rlm@9: package com.aurellem.capture.video; rlm@9: rlm@9: import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; rlm@9: import java.io.File; rlm@9: import java.io.IOException; rlm@9: import java.nio.ByteBuffer; rlm@9: rlm@9: import com.aurellem.capture.IsoTimer; rlm@9: import com.jme3.app.Application; rlm@9: import com.jme3.app.state.AppState; rlm@9: import com.jme3.app.state.AppStateManager; rlm@9: import com.jme3.post.SceneProcessor; rlm@9: import com.jme3.renderer.Camera; rlm@9: import com.jme3.renderer.RenderManager; rlm@9: import com.jme3.renderer.ViewPort; rlm@9: import com.jme3.renderer.queue.RenderQueue; rlm@9: import com.jme3.texture.FrameBuffer; rlm@9: import com.jme3.util.BufferUtils; rlm@9: import com.jme3.util.Screenshots; rlm@9: rlm@9: /** rlm@39: * VideoRecorder copies the frames it receives to video. rlm@9: * To ensure smooth video at a constant framerate, you should set your rlm@39: * application's timer to a new IsoTimer. This class will rlm@9: * auto-determine the framerate of the video based on the time difference rlm@9: * between the first two frames it receives, although you can manually set rlm@9: * the framerate by calling setFps(newFramerate). Be sure to rlm@9: * place this processor *after* any other processors whose effects you want rlm@9: * to be included in the output video. You can attach multiple rlm@9: * VideoProcessors to the same ViewPort. rlm@9: * rlm@9: * For example, rlm@9: * rlm@9: * someViewPort.addProcessor(new VideoProcessor(file1)); rlm@9: * someViewPort.addProcessor(someShadowRenderer); rlm@9: * someViewPort.addProcessor(new VideoProcessor(file2)); rlm@9: * rlm@9: * rlm@9: * will output a video without shadows to file1 and a video rlm@9: * with shadows to file2 rlm@9: * rlm@9: * @author Robert McIntyre rlm@9: * rlm@9: */ rlm@9: rlm@9: public abstract class AbstractVideoRecorder rlm@39: implements SceneProcessor, VideoRecorder, AppState{ rlm@9: rlm@9: final File output; rlm@9: Camera camera; rlm@9: int width; rlm@9: int height; rlm@9: String targetFileName; rlm@9: FrameBuffer frameBuffer; rlm@9: Double fps = null; rlm@9: RenderManager renderManager; rlm@9: ByteBuffer byteBuffer; rlm@9: BufferedImage rawFrame; rlm@9: boolean isInitilized = false; rlm@9: boolean paused = false; rlm@9: rlm@9: public AbstractVideoRecorder(File output) throws IOException { rlm@9: this.output = output; rlm@9: this.targetFileName = this.output.getCanonicalPath(); rlm@9: } rlm@9: rlm@9: rlm@9: public double getFps() {return this.fps;} rlm@9: rlm@9: public AbstractVideoRecorder setFps(double fps) { rlm@9: this.fps = fps; rlm@9: return this; rlm@9: } rlm@9: rlm@9: public void initialize(RenderManager rm, ViewPort viewPort) { rlm@9: Camera camera = viewPort.getCamera(); rlm@9: this.width = camera.getWidth(); rlm@9: this.height = camera.getHeight(); rlm@9: rlm@9: rawFrame = new BufferedImage(width, height, rlm@9: BufferedImage.TYPE_4BYTE_ABGR); rlm@9: byteBuffer = BufferUtils.createByteBuffer(width * height * 4 ); rlm@9: this.renderManager = rm; rlm@9: this.isInitilized = true; rlm@9: } rlm@9: rlm@9: public void reshape(ViewPort vp, int w, int h) {} rlm@9: rlm@9: public boolean isInitialized() {return this.isInitilized;} rlm@9: rlm@9: public void preFrame(float tpf) { rlm@9: if (null == this.fps){ rlm@9: this.setFps(1.0 / tpf);} rlm@9: } rlm@9: rlm@9: public void postQueue(RenderQueue rq) {} rlm@9: rlm@9: public void postFrame(FrameBuffer out) { rlm@9: if (!this.paused){ rlm@9: byteBuffer.clear(); rlm@9: renderManager.getRenderer().readFrameBuffer(out, byteBuffer); rlm@9: Screenshots.convertScreenShot(byteBuffer, rawFrame); rlm@9: record(rawFrame); rlm@9: } rlm@9: } rlm@9: rlm@9: public void cleanup(){ rlm@9: this.pause(); rlm@9: this.finish(); rlm@9: }; rlm@9: rlm@9: public void pause(){ rlm@9: this.paused = true; rlm@9: } rlm@9: rlm@9: public void start(){ rlm@9: this.paused = false; rlm@9: } rlm@9: rlm@9: // methods from AppState rlm@9: public void initialize(AppStateManager stateManager, Application app) {} rlm@9: rlm@9: public void setEnabled(boolean active) { rlm@9: if (active) {this.start();} rlm@9: else {this.pause();} rlm@9: } rlm@9: rlm@9: public boolean isEnabled() { rlm@9: return this.paused; rlm@9: } rlm@9: rlm@9: public void stateAttached(AppStateManager stateManager) {} rlm@9: rlm@9: rlm@9: public void stateDetached(AppStateManager stateManager) { rlm@9: this.pause(); rlm@9: this.finish(); rlm@9: } rlm@9: rlm@9: public void update(float tpf) {} rlm@9: public void render(RenderManager rm) {} rlm@9: public void postRender() {} rlm@9: rlm@9: }