view src/clojure/core.clj @ 10:ef7dbbd6452c

added clojure source goodness
author Robert McIntyre <>
date Sat, 21 Aug 2010 06:25:44 -0400
line wrap: on
line source
1 ; Copyright (c) Rich Hickey. All rights reserved.
2 ; The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the
3 ; Eclipse Public License 1.0 (
4 ; which can be found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this distribution.
5 ; By using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by
6 ; the terms of this license.
7 ; You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.
9 (ns clojure.core)
11 (def unquote)
12 (def unquote-splicing)
14 (def
15 ^{:arglists '([& items])
16 :doc "Creates a new list containing the items."
17 :added "1.0"}
18 list (. clojure.lang.PersistentList creator))
20 (def
21 ^{:arglists '([x seq])
22 :doc "Returns a new seq where x is the first element and seq is
23 the rest."
24 :added "1.0"}
26 cons (fn* cons [x seq] (. clojure.lang.RT (cons x seq))))
28 ;during bootstrap we don't have destructuring let, loop or fn, will redefine later
29 (def
30 ^{:macro true
31 :added "1.0"}
32 let (fn* let [&form &env & decl] (cons 'let* decl)))
34 (def
35 ^{:macro true
36 :added "1.0"}
37 loop (fn* loop [&form &env & decl] (cons 'loop* decl)))
39 (def
40 ^{:macro true
41 :added "1.0"}
42 fn (fn* fn [&form &env & decl]
43 (.withMeta ^clojure.lang.IObj (cons 'fn* decl)
44 (.meta ^clojure.lang.IMeta &form))))
46 (def
47 ^{:arglists '([coll])
48 :doc "Returns the first item in the collection. Calls seq on its
49 argument. If coll is nil, returns nil."
50 :added "1.0"}
51 first (fn first [coll] (. clojure.lang.RT (first coll))))
53 (def
54 ^{:arglists '([coll])
55 :tag clojure.lang.ISeq
56 :doc "Returns a seq of the items after the first. Calls seq on its
57 argument. If there are no more items, returns nil."
58 :added "1.0"}
59 next (fn next [x] (. clojure.lang.RT (next x))))
61 (def
62 ^{:arglists '([coll])
63 :tag clojure.lang.ISeq
64 :doc "Returns a possibly empty seq of the items after the first. Calls seq on its
65 argument."
66 :added "1.0"}
67 rest (fn rest [x] (. clojure.lang.RT (more x))))
69 (def
70 ^{:arglists '([coll x] [coll x & xs])
71 :doc "conj[oin]. Returns a new collection with the xs
72 'added'. (conj nil item) returns (item). The 'addition' may
73 happen at different 'places' depending on the concrete type."
74 :added "1.0"}
75 conj (fn conj
76 ([coll x] (. clojure.lang.RT (conj coll x)))
77 ([coll x & xs]
78 (if xs
79 (recur (conj coll x) (first xs) (next xs))
80 (conj coll x)))))
82 (def
83 ^{:doc "Same as (first (next x))"
84 :arglists '([x])
85 :added "1.0"}
86 second (fn second [x] (first (next x))))
88 (def
89 ^{:doc "Same as (first (first x))"
90 :arglists '([x])
91 :added "1.0"}
92 ffirst (fn ffirst [x] (first (first x))))
94 (def
95 ^{:doc "Same as (next (first x))"
96 :arglists '([x])
97 :added "1.0"}
98 nfirst (fn nfirst [x] (next (first x))))
100 (def
101 ^{:doc "Same as (first (next x))"
102 :arglists '([x])
103 :added "1.0"}
104 fnext (fn fnext [x] (first (next x))))
106 (def
107 ^{:doc "Same as (next (next x))"
108 :arglists '([x])
109 :added "1.0"}
110 nnext (fn nnext [x] (next (next x))))
112 (def
113 ^{:arglists '([coll])
114 :doc "Returns a seq on the collection. If the collection is
115 empty, returns nil. (seq nil) returns nil. seq also works on
116 Strings, native Java arrays (of reference types) and any objects
117 that implement Iterable."
118 :tag clojure.lang.ISeq
119 :added "1.0"}
120 seq (fn seq [coll] (. clojure.lang.RT (seq coll))))
122 (def
123 ^{:arglists '([^Class c x])
124 :doc "Evaluates x and tests if it is an instance of the class
125 c. Returns true or false"
126 :added "1.0"}
127 instance? (fn instance? [^Class c x] (. c (isInstance x))))
129 (def
130 ^{:arglists '([x])
131 :doc "Return true if x implements ISeq"
132 :added "1.0"}
133 seq? (fn seq? [x] (instance? clojure.lang.ISeq x)))
135 (def
136 ^{:arglists '([x])
137 :doc "Return true if x is a Character"
138 :added "1.0"}
139 char? (fn char? [x] (instance? Character x)))
141 (def
142 ^{:arglists '([x])
143 :doc "Return true if x is a String"
144 :added "1.0"}
145 string? (fn string? [x] (instance? String x)))
147 (def
148 ^{:arglists '([x])
149 :doc "Return true if x implements IPersistentMap"
150 :added "1.0"}
151 map? (fn map? [x] (instance? clojure.lang.IPersistentMap x)))
153 (def
154 ^{:arglists '([x])
155 :doc "Return true if x implements IPersistentVector"
156 :added "1.0"}
157 vector? (fn vector? [x] (instance? clojure.lang.IPersistentVector x)))
159 (def
160 ^{:arglists '([map key val] [map key val & kvs])
161 :doc "assoc[iate]. When applied to a map, returns a new map of the
162 same (hashed/sorted) type, that contains the mapping of key(s) to
163 val(s). When applied to a vector, returns a new vector that
164 contains val at index. Note - index must be <= (count vector)."
165 :added "1.0"}
166 assoc
167 (fn assoc
168 ([map key val] (. clojure.lang.RT (assoc map key val)))
169 ([map key val & kvs]
170 (let [ret (assoc map key val)]
171 (if kvs
172 (recur ret (first kvs) (second kvs) (nnext kvs))
173 ret)))))
175 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; metadata ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
176 (def
177 ^{:arglists '([obj])
178 :doc "Returns the metadata of obj, returns nil if there is no metadata."
179 :added "1.0"}
180 meta (fn meta [x]
181 (if (instance? clojure.lang.IMeta x)
182 (. ^clojure.lang.IMeta x (meta)))))
184 (def
185 ^{:arglists '([^clojure.lang.IObj obj m])
186 :doc "Returns an object of the same type and value as obj, with
187 map m as its metadata."
188 :added "1.0"}
189 with-meta (fn with-meta [^clojure.lang.IObj x m]
190 (. x (withMeta m))))
192 (def ^{:private true :dynamic true}
193 assert-valid-fdecl (fn [fdecl]))
195 (def
196 ^{:private true}
197 sigs
198 (fn [fdecl]
199 (assert-valid-fdecl fdecl)
200 (let [asig
201 (fn [fdecl]
202 (let [arglist (first fdecl)
203 ;elide implicit macro args
204 arglist (if (clojure.lang.Util/equals '&form (first arglist))
205 (clojure.lang.RT/subvec arglist 2 (clojure.lang.RT/count arglist))
206 arglist)
207 body (next fdecl)]
208 (if (map? (first body))
209 (if (next body)
210 (with-meta arglist (conj (if (meta arglist) (meta arglist) {}) (first body)))
211 arglist)
212 arglist)))]
213 (if (seq? (first fdecl))
214 (loop [ret [] fdecls fdecl]
215 (if fdecls
216 (recur (conj ret (asig (first fdecls))) (next fdecls))
217 (seq ret)))
218 (list (asig fdecl))))))
221 (def
222 ^{:arglists '([coll])
223 :doc "Return the last item in coll, in linear time"
224 :added "1.0"}
225 last (fn last [s]
226 (if (next s)
227 (recur (next s))
228 (first s))))
230 (def
231 ^{:arglists '([coll])
232 :doc "Return a seq of all but the last item in coll, in linear time"
233 :added "1.0"}
234 butlast (fn butlast [s]
235 (loop [ret [] s s]
236 (if (next s)
237 (recur (conj ret (first s)) (next s))
238 (seq ret)))))
240 (def
242 ^{:doc "Same as (def name (fn [params* ] exprs*)) or (def
243 name (fn ([params* ] exprs*)+)) with any doc-string or attrs added
244 to the var metadata"
245 :arglists '([name doc-string? attr-map? [params*] body]
246 [name doc-string? attr-map? ([params*] body)+ attr-map?])
247 :added "1.0"}
248 defn (fn defn [&form &env name & fdecl]
249 (let [m (if (string? (first fdecl))
250 {:doc (first fdecl)}
251 {})
252 fdecl (if (string? (first fdecl))
253 (next fdecl)
254 fdecl)
255 m (if (map? (first fdecl))
256 (conj m (first fdecl))
257 m)
258 fdecl (if (map? (first fdecl))
259 (next fdecl)
260 fdecl)
261 fdecl (if (vector? (first fdecl))
262 (list fdecl)
263 fdecl)
264 m (if (map? (last fdecl))
265 (conj m (last fdecl))
266 m)
267 fdecl (if (map? (last fdecl))
268 (butlast fdecl)
269 fdecl)
270 m (conj {:arglists (list 'quote (sigs fdecl))} m)
271 m (let [inline (:inline m)
272 ifn (first inline)
273 iname (second inline)]
274 ;; same as: (if (and (= 'fn ifn) (not (symbol? iname))) ...)
275 (if (if (clojure.lang.Util/equiv 'fn ifn)
276 (if (instance? clojure.lang.Symbol iname) false true))
277 ;; inserts the same fn name to the inline fn if it does not have one
278 (assoc m :inline (cons ifn (cons (clojure.lang.Symbol/intern (.concat (.getName name) "__inliner"))
279 (next inline))))
280 m))
281 m (conj (if (meta name) (meta name) {}) m)]
282 (list 'def (with-meta name m)
283 (list '.withMeta (cons `fn (cons name fdecl)) (list '.meta (list 'var name)))))))
285 (. (var defn) (setMacro))
287 (defn cast
288 "Throws a ClassCastException if x is not a c, else returns x."
289 {:added "1.0"}
290 [^Class c x]
291 (. c (cast x)))
293 (defn to-array
294 "Returns an array of Objects containing the contents of coll, which
295 can be any Collection. Maps to java.util.Collection.toArray()."
296 {:tag "[Ljava.lang.Object;"
297 :added "1.0"}
298 [coll] (. clojure.lang.RT (toArray coll)))
300 (defn vector
301 "Creates a new vector containing the args."
302 {:added "1.0"}
303 ([] [])
304 ([a] [a])
305 ([a b] [a b])
306 ([a b c] [a b c])
307 ([a b c d] [a b c d])
308 ([a b c d & args]
309 (. clojure.lang.LazilyPersistentVector (create (cons a (cons b (cons c (cons d args))))))))
311 (defn vec
312 "Creates a new vector containing the contents of coll."
313 {:added "1.0"}
314 ([coll]
315 (if (instance? java.util.Collection coll)
316 (clojure.lang.LazilyPersistentVector/create coll)
317 (. clojure.lang.LazilyPersistentVector (createOwning (to-array coll))))))
319 (defn hash-map
320 "keyval => key val
321 Returns a new hash map with supplied mappings."
322 {:added "1.0"}
323 ([] {})
324 ([& keyvals]
325 (. clojure.lang.PersistentHashMap (createWithCheck keyvals))))
327 (defn hash-set
328 "Returns a new hash set with supplied keys."
329 {:added "1.0"}
330 ([] #{})
331 ([& keys]
332 (clojure.lang.PersistentHashSet/createWithCheck keys)))
334 (defn sorted-map
335 "keyval => key val
336 Returns a new sorted map with supplied mappings."
337 {:added "1.0"}
338 ([& keyvals]
339 (clojure.lang.PersistentTreeMap/create keyvals)))
341 (defn sorted-map-by
342 "keyval => key val
343 Returns a new sorted map with supplied mappings, using the supplied comparator."
344 {:added "1.0"}
345 ([comparator & keyvals]
346 (clojure.lang.PersistentTreeMap/create comparator keyvals)))
348 (defn sorted-set
349 "Returns a new sorted set with supplied keys."
350 {:added "1.0"}
351 ([& keys]
352 (clojure.lang.PersistentTreeSet/create keys)))
354 (defn sorted-set-by
355 "Returns a new sorted set with supplied keys, using the supplied comparator."
356 {:added "1.1"}
357 ([comparator & keys]
358 (clojure.lang.PersistentTreeSet/create comparator keys)))
361 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
362 (defn nil?
363 "Returns true if x is nil, false otherwise."
364 {:tag Boolean
365 :added "1.0"}
366 [x] (clojure.lang.Util/identical x nil))
368 (def
370 ^{:doc "Like defn, but the resulting function name is declared as a
371 macro and will be used as a macro by the compiler when it is
372 called."
373 :arglists '([name doc-string? attr-map? [params*] body]
374 [name doc-string? attr-map? ([params*] body)+ attr-map?])
375 :added "1.0"}
376 defmacro (fn [&form &env
377 name & args]
378 (let [prefix (loop [p (list name) args args]
379 (let [f (first args)]
380 (if (string? f)
381 (recur (cons f p) (next args))
382 (if (map? f)
383 (recur (cons f p) (next args))
384 p))))
385 fdecl (loop [fd args]
386 (if (string? (first fd))
387 (recur (next fd))
388 (if (map? (first fd))
389 (recur (next fd))
390 fd)))
391 fdecl (if (vector? (first fdecl))
392 (list fdecl)
393 fdecl)
394 add-implicit-args (fn [fd]
395 (let [args (first fd)]
396 (cons (vec (cons '&form (cons '&env args))) (next fd))))
397 add-args (fn [acc ds]
398 (if (nil? ds)
399 acc
400 (let [d (first ds)]
401 (if (map? d)
402 (conj acc d)
403 (recur (conj acc (add-implicit-args d)) (next ds))))))
404 fdecl (seq (add-args [] fdecl))
405 decl (loop [p prefix d fdecl]
406 (if p
407 (recur (next p) (cons (first p) d))
408 d))]
409 (list 'do
410 (cons `defn decl)
411 (list '. (list 'var name) '(setMacro))
412 (list 'var name)))))
415 (. (var defmacro) (setMacro))
417 (defmacro when
418 "Evaluates test. If logical true, evaluates body in an implicit do."
419 {:added "1.0"}
420 [test & body]
421 (list 'if test (cons 'do body)))
423 (defmacro when-not
424 "Evaluates test. If logical false, evaluates body in an implicit do."
425 {:added "1.0"}
426 [test & body]
427 (list 'if test nil (cons 'do body)))
429 (defn false?
430 "Returns true if x is the value false, false otherwise."
431 {:tag Boolean,
432 :added "1.0"}
433 [x] (clojure.lang.Util/identical x false))
435 (defn true?
436 "Returns true if x is the value true, false otherwise."
437 {:tag Boolean,
438 :added "1.0"}
439 [x] (clojure.lang.Util/identical x true))
441 (defn not
442 "Returns true if x is logical false, false otherwise."
443 {:tag Boolean
444 :added "1.0"}
445 [x] (if x false true))
447 (defn str
448 "With no args, returns the empty string. With one arg x, returns
449 x.toString(). (str nil) returns the empty string. With more than
450 one arg, returns the concatenation of the str values of the args."
451 {:tag String
452 :added "1.0"}
453 ([] "")
454 ([^Object x]
455 (if (nil? x) "" (. x (toString))))
456 ([x & ys]
457 ((fn [^StringBuilder sb more]
458 (if more
459 (recur (. sb (append (str (first more)))) (next more))
460 (str sb)))
461 (new StringBuilder ^String (str x)) ys)))
464 (defn symbol?
465 "Return true if x is a Symbol"
466 {:added "1.0"}
467 [x] (instance? clojure.lang.Symbol x))
469 (defn keyword?
470 "Return true if x is a Keyword"
471 {:added "1.0"}
472 [x] (instance? clojure.lang.Keyword x))
474 (defn symbol
475 "Returns a Symbol with the given namespace and name."
476 {:tag clojure.lang.Symbol
477 :added "1.0"}
478 ([name] (if (symbol? name) name (clojure.lang.Symbol/intern name)))
479 ([ns name] (clojure.lang.Symbol/intern ns name)))
481 (defn gensym
482 "Returns a new symbol with a unique name. If a prefix string is
483 supplied, the name is prefix# where # is some unique number. If
484 prefix is not supplied, the prefix is 'G__'."
485 {:added "1.0"}
486 ([] (gensym "G__"))
487 ([prefix-string] (. clojure.lang.Symbol (intern (str prefix-string (str (. clojure.lang.RT (nextID))))))))
489 (defmacro cond
490 "Takes a set of test/expr pairs. It evaluates each test one at a
491 time. If a test returns logical true, cond evaluates and returns
492 the value of the corresponding expr and doesn't evaluate any of the
493 other tests or exprs. (cond) returns nil."
494 {:added "1.0"}
495 [& clauses]
496 (when clauses
497 (list 'if (first clauses)
498 (if (next clauses)
499 (second clauses)
500 (throw (IllegalArgumentException.
501 "cond requires an even number of forms")))
502 (cons 'clojure.core/cond (next (next clauses))))))
504 (defn keyword
505 "Returns a Keyword with the given namespace and name. Do not use :
506 in the keyword strings, it will be added automatically."
507 {:tag clojure.lang.Keyword
508 :added "1.0"}
509 ([name] (cond (keyword? name) name
510 (symbol? name) (clojure.lang.Keyword/intern ^clojure.lang.Symbol name)
511 (string? name) (clojure.lang.Keyword/intern ^String name)))
512 ([ns name] (clojure.lang.Keyword/intern ns name)))
514 (defn spread
515 {:private true}
516 [arglist]
517 (cond
518 (nil? arglist) nil
519 (nil? (next arglist)) (seq (first arglist))
520 :else (cons (first arglist) (spread (next arglist)))))
522 (defn list*
523 "Creates a new list containing the items prepended to the rest, the
524 last of which will be treated as a sequence."
525 {:added "1.0"}
526 ([args] (seq args))
527 ([a args] (cons a args))
528 ([a b args] (cons a (cons b args)))
529 ([a b c args] (cons a (cons b (cons c args))))
530 ([a b c d & more]
531 (cons a (cons b (cons c (cons d (spread more)))))))
533 (defn apply
534 "Applies fn f to the argument list formed by prepending args to argseq."
535 {:arglists '([f args* argseq])
536 :added "1.0"}
537 ([^clojure.lang.IFn f args]
538 (. f (applyTo (seq args))))
539 ([^clojure.lang.IFn f x args]
540 (. f (applyTo (list* x args))))
541 ([^clojure.lang.IFn f x y args]
542 (. f (applyTo (list* x y args))))
543 ([^clojure.lang.IFn f x y z args]
544 (. f (applyTo (list* x y z args))))
545 ([^clojure.lang.IFn f a b c d & args]
546 (. f (applyTo (cons a (cons b (cons c (cons d (spread args)))))))))
548 (defn vary-meta
549 "Returns an object of the same type and value as obj, with
550 (apply f (meta obj) args) as its metadata."
551 {:added "1.0"}
552 [obj f & args]
553 (with-meta obj (apply f (meta obj) args)))
555 (defmacro lazy-seq
556 "Takes a body of expressions that returns an ISeq or nil, and yields
557 a Seqable object that will invoke the body only the first time seq
558 is called, and will cache the result and return it on all subsequent
559 seq calls."
560 {:added "1.0"}
561 [& body]
562 (list 'new 'clojure.lang.LazySeq (list* '^{:once true} fn* [] body)))
564 (defn ^clojure.lang.ChunkBuffer chunk-buffer [capacity]
565 (clojure.lang.ChunkBuffer. capacity))
567 (defn chunk-append [^clojure.lang.ChunkBuffer b x]
568 (.add b x))
570 (defn chunk [^clojure.lang.ChunkBuffer b]
571 (.chunk b))
573 (defn ^clojure.lang.IChunk chunk-first [^clojure.lang.IChunkedSeq s]
574 (.chunkedFirst s))
576 (defn ^clojure.lang.ISeq chunk-rest [^clojure.lang.IChunkedSeq s]
577 (.chunkedMore s))
579 (defn ^clojure.lang.ISeq chunk-next [^clojure.lang.IChunkedSeq s]
580 (.chunkedNext s))
582 (defn chunk-cons [chunk rest]
583 (if (clojure.lang.Numbers/isZero (clojure.lang.RT/count chunk))
584 rest
585 (clojure.lang.ChunkedCons. chunk rest)))
587 (defn chunked-seq? [s]
588 (instance? clojure.lang.IChunkedSeq s))
590 (defn concat
591 "Returns a lazy seq representing the concatenation of the elements in the supplied colls."
592 {:added "1.0"}
593 ([] (lazy-seq nil))
594 ([x] (lazy-seq x))
595 ([x y]
596 (lazy-seq
597 (let [s (seq x)]
598 (if s
599 (if (chunked-seq? s)
600 (chunk-cons (chunk-first s) (concat (chunk-rest s) y))
601 (cons (first s) (concat (rest s) y)))
602 y))))
603 ([x y & zs]
604 (let [cat (fn cat [xys zs]
605 (lazy-seq
606 (let [xys (seq xys)]
607 (if xys
608 (if (chunked-seq? xys)
609 (chunk-cons (chunk-first xys)
610 (cat (chunk-rest xys) zs))
611 (cons (first xys) (cat (rest xys) zs)))
612 (when zs
613 (cat (first zs) (next zs)))))))]
614 (cat (concat x y) zs))))
616 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;at this point all the support for syntax-quote exists;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
617 (defmacro delay
618 "Takes a body of expressions and yields a Delay object that will
619 invoke the body only the first time it is forced (with force or deref/@), and
620 will cache the result and return it on all subsequent force
621 calls."
622 {:added "1.0"}
623 [& body]
624 (list 'new 'clojure.lang.Delay (list* `^{:once true} fn* [] body)))
626 (defn delay?
627 "returns true if x is a Delay created with delay"
628 {:added "1.0"}
629 [x] (instance? clojure.lang.Delay x))
631 (defn force
632 "If x is a Delay, returns the (possibly cached) value of its expression, else returns x"
633 {:added "1.0"}
634 [x] (. clojure.lang.Delay (force x)))
636 (defmacro if-not
637 "Evaluates test. If logical false, evaluates and returns then expr,
638 otherwise else expr, if supplied, else nil."
639 {:added "1.0"}
640 ([test then] `(if-not ~test ~then nil))
641 ([test then else]
642 `(if (not ~test) ~then ~else)))
644 (defn identical?
645 "Tests if 2 arguments are the same object"
646 {:inline (fn [x y] `(. clojure.lang.Util identical ~x ~y))
647 :inline-arities #{2}
648 :added "1.0"}
649 ([x y] (clojure.lang.Util/identical x y)))
651 (defn =
652 "Equality. Returns true if x equals y, false if not. Same as
653 Java x.equals(y) except it also works for nil, and compares
654 numbers and collections in a type-independent manner. Clojure's immutable data
655 structures define equals() (and thus =) as a value, not an identity,
656 comparison."
657 {:inline (fn [x y] `(. clojure.lang.Util equiv ~x ~y))
658 :inline-arities #{2}
659 :added "1.0"}
660 ([x] true)
661 ([x y] (clojure.lang.Util/equiv x y))
662 ([x y & more]
663 (if (= x y)
664 (if (next more)
665 (recur y (first more) (next more))
666 (= y (first more)))
667 false)))
669 (defn not=
670 "Same as (not (= obj1 obj2))"
671 {:tag Boolean
672 :added "1.0"}
673 ([x] false)
674 ([x y] (not (= x y)))
675 ([x y & more]
676 (not (apply = x y more))))
680 (defn compare
681 "Comparator. Returns a negative number, zero, or a positive number
682 when x is logically 'less than', 'equal to', or 'greater than'
683 y. Same as Java x.compareTo(y) except it also works for nil, and
684 compares numbers and collections in a type-independent manner. x
685 must implement Comparable"
686 {
687 :inline (fn [x y] `(. clojure.lang.Util compare ~x ~y))
688 :added "1.0"}
689 [x y] (. clojure.lang.Util (compare x y)))
691 (defmacro and
692 "Evaluates exprs one at a time, from left to right. If a form
693 returns logical false (nil or false), and returns that value and
694 doesn't evaluate any of the other expressions, otherwise it returns
695 the value of the last expr. (and) returns true."
696 {:added "1.0"}
697 ([] true)
698 ([x] x)
699 ([x & next]
700 `(let [and# ~x]
701 (if and# (and ~@next) and#))))
703 (defmacro or
704 "Evaluates exprs one at a time, from left to right. If a form
705 returns a logical true value, or returns that value and doesn't
706 evaluate any of the other expressions, otherwise it returns the
707 value of the last expression. (or) returns nil."
708 {:added "1.0"}
709 ([] nil)
710 ([x] x)
711 ([x & next]
712 `(let [or# ~x]
713 (if or# or# (or ~@next)))))
715 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; sequence fns ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
716 (defn zero?
717 "Returns true if num is zero, else false"
718 {
719 :inline (fn [x] `(. clojure.lang.Numbers (isZero ~x)))
720 :added "1.0"}
721 [x] (. clojure.lang.Numbers (isZero x)))
723 (defn count
724 "Returns the number of items in the collection. (count nil) returns
725 0. Also works on strings, arrays, and Java Collections and Maps"
726 {
727 :inline (fn [x] `(. clojure.lang.RT (count ~x)))
728 :added "1.0"}
729 [coll] (clojure.lang.RT/count coll))
731 (defn int
732 "Coerce to int"
733 {
734 :inline (fn [x] `(. clojure.lang.RT (intCast ~x)))
735 :added "1.0"}
736 [x] (. clojure.lang.RT (intCast x)))
738 (defn nth
739 "Returns the value at the index. get returns nil if index out of
740 bounds, nth throws an exception unless not-found is supplied. nth
741 also works for strings, Java arrays, regex Matchers and Lists, and,
742 in O(n) time, for sequences."
743 {:inline (fn [c i & nf] `(. clojure.lang.RT (nth ~c ~i ~@nf)))
744 :inline-arities #{2 3}
745 :added "1.0"}
746 ([coll index] (. clojure.lang.RT (nth coll index)))
747 ([coll index not-found] (. clojure.lang.RT (nth coll index not-found))))
749 (defn <
750 "Returns non-nil if nums are in monotonically increasing order,
751 otherwise false."
752 {:inline (fn [x y] `(. clojure.lang.Numbers (lt ~x ~y)))
753 :inline-arities #{2}
754 :added "1.0"}
755 ([x] true)
756 ([x y] (. clojure.lang.Numbers (lt x y)))
757 ([x y & more]
758 (if (< x y)
759 (if (next more)
760 (recur y (first more) (next more))
761 (< y (first more)))
762 false)))
764 (defn inc
765 "Returns a number one greater than num."
766 {:inline (fn [x] `(. clojure.lang.Numbers (inc ~x)))
767 :added "1.0"}
768 [x] (. clojure.lang.Numbers (inc x)))
770 ;; reduce is defined again later after InternalReduce loads
771 (def
772 ^{:arglists '([f coll] [f val coll])
773 :doc "f should be a function of 2 arguments. If val is not supplied,
774 returns the result of applying f to the first 2 items in coll, then
775 applying f to that result and the 3rd item, etc. If coll contains no
776 items, f must accept no arguments as well, and reduce returns the
777 result of calling f with no arguments. If coll has only 1 item, it
778 is returned and f is not called. If val is supplied, returns the
779 result of applying f to val and the first item in coll, then
780 applying f to that result and the 2nd item, etc. If coll contains no
781 items, returns val and f is not called."
782 :added "1.0"}
783 reduce
784 (fn r
785 ([f coll]
786 (let [s (seq coll)]
787 (if s
788 (r f (first s) (next s))
789 (f))))
790 ([f val coll]
791 (let [s (seq coll)]
792 (if s
793 (if (chunked-seq? s)
794 (recur f
795 (.reduce (chunk-first s) f val)
796 (chunk-next s))
797 (recur f (f val (first s)) (next s)))
798 val)))))
800 (defn reverse
801 "Returns a seq of the items in coll in reverse order. Not lazy."
802 {:added "1.0"}
803 [coll]
804 (reduce conj () coll))
806 ;;math stuff
807 (defn +
808 "Returns the sum of nums. (+) returns 0."
809 {:inline (fn [x y] `(. clojure.lang.Numbers (add ~x ~y)))
810 :inline-arities #{2}
811 :added "1.0"}
812 ([] 0)
813 ([x] (cast Number x))
814 ([x y] (. clojure.lang.Numbers (add x y)))
815 ([x y & more]
816 (reduce + (+ x y) more)))
818 (defn *
819 "Returns the product of nums. (*) returns 1."
820 {:inline (fn [x y] `(. clojure.lang.Numbers (multiply ~x ~y)))
821 :inline-arities #{2}
822 :added "1.0"}
823 ([] 1)
824 ([x] (cast Number x))
825 ([x y] (. clojure.lang.Numbers (multiply x y)))
826 ([x y & more]
827 (reduce * (* x y) more)))
829 (defn /
830 "If no denominators are supplied, returns 1/numerator,
831 else returns numerator divided by all of the denominators."
832 {:inline (fn [x y] `(. clojure.lang.Numbers (divide ~x ~y)))
833 :inline-arities #{2}
834 :added "1.0"}
835 ([x] (/ 1 x))
836 ([x y] (. clojure.lang.Numbers (divide x y)))
837 ([x y & more]
838 (reduce / (/ x y) more)))
840 (defn -
841 "If no ys are supplied, returns the negation of x, else subtracts
842 the ys from x and returns the result."
843 {:inline (fn [& args] `(. clojure.lang.Numbers (minus ~@args)))
844 :inline-arities #{1 2}
845 :added "1.0"}
846 ([x] (. clojure.lang.Numbers (minus x)))
847 ([x y] (. clojure.lang.Numbers (minus x y)))
848 ([x y & more]
849 (reduce - (- x y) more)))
851 (defn <=
852 "Returns non-nil if nums are in monotonically non-decreasing order,
853 otherwise false."
854 {:inline (fn [x y] `(. clojure.lang.Numbers (lte ~x ~y)))
855 :inline-arities #{2}
856 :added "1.0"}
857 ([x] true)
858 ([x y] (. clojure.lang.Numbers (lte x y)))
859 ([x y & more]
860 (if (<= x y)
861 (if (next more)
862 (recur y (first more) (next more))
863 (<= y (first more)))
864 false)))
866 (defn >
867 "Returns non-nil if nums are in monotonically decreasing order,
868 otherwise false."
869 {:inline (fn [x y] `(. clojure.lang.Numbers (gt ~x ~y)))
870 :inline-arities #{2}
871 :added "1.0"}
872 ([x] true)
873 ([x y] (. clojure.lang.Numbers (gt x y)))
874 ([x y & more]
875 (if (> x y)
876 (if (next more)
877 (recur y (first more) (next more))
878 (> y (first more)))
879 false)))
881 (defn >=
882 "Returns non-nil if nums are in monotonically non-increasing order,
883 otherwise false."
884 {:inline (fn [x y] `(. clojure.lang.Numbers (gte ~x ~y)))
885 :inline-arities #{2}
886 :added "1.0"}
887 ([x] true)
888 ([x y] (. clojure.lang.Numbers (gte x y)))
889 ([x y & more]
890 (if (>= x y)
891 (if (next more)
892 (recur y (first more) (next more))
893 (>= y (first more)))
894 false)))
896 (defn ==
897 "Returns non-nil if nums all have the same value, otherwise false"
898 {:inline (fn [x y] `(. clojure.lang.Numbers (equiv ~x ~y)))
899 :inline-arities #{2}
900 :added "1.0"}
901 ([x] true)
902 ([x y] (. clojure.lang.Numbers (equiv x y)))
903 ([x y & more]
904 (if (== x y)
905 (if (next more)
906 (recur y (first more) (next more))
907 (== y (first more)))
908 false)))
910 (defn max
911 "Returns the greatest of the nums."
912 {:added "1.0"}
913 ([x] x)
914 ([x y] (if (> x y) x y))
915 ([x y & more]
916 (reduce max (max x y) more)))
918 (defn min
919 "Returns the least of the nums."
920 {:added "1.0"}
921 ([x] x)
922 ([x y] (if (< x y) x y))
923 ([x y & more]
924 (reduce min (min x y) more)))
926 (defn dec
927 "Returns a number one less than num."
928 {:inline (fn [x] `(. clojure.lang.Numbers (dec ~x)))
929 :added "1.0"}
930 [x] (. clojure.lang.Numbers (dec x)))
932 (defn unchecked-inc
933 "Returns a number one greater than x, an int or long.
934 Note - uses a primitive operator subject to overflow."
935 {:inline (fn [x] `(. clojure.lang.Numbers (unchecked_inc ~x)))
936 :added "1.0"}
937 [x] (. clojure.lang.Numbers (unchecked_inc x)))
939 (defn unchecked-dec
940 "Returns a number one less than x, an int or long.
941 Note - uses a primitive operator subject to overflow."
942 {:inline (fn [x] `(. clojure.lang.Numbers (unchecked_dec ~x)))
943 :added "1.0"}
944 [x] (. clojure.lang.Numbers (unchecked_dec x)))
946 (defn unchecked-negate
947 "Returns the negation of x, an int or long.
948 Note - uses a primitive operator subject to overflow."
949 {:inline (fn [x] `(. clojure.lang.Numbers (unchecked_negate ~x)))
950 :added "1.0"}
951 [x] (. clojure.lang.Numbers (unchecked_negate x)))
953 (defn unchecked-add
954 "Returns the sum of x and y, both int or long.
955 Note - uses a primitive operator subject to overflow."
956 {:inline (fn [x y] `(. clojure.lang.Numbers (unchecked_add ~x ~y)))
957 :added "1.0"}
958 [x y] (. clojure.lang.Numbers (unchecked_add x y)))
960 (defn unchecked-subtract
961 "Returns the difference of x and y, both int or long.
962 Note - uses a primitive operator subject to overflow."
963 {:inline (fn [x y] `(. clojure.lang.Numbers (unchecked_subtract ~x ~y)))
964 :added "1.0"}
965 [x y] (. clojure.lang.Numbers (unchecked_subtract x y)))
967 (defn unchecked-multiply
968 "Returns the product of x and y, both int or long.
969 Note - uses a primitive operator subject to overflow."
970 {:inline (fn [x y] `(. clojure.lang.Numbers (unchecked_multiply ~x ~y)))
971 :added "1.0"}
972 [x y] (. clojure.lang.Numbers (unchecked_multiply x y)))
974 (defn unchecked-divide
975 "Returns the division of x by y, both int or long.
976 Note - uses a primitive operator subject to truncation."
977 {:inline (fn [x y] `(. clojure.lang.Numbers (unchecked_divide ~x ~y)))
978 :added "1.0"}
979 [x y] (. clojure.lang.Numbers (unchecked_divide x y)))
981 (defn unchecked-remainder
982 "Returns the remainder of division of x by y, both int or long.
983 Note - uses a primitive operator subject to truncation."
984 {:inline (fn [x y] `(. clojure.lang.Numbers (unchecked_remainder ~x ~y)))
985 :added "1.0"}
986 [x y] (. clojure.lang.Numbers (unchecked_remainder x y)))
988 (defn pos?
989 "Returns true if num is greater than zero, else false"
990 {
991 :inline (fn [x] `(. clojure.lang.Numbers (isPos ~x)))
992 :added "1.0"}
993 [x] (. clojure.lang.Numbers (isPos x)))
995 (defn neg?
996 "Returns true if num is less than zero, else false"
997 {
998 :inline (fn [x] `(. clojure.lang.Numbers (isNeg ~x)))
999 :added "1.0"}
1000 [x] (. clojure.lang.Numbers (isNeg x)))
1002 (defn quot
1003 "quot[ient] of dividing numerator by denominator."
1004 {:added "1.0"}
1005 [num div]
1006 (. clojure.lang.Numbers (quotient num div)))
1008 (defn rem
1009 "remainder of dividing numerator by denominator."
1010 {:added "1.0"}
1011 [num div]
1012 (. clojure.lang.Numbers (remainder num div)))
1014 (defn rationalize
1015 "returns the rational value of num"
1016 {:added "1.0"}
1017 [num]
1018 (. clojure.lang.Numbers (rationalize num)))
1020 ;;Bit ops
1022 (defn bit-not
1023 "Bitwise complement"
1024 {:inline (fn [x] `(. clojure.lang.Numbers (not ~x)))
1025 :added "1.0"}
1026 [x] (. clojure.lang.Numbers not x))
1029 (defn bit-and
1030 "Bitwise and"
1031 {:inline (fn [x y] `(. clojure.lang.Numbers (and ~x ~y)))
1032 :added "1.0"}
1033 [x y] (. clojure.lang.Numbers and x y))
1035 (defn bit-or
1036 "Bitwise or"
1037 {:inline (fn [x y] `(. clojure.lang.Numbers (or ~x ~y)))
1038 :added "1.0"}
1039 [x y] (. clojure.lang.Numbers or x y))
1041 (defn bit-xor
1042 "Bitwise exclusive or"
1043 {:inline (fn [x y] `(. clojure.lang.Numbers (xor ~x ~y)))
1044 :added "1.0"}
1045 [x y] (. clojure.lang.Numbers xor x y))
1047 (defn bit-and-not
1048 "Bitwise and with complement"
1049 {:added "1.0"}
1050 [x y] (. clojure.lang.Numbers andNot x y))
1053 (defn bit-clear
1054 "Clear bit at index n"
1055 {:added "1.0"}
1056 [x n] (. clojure.lang.Numbers clearBit x n))
1058 (defn bit-set
1059 "Set bit at index n"
1060 {:added "1.0"}
1061 [x n] (. clojure.lang.Numbers setBit x n))
1063 (defn bit-flip
1064 "Flip bit at index n"
1065 {:added "1.0"}
1066 [x n] (. clojure.lang.Numbers flipBit x n))
1068 (defn bit-test
1069 "Test bit at index n"
1070 {:added "1.0"}
1071 [x n] (. clojure.lang.Numbers testBit x n))
1074 (defn bit-shift-left
1075 "Bitwise shift left"
1076 {:inline (fn [x n] `(. clojure.lang.Numbers (shiftLeft ~x ~n)))
1077 :added "1.0"}
1078 [x n] (. clojure.lang.Numbers shiftLeft x n))
1080 (defn bit-shift-right
1081 "Bitwise shift right"
1082 {:inline (fn [x n] `(. clojure.lang.Numbers (shiftRight ~x ~n)))
1083 :added "1.0"}
1084 [x n] (. clojure.lang.Numbers shiftRight x n))
1086 (defn even?
1087 "Returns true if n is even, throws an exception if n is not an integer"
1088 {:added "1.0"}
1089 [n] (zero? (bit-and n 1)))
1091 (defn odd?
1092 "Returns true if n is odd, throws an exception if n is not an integer"
1093 {:added "1.0"}
1094 [n] (not (even? n)))
1097 ;;
1099 (defn complement
1100 "Takes a fn f and returns a fn that takes the same arguments as f,
1101 has the same effects, if any, and returns the opposite truth value."
1102 {:added "1.0"}
1103 [f]
1104 (fn
1105 ([] (not (f)))
1106 ([x] (not (f x)))
1107 ([x y] (not (f x y)))
1108 ([x y & zs] (not (apply f x y zs)))))
1110 (defn constantly
1111 "Returns a function that takes any number of arguments and returns x."
1112 {:added "1.0"}
1113 [x] (fn [& args] x))
1115 (defn identity
1116 "Returns its argument."
1117 {:added "1.0"}
1118 [x] x)
1120 ;;Collection stuff
1126 ;;list stuff
1127 (defn peek
1128 "For a list or queue, same as first, for a vector, same as, but much
1129 more efficient than, last. If the collection is empty, returns nil."
1130 {:added "1.0"}
1131 [coll] (. clojure.lang.RT (peek coll)))
1133 (defn pop
1134 "For a list or queue, returns a new list/queue without the first
1135 item, for a vector, returns a new vector without the last item. If
1136 the collection is empty, throws an exception. Note - not the same
1137 as next/butlast."
1138 {:added "1.0"}
1139 [coll] (. clojure.lang.RT (pop coll)))
1141 ;;map stuff
1143 (defn contains?
1144 "Returns true if key is present in the given collection, otherwise
1145 returns false. Note that for numerically indexed collections like
1146 vectors and Java arrays, this tests if the numeric key is within the
1147 range of indexes. 'contains?' operates constant or logarithmic time;
1148 it will not perform a linear search for a value. See also 'some'."
1149 {:added "1.0"}
1150 [coll key] (. clojure.lang.RT (contains coll key)))
1152 (defn get
1153 "Returns the value mapped to key, not-found or nil if key not present."
1154 {:inline (fn [m k & nf] `(. clojure.lang.RT (get ~m ~k ~@nf)))
1155 :inline-arities #{2 3}
1156 :added "1.0"}
1157 ([map key]
1158 (. clojure.lang.RT (get map key)))
1159 ([map key not-found]
1160 (. clojure.lang.RT (get map key not-found))))
1162 (defn dissoc
1163 "dissoc[iate]. Returns a new map of the same (hashed/sorted) type,
1164 that does not contain a mapping for key(s)."
1165 {:added "1.0"}
1166 ([map] map)
1167 ([map key]
1168 (. clojure.lang.RT (dissoc map key)))
1169 ([map key & ks]
1170 (let [ret (dissoc map key)]
1171 (if ks
1172 (recur ret (first ks) (next ks))
1173 ret))))
1175 (defn disj
1176 "disj[oin]. Returns a new set of the same (hashed/sorted) type, that
1177 does not contain key(s)."
1178 {:added "1.0"}
1179 ([set] set)
1180 ([^clojure.lang.IPersistentSet set key]
1181 (when set
1182 (. set (disjoin key))))
1183 ([set key & ks]
1184 (when set
1185 (let [ret (disj set key)]
1186 (if ks
1187 (recur ret (first ks) (next ks))
1188 ret)))))
1190 (defn find
1191 "Returns the map entry for key, or nil if key not present."
1192 {:added "1.0"}
1193 [map key] (. clojure.lang.RT (find map key)))
1195 (defn select-keys
1196 "Returns a map containing only those entries in map whose key is in keys"
1197 {:added "1.0"}
1198 [map keyseq]
1199 (loop [ret {} keys (seq keyseq)]
1200 (if keys
1201 (let [entry (. clojure.lang.RT (find map (first keys)))]
1202 (recur
1203 (if entry
1204 (conj ret entry)
1205 ret)
1206 (next keys)))
1207 ret)))
1209 (defn keys
1210 "Returns a sequence of the map's keys."
1211 {:added "1.0"}
1212 [map] (. clojure.lang.RT (keys map)))
1214 (defn vals
1215 "Returns a sequence of the map's values."
1216 {:added "1.0"}
1217 [map] (. clojure.lang.RT (vals map)))
1219 (defn key
1220 "Returns the key of the map entry."
1221 {:added "1.0"}
1222 [^java.util.Map$Entry e]
1223 (. e (getKey)))
1225 (defn val
1226 "Returns the value in the map entry."
1227 {:added "1.0"}
1228 [^java.util.Map$Entry e]
1229 (. e (getValue)))
1231 (defn rseq
1232 "Returns, in constant time, a seq of the items in rev (which
1233 can be a vector or sorted-map), in reverse order. If rev is empty returns nil"
1234 {:added "1.0"}
1235 [^clojure.lang.Reversible rev]
1236 (. rev (rseq)))
1238 (defn name
1239 "Returns the name String of a string, symbol or keyword."
1240 {:tag String
1241 :added "1.0"}
1242 [^clojure.lang.Named x]
1243 (if (string? x) x (. x (getName))))
1245 (defn namespace
1246 "Returns the namespace String of a symbol or keyword, or nil if not present."
1247 {:tag String
1248 :added "1.0"}
1249 [^clojure.lang.Named x]
1250 (. x (getNamespace)))
1252 (defmacro locking
1253 "Executes exprs in an implicit do, while holding the monitor of x.
1254 Will release the monitor of x in all circumstances."
1255 {:added "1.0"}
1256 [x & body]
1257 `(let [lockee# ~x]
1258 (try
1259 (monitor-enter lockee#)
1260 ~@body
1261 (finally
1262 (monitor-exit lockee#)))))
1264 (defmacro ..
1265 "form => fieldName-symbol or (instanceMethodName-symbol args*)
1267 Expands into a member access (.) of the first member on the first
1268 argument, followed by the next member on the result, etc. For
1269 instance:
1271 (.. System (getProperties) (get \"\"))
1273 expands to:
1275 (. (. System (getProperties)) (get \"\"))
1277 but is easier to write, read, and understand."
1278 {:added "1.0"}
1279 ([x form] `(. ~x ~form))
1280 ([x form & more] `(.. (. ~x ~form) ~@more)))
1282 (defmacro ->
1283 "Threads the expr through the forms. Inserts x as the
1284 second item in the first form, making a list of it if it is not a
1285 list already. If there are more forms, inserts the first form as the
1286 second item in second form, etc."
1287 {:added "1.0"}
1288 ([x] x)
1289 ([x form] (if (seq? form)
1290 (with-meta `(~(first form) ~x ~@(next form)) (meta form))
1291 (list form x)))
1292 ([x form & more] `(-> (-> ~x ~form) ~@more)))
1294 (defmacro ->>
1295 "Threads the expr through the forms. Inserts x as the
1296 last item in the first form, making a list of it if it is not a
1297 list already. If there are more forms, inserts the first form as the
1298 last item in second form, etc."
1299 {:added "1.1"}
1300 ([x form] (if (seq? form)
1301 (with-meta `(~(first form) ~@(next form) ~x) (meta form))
1302 (list form x)))
1303 ([x form & more] `(->> (->> ~x ~form) ~@more)))
1305 ;;multimethods
1306 (def global-hierarchy)
1308 (defmacro defmulti
1309 "Creates a new multimethod with the associated dispatch function.
1310 The docstring and attribute-map are optional.
1312 Options are key-value pairs and may be one of:
1313 :default the default dispatch value, defaults to :default
1314 :hierarchy the isa? hierarchy to use for dispatching
1315 defaults to the global hierarchy"
1316 {:arglists '([name docstring? attr-map? dispatch-fn & options])
1317 :added "1.0"}
1318 [mm-name & options]
1319 (let [docstring (if (string? (first options))
1320 (first options)
1321 nil)
1322 options (if (string? (first options))
1323 (next options)
1324 options)
1325 m (if (map? (first options))
1326 (first options)
1327 {})
1328 options (if (map? (first options))
1329 (next options)
1330 options)
1331 dispatch-fn (first options)
1332 options (next options)
1333 m (assoc m :tag 'clojure.lang.MultiFn)
1334 m (if docstring
1335 (assoc m :doc docstring)
1336 m)
1337 m (if (meta mm-name)
1338 (conj (meta mm-name) m)
1339 m)]
1340 (when (= (count options) 1)
1341 (throw (Exception. "The syntax for defmulti has changed. Example: (defmulti name dispatch-fn :default dispatch-value)")))
1342 (let [options (apply hash-map options)
1343 default (get options :default :default)
1344 hierarchy (get options :hierarchy #'global-hierarchy)]
1345 `(let [v# (def ~mm-name)]
1346 (when-not (and (.hasRoot v#) (instance? clojure.lang.MultiFn (deref v#)))
1347 (def ~(with-meta mm-name m)
1348 (new clojure.lang.MultiFn ~(name mm-name) ~dispatch-fn ~default ~hierarchy)))))))
1350 (defmacro defmethod
1351 "Creates and installs a new method of multimethod associated with dispatch-value. "
1352 {:added "1.0"}
1353 [multifn dispatch-val & fn-tail]
1354 `(. ~(with-meta multifn {:tag 'clojure.lang.MultiFn}) addMethod ~dispatch-val (fn ~@fn-tail)))
1356 (defn remove-all-methods
1357 "Removes all of the methods of multimethod."
1358 {:added "1.2"}
1359 [^clojure.lang.MultiFn multifn]
1360 (.reset multifn))
1362 (defn remove-method
1363 "Removes the method of multimethod associated with dispatch-value."
1364 {:added "1.0"}
1365 [^clojure.lang.MultiFn multifn dispatch-val]
1366 (. multifn removeMethod dispatch-val))
1368 (defn prefer-method
1369 "Causes the multimethod to prefer matches of dispatch-val-x over dispatch-val-y
1370 when there is a conflict"
1371 {:added "1.0"}
1372 [^clojure.lang.MultiFn multifn dispatch-val-x dispatch-val-y]
1373 (. multifn preferMethod dispatch-val-x dispatch-val-y))
1375 (defn methods
1376 "Given a multimethod, returns a map of dispatch values -> dispatch fns"
1377 {:added "1.0"}
1378 [^clojure.lang.MultiFn multifn] (.getMethodTable multifn))
1380 (defn get-method
1381 "Given a multimethod and a dispatch value, returns the dispatch fn
1382 that would apply to that value, or nil if none apply and no default"
1383 {:added "1.0"}
1384 [^clojure.lang.MultiFn multifn dispatch-val] (.getMethod multifn dispatch-val))
1386 (defn prefers
1387 "Given a multimethod, returns a map of preferred value -> set of other values"
1388 {:added "1.0"}
1389 [^clojure.lang.MultiFn multifn] (.getPreferTable multifn))
1391 ;;;;;;;;; var stuff
1393 (defmacro ^{:private true} assert-args [fnname & pairs]
1394 `(do (when-not ~(first pairs)
1395 (throw (IllegalArgumentException.
1396 ~(str fnname " requires " (second pairs)))))
1397 ~(let [more (nnext pairs)]
1398 (when more
1399 (list* `assert-args fnname more)))))
1401 (defmacro if-let
1402 "bindings => binding-form test
1404 If test is true, evaluates then with binding-form bound to the value of
1405 test, if not, yields else"
1406 {:added "1.0"}
1407 ([bindings then]
1408 `(if-let ~bindings ~then nil))
1409 ([bindings then else & oldform]
1410 (assert-args if-let
1411 (and (vector? bindings) (nil? oldform)) "a vector for its binding"
1412 (= 2 (count bindings)) "exactly 2 forms in binding vector")
1413 (let [form (bindings 0) tst (bindings 1)]
1414 `(let [temp# ~tst]
1415 (if temp#
1416 (let [~form temp#]
1417 ~then)
1418 ~else)))))
1420 (defmacro when-let
1421 "bindings => binding-form test
1423 When test is true, evaluates body with binding-form bound to the value of test"
1424 {:added "1.0"}
1425 [bindings & body]
1426 (assert-args when-let
1427 (vector? bindings) "a vector for its binding"
1428 (= 2 (count bindings)) "exactly 2 forms in binding vector")
1429 (let [form (bindings 0) tst (bindings 1)]
1430 `(let [temp# ~tst]
1431 (when temp#
1432 (let [~form temp#]
1433 ~@body)))))
1435 (defn push-thread-bindings
1436 "WARNING: This is a low-level function. Prefer high-level macros like
1437 binding where ever possible.
1439 Takes a map of Var/value pairs. Binds each Var to the associated value for
1440 the current thread. Each call *MUST* be accompanied by a matching call to
1441 pop-thread-bindings wrapped in a try-finally!
1443 (push-thread-bindings bindings)
1444 (try
1445 ...
1446 (finally
1447 (pop-thread-bindings)))"
1448 {:added "1.1"}
1449 [bindings]
1450 (clojure.lang.Var/pushThreadBindings bindings))
1452 (defn pop-thread-bindings
1453 "Pop one set of bindings pushed with push-binding before. It is an error to
1454 pop bindings without pushing before."
1455 {:added "1.1"}
1456 []
1457 (clojure.lang.Var/popThreadBindings))
1459 (defn get-thread-bindings
1460 "Get a map with the Var/value pairs which is currently in effect for the
1461 current thread."
1462 {:added "1.1"}
1463 []
1464 (clojure.lang.Var/getThreadBindings))
1466 (defmacro binding
1467 "binding => var-symbol init-expr
1469 Creates new bindings for the (already-existing) vars, with the
1470 supplied initial values, executes the exprs in an implicit do, then
1471 re-establishes the bindings that existed before. The new bindings
1472 are made in parallel (unlike let); all init-exprs are evaluated
1473 before the vars are bound to their new values."
1474 {:added "1.0"}
1475 [bindings & body]
1476 (assert-args binding
1477 (vector? bindings) "a vector for its binding"
1478 (even? (count bindings)) "an even number of forms in binding vector")
1479 (let [var-ize (fn [var-vals]
1480 (loop [ret [] vvs (seq var-vals)]
1481 (if vvs
1482 (recur (conj (conj ret `(var ~(first vvs))) (second vvs))
1483 (next (next vvs)))
1484 (seq ret))))]
1485 `(let []
1486 (push-thread-bindings (hash-map ~@(var-ize bindings)))
1487 (try
1488 ~@body
1489 (finally
1490 (pop-thread-bindings))))))
1492 (defn with-bindings*
1493 "Takes a map of Var/value pairs. Installs for the given Vars the associated
1494 values as thread-local bindings. Then calls f with the supplied arguments.
1495 Pops the installed bindings after f returned. Returns whatever f returns."
1496 {:added "1.1"}
1497 [binding-map f & args]
1498 (push-thread-bindings binding-map)
1499 (try
1500 (apply f args)
1501 (finally
1502 (pop-thread-bindings))))
1504 (defmacro with-bindings
1505 "Takes a map of Var/value pairs. Installs for the given Vars the associated
1506 values as thread-local bindings. The executes body. Pops the installed
1507 bindings after body was evaluated. Returns the value of body."
1508 {:added "1.1"}
1509 [binding-map & body]
1510 `(with-bindings* ~binding-map (fn [] ~@body)))
1512 (defn bound-fn*
1513 "Returns a function, which will install the same bindings in effect as in
1514 the thread at the time bound-fn* was called and then call f with any given
1515 arguments. This may be used to define a helper function which runs on a
1516 different thread, but needs the same bindings in place."
1517 {:added "1.1"}
1518 [f]
1519 (let [bindings (get-thread-bindings)]
1520 (fn [& args]
1521 (apply with-bindings* bindings f args))))
1523 (defmacro bound-fn
1524 "Returns a function defined by the given fntail, which will install the
1525 same bindings in effect as in the thread at the time bound-fn was called.
1526 This may be used to define a helper function which runs on a different
1527 thread, but needs the same bindings in place."
1528 {:added "1.1"}
1529 [& fntail]
1530 `(bound-fn* (fn ~@fntail)))
1532 (defn find-var
1533 "Returns the global var named by the namespace-qualified symbol, or
1534 nil if no var with that name."
1535 {:added "1.0"}
1536 [sym] (. clojure.lang.Var (find sym)))
1538 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Refs ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
1539 (defn ^{:private true}
1540 setup-reference [^clojure.lang.ARef r options]
1541 (let [opts (apply hash-map options)]
1542 (when (:meta opts)
1543 (.resetMeta r (:meta opts)))
1544 (when (:validator opts)
1545 (.setValidator r (:validator opts)))
1546 r))
1548 (defn agent
1549 "Creates and returns an agent with an initial value of state and
1550 zero or more options (in any order):
1552 :meta metadata-map
1554 :validator validate-fn
1556 :error-handler handler-fn
1558 :error-mode mode-keyword
1560 If metadata-map is supplied, it will be come the metadata on the
1561 agent. validate-fn must be nil or a side-effect-free fn of one
1562 argument, which will be passed the intended new state on any state
1563 change. If the new state is unacceptable, the validate-fn should
1564 return false or throw an exception. handler-fn is called if an
1565 action throws an exception or if validate-fn rejects a new state --
1566 see set-error-handler! for details. The mode-keyword may be either
1567 :continue (the default if an error-handler is given) or :fail (the
1568 default if no error-handler is given) -- see set-error-mode! for
1569 details."
1570 {:added "1.0"}
1571 ([state & options]
1572 (let [a (new clojure.lang.Agent state)
1573 opts (apply hash-map options)]
1574 (setup-reference a options)
1575 (when (:error-handler opts)
1576 (.setErrorHandler a (:error-handler opts)))
1577 (.setErrorMode a (or (:error-mode opts)
1578 (if (:error-handler opts) :continue :fail)))
1579 a)))
1581 (defn send
1582 "Dispatch an action to an agent. Returns the agent immediately.
1583 Subsequently, in a thread from a thread pool, the state of the agent
1584 will be set to the value of:
1586 (apply action-fn state-of-agent args)"
1587 {:added "1.0"}
1588 [^clojure.lang.Agent a f & args]
1589 (. a (dispatch f args false)))
1591 (defn send-off
1592 "Dispatch a potentially blocking action to an agent. Returns the
1593 agent immediately. Subsequently, in a separate thread, the state of
1594 the agent will be set to the value of:
1596 (apply action-fn state-of-agent args)"
1597 {:added "1.0"}
1598 [^clojure.lang.Agent a f & args]
1599 (. a (dispatch f args true)))
1601 (defn release-pending-sends
1602 "Normally, actions sent directly or indirectly during another action
1603 are held until the action completes (changes the agent's
1604 state). This function can be used to dispatch any pending sent
1605 actions immediately. This has no impact on actions sent during a
1606 transaction, which are still held until commit. If no action is
1607 occurring, does nothing. Returns the number of actions dispatched."
1608 {:added "1.0"}
1609 [] (clojure.lang.Agent/releasePendingSends))
1611 (defn add-watch
1612 "Alpha - subject to change.
1613 Adds a watch function to an agent/atom/var/ref reference. The watch
1614 fn must be a fn of 4 args: a key, the reference, its old-state, its
1615 new-state. Whenever the reference's state might have been changed,
1616 any registered watches will have their functions called. The watch fn
1617 will be called synchronously, on the agent's thread if an agent,
1618 before any pending sends if agent or ref. Note that an atom's or
1619 ref's state may have changed again prior to the fn call, so use
1620 old/new-state rather than derefing the reference. Note also that watch
1621 fns may be called from multiple threads simultaneously. Var watchers
1622 are triggered only by root binding changes, not thread-local
1623 set!s. Keys must be unique per reference, and can be used to remove
1624 the watch with remove-watch, but are otherwise considered opaque by
1625 the watch mechanism."
1626 {:added "1.0"}
1627 [^clojure.lang.IRef reference key fn] (.addWatch reference key fn))
1629 (defn remove-watch
1630 "Alpha - subject to change.
1631 Removes a watch (set by add-watch) from a reference"
1632 {:added "1.0"}
1633 [^clojure.lang.IRef reference key]
1634 (.removeWatch reference key))
1636 (defn agent-error
1637 "Returns the exception thrown during an asynchronous action of the
1638 agent if the agent is failed. Returns nil if the agent is not
1639 failed."
1640 {:added "1.2"}
1641 [^clojure.lang.Agent a] (.getError a))
1643 (defn restart-agent
1644 "When an agent is failed, changes the agent state to new-state and
1645 then un-fails the agent so that sends are allowed again. If
1646 a :clear-actions true option is given, any actions queued on the
1647 agent that were being held while it was failed will be discarded,
1648 otherwise those held actions will proceed. The new-state must pass
1649 the validator if any, or restart will throw an exception and the
1650 agent will remain failed with its old state and error. Watchers, if
1651 any, will NOT be notified of the new state. Throws an exception if
1652 the agent is not failed."
1653 {:added "1.2"}
1654 [^clojure.lang.Agent a, new-state & options]
1655 (let [opts (apply hash-map options)]
1656 (.restart a new-state (if (:clear-actions opts) true false))))
1658 (defn set-error-handler!
1659 "Sets the error-handler of agent a to handler-fn. If an action
1660 being run by the agent throws an exception or doesn't pass the
1661 validator fn, handler-fn will be called with two arguments: the
1662 agent and the exception."
1663 {:added "1.2"}
1664 [^clojure.lang.Agent a, handler-fn]
1665 (.setErrorHandler a handler-fn))
1667 (defn error-handler
1668 "Returns the error-handler of agent a, or nil if there is none.
1669 See set-error-handler!"
1670 {:added "1.2"}
1671 [^clojure.lang.Agent a]
1672 (.getErrorHandler a))
1674 (defn set-error-mode!
1675 "Sets the error-mode of agent a to mode-keyword, which must be
1676 either :fail or :continue. If an action being run by the agent
1677 throws an exception or doesn't pass the validator fn, an
1678 error-handler may be called (see set-error-handler!), after which,
1679 if the mode is :continue, the agent will continue as if neither the
1680 action that caused the error nor the error itself ever happened.
1682 If the mode is :fail, the agent will become failed and will stop
1683 accepting new 'send' and 'send-off' actions, and any previously
1684 queued actions will be held until a 'restart-agent'. Deref will
1685 still work, returning the state of the agent before the error."
1686 {:added "1.2"}
1687 [^clojure.lang.Agent a, mode-keyword]
1688 (.setErrorMode a mode-keyword))
1690 (defn error-mode
1691 "Returns the error-mode of agent a. See set-error-mode!"
1692 {:added "1.2"}
1693 [^clojure.lang.Agent a]
1694 (.getErrorMode a))
1696 (defn agent-errors
1697 "DEPRECATED: Use 'agent-error' instead.
1698 Returns a sequence of the exceptions thrown during asynchronous
1699 actions of the agent."
1700 {:added "1.0"
1701 :deprecated "1.2"}
1702 [a]
1703 (when-let [e (agent-error a)]
1704 (list e)))
1706 (defn clear-agent-errors
1707 "DEPRECATED: Use 'restart-agent' instead.
1708 Clears any exceptions thrown during asynchronous actions of the
1709 agent, allowing subsequent actions to occur."
1710 {:added "1.0"
1711 :deprecated "1.2"}
1712 [^clojure.lang.Agent a] (restart-agent a (.deref a)))
1714 (defn shutdown-agents
1715 "Initiates a shutdown of the thread pools that back the agent
1716 system. Running actions will complete, but no new actions will be
1717 accepted"
1718 {:added "1.0"}
1719 [] (. clojure.lang.Agent shutdown))
1721 (defn ref
1722 "Creates and returns a Ref with an initial value of x and zero or
1723 more options (in any order):
1725 :meta metadata-map
1727 :validator validate-fn
1729 :min-history (default 0)
1730 :max-history (default 10)
1732 If metadata-map is supplied, it will be come the metadata on the
1733 ref. validate-fn must be nil or a side-effect-free fn of one
1734 argument, which will be passed the intended new state on any state
1735 change. If the new state is unacceptable, the validate-fn should
1736 return false or throw an exception. validate-fn will be called on
1737 transaction commit, when all refs have their final values.
1739 Normally refs accumulate history dynamically as needed to deal with
1740 read demands. If you know in advance you will need history you can
1741 set :min-history to ensure it will be available when first needed (instead
1742 of after a read fault). History is limited, and the limit can be set
1743 with :max-history."
1744 {:added "1.0"}
1745 ([x] (new clojure.lang.Ref x))
1746 ([x & options]
1747 (let [r ^clojure.lang.Ref (setup-reference (ref x) options)
1748 opts (apply hash-map options)]
1749 (when (:max-history opts)
1750 (.setMaxHistory r (:max-history opts)))
1751 (when (:min-history opts)
1752 (.setMinHistory r (:min-history opts)))
1753 r)))
1755 (defn deref
1756 "Also reader macro: @ref/@agent/@var/@atom/@delay/@future. Within a transaction,
1757 returns the in-transaction-value of ref, else returns the
1758 most-recently-committed value of ref. When applied to a var, agent
1759 or atom, returns its current state. When applied to a delay, forces
1760 it if not already forced. When applied to a future, will block if
1761 computation not complete"
1762 {:added "1.0"}
1763 [^clojure.lang.IDeref ref] (.deref ref))
1765 (defn atom
1766 "Creates and returns an Atom with an initial value of x and zero or
1767 more options (in any order):
1769 :meta metadata-map
1771 :validator validate-fn
1773 If metadata-map is supplied, it will be come the metadata on the
1774 atom. validate-fn must be nil or a side-effect-free fn of one
1775 argument, which will be passed the intended new state on any state
1776 change. If the new state is unacceptable, the validate-fn should
1777 return false or throw an exception."
1778 {:added "1.0"}
1779 ([x] (new clojure.lang.Atom x))
1780 ([x & options] (setup-reference (atom x) options)))
1782 (defn swap!
1783 "Atomically swaps the value of atom to be:
1784 (apply f current-value-of-atom args). Note that f may be called
1785 multiple times, and thus should be free of side effects. Returns
1786 the value that was swapped in."
1787 {:added "1.0"}
1788 ([^clojure.lang.Atom atom f] (.swap atom f))
1789 ([^clojure.lang.Atom atom f x] (.swap atom f x))
1790 ([^clojure.lang.Atom atom f x y] (.swap atom f x y))
1791 ([^clojure.lang.Atom atom f x y & args] (.swap atom f x y args)))
1793 (defn compare-and-set!
1794 "Atomically sets the value of atom to newval if and only if the
1795 current value of the atom is identical to oldval. Returns true if
1796 set happened, else false"
1797 {:added "1.0"}
1798 [^clojure.lang.Atom atom oldval newval] (.compareAndSet atom oldval newval))
1800 (defn reset!
1801 "Sets the value of atom to newval without regard for the
1802 current value. Returns newval."
1803 {:added "1.0"}
1804 [^clojure.lang.Atom atom newval] (.reset atom newval))
1806 (defn set-validator!
1807 "Sets the validator-fn for a var/ref/agent/atom. validator-fn must be nil or a
1808 side-effect-free fn of one argument, which will be passed the intended
1809 new state on any state change. If the new state is unacceptable, the
1810 validator-fn should return false or throw an exception. If the current state (root
1811 value if var) is not acceptable to the new validator, an exception
1812 will be thrown and the validator will not be changed."
1813 {:added "1.0"}
1814 [^clojure.lang.IRef iref validator-fn] (. iref (setValidator validator-fn)))
1816 (defn get-validator
1817 "Gets the validator-fn for a var/ref/agent/atom."
1818 {:added "1.0"}
1819 [^clojure.lang.IRef iref] (. iref (getValidator)))
1821 (defn alter-meta!
1822 "Atomically sets the metadata for a namespace/var/ref/agent/atom to be:
1824 (apply f its-current-meta args)
1826 f must be free of side-effects"
1827 {:added "1.0"}
1828 [^clojure.lang.IReference iref f & args] (.alterMeta iref f args))
1830 (defn reset-meta!
1831 "Atomically resets the metadata for a namespace/var/ref/agent/atom"
1832 {:added "1.0"}
1833 [^clojure.lang.IReference iref metadata-map] (.resetMeta iref metadata-map))
1835 (defn commute
1836 "Must be called in a transaction. Sets the in-transaction-value of
1837 ref to:
1839 (apply fun in-transaction-value-of-ref args)
1841 and returns the in-transaction-value of ref.
1843 At the commit point of the transaction, sets the value of ref to be:
1845 (apply fun most-recently-committed-value-of-ref args)
1847 Thus fun should be commutative, or, failing that, you must accept
1848 last-one-in-wins behavior. commute allows for more concurrency than
1849 ref-set."
1850 {:added "1.0"}
1852 [^clojure.lang.Ref ref fun & args]
1853 (. ref (commute fun args)))
1855 (defn alter
1856 "Must be called in a transaction. Sets the in-transaction-value of
1857 ref to:
1859 (apply fun in-transaction-value-of-ref args)
1861 and returns the in-transaction-value of ref."
1862 {:added "1.0"}
1863 [^clojure.lang.Ref ref fun & args]
1864 (. ref (alter fun args)))
1866 (defn ref-set
1867 "Must be called in a transaction. Sets the value of ref.
1868 Returns val."
1869 {:added "1.0"}
1870 [^clojure.lang.Ref ref val]
1871 (. ref (set val)))
1873 (defn ref-history-count
1874 "Returns the history count of a ref"
1875 {:added "1.1"}
1876 [^clojure.lang.Ref ref]
1877 (.getHistoryCount ref))
1879 (defn ref-min-history
1880 "Gets the min-history of a ref, or sets it and returns the ref"
1881 {:added "1.1"}
1882 ([^clojure.lang.Ref ref]
1883 (.getMinHistory ref))
1884 ([^clojure.lang.Ref ref n]
1885 (.setMinHistory ref n)))
1887 (defn ref-max-history
1888 "Gets the max-history of a ref, or sets it and returns the ref"
1889 {:added "1.1"}
1890 ([^clojure.lang.Ref ref]
1891 (.getMaxHistory ref))
1892 ([^clojure.lang.Ref ref n]
1893 (.setMaxHistory ref n)))
1895 (defn ensure
1896 "Must be called in a transaction. Protects the ref from modification
1897 by other transactions. Returns the in-transaction-value of
1898 ref. Allows for more concurrency than (ref-set ref @ref)"
1899 {:added "1.0"}
1900 [^clojure.lang.Ref ref]
1901 (. ref (touch))
1902 (. ref (deref)))
1904 (defmacro sync
1905 "transaction-flags => TBD, pass nil for now
1907 Runs the exprs (in an implicit do) in a transaction that encompasses
1908 exprs and any nested calls. Starts a transaction if none is already
1909 running on this thread. Any uncaught exception will abort the
1910 transaction and flow out of sync. The exprs may be run more than
1911 once, but any effects on Refs will be atomic."
1912 {:added "1.0"}
1913 [flags-ignored-for-now & body]
1914 `(. clojure.lang.LockingTransaction
1915 (runInTransaction (fn [] ~@body))))
1918 (defmacro io!
1919 "If an io! block occurs in a transaction, throws an
1920 IllegalStateException, else runs body in an implicit do. If the
1921 first expression in body is a literal string, will use that as the
1922 exception message."
1923 {:added "1.0"}
1924 [& body]
1925 (let [message (when (string? (first body)) (first body))
1926 body (if message (next body) body)]
1927 `(if (clojure.lang.LockingTransaction/isRunning)
1928 (throw (new IllegalStateException ~(or message "I/O in transaction")))
1929 (do ~@body))))
1931 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; fn stuff ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
1934 (defn comp
1935 "Takes a set of functions and returns a fn that is the composition
1936 of those fns. The returned fn takes a variable number of args,
1937 applies the rightmost of fns to the args, the next
1938 fn (right-to-left) to the result, etc."
1939 {:added "1.0"}
1940 ([f] f)
1941 ([f g]
1942 (fn
1943 ([] (f (g)))
1944 ([x] (f (g x)))
1945 ([x y] (f (g x y)))
1946 ([x y z] (f (g x y z)))
1947 ([x y z & args] (f (apply g x y z args)))))
1948 ([f g h]
1949 (fn
1950 ([] (f (g (h))))
1951 ([x] (f (g (h x))))
1952 ([x y] (f (g (h x y))))
1953 ([x y z] (f (g (h x y z))))
1954 ([x y z & args] (f (g (apply h x y z args))))))
1955 ([f1 f2 f3 & fs]
1956 (let [fs (reverse (list* f1 f2 f3 fs))]
1957 (fn [& args]
1958 (loop [ret (apply (first fs) args) fs (next fs)]
1959 (if fs
1960 (recur ((first fs) ret) (next fs))
1961 ret))))))
1963 (defn juxt
1964 "Alpha - name subject to change.
1965 Takes a set of functions and returns a fn that is the juxtaposition
1966 of those fns. The returned fn takes a variable number of args, and
1967 returns a vector containing the result of applying each fn to the
1968 args (left-to-right).
1969 ((juxt a b c) x) => [(a x) (b x) (c x)]"
1970 {:added "1.1"}
1971 ([f]
1972 (fn
1973 ([] [(f)])
1974 ([x] [(f x)])
1975 ([x y] [(f x y)])
1976 ([x y z] [(f x y z)])
1977 ([x y z & args] [(apply f x y z args)])))
1978 ([f g]
1979 (fn
1980 ([] [(f) (g)])
1981 ([x] [(f x) (g x)])
1982 ([x y] [(f x y) (g x y)])
1983 ([x y z] [(f x y z) (g x y z)])
1984 ([x y z & args] [(apply f x y z args) (apply g x y z args)])))
1985 ([f g h]
1986 (fn
1987 ([] [(f) (g) (h)])
1988 ([x] [(f x) (g x) (h x)])
1989 ([x y] [(f x y) (g x y) (h x y)])
1990 ([x y z] [(f x y z) (g x y z) (h x y z)])
1991 ([x y z & args] [(apply f x y z args) (apply g x y z args) (apply h x y z args)])))
1992 ([f g h & fs]
1993 (let [fs (list* f g h fs)]
1994 (fn
1995 ([] (reduce #(conj %1 (%2)) [] fs))
1996 ([x] (reduce #(conj %1 (%2 x)) [] fs))
1997 ([x y] (reduce #(conj %1 (%2 x y)) [] fs))
1998 ([x y z] (reduce #(conj %1 (%2 x y z)) [] fs))
1999 ([x y z & args] (reduce #(conj %1 (apply %2 x y z args)) [] fs))))))
2001 (defn partial
2002 "Takes a function f and fewer than the normal arguments to f, and
2003 returns a fn that takes a variable number of additional args. When
2004 called, the returned function calls f with args + additional args."
2005 {:added "1.0"}
2006 ([f arg1]
2007 (fn [& args] (apply f arg1 args)))
2008 ([f arg1 arg2]
2009 (fn [& args] (apply f arg1 arg2 args)))
2010 ([f arg1 arg2 arg3]
2011 (fn [& args] (apply f arg1 arg2 arg3 args)))
2012 ([f arg1 arg2 arg3 & more]
2013 (fn [& args] (apply f arg1 arg2 arg3 (concat more args)))))
2015 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; sequence fns ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
2016 (defn sequence
2017 "Coerces coll to a (possibly empty) sequence, if it is not already
2018 one. Will not force a lazy seq. (sequence nil) yields ()"
2019 {:added "1.0"}
2020 [coll]
2021 (if (seq? coll) coll
2022 (or (seq coll) ())))
2024 (defn every?
2025 "Returns true if (pred x) is logical true for every x in coll, else
2026 false."
2027 {:tag Boolean
2028 :added "1.0"}
2029 [pred coll]
2030 (cond
2031 (nil? (seq coll)) true
2032 (pred (first coll)) (recur pred (next coll))
2033 :else false))
2035 (def
2036 ^{:tag Boolean
2037 :doc "Returns false if (pred x) is logical true for every x in
2038 coll, else true."
2039 :arglists '([pred coll])
2040 :added "1.0"}
2041 not-every? (comp not every?))
2043 (defn some
2044 "Returns the first logical true value of (pred x) for any x in coll,
2045 else nil. One common idiom is to use a set as pred, for example
2046 this will return :fred if :fred is in the sequence, otherwise nil:
2047 (some #{:fred} coll)"
2048 {:added "1.0"}
2049 [pred coll]
2050 (when (seq coll)
2051 (or (pred (first coll)) (recur pred (next coll)))))
2053 (def
2054 ^{:tag Boolean
2055 :doc "Returns false if (pred x) is logical true for any x in coll,
2056 else true."
2057 :arglists '([pred coll])
2058 :added "1.0"}
2059 not-any? (comp not some))
2061 ;will be redefed later with arg checks
2062 (defmacro dotimes
2063 "bindings => name n
2065 Repeatedly executes body (presumably for side-effects) with name
2066 bound to integers from 0 through n-1."
2067 {:added "1.0"}
2068 [bindings & body]
2069 (let [i (first bindings)
2070 n (second bindings)]
2071 `(let [n# (int ~n)]
2072 (loop [~i (int 0)]
2073 (when (< ~i n#)
2074 ~@body
2075 (recur (inc ~i)))))))
2077 (defn map
2078 "Returns a lazy sequence consisting of the result of applying f to the
2079 set of first items of each coll, followed by applying f to the set
2080 of second items in each coll, until any one of the colls is
2081 exhausted. Any remaining items in other colls are ignored. Function
2082 f should accept number-of-colls arguments."
2083 {:added "1.0"}
2084 ([f coll]
2085 (lazy-seq
2086 (when-let [s (seq coll)]
2087 (if (chunked-seq? s)
2088 (let [c (chunk-first s)
2089 size (int (count c))
2090 b (chunk-buffer size)]
2091 (dotimes [i size]
2092 (chunk-append b (f (.nth c i))))
2093 (chunk-cons (chunk b) (map f (chunk-rest s))))
2094 (cons (f (first s)) (map f (rest s)))))))
2095 ([f c1 c2]
2096 (lazy-seq
2097 (let [s1 (seq c1) s2 (seq c2)]
2098 (when (and s1 s2)
2099 (cons (f (first s1) (first s2))
2100 (map f (rest s1) (rest s2)))))))
2101 ([f c1 c2 c3]
2102 (lazy-seq
2103 (let [s1 (seq c1) s2 (seq c2) s3 (seq c3)]
2104 (when (and s1 s2 s3)
2105 (cons (f (first s1) (first s2) (first s3))
2106 (map f (rest s1) (rest s2) (rest s3)))))))
2107 ([f c1 c2 c3 & colls]
2108 (let [step (fn step [cs]
2109 (lazy-seq
2110 (let [ss (map seq cs)]
2111 (when (every? identity ss)
2112 (cons (map first ss) (step (map rest ss)))))))]
2113 (map #(apply f %) (step (conj colls c3 c2 c1))))))
2115 (defn mapcat
2116 "Returns the result of applying concat to the result of applying map
2117 to f and colls. Thus function f should return a collection."
2118 {:added "1.0"}
2119 [f & colls]
2120 (apply concat (apply map f colls)))
2122 (defn filter
2123 "Returns a lazy sequence of the items in coll for which
2124 (pred item) returns true. pred must be free of side-effects."
2125 {:added "1.0"}
2126 ([pred coll]
2127 (lazy-seq
2128 (when-let [s (seq coll)]
2129 (if (chunked-seq? s)
2130 (let [c (chunk-first s)
2131 size (count c)
2132 b (chunk-buffer size)]
2133 (dotimes [i size]
2134 (when (pred (.nth c i))
2135 (chunk-append b (.nth c i))))
2136 (chunk-cons (chunk b) (filter pred (chunk-rest s))))
2137 (let [f (first s) r (rest s)]
2138 (if (pred f)
2139 (cons f (filter pred r))
2140 (filter pred r))))))))
2143 (defn remove
2144 "Returns a lazy sequence of the items in coll for which
2145 (pred item) returns false. pred must be free of side-effects."
2146 {:added "1.0"}
2147 [pred coll]
2148 (filter (complement pred) coll))
2150 (defn take
2151 "Returns a lazy sequence of the first n items in coll, or all items if
2152 there are fewer than n."
2153 {:added "1.0"}
2154 [n coll]
2155 (lazy-seq
2156 (when (pos? n)
2157 (when-let [s (seq coll)]
2158 (cons (first s) (take (dec n) (rest s)))))))
2160 (defn take-while
2161 "Returns a lazy sequence of successive items from coll while
2162 (pred item) returns true. pred must be free of side-effects."
2163 {:added "1.0"}
2164 [pred coll]
2165 (lazy-seq
2166 (when-let [s (seq coll)]
2167 (when (pred (first s))
2168 (cons (first s) (take-while pred (rest s)))))))
2170 (defn drop
2171 "Returns a lazy sequence of all but the first n items in coll."
2172 {:added "1.0"}
2173 [n coll]
2174 (let [step (fn [n coll]
2175 (let [s (seq coll)]
2176 (if (and (pos? n) s)
2177 (recur (dec n) (rest s))
2178 s)))]
2179 (lazy-seq (step n coll))))
2181 (defn drop-last
2182 "Return a lazy sequence of all but the last n (default 1) items in coll"
2183 {:added "1.0"}
2184 ([s] (drop-last 1 s))
2185 ([n s] (map (fn [x _] x) s (drop n s))))
2187 (defn take-last
2188 "Returns a seq of the last n items in coll. Depending on the type
2189 of coll may be no better than linear time. For vectors, see also subvec."
2190 {:added "1.1"}
2191 [n coll]
2192 (loop [s (seq coll), lead (seq (drop n coll))]
2193 (if lead
2194 (recur (next s) (next lead))
2195 s)))
2197 (defn drop-while
2198 "Returns a lazy sequence of the items in coll starting from the first
2199 item for which (pred item) returns nil."
2200 {:added "1.0"}
2201 [pred coll]
2202 (let [step (fn [pred coll]
2203 (let [s (seq coll)]
2204 (if (and s (pred (first s)))
2205 (recur pred (rest s))
2206 s)))]
2207 (lazy-seq (step pred coll))))
2209 (defn cycle
2210 "Returns a lazy (infinite!) sequence of repetitions of the items in coll."
2211 {:added "1.0"}
2212 [coll] (lazy-seq
2213 (when-let [s (seq coll)]
2214 (concat s (cycle s)))))
2216 (defn split-at
2217 "Returns a vector of [(take n coll) (drop n coll)]"
2218 {:added "1.0"}
2219 [n coll]
2220 [(take n coll) (drop n coll)])
2222 (defn split-with
2223 "Returns a vector of [(take-while pred coll) (drop-while pred coll)]"
2224 {:added "1.0"}
2225 [pred coll]
2226 [(take-while pred coll) (drop-while pred coll)])
2228 (defn repeat
2229 "Returns a lazy (infinite!, or length n if supplied) sequence of xs."
2230 {:added "1.0"}
2231 ([x] (lazy-seq (cons x (repeat x))))
2232 ([n x] (take n (repeat x))))
2234 (defn replicate
2235 "Returns a lazy seq of n xs."
2236 {:added "1.0"}
2237 [n x] (take n (repeat x)))
2239 (defn iterate
2240 "Returns a lazy sequence of x, (f x), (f (f x)) etc. f must be free of side-effects"
2241 {:added "1.0"}
2242 [f x] (cons x (lazy-seq (iterate f (f x)))))
2244 (defn range
2245 "Returns a lazy seq of nums from start (inclusive) to end
2246 (exclusive), by step, where start defaults to 0, step to 1, and end
2247 to infinity."
2248 {:added "1.0"}
2249 ([] (range 0 Double/POSITIVE_INFINITY 1))
2250 ([end] (range 0 end 1))
2251 ([start end] (range start end 1))
2252 ([start end step]
2253 (lazy-seq
2254 (let [b (chunk-buffer 32)
2255 comp (if (pos? step) < >)]
2256 (loop [i start]
2257 (if (and (< (count b) 32)
2258 (comp i end))
2259 (do
2260 (chunk-append b i)
2261 (recur (+ i step)))
2262 (chunk-cons (chunk b)
2263 (when (comp i end)
2264 (range i end step)))))))))
2266 (defn merge
2267 "Returns a map that consists of the rest of the maps conj-ed onto
2268 the first. If a key occurs in more than one map, the mapping from
2269 the latter (left-to-right) will be the mapping in the result."
2270 {:added "1.0"}
2271 [& maps]
2272 (when (some identity maps)
2273 (reduce #(conj (or %1 {}) %2) maps)))
2275 (defn merge-with
2276 "Returns a map that consists of the rest of the maps conj-ed onto
2277 the first. If a key occurs in more than one map, the mapping(s)
2278 from the latter (left-to-right) will be combined with the mapping in
2279 the result by calling (f val-in-result val-in-latter)."
2280 {:added "1.0"}
2281 [f & maps]
2282 (when (some identity maps)
2283 (let [merge-entry (fn [m e]
2284 (let [k (key e) v (val e)]
2285 (if (contains? m k)
2286 (assoc m k (f (get m k) v))
2287 (assoc m k v))))
2288 merge2 (fn [m1 m2]
2289 (reduce merge-entry (or m1 {}) (seq m2)))]
2290 (reduce merge2 maps))))
2294 (defn zipmap
2295 "Returns a map with the keys mapped to the corresponding vals."
2296 {:added "1.0"}
2297 [keys vals]
2298 (loop [map {}
2299 ks (seq keys)
2300 vs (seq vals)]
2301 (if (and ks vs)
2302 (recur (assoc map (first ks) (first vs))
2303 (next ks)
2304 (next vs))
2305 map)))
2307 (defmacro declare
2308 "defs the supplied var names with no bindings, useful for making forward declarations."
2309 {:added "1.0"}
2310 [& names] `(do ~@(map #(list 'def (vary-meta % assoc :declared true)) names)))
2312 (defn line-seq
2313 "Returns the lines of text from rdr as a lazy sequence of strings.
2314 rdr must implement"
2315 {:added "1.0"}
2316 [^ rdr]
2317 (when-let [line (.readLine rdr)]
2318 (cons line (lazy-seq (line-seq rdr)))))
2320 (defn comparator
2321 "Returns an implementation of java.util.Comparator based upon pred."
2322 {:added "1.0"}
2323 [pred]
2324 (fn [x y]
2325 (cond (pred x y) -1 (pred y x) 1 :else 0)))
2327 (defn sort
2328 "Returns a sorted sequence of the items in coll. If no comparator is
2329 supplied, uses compare. comparator must
2330 implement java.util.Comparator."
2331 {:added "1.0"}
2332 ([coll]
2333 (sort compare coll))
2334 ([^java.util.Comparator comp coll]
2335 (if (seq coll)
2336 (let [a (to-array coll)]
2337 (. java.util.Arrays (sort a comp))
2338 (seq a))
2339 ())))
2341 (defn sort-by
2342 "Returns a sorted sequence of the items in coll, where the sort
2343 order is determined by comparing (keyfn item). If no comparator is
2344 supplied, uses compare. comparator must
2345 implement java.util.Comparator."
2346 {:added "1.0"}
2347 ([keyfn coll]
2348 (sort-by keyfn compare coll))
2349 ([keyfn ^java.util.Comparator comp coll]
2350 (sort (fn [x y] (. comp (compare (keyfn x) (keyfn y)))) coll)))
2352 (defn partition
2353 "Returns a lazy sequence of lists of n items each, at offsets step
2354 apart. If step is not supplied, defaults to n, i.e. the partitions
2355 do not overlap. If a pad collection is supplied, use its elements as
2356 necessary to complete last partition upto n items. In case there are
2357 not enough padding elements, return a partition with less than n items."
2358 {:added "1.0"}
2359 ([n coll]
2360 (partition n n coll))
2361 ([n step coll]
2362 (lazy-seq
2363 (when-let [s (seq coll)]
2364 (let [p (take n s)]
2365 (when (= n (count p))
2366 (cons p (partition n step (drop step s))))))))
2367 ([n step pad coll]
2368 (lazy-seq
2369 (when-let [s (seq coll)]
2370 (let [p (take n s)]
2371 (if (= n (count p))
2372 (cons p (partition n step pad (drop step s)))
2373 (list (take n (concat p pad)))))))))
2375 ;; evaluation
2377 (defn eval
2378 "Evaluates the form data structure (not text!) and returns the result."
2379 {:added "1.0"}
2380 [form] (. clojure.lang.Compiler (eval form)))
2382 (defmacro doseq
2383 "Repeatedly executes body (presumably for side-effects) with
2384 bindings and filtering as provided by \"for\". Does not retain
2385 the head of the sequence. Returns nil."
2386 {:added "1.0"}
2387 [seq-exprs & body]
2388 (assert-args doseq
2389 (vector? seq-exprs) "a vector for its binding"
2390 (even? (count seq-exprs)) "an even number of forms in binding vector")
2391 (let [step (fn step [recform exprs]
2392 (if-not exprs
2393 [true `(do ~@body)]
2394 (let [k (first exprs)
2395 v (second exprs)]
2396 (if (keyword? k)
2397 (let [steppair (step recform (nnext exprs))
2398 needrec (steppair 0)
2399 subform (steppair 1)]
2400 (cond
2401 (= k :let) [needrec `(let ~v ~subform)]
2402 (= k :while) [false `(when ~v
2403 ~subform
2404 ~@(when needrec [recform]))]
2405 (= k :when) [false `(if ~v
2406 (do
2407 ~subform
2408 ~@(when needrec [recform]))
2409 ~recform)]))
2410 (let [seq- (gensym "seq_")
2411 chunk- (with-meta (gensym "chunk_")
2412 {:tag 'clojure.lang.IChunk})
2413 count- (gensym "count_")
2414 i- (gensym "i_")
2415 recform `(recur (next ~seq-) nil (int 0) (int 0))
2416 steppair (step recform (nnext exprs))
2417 needrec (steppair 0)
2418 subform (steppair 1)
2419 recform-chunk
2420 `(recur ~seq- ~chunk- ~count- (unchecked-inc ~i-))
2421 steppair-chunk (step recform-chunk (nnext exprs))
2422 subform-chunk (steppair-chunk 1)]
2423 [true
2424 `(loop [~seq- (seq ~v), ~chunk- nil,
2425 ~count- (int 0), ~i- (int 0)]
2426 (if (< ~i- ~count-)
2427 (let [~k (.nth ~chunk- ~i-)]
2428 ~subform-chunk
2429 ~@(when needrec [recform-chunk]))
2430 (when-let [~seq- (seq ~seq-)]
2431 (if (chunked-seq? ~seq-)
2432 (let [c# (chunk-first ~seq-)]
2433 (recur (chunk-rest ~seq-) c#
2434 (int (count c#)) (int 0)))
2435 (let [~k (first ~seq-)]
2436 ~subform
2437 ~@(when needrec [recform]))))))])))))]
2438 (nth (step nil (seq seq-exprs)) 1)))
2440 (defn dorun
2441 "When lazy sequences are produced via functions that have side
2442 effects, any effects other than those needed to produce the first
2443 element in the seq do not occur until the seq is consumed. dorun can
2444 be used to force any effects. Walks through the successive nexts of
2445 the seq, does not retain the head and returns nil."
2446 {:added "1.0"}
2447 ([coll]
2448 (when (seq coll)
2449 (recur (next coll))))
2450 ([n coll]
2451 (when (and (seq coll) (pos? n))
2452 (recur (dec n) (next coll)))))
2454 (defn doall
2455 "When lazy sequences are produced via functions that have side
2456 effects, any effects other than those needed to produce the first
2457 element in the seq do not occur until the seq is consumed. doall can
2458 be used to force any effects. Walks through the successive nexts of
2459 the seq, retains the head and returns it, thus causing the entire
2460 seq to reside in memory at one time."
2461 {:added "1.0"}
2462 ([coll]
2463 (dorun coll)
2464 coll)
2465 ([n coll]
2466 (dorun n coll)
2467 coll))
2469 (defn await
2470 "Blocks the current thread (indefinitely!) until all actions
2471 dispatched thus far, from this thread or agent, to the agent(s) have
2472 occurred. Will block on failed agents. Will never return if
2473 a failed agent is restarted with :clear-actions true."
2474 {:added "1.0"}
2475 [& agents]
2476 (io! "await in transaction"
2477 (when *agent*
2478 (throw (new Exception "Can't await in agent action")))
2479 (let [latch (new java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch (count agents))
2480 count-down (fn [agent] (. latch (countDown)) agent)]
2481 (doseq [agent agents]
2482 (send agent count-down))
2483 (. latch (await)))))
2485 (defn await1 [^clojure.lang.Agent a]
2486 (when (pos? (.getQueueCount a))
2487 (await a))
2488 a)
2490 (defn await-for
2491 "Blocks the current thread until all actions dispatched thus
2492 far (from this thread or agent) to the agents have occurred, or the
2493 timeout (in milliseconds) has elapsed. Returns nil if returning due
2494 to timeout, non-nil otherwise."
2495 {:added "1.0"}
2496 [timeout-ms & agents]
2497 (io! "await-for in transaction"
2498 (when *agent*
2499 (throw (new Exception "Can't await in agent action")))
2500 (let [latch (new java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch (count agents))
2501 count-down (fn [agent] (. latch (countDown)) agent)]
2502 (doseq [agent agents]
2503 (send agent count-down))
2504 (. latch (await timeout-ms (. java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit MILLISECONDS))))))
2506 (defmacro dotimes
2507 "bindings => name n
2509 Repeatedly executes body (presumably for side-effects) with name
2510 bound to integers from 0 through n-1."
2511 {:added "1.0"}
2512 [bindings & body]
2513 (assert-args dotimes
2514 (vector? bindings) "a vector for its binding"
2515 (= 2 (count bindings)) "exactly 2 forms in binding vector")
2516 (let [i (first bindings)
2517 n (second bindings)]
2518 `(let [n# (int ~n)]
2519 (loop [~i (int 0)]
2520 (when (< ~i n#)
2521 ~@body
2522 (recur (unchecked-inc ~i)))))))
2524 #_(defn into
2525 "Returns a new coll consisting of to-coll with all of the items of
2526 from-coll conjoined."
2527 {:added "1.0"}
2528 [to from]
2529 (let [ret to items (seq from)]
2530 (if items
2531 (recur (conj ret (first items)) (next items))
2532 ret)))
2534 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; editable collections ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
2535 (defn transient
2536 "Alpha - subject to change.
2537 Returns a new, transient version of the collection, in constant time."
2538 {:added "1.1"}
2539 [^clojure.lang.IEditableCollection coll]
2540 (.asTransient coll))
2542 (defn persistent!
2543 "Alpha - subject to change.
2544 Returns a new, persistent version of the transient collection, in
2545 constant time. The transient collection cannot be used after this
2546 call, any such use will throw an exception."
2547 {:added "1.1"}
2548 [^clojure.lang.ITransientCollection coll]
2549 (.persistent coll))
2551 (defn conj!
2552 "Alpha - subject to change.
2553 Adds x to the transient collection, and return coll. The 'addition'
2554 may happen at different 'places' depending on the concrete type."
2555 {:added "1.1"}
2556 [^clojure.lang.ITransientCollection coll x]
2557 (.conj coll x))
2559 (defn assoc!
2560 "Alpha - subject to change.
2561 When applied to a transient map, adds mapping of key(s) to
2562 val(s). When applied to a transient vector, sets the val at index.
2563 Note - index must be <= (count vector). Returns coll."
2564 {:added "1.1"}
2565 ([^clojure.lang.ITransientAssociative coll key val] (.assoc coll key val))
2566 ([^clojure.lang.ITransientAssociative coll key val & kvs]
2567 (let [ret (.assoc coll key val)]
2568 (if kvs
2569 (recur ret (first kvs) (second kvs) (nnext kvs))
2570 ret))))
2572 (defn dissoc!
2573 "Alpha - subject to change.
2574 Returns a transient map that doesn't contain a mapping for key(s)."
2575 {:added "1.1"}
2576 ([^clojure.lang.ITransientMap map key] (.without map key))
2577 ([^clojure.lang.ITransientMap map key & ks]
2578 (let [ret (.without map key)]
2579 (if ks
2580 (recur ret (first ks) (next ks))
2581 ret))))
2583 (defn pop!
2584 "Alpha - subject to change.
2585 Removes the last item from a transient vector. If
2586 the collection is empty, throws an exception. Returns coll"
2587 {:added "1.1"}
2588 [^clojure.lang.ITransientVector coll]
2589 (.pop coll))
2591 (defn disj!
2592 "Alpha - subject to change.
2593 disj[oin]. Returns a transient set of the same (hashed/sorted) type, that
2594 does not contain key(s)."
2595 {:added "1.1"}
2596 ([set] set)
2597 ([^clojure.lang.ITransientSet set key]
2598 (. set (disjoin key)))
2599 ([set key & ks]
2600 (let [ret (disj set key)]
2601 (if ks
2602 (recur ret (first ks) (next ks))
2603 ret))))
2605 ;redef into with batch support
2606 (defn into
2607 "Returns a new coll consisting of to-coll with all of the items of
2608 from-coll conjoined."
2609 {:added "1.0"}
2610 [to from]
2611 (if (instance? clojure.lang.IEditableCollection to)
2612 (persistent! (reduce conj! (transient to) from))
2613 (reduce conj to from)))
2615 (defmacro import
2616 "import-list => (package-symbol class-name-symbols*)
2618 For each name in class-name-symbols, adds a mapping from name to the
2619 class named by to the current namespace. Use :import in the ns
2620 macro in preference to calling this directly."
2621 {:added "1.0"}
2622 [& import-symbols-or-lists]
2623 (let [specs (map #(if (and (seq? %) (= 'quote (first %))) (second %) %)
2624 import-symbols-or-lists)]
2625 `(do ~@(map #(list 'clojure.core/import* %)
2626 (reduce (fn [v spec]
2627 (if (symbol? spec)
2628 (conj v (name spec))
2629 (let [p (first spec) cs (rest spec)]
2630 (into v (map #(str p "." %) cs)))))
2631 [] specs)))))
2633 (defn into-array
2634 "Returns an array with components set to the values in aseq. The array's
2635 component type is type if provided, or the type of the first value in
2636 aseq if present, or Object. All values in aseq must be compatible with
2637 the component type. Class objects for the primitive types can be obtained
2638 using, e.g., Integer/TYPE."
2639 {:added "1.0"}
2640 ([aseq]
2641 (clojure.lang.RT/seqToTypedArray (seq aseq)))
2642 ([type aseq]
2643 (clojure.lang.RT/seqToTypedArray type (seq aseq))))
2645 (defn ^{:private true}
2646 array [& items]
2647 (into-array items))
2649 (defn ^Class class
2650 "Returns the Class of x"
2651 {:added "1.0"}
2652 [^Object x] (if (nil? x) x (. x (getClass))))
2654 (defn type
2655 "Returns the :type metadata of x, or its Class if none"
2656 {:added "1.0"}
2657 [x]
2658 (or (:type (meta x)) (class x)))
2660 (defn num
2661 "Coerce to Number"
2662 {:tag Number
2663 :inline (fn [x] `(. clojure.lang.Numbers (num ~x)))
2664 :added "1.0"}
2665 [x] (. clojure.lang.Numbers (num x)))
2667 (defn long
2668 "Coerce to long"
2669 {:tag Long
2670 :inline (fn [x] `(. clojure.lang.RT (longCast ~x)))
2671 :added "1.0"}
2672 [^Number x] (clojure.lang.RT/longCast x))
2674 (defn float
2675 "Coerce to float"
2676 {:tag Float
2677 :inline (fn [x] `(. clojure.lang.RT (floatCast ~x)))
2678 :added "1.0"}
2679 [^Number x] (clojure.lang.RT/floatCast x))
2681 (defn double
2682 "Coerce to double"
2683 {:tag Double
2684 :inline (fn [x] `(. clojure.lang.RT (doubleCast ~x)))
2685 :added "1.0"}
2686 [^Number x] (clojure.lang.RT/doubleCast x))
2688 (defn short
2689 "Coerce to short"
2690 {:tag Short
2691 :inline (fn [x] `(. clojure.lang.RT (shortCast ~x)))
2692 :added "1.0"}
2693 [^Number x] (clojure.lang.RT/shortCast x))
2695 (defn byte
2696 "Coerce to byte"
2697 {:tag Byte
2698 :inline (fn [x] `(. clojure.lang.RT (byteCast ~x)))
2699 :added "1.0"}
2700 [^Number x] (clojure.lang.RT/byteCast x))
2702 (defn char
2703 "Coerce to char"
2704 {:tag Character
2705 :inline (fn [x] `(. clojure.lang.RT (charCast ~x)))
2706 :added "1.1"}
2707 [x] (. clojure.lang.RT (charCast x)))
2709 (defn boolean
2710 "Coerce to boolean"
2712 :inline (fn [x] `(. clojure.lang.RT (booleanCast ~x)))
2713 :added "1.0"}
2714 [x] (clojure.lang.RT/booleanCast x))
2716 (defn number?
2717 "Returns true if x is a Number"
2718 {:added "1.0"}
2719 [x]
2720 (instance? Number x))
2722 (defn integer?
2723 "Returns true if n is an integer"
2724 {:added "1.0"}
2725 [n]
2726 (or (instance? Integer n)
2727 (instance? Long n)
2728 (instance? BigInteger n)
2729 (instance? Short n)
2730 (instance? Byte n)))
2732 (defn mod
2733 "Modulus of num and div. Truncates toward negative infinity."
2734 {:added "1.0"}
2735 [num div]
2736 (let [m (rem num div)]
2737 (if (or (zero? m) (pos? (* num div)))
2739 (+ m div))))
2741 (defn ratio?
2742 "Returns true if n is a Ratio"
2743 {:added "1.0"}
2744 [n] (instance? clojure.lang.Ratio n))
2746 (defn numerator
2747 "Returns the numerator part of a Ratio."
2748 {:tag BigInteger
2749 :added "1.2"}
2750 [r]
2751 (.numerator ^clojure.lang.Ratio r))
2753 (defn denominator
2754 "Returns the denominator part of a Ratio."
2755 {:tag BigInteger
2756 :added "1.2"}
2757 [r]
2758 (.denominator ^clojure.lang.Ratio r))
2760 (defn decimal?
2761 "Returns true if n is a BigDecimal"
2762 {:added "1.0"}
2763 [n] (instance? BigDecimal n))
2765 (defn float?
2766 "Returns true if n is a floating point number"
2767 {:added "1.0"}
2768 [n]
2769 (or (instance? Double n)
2770 (instance? Float n)))
2772 (defn rational? [n]
2773 "Returns true if n is a rational number"
2774 {:added "1.0"}
2775 (or (integer? n) (ratio? n) (decimal? n)))
2777 (defn bigint
2778 "Coerce to BigInteger"
2779 {:tag BigInteger
2780 :added "1.0"}
2781 [x] (cond
2782 (instance? BigInteger x) x
2783 (decimal? x) (.toBigInteger ^BigDecimal x)
2784 (ratio? x) (.bigIntegerValue ^clojure.lang.Ratio x)
2785 (number? x) (BigInteger/valueOf (long x))
2786 :else (BigInteger. x)))
2788 (defn bigdec
2789 "Coerce to BigDecimal"
2790 {:tag BigDecimal
2791 :added "1.0"}
2792 [x] (cond
2793 (decimal? x) x
2794 (float? x) (. BigDecimal valueOf (double x))
2795 (ratio? x) (/ (BigDecimal. (.numerator x)) (.denominator x))
2796 (instance? BigInteger x) (BigDecimal. ^BigInteger x)
2797 (number? x) (BigDecimal/valueOf (long x))
2798 :else (BigDecimal. x)))
2800 (def ^{:private true} print-initialized false)
2802 (defmulti print-method (fn [x writer] (type x)))
2803 (defmulti print-dup (fn [x writer] (class x)))
2805 (defn pr-on
2806 {:private true}
2807 [x w]
2808 (if *print-dup*
2809 (print-dup x w)
2810 (print-method x w))
2811 nil)
2813 (defn pr
2814 "Prints the object(s) to the output stream that is the current value
2815 of *out*. Prints the object(s), separated by spaces if there is
2816 more than one. By default, pr and prn print in a way that objects
2817 can be read by the reader"
2818 {:dynamic true
2819 :added "1.0"}
2820 ([] nil)
2821 ([x]
2822 (pr-on x *out*))
2823 ([x & more]
2824 (pr x)
2825 (. *out* (append \space))
2826 (if-let [nmore (next more)]
2827 (recur (first more) nmore)
2828 (apply pr more))))
2830 (defn newline
2831 "Writes a newline to the output stream that is the current value of
2832 *out*"
2833 {:added "1.0"}
2834 []
2835 (. *out* (append \newline))
2836 nil)
2838 (defn flush
2839 "Flushes the output stream that is the current value of
2840 *out*"
2841 {:added "1.0"}
2842 []
2843 (. *out* (flush))
2844 nil)
2846 (defn prn
2847 "Same as pr followed by (newline). Observes *flush-on-newline*"
2848 {:added "1.0"}
2849 [& more]
2850 (apply pr more)
2851 (newline)
2852 (when *flush-on-newline*
2853 (flush)))
2855 (defn print
2856 "Prints the object(s) to the output stream that is the current value
2857 of *out*. print and println produce output for human consumption."
2858 {:added "1.0"}
2859 [& more]
2860 (binding [*print-readably* nil]
2861 (apply pr more)))
2863 (defn println
2864 "Same as print followed by (newline)"
2865 {:added "1.0"}
2866 [& more]
2867 (binding [*print-readably* nil]
2868 (apply prn more)))
2870 (defn read
2871 "Reads the next object from stream, which must be an instance of
2872 or some derivee. stream defaults to the
2873 current value of *in* ."
2874 {:added "1.0"}
2875 ([]
2876 (read *in*))
2877 ([stream]
2878 (read stream true nil))
2879 ([stream eof-error? eof-value]
2880 (read stream eof-error? eof-value false))
2881 ([stream eof-error? eof-value recursive?]
2882 (. clojure.lang.LispReader (read stream (boolean eof-error?) eof-value recursive?))))
2884 (defn read-line
2885 "Reads the next line from stream that is the current value of *in* ."
2886 {:added "1.0"}
2887 []
2888 (if (instance? clojure.lang.LineNumberingPushbackReader *in*)
2889 (.readLine ^clojure.lang.LineNumberingPushbackReader *in*)
2890 (.readLine ^ *in*)))
2892 (defn read-string
2893 "Reads one object from the string s"
2894 {:added "1.0"}
2895 [s] (clojure.lang.RT/readString s))
2897 (defn subvec
2898 "Returns a persistent vector of the items in vector from
2899 start (inclusive) to end (exclusive). If end is not supplied,
2900 defaults to (count vector). This operation is O(1) and very fast, as
2901 the resulting vector shares structure with the original and no
2902 trimming is done."
2903 {:added "1.0"}
2904 ([v start]
2905 (subvec v start (count v)))
2906 ([v start end]
2907 (. clojure.lang.RT (subvec v start end))))
2909 (defmacro with-open
2910 "bindings => [name init ...]
2912 Evaluates body in a try expression with names bound to the values
2913 of the inits, and a finally clause that calls (.close name) on each
2914 name in reverse order."
2915 {:added "1.0"}
2916 [bindings & body]
2917 (assert-args with-open
2918 (vector? bindings) "a vector for its binding"
2919 (even? (count bindings)) "an even number of forms in binding vector")
2920 (cond
2921 (= (count bindings) 0) `(do ~@body)
2922 (symbol? (bindings 0)) `(let ~(subvec bindings 0 2)
2923 (try
2924 (with-open ~(subvec bindings 2) ~@body)
2925 (finally
2926 (. ~(bindings 0) close))))
2927 :else (throw (IllegalArgumentException.
2928 "with-open only allows Symbols in bindings"))))
2930 (defmacro doto
2931 "Evaluates x then calls all of the methods and functions with the
2932 value of x supplied at the front of the given arguments. The forms
2933 are evaluated in order. Returns x.
2935 (doto (new java.util.HashMap) (.put \"a\" 1) (.put \"b\" 2))"
2936 {:added "1.0"}
2937 [x & forms]
2938 (let [gx (gensym)]
2939 `(let [~gx ~x]
2940 ~@(map (fn [f]
2941 (if (seq? f)
2942 `(~(first f) ~gx ~@(next f))
2943 `(~f ~gx)))
2944 forms)
2945 ~gx)))
2947 (defmacro memfn
2948 "Expands into code that creates a fn that expects to be passed an
2949 object and any args and calls the named instance method on the
2950 object passing the args. Use when you want to treat a Java method as
2951 a first-class fn."
2952 {:added "1.0"}
2953 [name & args]
2954 `(fn [target# ~@args]
2955 (. target# (~name ~@args))))
2957 (defmacro time
2958 "Evaluates expr and prints the time it took. Returns the value of
2959 expr."
2960 {:added "1.0"}
2961 [expr]
2962 `(let [start# (. System (nanoTime))
2963 ret# ~expr]
2964 (prn (str "Elapsed time: " (/ (double (- (. System (nanoTime)) start#)) 1000000.0) " msecs"))
2965 ret#))
2969 (import '(java.lang.reflect Array))
2971 (defn alength
2972 "Returns the length of the Java array. Works on arrays of all
2973 types."
2974 {:inline (fn [a] `(. clojure.lang.RT (alength ~a)))
2975 :added "1.0"}
2976 [array] (. clojure.lang.RT (alength array)))
2978 (defn aclone
2979 "Returns a clone of the Java array. Works on arrays of known
2980 types."
2981 {:inline (fn [a] `(. clojure.lang.RT (aclone ~a)))
2982 :added "1.0"}
2983 [array] (. clojure.lang.RT (aclone array)))
2985 (defn aget
2986 "Returns the value at the index/indices. Works on Java arrays of all
2987 types."
2988 {:inline (fn [a i] `(. clojure.lang.RT (aget ~a (int ~i))))
2989 :inline-arities #{2}
2990 :added "1.0"}
2991 ([array idx]
2992 (clojure.lang.Reflector/prepRet (. Array (get array idx))))
2993 ([array idx & idxs]
2994 (apply aget (aget array idx) idxs)))
2996 (defn aset
2997 "Sets the value at the index/indices. Works on Java arrays of
2998 reference types. Returns val."
2999 {:inline (fn [a i v] `(. clojure.lang.RT (aset ~a (int ~i) ~v)))
3000 :inline-arities #{3}
3001 :added "1.0"}
3002 ([array idx val]
3003 (. Array (set array idx val))
3004 val)
3005 ([array idx idx2 & idxv]
3006 (apply aset (aget array idx) idx2 idxv)))
3008 (defmacro
3009 ^{:private true}
3010 def-aset [name method coerce]
3011 `(defn ~name
3012 {:arglists '([~'array ~'idx ~'val] [~'array ~'idx ~'idx2 & ~'idxv])}
3013 ([array# idx# val#]
3014 (. Array (~method array# idx# (~coerce val#)))
3015 val#)
3016 ([array# idx# idx2# & idxv#]
3017 (apply ~name (aget array# idx#) idx2# idxv#))))
3019 (def-aset
3020 ^{:doc "Sets the value at the index/indices. Works on arrays of int. Returns val."
3021 :added "1.0"}
3022 aset-int setInt int)
3024 (def-aset
3025 ^{:doc "Sets the value at the index/indices. Works on arrays of long. Returns val."
3026 :added "1.0"}
3027 aset-long setLong long)
3029 (def-aset
3030 ^{:doc "Sets the value at the index/indices. Works on arrays of boolean. Returns val."
3031 :added "1.0"}
3032 aset-boolean setBoolean boolean)
3034 (def-aset
3035 ^{:doc "Sets the value at the index/indices. Works on arrays of float. Returns val."
3036 :added "1.0"}
3037 aset-float setFloat float)
3039 (def-aset
3040 ^{:doc "Sets the value at the index/indices. Works on arrays of double. Returns val."
3041 :added "1.0"}
3042 aset-double setDouble double)
3044 (def-aset
3045 ^{:doc "Sets the value at the index/indices. Works on arrays of short. Returns val."
3046 :added "1.0"}
3047 aset-short setShort short)
3049 (def-aset
3050 ^{:doc "Sets the value at the index/indices. Works on arrays of byte. Returns val."
3051 :added "1.0"}
3052 aset-byte setByte byte)
3054 (def-aset
3055 ^{:doc "Sets the value at the index/indices. Works on arrays of char. Returns val."
3056 :added "1.0"}
3057 aset-char setChar char)
3059 (defn make-array
3060 "Creates and returns an array of instances of the specified class of
3061 the specified dimension(s). Note that a class object is required.
3062 Class objects can be obtained by using their imported or
3063 fully-qualified name. Class objects for the primitive types can be
3064 obtained using, e.g., Integer/TYPE."
3065 {:added "1.0"}
3066 ([^Class type len]
3067 (. Array (newInstance type (int len))))
3068 ([^Class type dim & more-dims]
3069 (let [dims (cons dim more-dims)
3070 ^"[I" dimarray (make-array (. Integer TYPE) (count dims))]
3071 (dotimes [i (alength dimarray)]
3072 (aset-int dimarray i (nth dims i)))
3073 (. Array (newInstance type dimarray)))))
3075 (defn to-array-2d
3076 "Returns a (potentially-ragged) 2-dimensional array of Objects
3077 containing the contents of coll, which can be any Collection of any
3078 Collection."
3079 {:tag "[[Ljava.lang.Object;"
3080 :added "1.0"}
3081 [^java.util.Collection coll]
3082 (let [ret (make-array (. Class (forName "[Ljava.lang.Object;")) (. coll (size)))]
3083 (loop [i 0 xs (seq coll)]
3084 (when xs
3085 (aset ret i (to-array (first xs)))
3086 (recur (inc i) (next xs))))
3087 ret))
3089 (defn macroexpand-1
3090 "If form represents a macro form, returns its expansion,
3091 else returns form."
3092 {:added "1.0"}
3093 [form]
3094 (. clojure.lang.Compiler (macroexpand1 form)))
3096 (defn macroexpand
3097 "Repeatedly calls macroexpand-1 on form until it no longer
3098 represents a macro form, then returns it. Note neither
3099 macroexpand-1 nor macroexpand expand macros in subforms."
3100 {:added "1.0"}
3101 [form]
3102 (let [ex (macroexpand-1 form)]
3103 (if (identical? ex form)
3104 form
3105 (macroexpand ex))))
3107 (defn create-struct
3108 "Returns a structure basis object."
3109 {:added "1.0"}
3110 [& keys]
3111 (. clojure.lang.PersistentStructMap (createSlotMap keys)))
3113 (defmacro defstruct
3114 "Same as (def name (create-struct keys...))"
3115 {:added "1.0"}
3116 [name & keys]
3117 `(def ~name (create-struct ~@keys)))
3119 (defn struct-map
3120 "Returns a new structmap instance with the keys of the
3121 structure-basis. keyvals may contain all, some or none of the basis
3122 keys - where values are not supplied they will default to nil.
3123 keyvals can also contain keys not in the basis."
3124 {:added "1.0"}
3125 [s & inits]
3126 (. clojure.lang.PersistentStructMap (create s inits)))
3128 (defn struct
3129 "Returns a new structmap instance with the keys of the
3130 structure-basis. vals must be supplied for basis keys in order -
3131 where values are not supplied they will default to nil."
3132 {:added "1.0"}
3133 [s & vals]
3134 (. clojure.lang.PersistentStructMap (construct s vals)))
3136 (defn accessor
3137 "Returns a fn that, given an instance of a structmap with the basis,
3138 returns the value at the key. The key must be in the basis. The
3139 returned function should be (slightly) more efficient than using
3140 get, but such use of accessors should be limited to known
3141 performance-critical areas."
3142 {:added "1.0"}
3143 [s key]
3144 (. clojure.lang.PersistentStructMap (getAccessor s key)))
3146 (defn load-reader
3147 "Sequentially read and evaluate the set of forms contained in the
3148 stream/file"
3149 {:added "1.0"}
3150 [rdr] (. clojure.lang.Compiler (load rdr)))
3152 (defn load-string
3153 "Sequentially read and evaluate the set of forms contained in the
3154 string"
3155 {:added "1.0"}
3156 [s]
3157 (let [rdr (-> ( s)
3158 (clojure.lang.LineNumberingPushbackReader.))]
3159 (load-reader rdr)))
3161 (defn set
3162 "Returns a set of the distinct elements of coll."
3163 {:added "1.0"}
3164 [coll] (clojure.lang.PersistentHashSet/create ^clojure.lang.ISeq (seq coll)))
3166 (defn ^{:private true}
3167 filter-key [keyfn pred amap]
3168 (loop [ret {} es (seq amap)]
3169 (if es
3170 (if (pred (keyfn (first es)))
3171 (recur (assoc ret (key (first es)) (val (first es))) (next es))
3172 (recur ret (next es)))
3173 ret)))
3175 (defn find-ns
3176 "Returns the namespace named by the symbol or nil if it doesn't exist."
3177 {:added "1.0"}
3178 [sym] (clojure.lang.Namespace/find sym))
3180 (defn create-ns
3181 "Create a new namespace named by the symbol if one doesn't already
3182 exist, returns it or the already-existing namespace of the same
3183 name."
3184 {:added "1.0"}
3185 [sym] (clojure.lang.Namespace/findOrCreate sym))
3187 (defn remove-ns
3188 "Removes the namespace named by the symbol. Use with caution.
3189 Cannot be used to remove the clojure namespace."
3190 {:added "1.0"}
3191 [sym] (clojure.lang.Namespace/remove sym))
3193 (defn all-ns
3194 "Returns a sequence of all namespaces."
3195 {:added "1.0"}
3196 [] (clojure.lang.Namespace/all))
3198 (defn ^clojure.lang.Namespace the-ns
3199 "If passed a namespace, returns it. Else, when passed a symbol,
3200 returns the namespace named by it, throwing an exception if not
3201 found."
3202 {:added "1.0"}
3203 [x]
3204 (if (instance? clojure.lang.Namespace x)
3206 (or (find-ns x) (throw (Exception. (str "No namespace: " x " found"))))))
3208 (defn ns-name
3209 "Returns the name of the namespace, a symbol."
3210 {:added "1.0"}
3211 [ns]
3212 (.getName (the-ns ns)))
3214 (defn ns-map
3215 "Returns a map of all the mappings for the namespace."
3216 {:added "1.0"}
3217 [ns]
3218 (.getMappings (the-ns ns)))
3220 (defn ns-unmap
3221 "Removes the mappings for the symbol from the namespace."
3222 {:added "1.0"}
3223 [ns sym]
3224 (.unmap (the-ns ns) sym))
3226 ;(defn export [syms]
3227 ; (doseq [sym syms]
3228 ; (.. *ns* (intern sym) (setExported true))))
3230 (defn ns-publics
3231 "Returns a map of the public intern mappings for the namespace."
3232 {:added "1.0"}
3233 [ns]
3234 (let [ns (the-ns ns)]
3235 (filter-key val (fn [^clojure.lang.Var v] (and (instance? clojure.lang.Var v)
3236 (= ns (.ns v))
3237 (.isPublic v)))
3238 (ns-map ns))))
3240 (defn ns-imports
3241 "Returns a map of the import mappings for the namespace."
3242 {:added "1.0"}
3243 [ns]
3244 (filter-key val (partial instance? Class) (ns-map ns)))
3246 (defn ns-interns
3247 "Returns a map of the intern mappings for the namespace."
3248 {:added "1.0"}
3249 [ns]
3250 (let [ns (the-ns ns)]
3251 (filter-key val (fn [^clojure.lang.Var v] (and (instance? clojure.lang.Var v)
3252 (= ns (.ns v))))
3253 (ns-map ns))))
3255 (defn refer
3256 "refers to all public vars of ns, subject to filters.
3257 filters can include at most one each of:
3259 :exclude list-of-symbols
3260 :only list-of-symbols
3261 :rename map-of-fromsymbol-tosymbol
3263 For each public interned var in the namespace named by the symbol,
3264 adds a mapping from the name of the var to the var to the current
3265 namespace. Throws an exception if name is already mapped to
3266 something else in the current namespace. Filters can be used to
3267 select a subset, via inclusion or exclusion, or to provide a mapping
3268 to a symbol different from the var's name, in order to prevent
3269 clashes. Use :use in the ns macro in preference to calling this directly."
3270 {:added "1.0"}
3271 [ns-sym & filters]
3272 (let [ns (or (find-ns ns-sym) (throw (new Exception (str "No namespace: " ns-sym))))
3273 fs (apply hash-map filters)
3274 nspublics (ns-publics ns)
3275 rename (or (:rename fs) {})
3276 exclude (set (:exclude fs))
3277 to-do (or (:only fs) (keys nspublics))]
3278 (doseq [sym to-do]
3279 (when-not (exclude sym)
3280 (let [v (nspublics sym)]
3281 (when-not v
3282 (throw (new java.lang.IllegalAccessError
3283 (if (get (ns-interns ns) sym)
3284 (str sym " is not public")
3285 (str sym " does not exist")))))
3286 (. *ns* (refer (or (rename sym) sym) v)))))))
3288 (defn ns-refers
3289 "Returns a map of the refer mappings for the namespace."
3290 {:added "1.0"}
3291 [ns]
3292 (let [ns (the-ns ns)]
3293 (filter-key val (fn [^clojure.lang.Var v] (and (instance? clojure.lang.Var v)
3294 (not= ns (.ns v))))
3295 (ns-map ns))))
3297 (defn alias
3298 "Add an alias in the current namespace to another
3299 namespace. Arguments are two symbols: the alias to be used, and
3300 the symbolic name of the target namespace. Use :as in the ns macro in preference
3301 to calling this directly."
3302 {:added "1.0"}
3303 [alias namespace-sym]
3304 (.addAlias *ns* alias (find-ns namespace-sym)))
3306 (defn ns-aliases
3307 "Returns a map of the aliases for the namespace."
3308 {:added "1.0"}
3309 [ns]
3310 (.getAliases (the-ns ns)))
3312 (defn ns-unalias
3313 "Removes the alias for the symbol from the namespace."
3314 {:added "1.0"}
3315 [ns sym]
3316 (.removeAlias (the-ns ns) sym))
3318 (defn take-nth
3319 "Returns a lazy seq of every nth item in coll."
3320 {:added "1.0"}
3321 [n coll]
3322 (lazy-seq
3323 (when-let [s (seq coll)]
3324 (cons (first s) (take-nth n (drop n s))))))
3326 (defn interleave
3327 "Returns a lazy seq of the first item in each coll, then the second etc."
3328 {:added "1.0"}
3329 ([c1 c2]
3330 (lazy-seq
3331 (let [s1 (seq c1) s2 (seq c2)]
3332 (when (and s1 s2)
3333 (cons (first s1) (cons (first s2)
3334 (interleave (rest s1) (rest s2))))))))
3335 ([c1 c2 & colls]
3336 (lazy-seq
3337 (let [ss (map seq (conj colls c2 c1))]
3338 (when (every? identity ss)
3339 (concat (map first ss) (apply interleave (map rest ss))))))))
3341 (defn var-get
3342 "Gets the value in the var object"
3343 {:added "1.0"}
3344 [^clojure.lang.Var x] (. x (get)))
3346 (defn var-set
3347 "Sets the value in the var object to val. The var must be
3348 thread-locally bound."
3349 {:added "1.0"}
3350 [^clojure.lang.Var x val] (. x (set val)))
3352 (defmacro with-local-vars
3353 "varbinding=> symbol init-expr
3355 Executes the exprs in a context in which the symbols are bound to
3356 vars with per-thread bindings to the init-exprs. The symbols refer
3357 to the var objects themselves, and must be accessed with var-get and
3358 var-set"
3359 {:added "1.0"}
3360 [name-vals-vec & body]
3361 (assert-args with-local-vars
3362 (vector? name-vals-vec) "a vector for its binding"
3363 (even? (count name-vals-vec)) "an even number of forms in binding vector")
3364 `(let [~@(interleave (take-nth 2 name-vals-vec)
3365 (repeat '(. clojure.lang.Var (create))))]
3366 (. clojure.lang.Var (pushThreadBindings (hash-map ~@name-vals-vec)))
3367 (try
3368 ~@body
3369 (finally (. clojure.lang.Var (popThreadBindings))))))
3371 (defn ns-resolve
3372 "Returns the var or Class to which a symbol will be resolved in the
3373 namespace, else nil. Note that if the symbol is fully qualified,
3374 the var/Class to which it resolves need not be present in the
3375 namespace."
3376 {:added "1.0"}
3377 [ns sym]
3378 (clojure.lang.Compiler/maybeResolveIn (the-ns ns) sym))
3380 (defn resolve
3381 "same as (ns-resolve *ns* symbol)"
3382 {:added "1.0"}
3383 [sym] (ns-resolve *ns* sym))
3385 (defn array-map
3386 "Constructs an array-map."
3387 {:added "1.0"}
3388 ([] (. clojure.lang.PersistentArrayMap EMPTY))
3389 ([& keyvals] (clojure.lang.PersistentArrayMap/createWithCheck (to-array keyvals))))
3391 (defn nthnext
3392 "Returns the nth next of coll, (seq coll) when n is 0."
3393 {:added "1.0"}
3394 [coll n]
3395 (loop [n n xs (seq coll)]
3396 (if (and xs (pos? n))
3397 (recur (dec n) (next xs))
3398 xs)))
3401 ;redefine let and loop with destructuring
3402 (defn destructure [bindings]
3403 (let [bents (partition 2 bindings)
3404 pb (fn pb [bvec b v]
3405 (let [pvec
3406 (fn [bvec b val]
3407 (let [gvec (gensym "vec__")]
3408 (loop [ret (-> bvec (conj gvec) (conj val))
3409 n 0
3410 bs b
3411 seen-rest? false]
3412 (if (seq bs)
3413 (let [firstb (first bs)]
3414 (cond
3415 (= firstb '&) (recur (pb ret (second bs) (list `nthnext gvec n))
3417 (nnext bs)
3418 true)
3419 (= firstb :as) (pb ret (second bs) gvec)
3420 :else (if seen-rest?
3421 (throw (new Exception "Unsupported binding form, only :as can follow & parameter"))
3422 (recur (pb ret firstb (list `nth gvec n nil))
3423 (inc n)
3424 (next bs)
3425 seen-rest?))))
3426 ret))))
3427 pmap
3428 (fn [bvec b v]
3429 (let [gmap (or (:as b) (gensym "map__"))
3430 defaults (:or b)]
3431 (loop [ret (-> bvec (conj gmap) (conj v)
3432 (conj gmap) (conj `(if (seq? ~gmap) (apply hash-map ~gmap) ~gmap)))
3433 bes (reduce
3434 (fn [bes entry]
3435 (reduce #(assoc %1 %2 ((val entry) %2))
3436 (dissoc bes (key entry))
3437 ((key entry) bes)))
3438 (dissoc b :as :or)
3439 {:keys #(keyword (str %)), :strs str, :syms #(list `quote %)})]
3440 (if (seq bes)
3441 (let [bb (key (first bes))
3442 bk (val (first bes))
3443 has-default (contains? defaults bb)]
3444 (recur (pb ret bb (if has-default
3445 (list `get gmap bk (defaults bb))
3446 (list `get gmap bk)))
3447 (next bes)))
3448 ret))))]
3449 (cond
3450 (symbol? b) (-> bvec (conj b) (conj v))
3451 (vector? b) (pvec bvec b v)
3452 (map? b) (pmap bvec b v)
3453 :else (throw (new Exception (str "Unsupported binding form: " b))))))
3454 process-entry (fn [bvec b] (pb bvec (first b) (second b)))]
3455 (if (every? symbol? (map first bents))
3456 bindings
3457 (reduce process-entry [] bents))))
3459 (defmacro let
3460 "Evaluates the exprs in a lexical context in which the symbols in
3461 the binding-forms are bound to their respective init-exprs or parts
3462 therein."
3463 {:added "1.0"}
3464 [bindings & body]
3465 (assert-args let
3466 (vector? bindings) "a vector for its binding"
3467 (even? (count bindings)) "an even number of forms in binding vector")
3468 `(let* ~(destructure bindings) ~@body))
3470 (defn ^{:private true}
3471 maybe-destructured
3472 [params body]
3473 (if (every? symbol? params)
3474 (cons params body)
3475 (loop [params params
3476 new-params []
3477 lets []]
3478 (if params
3479 (if (symbol? (first params))
3480 (recur (next params) (conj new-params (first params)) lets)
3481 (let [gparam (gensym "p__")]
3482 (recur (next params) (conj new-params gparam)
3483 (-> lets (conj (first params)) (conj gparam)))))
3484 `(~new-params
3485 (let ~lets
3486 ~@body))))))
3488 ;redefine fn with destructuring and pre/post conditions
3489 (defmacro fn
3490 "(fn name? [params* ] exprs*)
3491 (fn name? ([params* ] exprs*)+)
3493 params => positional-params* , or positional-params* & next-param
3494 positional-param => binding-form
3495 next-param => binding-form
3496 name => symbol
3498 Defines a function"
3499 {:added "1.0"}
3500 [& sigs]
3501 (let [name (if (symbol? (first sigs)) (first sigs) nil)
3502 sigs (if name (next sigs) sigs)
3503 sigs (if (vector? (first sigs)) (list sigs) sigs)
3504 psig (fn* [sig]
3505 (let [[params & body] sig
3506 conds (when (and (next body) (map? (first body)))
3507 (first body))
3508 body (if conds (next body) body)
3509 conds (or conds (meta params))
3510 pre (:pre conds)
3511 post (:post conds)
3512 body (if post
3513 `((let [~'% ~(if (< 1 (count body))
3514 `(do ~@body)
3515 (first body))]
3516 ~@(map (fn* [c] `(assert ~c)) post)
3517 ~'%))
3518 body)
3519 body (if pre
3520 (concat (map (fn* [c] `(assert ~c)) pre)
3521 body)
3522 body)]
3523 (maybe-destructured params body)))
3524 new-sigs (map psig sigs)]
3525 (with-meta
3526 (if name
3527 (list* 'fn* name new-sigs)
3528 (cons 'fn* new-sigs))
3529 (meta &form))))
3531 (defmacro loop
3532 "Evaluates the exprs in a lexical context in which the symbols in
3533 the binding-forms are bound to their respective init-exprs or parts
3534 therein. Acts as a recur target."
3535 {:added "1.0"}
3536 [bindings & body]
3537 (assert-args loop
3538 (vector? bindings) "a vector for its binding"
3539 (even? (count bindings)) "an even number of forms in binding vector")
3540 (let [db (destructure bindings)]
3541 (if (= db bindings)
3542 `(loop* ~bindings ~@body)
3543 (let [vs (take-nth 2 (drop 1 bindings))
3544 bs (take-nth 2 bindings)
3545 gs (map (fn [b] (if (symbol? b) b (gensym))) bs)
3546 bfs (reduce (fn [ret [b v g]]
3547 (if (symbol? b)
3548 (conj ret g v)
3549 (conj ret g v b g)))
3550 [] (map vector bs vs gs))]
3551 `(let ~bfs
3552 (loop* ~(vec (interleave gs gs))
3553 (let ~(vec (interleave bs gs))
3554 ~@body)))))))
3556 (defmacro when-first
3557 "bindings => x xs
3559 Same as (when (seq xs) (let [x (first xs)] body))"
3560 {:added "1.0"}
3561 [bindings & body]
3562 (assert-args when-first
3563 (vector? bindings) "a vector for its binding"
3564 (= 2 (count bindings)) "exactly 2 forms in binding vector")
3565 (let [[x xs] bindings]
3566 `(when (seq ~xs)
3567 (let [~x (first ~xs)]
3568 ~@body))))
3570 (defmacro lazy-cat
3571 "Expands to code which yields a lazy sequence of the concatenation
3572 of the supplied colls. Each coll expr is not evaluated until it is
3573 needed.
3575 (lazy-cat xs ys zs) === (concat (lazy-seq xs) (lazy-seq ys) (lazy-seq zs))"
3576 {:added "1.0"}
3577 [& colls]
3578 `(concat ~@(map #(list `lazy-seq %) colls)))
3580 (defmacro for
3581 "List comprehension. Takes a vector of one or more
3582 binding-form/collection-expr pairs, each followed by zero or more
3583 modifiers, and yields a lazy sequence of evaluations of expr.
3584 Collections are iterated in a nested fashion, rightmost fastest,
3585 and nested coll-exprs can refer to bindings created in prior
3586 binding-forms. Supported modifiers are: :let [binding-form expr ...],
3587 :while test, :when test.
3589 (take 100 (for [x (range 100000000) y (range 1000000) :while (< y x)] [x y]))"
3590 {:added "1.0"}
3591 [seq-exprs body-expr]
3592 (assert-args for
3593 (vector? seq-exprs) "a vector for its binding"
3594 (even? (count seq-exprs)) "an even number of forms in binding vector")
3595 (let [to-groups (fn [seq-exprs]
3596 (reduce (fn [groups [k v]]
3597 (if (keyword? k)
3598 (conj (pop groups) (conj (peek groups) [k v]))
3599 (conj groups [k v])))
3600 [] (partition 2 seq-exprs)))
3601 err (fn [& msg] (throw (IllegalArgumentException. ^String (apply str msg))))
3602 emit-bind (fn emit-bind [[[bind expr & mod-pairs]
3603 & [[_ next-expr] :as next-groups]]]
3604 (let [giter (gensym "iter__")
3605 gxs (gensym "s__")
3606 do-mod (fn do-mod [[[k v :as pair] & etc]]
3607 (cond
3608 (= k :let) `(let ~v ~(do-mod etc))
3609 (= k :while) `(when ~v ~(do-mod etc))
3610 (= k :when) `(if ~v
3611 ~(do-mod etc)
3612 (recur (rest ~gxs)))
3613 (keyword? k) (err "Invalid 'for' keyword " k)
3614 next-groups
3615 `(let [iterys# ~(emit-bind next-groups)
3616 fs# (seq (iterys# ~next-expr))]
3617 (if fs#
3618 (concat fs# (~giter (rest ~gxs)))
3619 (recur (rest ~gxs))))
3620 :else `(cons ~body-expr
3621 (~giter (rest ~gxs)))))]
3622 (if next-groups
3623 #_"not the inner-most loop"
3624 `(fn ~giter [~gxs]
3625 (lazy-seq
3626 (loop [~gxs ~gxs]
3627 (when-first [~bind ~gxs]
3628 ~(do-mod mod-pairs)))))
3629 #_"inner-most loop"
3630 (let [gi (gensym "i__")
3631 gb (gensym "b__")
3632 do-cmod (fn do-cmod [[[k v :as pair] & etc]]
3633 (cond
3634 (= k :let) `(let ~v ~(do-cmod etc))
3635 (= k :while) `(when ~v ~(do-cmod etc))
3636 (= k :when) `(if ~v
3637 ~(do-cmod etc)
3638 (recur
3639 (unchecked-inc ~gi)))
3640 (keyword? k)
3641 (err "Invalid 'for' keyword " k)
3642 :else
3643 `(do (chunk-append ~gb ~body-expr)
3644 (recur (unchecked-inc ~gi)))))]
3645 `(fn ~giter [~gxs]
3646 (lazy-seq
3647 (loop [~gxs ~gxs]
3648 (when-let [~gxs (seq ~gxs)]
3649 (if (chunked-seq? ~gxs)
3650 (let [c# (chunk-first ~gxs)
3651 size# (int (count c#))
3652 ~gb (chunk-buffer size#)]
3653 (if (loop [~gi (int 0)]
3654 (if (< ~gi size#)
3655 (let [~bind (.nth c# ~gi)]
3656 ~(do-cmod mod-pairs))
3657 true))
3658 (chunk-cons
3659 (chunk ~gb)
3660 (~giter (chunk-rest ~gxs)))
3661 (chunk-cons (chunk ~gb) nil)))
3662 (let [~bind (first ~gxs)]
3663 ~(do-mod mod-pairs)))))))))))]
3664 `(let [iter# ~(emit-bind (to-groups seq-exprs))]
3665 (iter# ~(second seq-exprs)))))
3667 (defmacro comment
3668 "Ignores body, yields nil"
3669 {:added "1.0"}
3670 [& body])
3672 (defmacro with-out-str
3673 "Evaluates exprs in a context in which *out* is bound to a fresh
3674 StringWriter. Returns the string created by any nested printing
3675 calls."
3676 {:added "1.0"}
3677 [& body]
3678 `(let [s# (new]
3679 (binding [*out* s#]
3680 ~@body
3681 (str s#))))
3683 (defmacro with-in-str
3684 "Evaluates body in a context in which *in* is bound to a fresh
3685 StringReader initialized with the string s."
3686 {:added "1.0"}
3687 [s & body]
3688 `(with-open [s# (-> ( ~s) clojure.lang.LineNumberingPushbackReader.)]
3689 (binding [*in* s#]
3690 ~@body)))
3692 (defn pr-str
3693 "pr to a string, returning it"
3694 {:tag String
3695 :added "1.0"}
3696 [& xs]
3697 (with-out-str
3698 (apply pr xs)))
3700 (defn prn-str
3701 "prn to a string, returning it"
3702 {:tag String
3703 :added "1.0"}
3704 [& xs]
3705 (with-out-str
3706 (apply prn xs)))
3708 (defn print-str
3709 "print to a string, returning it"
3710 {:tag String
3711 :added "1.0"}
3712 [& xs]
3713 (with-out-str
3714 (apply print xs)))
3716 (defn println-str
3717 "println to a string, returning it"
3718 {:tag String
3719 :added "1.0"}
3720 [& xs]
3721 (with-out-str
3722 (apply println xs)))
3724 (defmacro assert
3725 "Evaluates expr and throws an exception if it does not evaluate to
3726 logical true."
3727 {:added "1.0"}
3728 [x]
3729 (when *assert*
3730 `(when-not ~x
3731 (throw (new AssertionError (str "Assert failed: " (pr-str '~x)))))))
3733 (defn test
3734 "test [v] finds fn at key :test in var metadata and calls it,
3735 presuming failure will throw exception"
3736 {:added "1.0"}
3737 [v]
3738 (let [f (:test (meta v))]
3739 (if f
3740 (do (f) :ok)
3741 :no-test)))
3743 (defn re-pattern
3744 "Returns an instance of java.util.regex.Pattern, for use, e.g. in
3745 re-matcher."
3746 {:tag java.util.regex.Pattern
3747 :added "1.0"}
3748 [s] (if (instance? java.util.regex.Pattern s)
3750 (. java.util.regex.Pattern (compile s))))
3752 (defn re-matcher
3753 "Returns an instance of java.util.regex.Matcher, for use, e.g. in
3754 re-find."
3755 {:tag java.util.regex.Matcher
3756 :added "1.0"}
3757 [^java.util.regex.Pattern re s]
3758 (. re (matcher s)))
3760 (defn re-groups
3761 "Returns the groups from the most recent match/find. If there are no
3762 nested groups, returns a string of the entire match. If there are
3763 nested groups, returns a vector of the groups, the first element
3764 being the entire match."
3765 {:added "1.0"}
3766 [^java.util.regex.Matcher m]
3767 (let [gc (. m (groupCount))]
3768 (if (zero? gc)
3769 (. m (group))
3770 (loop [ret [] c 0]
3771 (if (<= c gc)
3772 (recur (conj ret (. m (group c))) (inc c))
3773 ret)))))
3775 (defn re-seq
3776 "Returns a lazy sequence of successive matches of pattern in string,
3777 using java.util.regex.Matcher.find(), each such match processed with
3778 re-groups."
3779 {:added "1.0"}
3780 [^java.util.regex.Pattern re s]
3781 (let [m (re-matcher re s)]
3782 ((fn step []
3783 (when (. m (find))
3784 (cons (re-groups m) (lazy-seq (step))))))))
3786 (defn re-matches
3787 "Returns the match, if any, of string to pattern, using
3788 java.util.regex.Matcher.matches(). Uses re-groups to return the
3789 groups."
3790 {:added "1.0"}
3791 [^java.util.regex.Pattern re s]
3792 (let [m (re-matcher re s)]
3793 (when (. m (matches))
3794 (re-groups m))))
3797 (defn re-find
3798 "Returns the next regex match, if any, of string to pattern, using
3799 java.util.regex.Matcher.find(). Uses re-groups to return the
3800 groups."
3801 {:added "1.0"}
3802 ([^java.util.regex.Matcher m]
3803 (when (. m (find))
3804 (re-groups m)))
3805 ([^java.util.regex.Pattern re s]
3806 (let [m (re-matcher re s)]
3807 (re-find m))))
3809 (defn rand
3810 "Returns a random floating point number between 0 (inclusive) and
3811 n (default 1) (exclusive)."
3812 {:added "1.0"}
3813 ([] (. Math (random)))
3814 ([n] (* n (rand))))
3816 (defn rand-int
3817 "Returns a random integer between 0 (inclusive) and n (exclusive)."
3818 {:added "1.0"}
3819 [n] (int (rand n)))
3821 (defmacro defn-
3822 "same as defn, yielding non-public def"
3823 {:added "1.0"}
3824 [name & decls]
3825 (list* `defn (with-meta name (assoc (meta name) :private true)) decls))
3827 (defn print-doc [v]
3828 (println "-------------------------")
3829 (println (str (ns-name (:ns (meta v))) "/" (:name (meta v))))
3830 (prn (:arglists (meta v)))
3831 (when (:macro (meta v))
3832 (println "Macro"))
3833 (println " " (:doc (meta v))))
3835 (defn find-doc
3836 "Prints documentation for any var whose documentation or name
3837 contains a match for re-string-or-pattern"
3838 {:added "1.0"}
3839 [re-string-or-pattern]
3840 (let [re (re-pattern re-string-or-pattern)]
3841 (doseq [ns (all-ns)
3842 v (sort-by (comp :name meta) (vals (ns-interns ns)))
3843 :when (and (:doc (meta v))
3844 (or (re-find (re-matcher re (:doc (meta v))))
3845 (re-find (re-matcher re (str (:name (meta v)))))))]
3846 (print-doc v))))
3848 (defn special-form-anchor
3849 "Returns the anchor tag on for the
3850 special form x, or nil"
3851 {:added "1.0"}
3852 [x]
3853 (#{'. 'def 'do 'fn 'if 'let 'loop 'monitor-enter 'monitor-exit 'new
3854 'quote 'recur 'set! 'throw 'try 'var} x))
3856 (defn syntax-symbol-anchor
3857 "Returns the anchor tag on for the
3858 special form that uses syntax symbol x, or nil"
3859 {:added "1.0"}
3860 [x]
3861 ({'& 'fn 'catch 'try 'finally 'try} x))
3863 (defn print-special-doc
3864 [name type anchor]
3865 (println "-------------------------")
3866 (println name)
3867 (println type)
3868 (println (str " Please see" anchor)))
3870 (defn print-namespace-doc
3871 "Print the documentation string of a Namespace."
3872 {:added "1.0"}
3873 [nspace]
3874 (println "-------------------------")
3875 (println (str (ns-name nspace)))
3876 (println " " (:doc (meta nspace))))
3878 (defmacro doc
3879 "Prints documentation for a var or special form given its name"
3880 {:added "1.0"}
3881 [name]
3882 (cond
3883 (special-form-anchor `~name)
3884 `(print-special-doc '~name "Special Form" (special-form-anchor '~name))
3885 (syntax-symbol-anchor `~name)
3886 `(print-special-doc '~name "Syntax Symbol" (syntax-symbol-anchor '~name))
3887 :else
3888 (let [nspace (find-ns name)]
3889 (if nspace
3890 `(print-namespace-doc ~nspace)
3891 `(print-doc (var ~name))))))
3893 (defn tree-seq
3894 "Returns a lazy sequence of the nodes in a tree, via a depth-first walk.
3895 branch? must be a fn of one arg that returns true if passed a node
3896 that can have children (but may not). children must be a fn of one
3897 arg that returns a sequence of the children. Will only be called on
3898 nodes for which branch? returns true. Root is the root node of the
3899 tree."
3900 {:added "1.0"}
3901 [branch? children root]
3902 (let [walk (fn walk [node]
3903 (lazy-seq
3904 (cons node
3905 (when (branch? node)
3906 (mapcat walk (children node))))))]
3907 (walk root)))
3909 (defn file-seq
3910 "A tree seq on"
3911 {:added "1.0"}
3912 [dir]
3913 (tree-seq
3914 (fn [^ f] (. f (isDirectory)))
3915 (fn [^ d] (seq (. d (listFiles))))
3916 dir))
3918 (defn xml-seq
3919 "A tree seq on the xml elements as per xml/parse"
3920 {:added "1.0"}
3921 [root]
3922 (tree-seq
3923 (complement string?)
3924 (comp seq :content)
3925 root))
3927 (defn special-symbol?
3928 "Returns true if s names a special form"
3929 {:added "1.0"}
3930 [s]
3931 (contains? (. clojure.lang.Compiler specials) s))
3933 (defn var?
3934 "Returns true if v is of type clojure.lang.Var"
3935 {:added "1.0"}
3936 [v] (instance? clojure.lang.Var v))
3938 (defn ^String subs
3939 "Returns the substring of s beginning at start inclusive, and ending
3940 at end (defaults to length of string), exclusive."
3941 {:added "1.0"}
3942 ([^String s start] (. s (substring start)))
3943 ([^String s start end] (. s (substring start end))))
3945 (defn max-key
3946 "Returns the x for which (k x), a number, is greatest."
3947 {:added "1.0"}
3948 ([k x] x)
3949 ([k x y] (if (> (k x) (k y)) x y))
3950 ([k x y & more]
3951 (reduce #(max-key k %1 %2) (max-key k x y) more)))
3953 (defn min-key
3954 "Returns the x for which (k x), a number, is least."
3955 {:added "1.0"}
3956 ([k x] x)
3957 ([k x y] (if (< (k x) (k y)) x y))
3958 ([k x y & more]
3959 (reduce #(min-key k %1 %2) (min-key k x y) more)))
3961 (defn distinct
3962 "Returns a lazy sequence of the elements of coll with duplicates removed"
3963 {:added "1.0"}
3964 [coll]
3965 (let [step (fn step [xs seen]
3966 (lazy-seq
3967 ((fn [[f :as xs] seen]
3968 (when-let [s (seq xs)]
3969 (if (contains? seen f)
3970 (recur (rest s) seen)
3971 (cons f (step (rest s) (conj seen f))))))
3972 xs seen)))]
3973 (step coll #{})))
3977 (defn replace
3978 "Given a map of replacement pairs and a vector/collection, returns a
3979 vector/seq with any elements = a key in smap replaced with the
3980 corresponding val in smap"
3981 {:added "1.0"}
3982 [smap coll]
3983 (if (vector? coll)
3984 (reduce (fn [v i]
3985 (if-let [e (find smap (nth v i))]
3986 (assoc v i (val e))
3987 v))
3988 coll (range (count coll)))
3989 (map #(if-let [e (find smap %)] (val e) %) coll)))
3991 (defmacro dosync
3992 "Runs the exprs (in an implicit do) in a transaction that encompasses
3993 exprs and any nested calls. Starts a transaction if none is already
3994 running on this thread. Any uncaught exception will abort the
3995 transaction and flow out of dosync. The exprs may be run more than
3996 once, but any effects on Refs will be atomic."
3997 {:added "1.0"}
3998 [& exprs]
3999 `(sync nil ~@exprs))
4001 (defmacro with-precision
4002 "Sets the precision and rounding mode to be used for BigDecimal operations.
4004 Usage: (with-precision 10 (/ 1M 3))
4005 or: (with-precision 10 :rounding HALF_DOWN (/ 1M 3))
4007 The rounding mode is one of CEILING, FLOOR, HALF_UP, HALF_DOWN,
4008 HALF_EVEN, UP, DOWN and UNNECESSARY; it defaults to HALF_UP."
4009 {:added "1.0"}
4010 [precision & exprs]
4011 (let [[body rm] (if (= (first exprs) :rounding)
4012 [(next (next exprs))
4013 `((. java.math.RoundingMode ~(second exprs)))]
4014 [exprs nil])]
4015 `(binding [*math-context* (java.math.MathContext. ~precision ~@rm)]
4016 ~@body)))
4018 (defn mk-bound-fn
4019 {:private true}
4020 [^clojure.lang.Sorted sc test key]
4021 (fn [e]
4022 (test (.. sc comparator (compare (. sc entryKey e) key)) 0)))
4024 (defn subseq
4025 "sc must be a sorted collection, test(s) one of <, <=, > or
4026 >=. Returns a seq of those entries with keys ek for
4027 which (test (.. sc comparator (compare ek key)) 0) is true"
4028 {:added "1.0"}
4029 ([^clojure.lang.Sorted sc test key]
4030 (let [include (mk-bound-fn sc test key)]
4031 (if (#{> >=} test)
4032 (when-let [[e :as s] (. sc seqFrom key true)]
4033 (if (include e) s (next s)))
4034 (take-while include (. sc seq true)))))
4035 ([^clojure.lang.Sorted sc start-test start-key end-test end-key]
4036 (when-let [[e :as s] (. sc seqFrom start-key true)]
4037 (take-while (mk-bound-fn sc end-test end-key)
4038 (if ((mk-bound-fn sc start-test start-key) e) s (next s))))))
4040 (defn rsubseq
4041 "sc must be a sorted collection, test(s) one of <, <=, > or
4042 >=. Returns a reverse seq of those entries with keys ek for
4043 which (test (.. sc comparator (compare ek key)) 0) is true"
4044 {:added "1.0"}
4045 ([^clojure.lang.Sorted sc test key]
4046 (let [include (mk-bound-fn sc test key)]
4047 (if (#{< <=} test)
4048 (when-let [[e :as s] (. sc seqFrom key false)]
4049 (if (include e) s (next s)))
4050 (take-while include (. sc seq false)))))
4051 ([^clojure.lang.Sorted sc start-test start-key end-test end-key]
4052 (when-let [[e :as s] (. sc seqFrom end-key false)]
4053 (take-while (mk-bound-fn sc start-test start-key)
4054 (if ((mk-bound-fn sc end-test end-key) e) s (next s))))))
4056 (defn repeatedly
4057 "Takes a function of no args, presumably with side effects, and
4058 returns an infinite (or length n if supplied) lazy sequence of calls
4059 to it"
4060 {:added "1.0"}
4061 ([f] (lazy-seq (cons (f) (repeatedly f))))
4062 ([n f] (take n (repeatedly f))))
4064 (defn add-classpath
4067 Adds the url (String or URL object) to the classpath per
4068 URLClassLoader.addURL"
4069 {:added "1.0"
4070 :deprecated "1.1"}
4071 [url]
4072 (println "WARNING: add-classpath is deprecated")
4073 (clojure.lang.RT/addURL url))
4077 (defn hash
4078 "Returns the hash code of its argument"
4079 {:added "1.0"}
4080 [x] (. clojure.lang.Util (hash x)))
4082 (defn interpose
4083 "Returns a lazy seq of the elements of coll separated by sep"
4084 {:added "1.0"}
4085 [sep coll] (drop 1 (interleave (repeat sep) coll)))
4087 (defmacro definline
4088 "Experimental - like defmacro, except defines a named function whose
4089 body is the expansion, calls to which may be expanded inline as if
4090 it were a macro. Cannot be used with variadic (&) args."
4091 {:added "1.0"}
4092 [name & decl]
4093 (let [[pre-args [args expr]] (split-with (comp not vector?) decl)]
4094 `(do
4095 (defn ~name ~@pre-args ~args ~(apply (eval (list `fn args expr)) args))
4096 (alter-meta! (var ~name) assoc :inline (fn ~name ~args ~expr))
4097 (var ~name))))
4099 (defn empty
4100 "Returns an empty collection of the same category as coll, or nil"
4101 {:added "1.0"}
4102 [coll]
4103 (when (instance? clojure.lang.IPersistentCollection coll)
4104 (.empty ^clojure.lang.IPersistentCollection coll)))
4106 (defmacro amap
4107 "Maps an expression across an array a, using an index named idx, and
4108 return value named ret, initialized to a clone of a, then setting
4109 each element of ret to the evaluation of expr, returning the new
4110 array ret."
4111 {:added "1.0"}
4112 [a idx ret expr]
4113 `(let [a# ~a
4114 ~ret (aclone a#)]
4115 (loop [~idx (int 0)]
4116 (if (< ~idx (alength a#))
4117 (do
4118 (aset ~ret ~idx ~expr)
4119 (recur (unchecked-inc ~idx)))
4120 ~ret))))
4122 (defmacro areduce
4123 "Reduces an expression across an array a, using an index named idx,
4124 and return value named ret, initialized to init, setting ret to the
4125 evaluation of expr at each step, returning ret."
4126 {:added "1.0"}
4127 [a idx ret init expr]
4128 `(let [a# ~a]
4129 (loop [~idx (int 0) ~ret ~init]
4130 (if (< ~idx (alength a#))
4131 (recur (unchecked-inc ~idx) ~expr)
4132 ~ret))))
4134 (defn float-array
4135 "Creates an array of floats"
4136 {:inline (fn [& args] `(. clojure.lang.Numbers float_array ~@args))
4137 :inline-arities #{1 2}
4138 :added "1.0"}
4139 ([size-or-seq] (. clojure.lang.Numbers float_array size-or-seq))
4140 ([size init-val-or-seq] (. clojure.lang.Numbers float_array size init-val-or-seq)))
4142 (defn boolean-array
4143 "Creates an array of booleans"
4144 {:inline (fn [& args] `(. clojure.lang.Numbers boolean_array ~@args))
4145 :inline-arities #{1 2}
4146 :added "1.1"}
4147 ([size-or-seq] (. clojure.lang.Numbers boolean_array size-or-seq))
4148 ([size init-val-or-seq] (. clojure.lang.Numbers boolean_array size init-val-or-seq)))
4150 (defn byte-array
4151 "Creates an array of bytes"
4152 {:inline (fn [& args] `(. clojure.lang.Numbers byte_array ~@args))
4153 :inline-arities #{1 2}
4154 :added "1.1"}
4155 ([size-or-seq] (. clojure.lang.Numbers byte_array size-or-seq))
4156 ([size init-val-or-seq] (. clojure.lang.Numbers byte_array size init-val-or-seq)))
4158 (defn char-array
4159 "Creates an array of chars"
4160 {:inline (fn [& args] `(. clojure.lang.Numbers char_array ~@args))
4161 :inline-arities #{1 2}
4162 :added "1.1"}
4163 ([size-or-seq] (. clojure.lang.Numbers char_array size-or-seq))
4164 ([size init-val-or-seq] (. clojure.lang.Numbers char_array size init-val-or-seq)))
4166 (defn short-array
4167 "Creates an array of shorts"
4168 {:inline (fn [& args] `(. clojure.lang.Numbers short_array ~@args))
4169 :inline-arities #{1 2}
4170 :added "1.1"}
4171 ([size-or-seq] (. clojure.lang.Numbers short_array size-or-seq))
4172 ([size init-val-or-seq] (. clojure.lang.Numbers short_array size init-val-or-seq)))
4174 (defn double-array
4175 "Creates an array of doubles"
4176 {:inline (fn [& args] `(. clojure.lang.Numbers double_array ~@args))
4177 :inline-arities #{1 2}
4178 :added "1.0"}
4179 ([size-or-seq] (. clojure.lang.Numbers double_array size-or-seq))
4180 ([size init-val-or-seq] (. clojure.lang.Numbers double_array size init-val-or-seq)))
4182 (defn object-array
4183 "Creates an array of objects"
4184 {:inline (fn [arg] `(. clojure.lang.RT object_array ~arg))
4185 :inline-arities #{1}
4186 :added "1.2"}
4187 ([size-or-seq] (. clojure.lang.RT object_array size-or-seq)))
4189 (defn int-array
4190 "Creates an array of ints"
4191 {:inline (fn [& args] `(. clojure.lang.Numbers int_array ~@args))
4192 :inline-arities #{1 2}
4193 :added "1.0"}
4194 ([size-or-seq] (. clojure.lang.Numbers int_array size-or-seq))
4195 ([size init-val-or-seq] (. clojure.lang.Numbers int_array size init-val-or-seq)))
4197 (defn long-array
4198 "Creates an array of longs"
4199 {:inline (fn [& args] `(. clojure.lang.Numbers long_array ~@args))
4200 :inline-arities #{1 2}
4201 :added "1.0"}
4202 ([size-or-seq] (. clojure.lang.Numbers long_array size-or-seq))
4203 ([size init-val-or-seq] (. clojure.lang.Numbers long_array size init-val-or-seq)))
4205 (definline booleans
4206 "Casts to boolean[]"
4207 {:added "1.1"}
4208 [xs] `(. clojure.lang.Numbers booleans ~xs))
4210 (definline bytes
4211 "Casts to bytes[]"
4212 {:added "1.1"}
4213 [xs] `(. clojure.lang.Numbers bytes ~xs))
4215 (definline chars
4216 "Casts to chars[]"
4217 {:added "1.1"}
4218 [xs] `(. clojure.lang.Numbers chars ~xs))
4220 (definline shorts
4221 "Casts to shorts[]"
4222 {:added "1.1"}
4223 [xs] `(. clojure.lang.Numbers shorts ~xs))
4225 (definline floats
4226 "Casts to float[]"
4227 {:added "1.0"}
4228 [xs] `(. clojure.lang.Numbers floats ~xs))
4230 (definline ints
4231 "Casts to int[]"
4232 {:added "1.0"}
4233 [xs] `(. clojure.lang.Numbers ints ~xs))
4235 (definline doubles
4236 "Casts to double[]"
4237 {:added "1.0"}
4238 [xs] `(. clojure.lang.Numbers doubles ~xs))
4240 (definline longs
4241 "Casts to long[]"
4242 {:added "1.0"}
4243 [xs] `(. clojure.lang.Numbers longs ~xs))
4245 (import '(java.util.concurrent BlockingQueue LinkedBlockingQueue))
4247 (defn seque
4248 "Creates a queued seq on another (presumably lazy) seq s. The queued
4249 seq will produce a concrete seq in the background, and can get up to
4250 n items ahead of the consumer. n-or-q can be an integer n buffer
4251 size, or an instance of java.util.concurrent BlockingQueue. Note
4252 that reading from a seque can block if the reader gets ahead of the
4253 producer."
4254 {:added "1.0"}
4255 ([s] (seque 100 s))
4256 ([n-or-q s]
4257 (let [^BlockingQueue q (if (instance? BlockingQueue n-or-q)
4258 n-or-q
4259 (LinkedBlockingQueue. (int n-or-q)))
4260 NIL (Object.) ;nil sentinel since LBQ doesn't support nils
4261 agt (agent (seq s))
4262 fill (fn [s]
4263 (try
4264 (loop [[x & xs :as s] s]
4265 (if s
4266 (if (.offer q (if (nil? x) NIL x))
4267 (recur xs)
4268 s)
4269 (.put q q))) ; q itself is eos sentinel
4270 (catch Exception e
4271 (.put q q)
4272 (throw e))))
4273 drain (fn drain []
4274 (lazy-seq
4275 (let [x (.take q)]
4276 (if (identical? x q) ;q itself is eos sentinel
4277 (do @agt nil) ;touch agent just to propagate errors
4278 (do
4279 (send-off agt fill)
4280 (cons (if (identical? x NIL) nil x) (drain)))))))]
4281 (send-off agt fill)
4282 (drain))))
4284 (defn class?
4285 "Returns true if x is an instance of Class"
4286 {:added "1.0"}
4287 [x] (instance? Class x))
4289 (defn- is-annotation? [c]
4290 (and (class? c)
4291 (.isAssignableFrom java.lang.annotation.Annotation c)))
4293 (defn- is-runtime-annotation? [^Class c]
4294 (boolean
4295 (and (is-annotation? c)
4296 (when-let [^java.lang.annotation.Retention r
4297 (.getAnnotation c java.lang.annotation.Retention)]
4298 (= (.value r) java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy/RUNTIME)))))
4300 (defn- descriptor [^Class c] (clojure.asm.Type/getDescriptor c))
4302 (declare process-annotation)
4303 (defn- add-annotation [^clojure.asm.AnnotationVisitor av name v]
4304 (cond
4305 (vector? v) (let [avec (.visitArray av name)]
4306 (doseq [vval v]
4307 (add-annotation avec "value" vval))
4308 (.visitEnd avec))
4309 (symbol? v) (let [ev (eval v)]
4310 (cond
4311 (instance? java.lang.Enum ev)
4312 (.visitEnum av name (descriptor (class ev)) (str ev))
4313 (class? ev) (.visit av name (clojure.asm.Type/getType ev))
4314 :else (throw (IllegalArgumentException.
4315 (str "Unsupported annotation value: " v " of class " (class ev))))))
4316 (seq? v) (let [[nested nv] v
4317 c (resolve nested)
4318 nav (.visitAnnotation av name (descriptor c))]
4319 (process-annotation nav nv)
4320 (.visitEnd nav))
4321 :else (.visit av name v)))
4323 (defn- process-annotation [av v]
4324 (if (map? v)
4325 (doseq [[k v] v]
4326 (add-annotation av (name k) v))
4327 (add-annotation av "value" v)))
4329 (defn- add-annotations
4330 ([visitor m] (add-annotations visitor m nil))
4331 ([visitor m i]
4332 (doseq [[k v] m]
4333 (when (symbol? k)
4334 (when-let [c (resolve k)]
4335 (when (is-annotation? c)
4336 ;this is known duck/reflective as no common base of ASM Visitors
4337 (let [av (if i
4338 (.visitParameterAnnotation visitor i (descriptor c)
4339 (is-runtime-annotation? c))
4340 (.visitAnnotation visitor (descriptor c)
4341 (is-runtime-annotation? c)))]
4342 (process-annotation av v)
4343 (.visitEnd av))))))))
4345 (defn alter-var-root
4346 "Atomically alters the root binding of var v by applying f to its
4347 current value plus any args"
4348 {:added "1.0"}
4349 [^clojure.lang.Var v f & args] (.alterRoot v f args))
4351 (defn bound?
4352 "Returns true if all of the vars provided as arguments have any bound value, root or thread-local.
4353 Implies that deref'ing the provided vars will succeed. Returns true if no vars are provided."
4354 {:added "1.2"}
4355 [& vars]
4356 (every? #(.isBound ^clojure.lang.Var %) vars))
4358 (defn thread-bound?
4359 "Returns true if all of the vars provided as arguments have thread-local bindings.
4360 Implies that set!'ing the provided vars will succeed. Returns true if no vars are provided."
4361 {:added "1.2"}
4362 [& vars]
4363 (every? #(.getThreadBinding ^clojure.lang.Var %) vars))
4365 (defn make-hierarchy
4366 "Creates a hierarchy object for use with derive, isa? etc."
4367 {:added "1.0"}
4368 [] {:parents {} :descendants {} :ancestors {}})
4370 (def ^{:private true}
4371 global-hierarchy (make-hierarchy))
4373 (defn not-empty
4374 "If coll is empty, returns nil, else coll"
4375 {:added "1.0"}
4376 [coll] (when (seq coll) coll))
4378 (defn bases
4379 "Returns the immediate superclass and direct interfaces of c, if any"
4380 {:added "1.0"}
4381 [^Class c]
4382 (when c
4383 (let [i (.getInterfaces c)
4384 s (.getSuperclass c)]
4385 (not-empty
4386 (if s (cons s i) i)))))
4388 (defn supers
4389 "Returns the immediate and indirect superclasses and interfaces of c, if any"
4390 {:added "1.0"}
4391 [^Class class]
4392 (loop [ret (set (bases class)) cs ret]
4393 (if (seq cs)
4394 (let [c (first cs) bs (bases c)]
4395 (recur (into ret bs) (into (disj cs c) bs)))
4396 (not-empty ret))))
4398 (defn isa?
4399 "Returns true if (= child parent), or child is directly or indirectly derived from
4400 parent, either via a Java type inheritance relationship or a
4401 relationship established via derive. h must be a hierarchy obtained
4402 from make-hierarchy, if not supplied defaults to the global
4403 hierarchy"
4404 {:added "1.0"}
4405 ([child parent] (isa? global-hierarchy child parent))
4406 ([h child parent]
4407 (or (= child parent)
4408 (and (class? parent) (class? child)
4409 (. ^Class parent isAssignableFrom child))
4410 (contains? ((:ancestors h) child) parent)
4411 (and (class? child) (some #(contains? ((:ancestors h) %) parent) (supers child)))
4412 (and (vector? parent) (vector? child)
4413 (= (count parent) (count child))
4414 (loop [ret true i 0]
4415 (if (or (not ret) (= i (count parent)))
4416 ret
4417 (recur (isa? h (child i) (parent i)) (inc i))))))))
4419 (defn parents
4420 "Returns the immediate parents of tag, either via a Java type
4421 inheritance relationship or a relationship established via derive. h
4422 must be a hierarchy obtained from make-hierarchy, if not supplied
4423 defaults to the global hierarchy"
4424 {:added "1.0"}
4425 ([tag] (parents global-hierarchy tag))
4426 ([h tag] (not-empty
4427 (let [tp (get (:parents h) tag)]
4428 (if (class? tag)
4429 (into (set (bases tag)) tp)
4430 tp)))))
4432 (defn ancestors
4433 "Returns the immediate and indirect parents of tag, either via a Java type
4434 inheritance relationship or a relationship established via derive. h
4435 must be a hierarchy obtained from make-hierarchy, if not supplied
4436 defaults to the global hierarchy"
4437 {:added "1.0"}
4438 ([tag] (ancestors global-hierarchy tag))
4439 ([h tag] (not-empty
4440 (let [ta (get (:ancestors h) tag)]
4441 (if (class? tag)
4442 (let [superclasses (set (supers tag))]
4443 (reduce into superclasses
4444 (cons ta
4445 (map #(get (:ancestors h) %) superclasses))))
4446 ta)))))
4448 (defn descendants
4449 "Returns the immediate and indirect children of tag, through a
4450 relationship established via derive. h must be a hierarchy obtained
4451 from make-hierarchy, if not supplied defaults to the global
4452 hierarchy. Note: does not work on Java type inheritance
4453 relationships."
4454 {:added "1.0"}
4455 ([tag] (descendants global-hierarchy tag))
4456 ([h tag] (if (class? tag)
4457 (throw (java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException. "Can't get descendants of classes"))
4458 (not-empty (get (:descendants h) tag)))))
4460 (defn derive
4461 "Establishes a parent/child relationship between parent and
4462 tag. Parent must be a namespace-qualified symbol or keyword and
4463 child can be either a namespace-qualified symbol or keyword or a
4464 class. h must be a hierarchy obtained from make-hierarchy, if not
4465 supplied defaults to, and modifies, the global hierarchy."
4466 {:added "1.0"}
4467 ([tag parent]
4468 (assert (namespace parent))
4469 (assert (or (class? tag) (and (instance? clojure.lang.Named tag) (namespace tag))))
4471 (alter-var-root #'global-hierarchy derive tag parent) nil)
4472 ([h tag parent]
4473 (assert (not= tag parent))
4474 (assert (or (class? tag) (instance? clojure.lang.Named tag)))
4475 (assert (instance? clojure.lang.Named parent))
4477 (let [tp (:parents h)
4478 td (:descendants h)
4479 ta (:ancestors h)
4480 tf (fn [m source sources target targets]
4481 (reduce (fn [ret k]
4482 (assoc ret k
4483 (reduce conj (get targets k #{}) (cons target (targets target)))))
4484 m (cons source (sources source))))]
4485 (or
4486 (when-not (contains? (tp tag) parent)
4487 (when (contains? (ta tag) parent)
4488 (throw (Exception. (print-str tag "already has" parent "as ancestor"))))
4489 (when (contains? (ta parent) tag)
4490 (throw (Exception. (print-str "Cyclic derivation:" parent "has" tag "as ancestor"))))
4491 {:parents (assoc (:parents h) tag (conj (get tp tag #{}) parent))
4492 :ancestors (tf (:ancestors h) tag td parent ta)
4493 :descendants (tf (:descendants h) parent ta tag td)})
4494 h))))
4496 (declare flatten)
4498 (defn underive
4499 "Removes a parent/child relationship between parent and
4500 tag. h must be a hierarchy obtained from make-hierarchy, if not
4501 supplied defaults to, and modifies, the global hierarchy."
4502 {:added "1.0"}
4503 ([tag parent] (alter-var-root #'global-hierarchy underive tag parent) nil)
4504 ([h tag parent]
4505 (let [parentMap (:parents h)
4506 childsParents (if (parentMap tag)
4507 (disj (parentMap tag) parent) #{})
4508 newParents (if (not-empty childsParents)
4509 (assoc parentMap tag childsParents)
4510 (dissoc parentMap tag))
4511 deriv-seq (flatten (map #(cons (key %) (interpose (key %) (val %)))
4512 (seq newParents)))]
4513 (if (contains? (parentMap tag) parent)
4514 (reduce #(apply derive %1 %2) (make-hierarchy)
4515 (partition 2 deriv-seq))
4516 h))))
4519 (defn distinct?
4520 "Returns true if no two of the arguments are ="
4521 {:tag Boolean
4522 :added "1.0"}
4523 ([x] true)
4524 ([x y] (not (= x y)))
4525 ([x y & more]
4526 (if (not= x y)
4527 (loop [s #{x y} [x & etc :as xs] more]
4528 (if xs
4529 (if (contains? s x)
4530 false
4531 (recur (conj s x) etc))
4532 true))
4533 false)))
4535 (defn resultset-seq
4536 "Creates and returns a lazy sequence of structmaps corresponding to
4537 the rows in the java.sql.ResultSet rs"
4538 {:added "1.0"}
4539 [^java.sql.ResultSet rs]
4540 (let [rsmeta (. rs (getMetaData))
4541 idxs (range 1 (inc (. rsmeta (getColumnCount))))
4542 keys (map (comp keyword #(.toLowerCase ^String %))
4543 (map (fn [i] (. rsmeta (getColumnLabel i))) idxs))
4544 check-keys
4545 (or (apply distinct? keys)
4546 (throw (Exception. "ResultSet must have unique column labels")))
4547 row-struct (apply create-struct keys)
4548 row-values (fn [] (map (fn [^Integer i] (. rs (getObject i))) idxs))
4549 rows (fn thisfn []
4550 (when (. rs (next))
4551 (cons (apply struct row-struct (row-values)) (lazy-seq (thisfn)))))]
4552 (rows)))
4554 (defn iterator-seq
4555 "Returns a seq on a java.util.Iterator. Note that most collections
4556 providing iterators implement Iterable and thus support seq directly."
4557 {:added "1.0"}
4558 [iter]
4559 (clojure.lang.IteratorSeq/create iter))
4561 (defn enumeration-seq
4562 "Returns a seq on a java.util.Enumeration"
4563 {:added "1.0"}
4564 [e]
4565 (clojure.lang.EnumerationSeq/create e))
4567 (defn format
4568 "Formats a string using java.lang.String.format, see java.util.Formatter for format
4569 string syntax"
4570 {:tag String
4571 :added "1.0"}
4572 [fmt & args]
4573 (String/format fmt (to-array args)))
4575 (defn printf
4576 "Prints formatted output, as per format"
4577 {:added "1.0"}
4578 [fmt & args]
4579 (print (apply format fmt args)))
4581 (declare gen-class)
4583 (defmacro with-loading-context [& body]
4584 `((fn loading# []
4585 (. clojure.lang.Var (pushThreadBindings {clojure.lang.Compiler/LOADER
4586 (.getClassLoader (.getClass ^Object loading#))}))
4587 (try
4588 ~@body
4589 (finally
4590 (. clojure.lang.Var (popThreadBindings)))))))
4592 (defmacro ns
4593 "Sets *ns* to the namespace named by name (unevaluated), creating it
4594 if needed. references can be zero or more of: (:refer-clojure ...)
4595 (:require ...) (:use ...) (:import ...) (:load ...) (:gen-class)
4596 with the syntax of refer-clojure/require/use/import/load/gen-class
4597 respectively, except the arguments are unevaluated and need not be
4598 quoted. (:gen-class ...), when supplied, defaults to :name
4599 corresponding to the ns name, :main true, :impl-ns same as ns, and
4600 :init-impl-ns true. All options of gen-class are
4601 supported. The :gen-class directive is ignored when not
4602 compiling. If :gen-class is not supplied, when compiled only an
4603 nsname__init.class will be generated. If :refer-clojure is not used, a
4604 default (refer 'clojure) is used. Use of ns is preferred to
4605 individual calls to in-ns/require/use/import:
4607 (ns
4608 (:refer-clojure :exclude [ancestors printf])
4609 (:require (clojure.contrib sql sql.tests))
4610 (:use (my.lib this that))
4611 (:import (java.util Date Timer Random)
4612 (java.sql Connection Statement)))"
4613 {:arglists '([name docstring? attr-map? references*])
4614 :added "1.0"}
4615 [name & references]
4616 (let [process-reference
4617 (fn [[kname & args]]
4618 `(~(symbol "clojure.core" (clojure.core/name kname))
4619 ~@(map #(list 'quote %) args)))
4620 docstring (when (string? (first references)) (first references))
4621 references (if docstring (next references) references)
4622 name (if docstring
4623 (vary-meta name assoc :doc docstring)
4624 name)
4625 metadata (when (map? (first references)) (first references))
4626 references (if metadata (next references) references)
4627 name (if metadata
4628 (vary-meta name merge metadata)
4629 name)
4630 gen-class-clause (first (filter #(= :gen-class (first %)) references))
4631 gen-class-call
4632 (when gen-class-clause
4633 (list* `gen-class :name (.replace (str name) \- \_) :impl-ns name :main true (next gen-class-clause)))
4634 references (remove #(= :gen-class (first %)) references)
4635 ;ns-effect (clojure.core/in-ns name)
4637 `(do
4638 (clojure.core/in-ns '~name)
4639 (with-loading-context
4640 ~@(when gen-class-call (list gen-class-call))
4641 ~@(when (and (not= name 'clojure.core) (not-any? #(= :refer-clojure (first %)) references))
4642 `((clojure.core/refer '~'clojure.core)))
4643 ~@(map process-reference references)))))
4645 (defmacro refer-clojure
4646 "Same as (refer 'clojure.core <filters>)"
4647 {:added "1.0"}
4648 [& filters]
4649 `(clojure.core/refer '~'clojure.core ~@filters))
4651 (defmacro defonce
4652 "defs name to have the root value of the expr iff the named var has no root value,
4653 else expr is unevaluated"
4654 {:added "1.0"}
4655 [name expr]
4656 `(let [v# (def ~name)]
4657 (when-not (.hasRoot v#)
4658 (def ~name ~expr))))
4660 ;;;;;;;;;;; require/use/load, contributed by Stephen C. Gilardi ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
4662 (defonce
4663 ^{:private true
4664 :doc "A ref to a sorted set of symbols representing loaded libs"}
4665 *loaded-libs* (ref (sorted-set)))
4667 (defonce
4668 ^{:private true
4669 :doc "the set of paths currently being loaded by this thread"}
4670 *pending-paths* #{})
4672 (defonce
4673 ^{:private true :doc
4674 "True while a verbose load is pending"}
4675 *loading-verbosely* false)
4677 (defn- throw-if
4678 "Throws an exception with a message if pred is true"
4679 [pred fmt & args]
4680 (when pred
4681 (let [^String message (apply format fmt args)
4682 exception (Exception. message)
4683 raw-trace (.getStackTrace exception)
4684 boring? #(not= (.getMethodName ^StackTraceElement %) "doInvoke")
4685 trace (into-array (drop 2 (drop-while boring? raw-trace)))]
4686 (.setStackTrace exception trace)
4687 (throw exception))))
4689 (defn- libspec?
4690 "Returns true if x is a libspec"
4691 [x]
4692 (or (symbol? x)
4693 (and (vector? x)
4694 (or
4695 (nil? (second x))
4696 (keyword? (second x))))))
4698 (defn- prependss
4699 "Prepends a symbol or a seq to coll"
4700 [x coll]
4701 (if (symbol? x)
4702 (cons x coll)
4703 (concat x coll)))
4705 (defn- root-resource
4706 "Returns the root directory path for a lib"
4707 {:tag String}
4708 [lib]
4709 (str \/
4710 (.. (name lib)
4711 (replace \- \_)
4712 (replace \. \/))))
4714 (defn- root-directory
4715 "Returns the root resource path for a lib"
4716 [lib]
4717 (let [d (root-resource lib)]
4718 (subs d 0 (.lastIndexOf d "/"))))
4720 (declare load)
4722 (defn- load-one
4723 "Loads a lib given its name. If need-ns, ensures that the associated
4724 namespace exists after loading. If require, records the load so any
4725 duplicate loads can be skipped."
4726 [lib need-ns require]
4727 (load (root-resource lib))
4728 (throw-if (and need-ns (not (find-ns lib)))
4729 "namespace '%s' not found after loading '%s'"
4730 lib (root-resource lib))
4731 (when require
4732 (dosync
4733 (commute *loaded-libs* conj lib))))
4735 (defn- load-all
4736 "Loads a lib given its name and forces a load of any libs it directly or
4737 indirectly loads. If need-ns, ensures that the associated namespace
4738 exists after loading. If require, records the load so any duplicate loads
4739 can be skipped."
4740 [lib need-ns require]
4741 (dosync
4742 (commute *loaded-libs* #(reduce conj %1 %2)
4743 (binding [*loaded-libs* (ref (sorted-set))]
4744 (load-one lib need-ns require)
4745 @*loaded-libs*))))
4747 (defn- load-lib
4748 "Loads a lib with options"
4749 [prefix lib & options]
4750 (throw-if (and prefix (pos? (.indexOf (name lib) (int \.))))
4751 "lib names inside prefix lists must not contain periods")
4752 (let [lib (if prefix (symbol (str prefix \. lib)) lib)
4753 opts (apply hash-map options)
4754 {:keys [as reload reload-all require use verbose]} opts
4755 loaded (contains? @*loaded-libs* lib)
4756 load (cond reload-all
4757 load-all
4758 (or reload (not require) (not loaded))
4759 load-one)
4760 need-ns (or as use)
4761 filter-opts (select-keys opts '(:exclude :only :rename))]
4762 (binding [*loading-verbosely* (or *loading-verbosely* verbose)]
4763 (if load
4764 (load lib need-ns require)
4765 (throw-if (and need-ns (not (find-ns lib)))
4766 "namespace '%s' not found" lib))
4767 (when (and need-ns *loading-verbosely*)
4768 (printf "(clojure.core/in-ns '%s)\n" (ns-name *ns*)))
4769 (when as
4770 (when *loading-verbosely*
4771 (printf "(clojure.core/alias '%s '%s)\n" as lib))
4772 (alias as lib))
4773 (when use
4774 (when *loading-verbosely*
4775 (printf "(clojure.core/refer '%s" lib)
4776 (doseq [opt filter-opts]
4777 (printf " %s '%s" (key opt) (print-str (val opt))))
4778 (printf ")\n"))
4779 (apply refer lib (mapcat seq filter-opts))))))
4781 (defn- load-libs
4782 "Loads libs, interpreting libspecs, prefix lists, and flags for
4783 forwarding to load-lib"
4784 [& args]
4785 (let [flags (filter keyword? args)
4786 opts (interleave flags (repeat true))
4787 args (filter (complement keyword?) args)]
4788 ; check for unsupported options
4789 (let [supported #{:as :reload :reload-all :require :use :verbose}
4790 unsupported (seq (remove supported flags))]
4791 (throw-if unsupported
4792 (apply str "Unsupported option(s) supplied: "
4793 (interpose \, unsupported))))
4794 ; check a load target was specified
4795 (throw-if (not (seq args)) "Nothing specified to load")
4796 (doseq [arg args]
4797 (if (libspec? arg)
4798 (apply load-lib nil (prependss arg opts))
4799 (let [[prefix & args] arg]
4800 (throw-if (nil? prefix) "prefix cannot be nil")
4801 (doseq [arg args]
4802 (apply load-lib prefix (prependss arg opts))))))))
4804 ;; Public
4807 (defn require
4808 "Loads libs, skipping any that are already loaded. Each argument is
4809 either a libspec that identifies a lib, a prefix list that identifies
4810 multiple libs whose names share a common prefix, or a flag that modifies
4811 how all the identified libs are loaded. Use :require in the ns macro
4812 in preference to calling this directly.
4814 Libs
4816 A 'lib' is a named set of resources in classpath whose contents define a
4817 library of Clojure code. Lib names are symbols and each lib is associated
4818 with a Clojure namespace and a Java package that share its name. A lib's
4819 name also locates its root directory within classpath using Java's
4820 package name to classpath-relative path mapping. All resources in a lib
4821 should be contained in the directory structure under its root directory.
4822 All definitions a lib makes should be in its associated namespace.
4824 'require loads a lib by loading its root resource. The root resource path
4825 is derived from the lib name in the following manner:
4826 Consider a lib named by the symbol 'x.y.z; it has the root directory
4827 <classpath>/x/y/, and its root resource is <classpath>/x/y/z.clj. The root
4828 resource should contain code to create the lib's namespace (usually by using
4829 the ns macro) and load any additional lib resources.
4831 Libspecs
4833 A libspec is a lib name or a vector containing a lib name followed by
4834 options expressed as sequential keywords and arguments.
4836 Recognized options: :as
4837 :as takes a symbol as its argument and makes that symbol an alias to the
4838 lib's namespace in the current namespace.
4840 Prefix Lists
4842 It's common for Clojure code to depend on several libs whose names have
4843 the same prefix. When specifying libs, prefix lists can be used to reduce
4844 repetition. A prefix list contains the shared prefix followed by libspecs
4845 with the shared prefix removed from the lib names. After removing the
4846 prefix, the names that remain must not contain any periods.
4848 Flags
4850 A flag is a keyword.
4851 Recognized flags: :reload, :reload-all, :verbose
4852 :reload forces loading of all the identified libs even if they are
4853 already loaded
4854 :reload-all implies :reload and also forces loading of all libs that the
4855 identified libs directly or indirectly load via require or use
4856 :verbose triggers printing information about each load, alias, and refer
4858 Example:
4860 The following would load the libraries and clojure.set
4861 abbreviated as 's'.
4863 (require '(clojure zip [set :as s]))"
4864 {:added "1.0"}
4866 [& args]
4867 (apply load-libs :require args))
4869 (defn use
4870 "Like 'require, but also refers to each lib's namespace using
4871 clojure.core/refer. Use :use in the ns macro in preference to calling
4872 this directly.
4874 'use accepts additional options in libspecs: :exclude, :only, :rename.
4875 The arguments and semantics for :exclude, :only, and :rename are the same
4876 as those documented for clojure.core/refer."
4877 {:added "1.0"}
4878 [& args] (apply load-libs :require :use args))
4880 (defn loaded-libs
4881 "Returns a sorted set of symbols naming the currently loaded libs"
4882 {:added "1.0"}
4883 [] @*loaded-libs*)
4885 (defn load
4886 "Loads Clojure code from resources in classpath. A path is interpreted as
4887 classpath-relative if it begins with a slash or relative to the root
4888 directory for the current namespace otherwise."
4889 {:added "1.0"}
4890 [& paths]
4891 (doseq [^String path paths]
4892 (let [^String path (if (.startsWith path "/")
4893 path
4894 (str (root-directory (ns-name *ns*)) \/ path))]
4895 (when *loading-verbosely*
4896 (printf "(clojure.core/load \"%s\")\n" path)
4897 (flush))
4898 ; (throw-if (*pending-paths* path)
4899 ; "cannot load '%s' again while it is loading"
4900 ; path)
4901 (when-not (*pending-paths* path)
4902 (binding [*pending-paths* (conj *pending-paths* path)]
4903 (clojure.lang.RT/load (.substring path 1)))))))
4905 (defn compile
4906 "Compiles the namespace named by the symbol lib into a set of
4907 classfiles. The source for the lib must be in a proper
4908 classpath-relative directory. The output files will go into the
4909 directory specified by *compile-path*, and that directory too must
4910 be in the classpath."
4911 {:added "1.0"}
4912 [lib]
4913 (binding [*compile-files* true]
4914 (load-one lib true true))
4915 lib)
4917 ;;;;;;;;;;;;; nested associative ops ;;;;;;;;;;;
4919 (defn get-in
4920 "Returns the value in a nested associative structure,
4921 where ks is a sequence of ke(ys. Returns nil if the key is not present,
4922 or the not-found value if supplied."
4923 {:added "1.2"}
4924 ([m ks]
4925 (reduce get m ks))
4926 ([m ks not-found]
4927 (loop [sentinel (Object.)
4928 m m
4929 ks (seq ks)]
4930 (if ks
4931 (let [m (get m (first ks) sentinel)]
4932 (if (identical? sentinel m)
4933 not-found
4934 (recur sentinel m (next ks))))
4935 m))))
4937 (defn assoc-in
4938 "Associates a value in a nested associative structure, where ks is a
4939 sequence of keys and v is the new value and returns a new nested structure.
4940 If any levels do not exist, hash-maps will be created."
4941 {:added "1.0"}
4942 [m [k & ks] v]
4943 (if ks
4944 (assoc m k (assoc-in (get m k) ks v))
4945 (assoc m k v)))
4947 (defn update-in
4948 "'Updates' a value in a nested associative structure, where ks is a
4949 sequence of keys and f is a function that will take the old value
4950 and any supplied args and return the new value, and returns a new
4951 nested structure. If any levels do not exist, hash-maps will be
4952 created."
4953 {:added "1.0"}
4954 ([m [k & ks] f & args]
4955 (if ks
4956 (assoc m k (apply update-in (get m k) ks f args))
4957 (assoc m k (apply f (get m k) args)))))
4960 (defn empty?
4961 "Returns true if coll has no items - same as (not (seq coll)).
4962 Please use the idiom (seq x) rather than (not (empty? x))"
4963 {:added "1.0"}
4964 [coll] (not (seq coll)))
4966 (defn coll?
4967 "Returns true if x implements IPersistentCollection"
4968 {:added "1.0"}
4969 [x] (instance? clojure.lang.IPersistentCollection x))
4971 (defn list?
4972 "Returns true if x implements IPersistentList"
4973 {:added "1.0"}
4974 [x] (instance? clojure.lang.IPersistentList x))
4976 (defn set?
4977 "Returns true if x implements IPersistentSet"
4978 {:added "1.0"}
4979 [x] (instance? clojure.lang.IPersistentSet x))
4981 (defn ifn?
4982 "Returns true if x implements IFn. Note that many data structures
4983 (e.g. sets and maps) implement IFn"
4984 {:added "1.0"}
4985 [x] (instance? clojure.lang.IFn x))
4987 (defn fn?
4988 "Returns true if x implements Fn, i.e. is an object created via fn."
4989 {:added "1.0"}
4990 [x] (instance? clojure.lang.Fn x))
4993 (defn associative?
4994 "Returns true if coll implements Associative"
4995 {:added "1.0"}
4996 [coll] (instance? clojure.lang.Associative coll))
4998 (defn sequential?
4999 "Returns true if coll implements Sequential"
5000 {:added "1.0"}
5001 [coll] (instance? clojure.lang.Sequential coll))
5003 (defn sorted?
5004 "Returns true if coll implements Sorted"
5005 {:added "1.0"}
5006 [coll] (instance? clojure.lang.Sorted coll))
5008 (defn counted?
5009 "Returns true if coll implements count in constant time"
5010 {:added "1.0"}
5011 [coll] (instance? clojure.lang.Counted coll))
5013 (defn reversible?
5014 "Returns true if coll implements Reversible"
5015 {:added "1.0"}
5016 [coll] (instance? clojure.lang.Reversible coll))
5018 (def
5019 ^{:doc "bound in a repl thread to the most recent value printed"
5020 :added "1.0"}
5021 *1)
5023 (def
5024 ^{:doc "bound in a repl thread to the second most recent value printed"
5025 :added "1.0"}
5026 *2)
5028 (def
5029 ^{:doc "bound in a repl thread to the third most recent value printed"
5030 :added "1.0"}
5031 *3)
5033 (def
5034 ^{:doc "bound in a repl thread to the most recent exception caught by the repl"
5035 :added "1.0"}
5036 *e)
5038 (defn trampoline
5039 "trampoline can be used to convert algorithms requiring mutual
5040 recursion without stack consumption. Calls f with supplied args, if
5041 any. If f returns a fn, calls that fn with no arguments, and
5042 continues to repeat, until the return value is not a fn, then
5043 returns that non-fn value. Note that if you want to return a fn as a
5044 final value, you must wrap it in some data structure and unpack it
5045 after trampoline returns."
5046 {:added "1.0"}
5047 ([f]
5048 (let [ret (f)]
5049 (if (fn? ret)
5050 (recur ret)
5051 ret)))
5052 ([f & args]
5053 (trampoline #(apply f args))))
5055 (defn intern
5056 "Finds or creates a var named by the symbol name in the namespace
5057 ns (which can be a symbol or a namespace), setting its root binding
5058 to val if supplied. The namespace must exist. The var will adopt any
5059 metadata from the name symbol. Returns the var."
5060 {:added "1.0"}
5061 ([ns ^clojure.lang.Symbol name]
5062 (let [v (clojure.lang.Var/intern (the-ns ns) name)]
5063 (when (meta name) (.setMeta v (meta name)))
5064 v))
5065 ([ns name val]
5066 (let [v (clojure.lang.Var/intern (the-ns ns) name val)]
5067 (when (meta name) (.setMeta v (meta name)))
5068 v)))
5070 (defmacro while
5071 "Repeatedly executes body while test expression is true. Presumes
5072 some side-effect will cause test to become false/nil. Returns nil"
5073 {:added "1.0"}
5074 [test & body]
5075 `(loop []
5076 (when ~test
5077 ~@body
5078 (recur))))
5080 (defn memoize
5081 "Returns a memoized version of a referentially transparent function. The
5082 memoized version of the function keeps a cache of the mapping from arguments
5083 to results and, when calls with the same arguments are repeated often, has
5084 higher performance at the expense of higher memory use."
5085 {:added "1.0"}
5086 [f]
5087 (let [mem (atom {})]
5088 (fn [& args]
5089 (if-let [e (find @mem args)]
5090 (val e)
5091 (let [ret (apply f args)]
5092 (swap! mem assoc args ret)
5093 ret)))))
5095 (defmacro condp
5096 "Takes a binary predicate, an expression, and a set of clauses.
5097 Each clause can take the form of either:
5099 test-expr result-expr
5101 test-expr :>> result-fn
5103 Note :>> is an ordinary keyword.
5105 For each clause, (pred test-expr expr) is evaluated. If it returns
5106 logical true, the clause is a match. If a binary clause matches, the
5107 result-expr is returned, if a ternary clause matches, its result-fn,
5108 which must be a unary function, is called with the result of the
5109 predicate as its argument, the result of that call being the return
5110 value of condp. A single default expression can follow the clauses,
5111 and its value will be returned if no clause matches. If no default
5112 expression is provided and no clause matches, an
5113 IllegalArgumentException is thrown."
5114 {:added "1.0"}
5116 [pred expr & clauses]
5117 (let [gpred (gensym "pred__")
5118 gexpr (gensym "expr__")
5119 emit (fn emit [pred expr args]
5120 (let [[[a b c :as clause] more]
5121 (split-at (if (= :>> (second args)) 3 2) args)
5122 n (count clause)]
5123 (cond
5124 (= 0 n) `(throw (IllegalArgumentException. (str "No matching clause: " ~expr)))
5125 (= 1 n) a
5126 (= 2 n) `(if (~pred ~a ~expr)
5127 ~b
5128 ~(emit pred expr more))
5129 :else `(if-let [p# (~pred ~a ~expr)]
5130 (~c p#)
5131 ~(emit pred expr more)))))
5132 gres (gensym "res__")]
5133 `(let [~gpred ~pred
5134 ~gexpr ~expr]
5135 ~(emit gpred gexpr clauses))))
5137 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; var documentation ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
5139 (alter-meta! #'*agent* assoc :added "1.0")
5140 (alter-meta! #'in-ns assoc :added "1.0")
5141 (alter-meta! #'load-file assoc :added "1.0")
5143 (defmacro add-doc-and-meta {:private true} [name docstring meta]
5144 `(alter-meta! (var ~name) merge (assoc ~meta :doc ~docstring)))
5146 (add-doc-and-meta *file*
5147 "The path of the file being evaluated, as a String.
5149 Evaluates to nil when there is no file, eg. in the REPL."
5150 {:added "1.0"})
5152 (add-doc-and-meta *command-line-args*
5153 "A sequence of the supplied command line arguments, or nil if
5154 none were supplied"
5155 {:added "1.0"})
5157 (add-doc-and-meta *warn-on-reflection*
5158 "When set to true, the compiler will emit warnings when reflection is
5159 needed to resolve Java method calls or field accesses.
5161 Defaults to false."
5162 {:added "1.0"})
5164 (add-doc-and-meta *compile-path*
5165 "Specifies the directory where 'compile' will write out .class
5166 files. This directory must be in the classpath for 'compile' to
5167 work.
5169 Defaults to \"classes\""
5170 {:added "1.0"})
5172 (add-doc-and-meta *compile-files*
5173 "Set to true when compiling files, false otherwise."
5174 {:added "1.0"})
5176 (add-doc-and-meta *ns*
5177 "A clojure.lang.Namespace object representing the current namespace."
5178 {:added "1.0"})
5180 (add-doc-and-meta *in*
5181 "A object representing standard input for read operations.
5183 Defaults to System/in, wrapped in a LineNumberingPushbackReader"
5184 {:added "1.0"})
5186 (add-doc-and-meta *out*
5187 "A object representing standard output for print operations.
5189 Defaults to System/out"
5190 {:added "1.0"})
5192 (add-doc-and-meta *err*
5193 "A object representing standard error for print operations.
5195 Defaults to System/err, wrapped in a PrintWriter"
5196 {:added "1.0"})
5198 (add-doc-and-meta *flush-on-newline*
5199 "When set to true, output will be flushed whenever a newline is printed.
5201 Defaults to true."
5202 {:added "1.0"})
5204 (add-doc-and-meta *print-meta*
5205 "If set to logical true, when printing an object, its metadata will also
5206 be printed in a form that can be read back by the reader.
5208 Defaults to false."
5209 {:added "1.0"})
5211 (add-doc-and-meta *print-dup*
5212 "When set to logical true, objects will be printed in a way that preserves
5213 their type when read in later.
5215 Defaults to false."
5216 {:added "1.0"})
5218 (add-doc-and-meta *print-readably*
5219 "When set to logical false, strings and characters will be printed with
5220 non-alphanumeric characters converted to the appropriate escape sequences.
5222 Defaults to true"
5223 {:added "1.0"})
5225 (add-doc-and-meta *read-eval*
5226 "When set to logical false, the EvalReader (#=(...)) is disabled in the
5227 read/load in the thread-local binding.
5228 Example: (binding [*read-eval* false] (read-string \"#=(eval (def x 3))\"))
5230 Defaults to true"
5231 {:added "1.0"})
5233 (defn future?
5234 "Returns true if x is a future"
5235 {:added "1.1"}
5236 [x] (instance? java.util.concurrent.Future x))
5238 (defn future-done?
5239 "Returns true if future f is done"
5240 {:added "1.1"}
5241 [^java.util.concurrent.Future f] (.isDone f))
5244 (defmacro letfn
5245 "Takes a vector of function specs and a body, and generates a set of
5246 bindings of functions to their names. All of the names are available
5247 in all of the definitions of the functions, as well as the body.
5249 fnspec ==> (fname [params*] exprs) or (fname ([params*] exprs)+)"
5250 {:added "1.0"}
5251 [fnspecs & body]
5252 `(letfn* ~(vec (interleave (map first fnspecs)
5253 (map #(cons `fn %) fnspecs)))
5254 ~@body))
5257 ;;;;;;; case ;;;;;;;;;;;;;
5258 (defn- shift-mask [shift mask x]
5259 (-> x (bit-shift-right shift) (bit-and mask)))
5261 (defn- min-hash
5262 "takes a collection of keys and returns [shift mask]"
5263 [keys]
5264 (let [hashes (map hash keys)
5265 cnt (count keys)]
5266 (when-not (apply distinct? hashes)
5267 (throw (IllegalArgumentException. "Hashes must be distinct")))
5268 (or (first
5269 (filter (fn [[s m]]
5270 (apply distinct? (map #(shift-mask s m %) hashes)))
5271 (for [mask (map #(dec (bit-shift-left 1 %)) (range 1 14))
5272 shift (range 0 31)]
5273 [shift mask])))
5274 (throw (IllegalArgumentException. "No distinct mapping found")))))
5276 (defmacro case
5277 "Takes an expression, and a set of clauses.
5279 Each clause can take the form of either:
5281 test-constant result-expr
5283 (test-constant1 ... test-constantN) result-expr
5285 The test-constants are not evaluated. They must be compile-time
5286 literals, and need not be quoted. If the expression is equal to a
5287 test-constant, the corresponding result-expr is returned. A single
5288 default expression can follow the clauses, and its value will be
5289 returned if no clause matches. If no default expression is provided
5290 and no clause matches, an IllegalArgumentException is thrown.
5292 Unlike cond and condp, case does a constant-time dispatch, the
5293 clauses are not considered sequentially. All manner of constant
5294 expressions are acceptable in case, including numbers, strings,
5295 symbols, keywords, and (Clojure) composites thereof. Note that since
5296 lists are used to group multiple constants that map to the same
5297 expression, a vector can be used to match a list if needed. The
5298 test-constants need not be all of the same type."
5299 {:added "1.2"}
5301 [e & clauses]
5302 (let [ge (with-meta (gensym) {:tag Object})
5303 default (if (odd? (count clauses))
5304 (last clauses)
5305 `(throw (IllegalArgumentException. (str "No matching clause: " ~ge))))
5306 cases (partition 2 clauses)
5307 case-map (reduce (fn [m [test expr]]
5308 (if (seq? test)
5309 (into m (zipmap test (repeat expr)))
5310 (assoc m test expr)))
5311 {} cases)
5312 [shift mask] (if (seq case-map) (min-hash (keys case-map)) [0 0])
5314 hmap (reduce (fn [m [test expr :as te]]
5315 (assoc m (shift-mask shift mask (hash test)) te))
5316 (sorted-map) case-map)]
5317 `(let [~ge ~e]
5318 ~(condp = (count clauses)
5319 0 default
5320 1 default
5321 `(case* ~ge ~shift ~mask ~(key (first hmap)) ~(key (last hmap)) ~default ~hmap
5322 ~(every? keyword? (keys case-map)))))))
5324 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; helper files ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
5325 (alter-meta! (find-ns 'clojure.core) assoc :doc "Fundamental library of the Clojure language")
5326 (load "core_proxy")
5327 (load "core_print")
5328 (load "genclass")
5329 (load "core_deftype")
5330 (load "core/protocols")
5331 (load "gvec")
5333 ;; redefine reduce with internal-reduce
5334 #_(defn reduce
5335 "f should be a function of 2 arguments. If val is not supplied,
5336 returns the result of applying f to the first 2 items in coll, then
5337 applying f to that result and the 3rd item, etc. If coll contains no
5338 items, f must accept no arguments as well, and reduce returns the
5339 result of calling f with no arguments. If coll has only 1 item, it
5340 is returned and f is not called. If val is supplied, returns the
5341 result of applying f to val and the first item in coll, then
5342 applying f to that result and the 2nd item, etc. If coll contains no
5343 items, returns val and f is not called."
5344 {:added "1.0"}
5345 ([f coll]
5346 (if-let [s (seq coll)]
5347 (reduce f (first s) (next s))
5348 (f)))
5349 ([f val coll]
5350 (let [s (seq coll)]
5351 (clojure.core.protocols/internal-reduce s f val))))
5353 (require '[ :as jio])
5355 (defn- normalize-slurp-opts
5356 [opts]
5357 (if (string? (first opts))
5358 (do
5359 (println "WARNING: (slurp f enc) is deprecated, use (slurp f :encoding enc).")
5360 [:encoding (first opts)])
5361 opts))
5363 (defn slurp
5364 "Reads the file named by f using the encoding enc into a string
5365 and returns it."
5366 {:added "1.0"}
5367 ([f & opts]
5368 (let [opts (normalize-slurp-opts opts)
5369 sb (StringBuilder.)]
5370 (with-open [#^ r (apply jio/reader f opts)]
5371 (loop [c (.read r)]
5372 (if (neg? c)
5373 (str sb)
5374 (do
5375 (.append sb (char c))
5376 (recur (.read r)))))))))
5378 (defn spit
5379 "Opposite of slurp. Opens f with writer, writes content, then
5380 closes f. Options passed to"
5381 {:added "1.2"}
5382 [f content & options]
5383 (with-open [#^ w (apply jio/writer f options)]
5384 (.write w (str content))))
5386 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; futures (needs proxy);;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
5387 (defn future-call
5388 "Takes a function of no args and yields a future object that will
5389 invoke the function in another thread, and will cache the result and
5390 return it on all subsequent calls to deref/@. If the computation has
5391 not yet finished, calls to deref/@ will block."
5392 {:added "1.1"}
5393 [^Callable f]
5394 (let [fut (.submit clojure.lang.Agent/soloExecutor f)]
5395 (reify
5396 clojure.lang.IDeref
5397 (deref [_] (.get fut))
5398 java.util.concurrent.Future
5399 (get [_] (.get fut))
5400 (get [_ timeout unit] (.get fut timeout unit))
5401 (isCancelled [_] (.isCancelled fut))
5402 (isDone [_] (.isDone fut))
5403 (cancel [_ interrupt?] (.cancel fut interrupt?)))))
5405 (defmacro future
5406 "Takes a body of expressions and yields a future object that will
5407 invoke the body in another thread, and will cache the result and
5408 return it on all subsequent calls to deref/@. If the computation has
5409 not yet finished, calls to deref/@ will block."
5410 {:added "1.1"}
5411 [& body] `(future-call (^{:once true} fn* [] ~@body)))
5414 (defn future-cancel
5415 "Cancels the future, if possible."
5416 {:added "1.1"}
5417 [^java.util.concurrent.Future f] (.cancel f true))
5419 (defn future-cancelled?
5420 "Returns true if future f is cancelled"
5421 {:added "1.1"}
5422 [^java.util.concurrent.Future f] (.isCancelled f))
5424 (defn pmap
5425 "Like map, except f is applied in parallel. Semi-lazy in that the
5426 parallel computation stays ahead of the consumption, but doesn't
5427 realize the entire result unless required. Only useful for
5428 computationally intensive functions where the time of f dominates
5429 the coordination overhead."
5430 {:added "1.0"}
5431 ([f coll]
5432 (let [n (+ 2 (.. Runtime getRuntime availableProcessors))
5433 rets (map #(future (f %)) coll)
5434 step (fn step [[x & xs :as vs] fs]
5435 (lazy-seq
5436 (if-let [s (seq fs)]
5437 (cons (deref x) (step xs (rest s)))
5438 (map deref vs))))]
5439 (step rets (drop n rets))))
5440 ([f coll & colls]
5441 (let [step (fn step [cs]
5442 (lazy-seq
5443 (let [ss (map seq cs)]
5444 (when (every? identity ss)
5445 (cons (map first ss) (step (map rest ss)))))))]
5446 (pmap #(apply f %) (step (cons coll colls))))))
5448 (defn pcalls
5449 "Executes the no-arg fns in parallel, returning a lazy sequence of
5450 their values"
5451 {:added "1.0"}
5452 [& fns] (pmap #(%) fns))
5454 (defmacro pvalues
5455 "Returns a lazy sequence of the values of the exprs, which are
5456 evaluated in parallel"
5457 {:added "1.0"}
5458 [& exprs]
5459 `(pcalls ~@(map #(list `fn [] %) exprs)))
5462 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; clojure version number ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
5464 (let [version-stream (.getResourceAsStream (clojure.lang.RT/baseLoader)
5465 "clojure/")
5466 properties (doto (new java.util.Properties) (.load version-stream))
5467 prop (fn [k] (.getProperty properties (str "clojure.version." k)))
5468 clojure-version {:major (Integer/valueOf ^String (prop "major"))
5469 :minor (Integer/valueOf ^String (prop "minor"))
5470 :incremental (Integer/valueOf ^String (prop "incremental"))
5471 :qualifier (prop "qualifier")}]
5472 (def *clojure-version*
5473 (if (not (= (prop "interim") "false"))
5474 (clojure.lang.RT/assoc clojure-version :interim true)
5475 clojure-version)))
5477 (add-doc-and-meta *clojure-version*
5478 "The version info for Clojure core, as a map containing :major :minor
5479 :incremental and :qualifier keys. Feature releases may increment
5480 :minor and/or :major, bugfix releases will increment :incremental.
5481 Possible values of :qualifier include \"GA\", \"SNAPSHOT\", \"RC-x\" \"BETA-x\""
5482 {:added "1.0"})
5484 (defn
5485 clojure-version
5486 "Returns clojure version as a printable string."
5487 {:added "1.0"}
5488 []
5489 (str (:major *clojure-version*)
5490 "."
5491 (:minor *clojure-version*)
5492 (when-let [i (:incremental *clojure-version*)]
5493 (str "." i))
5494 (when-let [q (:qualifier *clojure-version*)]
5495 (when (pos? (count q)) (str "-" q)))
5496 (when (:interim *clojure-version*)
5497 "-SNAPSHOT")))
5499 (defn promise
5500 "Alpha - subject to change.
5501 Returns a promise object that can be read with deref/@, and set,
5502 once only, with deliver. Calls to deref/@ prior to delivery will
5503 block. All subsequent derefs will return the same delivered value
5504 without blocking."
5505 {:added "1.1"}
5506 []
5507 (let [d (java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch. 1)
5508 v (atom nil)]
5509 (reify
5510 clojure.lang.IDeref
5511 (deref [_] (.await d) @v)
5512 clojure.lang.IFn
5513 (invoke [this x]
5514 (locking d
5515 (if (pos? (.getCount d))
5516 (do (reset! v x)
5517 (.countDown d)
5518 this)
5519 (throw (IllegalStateException. "Multiple deliver calls to a promise"))))))))
5521 (defn deliver
5522 "Alpha - subject to change.
5523 Delivers the supplied value to the promise, releasing any pending
5524 derefs. A subsequent call to deliver on a promise will throw an exception."
5525 {:added "1.1"}
5526 [promise val] (promise val))
5530 (defn flatten
5531 "Takes any nested combination of sequential things (lists, vectors,
5532 etc.) and returns their contents as a single, flat sequence.
5533 (flatten nil) returns nil."
5534 {:added "1.2"}
5535 [x]
5536 (filter (complement sequential?)
5537 (rest (tree-seq sequential? seq x))))
5539 (defn group-by
5540 "Returns a map of the elements of coll keyed by the result of
5541 f on each element. The value at each key will be a vector of the
5542 corresponding elements, in the order they appeared in coll."
5543 {:added "1.2"}
5544 [f coll]
5545 (persistent!
5546 (reduce
5547 (fn [ret x]
5548 (let [k (f x)]
5549 (assoc! ret k (conj (get ret k []) x))))
5550 (transient {}) coll)))
5552 (defn partition-by
5553 "Applies f to each value in coll, splitting it each time f returns
5554 a new value. Returns a lazy seq of partitions."
5555 {:added "1.2"}
5556 [f coll]
5557 (lazy-seq
5558 (when-let [s (seq coll)]
5559 (let [fst (first s)
5560 fv (f fst)
5561 run (cons fst (take-while #(= fv (f %)) (rest s)))]
5562 (cons run (partition-by f (drop (count run) s)))))))
5564 (defn frequencies
5565 "Returns a map from distinct items in coll to the number of times
5566 they appear."
5567 {:added "1.2"}
5568 [coll]
5569 (persistent!
5570 (reduce (fn [counts x]
5571 (assoc! counts x (inc (get counts x 0))))
5572 (transient {}) coll)))
5574 (defn reductions
5575 "Returns a lazy seq of the intermediate values of the reduction (as
5576 per reduce) of coll by f, starting with init."
5577 {:added "1.2"}
5578 ([f coll]
5579 (lazy-seq
5580 (if-let [s (seq coll)]
5581 (reductions f (first s) (rest s))
5582 (list (f)))))
5583 ([f init coll]
5584 (cons init
5585 (lazy-seq
5586 (when-let [s (seq coll)]
5587 (reductions f (f init (first s)) (rest s)))))))
5589 (defn rand-nth
5590 "Return a random element of the (sequential) collection. Will have
5591 the same performance characteristics as nth for the given
5592 collection."
5593 {:added "1.2"}
5594 [coll]
5595 (nth coll (rand-int (count coll))))
5597 (defn partition-all
5598 "Returns a lazy sequence of lists like partition, but may include
5599 partitions with fewer than n items at the end."
5600 {:added "1.2"}
5601 ([n coll]
5602 (partition-all n n coll))
5603 ([n step coll]
5604 (lazy-seq
5605 (when-let [s (seq coll)]
5606 (cons (take n s) (partition-all n step (drop step s)))))))
5608 (defn shuffle
5609 "Return a random permutation of coll"
5610 {:added "1.2"}
5611 [coll]
5612 (let [al (java.util.ArrayList. coll)]
5613 (java.util.Collections/shuffle al)
5614 (clojure.lang.RT/vector (.toArray al))))
5616 (defn map-indexed
5617 "Returns a lazy sequence consisting of the result of applying f to 0
5618 and the first item of coll, followed by applying f to 1 and the second
5619 item in coll, etc, until coll is exhausted. Thus function f should
5620 accept 2 arguments, index and item."
5621 {:added "1.2"}
5622 [f coll]
5623 (letfn [(mapi [idx coll]
5624 (lazy-seq
5625 (when-let [s (seq coll)]
5626 (if (chunked-seq? s)
5627 (let [c (chunk-first s)
5628 size (int (count c))
5629 b (chunk-buffer size)]
5630 (dotimes [i size]
5631 (chunk-append b (f (+ idx i) (.nth c i))))
5632 (chunk-cons (chunk b) (mapi (+ idx size) (chunk-rest s))))
5633 (cons (f idx (first s)) (mapi (inc idx) (rest s)))))))]
5634 (mapi 0 coll)))
5636 (defn keep
5637 "Returns a lazy sequence of the non-nil results of (f item). Note,
5638 this means false return values will be included. f must be free of
5639 side-effects."
5640 {:added "1.2"}
5641 ([f coll]
5642 (lazy-seq
5643 (when-let [s (seq coll)]
5644 (if (chunked-seq? s)
5645 (let [c (chunk-first s)
5646 size (count c)
5647 b (chunk-buffer size)]
5648 (dotimes [i size]
5649 (let [x (f (.nth c i))]
5650 (when-not (nil? x)
5651 (chunk-append b x))))
5652 (chunk-cons (chunk b) (keep f (chunk-rest s))))
5653 (let [x (f (first s))]
5654 (if (nil? x)
5655 (keep f (rest s))
5656 (cons x (keep f (rest s))))))))))
5658 (defn keep-indexed
5659 "Returns a lazy sequence of the non-nil results of (f index item). Note,
5660 this means false return values will be included. f must be free of
5661 side-effects."
5662 {:added "1.2"}
5663 ([f coll]
5664 (letfn [(keepi [idx coll]
5665 (lazy-seq
5666 (when-let [s (seq coll)]
5667 (if (chunked-seq? s)
5668 (let [c (chunk-first s)
5669 size (count c)
5670 b (chunk-buffer size)]
5671 (dotimes [i size]
5672 (let [x (f (+ idx i) (.nth c i))]
5673 (when-not (nil? x)
5674 (chunk-append b x))))
5675 (chunk-cons (chunk b) (keepi (+ idx size) (chunk-rest s))))
5676 (let [x (f idx (first s))]
5677 (if (nil? x)
5678 (keepi (inc idx) (rest s))
5679 (cons x (keepi (inc idx) (rest s)))))))))]
5680 (keepi 0 coll))))
5682 (defn fnil
5683 "Takes a function f, and returns a function that calls f, replacing
5684 a nil first argument to f with the supplied value x. Higher arity
5685 versions can replace arguments in the second and third
5686 positions (y, z). Note that the function f can take any number of
5687 arguments, not just the one(s) being nil-patched."
5688 {:added "1.2"}
5689 ([f x]
5690 (fn
5691 ([a] (f (if (nil? a) x a)))
5692 ([a b] (f (if (nil? a) x a) b))
5693 ([a b c] (f (if (nil? a) x a) b c))
5694 ([a b c & ds] (apply f (if (nil? a) x a) b c ds))))
5695 ([f x y]
5696 (fn
5697 ([a b] (f (if (nil? a) x a) (if (nil? b) y b)))
5698 ([a b c] (f (if (nil? a) x a) (if (nil? b) y b) c))
5699 ([a b c & ds] (apply f (if (nil? a) x a) (if (nil? b) y b) c ds))))
5700 ([f x y z]
5701 (fn
5702 ([a b] (f (if (nil? a) x a) (if (nil? b) y b)))
5703 ([a b c] (f (if (nil? a) x a) (if (nil? b) y b) (if (nil? c) z c)))
5704 ([a b c & ds] (apply f (if (nil? a) x a) (if (nil? b) y b) (if (nil? c) z c) ds)))))
5706 (defn- ^{:dynamic true} assert-valid-fdecl
5707 "A good fdecl looks like (([a] ...) ([a b] ...)) near the end of defn."
5708 [fdecl]
5709 (if-let [bad-args (seq (remove #(vector? %) (map first fdecl)))]
5710 (throw (IllegalArgumentException. (str "Parameter declaration " (first bad-args) " should be a vector")))))