comparison src/clojure/contrib/logging.clj @ 10:ef7dbbd6452c

added clojure source goodness
author Robert McIntyre <>
date Sat, 21 Aug 2010 06:25:44 -0400
equal deleted inserted replaced
9:35cf337adfcf 10:ef7dbbd6452c
1 ;;; logging.clj -- delegated logging for Clojure
3 ;; by Alex Taggart
4 ;; July 27, 2009
6 ;; Copyright (c) Alex Taggart, July 2009. All rights reserved. The use
7 ;; and distribution terms for this software are covered by the Eclipse
8 ;; Public License 1.0 (
9 ;; which can be found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this
10 ;; distribution. By using this software in any fashion, you are
11 ;; agreeing to be bound by the terms of this license. You must not
12 ;; remove this notice, or any other, from this software.
13 (ns
14 ^{:author "Alex Taggart, Timothy Pratley",
15 :doc
16 "Logging macros which delegate to a specific logging implementation. At
17 runtime a specific implementation is selected from, in order, Apache
18 commons-logging, log4j, and finally java.util.logging.
20 Logging levels are specified by clojure keywords corresponding to the
21 values used in log4j and commons-logging:
22 :trace, :debug, :info, :warn, :error, :fatal
24 Logging occurs with the log macro, or the level-specific convenience macros,
25 which write either directly or via an agent. For performance reasons, direct
26 logging is enabled by default, but setting the *allow-direct-logging* boolean
27 atom to false will disable it. If logging is invoked within a transaction it
28 will always use an agent.
30 The log macros will not evaluate their 'message' unless the specific logging
31 level is in effect. Alternately, you can use the spy macro when you have code
32 that needs to be evaluated, and also want to output the code and its result to
33 the debug log.
35 Unless otherwise specified, the current namespace (as identified by *ns*) will
36 be used as the log-ns (similar to how the java class name is usually used).
37 Note: your log configuration should display the name that was passed to the
38 logging implementation, and not perform stack-inspection, otherwise you'll see
39 something like \"fn__72$impl_write_BANG__39__auto____81\" in your logs.
41 Use the enabled? macro to write conditional code against the logging level
42 (beyond simply whether or not to call log, which is handled automatically).
44 You can redirect all java writes of System.out and System.err to the log
45 system by calling log-capture!. To rebind *out* and *err* to the log system
46 invoke with-logs. In both cases a log-ns (e.g., \"com.example.captured\")
47 needs to be specified to namespace the output."}
48 clojure.contrib.logging)
50 (declare *impl-name* impl-get-log impl-enabled? impl-write!)
52 ;; Macros used so that implementation-specific functions all have the same meta.
54 (defmacro def-impl-name
55 {:private true} [& body]
56 `(def
57 ^{:doc "The name of the logging implementation used."}
58 *impl-name*
59 ~@body))
61 (defmacro def-impl-get-log
62 {:private true} [& body]
63 `(def
64 ^{:doc
65 "Returns an implementation-specific log by string namespace. End-users should
66 not need to call this."
67 :arglist '([~'log-ns])}
68 impl-get-log
69 (memoize ~@body)))
71 (defmacro def-impl-enabled?
72 {:private true} [& body]
73 `(def
74 ^{:doc
75 "Implementation-specific check if a particular level is enabled. End-users
76 should not need to call this."
77 :arglist '([~'log ~'level])}
78 impl-enabled?
79 ~@body))
81 (defmacro def-impl-write!
82 {:private true} [& body]
83 `(def
84 ^{:doc
85 "Implementation-specific write of a log message. End-users should not need to
86 call this."
87 :arglist '([~'log ~'level ~'message ~'throwable])}
88 impl-write!
89 ~@body))
91 (defn- commons-logging
92 "Defines the commons-logging-based implementations of the core logging
93 functions. End-users should never need to call this."
94 []
95 (try
96 (import (org.apache.commons.logging LogFactory Log))
97 (eval
98 `(do
99 (def-impl-name "org.apache.commons.logging")
100 (def-impl-get-log
101 (fn [log-ns#]
102 (org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory/getLog ^String log-ns#)))
103 (def-impl-enabled?
104 (fn [^org.apache.commons.logging.Log log# level#]
105 (condp = level#
106 :trace (.isTraceEnabled log#)
107 :debug (.isDebugEnabled log#)
108 :info (.isInfoEnabled log#)
109 :warn (.isWarnEnabled log#)
110 :error (.isErrorEnabled log#)
111 :fatal (.isFatalEnabled log#))))
112 (def-impl-write!
113 (fn [^org.apache.commons.logging.Log log# level# msg# e#]
114 (condp = level#
115 :trace (.trace log# msg# e#)
116 :debug (.debug log# msg# e#)
117 :info (.info log# msg# e#)
118 :warn (.warn log# msg# e#)
119 :error (.error log# msg# e#)
120 :fatal (.fatal log# msg# e#))))
121 true))
122 (catch Exception e nil)))
125 (defn- log4j-logging
126 "Defines the log4j-based implementations of the core logging functions.
127 End-users should never need to call this."
128 []
129 (try
130 (import (org.apache.log4j Logger Level))
131 (eval
132 '(do
133 (def-impl-name "org.apache.log4j")
134 (def-impl-get-log
135 (fn [log-ns#]
136 (org.apache.log4j.Logger/getLogger ^String log-ns#)))
137 (let [levels# {:trace org.apache.log4j.Level/TRACE
138 :debug org.apache.log4j.Level/DEBUG
139 :info org.apache.log4j.Level/INFO
140 :warn org.apache.log4j.Level/WARN
141 :error org.apache.log4j.Level/ERROR
142 :fatal org.apache.log4j.Level/FATAL}]
143 (def-impl-enabled?
144 (fn [^org.apache.log4j.Logger log# level#]
145 (.isEnabledFor log# (levels# level#))))
146 (def-impl-write!
147 (fn [^org.apache.log4j.Logger log# level# msg# e#]
148 (if-not e#
149 (.log log# (levels# level#) msg#)
150 (.log log# (levels# level#) msg# e#)))))
151 true))
152 (catch Exception e nil)))
155 (defn- java-logging
156 "Defines the java-logging-based implementations of the core logging
157 functions. End-users should never need to call this."
158 []
159 (try
160 (import (java.util.logging Logger Level))
161 (eval
162 `(do
163 (def-impl-name "java.util.logging")
164 (def-impl-get-log
165 (fn [log-ns#]
166 (java.util.logging.Logger/getLogger log-ns#)))
167 (let [levels# {:trace java.util.logging.Level/FINEST
168 :debug java.util.logging.Level/FINE
169 :info java.util.logging.Level/INFO
170 :warn java.util.logging.Level/WARNING
171 :error java.util.logging.Level/SEVERE
172 :fatal java.util.logging.Level/SEVERE}]
173 (def-impl-enabled?
174 (fn [^java.util.logging.Logger log# level#]
175 (.isLoggable log# (levels# level#))))
176 (def-impl-write!
177 (fn [^java.util.logging.Logger log# level# msg# e#]
178 (if-not e#
179 (.log log# ^java.util.logging.Level (levels# level#)
180 ^String (str msg#))
181 (.log log# ^java.util.logging.Level (levels# level#)
182 ^String (str msg#) ^Throwable e#)))))
183 true))
184 (catch Exception e nil)))
187 ;; Initialize implementation-specific functions
188 (or (commons-logging)
189 (log4j-logging)
190 (java-logging)
191 (throw ; this should never happen in 1.5+
192 (RuntimeException.
193 "Valid logging implementation could not be found.")))
196 (def ^{:doc
197 "The default agent used for performing logging durng a transaction or when
198 direct logging is disabled."}
199 *logging-agent* (agent nil))
202 (def ^{:doc
203 "A boolean indicating whether direct logging (as opposed to via an agent) is
204 allowed when not operating from within a transaction. Defaults to true."}
205 *allow-direct-logging* (atom true))
208 (defmacro log
209 "Logs a message, either directly or via an agent. Also see the level-specific
210 convenience macros."
211 ([level message]
212 `(log ~level ~message nil))
213 ([level message throwable]
214 `(log ~level ~message ~throwable ~(str *ns*)))
215 ([level message throwable log-ns]
216 `(let [log# (impl-get-log ~log-ns)]
217 (if (impl-enabled? log# ~level)
218 (if (and @*allow-direct-logging*
219 (not (clojure.lang.LockingTransaction/isRunning)))
220 (impl-write! log# ~level ~message ~throwable)
221 (send-off *logging-agent*
222 (fn [_# l# v# m# t#] (impl-write! l# v# m# t#))
223 log# ~level ~message ~throwable))))))
226 (defmacro enabled?
227 "Returns true if the specific logging level is enabled. Use of this function
228 should only be necessary if one needs to execute alternate code paths beyond
229 whether the log should be written to."
230 ([level]
231 `(enabled? ~level ~(str *ns*)))
232 ([level log-ns]
233 `(impl-enabled? (impl-get-log ~log-ns) ~level)))
236 (defmacro spy
237 "Evaluates expr and outputs the form and its result to the debug log; returns
238 the result of expr."
239 [expr]
240 `(let [a# ~expr] (log :debug (str '~expr " => " a#)) a#))
243 (defn log-stream
244 "Creates a PrintStream that will output to the log. End-users should not need
245 to invoke this."
246 [level log-ns]
247 (
248 (proxy [] []
249 (flush []
250 (proxy-super flush)
251 (let [s (.trim (.toString ^ this))]
252 (proxy-super reset)
253 (if (> (.length s) 0)
254 (log level s nil log-ns)))))
255 true))
258 (def ^{:doc
259 "A ref used by log-capture! to maintain a reference to the original System.out
260 and System.err streams."
261 :private true}
262 *old-std-streams* (ref nil))
265 (defn log-capture!
266 "Captures System.out and System.err, redirecting all writes of those streams
267 to :info and :error logging, respectively. The specified log-ns value will
268 be used to namespace all redirected logging. NOTE: this will not redirect
269 output of *out* or *err*; for that, use with-logs."
270 [log-ns]
271 (dosync
272 (let [new-out (log-stream :info log-ns)
273 new-err (log-stream :error log-ns)]
274 ; don't overwrite the original values
275 (if (nil? @*old-std-streams*)
276 (ref-set *old-std-streams* {:out System/out :err System/err}))
277 (System/setOut new-out)
278 (System/setErr new-err))))
281 (defn log-uncapture!
282 "Restores System.out and System.err to their original values."
283 []
284 (dosync
285 (when-let [{old-out :out old-err :err} @*old-std-streams*]
286 (ref-set *old-std-streams* nil)
287 (System/setOut old-out)
288 (System/setErr old-err))))
291 (defmacro with-logs
292 "Evaluates exprs in a context in which *out* and *err* are bound to :info and
293 :error logging, respectively. The specified log-ns value will be used to
294 namespace all redirected logging."
295 [log-ns & body]
296 (if (and log-ns (seq body))
297 `(binding [*out* (
298 (log-stream :info ~log-ns))
299 *err* (
300 (log-stream :error ~log-ns))]
301 ~@body)))
303 (defmacro trace
304 "Logs a message at the trace level."
305 ([message]
306 `(log :trace ~message))
307 ([message throwable]
308 `(log :trace ~message ~throwable)))
310 (defmacro debug
311 "Logs a message at the debug level."
312 ([message]
313 `(log :debug ~message))
314 ([message throwable]
315 `(log :debug ~message ~throwable)))
317 (defmacro info
318 "Logs a message at the info level."
319 ([message]
320 `(log :info ~message))
321 ([message throwable]
322 `(log :info ~message ~throwable)))
324 (defmacro warn
325 "Logs a message at the warn level."
326 ([message]
327 `(log :warn ~message))
328 ([message throwable]
329 `(log :warn ~message ~throwable)))
331 (defmacro error
332 "Logs a message at the error level."
333 ([message]
334 `(log :error ~message))
335 ([message throwable]
336 `(log :error ~message ~throwable)))
338 (defmacro fatal
339 "Logs a message at the fatal level."
340 ([message]
341 `(log :fatal ~message))
342 ([message throwable]
343 `(log :fatal ~message ~throwable)))