view e2gallerypro/e2upload/Backend/Assets/getid3/ @ 16:e902d48caadf judyates

added access.log and error.log
author Robert McIntyre <>
date Tue, 22 Jun 2010 13:41:04 -0400 (2010-06-22)
parents 3f6b44aa6b35
line wrap: on
line source
1 <?php
2 // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
3 // | PHP version 5 |
4 // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
5 // | Copyright (c) 2002-2006 James Heinrich, Allan Hansen |
6 // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
7 // | This source file is subject to version 2 of the GPL license, |
8 // | that is bundled with this package in the file license.txt and is |
9 // | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: |
10 // | |
11 // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
12 // | getID3() - or |
13 // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
14 // | Authors: James Heinrich <infoØgetid3*org> |
15 // | Allan Hansen <ahØartemis*dk> |
16 // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
17 // | |
18 // | Module for analyzing LA udio files |
19 // | dependencies: |
20 // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
21 //
22 // $Id:,v 1.2 2006/11/02 10:48:01 ah Exp $
26 class getid3_la extends getid3_handler
27 {
29 public function Analyze() {
31 $getid3 = $this->getid3;
33 $getid3->include_module('audio-video.riff');
35 fseek($getid3->fp, $getid3->info['avdataoffset'], SEEK_SET);
36 $raw_data = fread($getid3->fp, getid3::FREAD_BUFFER_SIZE);
38 $getid3->info['fileformat'] = 'la';
39 $getid3->info['audio']['dataformat'] = 'la';
40 $getid3->info['audio']['lossless'] = true;
42 $getid3->info['la']['version_major'] = (int)$raw_data{2};
43 $getid3->info['la']['version_minor'] = (int)$raw_data{3};
44 $getid3->info['la']['version'] = (float)$getid3->info['la']['version_major'] + ($getid3->info['la']['version_minor'] / 10);
46 $getid3->info['la']['uncompressed_size'] = getid3_lib::LittleEndian2Int(substr($raw_data, 4, 4));
48 $wave_chunk = substr($raw_data, 8, 4);
49 if ($wave_chunk !== 'WAVE') {
50 throw new getid3_exception('Expected "WAVE" ('.getid3_lib::PrintHexBytes('WAVE').') at offset 8, found "'.$wave_chunk.'" ('.getid3_lib::PrintHexBytes($wave_chunk).') instead.');
51 }
53 $offset = 12;
55 $getid3->info['la']['fmt_size'] = 24;
56 if ($getid3->info['la']['version'] >= 0.3) {
58 $getid3->info['la']['fmt_size'] = getid3_lib::LittleEndian2Int(substr($raw_data, $offset, 4));
59 $getid3->info['la']['header_size'] = 49 + $getid3->info['la']['fmt_size'] - 24;
60 $offset += 4;
62 } else {
64 // version 0.2 didn't support additional data blocks
65 $getid3->info['la']['header_size'] = 41;
66 }
68 $fmt_chunk = substr($raw_data, $offset, 4);
69 if ($fmt_chunk !== 'fmt ') {
70 throw new getid3_exception('Expected "fmt " ('.getid3_lib::PrintHexBytes('fmt ').') at offset '.$offset.', found "'.$fmt_chunk.'" ('.getid3_lib::PrintHexBytes($fmt_chunk).') instead.');
71 }
72 $offset += 4;
74 $fmt_size = getid3_lib::LittleEndian2Int(substr($raw_data, $offset, 4));
75 $offset += 4;
77 $getid3->info['la']['raw']['format'] = getid3_lib::LittleEndian2Int(substr($raw_data, $offset, 2));
78 $offset += 2;
80 getid3_lib::ReadSequence('LittleEndian2Int', $getid3->info['la'], $raw_data, $offset,
81 array (
82 'channels' => 2,
83 'sample_rate' => 4,
84 'bytes_per_second' => 4,
85 'bytes_per_sample' => 2,
86 'bits_per_sample' => 2,
87 'samples' => 4
88 )
89 );
90 $offset += 18;
92 $getid3->info['la']['raw']['flags'] = getid3_lib::LittleEndian2Int($raw_data{$offset++});
94 $getid3->info['la']['flags']['seekable'] = (bool)($getid3->info['la']['raw']['flags'] & 0x01);
95 if ($getid3->info['la']['version'] >= 0.4) {
96 $getid3->info['la']['flags']['high_compression'] = (bool)($getid3->info['la']['raw']['flags'] & 0x02);
97 }
99 $getid3->info['la']['original_crc'] = getid3_lib::LittleEndian2Int(substr($raw_data, $offset, 4));
100 $offset += 4;
102 // mikeØbevin*de
103 // Basically, the blocksize/seekevery are 61440/19 in La0.4 and 73728/16
104 // in earlier versions. A seekpoint is added every blocksize * seekevery
105 // samples, so 4 * int(totalSamples / (blockSize * seekEvery)) should
106 // give the number of bytes used for the seekpoints. Of course, if seeking
107 // is disabled, there are no seekpoints stored.
109 if ($getid3->info['la']['version'] >= 0.4) {
110 $getid3->info['la']['blocksize'] = 61440;
111 $getid3->info['la']['seekevery'] = 19;
112 } else {
113 $getid3->info['la']['blocksize'] = 73728;
114 $getid3->info['la']['seekevery'] = 16;
115 }
117 $getid3->info['la']['seekpoint_count'] = 0;
118 if ($getid3->info['la']['flags']['seekable']) {
119 $getid3->info['la']['seekpoint_count'] = floor($getid3->info['la']['samples'] / ($getid3->info['la']['blocksize'] * $getid3->info['la']['seekevery']));
121 for ($i = 0; $i < $getid3->info['la']['seekpoint_count']; $i++) {
122 $getid3->info['la']['seekpoints'][] = getid3_lib::LittleEndian2Int(substr($raw_data, $offset, 4));
123 $offset += 4;
124 }
125 }
127 if ($getid3->info['la']['version'] >= 0.3) {
129 // Following the main header information, the program outputs all of the
130 // seekpoints. Following these is what I called the 'footer start',
131 // i.e. the position immediately after the La audio data is finished.
133 $getid3->info['la']['footerstart'] = getid3_lib::LittleEndian2Int(substr($raw_data, $offset, 4));
134 $offset += 4;
136 if ($getid3->info['la']['footerstart'] > $getid3->info['filesize']) {
137 $getid3->warning('FooterStart value points to offset '.$getid3->info['la']['footerstart'].' which is beyond end-of-file ('.$getid3->info['filesize'].')');
138 $getid3->info['la']['footerstart'] = $getid3->info['filesize'];
139 }
141 } else {
143 // La v0.2 didn't have FooterStart value
144 $getid3->info['la']['footerstart'] = $getid3->info['avdataend'];
146 }
148 if ($getid3->info['la']['footerstart'] < $getid3->info['avdataend']) {
150 // Create riff header
151 $riff_data = 'WAVE';
152 if ($getid3->info['la']['version'] == 0.2) {
153 $riff_data .= substr($raw_data, 12, 24);
154 } else {
155 $riff_data .= substr($raw_data, 16, 24);
156 }
157 if ($getid3->info['la']['footerstart'] < $getid3->info['avdataend']) {
158 fseek($getid3->fp, $getid3->info['la']['footerstart'], SEEK_SET);
159 $riff_data .= fread($getid3->fp, $getid3->info['avdataend'] - $getid3->info['la']['footerstart']);
160 }
161 $riff_data = 'RIFF'.getid3_lib::LittleEndian2String(strlen($riff_data), 4, false).$riff_data;
163 // Clone getid3 - messing with offsets - better safe than sorry
164 $clone = clone $getid3;
166 // Analyze clone by string
167 $riff = new getid3_riff($clone);
168 $riff->AnalyzeString($riff_data);
170 // Import from clone and destroy
171 $getid3->info['riff'] = $clone->info['riff'];
172 $getid3->warnings($clone->warnings());
173 unset($clone);
174 }
176 // $getid3->info['avdataoffset'] should be zero to begin with, but just in case it's not, include the addition anyway
177 $getid3->info['avdataend'] = $getid3->info['avdataoffset'] + $getid3->info['la']['footerstart'];
178 $getid3->info['avdataoffset'] = $getid3->info['avdataoffset'] + $offset;
180 $getid3->info['la']['compression_ratio'] = (float)(($getid3->info['avdataend'] - $getid3->info['avdataoffset']) / $getid3->info['la']['uncompressed_size']);
181 $getid3->info['playtime_seconds'] = (float)($getid3->info['la']['samples'] / $getid3->info['la']['sample_rate']) / $getid3->info['la']['channels'];
183 $getid3->info['audio']['bitrate'] = ($getid3->info['avdataend'] - $getid3->info['avdataoffset']) * 8 / $getid3->info['playtime_seconds'];
184 $getid3->info['audio']['bits_per_sample'] = $getid3->info['la']['bits_per_sample'];
186 $getid3->info['audio']['channels'] = $getid3->info['la']['channels'];
187 $getid3->info['audio']['sample_rate'] = (int)$getid3->info['la']['sample_rate'];
188 $getid3->info['audio']['encoder'] = 'LA v'.$getid3->info['la']['version'];
190 return true;
191 }
193 }
196 ?>