view src/clojure/contrib/sql/internal.clj @ 10:ef7dbbd6452c

added clojure source goodness
author Robert McIntyre <>
date Sat, 21 Aug 2010 06:25:44 -0400
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line source
1 ;; Copyright (c) Stephen C. Gilardi. All rights reserved. The use and
2 ;; distribution terms for this software are covered by the Eclipse Public
3 ;; License 1.0 ( which can
4 ;; be found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this distribution. By
5 ;; using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by the
6 ;; terms of this license. You must not remove this notice, or any other,
7 ;; from this software.
8 ;;
9 ;; internal definitions for clojure.contrib.sql
10 ;;
11 ;; scgilardi (gmail)
12 ;; Created 3 October 2008
14 (ns clojure.contrib.sql.internal
15 (:use
16 (clojure.contrib
17 [except :only (throwf throw-arg)]
18 [properties :only (as-properties)]
19 [seq :only (indexed)]))
20 (:import
21 (clojure.lang RT)
22 (java.sql BatchUpdateException DriverManager SQLException Statement)
23 (java.util Hashtable Map)
24 (javax.naming InitialContext Name)
25 (javax.sql DataSource)))
27 (def *db* {:connection nil :level 0})
29 (def special-counts
33 (defn find-connection*
34 "Returns the current database connection (or nil if there is none)"
35 []
36 (:connection *db*))
38 (defn connection*
39 "Returns the current database connection (or throws if there is none)"
40 []
41 (or (find-connection*)
42 (throwf "no current database connection")))
44 (defn rollback
45 "Accessor for the rollback flag on the current connection"
46 ([]
47 (deref (:rollback *db*)))
48 ([val]
49 (swap! (:rollback *db*) (fn [_] val))))
51 (defn get-connection
52 "Creates a connection to a database. db-spec is a map containing values
53 for one of the following parameter sets:
55 Factory:
56 :factory (required) a function of one argument, a map of params
57 (others) (optional) passed to the factory function in a map
59 DriverManager:
60 :classname (required) a String, the jdbc driver class name
61 :subprotocol (required) a String, the jdbc subprotocol
62 :subname (required) a String, the jdbc subname
63 (others) (optional) passed to the driver as properties.
65 DataSource:
66 :datasource (required) a javax.sql.DataSource
67 :username (optional) a String
68 :password (optional) a String, required if :username is supplied
70 JNDI:
71 :name (required) a String or javax.naming.Name
72 :environment (optional) a java.util.Map"
73 [{:keys [factory
74 classname subprotocol subname
75 datasource username password
76 name environment]
77 :as db-spec}]
78 (cond
79 factory
80 (factory (dissoc db-spec :factory))
81 (and classname subprotocol subname)
82 (let [url (format "jdbc:%s:%s" subprotocol subname)
83 etc (dissoc db-spec :classname :subprotocol :subname)]
84 (RT/loadClassForName classname)
85 (DriverManager/getConnection url (as-properties etc)))
86 (and datasource username password)
87 (.getConnection datasource username password)
88 datasource
89 (.getConnection datasource)
90 name
91 (let [env (and environment (Hashtable. environment))
92 context (InitialContext. env)
93 datasource (.lookup context name)]
94 (.getConnection datasource))
95 :else
96 (throw-arg "db-spec %s is missing a required parameter" db-spec)))
98 (defn with-connection*
99 "Evaluates func in the context of a new connection to a database then
100 closes the connection."
101 [db-spec func]
102 (with-open [con (get-connection db-spec)]
103 (binding [*db* (assoc *db*
104 :connection con :level 0 :rollback (atom false))]
105 (func))))
107 (defn print-sql-exception
108 "Prints the contents of an SQLException to stream"
109 [stream exception]
110 (.println
111 stream
112 (format (str "%s:" \newline
113 " Message: %s" \newline
114 " SQLState: %s" \newline
115 " Error Code: %d")
116 (.getSimpleName (class exception))
117 (.getMessage exception)
118 (.getSQLState exception)
119 (.getErrorCode exception))))
121 (defn print-sql-exception-chain
122 "Prints a chain of SQLExceptions to stream"
123 [stream exception]
124 (loop [e exception]
125 (when e
126 (print-sql-exception stream e)
127 (recur (.getNextException e)))))
129 (defn print-update-counts
130 "Prints the update counts from a BatchUpdateException to stream"
131 [stream exception]
132 (.println stream "Update counts:")
133 (doseq [[index count] (indexed (.getUpdateCounts exception))]
134 (.println stream (format " Statement %d: %s"
135 index
136 (get special-counts count count)))))
138 (defn throw-rollback
139 "Sets rollback and throws a wrapped exception"
140 [e]
141 (rollback true)
142 (throwf e "transaction rolled back: %s" (.getMessage e)))
144 (defn transaction*
145 "Evaluates func as a transaction on the open database connection. Any
146 nested transactions are absorbed into the outermost transaction. By
147 default, all database updates are committed together as a group after
148 evaluating the outermost body, or rolled back on any uncaught
149 exception. If rollback is set within scope of the outermost transaction,
150 the entire transaction will be rolled back rather than committed when
151 complete."
152 [func]
153 (binding [*db* (update-in *db* [:level] inc)]
154 (if (= (:level *db*) 1)
155 (let [con (connection*)
156 auto-commit (.getAutoCommit con)]
157 (io!
158 (.setAutoCommit con false)
159 (try
160 (func)
161 (catch BatchUpdateException e
162 (print-update-counts *err* e)
163 (print-sql-exception-chain *err* e)
164 (throw-rollback e))
165 (catch SQLException e
166 (print-sql-exception-chain *err* e)
167 (throw-rollback e))
168 (catch Exception e
169 (throw-rollback e))
170 (finally
171 (if (rollback)
172 (.rollback con)
173 (.commit con))
174 (rollback false)
175 (.setAutoCommit con auto-commit)))))
176 (func))))
178 (defn with-query-results*
179 "Executes a query, then evaluates func passing in a seq of the results as
180 an argument. The first argument is a vector containing the (optionally
181 parameterized) sql query string followed by values for any parameters."
182 [[sql & params :as sql-params] func]
183 (when-not (vector? sql-params)
184 (throw-arg "\"%s\" expected %s %s, found %s %s"
185 "sql-params"
186 "vector"
187 "[sql param*]"
188 (.getName (class sql-params))
189 (pr-str sql-params)))
190 (with-open [stmt (.prepareStatement (connection*) sql)]
191 (doseq [[index value] (map vector (iterate inc 1) params)]
192 (.setObject stmt index value))
193 (with-open [rset (.executeQuery stmt)]
194 (func (resultset-seq rset)))))