view src/clojure/contrib/datalog/rules.clj @ 10:ef7dbbd6452c

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author Robert McIntyre <>
date Sat, 21 Aug 2010 06:25:44 -0400
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1 ;; Copyright (c) Jeffrey Straszheim. All rights reserved. The use and
2 ;; distribution terms for this software are covered by the Eclipse Public
3 ;; License 1.0 ( which can
4 ;; be found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this distribution. By
5 ;; using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by the
6 ;; terms of this license. You must not remove this notice, or any other,
7 ;; from this software.
8 ;;
9 ;; rules.clj
10 ;;
11 ;; A Clojure implementation of Datalog -- Rules Engine
12 ;;
13 ;; straszheimjeffrey (gmail)
14 ;; Created 2 Feburary 2009
17 (ns clojure.contrib.datalog.rules
18 (:use clojure.contrib.datalog.util)
19 (:use clojure.contrib.datalog.literals
20 clojure.contrib.datalog.database)
21 (:use [clojure.set :only (union intersection difference)])
22 (:use [clojure.contrib.set :only (subset?)])
23 (:use [clojure.contrib.except :only (throwf)])
24 (:import
27 (defstruct datalog-rule
28 :head
29 :body)
31 (defn display-rule
32 "Return the rule in a readable format."
33 [rule]
34 (list* '<-
35 (-> rule :head display-literal)
36 (map display-literal (:body rule))))
38 (defn display-query
39 "Return a query in a readable format."
40 [query]
41 (list* '?- (display-literal query)))
44 ;;; Check rule safety
46 (defn is-safe?
47 "Is the rule safe according to the datalog protocol?"
48 [rule]
49 (let [hv (literal-vars (:head rule))
50 bpv (apply union (map positive-vars (:body rule)))
51 bnv (apply union (map negative-vars (:body rule)))
52 ehv (difference hv bpv)
53 env (difference bnv bpv)]
54 (when-not (empty? ehv)
55 (throwf "Head vars %s not bound in body in rule %s" ehv rule))
56 (when-not (empty? env)
57 (throwf "Body vars %s not bound in negative positions in rule %s" env rule))
58 rule))
61 ;;; Rule creation and printing
63 (defn build-rule
64 [hd bd]
65 (with-meta (struct datalog-rule hd bd) {:type ::datalog-rule}))
67 (defmacro <-
68 "Build a datalog rule. Like this:
70 (<- (:head :x ?x :y ?y) (:body-1 :x ?x :y ?y) (:body-2 :z ?z) (not! :body-3 :x ?x) (if > ?y ?z))"
71 [hd & body]
72 (let [head (build-atom hd :clojure.contrib.datalog.literals/literal)
73 body (map build-literal body)]
74 `(is-safe? (build-rule ~head [~@body]))))
76 (defmethod print-method ::datalog-rule
77 [rule ^Writer writer]
78 (print-method (display-rule rule) writer))
80 (defn return-rule-data
81 "Returns an untypted rule that will be fully printed"
82 [rule]
83 (with-meta rule {}))
85 (defmacro ?-
86 "Define a datalog query"
87 [& q]
88 (let [qq (build-atom q :clojure.contrib.datalog.literals/literal)]
89 `(with-meta ~qq {:type ::datalog-query})))
91 (defmethod print-method ::datalog-query
92 [query ^Writer writer]
93 (print-method (display-query query) writer))
97 ;;; SIP
99 (defn compute-sip
100 "Given a set of bound column names, return an adorned sip for this
101 rule. A set of intensional predicates should be provided to
102 determine what should be adorned."
103 [bindings i-preds rule]
104 (let [next-lit (fn [bv body]
105 (or (first (drop-while
106 #(not (literal-appropriate? bv %))
107 body))
108 (first (drop-while (complement positive?) body))))
109 adorn (fn [lit bvs]
110 (if (i-preds (literal-predicate lit))
111 (let [bnds (union (get-cs-from-vs lit bvs)
112 (get-self-bound-cs lit))]
113 (adorned-literal lit bnds))
114 lit))
115 new-h (adorned-literal (:head rule) bindings)]
116 (loop [bound-vars (get-vs-from-cs (:head rule) bindings)
117 body (:body rule)
118 sip []]
119 (if-let [next (next-lit bound-vars body)]
120 (recur (union bound-vars (literal-vars next))
121 (remove #(= % next) body)
122 (conj sip (adorn next bound-vars)))
123 (build-rule new-h (concat sip body))))))
126 ;;; Rule sets
128 (defn make-rules-set
129 "Given an existing set of rules, make it a 'rules-set' for
130 printing."
131 [rs]
132 (with-meta rs {:type ::datalog-rules-set}))
134 (def empty-rules-set (make-rules-set #{}))
136 (defn rules-set
137 "Given a collection of rules return a rules set"
138 [& rules]
139 (reduce conj empty-rules-set rules))
141 (defmethod print-method ::datalog-rules-set
142 [rules ^Writer writer]
143 (binding [*out* writer]
144 (do
145 (print "(rules-set")
146 (doseq [rule rules]
147 (println)
148 (print " ")
149 (print rule))
150 (println ")"))))
152 (defn predicate-map
153 "Given a rules-set, return a map of rules keyed by their predicates.
154 Each value will be a set of rules."
155 [rs]
156 (let [add-rule (fn [m r]
157 (let [pred (-> r :head literal-predicate)
158 os (get m pred #{})]
159 (assoc m pred (conj os r))))]
160 (reduce add-rule {} rs)))
162 (defn all-predicates
163 "Given a rules-set, return all defined predicates"
164 [rs]
165 (set (map literal-predicate (map :head rs))))
167 (defn non-base-rules
168 "Return a collection of rules that depend, somehow, on other rules"
169 [rs]
170 (let [pred (all-predicates rs)
171 non-base (fn [r]
172 (if (some #(pred %)
173 (map literal-predicate (:body r)))
174 r
175 nil))]
176 (remove nil? (map non-base rs))))
179 ;;; Database operations
181 (def empty-bindings [{}])
183 (defn apply-rule
184 "Apply the rule against db-1, adding the results to the appropriate
185 relation in db-2. The relation will be created if needed."
186 ([db rule] (apply-rule db db rule))
187 ([db-1 db-2 rule]
188 (trace-datalog (println)
189 (println)
190 (println "--------------- Begin Rule ---------------")
191 (println rule))
192 (let [head (:head rule)
193 body (:body rule)
194 step (fn [bs lit]
195 (trace-datalog (println bs)
196 (println lit))
197 (join-literal db-1 lit bs))
198 bs (reduce step empty-bindings body)]
199 (do (trace-datalog (println bs))
200 (project-literal db-2 head bs)))))
202 (defn apply-rules-set
203 [db rs]
204 (reduce (fn [rdb rule]
205 (apply-rule db rdb rule)) db rs))
208 ;; End of file