changeset 130:b26017d1fe9a

added workaround for problem with point2point joints in native bullet; added basic muscle description image.
author Robert McIntyre <>
date Mon, 30 Jan 2012 05:47:51 -0700 (2012-01-30)
parents bab47091534e
children e98850b83c2c
files assets/Models/creature1/basic-muscle.png assets/Models/creature1/try-again.blend org/ org/
diffstat 4 files changed, 161 insertions(+), 30 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
     1.1 Binary file assets/Models/creature1/basic-muscle.png has changed
     2.1 Binary file assets/Models/creature1/try-again.blend has changed
     3.1 --- a/org/	Mon Jan 30 00:25:11 2012 -0700
     3.2 +++ b/org/	Mon Jan 30 05:47:51 2012 -0700
     3.3 @@ -82,6 +82,7 @@
     3.4            (doto (Quaternion.)
     3.5              (.fromRotationMatrix rotate-a)))
     3.6           arm-b)]
     3.7 +    ;;(println-repl (.getName object-a) (.getName object-b))
     3.8      [pitch yaw roll]))
    3.10  (defn proprioception
    3.11 @@ -225,6 +226,61 @@
    3.12         (dorun (worm-motor-map
    3.13                 (worm-pattern @time)))))))
    3.15 +
    3.16 +(require 'cortex.silly)
    3.17 +(defn join-at-point [obj-a obj-b world-pivot]
    3.18 +  (cortex.silly/joint-dispatch
    3.19 +   {:type :point}
    3.20 +   (.getControl obj-a RigidBodyControl)
    3.21 +   (.getControl obj-b RigidBodyControl)
    3.22 +   (cortex.silly/world-to-local obj-a world-pivot)
    3.23 +   (cortex.silly/world-to-local obj-b world-pivot)
    3.24 +   nil
    3.25 +   ))
    3.26 +
    3.27 +
    3.28 +
    3.29 +(defn blab-* []
    3.30 +  (let [hand   (box 0.5 0.2 0.2 :position (Vector3f. 0 0 0)
    3.31 +                     :mass 0 :color ColorRGBA/Green)
    3.32 +        finger (box 0.5 0.2 0.2 :position (Vector3f. 2.4 0 0)
    3.33 +                    :mass 1 :color ColorRGBA/Red)
    3.34 +        connection-point (Vector3f. 1.2 0 0)
    3.35 +        root (nodify [hand finger])]
    3.36 +
    3.37 +    (join-at-point hand finger (Vector3f. 1.2 0 0))
    3.38 +    
    3.39 +    (.setCollisionGroup
    3.40 +     (.getControl hand RigidBodyControl)
    3.41 +     PhysicsCollisionObject/COLLISION_GROUP_NONE)
    3.42 +    (world
    3.43 +     root
    3.44 +     standard-debug-controls
    3.45 +     (fn [world]
    3.46 +       (enable-debug world)
    3.47 +       (.setTimer world (com.aurellem.capture.RatchetTimer. 60))
    3.48 +       (set-gravity world Vector3f/ZERO)
    3.49 +       )
    3.50 +     no-op)))
    3.51 +     
    3.52 +(defn proprioception-debug-window
    3.53 +  []
    3.54 +  (let [vi (view-image)]
    3.55 +    (fn [prop-data]
    3.56 +      (dorun
    3.57 +       (map
    3.58 +       (comp 
    3.59 +        println-repl
    3.60 +        (fn [[p y r]]
    3.61 +          (format
    3.62 +           "pitch: %1.2f\nyaw: %1.2f\nroll: %1.2f\n"
    3.63 +           p y r)))
    3.64 +       prop-data)))))
    3.65 +       
    3.66 +
    3.67 +
    3.68 +
    3.69 +
    3.70  (defn test-proprioception
    3.71    "Testing proprioception:
    3.72     You should see two foating bars, and a printout of pitch, yaw, and
    3.73 @@ -236,7 +292,7 @@
    3.74    (let [hand    (box 1 0.2 0.2 :position (Vector3f. 0 2 0)
    3.75                       :mass 0 :color ColorRGBA/Green)
    3.76          finger (box 1 0.2 0.2 :position (Vector3f. 2.4 2 0)
    3.77 -                    :mass 1 :color (ColorRGBA. 0.20 0.40 0.99 1.0))
    3.78 +                    :mass 1 :color ColorRGBA/Red)
    3.79          floor   (box 10 0.5 10 :position (Vector3f. 0 -5 0)
    3.80                       :mass 0 :color ColorRGBA/Gray)
    3.82 @@ -247,15 +303,23 @@
    3.83          roll-left? (atom false)
    3.84          roll-right? (atom false)
    3.85          control (.getControl finger RigidBodyControl)
    3.86 -        joint
    3.87 -        (doto 
    3.88 -            (Point2PointJoint.
    3.89 -             (.getControl hand RigidBodyControl)
    3.90 -             control
    3.91 -             (Vector3f. 1.2 0 0)
    3.92 -             (Vector3f. -1.2 0 0 ))
    3.93 -          (.setCollisionBetweenLinkedBodys false))
    3.94 -        time (atom 0)]
    3.95 +        time (atom 0)
    3.96 +        joint (join-at-point hand finger (Vector3f. 1.2 2 0 ))
    3.97 +        creature (nodify [hand finger])
    3.98 +        prop (proprioception creature)
    3.99 +
   3.100 +        prop-view (proprioception-debug-window)
   3.101 +
   3.102 +        
   3.103 +        ]
   3.104 +    
   3.105 +
   3.106 +    
   3.107 +    (.setCollisionGroup
   3.108 +     (.getControl hand RigidBodyControl)
   3.109 +     PhysicsCollisionObject/COLLISION_GROUP_NONE)
   3.110 +
   3.111 +    
   3.112      (world
   3.113       (nodify [hand finger floor])
   3.114       (merge standard-debug-controls
   3.115 @@ -266,10 +330,8 @@
   3.116               "key-v" (fn [_ pressed?] (reset! roll-left? pressed?))
   3.117               "key-b" (fn [_ pressed?] (reset! roll-right? pressed?))})     
   3.118       (fn [world]
   3.119 -       (.setTimer world (NanoTimer.))
   3.120 +       (.setTimer world (com.aurellem.capture.RatchetTimer. 60))
   3.121         (set-gravity world (Vector3f. 0 0 0))
   3.122 -       (.setMoveSpeed (.getFlyByCamera world) 50)
   3.123 -       (.setRotationSpeed (.getFlyByCamera world) 50)
   3.124         (light-up-everything world))
   3.125       (fn [_ _]
   3.126         (if @move-up?
   3.127 @@ -297,15 +359,16 @@
   3.128                         (.mult (.getPhysicsRotation control)
   3.129                                (Vector3f. 1 0 0))))
   3.131 -       (if (= 0 (rem (swap! time inc) 2000))
   3.132 -         (do
   3.133 -           (apply
   3.134 -            (comp
   3.135 -             println-repl
   3.136 -             #(format "pitch: %1.2f\nyaw: %1.2f\nroll: %1.2f\n" %1 %2 %3))
   3.137 -            (joint-proprioception joint))))))))
   3.138 +       (if (= 0 (rem (swap! time inc) 20))
   3.139 +         (prop-view
   3.140 +          (joint-proprioception joint)))))))
   3.141 +            
   3.142 +            
   3.143  #+end_src
   3.145 +#+results: test-body
   3.146 +: #'cortex.test.body/test-proprioception
   3.147 +
   3.149  * COMMENT code-limbo
   3.150  #+begin_src clojure
     4.1 --- a/org/	Mon Jan 30 00:25:11 2012 -0700
     4.2 +++ b/org/	Mon Jan 30 05:47:51 2012 -0700
     4.3 @@ -321,11 +321,33 @@
     4.4  (defmethod joint-dispatch :point
     4.5    [constraints control-a control-b pivot-a pivot-b rotation]
     4.6    (println-repl "creating POINT2POINT joint")
     4.7 -  (Point2PointJoint.
     4.8 -   control-a
     4.9 -   control-b
    4.10 -   pivot-a
    4.11 -   pivot-b))
    4.12 +  ;; bullet's point2point joints are BROKEN, so we must use the
    4.13 +  ;; generic 6DOF joint instead of an actual Point2Point joint!
    4.14 +
    4.15 +  ;; should be able to do this:
    4.16 +  (comment 
    4.17 +    (Point2PointJoint.
    4.18 +     control-a
    4.19 +     control-b
    4.20 +     pivot-a
    4.21 +     pivot-b))
    4.22 +
    4.23 +  ;; but instead we must do this:
    4.24 +  (println-repl "substuting 6DOF joint for POINT2POINT joint!")
    4.25 +  (doto
    4.26 +      (SixDofJoint.
    4.27 +       control-a
    4.28 +       control-b
    4.29 +       pivot-a
    4.30 +       pivot-b
    4.31 +       false)
    4.32 +    (.setLinearLowerLimit Vector3f/ZERO)
    4.33 +    (.setLinearUpperLimit Vector3f/ZERO)
    4.34 +    ;;(.setAngularLowerLimit (Vector3f. 1 1 1))
    4.35 +    ;;(.setAngularUpperLimit (Vector3f. 0 0 0))
    4.36 +
    4.37 +))
    4.38 +
    4.40  (defmethod joint-dispatch :hinge
    4.41    [constraints control-a control-b pivot-a pivot-b rotation]
    4.42 @@ -411,6 +433,9 @@
    4.43                          joint-rotation))
    4.44        (println-repl "could not find joint meta-data!"))))
    4.46 +
    4.47 +
    4.48 +
    4.49  (defn assemble-creature [#^Node pieces joints]
    4.50    (dorun
    4.51     (map
    4.52 @@ -1015,7 +1040,7 @@
    4.53       (bit-shift-left num 8)
    4.54       (bit-shift-left num 16)))
    4.56 -(defn debug-window
    4.57 +(defn debug-touch-window
    4.58    "creates function that offers a debug view of sensor data"
    4.59    []
    4.60    (let [vi (view-image)]
    4.61 @@ -1066,8 +1091,49 @@
    4.65 -;; here's how motor-control/ proprioception will work:
    4.66 +;; here's how motor-control/ proprioception will work: Each muscle is
    4.67 +;; defined by a 1-D array of numbers (the "motor pool") each of which
    4.68 +;; represent muscle fibers. A muscle also has a scalar :strength
    4.69 +;; factor which determines how strong the muscle as a whole is.
    4.70 +;; The effector function for a muscle takes a number < (count
    4.71 +;; motor-pool) and that number is said to "activate" all the muscle
    4.72 +;; fibers whose index is lower than the number.  Each fiber will apply
    4.73 +;; force in proportion to its value in the array.  Lower values cause
    4.74 +;; less force.  The lower values can be put at the "beginning" of the
    4.75 +;; 1-D array to simulate the layout of actual human muscles, which are
    4.76 +;; capable of more percise movements when exerting less force.
    4.78 +;; I don't know how to encode proprioception, so for now, just return
    4.79 +;; a function for each joint that returns a triplet of floats which
    4.80 +;; represent relative roll, pitch, and yaw.  Write display code for
    4.81 +;; this though.
    4.82 +
    4.83 +(defn muscle-fibre-values
    4.84 +  "Take the first row of the image and return the low-order bytes."
    4.85 +  [#^BufferedImage image]
    4.86 +  (let [width (.getWidth image)]
    4.87 +    (for [x (range width)]
    4.88 +      (bit-and
    4.89 +       0xFF
    4.90 +       (.getRGB image x 0)))))
    4.91 +
    4.92 +
    4.93 +(defn rad->deg [rad]
    4.94 +  (* 180 (/ Math/PI) rad))
    4.95 +
    4.96 +
    4.97 +(defn debug-prop-window
    4.98 +  "create a debug view for proprioception"
    4.99 +  []
   4.100 +  (let [vi (view-image)]
   4.101 +    (fn [sensor-data]
   4.102 +      (println-repl
   4.103 +       (map
   4.104 +        (fn [[yaw pitch roll]]
   4.105 +          [(rad->deg yaw)
   4.106 +           (rad->deg pitch)
   4.107 +           (rad->deg roll)])
   4.108 +       sensor-data)))))
   4.112 @@ -1083,7 +1149,7 @@
   4.113          (box 0.01 0.01 1 :physical? false :color ColorRGBA/Blue)
   4.114          creature (blender-creature thing)
   4.115          touch-nerves (touch creature)
   4.116 -        touch-debug-windows (map (fn [_] (debug-window)) touch-nerves)
   4.117 +        touch-debug-windows (map (fn [_] (debug-touch-window)) touch-nerves)
   4.118          [init-vision-fns vision-data] (vision creature)
   4.119          vision-debug (map (fn [_] (debug-vision-window)) vision-data)
   4.120          me (sphere 0.5 :color ColorRGBA/Blue :physical? false)
   4.121 @@ -1092,6 +1158,8 @@
   4.122                               hearing-senses)
   4.123          bell (AudioNode. (asset-manager)
   4.124                           "Sounds/pure.wav" false)
   4.125 +        prop (proprioception creature)
   4.126 +        prop-debug (debug-prop-window)
   4.127          ;; dream
   4.129          ]
   4.130 @@ -1131,7 +1199,7 @@
   4.131       ;;(dorun 
   4.132       ;; (map #(%1 %2) touch-nerves (repeat (.getRootNode world))))
   4.134 -
   4.135 +     (prop-debug (prop))
   4.137       (dorun
   4.138        (map #(%1 (%2 (.getRootNode world)))
   4.139 @@ -1201,7 +1269,7 @@
   4.140          sim
   4.141          (world node
   4.142                 {"key-space"
   4.143 -vvvvvv                (fn [_ value]
   4.144 +                (fn [_ value]
   4.145                    (if value
   4.146                      (let [cr (CollisionResults.)]
   4.147                        (.collideWith node bounds-b cr)