view perl/ @ 28:118cb614cf18 judyates tip

judy bio.
author Robert McIntyre <>
date Tue, 29 Dec 2015 16:26:18 -0800 (2015-12-30)
parents b6ba604307fc
line wrap: on
line source
1 #!/usr/bin/perl
4 use File::Find;
5 use Set::Object;
6 use List::Util 'shuffle';
8 use Image::Size;
10 $header = <<HERE;
11 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">
12 <html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
13 <head>
14 <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
16 <title>Judy Yates - Prints</title>
19 <!--(E)2 Gallery Pro <head> Files-->
20 <!--(E)2 Gallery Config FIle-->
21 <!--End (E)2 Gallery Config FIle-->
22 <!--(E)2 Gallery Style Sheet Link-->
24 <link href="firetest.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
26 <link href="e2gallerypro/design/e2gallerypro/design.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
28 <script type="text/javascript">
29 //modify this path if needed ^ Correlates with Style Sheet Path above
30 var designPath="e2gallerypro/design/e2gallerypro/";
31 </script>
32 <!--End (E)2 Gallery Style Sheet Link-->
34 <!--Mootools-->
35 <script type="text/javascript" src="e2gallerypro/js/mootools-1.2-core.js"></script>
36 <script type="text/javascript" src="e2gallerypro/js/mootools-1.2-more.js"></script>
37 <!--End Mootools-->
38 <!--(E)2 Gallery Javascript-->
40 <script type="text/javascript" src="e2gallerypro/js/setupvars.js"></script>
41 <script type="text/javascript">
42 var imagesloaded = new Array();
43 var maingalleries = new Array();
44 <!--(E)2 Gallery Parse XML output Javascript-->
46 ;
49 $footer = <<HERE
50 <!--End (E)2 Gallery Parse XML output Javascript-->
51 </script> <script type="text/javascript" src="e2gallerypro/js/e2gallerypro.js"></script>
53 <!--End (E)2 Gallery Javascript-->
54 <!--End (E)2 Gallery Pro </head> Files-->
55 </head>
56 <body>
60 <Title>
61 Judy Yates -- Wildlife and Pets on Stone
62 </title>
64 <span>
65 <img src = "./album_pics/3_logo.jpg">
66 </span>
69 <div class = "menu">
70 <ul class = "menu">
72 <li class = "menu"><a class = "menu" href = "index.html">( Home</a></li>
73 <li class = "menu"><a class = "menu" href = "Meet the Artist2.html">Judy Yates</a></li>
74 <li class = "menu"><a class = "menu" href = "Contact.html">Contact )</a></li>
75 <li class = "menu"> <a class = "menu" href = "hto.html">( Custom Art</a></li>
76 <li class = "menu"><a class = "menu" href = "recent_sales.html">Prints</a></li>
77 <li class = "menu"><a class = "menu" href = "photos.html">Photos )</a></li>
78 <li class = "menu"><a class = "menu" href = "gallery1.html">( Gallery</a></li>
79 <li class = "menu"><a class = "menu" href = "pets1.html">Pets )</a></li>
80 </ul>
81 </div>
83 <div class = "orangebox">
88 <!--(E)2 Gallery Pro HTML-->
89 <div id="gallerywrapper">
90 <div id="gallery">
91 <!--Loading Bar-->
92 <div id="loading">
93 <div id="loadingbar"><img src="e2gallerypro/design/e2gallerypro/loading_hill.gif" width="50" height="50" alt="" id="bar" /></div>
94 </div>
95 <!--End Loading Bar-->
96 <!--Previous Button Div-->
97 <div id="previous"></div>
99 <!--End Previous Button Div-->
100 <!--Next Button Div-->
101 <div id="next"></div>
102 <!--End Next Button Div-->
103 <!--Main Image Holder Div-->
104 <div id="images">
105 <div id="imagewrap">
106 <div id="imgloader"></div>
107 </div>
109 <div id="imageinfo">
110 <div id="infoloader"></div>
111 </div>
112 <div id="smallmessage"></div>
113 </div>
114 <!--End Main Image Holder Div-->
115 <!--Thumb Box Div-->
116 <div id="thumbbox">
117 <div id="thumbleft"></div>
119 <div id="thumbright"></div>
120 <div id="thumbnails">
121 <div id="thumbnailwrap"></div>
122 </div>
123 </div>
124 <!--End Thumb Box Div-->
125 <!--For Sale Box Div-->
126 <div id="fsbox"></div>
127 <!--End For Sale Box Div-->
129 <!--Galleries Holder Div-->
130 <div id="galleries">
131 <div id="controls">
132 <div class="right"><img src="./e2gallerypro/design/e2gallerypro/gallery_view.png" class="controls" rel=" " id="opengallery" title="View Galleries" border="0" /> <img src="e2gallerypro/design/e2gallerypro/infobox.png" id="showinfo" rel=" " class="controls" title="View Info" border="0" /> <img src="e2gallerypro/design/e2gallerypro/thumbbox.png" id="showthumbbox" title="Toggle Thumbs" class="controls" rel=" " border="0" /></div>
133 <span id="slideshow"><img src="e2gallerypro/design/e2gallerypro/play.png" title="Play Slideshow" border="0" align="absmiddle" class="controls" rel=" " /></span> | <span id="photoNum"></span><span id="flashNum"></span><span id="qtNum"></span></div>
134 <div id="galleryset"> </div>
136 </div>
137 <!--End Galleries Holder Div-->
138 <!--Thumbnail Pop Up Holder-->
139 <div id="thumbnailPopUp"></div>
140 <!--End Thumbnail Pop Up Holder-->
141 </div>
142 </div>
148 </div>
150 <div class = "menu">
151 <ul class = "menu">
153 <li class = "menu"><a class = "menu" href = "index.html">( Home</a></li>
154 <li class = "menu"><a class = "menu" href = "Meet the Artist2.html">Judy Yates</a></li>
155 <li class = "menu"><a class = "menu" href = "Contact.html">Contact )</a></li>
156 <li class = "menu"> <a class = "menu" href = "hto.html">( Custom Art</a></li>
157 <li class = "menu"><a class = "menu" href = "recent_sales.html">Prints</a></li>
158 <li class = "menu"><a class = "menu" href = "photos.html">Photos )</a></li>
159 <li class = "menu"><a class = "menu" href = "gallery1.html">( Gallery</a></li>
160 <li class = "menu"><a class = "menu" href = "pets1.html">Pets )</a></li>
161 </ul>
162 </div>
164 <div class = "copyright"><br><br>Copyright &copy 2007 Robert McIntyre. All pictures Copyright &copy Judy Yates.<br>Special thanks to Dylan Holmes for designing the main banner.</div>
169 </body>
172 </html>
173 HERE
174 ;
178 $pics = Set::Object->new();
180 open PHOTOS, '>/home/r/Desktop/web/judyates/photos.html';
181 select PHOTOS;
184 @include =
185 (
186 '/home/r/Desktop/web/judyates/e2gallerypro/e2upload/Galleries/photos/large'
187 );
190 find(\&accept_type,@include); #grab all the jpeg files
192 @pics = $pics->elements();
194 #@pics = shuffle(@pics);
197 foreach $id(0..$#pics)
199 {
201 $pics[$id] =~ m/(.*\/)([^\/]*)$/;
202 $lrgpath = $1;
203 $src = $2;
204 $lrgpath =~ m/^(.*\/)[^\/]*\/$/;
205 $path = $1;
206 $thumbPath = $path."thumbs/";
207 $filetype = "image";
209 ($width, $height) = imgsize($path.$src);
211 ($lrgwidth, $lrgheight) = imgsize($lrgpath.$src);
214 $title = $src;
215 $author = 'Judy Yates';
216 $copyright = 'Copyright Judy Yates Artist 2010';
217 $description = $src;
218 $forsale = "true";
219 $paytype ='paypal';
220 $ButtonID = "RAYAWZUUTJ79E";
223 $numOfPrices = 3;
225 $price1 = '25';
226 $pricecurrency1 = 'USD';
227 $pricecurrencysymbol1 = '$';
228 $pricesize1 = '8&quot;x10&quot; Photo Print';
230 $price2 = '35';
231 $pricecurrency2 = 'USD';
232 $pricecurrencysymbol2 = '$';
233 $pricesize2 = '11&quot;x14&quot; Matted Print';
235 $price3 = '40';
236 $pricecurrency3 = 'USD';
237 $pricecurrencysymbol3 = '$';
238 $pricesize3 = '11&quot;x14&quot; Signed Matt';
244 $imgid = $id;
247 $megaString[$id]= "
249 {
250 'filetype' : '$filetype',
251 'ButtonID' : '$ButtonID',
252 'path' : '$path',
253 'src' : '$src',
254 'width' : '$width',
255 'height' : '$height',
256 'lrgwidth' : '$lrgwidth',
257 'lrgheight' : '$lrgheight',
258 'lrgpath' : '$lrgpath',
259 'title' : '$title',
260 'author' : '$author',
261 'copyright' : '$copyright',
262 'description' : '$description',
263 'forsale' : $forsale,
264 'paytype' : '$paytype',
265 'price1' : '$price1',
266 'pricecurrency1' : '$pricecurrency1',
267 'pricecurrencysymbol1' : '$pricecurrencysymbol1',
268 'pricesize1' : '$pricesize1',
270 'price2' : '$price2',
271 'pricecurrency2' : '$pricecurrency2',
272 'pricecurrencysymbol2' : '$pricecurrencysymbol2',
273 'pricesize2' : '$pricesize2',
275 'price3' : '$price3',
276 'pricecurrency3' : '$pricecurrency3',
277 'pricecurrencysymbol3' : '$pricecurrencysymbol3',
278 'pricesize3' : '$pricesize3',
281 'numOfPrices' : '$numOfPrices',
282 'imgid' : $imgid,
283 },
285 ";
287 #print "@megaString";
290 #`$command2`;
292 }
297 $maingalleries = "
298 maingalleries =
299 [
300 {'name':'Judy Yates Photos',
301 'imgpath': '$path',
302 'lrgpath': '$lrgpath',
303 'thumbpath': '$thumbPath',
304 'mainthumb': '$path',
305 'src':'mainthumb.jpg',
306 'description':'Awesome Photos From Judy Yates.',
307 'start':0, 'end':$imgid,
308 'gallerynum':1}
309 ];
312 var galleryimages = new Array();
314 ";
317 print $header;
320 $maingalleries =~ s#/home/r/Desktop/web/judyates/#./#g;
323 print $maingalleries."\n";
325 print "galleryimages = [\n";
327 for (@megaString) {
328 s#/home/r/Desktop/web/judyates/#./#g;
329 print;}
331 print "\n];\n";
333 print $footer;
341 sub accept_type
342 {
344 /.svn$/ and $File::Find::prune = 1;
346 /.jpg$/i and $pics->insert($File::Find::name);
351 }