view e2gallerypro/e2upload/Backend/Assets/getid3/module.graphic.tiff.php @ 25:6a3d04638a89 judyates

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author Robert McIntyre <>
date Sat, 19 Jul 2014 14:35:52 -0400 (2014-07-19)
parents 3f6b44aa6b35
line wrap: on
line source
1 <?php
2 // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
3 // | PHP version 5 |
4 // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
5 // | Copyright (c) 2002-2006 James Heinrich, Allan Hansen |
6 // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
7 // | This source file is subject to version 2 of the GPL license, |
8 // | that is bundled with this package in the file license.txt and is |
9 // | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: |
10 // | |
11 // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
12 // | getID3() - or |
13 // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
14 // | Authors: James Heinrich <infoØgetid3*org> |
15 // | Allan Hansen <ahØartemis*dk> |
16 // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
17 // | module.graphic.tiff.php |
18 // | Module for analyzing TIFF graphic files. |
19 // | dependencies: NONE |
20 // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
21 //
22 // $Id: module.graphic.tiff.php,v 1.2 2006/11/02 10:48:02 ah Exp $
26 class getid3_tiff extends getid3_handler
27 {
29 public function Analyze() {
31 $getid3 = $this->getid3;
33 fseek($getid3->fp, $getid3->info['avdataoffset'], SEEK_SET);
34 $tiff_header = fread($getid3->fp, 4);
36 $getid3->info['tiff']['byte_order'] = substr($tiff_header, 0, 2) == 'II' ? 'Intel' : 'Motorola';
37 $endian2int = substr($tiff_header, 0, 2) == 'II' ? 'LittleEndian2Int' : 'BigEndian2Int';
39 $getid3->info['fileformat'] = 'tiff';
40 $getid3->info['video']['dataformat'] = 'tiff';
41 $getid3->info['video']['lossless'] = true;
42 $getid3->info['tiff']['ifd'] = array ();
43 $current_ifd = array ();
45 $field_type_byte_length = array (1=>1, 2=>1, 3=>2, 4=>4, 5=>8);
47 $next_ifd_offset = getid3_lib::$endian2int(fread($getid3->fp, 4));
49 while ($next_ifd_offset > 0) {
51 $current_ifd['offset'] = $next_ifd_offset;
53 fseek($getid3->fp, $getid3->info['avdataoffset'] + $next_ifd_offset, SEEK_SET);
54 $current_ifd['fieldcount'] = getid3_lib::$endian2int(fread($getid3->fp, 2));
56 for ($i = 0; $i < $current_ifd['fieldcount']; $i++) {
58 // shortcut
59 $current_ifd['fields'][$i] = array ();
60 $current_ifd_fields_i = &$current_ifd['fields'][$i];
62 $current_ifd_fields_i['raw']['tag'] = getid3_lib::$endian2int(fread($getid3->fp, 2));
63 $current_ifd_fields_i['raw']['type'] = getid3_lib::$endian2int(fread($getid3->fp, 2));
64 $current_ifd_fields_i['raw']['length'] = getid3_lib::$endian2int(fread($getid3->fp, 4));
65 $current_ifd_fields_i['raw']['offset'] = fread($getid3->fp, 4);
67 switch ($current_ifd_fields_i['raw']['type']) {
68 case 1: // BYTE An 8-bit unsigned integer.
69 if ($current_ifd_fields_i['raw']['length'] <= 4) {
70 $current_ifd_fields_i['value'] = getid3_lib::$endian2int(substr($current_ifd_fields_i['raw']['offset'], 0, 1));
71 } else {
72 $current_ifd_fields_i['offset'] = getid3_lib::$endian2int($current_ifd_fields_i['raw']['offset']);
73 }
74 break;
76 case 2: // ASCII 8-bit bytes that store ASCII codes; the last byte must be null.
77 if ($current_ifd_fields_i['raw']['length'] <= 4) {
78 $current_ifd_fields_i['value'] = substr($current_ifd_fields_i['raw']['offset'], 3);
79 } else {
80 $current_ifd_fields_i['offset'] = getid3_lib::$endian2int($current_ifd_fields_i['raw']['offset']);
81 }
82 break;
84 case 3: // SHORT A 16-bit (2-byte) unsigned integer.
85 if ($current_ifd_fields_i['raw']['length'] <= 2) {
86 $current_ifd_fields_i['value'] = getid3_lib::$endian2int(substr($current_ifd_fields_i['raw']['offset'], 0, 2));
87 } else {
88 $current_ifd_fields_i['offset'] = getid3_lib::$endian2int($current_ifd_fields_i['raw']['offset']);
89 }
90 break;
92 case 4: // LONG A 32-bit (4-byte) unsigned integer.
93 if ($current_ifd_fields_i['raw']['length'] <= 1) {
94 $current_ifd_fields_i['value'] = getid3_lib::$endian2int($current_ifd_fields_i['raw']['offset']);
95 } else {
96 $current_ifd_fields_i['offset'] = getid3_lib::$endian2int($current_ifd_fields_i['raw']['offset']);
97 }
98 break;
100 case 5: // RATIONAL Two LONG_s: the first represents the numerator of a fraction, the second the denominator.
101 break;
102 }
103 }
105 $getid3->info['tiff']['ifd'][] = $current_ifd;
106 $current_ifd = array ();
107 $next_ifd_offset = getid3_lib::$endian2int(fread($getid3->fp, 4));
109 }
111 foreach ($getid3->info['tiff']['ifd'] as $ifd_id => $ifd_array) {
112 foreach ($ifd_array['fields'] as $key => $field_array) {
113 switch ($field_array['raw']['tag']) {
114 case 256: // ImageWidth
115 case 257: // ImageLength
116 case 258: // BitsPerSample
117 case 259: // Compression
118 if (!isset($field_array['value'])) {
119 fseek($getid3->fp, $field_array['offset'], SEEK_SET);
120 $getid3->info['tiff']['ifd'][$ifd_id]['fields'][$key]['raw']['data'] = fread($getid3->fp, $field_array['raw']['length'] * $field_type_byte_length[$field_array['raw']['type']]);
121 }
122 break;
124 case 270: // ImageDescription
125 case 271: // Make
126 case 272: // Model
127 case 305: // Software
128 case 306: // DateTime
129 case 315: // Artist
130 case 316: // HostComputer
131 if (isset($field_array['value'])) {
132 $getid3->info['tiff']['ifd'][$ifd_id]['fields'][$key]['raw']['data'] = $field_array['value'];
133 } else {
134 fseek($getid3->fp, $field_array['offset'], SEEK_SET);
135 $getid3->info['tiff']['ifd'][$ifd_id]['fields'][$key]['raw']['data'] = fread($getid3->fp, $field_array['raw']['length'] * $field_type_byte_length[$field_array['raw']['type']]);
136 }
137 break;
138 }
139 switch ($field_array['raw']['tag']) {
140 case 256: // ImageWidth
141 $getid3->info['video']['resolution_x'] = $field_array['value'];
142 break;
144 case 257: // ImageLength
145 $getid3->info['video']['resolution_y'] = $field_array['value'];
146 break;
148 case 258: // BitsPerSample
149 if (isset($field_array['value'])) {
150 $getid3->info['video']['bits_per_sample'] = $field_array['value'];
151 } else {
152 $getid3->info['video']['bits_per_sample'] = 0;
153 for ($i = 0; $i < $field_array['raw']['length']; $i++) {
154 $getid3->info['video']['bits_per_sample'] += getid3_lib::$endian2int(substr($getid3->info['tiff']['ifd'][$ifd_id]['fields'][$key]['raw']['data'], $i * $field_type_byte_length[$field_array['raw']['type']], $field_type_byte_length[$field_array['raw']['type']]));
155 }
156 }
157 break;
159 case 259: // Compression
160 $getid3->info['video']['codec'] = getid3_tiff::TIFFcompressionMethod($field_array['value']);
161 break;
163 case 270: // ImageDescription
164 case 271: // Make
165 case 272: // Model
166 case 305: // Software
167 case 306: // DateTime
168 case 315: // Artist
169 case 316: // HostComputer
170 @$getid3->info['tiff']['comments'][getid3_tiff::TIFFcommentName($field_array['raw']['tag'])][] = $getid3->info['tiff']['ifd'][$ifd_id]['fields'][$key]['raw']['data'];
171 break;
173 default:
174 break;
175 }
176 }
177 }
179 return true;
180 }
184 public static function TIFFcompressionMethod($id) {
186 static $lookup = array (
187 1 => 'Uncompressed',
188 2 => 'Huffman',
189 3 => 'Fax - CCITT 3',
190 5 => 'LZW',
191 32773 => 'PackBits',
192 );
193 return (isset($lookup[$id]) ? $lookup[$id] : 'unknown/invalid ('.$id.')');
194 }
198 public static function TIFFcommentName($id) {
200 static $lookup = array (
201 270 => 'imagedescription',
202 271 => 'make',
203 272 => 'model',
204 305 => 'software',
205 306 => 'datetime',
206 315 => 'artist',
207 316 => 'hostcomputer',
208 );
209 return (isset($lookup[$id]) ? $lookup[$id] : 'unknown/invalid ('.$id.')');
210 }
212 }
215 ?>