view src/clojure/gvec.clj @ 10:ef7dbbd6452c

added clojure source goodness
author Robert McIntyre <>
date Sat, 21 Aug 2010 06:25:44 -0400
line wrap: on
line source
1 ; Copyright (c) Rich Hickey. All rights reserved.
2 ; The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the
3 ; Eclipse Public License 1.0 (
4 ; which can be found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this distribution.
5 ; By using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by
6 ; the terms of this license.
7 ; You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.
9 ;;; a generic vector implementation for vectors of primitives
11 (in-ns 'clojure.core)
13 ;(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)
15 (deftype VecNode [edit arr])
17 (def EMPTY-NODE (VecNode. nil (object-array 32)))
19 (definterface IVecImpl
20 (^int tailoff [])
21 (arrayFor [^int i])
22 (pushTail [^int level ^clojure.core.VecNode parent ^clojure.core.VecNode tailnode])
23 (popTail [^int level node])
24 (newPath [edit ^int level node])
25 (doAssoc [^int level node ^int i val]))
27 (definterface ArrayManager
28 (array [^int size])
29 (^int alength [arr])
30 (aclone [arr])
31 (aget [arr ^int i])
32 (aset [arr ^int i val]))
34 (deftype ArrayChunk [^clojure.core.ArrayManager am arr ^int off ^int end]
36 clojure.lang.Indexed
37 (nth [_ i] (.aget am arr (+ off i)))
39 (count [_] (- end off))
41 clojure.lang.IChunk
42 (dropFirst [_]
43 (if (= off end)
44 (throw (IllegalStateException. "dropFirst of empty chunk"))
45 (new ArrayChunk am arr (inc off) end)))
47 (reduce [_ f init]
48 (loop [ret init i off]
49 (if (< i end)
50 (recur (f ret (.aget am arr i)) (inc i))
51 ret)))
52 )
54 (deftype VecSeq [^clojure.core.ArrayManager am ^clojure.core.IVecImpl vec anode ^int i ^int offset]
55 :no-print true
57 clojure.core.protocols.InternalReduce
58 (internal-reduce
59 [_ f val]
60 (loop [result val
61 aidx offset]
62 (if (< aidx (count vec))
63 (let [node (.arrayFor vec aidx)
64 result (loop [result result
65 node-idx (bit-and (int 0x1f) aidx)]
66 (if (< node-idx (.alength am node))
67 (recur (f result (.aget am node node-idx)) (inc node-idx))
68 result))]
69 (recur result (bit-and (int 0xffe0) (+ aidx (int 32)))))
70 result)))
72 clojure.lang.ISeq
73 (first [_] (.aget am anode offset))
74 (next [this]
75 (if (< (inc offset) (.alength am anode))
76 (new VecSeq am vec anode i (inc offset))
77 (.chunkedNext this)))
78 (more [this]
79 (let [s (.next this)]
80 (or s (clojure.lang.PersistentList/EMPTY))))
81 (cons [this o]
82 (clojure.lang.Cons. o this))
83 (count [this]
84 (loop [i 1
85 s (next this)]
86 (if s
87 (if (instance? clojure.lang.Counted s)
88 (+ i (.count s))
89 (recur (inc i) (next s)))
90 i)))
91 (equiv [this o]
92 (cond
93 (identical? this o) true
94 (or (instance? clojure.lang.Sequential o) (instance? java.util.List o))
95 (loop [me this
96 you (seq o)]
97 (if (nil? me)
98 (nil? you)
99 (and (clojure.lang.Util/equiv (first me) (first you))
100 (recur (next me) (next you)))))
101 :else false))
102 (empty [_]
103 clojure.lang.PersistentList/EMPTY)
106 clojure.lang.Seqable
107 (seq [this] this)
109 clojure.lang.IChunkedSeq
110 (chunkedFirst [_] (ArrayChunk. am anode offset (.alength am anode)))
111 (chunkedNext [_]
112 (let [nexti (+ i (.alength am anode))]
113 (when (< nexti (count vec))
114 (new VecSeq am vec (.arrayFor vec nexti) nexti 0))))
115 (chunkedMore [this]
116 (let [s (.chunkedNext this)]
117 (or s (clojure.lang.PersistentList/EMPTY)))))
119 (defmethod print-method ::VecSeq [v w]
120 ((get (methods print-method) clojure.lang.ISeq) v w))
122 (deftype Vec [^clojure.core.ArrayManager am ^int cnt ^int shift ^clojure.core.VecNode root tail _meta]
123 Object
124 (equals [this o]
125 (cond
126 (identical? this o) true
127 (or (instance? clojure.lang.IPersistentVector o) (instance? java.util.RandomAccess o))
128 (and (= cnt (count o))
129 (loop [i (int 0)]
130 (cond
131 (= i cnt) true
132 (.equals (.nth this i) (nth o i)) (recur (inc i))
133 :else false)))
134 (or (instance? clojure.lang.Sequential o) (instance? java.util.List o))
135 (.equals (seq this) (seq o))
136 :else false))
138 ;todo - cache
139 (hashCode [this]
140 (loop [hash (int 1) i (int 0)]
141 (if (= i cnt)
142 hash
143 (let [val (.nth this i)]
144 (recur (unchecked-add (unchecked-multiply (int 31) hash)
145 (clojure.lang.Util/hash val))
146 (inc i))))))
148 clojure.lang.Counted
149 (count [_] cnt)
151 clojure.lang.IMeta
152 (meta [_] _meta)
154 clojure.lang.IObj
155 (withMeta [_ m] (new Vec am cnt shift root tail m))
157 clojure.lang.Indexed
158 (nth [this i]
159 (let [a (.arrayFor this i)]
160 (.aget am a (bit-and i (int 0x1f)))))
161 (nth [this i not-found]
162 (let [z (int 0)]
163 (if (and (>= i z) (< i (.count this)))
164 (.nth this i)
165 not-found)))
167 clojure.lang.IPersistentCollection
168 (cons [this val]
169 (if (< (- cnt (.tailoff this)) (int 32))
170 (let [new-tail (.array am (inc (.alength am tail)))]
171 (System/arraycopy tail 0 new-tail 0 (.alength am tail))
172 (.aset am new-tail (.alength am tail) val)
173 (new Vec am (inc cnt) shift root new-tail (meta this)))
174 (let [tail-node (VecNode. (.edit root) tail)]
175 (if (> (bit-shift-right cnt (int 5)) (bit-shift-left (int 1) shift)) ;overflow root?
176 (let [new-root (VecNode. (.edit root) (object-array 32))]
177 (doto ^objects (.arr new-root)
178 (aset 0 root)
179 (aset 1 (.newPath this (.edit root) shift tail-node)))
180 (new Vec am (inc cnt) (+ shift (int 5)) new-root (let [tl (.array am 1)] (.aset am tl 0 val) tl) (meta this)))
181 (new Vec am (inc cnt) shift (.pushTail this shift root tail-node)
182 (let [tl (.array am 1)] (.aset am tl 0 val) tl) (meta this))))))
184 (empty [_] (new Vec am 0 5 EMPTY-NODE (.array am 0) nil))
185 (equiv [this o]
186 (cond
187 (or (instance? clojure.lang.IPersistentVector o) (instance? java.util.RandomAccess o))
188 (and (= cnt (count o))
189 (loop [i (int 0)]
190 (cond
191 (= i cnt) true
192 (= (.nth this i) (nth o i)) (recur (inc i))
193 :else false)))
194 (or (instance? clojure.lang.Sequential o) (instance? java.util.List o))
195 (= (seq this) (seq o))
196 :else false))
198 clojure.lang.IPersistentStack
199 (peek [this]
200 (when (> cnt (int 0))
201 (.nth this (dec cnt))))
203 (pop [this]
204 (cond
205 (zero? cnt)
206 (throw (IllegalStateException. "Can't pop empty vector"))
207 (= 1 cnt)
208 (new Vec am 0 5 EMPTY-NODE (.array am 0) (meta this))
209 (> (- cnt (.tailoff this)) 1)
210 (let [new-tail (.array am (dec (.alength am tail)))]
211 (System/arraycopy tail 0 new-tail 0 (.alength am new-tail))
212 (new Vec am (dec cnt) shift root new-tail (meta this)))
213 :else
214 (let [new-tail (.arrayFor this (- cnt 2))
215 new-root ^clojure.core.VecNode (.popTail this shift root)]
216 (cond
217 (nil? new-root)
218 (new Vec am (dec cnt) shift EMPTY-NODE new-tail (meta this))
219 (and (> shift 5) (nil? (aget ^objects (.arr new-root) 1)))
220 (new Vec am (dec cnt) (- shift 5) (aget ^objects (.arr new-root) 0) new-tail (meta this))
221 :else
222 (new Vec am (dec cnt) shift new-root new-tail (meta this))))))
224 clojure.lang.IPersistentVector
225 (assocN [this i val]
226 (cond
227 (and (<= (int 0) i) (< i cnt))
228 (if (>= i (.tailoff this))
229 (let [new-tail (.array am (.alength am tail))]
230 (System/arraycopy tail 0 new-tail 0 (.alength am tail))
231 (.aset am new-tail (bit-and i (int 0x1f)) val)
232 (new Vec am cnt shift root new-tail (meta this)))
233 (new Vec am cnt shift (.doAssoc this shift root i val) tail (meta this)))
234 (= i cnt) (.cons this val)
235 :else (throw (IndexOutOfBoundsException.))))
237 clojure.lang.Reversible
238 (rseq [this]
239 (if (> (.count this) 0)
240 (clojure.lang.APersistentVector$RSeq. this (dec (.count this)))
241 nil))
243 clojure.lang.Associative
244 (assoc [this k v]
245 (if (clojure.lang.Util/isInteger k)
246 (.assocN this k v)
247 (throw (IllegalArgumentException. "Key must be integer"))))
248 (containsKey [this k]
249 (and (clojure.lang.Util/isInteger k)
250 (<= 0 (int k))
251 (< (int k) cnt)))
252 (entryAt [this k]
253 (if (.containsKey this k)
254 (clojure.lang.MapEntry. k (.nth this (int k)))
255 nil))
257 clojure.lang.ILookup
258 (valAt [this k not-found]
259 (if (clojure.lang.Util/isInteger k)
260 (let [i (int k)]
261 (if (and (>= i 0) (< i cnt))
262 (.nth this i)
263 not-found))
264 not-found))
266 (valAt [this k] (.valAt this k nil))
268 clojure.lang.IFn
269 (invoke [this k]
270 (if (clojure.lang.Util/isInteger k)
271 (let [i (int k)]
272 (if (and (>= i 0) (< i cnt))
273 (.nth this i)
274 (throw (IndexOutOfBoundsException.))))
275 (throw (IllegalArgumentException. "Key must be integer"))))
278 clojure.lang.Seqable
279 (seq [this]
280 (if (zero? cnt)
281 nil
282 (VecSeq. am this (.arrayFor this 0) 0 0)))
284 clojure.lang.Sequential ;marker, no methods
286 clojure.core.IVecImpl
287 (tailoff [_]
288 (- cnt (.alength am tail)))
290 (arrayFor [this i]
291 (if (and (<= (int 0) i) (< i cnt))
292 (if (>= i (.tailoff this))
293 tail
294 (loop [node root level shift]
295 (if (zero? level)
296 (.arr node)
297 (recur (aget ^objects (.arr node) (bit-and (bit-shift-right i level) (int 0x1f)))
298 (- level (int 5))))))
299 (throw (IndexOutOfBoundsException.))))
301 (pushTail [this level parent tailnode]
302 (let [subidx (bit-and (bit-shift-right (dec cnt) level) (int 0x1f))
303 parent ^clojure.core.VecNode parent
304 ret (VecNode. (.edit parent) (aclone ^objects (.arr parent)))
305 node-to-insert (if (= level (int 5))
306 tailnode
307 (let [child (aget ^objects (.arr parent) subidx)]
308 (if child
309 (.pushTail this (- level (int 5)) child tailnode)
310 (.newPath this (.edit root) (- level (int 5)) tailnode))))]
311 (aset ^objects (.arr ret) subidx node-to-insert)
312 ret))
314 (popTail [this level node]
315 (let [node ^clojure.core.VecNode node
316 subidx (bit-and (bit-shift-right (- cnt (int 2)) level) (int 0x1f))]
317 (cond
318 (> level 5)
319 (let [new-child (.popTail this (- level 5) (aget ^objects (.arr node) subidx))]
320 (if (and (nil? new-child) (zero? subidx))
321 nil
322 (let [arr (aclone ^objects (.arr node))]
323 (aset arr subidx new-child)
324 (VecNode. (.edit root) arr))))
325 (zero? subidx) nil
326 :else (let [arr (aclone ^objects (.arr node))]
327 (aset arr subidx nil)
328 (VecNode. (.edit root) arr)))))
330 (newPath [this edit ^int level node]
331 (if (zero? level)
332 node
333 (let [ret (VecNode. edit (object-array 32))]
334 (aset ^objects (.arr ret) 0 (.newPath this edit (- level (int 5)) node))
335 ret)))
337 (doAssoc [this level node i val]
338 (let [node ^clojure.core.VecNode node]
339 (if (zero? level)
340 ;on this branch, array will need val type
341 (let [arr (.aclone am (.arr node))]
342 (.aset am arr (bit-and i (int 0x1f)) val)
343 (VecNode. (.edit node) arr))
344 (let [arr (aclone ^objects (.arr node))
345 subidx (bit-and (bit-shift-right i level) (int 0x1f))]
346 (aset arr subidx (.doAssoc this (- level (int 5)) (aget arr subidx) i val))
347 (VecNode. (.edit node) arr)))))
349 java.lang.Comparable
350 (compareTo [this o]
351 (if (identical? this o)
352 0
353 (let [#^clojure.lang.IPersistentVector v (cast clojure.lang.IPersistentVector o)
354 vcnt (.count v)]
355 (cond
356 (< cnt vcnt) -1
357 (> cnt vcnt) 1
358 :else
359 (loop [i (int 0)]
360 (if (= i cnt)
361 0
362 (let [comp (clojure.lang.Util/compare (.nth this i) (.nth v i))]
363 (if (= 0 comp)
364 (recur (inc i))
365 comp))))))))
367 java.lang.Iterable
368 (iterator [this]
369 (let [i (java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger. 0)]
370 (reify java.util.Iterator
371 (hasNext [_] (< (.get i) cnt))
372 (next [_] (.nth this (dec (.incrementAndGet i))))
373 (remove [_] (throw (UnsupportedOperationException.))))))
375 java.util.Collection
376 (contains [this o] (boolean (some #(= % o) this)))
377 (containsAll [this c] (every? #(.contains this %) c))
378 (isEmpty [_] (zero? cnt))
379 (toArray [this] (into-array Object this))
380 (toArray [this arr]
381 (if (>= (count arr) cnt)
382 (do
383 (dotimes [i cnt]
384 (aset arr i (.nth this i)))
385 arr)
386 (into-array Object this)))
387 (size [_] cnt)
388 (add [_ o] (throw (UnsupportedOperationException.)))
389 (addAll [_ c] (throw (UnsupportedOperationException.)))
390 (clear [_] (throw (UnsupportedOperationException.)))
391 (^boolean remove [_ o] (throw (UnsupportedOperationException.)))
392 (removeAll [_ c] (throw (UnsupportedOperationException.)))
393 (retainAll [_ c] (throw (UnsupportedOperationException.)))
395 java.util.List
396 (get [this i] (.nth this i))
397 (indexOf [this o]
398 (loop [i (int 0)]
399 (cond
400 (== i cnt) -1
401 (= o (.nth this i)) i
402 :else (recur (inc i)))))
403 (lastIndexOf [this o]
404 (loop [i (dec cnt)]
405 (cond
406 (< i 0) -1
407 (= o (.nth this i)) i
408 :else (recur (dec i)))))
409 (listIterator [this] (.listIterator this 0))
410 (listIterator [this i]
411 (let [i (java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger. i)]
412 (reify java.util.ListIterator
413 (hasNext [_] (< (.get i) cnt))
414 (hasPrevious [_] (pos? i))
415 (next [_] (.nth this (dec (.incrementAndGet i))))
416 (nextIndex [_] (.get i))
417 (previous [_] (.nth this (.decrementAndGet i)))
418 (previousIndex [_] (dec (.get i)))
419 (add [_ e] (throw (UnsupportedOperationException.)))
420 (remove [_] (throw (UnsupportedOperationException.)))
421 (set [_ e] (throw (UnsupportedOperationException.))))))
422 (subList [this a z] (subvec this a z))
423 (add [_ i o] (throw (UnsupportedOperationException.)))
424 (addAll [_ i c] (throw (UnsupportedOperationException.)))
425 (^Object remove [_ ^int i] (throw (UnsupportedOperationException.)))
426 (set [_ i e] (throw (UnsupportedOperationException.)))
427 )
429 (defmethod print-method ::Vec [v w]
430 ((get (methods print-method) clojure.lang.IPersistentVector) v w))
432 (defmacro mk-am {:private true} [t]
433 (let [garr (gensym)
434 tgarr (with-meta garr {:tag (symbol (str t "s"))})]
435 `(reify clojure.core.ArrayManager
436 (array [_ size#] (~(symbol (str t "-array")) size#))
437 (alength [_ ~garr] (alength ~tgarr))
438 (aclone [_ ~garr] (aclone ~tgarr))
439 (aget [_ ~garr i#] (aget ~tgarr i#))
440 (aset [_ ~garr i# val#] (aset ~tgarr i# (~t val#))))))
442 (def ^{:private true} ams
443 {:int (mk-am int)
444 :long (mk-am long)
445 :float (mk-am float)
446 :double (mk-am double)
447 :byte (mk-am byte)
448 :short (mk-am short)
449 :char (mk-am char)
450 :boolean (mk-am boolean)})
452 (defn vector-of
453 "Creates a new vector of a single primitive type t, where t is one
454 of :int :long :float :double :byte :short :char or :boolean. The
455 resulting vector complies with the interface of vectors in general,
456 but stores the values unboxed internally."
457 {:added "1.2"}
458 [t]
459 (let [am ^clojure.core.ArrayManager (ams t)]
460 (Vec. am 0 5 EMPTY-NODE (.array am 0) nil)))