view build.xml @ 43:2f129118e2d6

removed old files and moved natives unpacking to the AudioRenderer
author Robert McIntyre <>
date Wed, 30 Nov 2011 06:32:36 -0700
parents c4bfbf5d090e
children 19831877eaed
line wrap: on
line source
1 <project name="jmeCapture" default="dist" basedir=".">
4 <property name="build" value="build"/>
5 <property name="src" value="src"/>
6 <property name="dist" value="dist"/>
7 <property name="lib" value="lib"/>
11 <path id="classpath">
12 <pathelement path="${lib}/audio-send.jar"/>
13 <pathelement path="${lib}/commons-cli.jar"/>
14 <pathelement path="${lib}/jMonkeyEngine3.jar"/>
15 <pathelement path="${lib}/jME3-test.jar"/>
16 <pathelement path="${lib}/logback-classic.jar"/>
17 <pathelement path="${lib}/logback-core.jar"/>
18 <pathelement path="${lib}/lwjgl.jar"/>
19 <pathelement path="${lib}/slf4j-api.jar"/>
20 <pathelement path="${lib}/xuggle-xuggler.jar"/>
21 <pathelement path="${lib}/xuggle-xuggler-test.jar"/>
22 <pathelement path="${lib}/tritonus_aos-0.3.6.jar"/>
23 <pathelement path="${lib}/tritonus_share-0.3.6.jar"/>
24 </path>
26 <target name="prepare">
27 <mkdir dir="${build}"/>
28 </target>
30 <target name="compile" depends="prepare" >
31 <javac srcdir="${src}" destdir="${build}"
32 classpathref="classpath"
33 includeantruntime="false"/>
34 </target>
36 <target name="dist" depends="compile" >
37 <mkdir dir="${dist}"/>
38 <jar jarfile="${dist}/jmeCapture.jar">
39 <fileset dir="${src}"/>
40 <fileset dir="${build}"/>
41 </jar>
42 </target>
44 <target name="clean" >
45 <delete dir="${build}"/>
46 <delete dir="${dist}"/>
47 </target>
50 </project>