diff src/clojureDemo/ArchLearning.clj @ 1:6d9bdaf919f7

added clojureDemo source
author Robert McIntyre <rlm@mit.edu>
date Fri, 20 Aug 2010 00:32:44 -0400 (2010-08-20)
line wrap: on
line diff
     1.1 --- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
     1.2 +++ b/src/clojureDemo/ArchLearning.clj	Fri Aug 20 00:32:44 2010 -0400
     1.3 @@ -0,0 +1,562 @@
     1.4 +(ns clojureDemo.ArchLearning
     1.5 +  (:gen-class
     1.6 +   :implements [connections.WiredBox]
     1.7 +   :methods [ [process [Object] void] [setFile [Object] void] ]
     1.8 +   :post-init register))
     1.9 +
    1.10 +(use 'clojure.contrib.import-static)
    1.11 +(import '(java.io File))
    1.12 +(import '(org.apache.commons.io FileUtils))
    1.13 +(import '(javax.imageio ImageIO) )
    1.14 +(import '(javax.swing JFrame))
    1.15 +(import '(java.awt Color BorderLayout))
    1.16 +(import '(ij.plugin PlugIn))
    1.17 +(import '(ij ImagePlus IJ))
    1.18 +(import '(java.lang Math))
    1.19 +(import '(java.awt Polygon))
    1.20 +(import '(java.awt.geom Line2D$Double))
    1.21 +
    1.22 +(use 'clojureDemo.appeture)
    1.23 +
    1.24 +(import-static java.lang.Math pow abs)
    1.25 +
    1.26 +(import '(ij Macro))
    1.27 +
    1.28 +(import '(java.io BufferedReader InputStreamReader))
    1.29 +(import '(java.awt.image BufferedImage))
    1.30 +(import '(genesis Genesis))
    1.31 +(import '(utils Mark))
    1.32 +(import '(capenLow StoryProcessor))
    1.33 +(import '(connections Connections WiredBox))
    1.34 +(import '(specialBoxes BasicBox MultiFunctionBox))
    1.35 +(import '(engineering NewHardWiredTranslator))
    1.36 +
    1.37 +(import '(java.awt Polygon))
    1.38 +(import '(java.awt.geom Line2D$Double))
    1.39 +(use 'clojure.contrib.str-utils)
    1.40 +
    1.41 +
    1.42 +;genesis imports
    1.43 +(import '(http Start))
    1.44 +
    1.45 +
    1.46 +(use '[clojureDemo.Xuggle :only (video-seq trans-save flash display video-data)])
    1.47 +(use 'clojureDemo.MegaDeath)
    1.48 +
    1.49 +
    1.50 +(use 'clojure.contrib.combinatorics)
    1.51 +
    1.52 +(use 'clojure.contrib.repl-utils)
    1.53 +
    1.54 +(use 'clojureDemo.GenesisPlay)
    1.55 +
    1.56 +(use ['clojureDemo.Defines 
    1.57 +      :only '(
    1.58 +	     lian look getto human0 blow base app0 app1 app2 app3 app4 app5 
    1.59 +		  bounce0 bounce1 bounce2 bounce3 bounce4 bounce5 bounce6
    1.60 +		  collide0 collide1 collide2 collide3 collide4  
    1.61 +		  give0 give1 give2 give3 give4 target default)])
    1.62 +
    1.63 +(defn -register
    1.64 +   "equivalent to Connections.getPorts(this).addSignalProcessor(\"process\"); in Java"
    1.65 +   [this]
    1.66 +   (println "ClojureBox (register) : Register is run 
    1.67 +    only when the object is created, as if it were a constructor.")
    1.68 +   (. (connections.Connections/getPorts this) addSignalProcessor "process"))
    1.69 +
    1.70 +(defn -process [ this obj ]
    1.71 +  (println "ClojureBox (process) :  This is a LISP function, 
    1.72 +   being called through Java, through the wiredBox metaphor.")
    1.73 +  (.transmit (Connections/getPorts this)  obj))
    1.74 +
    1.75 +(defn -getName
    1.76 +  "the [_] means that  the function gets an explicit 'this'
    1.77 +    argument, just like python. In this case we don't care about it."
    1.78 +  [_]  "ArchLearning")
    1.79 +
    1.80 +
    1.81 +
    1.82 +
    1.83 +
    1.84 +(def output-base (File. "/home/r/Desktop/output-vision"))
    1.85 +(def rsgs (with-meta (take 10 gs) (meta gs)))
    1.86 +(def rrsgs (with-meta (take 3 rsgs) (meta gs)))
    1.87 +; a concept is going to be derived from Genesis' own xml based representations.
    1.88 +; this is an form of archlearning which figures out a function that representes
    1.89 +; the concepts.
    1.90 +
    1.91 +
    1.92 +(def black {:r 0  :g 0 :b 0})
    1.93 +(def white {:r 255 :g 255 :b 255})
    1.94 +
    1.95 +
    1.96 +(defn window-frame
    1.97 +  "analyzes a frame in terms of lots of tiny windows which 
    1.98 +   each try to find some sort of edge. keeps coordinates."
    1.99 +  ([x-form frame]
   1.100 +     (let [lines (frame-windows x-form frame)]
   1.101 +       (zipmap (for [x lines] (first (rest x)))
   1.102 +	       lines)))
   1.103 +  ([frame]
   1.104 +     (window-frame identity frame)))
   1.105 +
   1.106 +
   1.107 +(defn intense-select-x-form
   1.108 +  "discard silly gray things"
   1.109 +  [window]
   1.110 +  (with-meta
   1.111 +    (zipmap
   1.112 +     (keys window)
   1.113 +     (map (fn  [rgb]
   1.114 +	    (let [spread (- (max (:r rgb) (:g rgb) (:b rgb)) (min (:r rgb) (:g rgb) (:b rgb)))]
   1.115 +	      (if (> spread 45)
   1.116 +		rgb
   1.117 +		{:r 0 :g 0 :b 0}))) (vals window)))  (meta window)))
   1.118 +
   1.119 +(defn edges-x-form
   1.120 +  [window]
   1.121 +  (frame-hash (ImagePlus. "sad :(" (overlay-draw blank (frame-windows window)))))
   1.122 +
   1.123 +   
   1.124 +
   1.125 +(defn rgb-max
   1.126 +  [rgb1 rgb2]
   1.127 +  {:r (max (:r rgb1) (:r rgb2))
   1.128 +   :g (max (:g rgb1) (:g rgb2))
   1.129 +   :b (max (:b rgb1) (:b rgb2))})
   1.130 +
   1.131 +(defn frame-hash-add
   1.132 +  [frame1 frame2]
   1.133 +  (with-meta
   1.134 +  (let [indexes (apply hash-set (concat (keys frame1) (keys frame2)))]
   1.135 +    (zipmap indexes (for [x indexes] (rgb-max (frame1 x black)  (frame2 x black))))) (meta frame1)))
   1.136 +
   1.137 +
   1.138 +
   1.139 +(defn vid-seq-add
   1.140 +  "for black and white video-sequences. Just adds them together into one image sequence"
   1.141 +  [vid-seq1 vid-seq2]
   1.142 +  (with-meta 
   1.143 +    (map  #(ImagePlus. "ADD B&W" (frame-hash->bufferedImage %)) (map frame-hash-add (map frame-hash vid-seq1) (map frame-hash vid-seq2)))
   1.144 +    (meta vid-seq1)))
   1.145 +
   1.146 +(defn edges-center-draw
   1.147 +  ([base edges]
   1.148 +     (frame-hash-add
   1.149 +      base
   1.150 +      (zipmap (keys edges) (repeat white))))
   1.151 +  ([edges]
   1.152 +     (edges-center-draw blank edges)))
   1.153 +
   1.154 +(defn edge-dot-x-form
   1.155 +  "gives a new frame-hash with only the edge points, all white."
   1.156 +  [frame]
   1.157 +  (edges-center-draw (window-frame frame)))
   1.158 +
   1.159 +  
   1.160 +(defn rgb-euclidian
   1.161 +  [{r1 :r g1 :g b1 :b} {r2 :r g2 :g b2 :b} ]
   1.162 +  (pow (+ (pow (- r1 r2) 2)
   1.163 +	  (pow (- g1 g2) 2)
   1.164 +	  (pow (- b1 b2) 2)) 0.5))
   1.165 +  
   1.166 +(defn rgb-sub
   1.167 +  [tolerance rgb1 rgb2]
   1.168 +  (if (< (rgb-euclidian rgb1 rgb2) tolerance) black white))
   1.169 +
   1.170 +
   1.171 +
   1.172 +(defn frame-subtract
   1.173 +  [tolerance frame1 frame2]
   1.174 +  (with-meta
   1.175 +  (let [indexes (apply hash-set (concat (keys frame1) (keys frame2)))]
   1.176 +    (zipmap indexes (for [x indexes] (rgb-sub tolerance (frame1 x)  (frame2 x))))) (meta frame1)))
   1.177 +
   1.178 +
   1.179 +(defn image-subtract
   1.180 +  [tolerance [img1 img2]]
   1.181 +  (frame-subtract tolerance (frame-hash img1) (frame-hash img2)))
   1.182 +
   1.183 +
   1.184 +(defn motion-detect
   1.185 +  ([tolerance video-seq]
   1.186 +     (with-meta
   1.187 +       (map (partial image-subtract tolerance) (partition 2 1 video-seq)) (meta video-seq)))
   1.188 +  ([video-seq]
   1.189 +     (motion-detect 40 video-seq)))
   1.190 +
   1.191 +(defn motion-x-form
   1.192 +  ([tolerance video-seq]
   1.193 +     (with-meta    
   1.194 +       (map  #(ImagePlus. "motion-detect!" (frame-hash->bufferedImage %)) (motion-detect tolerance video-seq))
   1.195 +       (meta video-seq)))
   1.196 +  ([video-seq] 
   1.197 +     (motion-x-form 40 video-seq)))
   1.198 +;the edge detector is what finds objects.
   1.199 +;movement disambiguates between different ways of interperting what objects are there
   1.200 +;color / other qualifiers enable focus on a subset of objects, and can give objects names.
   1.201 +
   1.202 +
   1.203 +
   1.204 +  
   1.205 +
   1.206 +(defn find-an-object
   1.207 +  "tries to find a single object from the current sensory-buffer, which
   1.208 +   is a video-seq for now. My idea here is for this to feed-back on itself,
   1.209 +   adjusting parameters till it can find it's target, and then using those 
   1.210 +   to construct an representation of the object in terms of how to find it using
   1.211 +   other visual routines paramaters."
   1.212 +  [video-seq])
   1.213 +
   1.214 +
   1.215 +
   1.216 +(defn transform
   1.217 +  [x-form video-seq]
   1.218 +  (with-meta
   1.219 +    (map (fn [imgPlus]
   1.220 +	   (let [play (frame-hash imgPlus)]
   1.221 +	     (x-form play)))
   1.222 +	 video-seq)
   1.223 +    (meta video-seq)))
   1.224 +
   1.225 +
   1.226 +(defn apply-x-form
   1.227 +  [x-form video-seq]
   1.228 +  (with-meta
   1.229 +    (map #(ImagePlus. "transformed!" (frame-hash->bufferedImage %))
   1.230 +	 (map (fn [imgPlus]
   1.231 +		(let [play (frame-hash imgPlus)]
   1.232 +		  (x-form play)))
   1.233 +	      video-seq))
   1.234 +    (meta video-seq)))
   1.235 +
   1.236 +
   1.237 +
   1.238 +(defn only-white
   1.239 +  "reduce the image to only its white points"
   1.240 +  [window]
   1.241 +  (with-meta
   1.242 +  (let [new-keys
   1.243 +	(filter  #(= white (window %)) (keys window))]
   1.244 +    (zipmap new-keys (map window new-keys))) (meta window)))
   1.245 +
   1.246 +
   1.247 +
   1.248 +
   1.249 +(defn white-sum 
   1.250 + [& rgbs]
   1.251 + (let[ wht-map {white 1}]
   1.252 + (reduce + (map #(wht-map % 0) rgbs))))
   1.253 +
   1.254 +(defn island?
   1.255 +  "return false if there's nothing around it within a certain radius"
   1.256 +  [window [x y]]
   1.257 +  (let [radius 3]
   1.258 +    (<= (apply white-sum (vals (rectangle-window x y radius radius window))) 1)))
   1.259 +
   1.260 +(defn white-border
   1.261 +  "anything that relies on a hack like this to work is wrong"
   1.262 +  [window]
   1.263 +  (with-meta
   1.264 +    (let [info (meta window)]
   1.265 +      (into window
   1.266 +	    (zipmap
   1.267 +	     (for [x (range (:width info)) y (range (:height info)) 
   1.268 +		   :when (or (= (-(:width info) 1) x) (= (- (:height info) 1) y) (= 0 y) (= 0 x))] [x y])
   1.269 +	     (repeat white))))(meta window)))
   1.270 +
   1.271 +(defn polygonize
   1.272 +   "for each edge-point, try to connect it with all the edge points around it, 
   1.273 +   or obliterate it if it doesn't have any edge points close by."
   1.274 +  [window]
   1.275 +  (with-meta
   1.276 +  (let [edges (only-white window)]
   1.277 +    (let [new-keys
   1.278 +	  (filter (comp not (partial island? window)) (keys window))]
   1.279 +      (let [ready-points (zipmap new-keys (map window new-keys))]
   1.280 + (meta window))))))
   1.281 +
   1.282 +
   1.283 +(defn connect-the-dots
   1.284 +  [radius window]
   1.285 +  (let [edge-points (white-border (only-white window))
   1.286 +	image  (frame-hash->bufferedImage window)
   1.287 +	g2 (.getGraphics image)]
   1.288 +    (doall
   1.289 +     (for [[x y] (keys edge-points)]
   1.290 +       
   1.291 +       (let [points  (apply cartesian-product (repeat 2 (keys (only-white (rectangle-window x y radius radius edge-points)))))]
   1.292 +	(if (not (empty? points))
   1.293 +	  (doall
   1.294 +	  (for [[[x1 y1][x2 y2]] points]
   1.295 +	    (.drawLine g2 x1 y1 x2 y2)))))))
   1.296 +    (frame-hash (ImagePlus. "stupid..."  image))))
   1.297 +
   1.298 + 
   1.299 +(defn blob-x-form
   1.300 +  [window]
   1.301 +  (with-meta 
   1.302 +    ((comp (partial connect-the-dots 4) edge-dot-x-form) window)
   1.303 +  (meta window)))
   1.304 +
   1.305 +
   1.306 +
   1.307 +
   1.308 +(defn connect-points
   1.309 + [frame-hash overlay]
   1.310 + (let [image  (frame-hash->bufferedImage frame-hash)
   1.311 +       g2 (.getGraphics image)]
   1.312 +   (doall (for [ x overlay] 
   1.313 +     (let [x1 (ffirst x) y1 (second (first x)) x2 (first (last x)) y2 (last (last x))] 
   1.314 +       (.drawLine g2 x1 y1 x2 y2))))
   1.315 +     image))
   1.316 +
   1.317 +
   1.318 +(defn disambiguate-edges
   1.319 +  "Like in project Prakesh, the thing that lets you discern shapes
   1.320 +   is watching them *move* coherently. After many months of this 
   1.321 +   motion-boosting, the edge-detector itself becomes good enogh to 
   1.322 +   analyze static pictures without motion.  This function takes edges
   1.323 +   and tries to combine them into lines, dividing the world into
   1.324 +   polygonal regions.  Motion is used to associate two regions together.
   1.325 +   associated with those points, that information is also used."
   1.326 +  [edges motion]
   1.327 +)
   1.328 +  
   1.329 +
   1.330 +(defn triple-seq
   1.331 +  [triple]
   1.332 +  (list (.getFirst triple) (.getSecond triple) (.getThird triple)))
   1.333 +
   1.334 +(defn contains-word?
   1.335 +  [word triple]
   1.336 +  (contains? (set  (map (fn [s] (re-sub #"-\d+" "" s)) (triple-seq triple))) word))
   1.337 +
   1.338 +
   1.339 +(defn write 
   1.340 +  [reference]
   1.341 +  (fn [x] (dosync 
   1.342 +	   (println "wrote "  " to " "ref.")
   1.343 +	   (ref-set reference x))))
   1.344 +
   1.345 +
   1.346 +;; (defn join-point-lists
   1.347 +;;   [pointlist1 pointlist2]
   1.348 +;;   (for [x  :while (not(= x 5))] x)))
   1.349 +
   1.350 +(defn extract-single-blob
   1.351 +  "find the biggest blob in an image and return it"
   1.352 +  [window]
   1.353 +  ;we're assuming that there are only blobs left -- funning this on an unprocessed
   1.354 +  ;image will just return the entire image
   1.355 +  (map list window))
   1.356 +
   1.357 +
   1.358 +
   1.359 +
   1.360 +(def gen-out (ref nil))
   1.361 +(def triple (ref nil))
   1.362 +
   1.363 +
   1.364 +
   1.365 +(def gen1 (ref ()))
   1.366 +(def gen2 (ref ()))
   1.367 +(def gen3 (ref ()))
   1.368 +(def gen4 (ref ()))
   1.369 +(def gen5 (ref ()))
   1.370 +(def gen6 (ref ()))
   1.371 +(def gen7 (ref ()))
   1.372 +(def gen8 (ref ()))
   1.373 +
   1.374 +
   1.375 +(defn make-color-generator
   1.376 +  []
   1.377 + (let [r (java.util.Random. 58)
   1.378 +       g (java.util.Random. 125)
   1.379 +       b (java.util.Random. 8)]
   1.380 +   #(hash-map :r (.nextInt r 255)  :g (.nextInt r 255)   :b (.nextInt r 255))))
   1.381 +
   1.382 +
   1.383 +;a blob is a collection of:
   1.384 +;points, colors
   1.385 +;other blobs
   1.386 +;so, a window is a blob too.
   1.387 +
   1.388 +
   1.389 +
   1.390 +
   1.391 +
   1.392 +
   1.393 +;; (defn blob-color-absob
   1.394 +;;   [blob1 blob2]
   1.395 +;;   (if (and (< (rgb-euclidian (color-avg blob1) (color-avg blob2)) 20) (close-together blob1 blob2))
   1.396 +;;     (combine blob1 blob2)
   1.397 +;;     '(blob1 blob2)))
   1.398 +  
   1.399 +
   1.400 +(defn make-test-box
   1.401 +  "stupid."
   1.402 +  []
   1.403 +  (let [box (proxy [MultiFunctionBox] [] (getName [] "test-box [clojure]") 
   1.404 +		   (process1 [obj] ((write gen1) obj))
   1.405 +		   (process2 [obj] ((write gen2) obj))
   1.406 +		   (process3 [obj] ((write gen3) obj))
   1.407 +		   (process4 [obj] ((write gen4) obj))
   1.408 +		   (process5 [obj] ((write gen5) obj))
   1.409 +		   (process6 [obj] ((write gen6) obj))
   1.410 +		   (process7 [obj] ((write gen7) obj))
   1.411 +		   (process8 [obj] ((write gen8) obj)))]
   1.412 +    
   1.413 +    (.addSignalProcessor (Connections/getPorts box) "PORT1" "process1")
   1.414 +    (.addSignalProcessor (Connections/getPorts box) "PORT2" "process2")
   1.415 +    (.addSignalProcessor (Connections/getPorts box) "PORT3" "process3")
   1.416 +    (.addSignalProcessor (Connections/getPorts box) "PORT4" "process4")
   1.417 +    (.addSignalProcessor (Connections/getPorts box) "PORT5" "process5")
   1.418 +    (.addSignalProcessor (Connections/getPorts box) "PORT6" "process6")
   1.419 +    (.addSignalProcessor (Connections/getPorts box) "PORT7" "process7")
   1.420 +    (.addSignalProcessor (Connections/getPorts box) "PORT8" "process8")
   1.421 +    box))
   1.422 +
   1.423 +
   1.424 +
   1.425 +(defn writer-box
   1.426 +  [reference]
   1.427 +  (let [box (proxy [MultiFunctionBox] [] 
   1.428 +	      (getName [] "ref-set\n [clojure]")
   1.429 +	      (process1 [obj] ((write reference) obj)))]
   1.430 +     (.addSignalProcessor (Connections/getPorts box) "process1")
   1.431 +     box))
   1.432 +
   1.433 +
   1.434 +
   1.435 +
   1.436 +(def triples  (ref ()))
   1.437 +(def parse    (ref ()))
   1.438 +(def raw      (ref ()))
   1.439 +(def idioms   (ref ()))
   1.440 +(def yes-no   (ref ()))
   1.441 +(def imagine  (ref ()))
   1.442 +(def traj     (ref ()))
   1.443 +(def action   (ref ()))
   1.444 +(def transfer (ref ()))
   1.445 +(def pix      (ref ()))
   1.446 +(def property (ref ()))
   1.447 +
   1.448 +(use 'clojure.contrib.str-utils)
   1.449 +
   1.450 +(defn process-video-and-subtitles
   1.451 +  [this file]
   1.452 +  ;we're looking for a text file of the same name as the video file.
   1.453 +  (let [subtitles (File. (.getParent file) (str (last (first (re-seq #"(^.*)\.avi$" (.getName file)))) ".txt"))]
   1.454 +    (dorun 
   1.455 +    (for [line (re-split #"\n" (slurp (str subtitles)))]
   1.456 +      (do (println line)
   1.457 +      (.transmit (Connections/getPorts this)  line)))))
   1.458 +  (display (first (video-seq file))))
   1.459 +
   1.460 +(defn process-triple
   1.461 +  [this triple]
   1.462 +  (println "RLM [vision-box]: " triple))
   1.463 +
   1.464 +(defn visionBox
   1.465 +  []
   1.466 +  (let [box (proxy [MultiFunctionBox] [] 
   1.467 +	      (getName [] "VisionBox \n [clojure]")
   1.468 +	      (process1 [obj] (process-video-and-subtitles this obj))
   1.469 +	      (process2 [obj] (process-triple this obj)))]
   1.470 +  (.addSignalProcessor (Connections/getPorts box) "video-in" "process1")
   1.471 +  (.addSignalProcessor (Connections/getPorts box) "triple-in" "process2")
   1.472 +
   1.473 +  (println "the good box")
   1.474 +  box))
   1.475 +
   1.476 +  
   1.477 +
   1.478 +
   1.479 +
   1.480 +(defn custom-genesis
   1.481 +  "connects the writer boxes to genesis"
   1.482 +  []
   1.483 +  (Connections/obliterateNetwork)
   1.484 +  (let [stupid-box (make-test-box) genesis (Genesis.) vis-box (visionBox) ]
   1.485 +    (Connections/wire "tripple port" (.getStartParser genesis) (writer-box triples))
   1.486 +    (Connections/wire "parse" (.getStartParser genesis) (writer-box parse))
   1.487 +    (Connections/wire "result" (.getNewSemanticTranslator genesis) (writer-box raw))
   1.488 +    (Connections/wire (.getIdiomExpert genesis) (writer-box idioms))
   1.489 +    (Connections/wire "yes-no question" (.getCommandExpert genesis) (writer-box yes-no))
   1.490 +    (Connections/wire "imagine" (.getCommandExpert genesis)  (writer-box imagine))
   1.491 +    (Connections/wire "viewer" (.getTrajectoryExpert genesis) (writer-box traj))
   1.492 +    (Connections/wire "viewer" (.getActionExpert genesis) (writer-box action))
   1.493 +    (Connections/wire "next" (.getTransferExpert genesis) (writer-box transfer))
   1.494 +    (Connections/wire  (.getRachelsPictureFinder genesis) (writer-box pix))
   1.495 +    (Connections/wire "viewer" (.getPropertyExpert genesis) (writer-box property))
   1.496 +    (Connections/wire "tripple port" (.getStartParser genesis) "triple-in" vis-box)
   1.497 +    
   1.498 +
   1.499 +    (Connections/wire (.getArchLearning genesis) "video-in" vis-box)
   1.500 +    (Connections/wire  vis-box "sentence" (.getStartParser genesis))
   1.501 +    
   1.502 + genesis))
   1.503 +
   1.504 +
   1.505 +(use 'clojure.contrib.def)
   1.506 +
   1.507 +(defvar learning-hash  {}
   1.508 +  "Right now this serves as the visual memory.  
   1.509 +   It's full of verbs/objects and the programs
   1.510 +   that find them.")
   1.511 +
   1.512 +(def green {:r 0 :g 200 :b 0})
   1.513 +(def blue  {:r 0  :g 0  :b 255})
   1.514 +(def red   {:r 255 :g 0 :b 0})
   1.515 +
   1.516 +
   1.517 +(defn color-similar?
   1.518 +  [threshold window color coord]
   1.519 +  (< (rgb-euclidian (window coord) color) threshold))
   1.520 +;should also have the same "shape" here
   1.521 +
   1.522 +(defn color-select
   1.523 +     [threshold color window]
   1.524 +     (with-meta
   1.525 +       (let [new-keys
   1.526 +	     (filter  (partial color-similar? threshold window color) (keys window))]
   1.527 +	 (zipmap new-keys (map window new-keys)))
   1.528 +	   (meta window)))
   1.529 +
   1.530 +
   1.531 +
   1.532 +(defn object-sequence
   1.533 +  "get's the largest blob of the given color from a video sequence."
   1.534 +  [color video-seq]
   1.535 + (apply-x-form (comp (partial color-select 135 color) intense-select-x-form) rrsgs))
   1.536 +
   1.537 +(defn -setFile
   1.538 +  [this file]
   1.539 +  (println "file is " file)
   1.540 +  (.process this file))
   1.541 +
   1.542 +
   1.543 +
   1.544 +
   1.545 +(comment (things you can do that will actually work!)
   1.546 +
   1.547 +(do (use :reload-all 'clojureDemo.ArchLearning) (in-ns 'clojureDemo.ArchLearning))
   1.548 +
   1.549 +(display (overlay-draw (green-select-x-form play) (frame-windows green-select-x-form play )))
   1.550 +
   1.551 +;vision stuff
   1.552 +
   1.553 +(def edgesD (transform window-frame rrsgs))
   1.554 +
   1.555 +(doall 
   1.556 + (def edgesI (apply-x-form edges-x-form rrsgs))
   1.557 + (display (rectangle-window 50 50 50 50 (frame-hash (nth edgesI 1))))
   1.558 + )
   1.559 +
   1.560 +(def polyjuice (white-border (only-white (edge-dot-x-form play))))
   1.561 +
   1.562 +(count  (color-select 135 red (intense-select-x-form (frame-hash (last sg)))))
   1.563 +(trans-save (File. output-base "only-red.avi")(apply-x-form (comp (partial color-select 135 red) intense-select-x-form) rrsgs))
   1.564 +)
   1.565 +