# HG changeset patch
# User Robert McIntyre <rlm@mit.edu>
# Date 1328274270 25200
# Node ID 95bf556142116917946f069b48b321eb341bb985
# Parent  bb235258f8357d81f5e8072ad56c418dfe422431
moved goals and deleted old test

diff -r bb235258f835 -r 95bf55614211 org/ideas.org
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/org/ideas.org	Fri Feb 03 06:04:30 2012 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+* Brainstorming different sensors and effectors.
+Every sense that we have should have an effector that changes what
+that sense (or others who have that sense) experiences.
+** Classic Senses
+| Sense                        | Effector                        |
+| Vision                       | Variable Coloration             |
+| Hearing                      | Speech                          |
+| Proprioception               | Movement                        |
+| Smell/Taste (Chemoreception) | Pheremones                      |
+| Touch                        | Movement / Controllable Texture |
+| Acceleration                 | Movement                        |
+| Balance (sense gravity)      | Movement                        |
+|                              |                                 |
+- New Senses/Effectors
+- Levitation
+- Telekenesis
+- control of gravity within a certain radius
+- speed up/slow time
+- object creation/destruction
+- Symbol Sense
+   Where objects in the world can be queried for description /
+   symbols.
+- Symbol Marking
+   The ability to mark objects in the world with your own descriptions
+   and symbols.
+- Vision 
+  Distinguish the polarization of light
+  Color
+  Movement
+* project ideas
+ - HACKER for writing muscle-control programs : Presented with
+   low-level muscle control/ sense API, generate higher level programs
+   for accomplishing various stated goals. Example goals might be
+   "extend all your fingers" or "move your hand into the area with
+   blue light" or "decrease the angle of this joint".  It would be
+   like Sussman's HACKER, except it would operate with much more data
+   in a more realistic world.  Start off with "calestanthics" to
+   develop subrouitines over the motor control API.  This would be the
+   "spinal chord" of a more intelligent creature.  The low level
+   programming code might be a turning machine that could develop
+   programs to iterate over a "tape" where each entry in the tape
+   could control recruitment of the fibers in a muscle.
+ - Make a virtual computer in the virtual world which with which the
+   creature interacts using its fingers to press keys on a virtual
+   keyboard.  The creature can access the internet, watch videos, take
+   over the world, anything it wants.
+ - Make virtual insturments like pianos, drumbs, etc that it learns to
+   play.
+ - make a joint that figures out what type of joint it is (range of
+   motion)
+* goals
+** have to get done before winston
+ - [ ] write an explination for why greyscale bitmaps for senses is
+       appropiate -- 1/2 day
+ - [X] muscle control -- day
+ - [X] proprioception sensor map in the style of the other senses -- day
+ - [ ] refactor integration code to distribute to each of the senses
+       -- day
+ - [ ] create video showing all the senses for Winston -- 2 days
+ - [ ] send package to friends for critiques -- 2 days
+ - [ ] write summary of project for Winston            \
+ - [ ] project proposals for Winston                    \
+ - [ ] additional senses to be implemented for Winston   |  -- 2 days 
+ - [ ] send Winston package                             /
+** would be cool to get done before winston
+ - [X] enable greyscale bitmaps for touch -- 2 hours 
+ - [X] use sawfish to auto-tile sense windows -- 6 hours
+ - [X] sawfish keybinding to automatically delete all sense windows
+ - [ ] directly change the UV-pixels to show sensor activation -- 2
+       days
+ - [ ] proof of concept C sense manipulation  -- 2 days 
+ - [ ] proof of concept GPU sense manipulation -- week
+ - [ ] fourier view of sound -- 2 or 3 days 
+ - [ ] dancing music listener -- 1 day, depends on fourier
+** don't have to get done before winston
+ - [ ] write tests for integration -- 3 days
+ - [ ] usertime/gametime clock HUD display -- day 
+ - [ ] find papers for each of the senses justifying my own
+       representation -- week
+ - [ ] show sensor maps in HUD display? -- 4 days
+ - [ ] show sensor maps in AWT display? -- 2 days
diff -r bb235258f835 -r 95bf55614211 org/test-creature.org
--- a/org/test-creature.org	Fri Feb 03 06:01:22 2012 -0700
+++ b/org/test-creature.org	Fri Feb 03 06:04:30 2012 -0700
@@ -8,104 +8,6 @@
-* Brainstorming different sensors and effectors.
-Every sense that we have should have an effector that changes what
-that sense (or others who have that sense) experiences.
-** Classic Senses
-| Sense                        | Effector                        |
-| Vision                       | Variable Coloration             |
-| Hearing                      | Speech                          |
-| Proprioception               | Movement                        |
-| Smell/Taste (Chemoreception) | Pheremones                      |
-| Touch                        | Movement / Controllable Texture |
-| Acceleration                 | Movement                        |
-| Balance (sense gravity)      | Movement                        |
-|                              |                                 |
-- New Senses/Effectors
-- Levitation
-- Telekenesis
-- control of gravity within a certain radius
-- speed up/slow time
-- object creation/destruction
-- Symbol Sense
-   Where objects in the world can be queried for description /
-   symbols.
-- Symbol Marking
-   The ability to mark objects in the world with your own descriptions
-   and symbols.
-- Vision 
-  Distinguish the polarization of light
-  Color
-  Movement
-* project ideas
- - HACKER for writing muscle-control programs : Presented with
-   low-level muscle control/ sense API, generate higher level programs
-   for accomplishing various stated goals. Example goals might be
-   "extend all your fingers" or "move your hand into the area with
-   blue light" or "decrease the angle of this joint".  It would be
-   like Sussman's HACKER, except it would operate with much more data
-   in a more realistic world.  Start off with "calestanthics" to
-   develop subrouitines over the motor control API.  This would be the
-   "spinal chord" of a more intelligent creature.  The low level
-   programming code might be a turning machine that could develop
-   programs to iterate over a "tape" where each entry in the tape
-   could control recruitment of the fibers in a muscle.
- - Make a virtual computer in the virtual world which with which the
-   creature interacts using its fingers to press keys on a virtual
-   keyboard.  The creature can access the internet, watch videos, take
-   over the world, anything it wants.
- - Make virtual insturments like pianos, drumbs, etc that it learns to
-   play.
- - make a joint that figures out what type of joint it is (range of
-   motion)
-* goals
-** have to get done before winston
- - [ ] write an explination for why greyscale bitmaps for senses is
-       appropiate -- 1/2 day
- - [X] muscle control -- day
- - [X] proprioception sensor map in the style of the other senses -- day
- - [ ] refactor integration code to distribute to each of the senses
-       -- day
- - [ ] create video showing all the senses for Winston -- 2 days
- - [ ] send package to friends for critiques -- 2 days
- - [ ] write summary of project for Winston            \
- - [ ] project proposals for Winston                    \
- - [ ] additional senses to be implemented for Winston   |  -- 2 days 
- - [ ] send Winston package                             /
-** would be cool to get done before winston
- - [X] enable greyscale bitmaps for touch -- 2 hours 
- - [X] use sawfish to auto-tile sense windows -- 6 hours
- - [X] sawfish keybinding to automatically delete all sense windows
- - [ ] directly change the UV-pixels to show sensor activation -- 2
-       days
- - [ ] proof of concept C sense manipulation  -- 2 days 
- - [ ] proof of concept GPU sense manipulation -- week
- - [ ] fourier view of sound -- 2 or 3 days 
- - [ ] dancing music listener -- 1 day, depends on fourier
-** don't have to get done before winston
- - [ ] write tests for integration -- 3 days
- - [ ] usertime/gametime clock HUD display -- day 
- - [ ] find papers for each of the senses justifying my own
-       representation -- week
- - [ ] show sensor maps in HUD display? -- 4 days
- - [ ] show sensor maps in AWT display? -- 2 days
 * Intro 
 So far, I've made the following senses -- 
@@ -934,64 +836,6 @@
    ;;      (println-repl (float (/ @timer 60))))))
-;;; experiments in collisions
-(defn collision-test []
-  (let [b-radius 1
-        b-position (Vector3f. 0 0 0)
-        obj-b (box 1 1 1 :color ColorRGBA/Blue
-                      :position b-position
-                      :mass 0)
-        node (nodify [obj-b])
-        bounds-b
-        (doto (Picture.)
-          (.setHeight 50)
-          (.setWidth 50)
-          (.setImage (asset-manager)
-                     "Models/creature1/hand.png"
-                     false
-          ))
-        ;;(Ray. (Vector3f. 0 -5 0) (.normalize (Vector3f. 0 1 0)))
-        collisions
-        (let [cr (CollisionResults.)]
-          (.collideWith node bounds-b cr)
-          (println (map #(.getContactPoint %) cr))
-          cr)
-        ;;collision-points
-        ;;(map #(sphere 0.1 :position (.getContactPoint %))
-        ;;     collisions)
-        ;;node (nodify (conj collision-points obj-b))
-        sim
-        (world node
-               {"key-space"
-                (fn [_ value]
-                  (if value
-                    (let [cr (CollisionResults.)]
-                      (.collideWith node bounds-b cr)
-                      (println-repl (map #(.getContactPoint %) cr))
-                      cr)))}
-               no-op
-               no-op)
-        ]
-    sim
 ;; the camera will stay in its initial position/rotation with relation