Mercurial > judyates
comparison e2gallerypro/nonverblaster/swfobject.js @ 3:3f6b44aa6b35 judyates
[svn r4] added ability to buy stuff, from a Prints page, but it doesn't work well with the css, and it also has not been fitted into the perl make system.
author | rlm |
date | Mon, 22 Feb 2010 08:02:39 -0500 |
parents | |
children |
2:670229c4eb4b | 3:3f6b44aa6b35 |
1 /** | |
2 * SWFObject v1.4.4: Flash Player detection and embed - | |
3 * | |
4 * SWFObject is (c) 2006 Geoff Stearns and is released under the MIT License: | |
5 * | |
6 * | |
7 * **SWFObject is the SWF embed script formerly known as FlashObject. The name was changed for | |
8 * legal reasons. | |
9 */ | |
10 if(typeof deconcept=="undefined"){var deconcept=new Object();} | |
11 if(typeof deconcept.util=="undefined"){deconcept.util=new Object();} | |
12 if(typeof deconcept.SWFObjectUtil=="undefined"){deconcept.SWFObjectUtil=new Object();} | |
13 deconcept.SWFObject=function(_1,id,w,h,_5,c,_7,_8,_9,_a,_b){if(!document.getElementById){return;} | |
14 this.DETECT_KEY=_b?_b:"detectflash"; | |
15 this.skipDetect=deconcept.util.getRequestParameter(this.DETECT_KEY); | |
16 this.params=new Object(); | |
17 this.variables=new Object(); | |
18 this.attributes=new Array(); | |
19 if(_1){this.setAttribute("swf",_1);} | |
20 if(id){this.setAttribute("id",id);} | |
21 if(w){this.setAttribute("width",w);} | |
22 if(h){this.setAttribute("height",h);} | |
23 if(_5){this.setAttribute("version",new deconcept.PlayerVersion(_5.toString().split(".")));} | |
24 this.installedVer=deconcept.SWFObjectUtil.getPlayerVersion(); | |
25 if(c){this.addParam("bgcolor",c);} | |
26 var q=_8?_8:"high"; | |
27 this.addParam("quality",q); | |
28 this.setAttribute("useExpressInstall",_7); | |
29 this.setAttribute("doExpressInstall",false); | |
30 var _d=(_9)?_9:window.location; | |
31 this.setAttribute("xiRedirectUrl",_d); | |
32 this.setAttribute("redirectUrl",""); | |
33 if(_a){this.setAttribute("redirectUrl",_a);}}; | |
34 deconcept.SWFObject.prototype={setAttribute:function(_e,_f){ | |
35 this.attributes[_e]=_f; | |
36 },getAttribute:function(_10){ | |
37 return this.attributes[_10]; | |
38 },addParam:function(_11,_12){ | |
39 this.params[_11]=_12; | |
40 },getParams:function(){ | |
41 return this.params; | |
42 },addVariable:function(_13,_14){ | |
43 this.variables[_13]=_14; | |
44 },getVariable:function(_15){ | |
45 return this.variables[_15]; | |
46 },getVariables:function(){ | |
47 return this.variables; | |
48 },getVariablePairs:function(){ | |
49 var _16=new Array(); | |
50 var key; | |
51 var _18=this.getVariables(); | |
52 for(key in _18){_16.push(key+"="+_18[key]);} | |
53 return _16;},getSWFHTML:function(){var _19=""; | |
54 if(navigator.plugins&&navigator.mimeTypes&&navigator.mimeTypes.length){ | |
55 if(this.getAttribute("doExpressInstall")){ | |
56 this.addVariable("MMplayerType","PlugIn");} | |
57 _19="<embed type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\" src=\""+this.getAttribute("swf")+"\" width=\""+this.getAttribute("width")+"\" height=\""+this.getAttribute("height")+"\""; | |
58 _19+=" id=\""+this.getAttribute("id")+"\" name=\""+this.getAttribute("id")+"\" "; | |
59 var _1a=this.getParams(); | |
60 for(var key in _1a){_19+=[key]+"=\""+_1a[key]+"\" ";} | |
61 var _1c=this.getVariablePairs().join("&"); | |
62 if(_1c.length>0){_19+="flashvars=\""+_1c+"\"";}_19+="/>"; | |
63 }else{if(this.getAttribute("doExpressInstall")){this.addVariable("MMplayerType","ActiveX");} | |
64 _19="<object id=\""+this.getAttribute("id")+"\" classid=\"clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000\" width=\""+this.getAttribute("width")+"\" height=\""+this.getAttribute("height")+"\">"; | |
65 _19+="<param name=\"movie\" value=\""+this.getAttribute("swf")+"\" />"; | |
66 var _1d=this.getParams(); | |
67 for(var key in _1d){_19+="<param name=\""+key+"\" value=\""+_1d[key]+"\" />";} | |
68 var _1f=this.getVariablePairs().join("&"); | |
69 if(_1f.length>0){_19+="<param name=\"flashvars\" value=\""+_1f+"\" />";}_19+="</object>";} | |
70 return _19; | |
71 },write:function(_20){ | |
72 if(this.getAttribute("useExpressInstall")){ | |
73 var _21=new deconcept.PlayerVersion([6,0,65]); | |
74 if(this.installedVer.versionIsValid(_21)&&!this.installedVer.versionIsValid(this.getAttribute("version"))){ | |
75 this.setAttribute("doExpressInstall",true); | |
76 this.addVariable("MMredirectURL",escape(this.getAttribute("xiRedirectUrl"))); | |
77 document.title=document.title.slice(0,47)+" - Flash Player Installation"; | |
78 this.addVariable("MMdoctitle",document.title);}} | |
79 if(this.skipDetect||this.getAttribute("doExpressInstall")||this.installedVer.versionIsValid(this.getAttribute("version"))){ | |
80 var n=(typeof _20=="string")?document.getElementById(_20):_20; | |
81 n.innerHTML=this.getSWFHTML();return true; | |
82 }else{if(this.getAttribute("redirectUrl")!=""){document.location.replace(this.getAttribute("redirectUrl"));}} | |
83 return false;}}; | |
84 deconcept.SWFObjectUtil.getPlayerVersion=function(){ | |
85 var _23=new deconcept.PlayerVersion([0,0,0]); | |
86 if(navigator.plugins&&navigator.mimeTypes.length){ | |
87 var x=navigator.plugins["Shockwave Flash"]; | |
88 if(x&&x.description){_23=new deconcept.PlayerVersion(x.description.replace(/([a-zA-Z]|\s)+/,"").replace(/(\s+r|\s+b[0-9]+)/,".").split("."));} | |
89 }else{try{var axo=new ActiveXObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash.7");} | |
90 catch(e){try{var axo=new ActiveXObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash.6"); | |
91 _23=new deconcept.PlayerVersion([6,0,21]);axo.AllowScriptAccess="always";} | |
92 catch(e){if(_23.major==6){return _23;}}try{axo=new ActiveXObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash");} | |
93 catch(e){}}if(axo!=null){_23=new deconcept.PlayerVersion(axo.GetVariable("$version").split(" ")[1].split(","));}} | |
94 return _23;}; | |
95 deconcept.PlayerVersion=function(_27){ | |
96 this.major=_27[0]!=null?parseInt(_27[0]):0; | |
97 this.minor=_27[1]!=null?parseInt(_27[1]):0; | |
98 this.rev=_27[2]!=null?parseInt(_27[2]):0; | |
99 }; | |
100 deconcept.PlayerVersion.prototype.versionIsValid=function(fv){ | |
101 if(this.major<fv.major){return false;} | |
102 if(this.major>fv.major){return true;} | |
103 if(this.minor<fv.minor){return false;} | |
104 if(this.minor>fv.minor){return true;} | |
105 if(this.rev<fv.rev){ | |
106 return false; | |
107 }return true;}; | |
108 deconcept.util={getRequestParameter:function(_29){ | |
109 var||document.location.hash; | |
110 if(q){var _2b=q.substring(1).split("&"); | |
111 for(var i=0;i<_2b.length;i++){ | |
112 if(_2b[i].substring(0,_2b[i].indexOf("="))==_29){ | |
113 return _2b[i].substring((_2b[i].indexOf("=")+1));}}} | |
114 return "";}}; | |
115 deconcept.SWFObjectUtil.cleanupSWFs=function(){if(window.opera||!document.all){return;} | |
116 var _2d=document.getElementsByTagName("OBJECT"); | |
117 for(var i=0;i<_2d.length;i++){_2d[i].style.display="none";for(var x in _2d[i]){ | |
118 if(typeof _2d[i][x]=="function"){_2d[i][x]=function(){};}}}}; | |
119 deconcept.SWFObjectUtil.prepUnload=function(){__flash_unloadHandler=function(){}; | |
120 __flash_savedUnloadHandler=function(){}; | |
121 if(typeof window.onunload=="function"){ | |
122 var _30=window.onunload; | |
123 window.onunload=function(){ | |
124 deconcept.SWFObjectUtil.cleanupSWFs();_30();}; | |
125 }else{window.onunload=deconcept.SWFObjectUtil.cleanupSWFs;}}; | |
126 if(typeof window.onbeforeunload=="function"){ | |
127 var oldBeforeUnload=window.onbeforeunload; | |
128 window.onbeforeunload=function(){ | |
129 deconcept.SWFObjectUtil.prepUnload(); | |
130 oldBeforeUnload();}; | |
131 }else{window.onbeforeunload=deconcept.SWFObjectUtil.prepUnload;} | |
132 if(Array.prototype.push==null){ | |
133 Array.prototype.push=function(_31){ | |
134 this[this.length]=_31; | |
135 return this.length;};} | |
136 var getQueryParamValue=deconcept.util.getRequestParameter; | |
137 var FlashObject=deconcept.SWFObject; | |
138 var SWFObject=deconcept.SWFObject; |