view src/clojure/contrib/types.clj @ 10:ef7dbbd6452c

added clojure source goodness
author Robert McIntyre <>
date Sat, 21 Aug 2010 06:25:44 -0400
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line source
1 ;; Data types
3 ;; by Konrad Hinsen
4 ;; last updated May 3, 2009
6 ;; Copyright (c) Konrad Hinsen, 2009. All rights reserved. The use
7 ;; and distribution terms for this software are covered by the Eclipse
8 ;; Public License 1.0 (
9 ;; which can be found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this
10 ;; distribution. By using this software in any fashion, you are
11 ;; agreeing to be bound by the terms of this license. You must not
12 ;; remove this notice, or any other, from this software.
14 (ns
15 ^{:author "Konrad Hinsen"
16 :doc "General and algebraic data types"}
17 clojure.contrib.types
18 (:refer-clojure :exclude (deftype))
19 (:use [clojure.contrib.def :only (name-with-attributes)]))
21 ;
22 ; Utility functions
23 ;
24 (defn- qualified-symbol
25 [s]
26 (symbol (str *ns*) (str s)))
28 (defn- qualified-keyword
29 [s]
30 (keyword (str *ns*) (str s)))
32 (defn- unqualified-symbol
33 [s]
34 (let [s-str (str s)]
35 (symbol (subs s-str (inc (.indexOf s-str (int \/)))))))
37 (defn- resolve-symbol
38 [s]
39 (if-let [var (resolve s)]
40 (symbol (str (.ns var)) (str (.sym var)))
41 s))
43 ;
44 ; Data type definition
45 ;
46 (defmulti deconstruct type)
48 (defmulti constructor-form type)
49 (defmethod constructor-form :default
50 [o] nil)
51 (defmethod constructor-form ::type
52 [o] (cons (::constructor (meta o)) (deconstruct o)))
54 (defmacro deftype
55 "Define a data type by a type tag (a namespace-qualified keyword)
56 and a symbol naming the constructor function. Optionally, a
57 constructor and a deconstructor function can be given as well,
58 the defaults being clojure.core/identity and clojure.core/list.
59 The full constructor associated with constructor-name calls the
60 constructor function and attaches the type tag to its result
61 as metadata. The deconstructor function must return the arguments
62 to be passed to the constructor in order to create an equivalent
63 object. It is used for printing and matching."
64 {:arglists
65 '([type-tag constructor-name docstring? attr-map?]
66 [type-tag constructor-name docstring? attr-map? constructor]
67 [type-tag constructor-name docstring? attr-map? constructor deconstructor])}
68 [type-tag constructor-name & options]
69 (let [[constructor-name options] (name-with-attributes
70 constructor-name options)
71 [constructor deconstructor] options
72 constructor (if (nil? constructor)
73 'clojure.core/identity
74 constructor)
75 deconstructor (if (nil? deconstructor)
76 'clojure.core/list
77 deconstructor)]
78 `(do
79 (derive ~type-tag ::type)
80 (let [meta-map# {:type ~type-tag
81 ::constructor
82 (quote ~(qualified-symbol constructor-name))}]
83 (def ~constructor-name
84 (comp (fn [~'x] (with-meta ~'x meta-map#)) ~constructor))
85 (defmethod deconstruct ~type-tag [~'x]
86 (~deconstructor (with-meta ~'x {})))))))
88 (defmacro deftype-
89 "Same as deftype but the constructor is private."
90 [type-tag constructor-name & optional]
91 `(deftype ~type-tag
92 ~(vary-meta constructor-name assoc :private true)
93 ~@optional))
95 (defmethod print-method ::type [o w]
96 (let [cf (constructor-form o)]
97 (if (symbol? cf)
98 (print-method (unqualified-symbol cf) w)
99 (print-method (cons (unqualified-symbol (first cf)) (rest cf)) w))))
101 ;
102 ; Algebraic types
103 ;
104 (derive ::adt ::type)
106 (defmethod constructor-form ::adt
107 [o]
108 (let [v (vals o)]
109 (if (= 1 (count v))
110 (first v)
111 v)))
113 (defn- constructor-code
114 [meta-map-symbol constructor]
115 (if (symbol? constructor)
116 `(def ~constructor
117 (with-meta {::tag (quote ~(qualified-symbol constructor))}
118 ~meta-map-symbol))
119 (let [[name & args] constructor
120 keys (cons ::tag (map (comp keyword str) args))]
121 (if (empty? args)
122 (throw (IllegalArgumentException. "zero argument constructor"))
123 `(let [~'basis (create-struct ~@keys)]
124 (defn ~name ~(vec args)
125 (with-meta (struct ~'basis (quote ~(qualified-symbol name)) ~@args)
126 ~meta-map-symbol)))))))
128 (defmacro defadt
129 "Define an algebraic data type name by an exhaustive list of constructors.
130 Each constructor can be a symbol (argument-free constructor) or a
131 list consisting of a tag symbol followed by the argument symbols.
132 The data type tag must be a keyword."
133 [type-tag & constructors]
134 (let [meta-map-symbol (gensym "mm")]
135 `(let [~meta-map-symbol {:type ~type-tag}]
136 (derive ~type-tag ::adt)
137 ~@(map (partial constructor-code meta-map-symbol) constructors)
138 )))
140 ;
141 ; Matching templates
142 ;
143 (defn- symbol-tests-and-bindings
144 [template vsymbol]
145 [`(= (quote ~(resolve-symbol template)) ~vsymbol)
146 []])
148 (defn- sequential-tests-and-bindings
149 [template vsymbol]
150 (let [enum-values (map list template (range (count template)))
151 ; Non-symbols in the template create an equality test with the
152 ; corresponding value in the object's value list
153 tests (map (fn [[v i]] `(= ~v (nth ~vsymbol ~i)))
154 (filter (complement #(symbol? (first %))) enum-values))
155 ; Symbols in the template become bindings to the corresponding
156 ; value in the object. However, if a symbol occurs more than once,
157 ; only one binding is generated, and equality tests are added
158 ; for the other values.
159 bindings (reduce (fn [map [symbol index]]
160 (assoc map symbol
161 (conj (get map symbol []) index)))
162 {}
163 (filter #(symbol? (first %)) enum-values))
164 tests (concat tests
165 (map (fn [[symbol indices]]
166 (cons `= (map #(list `nth vsymbol %) indices)))
167 (filter #(> (count (second %)) 1) bindings)))
168 bindings (mapcat (fn [[symbol indices]]
169 [symbol (list `nth vsymbol (first indices))])
170 bindings)]
171 [tests (vec bindings)]))
173 (defn- constr-tests-and-bindings
174 [template cfsymbol]
175 (let [[tag & values] template
176 cfasymbol (gensym)
177 [tests bindings] (sequential-tests-and-bindings values cfasymbol)
178 argtests (if (empty? tests)
179 tests
180 `((let [~cfasymbol (rest ~cfsymbol)] ~@tests)))]
181 [`(and (seq? ~cfsymbol)
182 (= (quote ~(resolve-symbol tag)) (first ~cfsymbol))
183 ~@argtests)
184 `[~cfasymbol (rest ~cfsymbol) ~@bindings]]))
186 (defn- list-tests-and-bindings
187 [template vsymbol]
188 (let [[tests bindings] (sequential-tests-and-bindings template vsymbol)]
189 [`(and (list? ~vsymbol) ~@tests)
190 bindings]))
192 (defn- vector-tests-and-bindings
193 [template vsymbol]
194 (let [[tests bindings] (sequential-tests-and-bindings template vsymbol)]
195 [`(and (vector? ~vsymbol) ~@tests)
196 bindings]))
198 (defn- map-tests-and-bindings
199 [template vsymbol]
200 (let [; First test if the given keys are all present.
201 tests (map (fn [[k v]] `(contains? ~vsymbol ~k)) template)
202 ; Non-symbols in the template create an equality test with the
203 ; corresponding value in the object's value list.
204 tests (concat tests
205 (map (fn [[k v]] `(= ~v (~k ~vsymbol)))
206 (filter (complement #(symbol? (second %))) template)))
207 ; Symbols in the template become bindings to the corresponding
208 ; value in the object. However, if a symbol occurs more than once,
209 ; only one binding is generated, and equality tests are added
210 ; for the other values.
211 bindings (reduce (fn [map [key symbol]]
212 (assoc map symbol
213 (conj (get map symbol []) key)))
214 {}
215 (filter #(symbol? (second %)) template))
216 tests (concat tests
217 (map (fn [[symbol keys]]
218 (cons `= (map #(list % vsymbol) keys)))
219 (filter #(> (count (second %)) 1) bindings)))
220 bindings (mapcat (fn [[symbol keys]]
221 [symbol (list (first keys) vsymbol)])
222 bindings)]
223 [`(and (map? ~vsymbol) ~@tests)
224 (vec bindings)]))
226 (defn- tests-and-bindings
227 [template vsymbol cfsymbol]
228 (cond (symbol? template)
229 (symbol-tests-and-bindings template cfsymbol)
230 (seq? template)
231 (if (= (first template) 'quote)
232 (list-tests-and-bindings (second template) vsymbol)
233 (constr-tests-and-bindings template cfsymbol))
234 (vector? template)
235 (vector-tests-and-bindings template vsymbol)
236 (map? template)
237 (map-tests-and-bindings template vsymbol)
238 :else
239 (throw (IllegalArgumentException. "illegal template for match"))))
241 (defmacro match
242 "Given a value and a list of template-expr clauses, evaluate the first
243 expr whose template matches the value. There are four kinds of templates:
244 1) Lists of the form (tag x1 x2 ...) match instances of types
245 whose constructor has the same form as the list.
246 2) Quoted lists of the form '(x1 x2 ...) match lists of the same
247 length.
248 3) Vectors of the form [x1 x2 ...] match vectors of the same length.
249 4) Maps of the form {:key1 x1 :key2 x2 ...} match maps that have
250 the same keys as the template, but which can have additional keys
251 that are not part of the template.
252 The values x1, x2, ... can be symbols or non-symbol values. Non-symbols
253 must be equal to the corresponding values in the object to be matched.
254 Symbols will be bound to the corresponding value in the object in the
255 evaluation of expr. If the same symbol occurs more than once in a,
256 template the corresponding elements of the object must be equal
257 for the template to match."
258 [value & clauses]
259 (when (odd? (count clauses))
260 (throw (Exception. "Odd number of elements in match expression")))
261 (let [vsymbol (gensym)
262 cfsymbol (gensym)
263 terms (mapcat (fn [[template expr]]
264 (if (= template :else)
265 [template expr]
266 (let [[tests bindings]
267 (tests-and-bindings template vsymbol cfsymbol)]
268 [tests
269 (if (empty? bindings)
270 expr
271 `(let ~bindings ~expr))])))
272 (partition 2 clauses))]
273 `(let [~vsymbol ~value
274 ~cfsymbol (constructor-form ~vsymbol)]
275 (cond ~@terms))))