view src/clojure/java/io.clj @ 10:ef7dbbd6452c

added clojure source goodness
author Robert McIntyre <>
date Sat, 21 Aug 2010 06:25:44 -0400
line wrap: on
line source
1 ; Copyright (c) Rich Hickey. All rights reserved.
2 ; The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the
3 ; Eclipse Public License 1.0 (
4 ; which can be found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this distribution.
5 ; By using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by
6 ; the terms of this license.
7 ; You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.
9 (ns
10 ^{:author "Stuart Sierra, Chas Emerick, Stuart Halloway",
11 :doc "This file defines polymorphic I/O utility functions for Clojure."}
13 (:import
14 ( Reader InputStream InputStreamReader PushbackReader
15 BufferedReader File OutputStream
16 OutputStreamWriter BufferedWriter Writer
17 FileInputStream FileOutputStream ByteArrayOutputStream
18 StringReader ByteArrayInputStream
19 BufferedInputStream BufferedOutputStream
20 CharArrayReader Closeable)
21 ( URI URL MalformedURLException Socket)))
23 (def
24 ^{:doc "Type object for a Java primitive byte array."
25 :private true
26 }
27 byte-array-type (class (make-array Byte/TYPE 0)))
29 (def
30 ^{:doc "Type object for a Java primitive char array."
31 :private true}
32 char-array-type (class (make-array Character/TYPE 0)))
34 (defprotocol ^{:added "1.2"} Coercions
35 "Coerce between various 'resource-namish' things."
36 (^{:tag, :added "1.2"} as-file [x] "Coerce argument to a file.")
37 (^{:tag, :added "1.2"} as-url [x] "Coerce argument to a URL."))
39 (extend-protocol Coercions
40 nil
41 (as-file [_] nil)
42 (as-url [_] nil)
44 String
45 (as-file [s] (File. s))
46 (as-url [s] (URL. s))
48 File
49 (as-file [f] f)
50 (as-url [f] (.toURL f))
52 URL
53 (as-url [u] u)
54 (as-file [u]
55 (if (= "file" (.getProtocol u))
56 (as-file (.getPath u))
57 (throw (IllegalArgumentException. "Not a file: " u))))
59 URI
60 (as-url [u] (.toURL u))
61 (as-file [u] (as-file (as-url u))))
63 (defprotocol ^{:added "1.2"} IOFactory
64 "Factory functions that create ready-to-use, buffered versions of
65 the various Java I/O stream types, on top of anything that can
66 be unequivocally converted to the requested kind of stream.
68 Common options include
70 :append true to open stream in append mode
71 :encoding string name of encoding to use, e.g. \"UTF-8\".
73 Callers should generally prefer the higher level API provided by
74 reader, writer, input-stream, and output-stream."
75 (^{:added "1.2"} make-reader [x opts] "Creates a BufferedReader. See also IOFactory docs.")
76 (^{:added "1.2"} make-writer [x opts] "Creates a BufferedWriter. See also IOFactory docs.")
77 (^{:added "1.2"} make-input-stream [x opts] "Creates a BufferedInputStream. See also IOFactory docs.")
78 (^{:added "1.2"} make-output-stream [x opts] "Creates a BufferedOutputStream. See also IOFactory docs."))
80 (defn ^Reader reader
81 "Attempts to coerce its argument into an open
82 Default implementations always return a
84 Default implementations are provided for Reader, BufferedReader,
85 InputStream, File, URI, URL, Socket, byte arrays, character arrays,
86 and String.
88 If argument is a String, it tries to resolve it first as a URI, then
89 as a local file name. URIs with a 'file' protocol are converted to
90 local file names.
92 Should be used inside with-open to ensure the Reader is properly
93 closed."
94 {:added "1.2"}
95 [x & opts]
96 (make-reader x (when opts (apply hash-map opts))))
98 (defn ^Writer writer
99 "Attempts to coerce its argument into an open
100 Default implementations always return a
102 Default implementations are provided for Writer, BufferedWriter,
103 OutputStream, File, URI, URL, Socket, and String.
105 If the argument is a String, it tries to resolve it first as a URI, then
106 as a local file name. URIs with a 'file' protocol are converted to
107 local file names.
109 Should be used inside with-open to ensure the Writer is properly
110 closed."
111 {:added "1.2"}
112 [x & opts]
113 (make-writer x (when opts (apply hash-map opts))))
115 (defn ^InputStream input-stream
116 "Attempts to coerce its argument into an open
117 Default implementations always return a
119 Default implementations are defined for OutputStream, File, URI, URL,
120 Socket, byte array, and String arguments.
122 If the argument is a String, it tries to resolve it first as a URI, then
123 as a local file name. URIs with a 'file' protocol are converted to
124 local file names.
126 Should be used inside with-open to ensure the InputStream is properly
127 closed."
128 {:added "1.2"}
129 [x & opts]
130 (make-input-stream x (when opts (apply hash-map opts))))
132 (defn ^OutputStream output-stream
133 "Attempts to coerce its argument into an open
134 Default implementations always return a
136 Default implementations are defined for OutputStream, File, URI, URL,
137 Socket, and String arguments.
139 If the argument is a String, it tries to resolve it first as a URI, then
140 as a local file name. URIs with a 'file' protocol are converted to
141 local file names.
143 Should be used inside with-open to ensure the OutputStream is
144 properly closed."
145 {:added "1.2"}
146 [x & opts]
147 (make-output-stream x (when opts (apply hash-map opts))))
149 (defn- ^Boolean append? [opts]
150 (boolean (:append opts)))
152 (defn- ^String encoding [opts]
153 (or (:encoding opts) "UTF-8"))
155 (defn- buffer-size [opts]
156 (or (:buffer-size opts) 1024))
158 (def default-streams-impl
159 {:make-reader (fn [x opts] (make-reader (make-input-stream x opts) opts))
160 :make-writer (fn [x opts] (make-writer (make-output-stream x opts) opts))
161 :make-input-stream (fn [x opts]
162 (throw (IllegalArgumentException.
163 (str "Cannot open <" (pr-str x) "> as an InputStream."))))
164 :make-output-stream (fn [x opts]
165 (throw (IllegalArgumentException.
166 (str "Cannot open <" (pr-str x) "> as an OutputStream."))))})
168 (defn- inputstream->reader
169 [^InputStream is opts]
170 (make-reader (InputStreamReader. is (encoding opts)) opts))
172 (defn- outputstream->writer
173 [^OutputStream os opts]
174 (make-writer (OutputStreamWriter. os (encoding opts)) opts))
176 (extend BufferedInputStream
177 IOFactory
178 (assoc default-streams-impl
179 :make-input-stream (fn [x opts] x)
180 :make-reader inputstream->reader))
182 (extend InputStream
183 IOFactory
184 (assoc default-streams-impl
185 :make-input-stream (fn [x opts] (BufferedInputStream. x))
186 :make-reader inputstream->reader))
188 (extend Reader
189 IOFactory
190 (assoc default-streams-impl
191 :make-reader (fn [x opts] (BufferedReader. x))))
193 (extend BufferedReader
194 IOFactory
195 (assoc default-streams-impl
196 :make-reader (fn [x opts] x)))
198 (extend Writer
199 IOFactory
200 (assoc default-streams-impl
201 :make-writer (fn [x opts] (BufferedWriter. x))))
203 (extend BufferedWriter
204 IOFactory
205 (assoc default-streams-impl
206 :make-writer (fn [x opts] x)))
208 (extend OutputStream
209 IOFactory
210 (assoc default-streams-impl
211 :make-output-stream (fn [x opts] (BufferedOutputStream. x))
212 :make-writer outputstream->writer))
214 (extend BufferedOutputStream
215 IOFactory
216 (assoc default-streams-impl
217 :make-output-stream (fn [x opts] x)
218 :make-writer outputstream->writer))
220 (extend File
221 IOFactory
222 (assoc default-streams-impl
223 :make-input-stream (fn [^File x opts] (make-input-stream (FileInputStream. x) opts))
224 :make-output-stream (fn [^File x opts] (make-output-stream (FileOutputStream. x (append? opts)) opts))))
226 (extend URL
227 IOFactory
228 (assoc default-streams-impl
229 :make-input-stream (fn [^URL x opts]
230 (make-input-stream
231 (if (= "file" (.getProtocol x))
232 (FileInputStream. (.getPath x))
233 (.openStream x)) opts))
234 :make-output-stream (fn [^URL x opts]
235 (if (= "file" (.getProtocol x))
236 (make-output-stream (File. (.getPath x)) opts)
237 (throw (IllegalArgumentException. (str "Can not write to non-file URL <" x ">")))))))
239 (extend URI
240 IOFactory
241 (assoc default-streams-impl
242 :make-input-stream (fn [^URI x opts] (make-input-stream (.toURL x) opts))
243 :make-output-stream (fn [^URI x opts] (make-output-stream (.toURL x) opts))))
245 (extend String
246 IOFactory
247 (assoc default-streams-impl
248 :make-input-stream (fn [^String x opts]
249 (try
250 (make-input-stream (URL. x) opts)
251 (catch MalformedURLException e
252 (make-input-stream (File. x) opts))))
253 :make-output-stream (fn [^String x opts]
254 (try
255 (make-output-stream (URL. x) opts)
256 (catch MalformedURLException err
257 (make-output-stream (File. x) opts))))))
259 (extend Socket
260 IOFactory
261 (assoc default-streams-impl
262 :make-input-stream (fn [^Socket x opts] (make-input-stream (.getInputStream x) opts))
263 :make-output-stream (fn [^Socket x opts] (make-output-stream (.getOutputStream x) opts))))
265 (extend byte-array-type
266 IOFactory
267 (assoc default-streams-impl
268 :make-input-stream (fn [x opts] (make-input-stream (ByteArrayInputStream. x) opts))))
270 (extend char-array-type
271 IOFactory
272 (assoc default-streams-impl
273 :make-reader (fn [x opts] (make-reader (CharArrayReader. x) opts))))
275 (extend Object
276 IOFactory
277 default-streams-impl)
279 (defmulti
280 #^{:doc "Internal helper for copy"
281 :private true
282 :arglists '([input output opts])}
283 do-copy
284 (fn [input output opts] [(type input) (type output)]))
286 (defmethod do-copy [InputStream OutputStream] [#^InputStream input #^OutputStream output opts]
287 (let [buffer (make-array Byte/TYPE (buffer-size opts))]
288 (loop []
289 (let [size (.read input buffer)]
290 (when (pos? size)
291 (do (.write output buffer 0 size)
292 (recur)))))))
294 (defmethod do-copy [InputStream Writer] [#^InputStream input #^Writer output opts]
295 (let [#^"[B" buffer (make-array Byte/TYPE (buffer-size opts))]
296 (loop []
297 (let [size (.read input buffer)]
298 (when (pos? size)
299 (let [chars (.toCharArray (String. buffer 0 size (encoding opts)))]
300 (do (.write output chars)
301 (recur))))))))
303 (defmethod do-copy [InputStream File] [#^InputStream input #^File output opts]
304 (with-open [out (FileOutputStream. output)]
305 (do-copy input out opts)))
307 (defmethod do-copy [Reader OutputStream] [#^Reader input #^OutputStream output opts]
308 (let [#^"[C" buffer (make-array Character/TYPE (buffer-size opts))]
309 (loop []
310 (let [size (.read input buffer)]
311 (when (pos? size)
312 (let [bytes (.getBytes (String. buffer 0 size) (encoding opts))]
313 (do (.write output bytes)
314 (recur))))))))
316 (defmethod do-copy [Reader Writer] [#^Reader input #^Writer output opts]
317 (let [#^"[C" buffer (make-array Character/TYPE (buffer-size opts))]
318 (loop []
319 (let [size (.read input buffer)]
320 (when (pos? size)
321 (do (.write output buffer 0 size)
322 (recur)))))))
324 (defmethod do-copy [Reader File] [#^Reader input #^File output opts]
325 (with-open [out (FileOutputStream. output)]
326 (do-copy input out opts)))
328 (defmethod do-copy [File OutputStream] [#^File input #^OutputStream output opts]
329 (with-open [in (FileInputStream. input)]
330 (do-copy in output opts)))
332 (defmethod do-copy [File Writer] [#^File input #^Writer output opts]
333 (with-open [in (FileInputStream. input)]
334 (do-copy in output opts)))
336 (defmethod do-copy [File File] [#^File input #^File output opts]
337 (with-open [in (FileInputStream. input)
338 out (FileOutputStream. output)]
339 (do-copy in out opts)))
341 (defmethod do-copy [String OutputStream] [#^String input #^OutputStream output opts]
342 (do-copy (StringReader. input) output opts))
344 (defmethod do-copy [String Writer] [#^String input #^Writer output opts]
345 (do-copy (StringReader. input) output opts))
347 (defmethod do-copy [String File] [#^String input #^File output opts]
348 (do-copy (StringReader. input) output opts))
350 (defmethod do-copy [char-array-type OutputStream] [input #^OutputStream output opts]
351 (do-copy (CharArrayReader. input) output opts))
353 (defmethod do-copy [char-array-type Writer] [input #^Writer output opts]
354 (do-copy (CharArrayReader. input) output opts))
356 (defmethod do-copy [char-array-type File] [input #^File output opts]
357 (do-copy (CharArrayReader. input) output opts))
359 (defmethod do-copy [byte-array-type OutputStream] [#^"[B" input #^OutputStream output opts]
360 (do-copy (ByteArrayInputStream. input) output opts))
362 (defmethod do-copy [byte-array-type Writer] [#^"[B" input #^Writer output opts]
363 (do-copy (ByteArrayInputStream. input) output opts))
365 (defmethod do-copy [byte-array-type File] [#^"[B" input #^Writer output opts]
366 (do-copy (ByteArrayInputStream. input) output opts))
368 (defn copy
369 "Copies input to output. Returns nil or throws IOException.
370 Input may be an InputStream, Reader, File, byte[], or String.
371 Output may be an OutputStream, Writer, or File.
373 Options are key/value pairs and may be one of
375 :buffer-size buffer size to use, default is 1024.
376 :encoding encoding to use if converting between
377 byte and char streams.
379 Does not close any streams except those it opens itself
380 (on a File)."
381 {:added "1.2"}
382 [input output & opts]
383 (do-copy input output (when opts (apply hash-map opts))))
385 (defn ^String as-relative-path
386 "Take an as-file-able thing and return a string if it is
387 a relative path, else IllegalArgumentException."
388 {:added "1.2"}
389 [x]
390 (let [^File f (as-file x)]
391 (if (.isAbsolute f)
392 (throw (IllegalArgumentException. (str f " is not a relative path")))
393 (.getPath f))))
395 (defn ^File file
396 "Returns a, passing each arg to as-file. Multiple-arg
397 versions treat the first argument as parent and subsequent args as
398 children relative to the parent."
399 {:added "1.2"}
400 ([arg]
401 (as-file arg))
402 ([parent child]
403 (File. ^File (as-file parent) ^String (as-relative-path child)))
404 ([parent child & more]
405 (reduce file (file parent child) more)))
407 (defn delete-file
408 "Delete file f. Raise an exception if it fails unless silently is true."
409 {:added "1.2"}
410 [f & [silently]]
411 (or (.delete (file f))
412 silently
413 (throw ( (str "Couldn't delete " f)))))
415 (defn make-parents
416 "Given the same arg(s) as for file, creates all parent directories of
417 the file they represent."
418 {:added "1.2"}
419 [f & more]
420 (.mkdirs (.getParentFile ^File (apply file f more))))
422 (defn ^URL resource
423 "Returns the URL for a named resource. Use the context class loader
424 if no loader is specified."
425 {:added "1.2"}
426 ([n] (resource n (.getContextClassLoader (Thread/currentThread))))
427 ([n ^ClassLoader loader] (.getResource loader n)))