view src/clojure/contrib/swing_utils.clj @ 10:ef7dbbd6452c

added clojure source goodness
author Robert McIntyre <>
date Sat, 21 Aug 2010 06:25:44 -0400
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line source
1 ;; Copyright (c) Stephen C. Gilardi. All rights reserved. The use and
2 ;; distribution terms for this software are covered by the Eclipse Public
3 ;; License 1.0 ( which can
4 ;; be found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this distribution. By
5 ;; using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by the
6 ;; terms of this license. You must not remove this notice, or any other,
7 ;; from this software.
8 ;;
9 ;; clojure.contrib.swing-utils
10 ;;
11 ;; Useful functions for interfacing Clojure to Swing
12 ;;
13 ;; scgilardi (gmail)
14 ;; Created 31 May 2009
16 (ns clojure.contrib.swing-utils
17 (:import (java.awt.event ActionListener KeyAdapter)
18 (javax.swing AbstractAction Action
19 JMenu JMenuBar JMenuItem
20 SwingUtilities))
21 (:use [clojure.contrib.def :only (defvar)]))
23 (defn add-action-listener
24 "Adds an ActionLister to component. When the action fires, f will be
25 invoked with the event as its first argument followed by args.
26 Returns the listener."
27 [component f & args]
28 (let [listener (proxy [ActionListener] []
29 (actionPerformed [event] (apply f event args)))]
30 (.addActionListener component listener)
31 listener))
33 (defn add-key-typed-listener
34 "Adds a KeyListener to component that only responds to KeyTyped events.
35 When a key is typed, f is invoked with the KeyEvent as its first argument
36 followed by args. Returns the listener."
37 [component f & args]
38 (let [listener (proxy [KeyAdapter] []
39 (keyTyped [event] (apply f event args)))]
40 (.addKeyListener component listener)
41 listener))
43 ;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
44 ;; Meikel Brandmeyer
46 (defn do-swing*
47 "Runs thunk in the Swing event thread according to schedule:
48 - :later => schedule the execution and return immediately
49 - :now => wait until the execution completes."
50 [schedule thunk]
51 (cond
52 (= schedule :later) (SwingUtilities/invokeLater thunk)
53 (= schedule :now) (if (SwingUtilities/isEventDispatchThread)
54 (thunk)
55 (SwingUtilities/invokeAndWait thunk)))
56 nil)
58 (defmacro do-swing
59 "Executes body in the Swing event thread asynchronously. Returns
60 immediately after scheduling the execution."
61 [& body]
62 `(do-swing* :later (fn [] ~@body)))
64 (defmacro do-swing-and-wait
65 "Executes body in the Swing event thread synchronously. Returns
66 after the execution is complete."
67 [& body]
68 `(do-swing* :now (fn [] ~@body)))
70 (defvar action-translation-table
71 (atom {:name Action/NAME
72 :accelerator Action/ACCELERATOR_KEY
73 :command-key Action/ACTION_COMMAND_KEY
74 :long-desc Action/LONG_DESCRIPTION
75 :short-desc Action/SHORT_DESCRIPTION
76 :mnemonic Action/MNEMONIC_KEY
77 :icon Action/SMALL_ICON})
78 "Translation table for the make-action constructor.")
80 (defn make-action
81 "Create an Action proxy from the given action spec. The standard keys
82 recognised are: :name, :accelerator, :command-key, :long-desc,
83 :short-desc, :mnemonic and :icon - corresponding to the similar named
84 Action properties. The :handler value is used in the actionPerformed
85 method of the proxy to pass on the event."
86 [spec]
87 (let [t-table @action-translation-table
88 handler (:handler spec)
89 spec (dissoc spec :handler)
90 spec (map (fn [[k v]] [(t-table k) v]) spec)
91 action (proxy [AbstractAction] []
92 (actionPerformed [evt] (handler evt)))]
93 (doseq [[k v] spec]
94 (.putValue action k v))
95 action))
97 (defvar menu-constructor-dispatch
98 (atom #{:action :handler :items})
99 "An atom containing the dispatch set for the add-menu-item method.")
101 (defmulti add-menu-item
102 "Adds a menu item to the parent according to the item description.
103 The item description is a map of the following structure.
105 Either:
106 - one single :action specifying a javax.swing.Action to be associated
107 with the item.
108 - a specification suitable for make-action
109 - a set of :name, :mnemonic and :items keys, specifying a submenu with
110 the given sequence of item entries.
111 - an empty map specifying a separator."
112 {:arglists '([parent item])}
113 (fn add-menu-item-dispatch [_ item]
114 (some @menu-constructor-dispatch (keys item))))
116 (defmethod add-menu-item :action
117 add-menu-item-action
118 [parent {:keys [action]}]
119 (let [item (JMenuItem. action)]
120 (.add parent item)))
122 (defmethod add-menu-item :handler
123 add-menu-item-handler
124 [parent spec]
125 (add-menu-item parent {:action (make-action spec)}))
127 (defmethod add-menu-item :items
128 add-menu-item-submenu
129 [parent {:keys [items mnemonic name]}]
130 (let [menu (JMenu. name)]
131 (when mnemonic
132 (.setMnemonic menu mnemonic))
133 (doseq [item items]
134 (add-menu-item menu item))
135 (.add parent menu)))
137 (defmethod add-menu-item nil ; nil meaning separator
138 add-menu-item-separator
139 [parent _]
140 (.addSeparator parent))
142 (defn make-menubar
143 "Create a menubar containing the given sequence of menu items. The menu
144 items are described by a map as is detailed in the docstring of the
145 add-menu-item function."
146 [menubar-items]
147 (let [menubar (JMenuBar.)]
148 (doseq [item menubar-items]
149 (add-menu-item menubar item))
150 menubar))
152 ;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------