comparison src/clojure/contrib/error_kit.clj @ 10:ef7dbbd6452c

added clojure source goodness
author Robert McIntyre <>
date Sat, 21 Aug 2010 06:25:44 -0400
equal deleted inserted replaced
9:35cf337adfcf 10:ef7dbbd6452c
1 ; Copyright (c) Chris Houser, Jan 2009. All rights reserved.
2 ; The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the
3 ; Eclipse Public License 1.0 (
4 ; which can be found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this distribution.
5 ; By using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by
6 ; the terms of this license.
7 ; You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.
10 ; System for defining and using custom errors
11 ; Please contact Chouser if you have any suggestions for better names
12 ; or API adjustments.
14 (ns
15 ^{:author "Chris Houser",
17 System for defining and using custom errors
18 Please contact Chouser if you have any suggestions for better names
19 or API adjustments."}
20 clojure.contrib.error-kit
21 (:use [clojure.contrib.def :only (defvar defvar-)]
22 [clojure.stacktrace :only (root-cause)]))
24 (defn- make-ctrl-exception [msg data]
25 "Create an exception object with associated data, used for passing
26 control and data to a dynamically containing handler."
27 (proxy [Error clojure.lang.IDeref] [msg]
28 (toString [] (str "Error Kit Control Exception: " msg ", " (pr-str data)))
29 (deref [] data)))
31 (defvar- ctrl-exception-class
32 (class (make-ctrl-exception nil nil)))
34 (defvar- *handler-stack* () "Stack of bound handler symbols")
36 (defvar- *continues* {} "Map of currently available continue forms")
39 (defmacro throw-msg
40 "Returns a function that throws a Java Exception with the given
41 name. Useful to associate a new error-kit error type with a
42 particular Java Exception class, via the :unhandled error key."
43 [class-name]
44 `(fn [x#] (throw (new ~class-name (:msg x#)))))
46 (defn error
47 "Base type for all error-kit errors"
48 {::args [:msg :unhandled :tag]}
49 [details]
50 (merge {:tag `error :msg "exception via error-kit"
51 :unhandled (throw-msg Exception)}
52 details))
54 (defn- qualify-sym [sym]
55 (let [v (resolve sym)]
56 (assert v)
57 (apply symbol (map #(str (% (meta v))) [:ns :name]))))
59 (defmacro deferror
60 "Define a new error type"
61 {:arglists '([name [parent-error?] doc-string? [args*] & body]
62 [name [parent-error?] doc-string? args-destruct-map & body])}
63 [err-name pvec & decl]
64 (let [pvec (if (empty? pvec) [`error] pvec)
65 [docstr args & body] (if (string? (first decl)) decl (cons nil decl))
66 args (or args [])
67 argmap (if (vector? args) `{:keys ~args} args)
68 body (or body {})
69 qual-err-name (symbol (str *ns*) (name err-name))]
70 (assert (== (count pvec) 1)) ; only support single-inheritance for now
71 (assert (vector? args)) ; only vector (keyword destruct) args for now
72 `(do
73 (defn ~err-name [details#]
74 (let [basedata# ((resolve (first (parents '~qual-err-name))) details#)
75 ~argmap basedata#]
76 (merge basedata# {:tag '~qual-err-name} (do ~@body) details#)))
77 (alter-meta! (var ~err-name) assoc
78 :doc ~docstr ::args ~(vec (map #(keyword (str %)) args)))
79 ~@(for [parent pvec]
80 `(derive '~qual-err-name '~(qualify-sym parent)))
81 (var ~err-name))))
83 (defn- throw-to [msg target-map args]
84 (throw (make-ctrl-exception msg (assoc target-map :args args))))
86 (defn raise*
87 "Raise the given error object, best if created by an error
88 constructor defined with deferror. See also 'raise' macro."
89 [err]
90 (let [err-tag (:tag err)]
91 (loop [hs *handler-stack*]
92 (if (empty? hs)
93 ((:unhandled err) err)
94 (let [[{:keys [htag] :as handler}] hs]
95 (if (and htag (not (isa? err-tag htag)))
96 (recur (next hs))
97 (let [rtn ((:hfunc handler) err)]
98 (if-not (vector? rtn)
99 (throw-to "default" handler (list rtn))
100 (condp = (rtn 0)
101 ::continue-with (rtn 1)
102 ::continue (if-let [continue (*continues* (rtn 1))]
103 (throw-to "continue" continue (rtn 2))
104 (do (prn *continues*) (throw
105 (Exception.
106 (str "Unbound continue name " (rtn 1))))))
107 ::do-not-handle (recur (next hs))
108 (throw-to "do-not-handle" handler (list rtn)))))))))))
110 (defmacro raise
111 "Raise an error of the type err-name, constructed with the given args"
112 [err-name & args]
113 `(raise* (~err-name ~(zipmap (::args (meta (resolve err-name)))
114 args))))
116 ; It'd be nice to assert that these are used in a tail position of a handler
117 (defmacro do-not-handle
118 "Use in a tail position of a 'handle' form to indicate 'raise' should
119 not consider the error handled, but should continue searching for an
120 appropriate 'handle' form. Allows finer-grain control over catching
121 than just the error type."
122 []
123 `[::do-not-handle])
125 (defmacro continue-with [value]
126 "Use in a tail position of a 'handle' form to cause the currently
127 running 'raise' to return the given 'value'."
128 `[::continue-with ~value])
130 (defmacro continue [continue-name & args]
131 "Use in a tail position of a 'handle' form to pass control to the
132 named 'continue' form, passing in the given args. The 'continue'
133 form with the given name and the smallest dynamic scope surrounding
134 the currently running 'raise' will be used."
135 `[::continue '~continue-name [~@args]])
138 (def ^{:doc "Special form to be used inside a 'with-handler'. When
139 any error is 'raised' from withing the dynamic scope of 'body' that
140 is of error-name's type or a derived type, the args will be bound
141 and the body executed. If no 'error-name' is given, the body will
142 be executed for regardless of the type of error raised. The body
143 may return a value, in which case that will be the return value of
144 the entire 'with-handler' form, or it may use any of the special
145 return forms, 'do-not-handle', 'continue-with', or 'continue'."
146 :arglists '([error-name? [args*] & body]
147 [error-name? args-destruct-map-args & body])}
148 handle)
150 (def ^{:doc "Special form to be used inside a 'with-handler'.
151 Control can be passed to this 'continue' form from a 'raise' enclosed
152 in this with-handler's dynamic scope, when this 'continue-name' is
153 given to a 'continue' form."
154 :arglists '([continue-name [args*] & body])}
155 bind-continue)
157 (defn- special-form [form]
158 (and (list form)
159 (symbol? (first form))
160 (#{#'handle #'bind-continue} (resolve (first form)))))
163 (defmacro with-handler
164 "This is error-kit's dynamic scope form. The body will be executed
165 in a dynamic context that includes all of the following 'handle' and
166 'bind-continue' forms."
167 [& forms]
168 (let [[body special-forms] (split-with (complement special-form) forms)]
169 (assert (every? special-form special-forms))
170 (let [blockid (gensym)
171 handlers (for [[type & more] special-forms
172 :when (= (resolve type) #'handle)]
173 (let [[htag args & hbody] (if (symbol? (first more))
174 more
175 (cons nil more))
176 argmap (if (vector? args) `{:keys ~args} args)]
177 `{:blockid '~blockid
178 :htag ~(when htag (list `quote (qualify-sym htag)))
179 :hfunc (fn [~argmap] ~@hbody)
180 :rfunc identity}))
181 continues (into {}
182 (for [[type & more] special-forms
183 :when (= (resolve type) #'bind-continue)]
184 [(list `quote (first more))
185 `{:blockid '~blockid
186 :rfunc (fn ~@(next more))}]))]
187 `(try
188 (binding [*handler-stack* (list* ~@handlers @#'*handler-stack*)
189 *continues* (merge @#'*continues* ~@continues)]
190 ~@body)
191 (catch Throwable e#
192 (let [root-cause# (root-cause e#)]
193 (if-not (instance? @#'ctrl-exception-class root-cause#)
194 (throw e#)
195 (let [data# @root-cause#]
196 (if (= '~blockid (:blockid data#))
197 (apply (:rfunc data#) (:args data#))
198 (throw e#))))))))))
200 (defn rebind-fn [func]
201 (let [a *handler-stack*, b *continues*]
202 (fn [& args]
203 (binding [*handler-stack* a
204 *continues* b]
205 (apply func args)))))
207 (comment
209 (alias 'kit 'clojure.contrib.error-kit)
211 ; This defines an error and its action if unhandled. A good choice of
212 ; unhandled. action is to throw a Java exception so users of your code
213 ; who do not want to use error-kit can still use normal Java try/catch
214 ; forms to handle the error.
215 (kit/deferror number-error [] [n]
216 {:msg (str "Number error: " n)
217 :unhandled (kit/throw-msg NumberFormatException)})
219 (kit/deferror odd-number-error [number-error]
220 "Indicates an odd number was given to an operation that is only
221 defined for even numbers."
222 [n]
223 {:msg (str "Can't handle odd number: " n)})
225 ; Raise an error by name with any extra args defined by the deferror
226 (defn int-half [i]
227 (if (even? i)
228 (quot i 2)
229 (kit/raise odd-number-error i)))
231 ; Throws Java NumberFormatException because there's no 'handle' form
232 (vec (map int-half [2 4 5 8]))
234 ; Throws Java Exception with details provided by 'raise'
235 (kit/with-handler
236 (vec (map int-half [2 4 5 8]))
237 (kit/handle odd-number-error [n]
238 (throw (Exception. (format "Odd number %d in vector." n)))))
240 ; The above is equivalent to the more complicated version below:
241 (kit/with-handler
242 (vec (map int-half [2 4 5 8]))
243 (kit/handle {:keys [n tag]}
244 (if (isa? tag `odd-number-error)
245 (throw (Exception. (format "Odd number %d in vector." n)))
246 (kit/do-not-handle))))
248 ; Returns "invalid" string instead of a vector when an error is encountered
249 (kit/with-handler
250 (vec (map int-half [2 4 5 8]))
251 (kit/handle kit/error [n]
252 "invalid"))
254 ; Inserts a zero into the returned vector where there was an error, in
255 ; this case [1 2 0 4]
256 (kit/with-handler
257 (vec (map int-half [2 4 5 8]))
258 (kit/handle number-error [n]
259 (kit/continue-with 0)))
261 ; Intermediate continue: [1 2 :oops 5 4]
262 (defn int-half-vec [s]
263 (reduce (fn [v i]
264 (kit/with-handler
265 (conj v (int-half i))
266 (kit/bind-continue instead-of-half [& instead-seq]
267 (apply conj v instead-seq))))
268 [] s))
270 (kit/with-handler
271 (int-half-vec [2 4 5 8])
272 (kit/handle number-error [n]
273 (kit/continue instead-of-half :oops n)))
275 ; Notes:
277 ; It seems likely you'd want to convert a handle clause to
278 ; bind-continue, since it would allow higher forms to request what you
279 ; used to do by default. Thus both should appear in the same
280 ; with-handler form
282 ; Should continue-names be namespace qualified, and therefore require
283 ; pre-definition in some namespace?
284 ; (kit/defcontinue skip-thing "docstring")
286 ; Could add 'catch' for Java Exceptions and 'finally' support to
287 ; with-handler forms.
289 )