view src/clojure/contrib/graph.clj @ 10:ef7dbbd6452c

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author Robert McIntyre <>
date Sat, 21 Aug 2010 06:25:44 -0400
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1 ;; Copyright (c) Jeffrey Straszheim. All rights reserved. The use and
2 ;; distribution terms for this software are covered by the Eclipse Public
3 ;; License 1.0 ( which can
4 ;; be found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this distribution. By
5 ;; using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by the
6 ;; terms of this license. You must not remove this notice, or any other,
7 ;; from this software.
8 ;;
9 ;; graph
10 ;;
11 ;; Basic Graph Theory Algorithms
12 ;;
13 ;; straszheimjeffrey (gmail)
14 ;; Created 23 June 2009
17 (ns
18 ^{:author "Jeffrey Straszheim",
19 :doc "Basic graph theory algorithms"}
20 clojure.contrib.graph
21 (use [clojure.set :only (union)]))
24 (defstruct directed-graph
25 :nodes ; The nodes of the graph, a collection
26 :neighbors) ; A function that, given a node returns a collection
27 ; neighbor nodes.
29 (defn get-neighbors
30 "Get the neighbors of a node."
31 [g n]
32 ((:neighbors g) n))
35 ;; Graph Modification
37 (defn reverse-graph
38 "Given a directed graph, return another directed graph with the
39 order of the edges reversed."
40 [g]
41 (let [op (fn [rna idx]
42 (let [ns (get-neighbors g idx)
43 am (fn [m val]
44 (assoc m val (conj (get m val #{}) idx)))]
45 (reduce am rna ns)))
46 rn (reduce op {} (:nodes g))]
47 (struct directed-graph (:nodes g) rn)))
49 (defn add-loops
50 "For each node n, add the edge n->n if not already present."
51 [g]
52 (struct directed-graph
53 (:nodes g)
54 (into {} (map (fn [n]
55 [n (conj (set (get-neighbors g n)) n)]) (:nodes g)))))
57 (defn remove-loops
58 "For each node n, remove any edges n->n."
59 [g]
60 (struct directed-graph
61 (:nodes g)
62 (into {} (map (fn [n]
63 [n (disj (set (get-neighbors g n)) n)]) (:nodes g)))))
66 ;; Graph Walk
68 (defn lazy-walk
69 "Return a lazy sequence of the nodes of a graph starting a node n. Optionally,
70 provide a set of visited notes (v) and a collection of nodes to
71 visit (ns)."
72 ([g n]
73 (lazy-walk g [n] #{}))
74 ([g ns v]
75 (lazy-seq (let [s (seq (drop-while v ns))
76 n (first s)
77 ns (rest s)]
78 (when s
79 (cons n (lazy-walk g (concat (get-neighbors g n) ns) (conj v n))))))))
81 (defn transitive-closure
82 "Returns the transitive closure of a graph. The neighbors are lazily computed.
84 Note: some version of this algorithm return all edges a->a
85 regardless of whether such loops exist in the original graph. This
86 version does not. Loops will be included only if produced by
87 cycles in the graph. If you have code that depends on such
88 behavior, call (-> g transitive-closure add-loops)"
89 [g]
90 (let [nns (fn [n]
91 [n (delay (lazy-walk g (get-neighbors g n) #{}))])
92 nbs (into {} (map nns (:nodes g)))]
93 (struct directed-graph
94 (:nodes g)
95 (fn [n] (force (nbs n))))))
98 ;; Strongly Connected Components
100 (defn- post-ordered-visit
101 "Starting at node n, perform a post-ordered walk."
102 [g n [visited acc :as state]]
103 (if (visited n)
104 state
105 (let [[v2 acc2] (reduce (fn [st nd] (post-ordered-visit g nd st))
106 [(conj visited n) acc]
107 (get-neighbors g n))]
108 [v2 (conj acc2 n)])))
110 (defn post-ordered-nodes
111 "Return a sequence of indexes of a post-ordered walk of the graph."
112 [g]
113 (fnext (reduce #(post-ordered-visit g %2 %1)
114 [#{} []]
115 (:nodes g))))
117 (defn scc
118 "Returns, as a sequence of sets, the strongly connected components
119 of g."
120 [g]
121 (let [po (reverse (post-ordered-nodes g))
122 rev (reverse-graph g)
123 step (fn [stack visited acc]
124 (if (empty? stack)
125 acc
126 (let [[nv comp] (post-ordered-visit rev
127 (first stack)
128 [visited #{}])
129 ns (remove nv stack)]
130 (recur ns nv (conj acc comp)))))]
131 (step po #{} [])))
133 (defn component-graph
134 "Given a graph, perhaps with cycles, return a reduced graph that is acyclic.
135 Each node in the new graph will be a set of nodes from the old.
136 These sets are the strongly connected components. Each edge will
137 be the union of the corresponding edges of the prior graph."
138 ([g]
139 (component-graph g (scc g)))
140 ([g sccs]
141 (let [find-node-set (fn [n]
142 (some #(if (% n) % nil) sccs))
143 find-neighbors (fn [ns]
144 (let [nbs1 (map (partial get-neighbors g) ns)
145 nbs2 (map set nbs1)
146 nbs3 (apply union nbs2)]
147 (set (map find-node-set nbs3))))
148 nm (into {} (map (fn [ns] [ns (find-neighbors ns)]) sccs))]
149 (struct directed-graph (set sccs) nm))))
151 (defn recursive-component?
152 "Is the component (recieved from scc) self recursive?"
153 [g ns]
154 (or (> (count ns) 1)
155 (let [n (first ns)]
156 (some #(= % n) (get-neighbors g n)))))
158 (defn self-recursive-sets
159 "Returns, as a sequence of sets, the components of a graph that are
160 self-recursive."
161 [g]
162 (filter (partial recursive-component? g) (scc g)))
165 ;; Dependency Lists
167 (defn fixed-point
168 "Repeatedly apply fun to data until (equal old-data new-data)
169 returns true. If max iterations occur, it will throw an
170 exception. Set max to nil for unlimited iterations."
171 [data fun max equal]
172 (let [step (fn step [data idx]
173 (when (and idx (= 0 idx))
174 (throw (Exception. "Fixed point overflow")))
175 (let [new-data (fun data)]
176 (if (equal data new-data)
177 new-data
178 (recur new-data (and idx (dec idx))))))]
179 (step data max)))
181 (defn- fold-into-sets
182 [priorities]
183 (let [max (inc (apply max 0 (vals priorities)))
184 step (fn [acc [n dep]]
185 (assoc acc dep (conj (acc dep) n)))]
186 (reduce step
187 (vec (replicate max #{}))
188 priorities)))
190 (defn dependency-list
191 "Similar to a topological sort, this returns a vector of sets. The
192 set of nodes at index 0 are independent. The set at index 1 depend
193 on index 0; those at 2 depend on 0 and 1, and so on. Those withing
194 a set have no mutual dependencies. Assume the input graph (which
195 much be acyclic) has an edge a->b when a depends on b."
196 [g]
197 (let [step (fn [d]
198 (let [update (fn [n]
199 (inc (apply max -1 (map d (get-neighbors g n)))))]
200 (into {} (map (fn [[k v]] [k (update k)]) d))))
201 counts (fixed-point (zipmap (:nodes g) (repeat 0))
202 step
203 (inc (count (:nodes g)))
204 =)]
205 (fold-into-sets counts)))
207 (defn stratification-list
208 "Similar to dependency-list (see doc), except two graphs are
209 provided. The first is as dependency-list. The second (which may
210 have cycles) provides a partial-dependency relation. If node a
211 depends on node b (meaning an edge a->b exists) in the second
212 graph, node a must be equal or later in the sequence."
213 [g1 g2]
214 (assert (= (-> g1 :nodes set) (-> g2 :nodes set)))
215 (let [step (fn [d]
216 (let [update (fn [n]
217 (max (inc (apply max -1
218 (map d (get-neighbors g1 n))))
219 (apply max -1 (map d (get-neighbors g2 n)))))]
220 (into {} (map (fn [[k v]] [k (update k)]) d))))
221 counts (fixed-point (zipmap (:nodes g1) (repeat 0))
222 step
223 (inc (count (:nodes g1)))
224 =)]
225 (fold-into-sets counts)))
228 ;; End of file