view src/clojure/contrib/command_line.clj @ 10:ef7dbbd6452c

added clojure source goodness
author Robert McIntyre <>
date Sat, 21 Aug 2010 06:25:44 -0400
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line source
1 ; Copyright (c) Chris Houser, Nov-Dec 2008. All rights reserved.
2 ; The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the
3 ; Eclipse Public License 1.0 (
4 ; which can be found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this distribution.
5 ; By using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by
6 ; the terms of this license.
7 ; You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.
9 ; Process command-line arguments according to a given cmdspec
11 (ns
12 ^{:author "Chris Houser",
13 :doc "Process command-line arguments according to a given cmdspec"}
14 clojure.contrib.command-line
15 (:use (clojure.contrib [string :only (join)])))
17 (defn make-map [args cmdspec]
18 (let [{spec true [rest-sym] false} (group-by vector? cmdspec)
19 rest-str (str rest-sym)
20 key-data (into {} (for [[syms [_ default]] (map #(split-with symbol? %)
21 (conj spec '[help? h?]))
22 sym syms]
23 [(re-find #"^.*[^?]" (str sym))
24 {:sym (str (first syms)) :default default}]))
25 defaults (into {} (for [[_ {:keys [default sym]}] key-data
26 :when default]
27 [sym default]))]
28 (loop [[argkey & [argval :as r]] args
29 cmdmap (assoc defaults :cmdspec cmdspec rest-str [])]
30 (if argkey
31 (let [[_ & [keybase]] (re-find #"^--?(.*)" argkey)]
32 (cond
33 (= keybase nil) (recur r (update-in cmdmap [rest-str] conj argkey))
34 (= keybase "") (update-in cmdmap [rest-str] #(apply conj % r))
35 :else (if-let [found (key-data keybase)]
36 (if (= \? (last (:sym found)))
37 (recur r (assoc cmdmap (:sym found) true))
38 (recur (next r) (assoc cmdmap (:sym found)
39 (if (or (nil? r) (= \- (ffirst r)))
40 (:default found)
41 (first r)))))
42 (throw (Exception. (str "Unknown option " argkey))))))
43 cmdmap))))
45 (defn- align
46 "Align strings given as vectors of columns, with first vector
47 specifying right or left alignment (:r or :l) for each column."
48 [spec & rows]
49 (let [maxes (vec (for [n (range (count (first rows)))]
50 (apply max (map (comp count #(nth % n)) rows))))
51 fmt (join " "
52 (for [n (range (count maxes))]
53 (str "%"
54 (when-not (zero? (maxes n))
55 (str (when (= (spec n) :l) "-") (maxes n)))
56 "s")))]
57 (join "\n"
58 (for [row rows]
59 (apply format fmt row)))))
61 (defn- rmv-q
62 "Remove ?"
63 [^String s]
64 (if (.endsWith s "?")
65 (.substring s 0 (dec (count s)))
66 s))
68 (defn print-help [desc cmdmap]
69 (println desc)
70 (println "Options")
71 (println
72 (apply align [:l :l :l]
73 (for [spec (:cmdspec cmdmap) :when (vector? spec)]
74 (let [[argnames [text default]] (split-with symbol? spec)
75 [_ opt q] (re-find #"^(.*[^?])(\??)$"
76 (str (first argnames)))
77 argnames (map (comp rmv-q str) argnames)
78 argnames
79 (join ", "
80 (for [arg argnames]
81 (if (= 1 (count arg))
82 (str "-" arg)
83 (str "--" arg))))]
84 [(str " " argnames (when (= "" q) " <arg>") " ")
85 text
86 (if-not default
87 ""
88 (str " [default " default "]"))])))))
90 (defmacro with-command-line
91 "Bind locals to command-line args."
92 [args desc cmdspec & body]
93 (let [locals (vec (for [spec cmdspec]
94 (if (vector? spec)
95 (first spec)
96 spec)))]
97 `(let [{:strs ~locals :as cmdmap#} (make-map ~args '~cmdspec)]
98 (if (cmdmap# "help?")
99 (print-help ~desc cmdmap#)
100 (do ~@body)))))
102 (comment
104 ; example of usage:
106 (with-command-line *command-line-args*
107 "tojs -- Compile ClojureScript to JavaScript"
108 [[simple? s? "Runs some simple built-in tests"]
109 [serve "Starts a repl server on the given port" 8081]
110 [mkboot? "Generates a boot.js file"]
111 [verbose? v? "Includes extra fn names and comments in js"]
112 filenames]
113 (binding [*debug-fn-names* verbose? *debug-comments* verbose?]
114 (cond
115 simple? (simple-tests)
116 serve (start-server (Integer/parseInt serve))
117 mkboot? (mkboot)
118 :else (doseq [filename filenames]
119 (filetojs filename)))))
121 )