diff graster/graster/lib/graster.rb @ 11:f952052e37b7

trying a fix.
author Robert McIntyre <rlm@mit.edu>
date Tue, 24 Aug 2010 19:06:45 -0400
line wrap: on
line diff
     1.1 --- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
     1.2 +++ b/graster/graster/lib/graster.rb	Tue Aug 24 19:06:45 2010 -0400
     1.3 @@ -0,0 +1,328 @@
     1.4 +#!/usr/bin/env ruby
     1.5 +
     1.6 +require 'rubygems'
     1.7 +require 'yaml'
     1.8 +require 'RMagick'
     1.9 +
    1.10 +class Graster
    1.11 +  
    1.12 +  autoload :Runner,    File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'graster', 'runner')
    1.13 +  autoload :Image,     File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'graster', 'image')
    1.14 +  autoload :GcodeFile, File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'graster', 'gcode_file')
    1.15 +  autoload :GmaskFile, File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'graster', 'gmask_file')
    1.16 +  
    1.17 +  ROOT2 = Math.sqrt(2)
    1.18 +  
    1.19 +  OPTIONS = {
    1.20 +    :dpi =>             [[Float],"X,Y","Dots per inch of your device"],
    1.21 +    :on_range =>        [[Float],
    1.22 +      "MIN,MAX","Luminosity range for which the",
    1.23 +      "laser should be on"],
    1.24 +    :overshoot =>       [Float,"INCHES",
    1.25 +      "Distance the X axis should travel",
    1.26 +      "past the outer boundaries of the outer",
    1.27 +      "images. This needs to be wide enough",
    1.28 +      "so that the X axis doesn't start",
    1.29 +      "decelerating until after it has",
    1.30 +      "cleared the image"],
    1.31 +    :offset =>          [[Float],"X,Y",
    1.32 +      "Location for the bottom left corner",
    1.33 +      "of the bottom left tile. The X",
    1.34 +      "component of this setting must be",
    1.35 +      "equal to or greater than overshoot"],
    1.36 +    :repeat =>          [[Integer],"X,Y",
    1.37 +      "Number of times to repeat the image",
    1.38 +      "in the X and Y axes, respectively.",
    1.39 +      "Size of the tile(s) inches. Any nil",
    1.40 +      "value is calculated from the size of",
    1.41 +      "the bitmap"],
    1.42 +    :tile_spacing =>    [[Float],"X,Y",
    1.43 +      "X,Y gap between repeated tiles in",
    1.44 +      "inches"],
    1.45 +    :feed =>            [Float,"N",
    1.46 +      "Speed to move the X axis while",
    1.47 +      "burning, in inches/minute"],
    1.48 +    :cut_feed =>        [Float,"N",
    1.49 +      "Speed at which to cut out tiles"],
    1.50 +    :corner_radius =>   [Float,"N",
    1.51 +      "Radius of rounded corners for",
    1.52 +      "cutout, 0 for pointy corners"]
    1.53 +  }
    1.54 +
    1.55 +  DEFAULTS = {
    1.56 +    :dpi => [500,500],                 # X,Y dots per inch of your device
    1.57 +    :on_range =>  [0.0,0.5],           # Luminosity range for which the laser should be on
    1.58 +    :overshoot => 0.5,                 # Distance the X axis should travel past the outer boundaries of the outer images.
    1.59 +                                       # This needs to be wide enough so that the X axis doesn't start decelerating
    1.60 +                                       # until after it has cleared the image.
    1.61 +    :offset => [1.0,1.0],              # X,Y location for the bottom left corner of the bottom left tile.
    1.62 +                                       # The X component of this setting must be equal to or greater than :overshoot.
    1.63 +    :repeat => [1,1],                  # Number of times to repeat the image in the X and Y axes, respectively.
    1.64 +    :tile_size => [false,false],       # Size of the tile(s) inches. Any nil value is calculated from
    1.65 +                                       # the size of the bitmap.
    1.66 +    :tile_spacing => [0.125,0.125],    # X,Y gap between repeated tiles in inches
    1.67 +    :feed => 120,                      # Speed to move the X axis while burning, in inches/minute
    1.68 +    :cut_feed => 20,                   # Speed at which to cut out tiles
    1.69 +    :corner_radius => 0                # Radius of rounded corners for cutout, 0 for pointy corners
    1.70 +  }
    1.71 +
    1.72 +  class InvalidConfig < Exception; end
    1.73 +  def update_config
    1.74 +    @scale = @config[:dpi].map{|n| 1.0/n }
    1.75 +    @offset = @config[:offset]
    1.76 +
    1.77 +    if @image
    1.78 +      2.times {|i| @config[:tile_size][i] ||= @image.size[i]*@scale[i] }
    1.79 +      @tile_interval = []
    1.80 +      2.times {|i|
    1.81 +        @tile_interval << @config[:tile_size][i] + @config[:tile_spacing][i]
    1.82 +      }
    1.83 +      @tile_interval
    1.84 +    end
    1.85 +
    1.86 +    @on_range = Range.new Image.f_to_pix(@config[:on_range].first),
    1.87 +                          Image.f_to_pix(@config[:on_range].last)
    1.88 +  end
    1.89 +
    1.90 +  def validate_config
    1.91 +    raise InvalidConfig.new "X offset (#{@config[:offset][0]}) must be greater or equal to overshoot (#{@config[:overshoot]})"
    1.92 +  end
    1.93 +
    1.94 +  def config= h
    1.95 +    @config = {}
    1.96 +    DEFAULTS.each {|k,v| @config[k] = h[k] || v }
    1.97 +    update_config
    1.98 +    return h
    1.99 +  end
   1.100 +
   1.101 +  def merge_config h
   1.102 +    @config ||= DEFAULTS.dup
   1.103 +    h.each {|k,v| @config[k] = v if DEFAULTS[k] }
   1.104 +    update_config
   1.105 +    return h
   1.106 +  end
   1.107 +
   1.108 +  attr_reader :config
   1.109 +
   1.110 +  def image= img
   1.111 +    debug "image set to #{img.filename} #{img.size.inspect} #{img.pixels.size} pixels"
   1.112 +    @image = img
   1.113 +    @image.build_spans @on_range
   1.114 +    update_config
   1.115 +    build_tiled_rows
   1.116 +    return img
   1.117 +  end
   1.118 +
   1.119 +  attr_reader :image
   1.120 +
   1.121 +  def try_load_config_file pn
   1.122 +    if File.exist?(pn)
   1.123 +      c = {}
   1.124 +      YAML.load_file(pn).each {|k,v| c[k.intern] = v }
   1.125 +      return c
   1.126 +    end
   1.127 +  end
   1.128 +
   1.129 +  def try_load_default_config_file
   1.130 +    try_load_config_file './graster.yml'
   1.131 +  end
   1.132 +
   1.133 +  def load_config_file pn
   1.134 +    try_load_config_file pn or raise "config file not found '#{pn}'"
   1.135 +  end
   1.136 +
   1.137 +  def load_image_file pn
   1.138 +    self.image = Image.from_file(pn)
   1.139 +  end
   1.140 +
   1.141 +  # convert tile + pixel coordinates to inches
   1.142 +  def axis_inches axis, tile, pixel
   1.143 +    @offset[axis] + tile*@tile_interval[axis] + pixel*@scale[axis]
   1.144 +  end
   1.145 +
   1.146 +  def x_inches tile, pixel
   1.147 +    axis_inches 0, tile, pixel
   1.148 +  end
   1.149 +
   1.150 +  def y_inches tile, pixel
   1.151 +    axis_inches 1, tile, pixel
   1.152 +  end
   1.153 +
   1.154 +  # return a complete tiled row of spans converted to inches
   1.155 +  def tiled_row_spans y, forward=true
   1.156 +    spans = @image.spans[y]
   1.157 +    return spans if spans.empty?
   1.158 +    tiled_spans = []
   1.159 +
   1.160 +    if forward
   1.161 +      @config[:repeat][0].times do |tile|
   1.162 +        spans.each do |span|
   1.163 +          tiled_spans << [x_inches(tile,span[0]), x_inches(tile,span[1])]
   1.164 +        end
   1.165 +      end
   1.166 +    else
   1.167 +      (0...@config[:repeat][0]).to_a.reverse.each do |tile|
   1.168 +        spans.reverse.each do |span|
   1.169 +          tiled_spans << [x_inches(tile,span[1]), x_inches(tile,span[0])]
   1.170 +        end
   1.171 +      end
   1.172 +    end
   1.173 +
   1.174 +    return tiled_spans
   1.175 +  end
   1.176 +
   1.177 +  def build_tiled_rows
   1.178 +    forward = false
   1.179 +    @tiled_rows = []
   1.180 +    @image.size[1].times {|y| @tiled_rows << tiled_row_spans(y, (forward = !forward)) }
   1.181 +  end
   1.182 +
   1.183 +  # generate a unique id for this job
   1.184 +  def job_hash
   1.185 +    [@image,@config].hash
   1.186 +  end
   1.187 +
   1.188 +  # render a complete tiled image to gcode and gmask streams
   1.189 +  def render_tiled_image gcode, gmask
   1.190 +    debug "rendering tiled image"
   1.191 +    job_id = job_hash
   1.192 +    hyst = -@scale[0]/2
   1.193 +    gcode.comment "raster gcode for job #{job_id}"
   1.194 +    gcode.comment "image: #{@image.filename} #{@image.size.inspect}"
   1.195 +    gcode.comment "config: #{@config.inspect}"
   1.196 +
   1.197 +    gcode.preamble :feed => @config[:feed], :mask => true
   1.198 +    gmask.preamble
   1.199 +
   1.200 +    @config[:repeat][1].times do |ytile|
   1.201 +      debug "begin tile row #{ytile}"
   1.202 +      ypix = 0
   1.203 +      (0...@tiled_rows).each do |spans|
   1.204 +        debug "pixel row #{ypix} is empty" if spans.empty?
   1.205 +        unless spans.empty?
   1.206 +          yinches = y_inches(ytile, ypix)
   1.207 +          forward = spans[0][0] < spans[-1][1]
   1.208 +          dir = forward ? 1 : -1
   1.209 +
   1.210 +          debug "pixel row #{ypix} at #{yinches} inches going #{forward ? 'forward' : 'backward'} with #{spans.size} spans"
   1.211 +
   1.212 +          gcode.g0 :x => spans[0][0] - dir*@config[:overshoot], :y => yinches
   1.213 +          gcode.g1 :x => spans[-1][1] + dir*@config[:overshoot], :y => yinches
   1.214 +          gmask.begin_row forward
   1.215 +          # G0 X0.606 Y1.976
   1.216 +          # G1 X3.396 Y1.976
   1.217 +          # G0 X3.392 Y1.978
   1.218 +          # G1 X0.610 Y1.978
   1.219 +          # G0 X0.614 Y1.980
   1.220 +          # G1 X3.388 Y1.980
   1.221 +
   1.222 +          spans.each {|span| gmask.span forward, span[0]+hyst, span[1]+hyst }
   1.223 +        end # unless spans.empty?
   1.224 +        ypix += 1
   1.225 +      end # @image.each_row
   1.226 +      debug "end tile row #{ytile}"
   1.227 +    end # @config[:repeat][i].times
   1.228 +
   1.229 +    gcode.epilogue
   1.230 +  end # def render_tiled_image
   1.231 +
   1.232 +  # cut out the tile with bottom left at x,y
   1.233 +  def render_cut gcode, x, y
   1.234 +    radius = @config[:corner_radius]
   1.235 +    left = x
   1.236 +    bottom = y
   1.237 +    right = x+@config[:tile_size][0]
   1.238 +    top = y+@config[:tile_size][1]
   1.239 +
   1.240 +    gcode.instance_eval do
   1.241 +      if radius && radius > 0
   1.242 +        jog :x => left, :y => bottom+radius
   1.243 +        move :x => left, :y => top-radius, :laser => true
   1.244 +        turn_cw :x => left+radius, :y => top, :i => radius
   1.245 +        move :x => right-radius, :y => top
   1.246 +        turn_cw :x => right, :y => top-radius, :j => -radius
   1.247 +        move :x => right, :y => bottom+radius
   1.248 +        turn_cw :x => right-radius, :y => bottom, :i => -radius
   1.249 +        move :x => left+radius, :y => bottom
   1.250 +        turn_cw :x => left, :y => bottom+radius, :j => radius
   1.251 +        nc :laser => false
   1.252 +      else
   1.253 +        jog :x => left, :y => bottom
   1.254 +        move :x => left, :y => top, :laser => true
   1.255 +        move :x => right, :y => top
   1.256 +        move :x => right, :y => bottom
   1.257 +        move :x => left, :y => bottom
   1.258 +        nc :laser => false
   1.259 +      end
   1.260 +    end
   1.261 +  end
   1.262 +
   1.263 +  # render gcode to cut out the tiles
   1.264 +  def render_all_cuts gcode
   1.265 +    gcode.preamble :feed => @config[:cut_feed]
   1.266 +    @config[:repeat][1].times do |ytile|
   1.267 +      @config[:repeat][0].times do |xtile|
   1.268 +        render_cut gcode, x_inches(xtile, 0), y_inches(ytile, 0)
   1.269 +      end
   1.270 +    end
   1.271 +    gcode.epilogue
   1.272 +  end
   1.273 +
   1.274 +  def render_all gcode, gmask, cuts
   1.275 +    render_tiled_image gcode, gmask
   1.276 +    render_all_cuts cuts
   1.277 +  end
   1.278 +
   1.279 +  def open_gcode_file &block
   1.280 +    io = GcodeFile.open "#{@image.filename}.raster.ngc", "w", &block
   1.281 +  end
   1.282 +
   1.283 +  def open_gmask_file &block
   1.284 +    io = GmaskFile.open "#{@image.filename}.raster.gmask", "w", &block
   1.285 +  end
   1.286 +
   1.287 +  def open_cut_file &block
   1.288 +    io = GcodeFile.open "#{@image.filename}.cut.ngc", "w", &block
   1.289 +  end
   1.290 +
   1.291 +  def generate_all_files
   1.292 +    open_gcode_file do |gcode|
   1.293 +      open_gmask_file do |gmask|
   1.294 +        render_tiled_image gcode, gmask
   1.295 +      end
   1.296 +    end
   1.297 +
   1.298 +    open_cut_file do |cut|
   1.299 +      render_all_cuts cut
   1.300 +    end
   1.301 +  end
   1.302 +
   1.303 +  def config_to_yaml
   1.304 +    @config.map {|k,v| "#{k}: #{v.inspect}\n" }.join
   1.305 +  end
   1.306 +
   1.307 +  def debug msg
   1.308 +    STDERR.puts msg if @debug
   1.309 +  end
   1.310 +
   1.311 +  def initialize opts={}
   1.312 +    self.config = DEFAULTS.dup
   1.313 +      
   1.314 +    if opts[:config_file]
   1.315 +      self.merge_config load_config_file opts[:config_file]
   1.316 +    elsif opts[:default_config_file] && c = try_load_default_config_file
   1.317 +      self.merge_config c
   1.318 +    end
   1.319 +
   1.320 +    self.merge_config opts[:config] if opts[:config]
   1.321 +
   1.322 +    @debug = opts[:debug]
   1.323 +
   1.324 +    if opts[:image]
   1.325 +      image = opts[:image]
   1.326 +    elsif opts[:image_file]
   1.327 +      load_image_file opts[:image_file]
   1.328 +    end
   1.329 +  end
   1.330 +
   1.331 +end # class Graster