changeset 99:b7a3ba5e879b

made BufferedImage visulation more general
author Robert McIntyre <>
date Sat, 14 Jan 2012 01:07:18 -0700 (2012-01-14)
parents 5b23961433e3
children 940074adc1d5
files org/ org/
diffstat 2 files changed, 92 insertions(+), 54 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
     1.1 --- a/org/	Wed Jan 11 21:30:26 2012 -0700
     1.2 +++ b/org/	Sat Jan 14 01:07:18 2012 -0700
     1.3 @@ -99,31 +99,32 @@
     1.4    (:import com.jme3.math.Vector3f))
     1.6  (defn view-image
     1.7 -  "Initailizes a JPanel on which you may draw a BufferedImage of the
     1.8 -  given width and height.  Returns a function that accepts a
     1.9 -  BufferedImage and draws it to the JPanel."
    1.10 -  [width height]
    1.11 +  "Initailizes a JPanel on which you may draw a BufferedImage.
    1.12 +   Returns a function that accepts a BufferedImage and draws it to the
    1.13 +   JPanel."
    1.14 +  []
    1.15    (let [image
    1.16          (atom
    1.17 -         (BufferedImage. width height BufferedImage/TYPE_4BYTE_ABGR))
    1.18 +         (BufferedImage. 1 1 BufferedImage/TYPE_4BYTE_ABGR))
    1.19          panel 
    1.20          (proxy [JPanel] []
    1.21            (paint
    1.22              [graphics]
    1.23              (proxy-super paintComponent graphics)
    1.24 -            (.drawImage graphics @image 0 0 nil)))]
    1.25 +            (.drawImage graphics @image 0 0 nil)))
    1.26 +        frame (JFrame. "Display Image")]
    1.27      (SwingUtilities/invokeLater
    1.28       (fn []
    1.29 -       (.setPreferredSize panel (Dimension. width height))
    1.30 -       (doto (JFrame. "Eye Camera!")
    1.31 +       (doto frame
    1.32           (-> (.getContentPane) (.add panel))
    1.33           (.pack)
    1.34           (.setLocationRelativeTo nil)
    1.35 -         (.setResizable false)
    1.36 +         (.setResizable true)
    1.37           (.setVisible true))))
    1.38      (fn [#^BufferedImage i]
    1.39        (reset! image i)
    1.40 -      (.repaint panel))))
    1.41 +      (.setSize frame (+ 8 (.getWidth i)) (+ 28 (.getHeight i)))
    1.42 +      (.repaint panel 0 0 (.getWidth i) (.getHeight i)))))
    1.44  (defn test-two-eyes
    1.45    "Testing vision:
    1.46 @@ -143,12 +144,12 @@
    1.47               (let [cam (.clone (.getCamera world))
    1.48                     width (.getWidth cam)
    1.49                     height (.getHeight cam)]
    1.50 -               (add-eye world cam (view-image width height))
    1.51 +               (add-eye world cam (view-image))
    1.52                 (add-eye world
    1.53                          (doto (.clone cam)
    1.54                            (.setLocation (Vector3f. -10 0 0))
    1.55                            (.lookAt Vector3f/ZERO Vector3f/UNIT_Y))
    1.56 -                        (view-image width height))
    1.57 +                        (view-image))
    1.58                  ;; This is here to restore the main view
    1.59                 ;; after the other views have completed processing
    1.60                 (add-eye world (.getCamera world) no-op)))
     2.1 --- a/org/	Wed Jan 11 21:30:26 2012 -0700
     2.2 +++ b/org/	Sat Jan 14 01:07:18 2012 -0700
     2.3 @@ -6,6 +6,15 @@
     2.4  #+SETUPFILE: ../../aurellem/org/
     2.5  #+INCLUDE: ../../aurellem/org/
     2.7 +
     2.8 +* objectives
     2.9 + - [ ] get an overall bitmap-like image for touch
    2.10 + - [ ] write code to visuliaze this bitmap
    2.11 + - [ ] directly change the UV-pixels to show touch sensor activation
    2.12 + - [ ] write an explination for why b&w bitmaps for senses is appropiate
    2.13 + - [ ] clean up touch code and write visulazation test
    2.14 + - [ ] do the same for eyes
    2.15 +
    2.16  * Intro 
    2.17  So far, I've made the following senses -- 
    2.18   - Vision
    2.19 @@ -49,8 +58,63 @@
    2.20  (use '(cortex world util body hearing touch vision))
    2.22  (rlm.rlm-commands/help)
    2.23 +(import java.awt.image.BufferedImage)
    2.24 +(import javax.swing.JPanel)
    2.25 +(import javax.swing.SwingUtilities)
    2.26 +(import java.awt.Dimension)
    2.27 +(import javax.swing.JFrame)
    2.28 +(import java.awt.Dimension)
    2.29 +(declare joint-create)
    2.31 -(declare joint-create)
    2.32 +(defn view-image
    2.33 +  "Initailizes a JPanel on which you may draw a BufferedImage.
    2.34 +   Returns a function that accepts a BufferedImage and draws it to the
    2.35 +   JPanel."
    2.36 +  []
    2.37 +  (let [image
    2.38 +        (atom
    2.39 +         (BufferedImage. 1 1 BufferedImage/TYPE_4BYTE_ABGR))
    2.40 +        panel 
    2.41 +        (proxy [JPanel] []
    2.42 +          (paint
    2.43 +            [graphics]
    2.44 +            (proxy-super paintComponent graphics)
    2.45 +            (.drawImage graphics @image 0 0 nil)))
    2.46 +        frame (JFrame. "Display Image")]
    2.47 +    (SwingUtilities/invokeLater
    2.48 +     (fn []
    2.49 +       (doto frame
    2.50 +         (-> (.getContentPane) (.add panel))
    2.51 +         (.pack)
    2.52 +         (.setLocationRelativeTo nil)
    2.53 +         (.setResizable true)
    2.54 +         (.setVisible true))))
    2.55 +    (fn [#^BufferedImage i]
    2.56 +      (reset! image i)
    2.57 +      (.setSize frame (+ 8 (.getWidth i)) (+ 28 (.getHeight i)))
    2.58 +      (.repaint panel 0 0 (.getWidth i) (.getHeight i)))))
    2.59 +
    2.60 +
    2.61 +(defn visualize [points]
    2.62 +  
    2.63 +
    2.64 +
    2.65 +(defn collapse
    2.66 +  "Take a set of pairs of integers and collapse them into a
    2.67 +   contigous bitmap."
    2.68 +  [points]
    2.69 +  (let [center [0 0]]
    2.70 +    
    2.71 +  )
    2.72 +  
    2.73 +
    2.74 +
    2.75 +
    2.76 +
    2.77 +
    2.78 +
    2.79 +
    2.80 +
    2.82  (defn load-bullet []
    2.83    (let [sim (world (Node.) {} no-op no-op)]
    2.84 @@ -314,7 +378,6 @@
    2.85     ;;      (println-repl (float (/ @timer 60))))))
    2.86     )))
    2.88 -
    2.89  (defn colorful []
    2.90    (.getChild (worm-model) "worm-21"))
    2.92 @@ -364,8 +427,6 @@
    2.93          (ImagePlus.
    2.94           "UV-map"
    2.95           (ImageToAwt/convert im false false 0))))))
    2.96 -      
    2.97 -
    2.99  (import ij.process.ImageProcessor)
   2.100  (import java.awt.image.BufferedImage)
   2.101 @@ -602,7 +663,8 @@
   2.102                      (set
   2.103                       (filter #(not (= geo %))
   2.104                               (map #(.getGeometry %) results)))]
   2.105 -                (count touch-objects)))))))))
   2.106 +                (if (> (count touch-objects) 0)
   2.107 +                  1 0)))))))))
   2.109  (defn touch [#^Node pieces]
   2.110    (let [touch-components
   2.111 @@ -612,11 +674,6 @@
   2.112      (fn [node]
   2.113        (reduce into [] (map #(% node) touch-components))))) 
   2.115 -  
   2.116 -
   2.117 -
   2.118 -
   2.119 -    
   2.120  (defn all-names []
   2.121    (concat 
   2.122     (re-split #"\n" (slurp (file-str
   2.123 @@ -985,20 +1042,6 @@
   2.124             )
   2.125      ))
   2.127 -
   2.128 -
   2.129 -#+end_src
   2.130 -
   2.131 -
   2.132 -* COMMENT generate source
   2.133 -#+begin_src clojure :tangle ../src/cortex/silly.clj
   2.134 -<<body-1>>
   2.135 -#+end_src
   2.136 -
   2.137 -
   2.138 -
   2.139 -
   2.140 -
   2.141  (defn transform-trianglesdsd
   2.142    "Transform that converts each vertex in the first triangle
   2.143    into the corresponding vertex in the second triangle."
   2.144 @@ -1061,25 +1104,19 @@
   2.145        (dorun (map println in***))
   2.146        (println)
   2.148 -    )))
   2.149 -        
   2.150 -                   
   2.151 -                     
   2.152 -                                
   2.153 -                        
   2.154 -                                   
   2.155 -        
   2.156 -                 
   2.157 -        
   2.158 +    ))))
   2.161 -        
   2.162 -                     
   2.163 -                      
   2.164 -                   
   2.165 -                   
   2.166 -    
   2.167 -  
   2.168 -  )
   2.169 +
   2.170 +
   2.171 +#+end_src
   2.172 +
   2.173 +
   2.174 +* COMMENT generate source
   2.175 +#+begin_src clojure :tangle ../src/cortex/silly.clj
   2.176 +<<body-1>>
   2.177 +#+end_src
   2.178 +
   2.179 +