rlm@2: <html> rlm@2: <title> Biography of Judy Yates</title> rlm@2: <head> rlm@18: <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="firetest.css"> </link> rlm@18: <script type="text/javascript" src="/js/google_analytics.js"></script> rlm@2: </head> rlm@2: <body> rlm@2: <span> rlm@2: <img src = "./album_pics/3_logo.jpg"></img> <span class = "vcenter"></span> rlm@2: </span> rlm@2: rlm@2: <div class = "menu"> rlm@2: <ul class = "menu"> rlm@15: rlm@15: <li class = "menu"><a class = "menu" href = "index.html">( Home</a></li> rlm@15: <li class = "menu"><a class = "menu" href = "Meet the Artist2.html">Judy Yates</a></li> rlm@15: <li class = "menu"><a class = "menu" href = "Contact.html">Contact )</a></li> rlm@15: <li class = "menu"> <a class = "menu" href = "hto.html">( Custom Art</a></li> rlm@3: <li class = "menu"><a class = "menu" href = "recent_sales.html">Prints</a></li> rlm@15: <li class = "menu"><a class = "menu" href = "photos.html">Photos )</a></li> rlm@15: <li class = "menu"><a class = "menu" href = "gallery1.html">( Gallery</a></li> rlm@15: <li class = "menu"><a class = "menu" href = "pets1.html">Pets )</a></li> rlm@2: </ul> rlm@2: </div> rlm@2: rlm@2: <table> rlm@2: rlm@2: rlm@2: rlm@2: rlm@2: <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="640"> rlm@2: rlm@15: <tr><td><div class = "menu"><ul class = "menu"><li class = "menu"><a class = "menu" href = "./Meet the Artist1.html">( Hunting Pics</a></li><li class = "menu"><a class = "menu" href = "./Meet the Artist2.html">Federal Duck Stamp Entries )</a></li></ul></div></td></tr></table><table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="20px" width="640"><tr><td><a href ="artwork_descriptions/stamp001.html" class = "gallery"> <img class = "gallery" src = "album_pics/stamp001(small).jpg" width = "200"></img></a> rlm@2: </td><td><a href ="artwork_descriptions/stamp003.html" class = "gallery"> <img class = "gallery" src = "album_pics/stamp003(small).jpg" width = "200"></img></a> rlm@2: </td><td><a href ="artwork_descriptions/stamp005.html" class = "gallery"> <img class = "gallery" src = "album_pics/stamp005(small).jpg" width = "200"></img></a> rlm@2: </td></tr><tr><td><a href ="artwork_descriptions/stamp007.html" class = "gallery"> <img class = "gallery" src = "album_pics/stamp007(small).jpg" width = "200"></img></a> rlm@2: </td><td><a href ="artwork_descriptions/stamp009.html" class = "gallery"> <img class = "gallery" src = "album_pics/stamp009(small).jpg" width = "200"></img></a> rlm@2: </td><td><a href ="artwork_descriptions/stamp011.html" class = "gallery"> <img class = "gallery" src = "album_pics/stamp011(small).jpg" width = "200"></img></a> rlm@2: </td></tr> rlm@2: rlm@2: rlm@2: rlm@2: </table> rlm@2: rlm@2: rlm@2: </table> rlm@0: <div class = "orangebox"> rlm@0: <p class = "orangebox"> rlm@0: <span class = "paragraph">Judy Yates</span> has entered the <a href ="http://www.fws.gov/duckstamps/" class = "paragraph">Federal Duck Stamp Contest</a> six times, producing outstanding works on masonite, a type of dense board material. The <a href = "./artwork_descriptions/stamp005.html" class = "paragraph">Mottled Duck</a>, in particular, is so well realized that it has fooled all who have looked at it into thinking that it is a photograph. rlm@0: </p> rlm@2: </div> rlm@2: <div class = "menu"> rlm@2: <ul class = "menu"> rlm@15: rlm@15: <li class = "menu"><a class = "menu" href = "index.html">( Home</a></li> rlm@15: <li class = "menu"><a class = "menu" href = "Meet the Artist2.html">Judy Yates</a></li> rlm@15: <li class = "menu"><a class = "menu" href = "Contact.html">Contact )</a></li> rlm@15: <li class = "menu"> <a class = "menu" href = "hto.html">( Custom Art</a></li> rlm@3: <li class = "menu"><a class = "menu" href = "recent_sales.html">Prints</a></li> rlm@15: <li class = "menu"><a class = "menu" href = "photos.html">Photos )</a></li> rlm@15: <li class = "menu"><a class = "menu" href = "gallery1.html">( Gallery</a></li> rlm@15: <li class = "menu"><a class = "menu" href = "pets1.html">Pets )</a></li> rlm@2: </ul> rlm@2: </div> rlm@2: rlm@2: </body> rlm@2: </html> rlm@2: rlm@2: rlm@2: