | |
815 } | |
816 if(selectedit=='reflectH') | |
817 { | |
818 c.reflect('H'); | |
819 } | |
820 | |
821 var imgs = $('options_select').getElementsByTagName('img'); | |
822 for (var i=0; i<imgs.length; i++) | |
823 { | |
824 imgs[i].style.backgroundColor = ''; | |
825 } | |
826 if(selectedit != '') | |
827 { | |
828 $('select_'+selectedit).style.backgroundColor = 'orange'; | |
829 } | |
830 | |
831 } | |
832 | |
833 | |
834 //////////////////////////// | |
835 | |
836 | |
837 function setShape() | |
838 { | |
839 if(selectmode=='select' || selectmode=='control_path' || selectmode=='path'){ | |
840 c.submitShape(document.forms[0].control_codebase.value); | |
841 }else{ | |
842 setMode('path', 'Path'); | |
843 c.submitShape(document.forms[0].codebase.value); | |
844 } | |
845 } | |
846 | |
847 //function onKeyPress(){ | |
848 //c.onKeyPress(); | |
849 //} | |
850 | |
851 | |
852 function deleteShape() | |
853 { | |
854 c.deleteSelection(); | |
855 } | |
856 | |
857 function deleteAllShapes() | |
858 { | |
859 c.deleteAll(); | |
860 } | |
861 | |
862 function deleteLastShapes() | |
863 { | |
864 //c.deleteLast(); | |
865 c.clipboard=c.renderer.undo(); | |
866 } | |
867 function toFront(num) | |
868 { | |
869 c.toFront(num); | |
870 } | |
871 function cutSelected() | |
872 { | |
873 | |
874 c.clipboard=c.renderer.copy(c.selected); | |
875 c.deleteSelection(); | |
876 } | |
877 function copySelected() | |
878 { | |
879 c.clipboard=c.renderer.copy(c.selected); | |
880 } | |
881 function pasteSelected() | |
882 { | |
883 c.selected=c.renderer.paste(c.clipboard,c.mouseDownX,c.mouseDownY); | |
884 = 'shape:' + createUUID(); | |
885 Ext.get(c.selected).on( "mousedown", c.onHit,c); | |
886 } | |
887 function duplicateSelected() | |
888 { | |
889 c.selected=c.renderer.duplicate(c.selected); | |
890 = 'shape:' + createUUID(); | |
891 Ext.get(c.selected).on( "mousedown", c.onHit,c); | |
892 } | |
893 /////////////////////////// | |
894 | |
895 | |
896 function setFillColor(color) //colors -- | |
897 { | |
898 //-- var color = colors.options[colors.selectedIndex].value; | |
899 //-- = color; | |
900 | |
901 c.editCommand('fillcolor', color); | |
902 } | |
903 | |
904 function setLineColor(color) //colors -- | |
905 { | |
906 //--var color = colors.options[colors.selectedIndex].value; | |
907 //-- = color; | |
908 | |
909 c.editCommand('linecolor', color); | |
910 } | |
911 | |
912 function setLineWidth(width) //width -- | |
913 { | |
914 //-- var width = widths.options[widths.selectedIndex].value; | |
915 c.editCommand('linewidth', width); | |
916 } | |
917 //// | |
918 //++ | |
919 function setFillOpacity(opacity) | |
920 { | |
921 c.editCommand('fillopacity', opacity); | |
922 } | |
923 //// | |
924 //++ | |
925 function setLineOpacity(opacity) | |
926 { | |
927 c.editCommand('lineopacity', opacity); | |
928 } | |
929 | |
930 function setTextFamily(types) | |
931 { | |
932 var type = types.options[types.selectedIndex].value; | |
933 document.forms[0].option_text_family.value=type; //bad :-( | |
934 data_text_family = type; | |
935 c.submitShape($('option_text_message').value+'<;>'+$('option_text_size').value+'<;>'+$('option_text_family').value); | |
936 } | |
937 | |
938 function setGridWidth(widths) | |
939 { | |
940 var width = eval(widths.options[widths.selectedIndex].value); | |
941 RichDrawEditor.prototype.setGrid(width, width); | |
942 } | |
943 | |
944 /////////////////////////////// | |
945 | |
946 | |
947 function getOptionByValue(select, value) | |
948 { | |
949 /*for (var i=0; i<select.length; i++) | |
950 { | |
951 if (select.options[i].value == value) | |
952 { | |
953 return i; | |
954 } | |
955 } | |
956 return -1; | |
957 */ | |
958 } | |
959 | |
960 ///////////////////////////// | |
961 | |
962 function showMarkupCode() | |
963 { | |
964 $('code').value = c.renderer.getMarkup(); | |
965 //document.forms[0].code.focus(); | |
966 //$('code').select; | |
967 showinfoFrame('SVG code') | |
968 //infoFrame.setTitle('SVG code'); | |
969 //; | |
970 | |
971 } | |
972 function openFile() | |
973 { | |
974 $('file').value = initialFile; | |
975 //document.forms[0].code.focus(); | |
976 //$('code').select; | |
977 showopenFile('Open File') | |
978 //infoFrame.setTitle('SVG code'); | |
979 //; | |
980 | |
981 } | |
982 function showMarkup() | |
983 { | |
984 document.forms[0].code.value=Ext.util.JSON.encode(canvas(c)); | |
985 //infoFrame.setTitle('OPF code'); | |
986 //; | |
987 showinfoFrame('OPF code') | |
988 | |
989 | |
990 } | |
991 | |
992 function shm() | |
993 { | |
994 var json = Ext.util.JSON.encode(canvas(c)) | |
995 $('someinfo').value = "JSON File Format Saved : "+( c.renderer.getMarkup().length - json.length )+" characters; JSON Character Total: "+json.length | |
996 $('code').value=json; | |
997 } | |
998 | |
999 function lcm() | |
1000 { | |
1001 load(Ext.util.JSON.decode(document.forms[0].code.value),c) | |
1002 | |
1003 } | |
1004 | |
1005 //////////////////////////////////////// | |
1006 | |
1007 | |
1008 function onSelect() | |
1009 { | |
1010 /*$('fillcolor').selectedIndex = getOptionByValue($('fillcolor'), c.queryCommand('fillcolor')); | |
1011 $('fillcolor').style.backgroundColor = c.queryCommand('fillcolor'); | |
1012 $('linecolor').selectedIndex = getOptionByValue($('linecolor'), c.queryCommand('linecolor')); | |
1013 $('linecolor').style.backgroundColor = c.queryCommand('linecolor'); | |
1014 $('linewidth').selectedIndex = getOptionByValue($('linewidth'), c.queryCommand('linewidth')); | |
1015 */ | |
1016 hiddenAllMenus(); | |
1017 info_select(); | |
1018 | |
1019 if (c.selected.tagName == 'rect'){ | |
1020 //setMode('rect', 'Rectangle') | |
1021 info_rect(); | |
1022 } | |
1023 if (c.selected.tagName == 'image'){ | |
1024 info_image(); | |
1025 } | |
1026 if (c.selected.tagName == 'text'){ | |
1027 info_text(); | |
1028 } | |
1029 if (c.selected.tagName == 'line'){ | |
1030 //info_line(); | |
1031 } | |
1032 if (c.selected.tagName == 'ellipse'){ | |
1033 info_ellipse() | |
1034 } | |
1035 if (c.selected.tagName == 'path') { | |
1036 | |
1037 info_path(); | |
1038 } | |
1039 if (c.selected.tagName == 'shape'){ | |
1040 var detail=c.selected.children[0].tagName; | |
1041 $('someinfo').value=detail; | |
1042 if(detail=='path'){ info_path(); } | |
1043 if(detail=='textpath'){ info_text(); } | |
1044 } | |
1045 if (c.selected.tagName == 'oval') { | |
1046 | |
1047 info_ellipse(); | |
1048 } | |
1049 | |
1050 //frames['mondrianstyle'].setcolorhex(c.queryCommand('linecolor'),'stroke'); | |
1051 //frames['mondrianstyle'].setcolorhex(c.queryCommand('fillcolor'),'fill'); | |
1052 } | |
1053 | |
1054 function onUnselect() | |
1055 { | |
1056 | |
1057 /* | |
1058 $('fillcolor').selectedIndex = getOptionByValue($('fillcolor'), c.queryCommand('fillcolor')); | |
1059 $('fillcolor').style.backgroundColor = c.queryCommand('fillcolor'); | |
1060 $('linecolor').selectedIndex = getOptionByValue($('linecolor'), c.queryCommand('linecolor')); | |
1061 $('linecolor').style.backgroundColor = c.queryCommand('linecolor'); | |
1062 $('linewidth').selectedIndex = getOptionByValue($('linewidth'), c.queryCommand('linewidth')); | |
1063 */ | |
1064 | |
1065 } | |
1066 | |
1067 function editPath(myfield,e) | |
1068 { | |
1069 | |
1070 var keycode; | |
1071 | |
1072 | |
1073 // ++? if (window.event) keycode = window.event.e; | |
1074 | |
1075 e= (e) ? e : ((window.event) ? event : null); | |
1076 keycode=e.keyCode; | |
1077 var shs='_'); | |
1078 var sh=shs[1]; | |
1079 | |
1080 var mypath=$('control_codebase').value; | |
1081 | |
1082 | |
1083 var x= $('option_path_x').value; | |
1084 var y= $('option_path_y').value; | |
1085 var precoord=x+','+y; | |
1086 | |
1087 | |
1088 var mypointNum=$('option_path_num').value; | |
1089 var controlNodeNum=2; | |
1090 | |
1091 if (keycode == 38)//#26 | |
1092 { | |
1093 myfield.value=eval(myfield.value)+1; | |
1094 } | |
1095 if (keycode == 40)// #28 | |
1096 { | |
1097 myfield.value=eval(myfield.value)-1; | |
1098 } | |
1099 if (keycode == 13 || keycode == 40 || keycode == 38) | |
1100 { | |
1101 var cadx= $('option_path_x').value; | |
1102 var cady= $('option_path_y').value; | |
1103 var coord=cadx+','+cady; | |
1104 | |
1105 //$('code').value=coord; | |
1106 | |
1107 var cad1=new RegExp(precoord,"g"); | |
1108 | |
1109 | |
1110 var result=mypath.replace(cad1, coord); | |
1111 | |
1112 $('control_codebase').value=' '; | |
1113 $('control_codebase').value=result; | |
1114 | |
1115 $('someinfo').value=precoord; | |
1116 //alert(; | |
1117 setShape(); //c.renderer.tocurve(); | |
1118 | |
1119 return false; | |
1120 | |
1121 } | |
1122 else | |
1123 return true; | |
1124 } | |
1125 | |
1126 | |
1127 function editPathXX(myfield,e) | |
1128 { | |
1129 | |
1130 var keycode; | |
1131 | |
1132 | |
1133 // ++? if (window.event) keycode = window.event.e; | |
1134 | |
1135 e= (e) ? e : ((window.event) ? event : null); | |
1136 keycode=e.keyCode; | |
1137 var shs='_'); | |
1138 var sh=shs[1]; | |
1139 | |
1140 var mypath=$('control_codebase').value; | |
1141 var mypointNum=$('option_path_num').value; | |
1142 var controlNodeNum=2; | |
1143 | |
1144 if (keycode == 38)//#26 | |
1145 { | |
1146 myfield.value=eval(myfield.value)+1; | |
1147 } | |
1148 if (keycode == 40)// #28 | |
1149 { | |
1150 myfield.value=eval(myfield.value)-1; | |
1151 } | |
1152 | |
1153 | |
1154 var points=mypath.split('C'); | |
1155 var chain=''; | |
1156 var segment=' '; | |
1157 prevControl=' '; | |
1158 nextControl=' '; | |
1159 nodePoint=' '; | |
1160 var init=points[0].split('M'); | |
1161 var allcoords=init[1].split(' '); | |
1162 var point=allcoords[0].split(','); | |
1163 | |
1164 if(mypointNum==0){ | |
1165 | |
1166 point[1]= $('option_path_x').value; | |
1167 point[2]= $('option_path_y').value; | |
1168 var change=point.join(',') | |
1169 | |
1170 chain+='M' + change+' '; | |
1171 }else{ | |
1172 chain+='M'+points[0]+' '; | |
1173 } | |
1174 | |
1175 var numpoints=points.length-1; | |
1176 if(numpoints>1){ | |
1177 for(var a=1;a<=numpoints;a++) | |
1178 { | |
1179 | |
1180 if(a==mypointNum){ | |
1181 | |
1182 segment=points[a].split(' '); | |
1183 prevControl=segment[0]+' '; | |
1184 nextControl=segment[1]+' '; | |
1185 nodePoint=segment[2]+' '; | |
1186 | |
1187 | |
1188 /*if(controlNodeNum==0){chain+=prevControl; var point=prevControl.split(',');} | |
1189 if(controlNodeNum==1){chain+=nextControl; var point=nextControl.split(',');} | |
1190 if(controlNodeNum==2){chain+=nodePoint; var point=nodePoint.split(',');} | |
1191 */ | |
1192 | |
1193 var point=nodePoint.split(','); | |
1194 point[1]= $('option_path_x').value; | |
1195 point[2]= $('option_path_y').value; | |
1196 var change=point.join(',') | |
1197 | |
1198 chain+='C'+prevControl+ nextControl + change+' '; | |
1199 }else{ | |
1200 chain+='C'+points[a]; | |
1201 } | |
1202 | |
1203 } | |
1204 | |
1205 }else{ | |
1206 chain+='C'+points[1]; | |
1207 | |
1208 } | |
1209 //$('someinfo').value= chain; | |
1210 $('control_codebase').value=chain; | |
1211 | |
1212 | |
1213 | |
1214 | |
1215 | |
1216 if (keycode == 13 || keycode == 40 || keycode == 38) | |
1217 { | |
1218 //alert(; | |
1219 c.renderer.tocurve(); | |
1220 | |
1221 return false; | |
1222 | |
1223 } | |
1224 else | |
1225 return true; | |
1226 } | |
1227 | |
1228 | |
1229 | |
1230 function edit(myfield,e) | |
1231 { | |
1232 | |
1233 var keycode; | |
1234 | |
1235 | |
1236 // ++? if (window.event) keycode = window.event.e; | |
1237 //else if (e) keycode = e.which; | |
1238 | |
1239 e= (e) ? e : ((window.event) ? event : null); | |
1240 keycode=e.keyCode; | |
1241 //var keycode = e.which?e.which:e.keycode | |
1242 | |
1243 //document.layers ? e.which : | |
1244 //document.all ? e.keyCode : | |
1245 //document.getElementById ? e.keyCode : 0; | |
1246 //else return true; | |
1247 var keyChar = String.fromCharCode(keycode); | |
1248 //var numCheck = /\d/; | |
1249 //if (((keyChar=='.')&&(obj.value.indexOf('.')==-1))¦¦(keycode<32)¦¦numCheck.test(keyChar)¦¦((keycode>=37)&&(keycode<=40)&&(!e.modifiers&&!e.shiftKey))) { | |
1250 | |
1251 //alert(keycode+' _ '+keyChar); | |
1252 var shs='_'); | |
1253 var sh=shs[1]; | |
1254 if('control_codebase')<=0) | |
1255 { | |
1256 if (keycode == 38)//#26 | |
1257 { | |
1258 | |
1259 if(eval(myfield.value)>0) | |
1260 { | |
1261 myfield.value=eval(myfield.value)+1; | |
1262 //alert(myfield.value); | |
1263 } | |
1264 //return false; | |
1265 //alert('keycode') | |
1266 | |
1267 } | |
1268 if (keycode == 40)// #28 | |
1269 { | |
1270 myfield.value=eval(myfield.value)-1; | |
1271 if('option_path_sclx' ||'option_path_scly') | |
1272 { | |
1273 if( eval(myfield.value)<=0 ) | |
1274 { | |
1275 myfield.value=1; | |
1276 } | |
1277 } | |
1278 | |
1279 if('option_text_size') | |
1280 { | |
1281 if( eval(myfield.value)<=0 ) | |
1282 { | |
1283 myfield.value=1; | |
1284 } | |
1285 } | |
1286 } | |
1287 | |
1288 } | |
1289 | |
1290 if (keycode == 13 || keycode == 40 || keycode == 38) | |
1291 { | |
1292 var check=0; | |
1293 if('control_codebase') | |
1294 { | |
1295 //alert( | |
1296 //c.submitShape($('control_codebase').value+''); | |
1297 check=1; | |
1298 setShape(); | |
1299 } | |
1300 | |
1301 if('href')>0) | |
1302 { | |
1303 c.submitShape(myfield.value) | |
1304 } | |
1305 | |
1306 if('tr')>0 ||'scl')>0) | |
1307 { | |
1308 if(check==0) | |
1309 { | |
1310 c.submitShape($('option_'+sh+'_trx').value+';'+$('option_'+sh+'_try').value+';'+$('option_'+sh+'_sclx').value+';'+$('option_'+sh+'_scly').value+';'+$('option_'+sh+'_rot').value) | |
1311 } | |
1312 } | |
1313 | |
1314 if('rot')>0) | |
1315 { | |
1316 c.submitShape($('option_'+sh+'_trx').value+';'+$('option_'+sh+'_try').value+';'+$('option_'+sh+'_sclx').value+';'+$('option_'+sh+'_scly').value+';'+$('option_'+sh+'_rot').value) | |
1317 } | |
1318 | |
1319 if('text')>0) | |
1320 { | |
1321 c.submitShape($('option_text_message').value+'<;>'+$('option_text_size').value+'<;>'+$('option_text_family').value); | |
1322 } | |
1323 //alert(; | |
1324 return false; | |
1325 | |
1326 } | |
1327 else | |
1328 return true; | |
1329 } | |
1330 | |
1331 | |
1332 | |
1333 | |
1334 function env(myfield,delta) | |
1335 { | |
1336 | |
1337 //alert(keycode+' _ '+keyChar); | |
1338 | |
1339 if (delta >0)//#26 | |
1340 { | |
1341 myfield.value=eval(myfield.value)+1; | |
1342 //return false; | |
1343 //alert('keycode') | |
1344 } | |
1345 else | |
1346 { | |
1347 myfield.value=eval(myfield.value)-1; | |
1348 //return false; | |
1349 } | |
1350 | |
1351 | |
1352 if('option_image_href') | |
1353 { | |
1354 c.submitShape(myfield.value) | |
1355 } | |
1356 if('option_select_trx' ||'option_select_try' ||'option_select_sclx' ||'option_select_scly') | |
1357 { | |
1358 c.submitShape($('option_select_trx').value+';'+$('option_select_try').value+';'+$('option_select_sclx').value+';'+$('option_select_scly').value+';'+$('option_select_rot').value) | |
1359 } | |
1360 if('option_select_rot') | |
1361 { | |
1362 c.submitShape($('option_select_trx').value+';'+$('option_select_try').value+';'+$('option_select_sclx').value+';'+$('option_select_scly').value+';'+$('option_select_rot').value) | |
1363 } | |
1364 | |
1365 } | |
1366 | |
1367 | |
1368 function clockdata(){ | |
1369 ////////////// | |
1370 //++ | |
1371 | |
1372 data_path_close = $('option_path_close').checked; | |
1373 data_text_family = $('option_text_family').value; | |
1374 data_text_size = parseFloat($('option_text_size').value); | |
1375 data_text_messaje = $('option_text_message').value; | |
1376 data_image_href = $('option_image_href').value; | |
1377 | |
1378 //////////// | |
1379 } | |
1380 | |
1381 function myWorkSize() { | |
1382 var myWidth = 0, myHeight = 0; | |
1383 if( typeof( window.innerWidth ) == 'number' ) { | |
1384 //Non-IE | |
1385 myWidth = window.innerWidth; | |
1386 myHeight = window.innerHeight; | |
1387 } else if( document.documentElement && ( document.documentElement.clientWidth || document.documentElement.clientHeight ) ) { | |
1388 //IE 6+ in 'standards compliant mode' | |
1389 myWidth = document.documentElement.clientWidth; | |
1390 myHeight = document.documentElement.clientHeight; | |
1391 } else if( document.body && ( document.body.clientWidth || document.body.clientHeight ) ) { | |
1392 //IE 4 compatible | |
1393 myWidth = document.body.clientWidth; | |
1394 myHeight = document.body.clientHeight; | |
1395 } | |
1396 return [ myWidth, myHeight] ; | |
1397 } | |
1398 | |
1399 function doResize(){ | |
1400 //deleteAllShapes(); | |
1401 vertexFrames(); | |
1402 resizeFrame(); | |
1403 //c.renderer.zoomFrame(zoominit); | |
1404 //c.renderer.view(canvasX,canvasY,canvasW,canvasH,zoominit) | |
1405 //c.renderer.view(docx,docy,docw,doch,zoominit1) | |
1406 // delete rectCanvas | |
1407 // var vB=zoomx+' '+zoomy+' '+zoomw+' '+zoomh; | |
1408 | |
1409 //c.renderer.rectCanvas(docx,docy,docw,doch,vB); | |
1410 } | |
1411 | |
1412 function vertexFrames(){ | |
1413 | |
1414 var screenSize=myWorkSize(); | |
1415 scrW = screenSize[0];//screen.availWidth; | |
1416 scrH = screenSize[1];//screen.availHeight; | |
1417 | |
1418 wndW=scrW;//window.width; | |
1419 wndH=scrH;//window.height; | |
1420 | |
1421 | |
1422 if (scrW != wndW || scrH != wndH) { | |
1423 //window.resizeTo(scrW, scrH); | |
1424 //window.moveTo(0, 0); | |
1425 } | |
1426 //var wProportion={x:35, y:24} | |
1427 | |
1428 vertexNORTHmenu={ NORTHmenu1:[0,0],NORTHmenu2:[scrW,0],NORTHmenu3:[0,wProportion.y],NORTHmenu4:[scrW,wProportion.y] }; | |
1429 vertexNORTHglobals={ NORTHglobals1:[0,wProportion.y],NORTHglobals2:[scrW,wProportion.y],NORTHglobals3:[0,wProportion.y*2],NORTHglobals4:[scrW,wProportion.y*2] }; | |
1430 vertexNORTHoptions={ NORTHoptions1:[0,wProportion.y*2],NORTHoptions2:[scrW,wProportion.y*2],NORTHoptions3:[0,wProportion.y*3],NORTHoptions4:[scrW,wProportion.y*3] }; | |
1431 vertexSUD={ SUD1:[0,wndH-wProportion.y*3], SUD2:[scrW,(wndH-wProportion.y*3)], SUD3:[0,wndH], SUD4:[scrW,wndH]}; | |
1432 vertexEST={ EST1:[0,wProportion.y*3], EST2:[wProportion.x,wProportion.y*3], EST3:[0,(wndH-wProportion.y*3)], EST4:[wProportion.x,(wndH-wProportion.y*3)] }; | |
1433 vertexWEST={ WEST1:[(scrW-wProportion.x*3),wProportion.y*3], WEST2:[scrW,wProportion.y*3], WEST3:[(scrW-wProportion.x*3),(wndH-wProportion.y*3)], WEST4:[scrW,(wndH-wProportion.y*3)] }; | |
1434 vertexFRONT={ FRONT1:[vertexEST.EST2[0],vertexEST.EST2[1]], FRONT2:[vertexWEST.WEST1[0],vertexWEST.WEST1[1]], FRONT3:[vertexEST.EST4[0],vertexEST.EST4[1]], FRONT4:[vertexWEST.WEST3[0],vertexWEST.WEST3[1]] }; | |
1435 | |
1436 NORTHmenusize=[vertexNORTHmenu.NORTHmenu4[0]-vertexNORTHmenu.NORTHmenu1[0],vertexNORTHmenu.NORTHmenu4[1]-vertexNORTHmenu.NORTHmenu1[1]]; | |
1437 NORTHglobalssize=[vertexNORTHglobals.NORTHglobals4[0]-vertexNORTHglobals.NORTHglobals1[0],vertexNORTHglobals.NORTHglobals4[1]-vertexNORTHglobals.NORTHglobals1[1]]; | |
1438 NORTHoptionssize=[vertexNORTHoptions.NORTHoptions4[0]-vertexNORTHoptions.NORTHoptions1[0],vertexNORTHoptions.NORTHoptions4[1]-vertexNORTHoptions.NORTHoptions1[1]]; | |
1439 SUDsize=[vertexSUD.SUD4[0]-vertexSUD.SUD1[0],vertexSUD.SUD4[1]-vertexSUD.SUD1[1]]; | |
1440 ESTsize=[vertexEST.EST4[0]-vertexEST.EST1[0],vertexEST.EST4[1]-vertexEST.EST1[1]]; | |
1441 WESTsize=[vertexWEST.WEST4[0]-vertexWEST.WEST1[0],vertexWEST.WEST4[1]-vertexWEST.WEST1[1]]; | |
1442 FRONTsize=[vertexFRONT.FRONT4[0]-vertexFRONT.FRONT1[0],vertexFRONT.FRONT4[1]-vertexFRONT.FRONT1[1]]; | |
1443 | |
1444 | |
1445 | |
1446 //percent of FRONTsize | |
1447 proporDoc= FRONTsize[0]/FRONTsize[1]; | |
1448 canvasYpercent=100; | |
1449 canvasXpercent=100; | |
1450 canvasWidth=Math.round(FRONTsize[0]*canvasXpercent/100);//FRONTsize[0]; | |
1451 canvasW=canvasWidth; | |
1452 canvasHeight=Math.round(canvasYpercent*FRONTsize[1]/100);//FRONTsize[1]; | |
1453 canvasH=canvasHeight; | |
1454 canvasX=Math.round((FRONTsize[0]-canvasW)/2); | |
1455 canvasY=Math.round((FRONTsize[1]-canvasH)/2); | |
1456 | |
1457 | |
1458 //vertexFRONTcanvas={ FRONT1:[vertexEST.EST2[0],vertexEST.EST2[1]], FRONT2:[vertexWEST.WEST1[0],vertexWEST.WEST1[1]], FRONT3:[vertexEST.EST4[0],vertexEST.EST4[1]], FRONT4:[vertexWEST.WEST3[0],vertexWEST.WEST3[1]] }; | |
1459 //FRONTcanvassize=[vertexFRONT.FRONT4[0]-vertexFRONT.FRONT1[0],vertexFRONT.FRONT4[1]-vertexFRONT.FRONT1[1]]; | |
1460 | |
1461 | |
1462 //centerZoomx=Math.round(canvasWidth/2); | |
1463 //centerZoomy=Math.round(canvasHeight/2); | |
1464 if(canvasH==0){ canvasH=0.00000001; } | |
1465 proporCanvas= canvasW/canvasH ; | |
1466 //zoominit='0 0 '+zoomw+' '+zoomh;// | |
1467 | |
1468 makeWorkSite(canvasH,(-canvasW/2)+(docw/2),(-canvasH/2)+(doch/2)); | |
1469 diagonalinit=diagonalFrame; | |
1470 proporDiagonal=diagonalFrame/diagonalinit; | |
1471 zoominit=(zoomx)+' '+(zoomy)+' '+zoomw+' '+zoomh; | |
1472 //$('someinfo').value= zoominit; | |
1473 //document.forms[0].someinfo.value= zoominit; | |
1474 //document.getElementById("someinfo").value = zoominit | |
1475 //Ext.get('richdraw') = ('40%'); | |
1476 //alert(zoominit); | |
1477 } | |
1478 | |
1479 function resizeFrame(){ | |
1480 | |
1481 Ext.get('NORTHmenu') = (colorpage1a); | |
1482 Ext.get('NORTHglobals') = (colorpage1b); | |
1483 Ext.get('NORTHoptions') = (colorpage1c); | |
1484 | |
1485 Ext.get('SUD') = (colorpage2); | |
1486 Ext.get('EST') = (colorpage3); | |
1487 Ext.get('WEST') = (colorpage4); | |
1488 | |
1489 Ext.get('linksPaths') = (colorpage); // bad | |
1490 | |
1491 | |
1492 Ext.get('NORTHmenu') =(vertexNORTHmenu.NORTHmenu1[0]+'px'); Ext.get('NORTHmenu') =(vertexNORTHmenu.NORTHmenu1[1]+'px');Ext.get('NORTHmenu') =(NORTHmenusize[0]+'px'); Ext.get('NORTHmenu') = (NORTHmenusize[1]+'px'); | |
1493 Ext.get('NORTHglobals') =(vertexNORTHglobals.NORTHglobals1[0]+'px'); Ext.get('NORTHglobals') =(vertexNORTHglobals.NORTHglobals1[1]+'px');Ext.get('NORTHglobals') =(NORTHglobalssize[0]+'px'); Ext.get('NORTHglobals') =(NORTHglobalssize[1]+'px'); | |
1494 Ext.get('NORTHoptions') =(vertexNORTHoptions.NORTHoptions1[0]+'px'); Ext.get('NORTHoptions') =(vertexNORTHoptions.NORTHoptions1[1]+'px');Ext.get('NORTHoptions') =(NORTHoptionssize[0]+'px'); Ext.get('NORTHoptions') =(NORTHoptionssize[1]+'px'); | |
1495 Ext.get('SUD') =(vertexSUD.SUD1[0]+'px'); Ext.get('SUD') =(vertexSUD.SUD1[1]+'px');Ext.get('SUD')[0]+'px'); Ext.get('SUD') =(SUDsize[1]+'px'); | |
1496 Ext.get('EST') =(vertexEST.EST1[0]+'px'); Ext.get('EST') =(vertexEST.EST1[1]+'px');Ext.get('EST')[0]+'px'); Ext.get('EST') =((ESTsize[1]+'px')); | |
1497 Ext.get('WEST') =(vertexWEST.WEST1[0]+'px'); Ext.get('WEST') =(vertexWEST.WEST1[1]+'px');Ext.get('WEST')[0]+'px'); Ext.get('WEST') =((WESTsize[1]+'px')); | |
1498 Ext.get('FRONT') =(vertexFRONT.FRONT1[0]+'px'); Ext.get('FRONT') =(vertexFRONT.FRONT1[1]+'px');Ext.get('FRONT')[0]+'px'); Ext.get('FRONT') =(FRONTsize[1]+'px'); | |
1499 | |
1500 Ext.get('richdraw') =(canvasX+'px'); Ext.get('richdraw') =(canvasY+'px');Ext.get('richdraw')'px'); Ext.get('richdraw') =(canvasH+'px'); | |
1501 | |
1502 } | |
1503 | |
1504 function documentProperties(){ | |
1505 document.forms[0].xDocument.value=docx; | |
1506 document.forms[0].yDocument.value=docy; | |
1507 | |
1508 document.forms[0].widthDocument.value=docw; | |
1509 document.forms[0].heightDocument.value=doch; | |
1510 showdocFrame('Document properties') | |
1511 //docFrame.setTitle('Document properties'); | |
1512 //; | |
1513 | |
1514 } | |
1515 function changeDocumentProperties(){ | |
1516 | |
1517 //percent of FRONTsize | |
1518 proporSpace= FRONTsize[0]/FRONTsize[1]; | |
1519 //PERCENT | |
1520 | |
1521 //canvasYpercent=95; | |
1522 //canvasXpercent=97; | |
1523 /* | |
1524 canvasWidth=Math.round(FRONTsize[0]*canvasXpercent/100);//FRONTsize[0]; | |
1525 canvasW=canvasWidth; | |
1526 canvasHeight=Math.round(canvasYpercent*FRONTsize[1]/100);//FRONTsize[1]; | |
1527 canvasH=canvasHeight; | |
1528 */ | |
1529 docx=eval(document.forms[0].xDocument.value); | |
1530 docy=eval(document.forms[0].yDocument.value); | |
1531 | |
1532 docw=eval(document.forms[0].widthDocument.value); | |
1533 doch=eval(document.forms[0].heightDocument.value); | |
1534 zoominit1= docx+' '+docy+' '+docw+' '+doch; | |
1535 c.renderer.view(docx,docy,docw,doch,zoominit1); | |
1536 borderDoc(); | |
1537 | |
1538 //doResize(); | |
1539 //canvasX=Math.round((FRONTsize[0]-canvasW)/2); | |
1540 //canvasY=Math.round((FRONTsize[1]-canvasH)/2); | |
1541 | |
1542 | |
1543 //Ext.get('richdraw') =(canvasX+'px'); Ext.get('richdraw') =(canvasY+'px');Ext.get('richdraw')'px'); Ext.get('richdraw') =(canvasH+'px'); | |
1544 | |
1545 } | |
1546 function makeWorkSite(width,left,top) { | |
1547 fieldViewx=Math.round(width*proporCanvas)*1; | |
1548 fieldViewy=width*1; | |
1549 diagonalFrame=dist2p(0,0,fieldViewx*1,fieldViewy*1); | |
1550 diagonalAngle=getAngle(fieldViewx,fieldViewy); | |
1551 diagonalMidx=fieldViewx/2; | |
1552 diagonalMidy=fieldViewy/2; | |
1553 centerZoomx=diagonalMidx; | |
1554 centerZoomy=diagonalMidy; | |
1555 | |
1556 //alert(diagonalinit+' '+diagonalFrame+' '+proporDiagonal); | |
1557 //alert(canvasW+''+canvasW+' propor:'+proporCanvas+' Docy:'+docy+' fieldView:'+fieldViewx+' '+fieldViewy); | |
1558 zoomx=(diagonalMidx+(diagonalFrame/2)*Math.cos(diagonalAngle+Math.PI))+left;//-(fieldViewx/8);//-(canvasW/2)docx-fieldViewx; | |
1559 zoomy=(diagonalMidy+(diagonalFrame/2)*Math.sin(diagonalAngle+Math.PI))+top;//-(fieldViewy/8);//-(canvasH/2);//docy-fieldViewy; | |
1560 zoomw=diagonalMidx+(diagonalFrame/2)*Math.cos(diagonalAngle);//fieldViewx*1.25;//docw+fieldViewx*2; | |
1561 zoomh=diagonalMidy+(diagonalFrame/2)*Math.sin(diagonalAngle);//fieldViewy*1.25;//doch+fieldViewy*2; | |
1562 } | |
1563 function RichDrawViewer(elem, renderer) { | |
1564 this.container = elem; | |
1565 this.renderer = renderer; | |
1566 this.renderer.init(this.container); | |
1567 this.renderer.editor = this; | |
1568 } | |
1569 /* | |
1570 onResize : function(){ | |
1571 Ext.TabPanel.superclass.onResize.apply(this, arguments); | |
1572 this.delegateUpdates(); | |
1573 }, | |
1574 */ |