changeset 2:5ed873917c34

enabled display
author Robert McIntyre <>
date Fri, 20 Aug 2010 00:39:50 -0400 (2010-08-20)
parents 6d9bdaf919f7
children e6254010c95a
files src/clojureDemo/librlm.clj~ src/clojureDemo/project-euler.clj~ src/clojureDemo/project_euler.clj~ src/clojureDemo/rlm.clj~ src/clojureDemo/sys-utils.clj~ src/clojureDemo/sys_utils.clj~ src/laser/.#rasterize.clj src/laser/rasterize.clj
diffstat 8 files changed, 32 insertions(+), 767 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
     1.1 --- a/src/clojureDemo/librlm.clj~	Fri Aug 20 00:32:44 2010 -0400
     1.2 +++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
     1.3 @@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
     1.4 -(ns clojureDemo.librlm)
     1.5 -
     1.6 -;  (defmethod*  - java.lang.Boolean [x] (not x))
     1.7 -
     1.8 -;  (defmethod + [java.lang.Boolean java.lang.Boolean]
     1.9 -;    [a b] (or a b))
    1.10 -  
    1.11 -;  (defmethod * [java.lang.Boolean java.lang.Boolean]
    1.12 -;    [a b] (and a b))
    1.13 -  
    1.14 -;  (defmethod / java.lang.Boolean [x] x)
     2.1 --- a/src/clojureDemo/project-euler.clj~	Fri Aug 20 00:32:44 2010 -0400
     2.2 +++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
     2.3 @@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
     2.4 -
     2.5 -
     2.6 -(ns clojureDemo.project-euler)
     2.7 -
     2.8 -
     2.9 -(use 'clojureDemo.rlm)
    2.10 -(rlm-base-load)
    2.11 -
    2.12 -(defn range-sum 
    2.13 -"calculates the sum of a range.  Takes the exact same arguments
    2.14 - as clojure.core/range"
    2.15 -([end]
    2.16 -   (/ (* end (- end 1) ) 2)))
    2.17 -
    2.18 -
    2.19 -
     3.1 --- a/src/clojureDemo/project_euler.clj~	Fri Aug 20 00:32:44 2010 -0400
     3.2 +++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
     3.3 @@ -1,559 +0,0 @@
     3.4 -
     3.5 -(ns clojureDemo.project-euler
     3.6 -
     3.7 -(:refer-clojure :exclude [+ - / * 
     3.8 -			  assoc conj dissoc empty get into seq
     3.9 -			  = < > <= >= zero?
    3.10 -			  ])
    3.11 -
    3.12 -(:use [clojure.contrib.generic
    3.13 -	 arithmetic
    3.14 -	 collection
    3.15 -	 comparison
    3.16 -	 ])
    3.17 -
    3.18 -(:use [clojure.contrib
    3.19 -	 combinatorics
    3.20 -	 repl-utils
    3.21 -	 def
    3.22 -	 duck-streams
    3.23 -	 shell-out
    3.24 -	 import-static
    3.25 -	 lazy-seqs
    3.26 -	 logging
    3.27 -	 map-utils
    3.28 -	 math
    3.29 -	 mock
    3.30 -	 monads
    3.31 -	 ns-utils
    3.32 -         seq-utils
    3.33 -         function-utils
    3.34 -       profile
    3.35 -       str-utils
    3.36 -	 ])
    3.37 -
    3.38 -(:use [clojure.contrib.pprint :exclude [write]])
    3.39 -  
    3.40 -(:use [clojure.contrib.pprint.examples
    3.41 -	 hexdump
    3.42 -	 json
    3.43 -	 multiply
    3.44 -	 props
    3.45 -	 show-doc
    3.46 -	 xml
    3.47 -	 ])
    3.48 -
    3.49 -(:import
    3.50 -(:import [java.util Calendar Date])
    3.51 -
    3.52 -)
    3.53 -
    3.54 -
    3.55 -
    3.56 -
    3.57 -
    3.58 -(defn range-sum 
    3.59 -  "calculates the sum of a range.  Takes the exact same arguments
    3.60 -  as clojure.core/range equilivent to (reduce + (range start end step)), but O(1)."
    3.61 -  ([end]
    3.62 -     (/ (* end (- end 1) ) 2))
    3.63 -  
    3.64 -  ([start end]
    3.65 -     (- (range-sum end) (range-sum start)))
    3.66 -
    3.67 -  ([start end step]
    3.68 -     (letfn [(zero-sum [end step] (* step (range-sum 0 (ceil (/ end step)))))]
    3.69 -     (+ (zero-sum (- end start) step) (* start (int (/ (- end start) step)))))))
    3.70 -
    3.71 -
    3.72 -
    3.73 -(defn range-sum-squares
    3.74 -  "equivalent to (reduce + (map #(expt % 2) (range start end step))), 
    3.75 -   but runs in O(1) time."
    3.76 -  ([end]
    3.77 -     (let [n (- end 1)]
    3.78 -     (- (* (expt n 3) 1/3) ;continous volume
    3.79 -	(+ (* -1/6 n) (* -1/2 (expt n 2)))))) ;discrete correction
    3.80 -
    3.81 -   ([start end]
    3.82 -     (- (range-sum-squares end) (range-sum-squares start)))
    3.83 -
    3.84 -   ([start end step]
    3.85 -      ;; (letfn [(zero-sum-squares [end step]
    3.86 -      ;; 				(* step step (range-sum-squares 0 (ceil (/ end step)))))]
    3.87 -      ;; 	(+ 
    3.88 -      ;; 	 (* 2 step (range-sum (ceil (/ (- end start) step))))
    3.89 -      ;; 	 (zero-sum end step) 
    3.90 -      ;; 	 (* start start (int (/ (- end start) step)))))))
    3.91 -))	
    3.92 -
    3.93 -
    3.94 -(defn prime-factors 
    3.95 -  "all the prime factors of the number n"
    3.96 -  [n]
    3.97 -  (filter #(= 0 (rem n %)) (for [p primes :while (<= p n)] p)))
    3.98 -
    3.99 -(defn factor? [a b] (= 0 (rem a b)))
   3.100 -
   3.101 -(defn factor-map [a b]
   3.102 -  (if (factor? a b) 
   3.103 -	{b (quot a b)}
   3.104 -	nil))
   3.105 -
   3.106 -
   3.107 -(defn divides? [numerator divisor] (= (rem numerator divisor) 0))
   3.108 -
   3.109 -
   3.110 -(def != (comp not =))
   3.111 -
   3.112 -
   3.113 -(defn decompose [number factor]
   3.114 -    (loop [n number counter 0]
   3.115 -      (if (!= (rem n factor) 0)
   3.116 -        counter
   3.117 -	(recur (/ n factor) (inc counter)))))
   3.118 -
   3.119 -	
   3.120 -
   3.121 -
   3.122 -
   3.123 -
   3.124 -
   3.125 -(defn single-factor [{num :current-num index :prime-index factors :prime-factors :as old-state}]
   3.126 -  (let [divisor (nth primes index)
   3.127 -	new-index (inc index)
   3.128 -	done? (= num 1)]
   3.129 -    (if (divides? num divisor)
   3.130 -      (let [new-num (/ num (expt divisor (decompose num divisor)))   
   3.131 -	    factors (assoc factors divisor (decompose num divisor))]
   3.132 -	[[factors done?] (assoc old-state
   3.133 -		 :current-num new-num :prime-index new-index :prime-factors factors)])
   3.134 -      
   3.135 -      [[factors done?] (assoc old-state 
   3.136 -	       :current-num num :prime-index new-index :prime-factors factors)])))
   3.137 -      
   3.138 -
   3.139 -(defn wtf "a is not used" [a] (domonad state-m [part single-factor] part))
   3.140 -
   3.141 -(defn fuck-it [] 
   3.142 -  (domonad state-m 
   3.143 -	   [[factors done?]
   3.144 -	    (state-m-until second wtf nil)]
   3.145 -	   
   3.146 -	   factors))
   3.147 -
   3.148 -(defn prime-factor-map [num]
   3.149 -  
   3.150 -  (first ((fuck-it) {:prime-factors {}
   3.151 -		     :prime-index 0
   3.152 -		     :current-num num})))
   3.153 -
   3.154 -(defn prime-factors-monad [num]
   3.155 -  (sort (keys (prime-factor-map num))))
   3.156 -
   3.157 -
   3.158 -
   3.159 -
   3.160 -
   3.161 -
   3.162 -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
   3.163 -;; fun with state monad
   3.164 -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
   3.165 -
   3.166 -
   3.167 -(defn ++ [{num :num :as world}]
   3.168 -  (let [num++ (inc num)]
   3.169 -    [num++ (assoc world :num num++)]))
   3.170 -
   3.171 -(defn huh? []
   3.172 -  (with-monad state-m 
   3.173 -    (domonad [x ++
   3.174 -	      y ++]
   3.175 -	     y)))
   3.176 -
   3.177 -
   3.178 -(comment 
   3.179 -
   3.180 -huh?
   3.181 -->
   3.182 -((let [m-bind (fn m-bind-state [mv f]
   3.183 -		(fn [s]
   3.184 -		  (let [[v ss] (mv s)]
   3.185 -		    ((f v) ss))))] 
   3.186 -       (m-bind
   3.187 -	++ (fn [x] ++))) {:num 1})
   3.188 -
   3.189 -
   3.190 -)
   3.191 -
   3.192 -
   3.193 -(defn wordify [n] (cl-format nil "~R" n))
   3.194 -    
   3.195 -(defn british-letter-count-prof [n]
   3.196 -  (prof :total
   3.197 -  (let [and? (prof :rem-test (if (and (> n 99) (!= 0 (rem n 100))) 3 0))
   3.198 -	word (prof :wordify (wordify n))
   3.199 -	word-seq (prof :sequence (seq word))
   3.200 -	word-filter (prof :filter (filter #(Character/isLetter %) word-seq))
   3.201 -	word-count (prof :count (count word-filter))
   3.202 -	answer (prof :add (+ and? word-count))]
   3.203 -    answer)))
   3.204 -
   3.205 -(defn british-letter-count-prof2 
   3.206 -"now this is faster, because it uses string manipulation.  go profiling!"
   3.207 -[n]
   3.208 -  (prof :total
   3.209 -  (let [and? (prof :rem-test (if (and (> n 99) (!= 0 (rem n 100))) 3 0))
   3.210 -	word (prof :wordify (wordify n))
   3.211 -	word-regex (prof :regex (re-gsub #"[\W-,]" "" word))
   3.212 -	
   3.213 -	word-count (prof :count (.length word-regex))
   3.214 -	answer (prof :add (+ and? word-count))]
   3.215 -    answer)))
   3.216 -
   3.217 -
   3.218 -   
   3.219 -
   3.220 -
   3.221 -
   3.222 -
   3.223 -
   3.224 -
   3.225 -
   3.226 -
   3.227 -
   3.228 -
   3.229 -
   3.230 -
   3.231 -
   3.232 -
   3.233 -
   3.234 -
   3.235 -;pseudo code for primes
   3.236 -
   3.237 -;fn prime-decomposition
   3.238 -; [n]
   3.239 -; map = {} 
   3.240 -; 
   3.241 -; for x in primes
   3.242 -;   add to map (divide teh fick out n x)
   3.243 -;   n = n / prime-factors
   3.244 -;   if n == 1 BREAK;
   3.245 -;
   3.246 -;
   3.247 -
   3.248 -
   3.249 -
   3.250 -(defn rng [seed]
   3.251 -  (let [m      259200
   3.252 -	value  (/ (float seed) (float m))
   3.253 -	next   (rem (+ 54773 (* 7141 seed)) m)]
   3.254 -    [value next]))
   3.255 -
   3.256 -
   3.257 -(defn yeah! []
   3.258 -  (let [name sequence-m 
   3.259 -	m-bind (:m-bind name) 
   3.260 -	m-result (:m-result name) 
   3.261 -	m-zero (:m-zero name) 
   3.262 -	m-plus (:m-plus name)] 
   3.263 -
   3.264 -
   3.265 -    (m-bind (range 5) (fn [a] (m-bind [2 3] (fn [b] (m-result (+ a b))))))))
   3.266 -
   3.267 -
   3.268 -(defn ohhhh!! []
   3.269 -  
   3.270 -  (let 
   3.271 -      [name state-m 
   3.272 -       m-bind (:m-bind name) 
   3.273 -       m-result (:m-result name) ]
   3.274 -    
   3.275 -    (m-bind rng (fn [x1] (m-bind rng (fn [x2] (m-result (+ x1 x2))))))))
   3.276 -
   3.277 -
   3.278 -
   3.279 -(defmulti palindrome? class)
   3.280 -  
   3.281 -(defmethod palindrome? (class "string") [a]
   3.282 -  (= (seq a) (reverse a)))
   3.283 -
   3.284 -(defmethod palindrome? (class 500) [a]
   3.285 -  (palindrome? (str a)))
   3.286 -
   3.287 -
   3.288 -
   3.289 -
   3.290 -
   3.291 -
   3.292 -
   3.293 -
   3.294 -(defn circulars 
   3.295 -  "returns a vector of all the circular permutations of a number"
   3.296 -  [n]
   3.297 -  (map #(Integer. (apply str %)) (rotations (seq (str n)))))
   3.298 -    
   3.299 -
   3.300 -(defn prime-factors
   3.301 -  [n]
   3.302 -  (for [a primes :while (<= a n) :when (= (rem n a) 0)]  a)) 
   3.303 -
   3.304 -
   3.305 -(defmethod = [nil java.lang.Integer] [ a b ]
   3.306 -  false)
   3.307 -
   3.308 -
   3.309 -
   3.310 -(def mil 1000000)
   3.311 -(def bil 1000000000)
   3.312 -
   3.313 -(defn primes-under-million [] (apply hash-set (take 78498 primes)))
   3.314 -(def primes-under-million (memoize primes-under-million))
   3.315 -
   3.316 -
   3.317 -(defn primes-under-billion [] (apply hash-set (take 664579 primes)))
   3.318 -(def primes-under-billion (memoize primes-under-billion))
   3.319 -
   3.320 -
   3.321 -
   3.322 -
   3.323 -
   3.324 -(defn prime? [n] (not (nil? (get (primes-under-billion) n))))
   3.325 -
   3.326 -
   3.327 -(defn circular-memoize 
   3.328 -  "assumes that f is a predicate that takes in a number for which, 
   3.329 -   if the predicate is true for the number, it is also true for all
   3.330 -   of the circular permutations of the number.  Memoizes the result
   3.331 -   for all circular permutations so as to avoid subsequent computation."
   3.332 -  [f]
   3.333 -   (let [mem (atom {})]
   3.334 -    (fn [n]
   3.335 -      (if-let [e (find @mem n)]
   3.336 -        (val e)
   3.337 -        (let [ret (f n)]
   3.338 -	  (dorun (for [circ (circulars n)]
   3.339 -		   (swap! mem assoc n ret)))
   3.340 -          ret)))))
   3.341 -
   3.342 -(defn circularly-prime?
   3.343 -  [n]
   3.344 -  (not (some (comp not prime?) (circulars n))))
   3.345 -
   3.346 -(def circularly-prime? (memoize circularly-prime?))
   3.347 -
   3.348 -
   3.349 -(defmethod = :default  [& args]
   3.350 -  (apply clojure.core/= args))
   3.351 -  
   3.352 -(def logins 
   3.353 -     (map str
   3.354 -	  [319 680 180 690 129 620 762 689 762 318
   3.355 -	   368 710 720 710 629 168 160 689 716 731
   3.356 -	   736 729 316 729 729 710 769 290 719 680
   3.357 -	   318 389 162 289 162 718 729 319 790 680
   3.358 -	   890 362 319 760 316 729 380 319 728 716]))
   3.359 -
   3.360 -(defn remove-multiples [n]
   3.361 -  (reduce (fn [a b] (if (= (last a) b) a (conj a b))) [] n))
   3.362 -
   3.363 -(defn insert [item n vect]
   3.364 -  (let [split (split-at n vect)]
   3.365 -    (apply vector (flatten [(first split) item (last split)]))))
   3.366 -
   3.367 -(defn expand-code [old-code [c b a]]
   3.368 -  (let [main-length (count old-code)]
   3.369 -    (for [x (range (inc main-length)) y (range (inc x)) z (range (inc y))] 
   3.370 -      (insert c z (insert b y (insert a x old-code)))))) 
   3.371 -
   3.372 -(defn domain-expand-contract [old-domain constraint]
   3.373 -  (let [new-domain 
   3.374 -	(map remove-multiples 
   3.375 -	     (remove-multiples 
   3.376 -	      (sort 
   3.377 -	       (apply concat 
   3.378 -		      (map #(expand-code % constraint) old-domain)))))
   3.379 -	min-code-length (apply min (map count new-domain)) ]
   3.380 -    (map #(apply str %) (filter #(= (count %) min-code-length) new-domain))))
   3.381 -(def domain-expand-contract (memoize domain-expand-contract))
   3.382 -
   3.383 -
   3.384 -
   3.385 -(defn lazy-fibo 
   3.386 -  ([] (concat [0 1] (lazy-fibo 0 1)))
   3.387 -  ([a b] (let [n (+ a b)] (lazy-seq (cons n (lazy-fibo b n))))))
   3.388 -
   3.389 -
   3.390 -(defn collatz-seq [n]  
   3.391 -  (lazy-seq
   3.392 -  (cond (= n 1) [1]
   3.393 -	(even? n) (lazy-seq (cons n (collatz-seq (/ n 2))))
   3.394 -	(odd? n)  (lazy-seq (cons n (collatz-seq (+ 1 (* 3 n))))))))
   3.395 -(def collatz-seq (memoize collatz-seq))
   3.396 -
   3.397 -
   3.398 -
   3.399 -(defn pythagorean-triple? [a b c]
   3.400 -  (let [[a b c] (sort [a b c])]
   3.401 -    (= (+ (* a a) (* b b) ) (* c c))))
   3.402 -
   3.403 -
   3.404 -(defn sum-squares [coll]
   3.405 -  (reduce +  (map #(* % %) coll)))
   3.406 -
   3.407 -
   3.408 -(defn british-letter-count [n]
   3.409 -  
   3.410 -  (let [and? (if (and (> n 99) (!= 0 (rem n 100))) 3 0)]
   3.411 -
   3.412 -    (+ and? (count (filter #(Character/isLetter %) (seq (wordify n)))))))
   3.413 -
   3.414 -
   3.415 -
   3.416 -(defmacro apply-macro
   3.417 -  "This is evil.  Don't ever use it.  It makes a macro behave like a
   3.418 -  function.  Seriously, how messed up is that?
   3.419 -
   3.420 -  Evaluates all args, then uses them as arguments to the macro as with
   3.421 -  apply.
   3.422 -
   3.423 -  (def things [true true false])
   3.424 -  (apply-macro and things)
   3.425 -  ;; Expands to:  (and true true false)"
   3.426 -  [macro & args]
   3.427 -  (cons macro (flatten (map eval args))))
   3.428 -
   3.429 -(defn fun1 [] (Thread/sleep 5000) 5)
   3.430 -
   3.431 -(defn fun2 [] (Thread/sleep 30000) 5)
   3.432 -
   3.433 -
   3.434 -(def naturals (iterate inc 0))
   3.435 -  
   3.436 -
   3.437 -
   3.438 -
   3.439 -(defn race []
   3.440 -  (let [result (ref nil)
   3.441 -	threads [(Thread. (fn [] (try 
   3.442 -				  (let [answer (fun1)] 
   3.443 -				    (dosync (ref-set result answer)))
   3.444 -				  (catch Exception _ nil))))
   3.445 -		 (Thread. (fn [] (try 
   3.446 -				  (let [answer (fun2)] 
   3.447 -				    (dosync (ref-set result answer))) 
   3.448 -				  (catch Exception _ nil))))]]
   3.449 -	   
   3.450 -    (dorun (map #(.start %) threads))
   3.451 -    (loop []
   3.452 -      (if (!= (deref result) nil)
   3.453 -	(do (dorun (map #(.stop %) threads))
   3.454 -	    (deref result))
   3.455 -	(recur)))))
   3.456 -
   3.457 -
   3.458 -
   3.459 -
   3.460 -
   3.461 -
   3.462 -
   3.463 -(defn make-date [year month day] (do (let [date (Calendar/getInstance)] (.set date year month day 0 0) date)))
   3.464 -
   3.465 -(def jan-1-1901 (make-date 1900 0 1))
   3.466 -
   3.467 -(defn sunday? [#^java.util.Calendar date] (= 7 (.getDay (.getTime date))))
   3.468 -
   3.469 -
   3.470 -
   3.471 -
   3.472 -
   3.473 -
   3.474 -(comment
   3.475 -
   3.476 -;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
   3.477 -;; Answers
   3.478 -;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
   3.479 -
   3.480 -; Problem 1 
   3.481 -(+ (range-sum 0 1001 3) (range-sum 0 1001 5) (* -1 (range-sum 0 1001 15)))
   3.482 -
   3.483 -; Problem 2
   3.484 -(reduce + (for [a (filter even? (fibs)) :while (<= a 4000000 )] a))
   3.485 -
   3.486 -; Problem 3
   3.487 -(apply max (prime-factors 600851475143))
   3.488 -
   3.489 -; Problem 4
   3.490 -(reduce max (for [a (range 100 1000) b (range 100 1000) :when (palindrome? (* a b))] (* a b)))
   3.491 -
   3.492 -; Problem 5
   3.493 -(reduce lcm (range 1 21))
   3.494 -
   3.495 -; Problem 6
   3.496 -(- (expt (range-sum 101) 2) (range-sum-squares 101))
   3.497 -
   3.498 -; Problem 7
   3.499 -(nth primes 10000)
   3.500 -
   3.501 -
   3.502 -; Problem 9
   3.503 -(reduce * (first (for [a (range 1 1000) b (range 1 a) c [(sqrt (sum-squares [a b]))] 
   3.504 -      :when (= (+ a b c) 1000)] [a b c])))
   3.505 -
   3.506 -; Problem 10 
   3.507 -(reduce + (for [a primes :while (< a 2000000)] a))
   3.508 -
   3.509 -
   3.510 -
   3.511 -
   3.512 -
   3.513 -; Problem 14
   3.514 -(first (reduce (fn [a b] (if (> (count a) (count b)) a b)) [] (map collatz-seq (range 1 mil))))
   3.515 -
   3.516 -
   3.517 -; Problem 16
   3.518 -(reduce + (map #(Character/getNumericValue %) (seq (str (expt 2 1000)))))
   3.519 -
   3.520 -; Problem 17
   3.521 -(reduce + (map british-letter-count (range 1 1001)))
   3.522 -
   3.523 -
   3.524 -; Problem 24
   3.525 -(nth  (lex-permutations [ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9]) (- mil 1))
   3.526 -
   3.527 -; Problem 33
   3.528 -(reduce * (for [num (range 1 10) 
   3.529 -      den (range 1  10) 
   3.530 -      weird (range 1 10) 
   3.531 -      top [(+ num (* 10 weird))]
   3.532 -      bottom [(+ weird (* 10 den))]
   3.533 -      :when (and (> (/ top bottom) 1) (= (/ top bottom) (/ num den)))]
   3.534 -  (/ bottom top)))
   3.535 -
   3.536 -; Problem 35
   3.537 -(count (filter circularly-prime? (primes-under-million)))
   3.538 -
   3.539 -; Problem 40 
   3.540 -(let [fff (apply str (take 1030000 naturals))] 
   3.541 -  (reduce * (map #(Character/getNumericValue (nth fff %)) 
   3.542 -		 (map (fn [x] (expt 10 x)) (range 7)) )))
   3.543 -
   3.544 -
   3.545 -
   3.546 -
   3.547 -
   3.548 -
   3.549 -; Problem 79
   3.550 -(reduce domain-expand-contract [""] logins)
   3.551 -
   3.552 -)
   3.553 -
   3.554 -
   3.555 -
   3.556 -
   3.557 -
   3.558 -
   3.559 -
   3.560 -
   3.561 -
   3.562 -
     4.1 --- a/src/clojureDemo/rlm.clj~	Fri Aug 20 00:32:44 2010 -0400
     4.2 +++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
     4.3 @@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
     4.4 -(ns clojureDemo.rlm
     4.5 -
     4.6 -(:refer-clojure :exclude [+ - / * 
     4.7 -			  assoc conj dissoc empty get into seq
     4.8 -			  = < > <= >= zero?
     4.9 -			  ])
    4.10 -
    4.11 -(:use [clojure.contrib.generic
    4.12 -	 arithmetic
    4.13 -	 collection
    4.14 -	 comparison
    4.15 -	 ])
    4.16 -
    4.17 -(:use [clojure.contrib
    4.18 -         accumulators
    4.19 -	 combinatorics
    4.20 -	 repl-utils
    4.21 -	 def
    4.22 -	 duck-streams
    4.23 -	 shell-out
    4.24 -	 import-static
    4.25 -	 lazy-seqs
    4.26 -	 logging
    4.27 -	 map-utils
    4.28 -	 math
    4.29 -	 mock
    4.30 -	 monads
    4.31 -	 ns-utils
    4.32 -	 ])
    4.33 -
    4.34 -(:use [clojure.contrib.pprint :exclude [write]])
    4.35 -  
    4.36 -(:use [clojure.contrib.pprint.examples
    4.37 -	 hexdump
    4.38 -	 json
    4.39 -	 multiply
    4.40 -	 props
    4.41 -	 show-doc
    4.42 -	 xml
    4.43 -	 ])
    4.44 -
    4.45 -(:import
    4.46 -
    4.47 -
    4.48 -
    4.49 -)
    4.50 -
    4.51 -
    4.52 -  
    4.53 -  
    4.54 -
    4.55 -
    4.56 -
    4.57 -(defn rlm-extra-load []
    4.58 -  (use :reload-all
    4.59 -       '[ clojureDemo
    4.60 -	 rlm
    4.61 -	 project-euler
    4.62 -	 ]))
    4.63 - 
    4.64 -
    4.65 -(defn rlm-switch []
    4.66 -  (in-ns 'rlm)
    4.67 -  (rlm-extra-load))
    4.68 -
    4.69 -(defn switch-rlm []
    4.70 -  (rlm-switch))
     5.1 --- a/src/clojureDemo/sys-utils.clj~	Fri Aug 20 00:32:44 2010 -0400
     5.2 +++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
     5.3 @@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
     5.4 -(ns clojureDemo.sys-utils
     5.5 -
     5.6 -:use [clojure.contrib duck-streams str-utils shell-out]
     5.7 -:import
     5.8 -)
     5.9 -
    5.10 -
    5.11 -
    5.12 -
    5.13 -(defn escape-spaces
    5.14 -  [string]
    5.15 -  (re-gsub #" " (str \-) string))
    5.16 -
    5.17 -
    5.18 -(defn view 
    5.19 -  [string]
    5.20 -  (seq (char-array string)))
    5.21 -
    5.22 -(defn parent-source [target file]
    5.23 -  (File. (str target "/" (.getName (.getParentFile file))"-" (.getName file))))
    5.24 -
    5.25 -
    5.26 -(defn rsync [file1 file2]
    5.27 -  (let [*out* nil]
    5.28 -  (sh "rsync" "-avz" (str file1) (escape-spaces(str file2)))))
    5.29 -
    5.30 -(defn shunt-file [target file]
    5.31 -  (rsync (str file) (str (parent-source target file)))) 
    5.32 -	
    5.33 -	  
    5.34 -
    5.35 -(defn extract-files
    5.36 -  [regex source destination]
    5.37 -
    5.38 -  (map (partial shunt-file destination) 
    5.39 -  (filter (comp not nil? (partial re-matches regex) str)  (file-seq source))))
    5.40 -
    5.41 -(defn test-extract
    5.42 -  []
    5.43 -  ((partial extract-files #".*\.JPG"
    5.44 -	    (file-str " /home/r/Desktop/judy_yates_computer_archive/MyDocuments/dallas townhome") 
    5.45 -	    (file-str "/home/r/Desktop/judyates_admin/archive-source-images/"))))
    5.46 -
    5.47 -
    5.48 -(defn judy-jpg-extract
    5.49 -  []
    5.50 -  ((partial extract-files #".*\.JPG"
    5.51 -	    (file-str "/home/r/Desktop/judy_yates_computer_archive") 
    5.52 -	    (file-str "/home/r/Desktop/judyates_admin/archive-source-images/"))))
     6.1 --- a/src/clojureDemo/sys_utils.clj~	Fri Aug 20 00:32:44 2010 -0400
     6.2 +++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
     6.3 @@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
     6.4 -
     6.5 -(ns clojureDemo.sys-utils
     6.6 -
     6.7 -(:use [clojure.contrib duck-streams str-utils shell-out])
     6.8 -(:import
     6.9 -)
    6.10 -
    6.11 -
    6.12 -
    6.13 -
    6.14 -(defn escape-spaces
    6.15 -  [string]
    6.16 -  (re-gsub #" " (str \-) string))
    6.17 -
    6.18 -
    6.19 -(defn view 
    6.20 -  [string]
    6.21 -  (seq (char-array string)))
    6.22 -
    6.23 -(defn parent-source [target file]
    6.24 -  (File. (str target "/" (.getName (.getParentFile file))"-" (.getName file))))
    6.25 -
    6.26 -
    6.27 -(defn rsync [file1 file2]
    6.28 -  (let [*out* nil]
    6.29 -  (sh "rsync" "-avz" (str file1) (escape-spaces(str file2)))))
    6.30 -
    6.31 -(defn shunt-file [target file]
    6.32 -  (rsync (str file) (str (parent-source target file)))) 
    6.33 -	
    6.34 -	  
    6.35 -
    6.36 -(defn extract-files
    6.37 -  [regex source destination]
    6.38 -
    6.39 -  (dorun (map (partial shunt-file destination) 
    6.40 -  (filter (comp not nil? (partial re-matches regex) str)  (file-seq source)))))
    6.41 -
    6.42 -
    6.43 -(defn file-count [#^ file]
    6.44 -  (count (file-seq file)))
    6.45 -  
    6.46 -
    6.47 -
    6.48 -
    6.49 -(comment
    6.50 -
    6.51 -(defn test-extract
    6.52 -  []
    6.53 -  ((partial extract-files #".*\.JPG"
    6.54 -	    (file-str " /home/r/Desktop/judy_yates_computer_archive/MyDocuments/dallas townhome") 
    6.55 -	    (file-str "/home/r/Desktop/judyates_admin/archive-source-images/"))))
    6.56 -
    6.57 -
    6.58 -(defn judy-jpg-extract
    6.59 -  []
    6.60 -  ((partial extract-files #".*\.JPG"
    6.61 -	    (file-str "/home/r/Desktop/judy_yates_computer_archive") 
    6.62 -	    (file-str "/home/r/Desktop/judyates_admin/archive-source-images/"))))
    6.63 -
    6.64 -)
     7.1 --- a/src/laser/.#rasterize.clj	Fri Aug 20 00:32:44 2010 -0400
     7.2 +++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
     7.3 @@ -1,1 +0,0 @@
     7.4 -r@RLM.3097:1282277171
     7.5 \ No newline at end of file
     8.1 --- a/src/laser/rasterize.clj	Fri Aug 20 00:32:44 2010 -0400
     8.2 +++ b/src/laser/rasterize.clj	Fri Aug 20 00:39:50 2010 -0400
     8.3 @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
     8.4  (import '(java.awt Color BorderLayout))
     8.5  (import '(ij ImagePlus IJ))
     8.6  (import '(java.lang Math))
     8.7 -
     8.8 +(import '(java.awt Graphics2D Panel))
     8.9  (import '(ij Macro))
    8.11  (import '( BufferedReader InputStreamReader))
    8.12 @@ -38,7 +38,30 @@
    8.13  (def cut_feed 20)
    8.14  (def corner_radius 0)
    8.16 +(defmulti  display "Creates a JFrame and displays a buffered image"  class)
    8.18 +(defn- makePanel [image] (proxy [Panel] [] (paint [g]  (.drawImage g image 0 0 nil))))
    8.19 +
    8.20 +(defmethod display 
    8.21 +  BufferedImage  [image] 
    8.22 +  (let [panel (makePanel image)
    8.23 +	frame (JFrame. "Oh Yeah!")]
    8.24 +    (.add frame panel) 
    8.25 +    (.pack frame) 
    8.26 +    (.setVisible frame true ) 
    8.27 +    (.setSize frame(.getWidth image) (.getHeight image))))
    8.28 + 
    8.29 +(defmethod display
    8.30 +  ImagePlus [image]
    8.31 +  (display (.getBufferedImage image)))
    8.32 +
    8.33 +(defmethod display
    8.34 +  clojure.lang.PersistentHashMap [frame-hash]
    8.35 +  (display (frame-hash->bufferedImage frame-hash)))
    8.36 +
    8.37 +(defmethod display
    8.38 +    clojure.lang.PersistentArrayMap [frame-hash]
    8.39 +    (display (frame-hash->bufferedImage frame-hash)))
    8.42  (defn raster-preamble []
    8.43 @@ -48,8 +71,6 @@
    8.44  	    "M101"
    8.45  	    "M3 S1"]))
    8.47 -
    8.48 -
    8.49  (defn frame-hash
    8.50    "yields a convienent representation for the pixles in an image.
    8.51     Because of the size of the structvre generated, this must only be used
    8.52 @@ -97,6 +118,14 @@
    8.56 +
    8.57 +
    8.58 +
    8.59 +
    8.60 +
    8.61 +
    8.62 +
    8.63 +