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view src/clojureDemo/project_euler.clj @ 9:35cf337adfcf
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author | Robert McIntyre <> |
date | Sat, 21 Aug 2010 06:10:24 -0400 (2010-08-21) |
parents | 6d9bdaf919f7 |
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2 (ns clojureDemo.project-euler4 (:refer-clojure :exclude [+ - / *5 assoc conj dissoc empty get into seq6 = < > <= >= zero?7 ])9 (:use [clojure.contrib.generic10 arithmetic11 collection12 comparison13 ])15 (:use [clojure.contrib16 combinatorics17 repl-utils18 def19 duck-streams20 shell-out21 import-static22 lazy-seqs23 logging24 map-utils25 math26 mock27 monads28 ns-utils29 seq-utils30 function-utils31 profile32 str-utils33 ])35 (:use [clojure.contrib.pprint :exclude [write]])37 (:use [clojure.contrib.pprint.examples38 hexdump39 json40 multiply41 props42 show-doc43 xml44 ])46 (:import (:import [java.util Calendar Date])49 )55 (defn range-sum56 "calculates the sum of a range. Takes the exact same arguments57 as clojure.core/range equilivent to (reduce + (range start end step)), but O(1)."58 ([end]59 (/ (* end (- end 1) ) 2))61 ([start end]62 (- (range-sum end) (range-sum start)))64 ([start end step]65 (letfn [(zero-sum [end step] (* step (range-sum 0 (ceil (/ end step)))))]66 (+ (zero-sum (- end start) step) (* start (int (/ (- end start) step)))))))70 (defn range-sum-squares71 "equivalent to (reduce + (map #(expt % 2) (range start end step))),72 but runs in O(1) time."73 ([end]74 (let [n (- end 1)]75 (- (* (expt n 3) 1/3) ;continous volume76 (+ (* -1/6 n) (* -1/2 (expt n 2)))))) ;discrete correction78 ([start end]79 (- (range-sum-squares end) (range-sum-squares start)))81 ([start end step]82 ;; (letfn [(zero-sum-squares [end step]83 ;; (* step step (range-sum-squares 0 (ceil (/ end step)))))]84 ;; (+85 ;; (* 2 step (range-sum (ceil (/ (- end start) step))))86 ;; (zero-sum end step)87 ;; (* start start (int (/ (- end start) step)))))))88 ))91 (defn prime-factors92 "all the prime factors of the number n"93 [n]94 (filter #(= 0 (rem n %)) (for [p primes :while (<= p n)] p)))96 (defn factor? [a b] (= 0 (rem a b)))98 (defn factor-map [a b]99 (if (factor? a b)100 {b (quot a b)}101 nil))104 (defn divides? [numerator divisor] (= (rem numerator divisor) 0))107 (def != (comp not =))110 (defn decompose [number factor]111 (loop [n number counter 0]112 (if (!= (rem n factor) 0)113 counter114 (recur (/ n factor) (inc counter)))))122 (defn single-factor [{num :current-num index :prime-index factors :prime-factors :as old-state}]123 (let [divisor (nth primes index)124 new-index (inc index)125 done? (= num 1)]126 (if (divides? num divisor)127 (let [new-num (/ num (expt divisor (decompose num divisor)))128 factors (assoc factors divisor (decompose num divisor))]129 [[factors done?] (assoc old-state130 :current-num new-num :prime-index new-index :prime-factors factors)])132 [[factors done?] (assoc old-state133 :current-num num :prime-index new-index :prime-factors factors)])))136 (defn wtf "a is not used" [a] (domonad state-m [part single-factor] part))138 (defn fuck-it []139 (domonad state-m140 [[factors done?]141 (state-m-until second wtf nil)]143 factors))145 (defn prime-factor-map [num]147 (first ((fuck-it) {:prime-factors {}148 :prime-index 0149 :current-num num})))151 (defn prime-factors-monad [num]152 (sort (keys (prime-factor-map num))))159 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;160 ;; fun with state monad161 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;164 (defn ++ [{num :num :as world}]165 (let [num++ (inc num)]166 [num++ (assoc world :num num++)]))168 (defn huh? []169 (with-monad state-m170 (domonad [x ++171 y ++]172 y)))175 (comment177 huh?178 ->179 ((let [m-bind (fn m-bind-state [mv f]180 (fn [s]181 (let [[v ss] (mv s)]182 ((f v) ss))))]183 (m-bind184 ++ (fn [x] ++))) {:num 1})187 )190 (defn wordify [n] (cl-format nil "~R" n))192 (defn british-letter-count-prof [n]193 (prof :total194 (let [and? (prof :rem-test (if (and (> n 99) (!= 0 (rem n 100))) 3 0))195 word (prof :wordify (wordify n))196 word-seq (prof :sequence (seq word))197 word-filter (prof :filter (filter #(Character/isLetter %) word-seq))198 word-count (prof :count (count word-filter))199 answer (prof :add (+ and? word-count))]200 answer)))202 (defn british-letter-count-prof2203 "now this is faster, because it uses string manipulation. go profiling!"204 [n]205 (prof :total206 (let [and? (prof :rem-test (if (and (> n 99) (!= 0 (rem n 100))) 3 0))207 word (prof :wordify (wordify n))208 word-regex (prof :regex (re-gsub #"[\W-,]" "" word))210 word-count (prof :count (.length word-regex))211 answer (prof :add (+ and? word-count))]212 answer)))232 ;pseudo code for primes234 ;fn prime-decomposition235 ; [n]236 ; map = {}237 ;238 ; for x in primes239 ; add to map (divide teh fick out n x)240 ; n = n / prime-factors241 ; if n == 1 BREAK;242 ;243 ;247 (defn rng [seed]248 (let [m 259200249 value (/ (float seed) (float m))250 next (rem (+ 54773 (* 7141 seed)) m)]251 [value next]))254 (defn yeah! []255 (let [name sequence-m256 m-bind (:m-bind name)257 m-result (:m-result name)258 m-zero (:m-zero name)259 m-plus (:m-plus name)]262 (m-bind (range 5) (fn [a] (m-bind [2 3] (fn [b] (m-result (+ a b))))))))265 (defn ohhhh!! []267 (let268 [name state-m269 m-bind (:m-bind name)270 m-result (:m-result name) ]272 (m-bind rng (fn [x1] (m-bind rng (fn [x2] (m-result (+ x1 x2))))))))276 (defmulti palindrome? class)278 (defmethod palindrome? (class "string") [a]279 (= (seq a) (reverse a)))281 (defmethod palindrome? (class 500) [a]282 (palindrome? (str a)))291 (defn circulars292 "returns a vector of all the circular permutations of a number"293 [n]294 (map #(Integer. (apply str %)) (rotations (seq (str n)))))297 (defn prime-factors298 [n]299 (for [a primes :while (<= a n) :when (= (rem n a) 0)] a))302 (defmethod = [nil java.lang.Integer] [ a b ]303 false)307 (def mil 1000000)308 (def bil 1000000000)310 (defn primes-under-million [] (apply hash-set (take 78498 primes)))311 (def primes-under-million (memoize primes-under-million))314 (defn primes-under-billion [] (apply hash-set (take 664579 primes)))315 (def primes-under-billion (memoize primes-under-billion))321 (defn prime? [n] (not (nil? (get (primes-under-billion) n))))324 (defn circular-memoize325 "assumes that f is a predicate that takes in a number for which,326 if the predicate is true for the number, it is also true for all327 of the circular permutations of the number. Memoizes the result328 for all circular permutations so as to avoid subsequent computation."329 [f]330 (let [mem (atom {})]331 (fn [n]332 (if-let [e (find @mem n)]333 (val e)334 (let [ret (f n)]335 (dorun (for [circ (circulars n)]336 (swap! mem assoc n ret)))337 ret)))))339 (defn circularly-prime?340 [n]341 (not (some (comp not prime?) (circulars n))))343 (def circularly-prime? (memoize circularly-prime?))346 (defmethod = :default [& args]347 (apply clojure.core/= args))349 (def logins350 (map str351 [319 680 180 690 129 620 762 689 762 318352 368 710 720 710 629 168 160 689 716 731353 736 729 316 729 729 710 769 290 719 680354 318 389 162 289 162 718 729 319 790 680355 890 362 319 760 316 729 380 319 728 716]))357 (defn remove-multiples [n]358 (reduce (fn [a b] (if (= (last a) b) a (conj a b))) [] n))360 (defn insert [item n vect]361 (let [split (split-at n vect)]362 (apply vector (flatten [(first split) item (last split)]))))364 (defn expand-code [old-code [c b a]]365 (let [main-length (count old-code)]366 (for [x (range (inc main-length)) y (range (inc x)) z (range (inc y))]367 (insert c z (insert b y (insert a x old-code))))))369 (defn domain-expand-contract [old-domain constraint]370 (let [new-domain371 (map remove-multiples372 (remove-multiples373 (sort374 (apply concat375 (map #(expand-code % constraint) old-domain)))))376 min-code-length (apply min (map count new-domain)) ]377 (map #(apply str %) (filter #(= (count %) min-code-length) new-domain))))378 (def domain-expand-contract (memoize domain-expand-contract))382 (defn lazy-fibo383 ([] (concat [0 1] (lazy-fibo 0 1)))384 ([a b] (let [n (+ a b)] (lazy-seq (cons n (lazy-fibo b n))))))387 (defn collatz-seq [n]388 (lazy-seq389 (cond (= n 1) [1]390 (even? n) (lazy-seq (cons n (collatz-seq (/ n 2))))391 (odd? n) (lazy-seq (cons n (collatz-seq (+ 1 (* 3 n))))))))392 (def collatz-seq (memoize collatz-seq))396 (defn pythagorean-triple? [a b c]397 (let [[a b c] (sort [a b c])]398 (= (+ (* a a) (* b b) ) (* c c))))401 (defn sum-squares [coll]402 (reduce + (map #(* % %) coll)))405 (defn british-letter-count [n]407 (let [and? (if (and (> n 99) (!= 0 (rem n 100))) 3 0)]409 (+ and? (count (filter #(Character/isLetter %) (seq (wordify n)))))))413 (defmacro apply-macro414 "This is evil. Don't ever use it. It makes a macro behave like a415 function. Seriously, how messed up is that?417 Evaluates all args, then uses them as arguments to the macro as with418 apply.420 (def things [true true false])421 (apply-macro and things)422 ;; Expands to: (and true true false)"423 [macro & args]424 (cons macro (flatten (map eval args))))426 (defn fun1 [] (Thread/sleep 5000) 5)428 (defn fun2 [] (Thread/sleep 30000) 5)431 (def naturals (iterate inc 0))436 (defn race []437 (let [result (ref nil)438 threads [(Thread. (fn [] (try439 (let [answer (fun1)]440 (dosync (ref-set result answer)))441 (catch Exception _ nil))))442 (Thread. (fn [] (try443 (let [answer (fun2)]444 (dosync (ref-set result answer)))445 (catch Exception _ nil))))]]447 (dorun (map #(.start %) threads))448 (loop []449 (if (!= (deref result) nil)450 (do (dorun (map #(.stop %) threads))451 (deref result))452 (recur)))))460 (defn make-date [year month day] (do (let [date (Calendar/getInstance)] (.set date year month day 0 0) date)))462 (def jan-1-1901 (make-date 1900 0 1))464 (defn sunday? [#^java.util.Date date] (re-matches #"^Sun.*" (str date)))466 (count (filter sunday? (for [a (range 1 40000) date [(.getTime (make-date 1900 0 a)) ] :while (< (.getYear date) 100)] date )))471 (comment473 ;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------474 ;; Answers475 ;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------477 ; Problem 1478 (+ (range-sum 0 1001 3) (range-sum 0 1001 5) (* -1 (range-sum 0 1001 15)))480 ; Problem 2481 (reduce + (for [a (filter even? (fibs)) :while (<= a 4000000 )] a))483 ; Problem 3484 (apply max (prime-factors 600851475143))486 ; Problem 4487 (reduce max (for [a (range 100 1000) b (range 100 1000) :when (palindrome? (* a b))] (* a b)))489 ; Problem 5490 (reduce lcm (range 1 21))492 ; Problem 6493 (- (expt (range-sum 101) 2) (range-sum-squares 101))495 ; Problem 7496 (nth primes 10000)499 ; Problem 9500 (reduce * (first (for [a (range 1 1000) b (range 1 a) c [(sqrt (sum-squares [a b]))]501 :when (= (+ a b c) 1000)] [a b c])))503 ; Problem 10504 (reduce + (for [a primes :while (< a 2000000)] a))510 ; Problem 14511 (first (reduce (fn [a b] (if (> (count a) (count b)) a b)) [] (map collatz-seq (range 1 mil))))514 ; Problem 16515 (reduce + (map #(Character/getNumericValue %) (seq (str (expt 2 1000)))))517 ; Problem 17518 (reduce + (map british-letter-count (range 1 1001)))521 ; Problem 24522 (nth (lex-permutations [ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9]) (- mil 1))524 ; Problem 33525 (reduce * (for [num (range 1 10)526 den (range 1 10)527 weird (range 1 10)528 top [(+ num (* 10 weird))]529 bottom [(+ weird (* 10 den))]530 :when (and (> (/ top bottom) 1) (= (/ top bottom) (/ num den)))]531 (/ bottom top)))533 ; Problem 35534 (count (filter circularly-prime? (primes-under-million)))536 ; Problem 40537 (let [fff (apply str (take 1030000 naturals))]538 (reduce * (map #(Character/getNumericValue (nth fff %))539 (map (fn [x] (expt 10 x)) (range 7)) )))546 ; Problem 79547 (reduce domain-expand-contract [""] logins)549 )