view src/clojure/contrib/test_contrib/test_mock.clj @ 10:ef7dbbd6452c

added clojure source goodness
author Robert McIntyre <>
date Sat, 21 Aug 2010 06:25:44 -0400
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line source
1 (ns clojure.contrib.test-mock
2 (:use clojure.test)
3 (:require [clojure.contrib.mock :as mock]))
5 ; Used as dummy dependency functions
6 (defn fn1 {:dynamic true} [x] :ignore)
7 (defn fn2 {:dynamic true} [x y] :ignore)
8 (defn fn3 {:dynamic true} ([x] :ignore)
9 ([x y z] :ignore))
10 (defn fn4 {:dynamic true} [x y & r] :ignore)
12 ;functions created using fn directly lack the argslist meta data
13 (def #^{:dynamic true} deffed-differently (fn [x] :ignore))
15 (defmacro assert-called [fn-name called? & body]
16 `(let [called-status?# (atom false)]
17 (binding [~fn-name (fn [& args#] (reset! called-status?# true))] ~@body)
18 (is (= ~called? @called-status?#))))
20 (deftest test-convenience
21 (testing "once"
22 (is (false? (mock/once 0)))
23 (is (false? (mock/once 123)))
24 (is (true? (mock/once 1))))
26 (testing "never"
27 (is (false? (mock/never 4)))
28 (is (true? (mock/never 0))))
30 (testing "more-than"
31 (is (false? ((mock/more-than 5) 3)))
32 (is (true? ((mock/more-than 5) 9))))
34 (testing "less-than"
35 (is (true? ((mock/less-than 5) 3)))
36 (is (false? ((mock/less-than 5) 9))))
38 (testing "between"
39 (is (true? ((mock/between 5 8) 6)))
40 (is (false? ((mock/between 5 8) 5)))))
43 (deftest test-returns
44 (is (= {:returns 5} (mock/returns 5)))
45 (is (= {:other-key "test" :returns nil} (mock/returns nil {:other-key "test"}))))
48 (deftest test-has-args
49 (let [ex (:has-args (mock/has-args [1]))]
50 (is (fn? ex))
51 (is (ex 'fn1 1))
52 (is (ex 'fn1 1 5 6))
53 (assert-called mock/unexpected-args true (ex 'fn1 5)))
54 (is (contains? (mock/has-args [] {:pre-existing-key "test"}) :pre-existing-key))
55 (is (true? (((mock/has-args [5]) :has-args)'fn1 5))))
58 (deftest test-has-matching-signature
59 (assert-called mock/no-matching-function-signature true
60 (mock/has-matching-signature? 'clojure.contrib.test-mock/fn2 [1]))
61 (assert-called mock/no-matching-function-signature true
62 (mock/has-matching-signature? 'clojure.contrib.test-mock/fn3 [1 3]))
63 (assert-called mock/no-matching-function-signature false
64 (mock/has-matching-signature? 'clojure.contrib.test-mock/fn3 [1 3 5]))
65 (assert-called mock/no-matching-function-signature false
66 (mock/has-matching-signature? 'clojure.contrib.test-mock/fn4 [1 3 5 7 9]))
67 (assert-called mock/no-matching-function-signature false
68 (mock/has-matching-signature? 'clojure.contrib.test-mock/fn4 [1 3]))
69 (assert-called mock/no-matching-function-signature true
70 (mock/has-matching-signature? 'clojure.contrib.test-mock/fn4 [1]))
71 (assert-called mock/no-matching-function-signature false
72 (mock/has-matching-signature? 'clojure.contrib.test-mock/deffed-differently [1])))
75 (deftest test-times
76 (is (fn? ((mock/times #(= 1 %)) :times)))
77 (is (contains? (mock/times #(= 1 %) {:existing-key "test"}) :existing-key)))
79 (deftest test-make-mock
80 (testing "invalid arguments"
81 (is (thrown? IllegalArgumentException (mock/make-mock [5]))))
83 (testing "valid counter and unevaluated returns"
84 (let [[mock counter count-checker] (mock/make-mock 'fn1 (mock/returns 5 (mock/times 1)))]
85 (is (fn? mock))
86 (is (= 0 @counter))
87 (is (= 5 (mock :ignore-me)))
88 (is (= 1 @counter))))
90 (testing "returns as expected"
91 (let [[mock] (mock/make-mock 'fn1 (mock/returns 5))]
92 (is (= 5 (mock :ignore))))
93 (let [[mock] (mock/make-mock 'fn1 (mock/returns #(* 2 %)))]
94 (is (= 10 ((mock :ignore) 5)) ":returns a function should not automatically
95 evaluate it.")))
97 (testing "calls replacement-fn and returns the result"
98 (let [[mock] (mock/make-mock 'fn1 (mock/calls #(* 3 %)))]
99 (is (= 15 (mock 5))))
100 (let [[mock] (mock/make-mock 'fn1 (mock/calls #(* 2 %) (mock/returns 3)))]
101 (is (= 10 (mock 5)))))
103 (testing "argument validation"
104 (let [[mock] (mock/make-mock 'fn1 (mock/has-args [#(= 5 %)]))]
105 (assert-called mock/unexpected-args true (mock "test"))
106 (is (nil? (mock 5))))))
109 (deftest test-make-count-checker
110 (let [checker (mock/make-count-checker 5 5)]
111 (assert-called mock/incorrect-invocation-count false (checker 'fn1 5))
112 (assert-called mock/incorrect-invocation-count true (checker 'fn1 3))))
115 (deftest test-validate-counts
116 (assert-called mock/incorrect-invocation-count false
117 (mock/validate-counts (list [(fn []) (atom 0) (mock/make-count-checker #(< % 6) '#(< % 6)) 'fn1])))
118 (assert-called mock/incorrect-invocation-count true
119 (mock/validate-counts (list [(fn []) (atom 0) (mock/make-count-checker 4 4) 'fn1]))))
122 (deftest test-expect-macro
123 (let [under-test (fn [x] (fn1 x))]
124 (is (true? (mock/expect [fn1 (mock/times 1 (mock/has-args [#(= 3 %)]))]
125 (under-test 3))))
126 (assert-called mock/unexpected-args true (mock/expect [fn1 (mock/times 1 (mock/has-args [#(= 4 %)]))]
127 (under-test 3))))
128 (let [under-test (fn [] (fn2 (fn1 1) 3))]
129 (is (true? (mock/expect [fn1 (mock/times 1 (mock/has-args [#(= 1 %)] (mock/returns 2)))
130 fn2 (mock/times 1 (mock/has-args [#(= 2 %) #(= 3 %)] (mock/returns 5)))]
131 (under-test))))))