changeset 191:66fbab414d45

added muscle exertion debug view.
author Robert McIntyre <>
date Sat, 04 Feb 2012 11:02:19 -0700 (2012-02-04)
parents 2902aca33c6e
children deac7b708750
files org/ org/
diffstat 2 files changed, 41 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
     1.1 --- a/org/	Sat Feb 04 10:26:11 2012 -0700
     1.2 +++ b/org/	Sat Feb 04 11:02:19 2012 -0700
     1.3 @@ -58,8 +58,9 @@
     1.5  (defn movement-fn
     1.6    "Returns a function which when called with a integer value inside a
     1.7 -   running simulation, will cause movement in the creature according
     1.8 -   to the muscle's position and strength profile"
     1.9 +   running simulation will cause movement in the creature according
    1.10 +   to the muscle's position and strength profile. Each function
    1.11 +   returns the amount of force applied / max force."
    1.12    [#^Node parts #^Node muscle]
    1.13    (let [target (closest-node parts muscle)
    1.14          axis
    1.15 @@ -69,15 +70,16 @@
    1.16          image (load-image image-name)
    1.17          fibers (muscle-profile image)
    1.18          fiber-integral (reductions + fibers)
    1.19 -        force-index (vec
    1.20 -                     (map
    1.21 -                      #(float (* strength (/ % (last
    1.22 -                                                fiber-integral))))
    1.23 -                      fiber-integral))
    1.24 +        force-index
    1.25 +        (vec (map  #(float (* strength (/ % (last fiber-integral))))
    1.26 +              fiber-integral))
    1.27          control (.getControl target RigidBodyControl)]
    1.28      (fn [n]
    1.29 -      (let [pool-index (min n (count fibers))]
    1.30 -        (.applyTorque control (.mult axis (force-index n)))))))
    1.31 +      (let [pool-index (max 0 (min n (dec (count fibers))))
    1.32 +            force (force-index pool-index)]
    1.33 +        (.applyTorque control (.mult axis force))
    1.34 +        (float (/ force strength))))))
    1.35 +        
    1.37  (defn movement!
    1.38    "Endow the creature with the power of movement. Returns a sequence
    1.39 @@ -87,6 +89,26 @@
    1.40      (for [muscle (muscles creature)]
    1.41        (movement-fn creature muscle)))
    1.43 +(defn movement-display-kernel
    1.44 +  "Display muscle exertion data as a bar filling up with red."
    1.45 +  [exertion]
    1.46 +     (let [height 20
    1.47 +           width 300
    1.48 +           image (BufferedImage. width height
    1.49 +                                 BufferedImage/TYPE_INT_RGB)
    1.50 +           fill (min (int (* width exertion)) width)]
    1.51 +       (dorun
    1.52 +        (for [x (range fill)
    1.53 +              y (range height)]
    1.54 +          (.setRGB image x y 0xFF0000)))
    1.55 +       image))
    1.56 +
    1.57 +(defn view-movement
    1.58 +  "Creates a function which accepts a list of muscle-exertion data and
    1.59 +  displays each element of the list to the screen."
    1.60 +  []
    1.61 +  (view-sense movement-display-kernel))
    1.62 +
    1.63  #+end_src
     2.1 --- a/org/	Sat Feb 04 10:26:11 2012 -0700
     2.2 +++ b/org/	Sat Feb 04 11:02:19 2012 -0700
     2.3 @@ -147,8 +147,9 @@
     2.4          prop (proprioception! creature)
     2.5          prop-display (view-proprioception)
     2.7 -        muscle-fns (movement! creature)
     2.8 -
     2.9 +        muscle-exertion (atom 0)
    2.10 +        muscles (movement! creature)
    2.11 +        muscle-display (view-movement)
    2.13          me (sphere 0.5 :color ColorRGBA/Blue :physical? false)
    2.14          bell (AudioNode. (asset-manager)
    2.15 @@ -183,9 +184,11 @@
    2.16                  "key-h"
    2.17                  (fn [_ value]
    2.18                    (if value
    2.19 -                    (do
    2.20 -                      (println-repl "muscle activating!")
    2.21 -                      ((first muscle-fns)  199))))
    2.22 +                    (swap!  muscle-exertion (partial + 20))))
    2.23 +                "key-n"
    2.24 +                (fn [_ value]
    2.25 +                  (if value
    2.26 +                    (swap! muscle-exertion (fn [v] (- v 20)))))
    2.28                  })
    2.29          (fn [world]
    2.30 @@ -217,6 +220,8 @@
    2.31            (vision-display (map #(% world) vision))
    2.33            (hearing-display (map #(% world) hearing))
    2.34 +
    2.35 +          (muscle-display (map #(% @muscle-exertion) muscles))
    2.37            ;;(println-repl (vision-data))
    2.38            (.setLocalTranslation me (.getLocation (.getCamera world)))