view src/clojure/test_clojure/evaluation.clj @ 10:ef7dbbd6452c

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author Robert McIntyre <>
date Sat, 21 Aug 2010 06:25:44 -0400
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1 ; Copyright (c) Rich Hickey. All rights reserved.
2 ; The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the
3 ; Eclipse Public License 1.0 (
4 ; which can be found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this distribution.
5 ; By using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by
6 ; the terms of this license.
7 ; You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.
10 ;; Tests for the Clojure functions documented at the URL:
11 ;;
12 ;;
13 ;;
14 ;; by J. McConnell
15 ;; Created 22 October 2008
17 (ns clojure.test-clojure.evaluation
18 (:use clojure.test))
20 (import '(java.lang Boolean)
21 '(clojure.lang Compiler Compiler$CompilerException))
23 (defmacro test-that
24 "Provides a useful way for specifying the purpose of tests. If the first-level
25 forms are lists that make a call to a clojure.test function, it supplies the
26 purpose as the msg argument to those functions. Otherwise, the purpose just
27 acts like a comment and the forms are run unchanged."
28 [purpose & test-forms]
29 (let [tests (map
30 #(if (= (:ns (meta (resolve (first %))))
31 (the-ns 'clojure.test))
32 (concat % (list purpose))
33 %)
34 test-forms)]
35 `(do ~@tests)))
37 (deftest Eval
38 (is (= (eval '(+ 1 2 3)) (Compiler/eval '(+ 1 2 3))))
39 (is (= (eval '(list 1 2 3)) '(1 2 3)))
40 (is (= (eval '(list + 1 2 3)) (list clojure.core/+ 1 2 3)))
41 (test-that "Non-closure fns are supported as code"
42 (is (= (eval (eval '(list + 1 2 3))) 6)))
43 (is (= (eval (list '+ 1 2 3)) 6)))
45 ; not using Clojure's RT/classForName since a bug in it could hide a bug in
46 ; eval's resolution
47 (defn class-for-name [name]
48 (java.lang.Class/forName name))
50 (defmacro in-test-ns [& body]
51 `(binding [*ns* *ns*]
52 (in-ns 'clojure.test-clojure.evaluation)
53 ~@body))
55 ;;; Literals tests ;;;
57 (defmacro #^{:private true} evaluates-to-itself? [expr]
58 `(let [v# ~expr
59 q# (quote ~expr)]
60 (is (= (eval q#) q#) (str q# " does not evaluate to itself"))))
62 (deftest Literals
63 ; Strings, numbers, characters, nil and keywords should evaluate to themselves
64 (evaluates-to-itself? "test")
65 (evaluates-to-itself? "test
66 multi-line
67 string")
68 (evaluates-to-itself? 1)
69 (evaluates-to-itself? 1.0)
70 (evaluates-to-itself? 1.123456789)
71 (evaluates-to-itself? 1/2)
72 (evaluates-to-itself? 1M)
73 (evaluates-to-itself? 999999999999999999)
74 (evaluates-to-itself? \a)
75 (evaluates-to-itself? \newline)
76 (evaluates-to-itself? nil)
77 (evaluates-to-itself? :test)
78 ; Boolean literals should evaluate to Boolean.{TRUE|FALSE}
79 (is (identical? (eval true) Boolean/TRUE))
80 (is (identical? (eval false) Boolean/FALSE)))
82 ;;; Symbol resolution tests ;;;
84 (def foo "abc")
85 (in-ns 'resolution-test)
86 (def bar 123)
87 (def #^{:private true} baz 456)
88 (in-ns 'clojure.test-clojure.evaluation)
90 (defn a-match? [re s] (not (nil? (re-matches re s))))
92 (defmacro throws-with-msg
93 ([re form] `(throws-with-msg ~re ~form Exception))
94 ([re form x] `(throws-with-msg
95 ~re
96 ~form
97 ~(if (instance? Exception x) x Exception)
98 ~(if (instance? String x) x nil)))
99 ([re form class msg]
100 `(let [ex# (try
101 ~form
102 (catch ~class e# e#)
103 (catch Exception e#
104 (let [cause# (.getCause e#)]
105 (if (= ~class (class cause#)) cause# (throw e#)))))]
106 (is (a-match? ~re (.toString ex#))
107 (or ~msg
108 (str "Expected exception that matched " (pr-str ~re)
109 ", but got exception with message: \"" ex#))))))
111 (deftest SymbolResolution
112 (test-that
113 "If a symbol is namespace-qualified, the evaluated value is the value
114 of the binding of the global var named by the symbol"
115 (is (= (eval 'resolution-test/bar) 123)))
117 (test-that
118 "It is an error if there is no global var named by the symbol"
119 (throws-with-msg
120 #".*Unable to resolve symbol: bar.*" (eval 'bar)))
122 (test-that
123 "It is an error if the symbol reference is to a non-public var in a
124 different namespace"
125 (throws-with-msg
126 #".*resolution-test/baz is not public.*"
127 (eval 'resolution-test/baz)
128 Compiler$CompilerException))
130 (test-that
131 "If a symbol is package-qualified, its value is the Java class named by the
132 symbol"
133 (is (= (eval 'java.lang.Math) (class-for-name "java.lang.Math"))))
135 (test-that
136 "If a symbol is package-qualified, it is an error if there is no Class named
137 by the symbol"
138 (is (thrown? Compiler$CompilerException (eval 'java.lang.FooBar))))
140 (test-that
141 "If a symbol is not qualified, the following applies, in this order:
143 1. If it names a special form it is considered a special form, and must
144 be utilized accordingly.
146 2. A lookup is done in the current namespace to see if there is a mapping
147 from the symbol to a class. If so, the symbol is considered to name a
148 Java class object.
150 3. If in a local scope (i.e. in a function definition), a lookup is done
151 to see if it names a local binding (e.g. a function argument or
152 let-bound name). If so, the value is the value of the local binding.
154 4. A lookup is done in the current namespace to see if there is a mapping
155 from the symbol to a var. If so, the value is the value of the binding
156 of the var referred-to by the symbol.
158 5. It is an error."
160 ; First
161 (doall (for [form '(def if do let quote var fn loop recur throw try
162 monitor-enter monitor-exit)]
163 (is (thrown? Compiler$CompilerException (eval form)))))
164 (let [if "foo"]
165 (is (thrown? Compiler$CompilerException (eval 'if)))
167 ; Second
168 (is (= (eval 'Boolean) (class-for-name "java.lang.Boolean"))))
169 (let [Boolean "foo"]
170 (is (= (eval 'Boolean) (class-for-name "java.lang.Boolean"))))
172 ; Third
173 (is (= (eval '(let [foo "bar"] foo)) "bar"))
175 ; Fourth
176 (in-test-ns (is (= (eval 'foo) "abc")))
177 (is (thrown? Compiler$CompilerException (eval 'bar))) ; not in this namespace
179 ; Fifth
180 (is (thrown? Compiler$CompilerException (eval 'foobar)))))
182 ;;; Metadata tests ;;;
184 (defstruct struct-with-symbols (with-meta 'k {:a "A"}))
186 (deftest Metadata
188 (test-that
189 "find returns key symbols and their metadata"
190 (let [s (struct struct-with-symbols 1)]
191 (is (= {:a "A"} (meta (first (find s 'k))))))))
193 ;;; Collections tests ;;;
194 (def x 1)
195 (def y 2)
197 (deftest Collections
198 (in-test-ns
199 (test-that
200 "Vectors and Maps yield vectors and (hash) maps whose contents are the
201 evaluated values of the objects they contain."
202 (is (= (eval '[x y 3]) [1 2 3]))
203 (is (= (eval '{:x x :y y :z 3}) {:x 1 :y 2 :z 3}))
204 (is (instance? clojure.lang.IPersistentMap (eval '{:x x :y y})))))
206 (in-test-ns
207 (test-that
208 "Metadata maps yield maps whose contents are the evaluated values of
209 the objects they contain. If a vector or map has metadata, the evaluated
210 metadata map will become the metadata of the resulting value."
211 (is (= (eval #^{:x x} '[x y]) #^{:x 1} [1 2]))))
213 (test-that
214 "An empty list () evaluates to an empty list."
215 (is (= (eval '()) ()))
216 (is (empty? (eval ())))
217 (is (= (eval (list)) ())))
219 (test-that
220 "Non-empty lists are considered calls"
221 (is (thrown? Compiler$CompilerException (eval '(1 2 3))))))
223 (deftest Macros)
225 (deftest Loading)