diff e2gallerypro/e2upload/Backend/Assets/getid3/module.graphic.bmp.php @ 3:3f6b44aa6b35 judyates

[svn r4] added ability to buy stuff, from a Prints page, but it doesn't work well with the css, and it also has not been fitted into the perl make system.
author rlm
date Mon, 22 Feb 2010 08:02:39 -0500 (2010-02-22)
line wrap: on
line diff
     1.1 --- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
     1.2 +++ b/e2gallerypro/e2upload/Backend/Assets/getid3/module.graphic.bmp.php	Mon Feb 22 08:02:39 2010 -0500
     1.3 @@ -0,0 +1,319 @@
     1.4 +<?php
     1.5 +// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
     1.6 +// | PHP version 5                                                        |
     1.7 +// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
     1.8 +// | Copyright (c) 2002-2006 James Heinrich, Allan Hansen                 |
     1.9 +// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
    1.10 +// | This source file is subject to version 2 of the GPL license,         |
    1.11 +// | that is bundled with this package in the file license.txt and is     |
    1.12 +// | available through the world-wide-web at the following url:           |
    1.13 +// | http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html                                 |
    1.14 +// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
    1.15 +// | getID3() - http://getid3.sourceforge.net or http://www.getid3.org    |
    1.16 +// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
    1.17 +// | Authors: James Heinrich <infoØgetid3*org>                            |
    1.18 +// |          Allan Hansen <ahØartemis*dk>                                |
    1.19 +// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
    1.20 +// | module.graphic.bmp.php                                               |
    1.21 +// | Module for analyzing BMP graphic files.                              |
    1.22 +// | dependencies: NONE                                                   |
    1.23 +// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
    1.24 +//
    1.25 +// $Id: module.graphic.bmp.php,v 1.4 2006/11/02 10:48:02 ah Exp $
    1.26 +
    1.27 +        
    1.28 +        
    1.29 +class getid3_bmp extends getid3_handler
    1.30 +{
    1.31 +
    1.32 +
    1.33 +    public function Analyze() {
    1.34 +
    1.35 +        $getid3 = $this->getid3;
    1.36 +
    1.37 +        // BITMAPFILEHEADER [14 bytes] - http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/en-us/gdi/bitmaps_62uq.asp
    1.38 +        // all versions
    1.39 +        // WORD    bfType;
    1.40 +        // DWORD   bfSize;
    1.41 +        // WORD    bfReserved1;
    1.42 +        // WORD    bfReserved2;
    1.43 +        // DWORD   bfOffBits;
    1.44 +        
    1.45 +        // shortcuts
    1.46 +        $getid3->info['bmp']['header']['raw'] = array ();
    1.47 +        $info_bmp            = &$getid3->info['bmp'];
    1.48 +        $info_bmp_header     = &$info_bmp['header'];
    1.49 +        $info_bmp_header_raw = &$info_bmp_header['raw'];
    1.50 +
    1.51 +        fseek($getid3->fp, $getid3->info['avdataoffset'], SEEK_SET);
    1.52 +        $bmp_header = fread($getid3->fp, 14 + 40);
    1.53 +
    1.54 +        // Magic bytes
    1.55 +        $info_bmp_header_raw['identifier'] = 'BM';
    1.56 +        
    1.57 +        getid3_lib::ReadSequence('LittleEndian2Int', $info_bmp_header_raw, $bmp_header, 2,
    1.58 +            array (
    1.59 +                'filesize'    => 4,
    1.60 +                'reserved1'   => 2,
    1.61 +                'reserved2'   => 2,
    1.62 +                'data_offset' => 4,
    1.63 +                'header_size' => 4
    1.64 +            )
    1.65 +        );
    1.66 +        
    1.67 +        // Check if the hardcoded-to-1 "planes" is at offset 22 or 26
    1.68 +        $planes22 = getid3_lib::LittleEndian2Int(substr($bmp_header, 22, 2));
    1.69 +        $planes26 = getid3_lib::LittleEndian2Int(substr($bmp_header, 26, 2));
    1.70 +        if (($planes22 == 1) && ($planes26 != 1)) {
    1.71 +            $info_bmp['type_os']      = 'OS/2';
    1.72 +            $info_bmp['type_version'] = 1;
    1.73 +        } 
    1.74 +        elseif (($planes26 == 1) && ($planes22 != 1)) {
    1.75 +            $info_bmp['type_os']      = 'Windows';
    1.76 +            $info_bmp['type_version'] = 1;
    1.77 +        } 
    1.78 +        elseif ($info_bmp_header_raw['header_size'] == 12) {
    1.79 +            $info_bmp['type_os']      = 'OS/2';
    1.80 +            $info_bmp['type_version'] = 1;
    1.81 +        } 
    1.82 +        elseif ($info_bmp_header_raw['header_size'] == 40) {
    1.83 +            $info_bmp['type_os']      = 'Windows';
    1.84 +            $info_bmp['type_version'] = 1;
    1.85 +        } 
    1.86 +        elseif ($info_bmp_header_raw['header_size'] == 84) {
    1.87 +            $info_bmp['type_os']      = 'Windows';
    1.88 +            $info_bmp['type_version'] = 4;
    1.89 +        } 
    1.90 +        elseif ($info_bmp_header_raw['header_size'] == 100) {
    1.91 +            $info_bmp['type_os']      = 'Windows';
    1.92 +            $info_bmp['type_version'] = 5;
    1.93 +        } 
    1.94 +        else {
    1.95 +            throw new getid3_exception('Unknown BMP subtype (or not a BMP file)');
    1.96 +        }
    1.97 +
    1.98 +        $getid3->info['fileformat']                  = 'bmp';
    1.99 +        $getid3->info['video']['dataformat']         = 'bmp';
   1.100 +        $getid3->info['video']['lossless']           = true;
   1.101 +        $getid3->info['video']['pixel_aspect_ratio'] = (float)1;
   1.102 +
   1.103 +        if ($info_bmp['type_os'] == 'OS/2') {
   1.104 +
   1.105 +            // OS/2-format BMP
   1.106 +            // http://netghost.narod.ru/gff/graphics/summary/os2bmp.htm
   1.107 +
   1.108 +            // DWORD  Size;             /* Size of this structure in bytes */
   1.109 +            // DWORD  Width;            /* Bitmap width in pixels */
   1.110 +            // DWORD  Height;           /* Bitmap height in pixel */
   1.111 +            // WORD   NumPlanes;        /* Number of bit planes (color depth) */
   1.112 +            // WORD   BitsPerPixel;     /* Number of bits per pixel per plane */
   1.113 +            
   1.114 +            getid3_lib::ReadSequence('LittleEndian2Int', $info_bmp_header_raw, $bmp_header, 18,
   1.115 +                array (
   1.116 +                    'width'          => 2,
   1.117 +                    'height'         => 2,
   1.118 +                    'planes'         => 2,
   1.119 +                    'bits_per_pixel' => 2
   1.120 +                )
   1.121 +            );
   1.122 +            
   1.123 +            $getid3->info['video']['resolution_x']    = $info_bmp_header_raw['width'];
   1.124 +            $getid3->info['video']['resolution_y']    = $info_bmp_header_raw['height'];
   1.125 +            $getid3->info['video']['codec']           = 'BI_RGB '.$info_bmp_header_raw['bits_per_pixel'].'-bit';
   1.126 +            $getid3->info['video']['bits_per_sample'] = $info_bmp_header_raw['bits_per_pixel'];
   1.127 +            
   1.128 +            if ($info_bmp['type_version'] >= 2) {
   1.129 +                // DWORD  Compression;      /* Bitmap compression scheme */
   1.130 +                // DWORD  ImageDataSize;    /* Size of bitmap data in bytes */
   1.131 +                // DWORD  XResolution;      /* X resolution of display device */
   1.132 +                // DWORD  YResolution;      /* Y resolution of display device */
   1.133 +                // DWORD  ColorsUsed;       /* Number of color table indices used */
   1.134 +                // DWORD  ColorsImportant;  /* Number of important color indices */
   1.135 +                // WORD   Units;            /* Type of units used to measure resolution */
   1.136 +                // WORD   Reserved;         /* Pad structure to 4-byte boundary */
   1.137 +                // WORD   Recording;        /* Recording algorithm */
   1.138 +                // WORD   Rendering;        /* Halftoning algorithm used */
   1.139 +                // DWORD  Size1;            /* Reserved for halftoning algorithm use */
   1.140 +                // DWORD  Size2;            /* Reserved for halftoning algorithm use */
   1.141 +                // DWORD  ColorEncoding;    /* Color model used in bitmap */
   1.142 +                // DWORD  Identifier;       /* Reserved for application use */
   1.143 +                
   1.144 +                getid3_lib::ReadSequence('LittleEndian2Int', $info_bmp_header_raw, $bmp_header, 26,
   1.145 +                    array (
   1.146 +                        'compression'      => 4,
   1.147 +                        'bmp_data_size'    => 4,
   1.148 +                        'resolution_h'     => 4,
   1.149 +                        'resolution_v'     => 4,
   1.150 +                        'colors_used'      => 4,
   1.151 +                        'colors_important' => 4,
   1.152 +                        'resolution_units' => 2,
   1.153 +                        'reserved1'        => 2,
   1.154 +                        'recording'        => 2,
   1.155 +                        'rendering'        => 2,
   1.156 +                        'size1'            => 4,
   1.157 +                        'size2'            => 4,
   1.158 +                        'color_encoding'   => 4,
   1.159 +                        'identifier'       => 4
   1.160 +                    )
   1.161 +                );
   1.162 +
   1.163 +                $info_bmp_header['compression'] = getid3_bmp::BMPcompressionOS2Lookup($info_bmp_header_raw['compression']);
   1.164 +                $getid3->info['video']['codec'] = $info_bmp_header['compression'].' '.$info_bmp_header_raw['bits_per_pixel'].'-bit';
   1.165 +            }
   1.166 +            
   1.167 +            return true;
   1.168 +        } 
   1.169 +    
   1.170 +        
   1.171 +        if ($info_bmp['type_os'] == 'Windows') {
   1.172 +
   1.173 +            // Windows-format BMP
   1.174 +
   1.175 +            // BITMAPINFOHEADER - [40 bytes] http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/en-us/gdi/bitmaps_1rw2.asp
   1.176 +            // all versions
   1.177 +            // DWORD  biSize;
   1.178 +            // LONG   biWidth;
   1.179 +            // LONG   biHeight;
   1.180 +            // WORD   biPlanes;
   1.181 +            // WORD   biBitCount;
   1.182 +            // DWORD  biCompression;
   1.183 +            // DWORD  biSizeImage;
   1.184 +            // LONG   biXPelsPerMeter;
   1.185 +            // LONG   biYPelsPerMeter;
   1.186 +            // DWORD  biClrUsed;
   1.187 +            // DWORD  biClrImportant;
   1.188 +
   1.189 +            getid3_lib::ReadSequence('LittleEndian2Int', $info_bmp_header_raw, $bmp_header, 18,
   1.190 +                array (
   1.191 +                    'width'            => -4,        //signed
   1.192 +                    'height'           => -4,        //signed
   1.193 +                    'planes'           => 2,
   1.194 +                    'bits_per_pixel'   => 2,
   1.195 +                    'compression'      => 4,
   1.196 +                    'bmp_data_size'    => 4,
   1.197 +                    'resolution_h'     => -4,        //signed
   1.198 +                    'resolution_v'     => -4,        //signed
   1.199 +                    'colors_used'      => 4,
   1.200 +                    'colors_important' => 4
   1.201 +                )
   1.202 +            );
   1.203 +            foreach (array ('width', 'height', 'resolution_h', 'resolution_v') as $key) {
   1.204 +                $info_bmp_header_raw[$key] = getid3_lib::LittleEndian2Int($info_bmp_header_raw[$key], true);
   1.205 +            }
   1.206 +            
   1.207 +            $info_bmp_header['compression']           = getid3_bmp::BMPcompressionWindowsLookup($info_bmp_header_raw['compression']);
   1.208 +            $getid3->info['video']['resolution_x']    = $info_bmp_header_raw['width'];
   1.209 +            $getid3->info['video']['resolution_y']    = $info_bmp_header_raw['height'];
   1.210 +            $getid3->info['video']['codec']           = $info_bmp_header['compression'].' '.$info_bmp_header_raw['bits_per_pixel'].'-bit';
   1.211 +            $getid3->info['video']['bits_per_sample'] = $info_bmp_header_raw['bits_per_pixel'];
   1.212 +
   1.213 +            // should only be v4+, but BMPs with type_version==1 and BI_BITFIELDS compression have been seen
   1.214 +            if (($info_bmp['type_version'] >= 4) || ($info_bmp_header_raw['compression'] == 3)) {
   1.215 +  	            
   1.216 +                
   1.217 +                $bmp_header .= fread($getid3->fp, 44);
   1.218 +
   1.219 +                // BITMAPV4HEADER - [44 bytes] - http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/en-us/gdi/bitmaps_2k1e.asp
   1.220 +                // Win95+, WinNT4.0+
   1.221 +                // DWORD        bV4RedMask;
   1.222 +                // DWORD        bV4GreenMask;
   1.223 +                // DWORD        bV4BlueMask;
   1.224 +                // DWORD        bV4AlphaMask;
   1.225 +                // DWORD        bV4CSType;
   1.226 +                // CIEXYZTRIPLE bV4Endpoints;
   1.227 +                // DWORD        bV4GammaRed;
   1.228 +                // DWORD        bV4GammaGreen;
   1.229 +                // DWORD        bV4GammaBlue;
   1.230 +                
   1.231 +                getid3_lib::ReadSequence('LittleEndian2Int', $info_bmp_header_raw, $bmp_header, 54,
   1.232 +                    array (
   1.233 +                        'red_mask'     => 4,
   1.234 +                        'green_mask'   => 4,
   1.235 +                        'blue_mask'    => 4,
   1.236 +                        'alpha_mask'   => 4,
   1.237 +                        'cs_type'      => 4,
   1.238 +                        'ciexyz_red'   => -4,       //string
   1.239 +                        'ciexyz_green' => -4,       //string
   1.240 +                        'ciexyz_blue'  => -4,       //string
   1.241 +                        'gamma_red'    => 4,
   1.242 +                        'gamma_green'  => 4,
   1.243 +                        'gamma_blue'   => 4
   1.244 +                    )
   1.245 +                );
   1.246 +                
   1.247 +                $info_bmp_header['ciexyz_red']   = getid3_bmp::FixedPoint2_30(strrev($info_bmp_header_raw['ciexyz_red']));
   1.248 +                $info_bmp_header['ciexyz_green'] = getid3_bmp::FixedPoint2_30(strrev($info_bmp_header_raw['ciexyz_green']));
   1.249 +                $info_bmp_header['ciexyz_blue']  = getid3_bmp::FixedPoint2_30(strrev($info_bmp_header_raw['ciexyz_blue']));
   1.250 +            
   1.251 +
   1.252 +                if ($info_bmp['type_version'] >= 5) {
   1.253 +                    $bmp_header .= fread($getid3->fp, 16);
   1.254 +    
   1.255 +                    // BITMAPV5HEADER - [16 bytes] - http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/en-us/gdi/bitmaps_7c36.asp
   1.256 +                    // Win98+, Win2000+
   1.257 +                    // DWORD        bV5Intent;
   1.258 +                    // DWORD        bV5ProfileData;
   1.259 +                    // DWORD        bV5ProfileSize;
   1.260 +                    // DWORD        bV5Reserved;
   1.261 +                    
   1.262 +                    getid3_lib::ReadSequence('LittleEndian2Int', $info_bmp_header_raw, $bmp_header, 98,
   1.263 +                        array (
   1.264 +                            'intent'              => 4,
   1.265 +                            'profile_data_offset' => 4,
   1.266 +                            'profile_data_size'   => 4,
   1.267 +                            'reserved3'           => 4
   1.268 +                        )
   1.269 +                    );
   1.270 +                    
   1.271 +                }
   1.272 +            }
   1.273 +            
   1.274 +            return true;
   1.275 +        }
   1.276 +
   1.277 +
   1.278 +        throw new getid3_exception('Unknown BMP format in header.');
   1.279 +        
   1.280 +    }
   1.281 +
   1.282 +
   1.283 +
   1.284 +    public static function BMPcompressionWindowsLookup($compression_id) {
   1.285 +
   1.286 +        static $lookup = array (
   1.287 +            0 => 'BI_RGB',
   1.288 +            1 => 'BI_RLE8',
   1.289 +            2 => 'BI_RLE4',
   1.290 +            3 => 'BI_BITFIELDS',
   1.291 +            4 => 'BI_JPEG',
   1.292 +            5 => 'BI_PNG'
   1.293 +        );
   1.294 +        return (isset($lookup[$compression_id]) ? $lookup[$compression_id] : 'invalid');
   1.295 +    }
   1.296 +
   1.297 +
   1.298 +
   1.299 +    public static function BMPcompressionOS2Lookup($compression_id) {
   1.300 +        
   1.301 +        static $lookup = array (
   1.302 +            0 => 'BI_RGB',
   1.303 +            1 => 'BI_RLE8',
   1.304 +            2 => 'BI_RLE4',
   1.305 +            3 => 'Huffman 1D',
   1.306 +            4 => 'BI_RLE24',
   1.307 +        );
   1.308 +        return (isset($lookup[$compression_id]) ? $lookup[$compression_id] : 'invalid');
   1.309 +    }
   1.310 +    
   1.311 +    
   1.312 +    public static function FixedPoint2_30($raw_data) {
   1.313 +        
   1.314 +        $binary_string = getid3_lib::BigEndian2Bin($raw_data);
   1.315 +        return bindec(substr($binary_string, 0, 2)) + (float)(bindec(substr($binary_string, 2, 30)) / 1073741824);        // pow(2, 30) = 1073741824
   1.316 +    }
   1.317 +
   1.318 +
   1.319 +}
   1.320 +
   1.321 +
   1.322 +?>
   1.323 \ No newline at end of file