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Softened tone in science minus science.
author | Dylan Holmes <> |
date | Sat, 29 Oct 2011 21:18:54 -0500 |
parents | 44d3dc936f6a |
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1 #+TITLE: Bugs in quantum mechanics2 #+AUTHOR: Dylan Holmes3 #+DESCRIPTION: I explain hermitian operators and use them to solve a confusing problem in quantum mechanics.4 #+KEYWORDS: quantum mechanics, self-adjoint, hermitian, square well, momentum5 #+SETUPFILE: ../../aurellem/org/setup.org6 #+INCLUDE: ../../aurellem/org/level-0.org10 #Bugs in Quantum Mechanics11 #Bugs in the Quantum-Mechanical Momentum Operator14 I studied quantum mechanics the same way I study most subjects\mdash{}15 by collecting (and squashing) bugs in my understanding. One of these16 bugs persisted throughout two semesters of17 quantum mechanics coursework until I finally found18 the paper19 [[][/Self-adjoint extensions of operators and the teaching of quantum20 mechanics/]], which helped me stamp out the bug entirely. I decided to21 write an article about the problem and its solution for a number of reasons:23 - Although the paper was not unreasonably dense, it was written for24 teachers. I wanted to write an article for students.25 - I wanted to popularize the problem and its solution because other26 explanations are currently too hard to find. (Even Shankar's27 excellent [[][textbook]] doesn't mention it, as far as I know.)28 - Attempting an explanation is my way of making29 sure that the bug is /really/ gone.30 # entirely eradicated.32 * COMMENT33 I recommend the34 paper not only for students who are learning35 quantum mechanics, but especially for teachers interested in debugging36 them.38 * COMMENT39 On my first exam in quantum mechanics, my professor asked us to40 describe how certain measurements would affect a particle in a41 box. Many of these measurement questions required routine application42 of skills we had recently learned\mdash{}first, you recall (or43 calculate) the eigenstates of the quantity44 to be measured; second, you write the given state as a linear45 sum of these eigenstates\mdash{} the coefficients on each term give46 the probability amplitude.49 * Two methods of calculation that give different results.51 In the infinitely deep well, there is a particle in the the52 normalized state54 \(\psi(x) = \begin{cases}A\; x(x-a)&\text{for }0\lt{}x\lt{}a;\\0,&\text{for }x\lt{}0\text{ or }x>a.\end{cases}\)56 This is apparently a perfectly respectable state: it is normalized ($A$ is a57 normalization constant), it is zero58 everywhere outside of the well, and it is moreover continuous.60 Even so, we will find a problem if we attempt to calculate the average61 energy-squared of this state (that is, the quantity \(\langle \psi | H^2 | \psi \rangle\)).63 ** First method65 For short, define a new variable[fn:1] \(|\bar \psi\rangle \equiv66 H|\psi\rangle\). We can express the state $|\bar\psi\rangle$ as a67 function of $x$ because we know how to express $H$ and $\psi$ in terms68 of $x$: $H$ is the differential operator $\frac{-\hbar^2}{2m}\frac{d^2}{dx^2}$, and69 $\psi(x)$ is the function defined above. So, we get \(\quad\bar\psi(x) = \frac{-A\hbar^2}{m}\). For future reference, observe that $\bar\psi(x)$70 is constant.72 Having introduced $|\bar\psi\rangle$, we can calculate the average energy-squared of $|\psi\rangle$ in the73 following way.75 \(\begin{eqnarray}76 \langle \psi | H^2 |\psi\rangle &=& \langle \psi H^\dagger | H77 \psi\rangle\\78 &=& \langle \psi H | H\psi \rangle\\79 &=& \langle \bar\psi | \bar\psi \rangle\\80 &=& \int_0^a \left(\frac{A\hbar^2}{m}\right)^2\;dx\\81 &=& \frac{A^2\hbar^4 a}{m^2}\\82 \end{eqnarray}\)84 For future reference, observe that this value is nonzero85 (which makes sense).87 ** Second method88 We can also calculate the average energy-squared of $|\psi\rangle$ in the89 following way.91 \begin{eqnarray}92 \langle \psi | H^2 |\psi\rangle &=& \langle \psi | H\,H \psi \rangle\\93 &=& \langle \psi |H \bar\psi \rangle\\94 &=&\int_0^a Ax(x-a)95 \left(\frac{-\hbar^2}{2m}\frac{d^2}{dx^2}\right)\frac{-A\hbar^2}{m}\;dx\\96 &=& 0\quad (!)\\97 \end{eqnarray}99 The second-to-last term must be zero because the second derivative100 of a constant \(\left(\frac{-A\hbar^2}{m}\right)\) is zero.102 * What is the problem?104 To recap: We used two different methods to calculate the average105 energy-squared of a state $|\psi\rangle$. For the first method, we106 used the fact that $H$ is a hermitian operator, replacing \(\langle107 \psi H^\dagger | H \psi\rangle\) with \(\langle \psi H | H108 \psi\rangle\). Using this substitution rule, we calculated the answer.110 For the second method, we didn't use the fact that $H$ was hermitian;111 instead, we used the fact that we know how to represent $H$ and $\psi$112 as functions of $x$: $H$ is a differential operator113 \(\frac{-\hbar^2}{2m}\frac{d^2}{dx^2}\) and $\psi$ is a quadratic114 function of $x$. By applying $H$ to $\psi$, we took several115 derivatives and arrived at our answer.117 These two methods gave different results. In the following sections,118 I'll describe and analyze the source of this difference.120 ** Physical operators only act on physical wavefunctions121 :PROPERTIES:122 :ORDERED: t123 :END:124 #In quantum mechanics, an operator is a function that takes in a125 #physical state and produces another physical state as ouput. Some126 #operators correspond to physical quantities such as energy,127 #momentum, or position; the mathematical properties of these operators correspond to128 #physical properties of the system.130 #Eigenstates are an example of this correspondence: an132 Physical states are represented as wavefunctions in quantum133 mechanics. Just as we disallow certain physically nonsensical states134 in classical mechanics (for example, we consider it to be nonphysical135 for an object to spontaneously disappear from one place and reappear136 in another), we also disallow certain wavefunctions in quantum137 mechanics.139 For example, since wavefunctions are supposed to correspond to140 probability amplitudes, we require wavefunctions to be normalized141 \((\langle \psi |\psi \rangle = 1)\). Generally, we disallow142 wavefunctions that do not satisfy this property (although there are143 some exceptions[fn:2]).145 As another example, we generally expect probability to vary smoothly\mdash{}if146 a particle is very likely or very unlikely to be found at a particular147 location, it should also be somewhat likely or somewhat unlikely to be148 found /near/ that location. In more precise terms, we expect that for149 physically meaningful wavefunctions, the probability150 \(\text{Pr}(x)=\int^x \psi^*\psi\) should be a continuous function of151 $x$ and, again, we disallow wavefunctions that do not satisfy this152 property because we consider them to be physically nonsensical.154 So, physical wavefunctions must satisfy certain properties155 like the two just described. Wavefunctions that do not satisfy these properties are156 rejected for being physically nonsensical: even though we can perform157 calculations with them, the mathematical results we obtain do not mean158 anything physically.160 Now, in quantum mechanics, an *operator* is a function that converts161 states into other states. Some operators correspond to162 physical quantities such as energy, momentum, or position, and as a163 result, the mathematical properties of these operators correspond to164 physical properties of the system. Physical operators are furthermore165 subject to the following rule: they are only allowed to operate on166 #physical wavefunctions, and they are only allowed to produce167 #physical wavefunctions[fn:why].168 the wavefunctions we have deemed physical, and they only produce physical wavefunctions[fn::170 If you require a hermitian operator to have physical171 eigenstates, you get a very strong result: you guarantee that the172 operator will convert /every/ physical wavefunction into another173 physical wavefunction:175 For any linear operator $\Omega$, the eigenvalue equation is176 \(\Omega|\omega\rangle = \omega |\omega\rangle\). Notice that if an177 eigenstate $|\omega\rangle$ is a physical wavefunction, the178 eigenvalue equation equation forces $\Omega|\omega\rangle$ to be a179 physical wavefunction as well. To elaborate, if the eigenstates of180 $\Omega$ are physical functions, then $\Omega$ is guaranteed to181 convert them into other physical functions. Even more is true if the182 operator $\Omega$ is also hermitian: there is a theorem which states183 that \ldquo{}If \Omega is hermitian, then every physical wavefunction184 can be written as a weighted sum of eigenstates of \Omega.\rdquo{} This185 theorem implies that /if $\Omega$ is hermitian/, and /if the eigenstates186 of \Omega are physically allowed/, then \Omega is guaranteed to187 convert every physically allowed wavefunction into another physically188 allowed wavefunction.].190 In fact, this rule for physical operators is the source of our191 problem, as we unknowingly violated it when applying our second192 method!194 ** The violation196 I'll start explaining this violation by being more specific about the197 infinitely deep well potential. We have said already that physicists198 require wavefunctions to satisfy certain properties in order to be199 deemed \ldquo{}physical\rdquo{}. To be specific, wavefunctions in the200 infinitely deep well201 - Must be *normalizable*, because they correspond to202 probability amplitudes.203 - Must have *smoothly-varying probability*, because if a particle is very204 likely to be at a location, it ought to be likely to be /near/205 it as well.206 - Must *not exist outside the well*, because it207 would take an infinite amount of energy to do so.209 Additionally, by combining the second and third conditions, some210 physicists reason that wavefunctions in the infinitely deep well212 - Must *become zero* towards the edges of the well.217 You'll remember we had219 \(220 \begin{eqnarray}221 \psi(x) &=& A\;x(x-a)\\222 \bar\psi(x)&=& \frac{-A\hbar^2}{m}\\223 &&\text{for }0\lt{}x\lt{}a\\224 \end{eqnarray}225 \)227 In our second method, we wrote230 \(\begin{eqnarray}231 \langle \psi | H^2 |\psi\rangle &=& \langle \psi | H\,H \psi \rangle\\232 &=& \langle \psi |H \bar\psi \rangle\\233 & \vdots&\\234 &=& 0\\235 \end{eqnarray}\)237 However, there are two issues here. First, we were not allowed to operate with $H$ on the wavefunction238 $|\bar \psi\rangle$, because $H$ is a physical operator and $|\bar239 \psi\rangle$ is a nonphysical state: in the infinite square well,240 physical wavefunctions must approach zero at the edges of the well,241 which the constant function $|\bar\psi\rangle$ does not do. By242 feeding $H$ a nonphysical wavefunction, we obtained nonsensical243 results.245 Second, we claimed that $H$ was a physical operator\mdash{}that $H$246 was hermitian. According to the rule, this means $H$ must convert physical states into other247 physical states. But $H$ converts the physical state $|\psi\rangle$248 into the nonphysical state $|\bar\psi\rangle = H|\psi\rangle$ is not. Because $H$ converts some249 physical states into nonphysical states, it cannot be a hermitian operator.251 ** Boundary conditions affect hermiticity252 We have now discovered a flaw: when applied to the state253 $|\psi\rangle$, the second method violates the rule that physical254 operators must only take in physical states and must only produce255 physical states. This suggests that the problem was with the state256 $|\bar\psi\rangle$ that we wrongly fed into $H$. However, the problem257 is more serious still: the state $|\psi\rangle259 ** COMMENT Re-examining physical constraints261 We have now discovered a flaw: when applied to the state262 $|\psi\rangle$, the second method violates the rule that physical263 operators must only take in physical states and must only produce264 physical states. Let's examine the problem more closely.266 We have said already that physicists require wavefunctions to satisfy267 certain properties in order to be deemed \ldquo{}physical\rdquo{}. To268 be specific, wavefunctions in the infinitely deep well269 - Must be *normalizable*, because they correspond to270 probability amplitudes.271 - Must have *smoothly-varying probability*, because if a particle is very272 likely to be at a location, it ought to be likely to be /near/273 it as well.274 - Must *not exist outside the well*, because it275 would take an infinite amount of energy to do so.277 We now have discovered an important flaw in the second method: when278 applied to the state $|\bar\psi\rangle$, the second method violates279 the rule that physical operators must only take in280 physical states and must only produce physical states. The problem is281 even more serious, however285 [fn:1] I'm defining a new variable just to make certain expressions286 look shorter; this cannot affect the content of the answer we'll287 get.289 [fn:2] For example, in vaccuum (i.e., when the potential of the290 physical system is $V(x)=0$ throughout all space), the momentum291 eigenstates are not normalizable\mdash{}the relevant integral blows292 up to infinity instead of converging to a number. Physicists modify293 the definition of normalization slightly so that294 \ldquo{}delta-normalizable \rdquo{} functions like these are included295 among the physical wavefunctions.299 * COMMENT: What I thought I knew301 The following is a list of things I thought were true of quantum302 mechanics; the catch is that the list contradicts itself.304 1. For any hermitian operator: Eigenstates with different eigenvalues are orthogonal.305 2. For any hermitian operator: Any physically allowed state can be306 written as a linear sum of eigenstates of the operator.307 3. The momentum operator and energy operator are hermitian, because308 momentum and energy are measureable quantities.309 4. In the vacuum potential, the momentum and energy operators have these eigenstates:310 - the momentum operator has an eigenstate311 \(p(x)=\exp{(ipx/\hbar)}\) for each value of $p$.312 - the energy operator has an eigenstate \(|E\rangle =313 \alpha|p\rangle + \beta|-p\rangle\) for any \(\alpha,\beta\) and314 the particular choice of momentum $p=\sqrt{2mE}$.315 5. In the infinitely deep potential well, the momentum and energy316 operators have these eigenstates:317 - The momentum eigenstates and energy eigenstates have the same form318 as in the vacuum potential: $p(x) =319 \exp{(ipx/\hbar)}$ and $|E\rangle = \alpha|p\rangle + \beta|-p\rangle$.320 - Even so, because of the boundary conditions on the321 well, we must make the following modifications:322 + Physically realistic states must be impossible to find outside the well. (Only a state of infinite323 energy could exist outside the well, and infinite energy is not324 realistic.) This requirement means, for example, that momentum325 eigenstates in the infinitely deep well must be326 \(p(x)327 = \begin{cases}\exp{(ipx/\hbar)},& \text{for }0\lt{}x\lt{}a;328 \\0, & \text{for }x<0\text{ or }x>a. \\ \end{cases}\)329 + Physically realistic states must vary smoothly throughout330 space. This means that if a particle in some state is very unlikely to be331 /at/ a particular location, it is also very unlikely be /near/332 that location. Combining this requirement with the above333 requirement, we find that the momentum operator no longer has334 an eigenstate for each value of $p$; instead, only values of335 $p$ that are integer multiples of $\pi \hbar/a$ are physically336 realistic. Similarly, the energy operator no longer has an337 eigenstate for each value of $E$; instead, the only energy338 eigenstates in the infinitely deep well339 are $E_n(x)=\sin(n\pi x/ a)$ for positive integers $n$.341 * COMMENT:343 ** Eigenstates with different eigenvalues are orthogonal345 #+begin_quote346 *Theorem:* Eigenstates with different eigenvalues are orthogonal.347 #+end_quote349 ** COMMENT :350 I can prove this: if $\Lambda$ is any linear operator, suppose $|a\rangle$351 and $|b\rangle$ are eigenstates of $\Lambda$. This means that354 \(355 \begin{eqnarray}356 \Lambda |a\rangle&=& a|a\rangle,\\357 \Lambda|b\rangle&=& b|b\rangle.\\358 \end{eqnarray}359 \)361 If we take the difference of these eigenstates, we find that363 \(364 \begin{eqnarray}365 \Lambda\;\left(|a\rangle-|b\rangle\right) &=& \Lambda |a\rangle - \Lambda |b\rangle366 \qquad \text{(because $\Lambda$ is linear.)}\\367 &=& a|a\rangle - b|b\rangle\qquad\text{(because $|a\rangle$ and368 $|b\rangle$ are eigenstates of $\Lambda$)}369 \end{eqnarray}\)372 which means that $a\neq b$.374 ** Eigenvectors of hermitian operators span the space of solutions376 #+begin_quote377 *Theorem:* If $\Omega$ is a hermitian operator, then every physically378 allowed state can be written as a linear sum of eigenstates of379 $\Omega$.380 #+end_quote384 ** Momentum and energy are hermitian operators385 This ought to be true because hermitian operators correspond to386 observable quantities. Since we expect momentum and energy to be387 measureable quantities, we expect that there are hermitian operators388 to represent them.391 ** Momentum and energy eigenstates in vacuum392 An eigenstate of the momentum operator $P$ would be a state393 \(|p\rangle\) such that \(P|p\rangle=p|p\rangle\).395 ** Momentum and energy eigenstates in the infinitely deep well399 * COMMENT Can you measure momentum in the infinitely deep well?400 In summary, I thought I knew:401 1. For any hermitian operator: eigenstates with different eigenvalues402 are orthogonal.403 2. For any hermitian operator: any physically realistic state can be404 written as a linear sum of eigenstates of the operator.405 3. The momentum operator and energy operator are hermitian, because406 momentum and energy are observable quantities.407 4. (The form of the momentum and energy eigenstates in the vacuum potential)408 5. (The form of the momentum and energy eigenstates in the infinitely deep well potential)410 Additionally, I understood that because the infinitely deep potential411 well is not realistic, states of such a system are not necessarily412 physically realistic. Instead, I understood413 \ldquo{}realistic states\rdquo{} to be those that satisfy the physically414 unrealistic Schr\ouml{}dinger equation and its boundary conditions.416 With that final caveat, here is the problem:418 According to (5), the momentum eigenstates in the well are420 \(p(x)= \begin{cases}\exp{(ipx/\hbar)},& \text{for }0\lt{}x\lt{}a;\\0, & \text{for }x<0\text{ or }x>a. \\ \end{cases}\)422 (Additionally, we require that $p$ be an integer multiple of $\pi\hbar/a$.)424 However, /these/ states are not orthogonal, which contradicts the425 assumption that (3) the momentum operator is hermitian and (2)426 eigenstates of a hermitian are orthogonal if they have different eigenvalues.428 #+begin_quote429 *Problem 1. The momentum eigenstates of the well are not orthogonal*431 /Proof./ If $p_1\neq p_2$, then433 \(\begin{eqnarray}434 \langle p_1 | p_2\rangle &=& \int_{\infty}^\infty p_1^*(x)p_2(x)\,dx\\435 &=& \int_0^a p_1^*(x)p_2(x)\,dx\qquad\text{ Since }p_1(x)=p_2(x)=0\text{436 outside the well.}\\437 &=& \int_0^a \exp{(-ip_1x/\hbar)\exp{(ip_2x/\hbar)\,dx}}\\438 &=& \int_0^a \exp{\left[i(p_1-p_2)x/\hbar\right]}\,dx\\439 \end{eqnarray}\)440 $\square$442 #+end_quote446 ** COMMENT Momentum eigenstates448 In free space, the Hamiltonian is \(H=\frac{1}{2m}P^2\) and the449 momentum operator $P$ has eigenstates \(p(x) = \exp{(-ipx/\hbar)}\).451 In the infinitely deep potential well, the Hamiltonian is the same but452 there is a new condition in order for states to qualify as physically453 allowed: the states must not exist anywhere outside of well, as it454 takes an infinite amount of energy to do so.456 Notice that the momentum eigenstates defined above do /not/ satisfy457 this condition.461 * COMMENT462 For each physical system, there is a Schr\ouml{}dinger equation that463 describes how a particle's state $|\psi\rangle$ will change over464 time.466 \(\begin{eqnarray}467 i\hbar \frac{\partial}{\partial t}|\psi\rangle &=&468 H |\psi\rangle \equiv\frac{P^2}{2m}|\psi\rangle+V|\psi\rangle \end{eqnarray}\)470 This is a differential equation; each solution to the471 Schr\ouml{}dinger equation is a state that is physically allowed for472 our particle. Here, physically allowed states are473 those that change in physically allowed ways. However, like any differential474 equation, the Schr\ouml{}dinger equation can be accompanied by475 /boundary conditions/\mdash{}conditions that further restrict which476 states qualify as physically allowed.481 ** Eigenstates of momentum486 #In the infinitely deep well potential $V(x)=0$, the Schr\ouml{}dinger488 #\(i\hbar\frac{\partial}{\partial t}|\psi\rangle = H|\psi\rangle\)496 * COMMENT498 #* The infinite square well potential500 A particle exists in a potential that is501 infinite everywhere except for a region of length \(a\), where the potential is zero. This means that the502 particle exists in a potential[fn:coords][fn:infinity]505 \(V(x)=\begin{cases}0,&\text{for }\;0< x< a;\\\infty,&\text{for506 }\;x<0\text{ or }x>a.\end{cases}\)508 The Schr\ouml{}dinger equation describes how the particle's state509 \(|\psi\rangle\) will change over time in this system.511 \(\begin{eqnarray}512 i\hbar \frac{\partial}{\partial t}|\psi\rangle &=&513 H |\psi\rangle \equiv\frac{P^2}{2m}|\psi\rangle+V|\psi\rangle \end{eqnarray}\)515 This is a differential equation; each solution to the516 Schr\ouml{}dinger equation is a state that is physically allowed for517 our particle. Here, physically allowed states are518 those that change in physically allowed ways. However, like any differential519 equation, the Schr\ouml{}dinger equation can be accompanied by520 /boundary conditions/\mdash{}conditions that further restrict which521 states qualify as physically allowed.524 Whenever possible, physicists impose these boundary conditions:525 - A physically allowed state ought to be a /smoothly-varying function of position./ This means526 that if a particle in the state is likely to be /at/ a particular location,527 it is also likely to be /near/ that location.529 These boundary conditions imply that for the square well potential in530 this problem,532 - Physically allowed states must be totally confined to the well,533 because it takes an infinite amount of energy to exist anywhere534 outside of the well (and physically allowed states ought to have535 only finite energy).536 - Physically allowed states must be increasingly unlikely to find very537 close to the walls of the well. This is because of two conditions: the above538 condition says that the particle is /impossible/ to find539 outside of the well, and the smoothly-varying condition says540 that if a particle is impossible to find at a particular location,541 it must be unlikely to be found nearby that location.543 #; physically allowed states are those that change in physically544 #allowed ways.547 #** Boundary conditions548 Because the potential is infinite everywhere except within the well,549 a realistic particle must be confined to exist only within the550 well\mdash{}its wavefunction must be zero everywhere beyond the walls551 of the well.554 [fn:coords] I chose my coordinate system so that the well extends from555 \(0<x<a\). Others choose a coordinate system so that the well extends from556 \(-\frac{a}{2}<x<\frac{a}{2}\). Although both coordinate systems describe the same physical557 situation, they give different-looking answers.559 [fn:infinity] Of course, infinite potentials are not560 realistic. Instead, they are useful approximations to finite561 potentials when \ldquo{}infinity\rdquo{} and \ldquo{}the actual height562 of the well\rdquo{} are close enough for your own practical563 purposes. Having introduced a physical impossibility into the problem564 already, we don't expect to get physically realistic solutions; we565 just expect to get mathematically consistent ones. The forthcoming566 trouble is that we don't.