changeset 5:93ff2b4e7e6a

trying to resolve sensitivity bugs with tough implementation
author Robert McIntyre <>
date Sat, 22 Oct 2011 01:20:34 -0700 (2011-10-22)
parents 50c92af2018e
children e3c6d1c1cb00
files org/
diffstat 1 files changed, 19 insertions(+), 75 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
     1.1 --- a/org/	Thu Oct 20 15:10:38 2011 -0700
     1.2 +++ b/org/	Sat Oct 22 01:20:34 2011 -0700
     1.3 @@ -6,10 +6,22 @@
     1.4  #+INCLUDE: ../../aurellem/org/
     1.7 +let's see what checkboxes look like:
     1.8 + 
     1.9 +* test [1/2]
    1.10 + - [ ] item 1
    1.11 + - [X] item 2
    1.14  * skin!
    1.16 +
    1.17 +  
    1.18 +
    1.19 +
    1.20 +
    1.21 +
    1.22 +
    1.23  #+srcname: skin-main
    1.24  #+begin_src clojure
    1.25  (ns
    1.26 @@ -85,12 +97,12 @@
    1.27  	 (.getTriangle mesh n tri)
    1.28  	 (.calculateCenter tri)
    1.29  	 (.calculateNormal tri)
    1.30 -	 (println-repl tri)
    1.31 -	 (println-repl (.get1 tri))
    1.32 -	 (println-repl (.get2 tri))
    1.33 -	 (println-repl (.get3 tri))
    1.34 -	 (println-repl (.getCenter tri))
    1.35 -	 (println-repl (.getNormal tri))
    1.36 +;;	 (println-repl tri)
    1.37 +;;	 (println-repl (.get1 tri))
    1.38 +;;	 (println-repl (.get2 tri))
    1.39 +;;	 (println-repl (.get3 tri))
    1.40 +;;	 (println-repl (.getCenter tri))
    1.41 +;;	 (println-repl (.getNormal tri))
    1.42  	 (let [control
    1.43  	       (doto 
    1.44  		   (GhostControl.
    1.45 @@ -102,70 +114,10 @@
    1.46  		      (.setMargin 0)
    1.47  		      ))
    1.48  		 (.setApplyPhysicsLocal true))]
    1.49 -
    1.50  	   (.addControl geom control)
    1.51  	   (conj! controls! control)))))
    1.52      (persistent! controls!)))
    1.54 -(defn make-fucked-touch [#^Geometry geom]
    1.55 -  (let [tri (Triangle.)
    1.56 -	mesh (.getMesh geom)
    1.57 -	controls! (transient [])]
    1.58 -    (dorun
    1.59 -     (for [n (range (.getTriangleCount mesh))]
    1.60 -       (do
    1.61 -	 (.getTriangle mesh n tri)
    1.62 -	 (.calculateCenter tri)
    1.63 -	 (.calculateNormal tri)
    1.64 -	 (println-repl tri)
    1.65 -	 (println-repl (.get1 tri))
    1.66 -	 (println-repl (.get2 tri))
    1.67 -	 (println-repl (.get3 tri))
    1.68 -	 (println-repl (.getCenter tri))
    1.69 -	 (println-repl (.getNormal tri))
    1.70 -	 (let [control1
    1.71 -	       (doto 
    1.72 -		   (GhostControl.
    1.73 -		    (doto (CompoundCollisionShape.)
    1.74 -		       (.addChildShape
    1.75 -		        (SimplexCollisionShape. Vector3f/ZERO)
    1.76 -		       (.get1 tri))))
    1.77 -		 (.setApplyPhysicsLocal true))]
    1.78 -
    1.79 -	   (.addControl geom control1)
    1.80 -	   (conj! controls! control1)
    1.81 -	   )
    1.82 -	 
    1.83 -	 ;; (let [control1
    1.84 -	 ;;       (doto 
    1.85 -	 ;; 	   (GhostControl.
    1.86 -	 ;; 	    (doto (CompoundCollisionShape.)
    1.87 -	 ;; 	      (.addChildShape
    1.88 -	 ;; 	       (SimplexCollisionShape. Vector3f/ZERO)
    1.89 -	 ;; 	      (.get2 tri))))
    1.90 -	 ;; 	 (.setApplyPhysicsLocal true))]
    1.91 -	   
    1.92 -	 ;;   (.addControl geom control1)
    1.93 -	 ;;   (conj! controls! control1)
    1.94 -	 ;;   )
    1.95 -	 
    1.96 -	 ;; (let [control1
    1.97 -	 ;;       (doto 
    1.98 -	 ;; 	   (GhostControl.
    1.99 -	 ;; 	    (doto (CompoundCollisionShape.)
   1.100 -	 ;; 	       (.addChildShape
   1.101 -	 ;; 	        (SimplexCollisionShape. Vector3f/ZERO)
   1.102 -	 ;; 	       (.get3 tri))))
   1.103 -	 ;; 	 (.setApplyPhysicsLocal true))]
   1.104 -	   
   1.105 -	 ;;   (.addControl geom control1)
   1.106 -	 ;;   (conj! controls! control1)
   1.107 -	 
   1.108 -	   )))
   1.109 -	 (persistent! controls!)))
   1.110 -
   1.111 -
   1.112 -
   1.113  (use 'hello.brick-wall)
   1.115  (defn touch-reception [controls]
   1.116 @@ -189,7 +141,6 @@
   1.117    ((fn [[r g b]] (ColorRGBA. r g b (float 1)))
   1.118     (map #(float (/ (Integer/parseInt % 16) 255))
   1.119  	(map (partial apply str) (partition 2 html-str)))))
   1.120 -  
   1.122  (defn color-touch [controls]
   1.123    (no-exceptions
   1.124 @@ -216,13 +167,6 @@
   1.125       BulletAppState))
   1.126     (asset-manager)))
   1.128 -(def with-debug
   1.129 -     '(1 1 1 1 0 1 2 0 2 0 1 1 1 1 0 2 0 2 2 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0))
   1.130 -(def no-debug
   1.131 -     '(1 1 1 1 0 1 2 0 2 0 1 1 1 1 0 2 0 2 2 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0))
   1.132 -
   1.133 -
   1.134 -
   1.135  (defn transparent-sphere []
   1.136    (doto
   1.137        (make-shape
   1.138 @@ -301,7 +245,7 @@
   1.139         )
   1.141       (fn [& _]
   1.142 -       (touch-print controls)
   1.143 +       ;;(touch-print controls)
   1.144         (color-touch controls)
   1.145         ))))