view src/clojure/main.clj @ 10:ef7dbbd6452c

added clojure source goodness
author Robert McIntyre <>
date Sat, 21 Aug 2010 06:25:44 -0400
line wrap: on
line source
1 ;; Copyright (c) Rich Hickey All rights reserved. The use and
2 ;; distribution terms for this software are covered by the Eclipse Public
3 ;; License 1.0 ( which can be found
4 ;; in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this distribution. By using this
5 ;; software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by the terms of
6 ;; this license. You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this
7 ;; software.
9 ;; Originally contributed by Stephen C. Gilardi
11 (ns ^{:doc "Top-level main function for Clojure REPL and scripts."
12 :author "Stephen C. Gilardi and Rich Hickey"}
13 clojure.main
14 (:refer-clojure :exclude [with-bindings])
15 (:import (clojure.lang Compiler Compiler$CompilerException
16 LineNumberingPushbackReader RT)))
18 (declare main)
20 (defmacro with-bindings
21 "Executes body in the context of thread-local bindings for several vars
22 that often need to be set!: *ns* *warn-on-reflection* *math-context*
23 *print-meta* *print-length* *print-level* *compile-path*
24 *command-line-args* *1 *2 *3 *e"
25 [& body]
26 `(binding [*ns* *ns*
27 *warn-on-reflection* *warn-on-reflection*
28 *math-context* *math-context*
29 *print-meta* *print-meta*
30 *print-length* *print-length*
31 *print-level* *print-level*
32 *compile-path* (System/getProperty "clojure.compile.path" "classes")
33 *command-line-args* *command-line-args*
34 *assert* *assert*
35 *1 nil
36 *2 nil
37 *3 nil
38 *e nil]
39 ~@body))
41 (defn repl-prompt
42 "Default :prompt hook for repl"
43 []
44 (printf "%s=> " (ns-name *ns*)))
46 (defn skip-if-eol
47 "If the next character on stream s is a newline, skips it, otherwise
48 leaves the stream untouched. Returns :line-start, :stream-end, or :body
49 to indicate the relative location of the next character on s. The stream
50 must either be an instance of LineNumberingPushbackReader or duplicate
51 its behavior of both supporting .unread and collapsing all of CR, LF, and
52 CRLF to a single \\newline."
53 [s]
54 (let [c (.read s)]
55 (cond
56 (= c (int \newline)) :line-start
57 (= c -1) :stream-end
58 :else (do (.unread s c) :body))))
60 (defn skip-whitespace
61 "Skips whitespace characters on stream s. Returns :line-start, :stream-end,
62 or :body to indicate the relative location of the next character on s.
63 Interprets comma as whitespace and semicolon as comment to end of line.
64 Does not interpret #! as comment to end of line because only one
65 character of lookahead is available. The stream must either be an
66 instance of LineNumberingPushbackReader or duplicate its behavior of both
67 supporting .unread and collapsing all of CR, LF, and CRLF to a single
68 \\newline."
69 [s]
70 (loop [c (.read s)]
71 (cond
72 (= c (int \newline)) :line-start
73 (= c -1) :stream-end
74 (= c (int \;)) (do (.readLine s) :line-start)
75 (or (Character/isWhitespace c) (= c (int \,))) (recur (.read s))
76 :else (do (.unread s c) :body))))
78 (defn repl-read
79 "Default :read hook for repl. Reads from *in* which must either be an
80 instance of LineNumberingPushbackReader or duplicate its behavior of both
81 supporting .unread and collapsing all of CR, LF, and CRLF into a single
82 \\newline. repl-read:
83 - skips whitespace, then
84 - returns request-prompt on start of line, or
85 - returns request-exit on end of stream, or
86 - reads an object from the input stream, then
87 - skips the next input character if it's end of line, then
88 - returns the object."
89 [request-prompt request-exit]
90 (or ({:line-start request-prompt :stream-end request-exit}
91 (skip-whitespace *in*))
92 (let [input (read)]
93 (skip-if-eol *in*)
94 input)))
96 (defn- root-cause
97 "Returns the initial cause of an exception or error by peeling off all of
98 its wrappers"
99 [^Throwable throwable]
100 (loop [cause throwable]
101 (if-let [cause (.getCause cause)]
102 (recur cause)
103 cause)))
105 (defn repl-exception
106 "Returns CompilerExceptions in tact, but only the root cause of other
107 throwables"
108 [throwable]
109 (if (instance? Compiler$CompilerException throwable)
110 throwable
111 (root-cause throwable)))
113 (defn repl-caught
114 "Default :caught hook for repl"
115 [e]
116 (.println *err* (repl-exception e)))
118 (defn repl
119 "Generic, reusable, read-eval-print loop. By default, reads from *in*,
120 writes to *out*, and prints exception summaries to *err*. If you use the
121 default :read hook, *in* must either be an instance of
122 LineNumberingPushbackReader or duplicate its behavior of both supporting
123 .unread and collapsing CR, LF, and CRLF into a single \\newline. Options
124 are sequential keyword-value pairs. Available options and their defaults:
126 - :init, function of no arguments, initialization hook called with
127 bindings for set!-able vars in place.
128 default: #()
130 - :need-prompt, function of no arguments, called before each
131 read-eval-print except the first, the user will be prompted if it
132 returns true.
133 default: (if (instance? LineNumberingPushbackReader *in*)
134 #(.atLineStart *in*)
135 #(identity true))
137 - :prompt, function of no arguments, prompts for more input.
138 default: repl-prompt
140 - :flush, function of no arguments, flushes output
141 default: flush
143 - :read, function of two arguments, reads from *in*:
144 - returns its first argument to request a fresh prompt
145 - depending on need-prompt, this may cause the repl to prompt
146 before reading again
147 - returns its second argument to request an exit from the repl
148 - else returns the next object read from the input stream
149 default: repl-read
151 - :eval, funtion of one argument, returns the evaluation of its
152 argument
153 default: eval
155 - :print, function of one argument, prints its argument to the output
156 default: prn
158 - :caught, function of one argument, a throwable, called when
159 read, eval, or print throws an exception or error
160 default: repl-caught"
161 [& options]
162 (let [cl (.getContextClassLoader (Thread/currentThread))]
163 (.setContextClassLoader (Thread/currentThread) (clojure.lang.DynamicClassLoader. cl)))
164 (let [{:keys [init need-prompt prompt flush read eval print caught]
165 :or {init #()
166 need-prompt (if (instance? LineNumberingPushbackReader *in*)
167 #(.atLineStart ^LineNumberingPushbackReader *in*)
168 #(identity true))
169 prompt repl-prompt
170 flush flush
171 read repl-read
172 eval eval
173 print prn
174 caught repl-caught}}
175 (apply hash-map options)
176 request-prompt (Object.)
177 request-exit (Object.)
178 read-eval-print
179 (fn []
180 (try
181 (let [input (read request-prompt request-exit)]
182 (or (#{request-prompt request-exit} input)
183 (let [value (eval input)]
184 (print value)
185 (set! *3 *2)
186 (set! *2 *1)
187 (set! *1 value))))
188 (catch Throwable e
189 (caught e)
190 (set! *e e))))]
191 (with-bindings
192 (try
193 (init)
194 (catch Throwable e
195 (caught e)
196 (set! *e e)))
197 (use '[clojure.repl :only (source apropos dir)])
198 (use '[ :only (javadoc)])
199 (use '[clojure.pprint :only (pp pprint)])
200 (prompt)
201 (flush)
202 (loop []
203 (when-not
204 (try (= (read-eval-print) request-exit)
205 (catch Throwable e
206 (caught e)
207 (set! *e e)
208 nil))
209 (when (need-prompt)
210 (prompt)
211 (flush))
212 (recur))))))
214 (defn load-script
215 "Loads Clojure source from a file or resource given its path. Paths
216 beginning with @ or @/ are considered relative to classpath."
217 [^String path]
218 (if (.startsWith path "@")
219 (RT/loadResourceScript
220 (.substring path (if (.startsWith path "@/") 2 1)))
221 (Compiler/loadFile path)))
223 (defn- init-opt
224 "Load a script"
225 [path]
226 (load-script path))
228 (defn- eval-opt
229 "Evals expressions in str, prints each non-nil result using prn"
230 [str]
231 (let [eof (Object.)
232 reader (LineNumberingPushbackReader. ( str))]
233 (loop [input (read reader false eof)]
234 (when-not (= input eof)
235 (let [value (eval input)]
236 (when-not (nil? value)
237 (prn value))
238 (recur (read reader false eof)))))))
240 (defn- init-dispatch
241 "Returns the handler associated with an init opt"
242 [opt]
243 ({"-i" init-opt
244 "--init" init-opt
245 "-e" eval-opt
246 "--eval" eval-opt} opt))
248 (defn- initialize
249 "Common initialize routine for repl, script, and null opts"
250 [args inits]
251 (in-ns 'user)
252 (set! *command-line-args* args)
253 (doseq [[opt arg] inits]
254 ((init-dispatch opt) arg)))
256 (defn- repl-opt
257 "Start a repl with args and inits. Print greeting if no eval options were
258 present"
259 [[_ & args] inits]
260 (when-not (some #(= eval-opt (init-dispatch (first %))) inits)
261 (println "Clojure" (clojure-version)))
262 (repl :init #(initialize args inits))
263 (prn)
264 (System/exit 0))
266 (defn- script-opt
267 "Run a script from a file, resource, or standard in with args and inits"
268 [[path & args] inits]
269 (with-bindings
270 (initialize args inits)
271 (if (= path "-")
272 (load-reader *in*)
273 (load-script path))))
275 (defn- null-opt
276 "No repl or script opt present, just bind args and run inits"
277 [args inits]
278 (with-bindings
279 (initialize args inits)))
281 (defn- help-opt
282 "Print help text for main"
283 [_ _]
284 (println (:doc (meta (var main)))))
286 (defn- main-dispatch
287 "Returns the handler associated with a main option"
288 [opt]
289 (or
290 ({"-r" repl-opt
291 "--repl" repl-opt
292 nil null-opt
293 "-h" help-opt
294 "--help" help-opt
295 "-?" help-opt} opt)
296 script-opt))
298 (defn- legacy-repl
299 "Called by the clojure.lang.Repl.main stub to run a repl with args
300 specified the old way"
301 [args]
302 (println "WARNING: clojure.lang.Repl is deprecated.
303 Instead, use clojure.main like this:
304 java -cp clojure.jar clojure.main -i init.clj -r args...")
305 (let [[inits [sep & args]] (split-with (complement #{"--"}) args)]
306 (repl-opt (concat ["-r"] args) (map vector (repeat "-i") inits))))
308 (defn- legacy-script
309 "Called by the clojure.lang.Script.main stub to run a script with args
310 specified the old way"
311 [args]
312 (println "WARNING: clojure.lang.Script is deprecated.
313 Instead, use clojure.main like this:
314 java -cp clojure.jar clojure.main -i init.clj script.clj args...")
315 (let [[inits [sep & args]] (split-with (complement #{"--"}) args)]
316 (null-opt args (map vector (repeat "-i") inits))))
318 (defn main
319 "Usage: java -cp clojure.jar clojure.main [init-opt*] [main-opt] [arg*]
321 With no options or args, runs an interactive Read-Eval-Print Loop
323 init options:
324 -i, --init path Load a file or resource
325 -e, --eval string Evaluate expressions in string; print non-nil values
327 main options:
328 -r, --repl Run a repl
329 path Run a script from from a file or resource
330 - Run a script from standard input
331 -h, -?, --help Print this help message and exit
333 operation:
335 - Establishes thread-local bindings for commonly set!-able vars
336 - Enters the user namespace
337 - Binds *command-line-args* to a seq of strings containing command line
338 args that appear after any main option
339 - Runs all init options in order
340 - Runs a repl or script if requested
342 The init options may be repeated and mixed freely, but must appear before
343 any main option. The appearance of any eval option before running a repl
344 suppresses the usual repl greeting message: \"Clojure ~(clojure-version)\".
346 Paths may be absolute or relative in the filesystem or relative to
347 classpath. Classpath-relative paths have prefix of @ or @/"
348 [& args]
349 (try
350 (if args
351 (loop [[opt arg & more :as args] args inits []]
352 (if (init-dispatch opt)
353 (recur more (conj inits [opt arg]))
354 ((main-dispatch opt) args inits)))
355 (repl-opt nil nil))
356 (finally
357 (flush))))