changeset 256:96b746a0b398

bringing in dylan's changes
author Robert McIntyre <>
date Mon, 13 Feb 2012 23:45:38 -0700
parents e6e0bb3057b2 (diff) 63dafe7365df (current diff)
children 5d7961d7fded
diffstat 3 files changed, 128 insertions(+), 31 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
     1.1 Binary file assets/Models/test-touch/touch-cube.blend has changed
     2.1 --- a/org/	Mon Feb 13 06:13:07 2012 -0600
     2.2 +++ b/org/	Mon Feb 13 23:45:38 2012 -0700
     2.3 @@ -950,7 +950,6 @@
     2.4  #+end_src
     2.6  * Testing Hearing
     2.7 -
     2.8  ** Advanced Java Example
    2.10  I wrote a test case in Java that demonstrates the use of the Java
    2.11 @@ -1083,7 +1082,6 @@
    2.12    sound it hears beomes fainter. This shows the 3D localization of
    2.13    sound in this world.</p>
    2.14  </div>
    2.15 -
    2.16  #+end_html
    2.18  *** Creating the Ear Video
    2.19 @@ -1169,7 +1167,6 @@
    2.20  #+html: <ul> <li> <a href="../org/">This org file</a> </li> </ul>
    2.21    - [[ ][source-repository]]
    2.23 -
    2.24  * Next
    2.25    The worm can see and hear, but it can't feel the world or
    2.26    itself. Next post, I'll give the worm a [[./][sense of touch]].
     3.1 --- a/org/	Mon Feb 13 06:13:07 2012 -0600
     3.2 +++ b/org/	Mon Feb 13 23:45:38 2012 -0700
     3.3 @@ -122,7 +122,7 @@
     3.4  #+end_src
     3.6  It is convienent to treat a =Triangle= as a vector of vectors, and a
     3.7 -=Vector2f= and =Vector3f= as vectors of floats. (->vector3f) and
     3.8 +=Vector2f= or =Vector3f= as vectors of floats. (->vector3f) and
     3.9  (->triangle) undo the operations of =(vector3f-seq)= and
    3.10  =(triangle-seq)=. If these classes implemented =Iterable= then =(seq)=
    3.11  would work on them automitacally.
    3.12 @@ -497,6 +497,7 @@
    3.13  I'll use a new creature --- a simple cube which has touch sensors
    3.14  evenly distributed along each of its sides.
    3.16 +#+name: test-touch-0
    3.17  #+begin_src clojure
    3.18  (in-ns 'cortex.test.touch)
    3.20 @@ -504,10 +505,7 @@
    3.21    (load-blender-model "Models/test-touch/touch-cube.blend"))
    3.22  #+end_src
    3.24 -#+begin_html
    3.25 -<br>
    3.26 -#+end_html
    3.27 -
    3.28 +** The Touch Cube
    3.29  #+begin_html
    3.30  <div class="figure">
    3.31  <center>
    3.32 @@ -527,12 +525,10 @@
    3.33  #+caption: The distribution of feelers along the touch-cube. The colors of the faces are irrelevant; only the white pixels specify feelers.
    3.34  [[../images/touch-profile.png]]
    3.36 +#+name: test-touch-1
    3.37  #+begin_src clojure
    3.38  (in-ns 'cortex.test.touch)
    3.40 -(import com.aurellem.capture.Capture)
    3.41 -(import
    3.42 -
    3.43  (defn test-basic-touch
    3.44    ([] (test-basic-touch false))
    3.45    ([record?]
    3.46 @@ -576,6 +572,7 @@
    3.47  #+end_html
    3.49  ** Generating the Basic Touch Video
    3.50 +#+name: magick4
    3.51  #+begin_src clojure
    3.52  (ns
    3.53    (:import
    3.54 @@ -615,31 +612,88 @@
    3.55        background main-view touch targets))))
    3.56  #+end_src
    3.58 +#+begin_src sh :results silent
    3.59 +cd /home/r/proj/cortex/render/touch-cube/
    3.60 +ffmpeg -r 60 -i out/%07d.png -b:v 9000k -c:v libtheora basic-touch.ogg
    3.61 +#+end_src
    3.63  * Adding Touch to the Worm
    3.65 -#+name: test-touch
    3.66 +#+name: test-touch-2
    3.67  #+begin_src clojure
    3.68 -(ns cortex.test.touch
    3.69 -  (:use (cortex world util sense body touch))
    3.70 -  (:use cortex.test.body))
    3.71 +(in-ns 'cortex.test.touch)
    3.73 -(cortex.import/mega-import-jme3)
    3.74 +(defn test-touch 
    3.75 +  ([] (test-touch false))
    3.76 +  ([record?]
    3.77 +     (let [the-worm (doto (worm) (body!))
    3.78 +           touch (touch! the-worm)
    3.79 +           touch-display (view-touch)]
    3.80 +       (world
    3.81 +        (nodify [the-worm (floor)])
    3.82 +        standard-debug-controls
    3.83 +        
    3.84 +        (fn [world]
    3.85 +          (if record? 
    3.86 +            (Capture/captureVideo 
    3.87 +             world
    3.88 +             (File. "/home/r/proj/cortex/render/worm-touch/main-view/")))
    3.89 +          (speed-up world)
    3.90 +          (light-up-everything world))
    3.92 -(defn test-touch []
    3.93 -  (let [the-worm (doto (worm) (body!))
    3.94 -        touch (touch! the-worm)
    3.95 -        touch-display (view-touch)]
    3.96 -    (world (nodify [the-worm (floor)])
    3.97 -           standard-debug-controls
    3.98 -           
    3.99 -           (fn [world]
   3.100 -             (speed-up world)
   3.101 -             (light-up-everything world))
   3.102 +        (fn [world tpf]
   3.103 +          (touch-display 
   3.104 +           (map #(% (.getRootNode world)) touch)
   3.105 +           (if record? 
   3.106 +             (File. "/home/r/proj/cortex/render/worm-touch/touch/"))))))))
   3.107 +#+end_src
   3.109 -           (fn [world tpf]
   3.110 -             (touch-display 
   3.111 -              (map #(% (.getRootNode world)) touch))))))
   3.112 +** Worm Touch Demonstration 
   3.113 +#+begin_html
   3.114 +<div class="figure">
   3.115 +<center>
   3.116 +<video controls="controls" width="550">
   3.117 +  <source src="../video/worm-touch.ogg" type="video/ogg"
   3.118 +	  preload="none" poster="../images/aurellem-1280x480.png" />
   3.119 +</video>
   3.120 +</center>
   3.121 +<p>The worm responds to touch.</p>
   3.122 +</div>
   3.123 +#+end_html
   3.124 +
   3.125 +
   3.126 +** Generating the Worm Touch Video
   3.127 +#+name: magick5
   3.128 +#+begin_src clojure
   3.129 +(ns
   3.130 +  (:import
   3.131 +  (:use
   3.132 +
   3.133 +(defn images [path]
   3.134 +  (sort (rest (file-seq (File. path)))))
   3.135 +
   3.136 +(def base "/home/r/proj/cortex/render/worm-touch/")
   3.137 +
   3.138 +(defn pics [file]
   3.139 +  (images (str base file)))
   3.140 +
   3.141 +(defn combine-images []
   3.142 +  (let [main-view (pics "main-view")
   3.143 +        touch (pics "touch/0")
   3.144 +        targets (map
   3.145 +                 #(File. (str base "out/" (format "%07d.png" %)))
   3.146 +                 (range 0 (count main-view)))]
   3.147 +    (dorun
   3.148 +     (pmap
   3.149 +      (comp
   3.150 +       (fn [[ main-view touch target]]
   3.151 +         (println target)
   3.152 +         (sh "convert"
   3.153 +             main-view 
   3.154 +             touch     "-geometry" "+0+0" "-composite"
   3.155 +             target))
   3.156 +       (fn [& args] (map #(.getCanonicalPath %) args)))
   3.157 +       main-view touch targets))))
   3.158  #+end_src
   3.160  * Headers 
   3.161 @@ -661,9 +715,44 @@
   3.162    (:import (com.jme3.math Triangle Vector3f Vector2f Ray Matrix4f)))
   3.163  #+end_src   
   3.165 +#+name: test-touch-header
   3.166 +#+begin_src clojure
   3.167 +(ns cortex.test.touch
   3.168 +  (:use (cortex world util sense body touch))
   3.169 +  (:use cortex.test.body)
   3.170 +  (:import com.aurellem.capture.Capture)
   3.171 +  (:import
   3.172 +  (:import (com.jme3.math Vector3f ColorRGBA)))
   3.173 +#+end_src
   3.174 +
   3.175  * Source Listing
   3.176 +  - [[../src/cortex/touch.clj][cortex.touch]]
   3.177 +  - [[../src/cortex/test/touch.clj][cortex.test.touch]]
   3.178 +  - [[../src/cortex/video/magick4.clj][]]
   3.179 +  - [[../src/cortex/video/magick5.clj][]]
   3.180 +#+html: <ul> <li> <a href="../org/">This org file</a> </li> </ul>
   3.181 +  - [[ ][source-repository]]
   3.182 +
   3.183  * Next
   3.184 +So far I've implemented simulated Vision, Hearing, and Touch, the most
   3.185 +obvious and promiment senses that humans have.  Smell and Taste shall
   3.186 +remain unimplemented for now. This accounts for the "five senses" that
   3.187 +feature so prominently in our lives. But humans have far more than the
   3.188 +five main senses. There are internal chemical senses, pain (which is
   3.189 +*not* the same as touch), heat sensitivity, and our sense of balance,
   3.190 +among others. One extra sense is so important that I must implement it
   3.191 +to have a hope of making creatures that can gracefully control their
   3.192 +own bodies.  It is Proprioception, which is the sense of the location
   3.193 +of each body part in relation to the other body parts.
   3.195 +Close your eyes, and touch your nose with your right index finger. How
   3.196 +did you do it? You could not see your hand, and neither your hand nor
   3.197 +your nose could use the sense of touch to guide the path of your hand.
   3.198 +There are no sound cues, and Taste and Smell certainly don't provide
   3.199 +any help. You know where your hand is without your other senses
   3.200 +because of Proprioception.
   3.201 +
   3.202 +Onward to [[./][proprioception]]!
   3.204  * COMMENT Code Generation
   3.205  #+begin_src clojure :tangle ../src/cortex/touch.clj
   3.206 @@ -678,11 +767,22 @@
   3.207  <<visualization>>
   3.208  #+end_src
   3.210 +#+begin_src clojure :tangle ../src/cortex/test/touch.clj 
   3.211 +<<test-touch-header>>
   3.212 +<<test-touch-0>>
   3.213 +<<test-touch-1>>
   3.214 +<<test-touch-2>>
   3.215 +#+end_src
   3.217 -#+begin_src clojure :tangle ../src/cortex/test/touch.clj 
   3.218 -<<test-touch>>
   3.219 +#+begin_src clojure :tangle ../src/cortex/video/magick4.clj
   3.220 +<<magick4>>
   3.221  #+end_src
   3.223 +#+begin_src clojure :tangle ../src/cortex/video/magick5.clj
   3.224 +<<magick5>>
   3.225 +#+end_src
   3.226 +
   3.227 +