# HG changeset patch
# User Robert McIntyre <rlm@mit.edu>
# Date 1343033473 18000
# Node ID 5405f369f4a098dbcbe1b15bec2ea5f657db84ef
# Parent  ef958c44563d5892dbecbe9f60f465e8805f5604
added summary of each sense for the joint.

diff -r ef958c44563d -r 5405f369f4a0 assets/Models/joint/joint.blend
Binary file assets/Models/joint/joint.blend has changed
diff -r ef958c44563d -r 5405f369f4a0 assets/Models/joint/retina.png
Binary file assets/Models/joint/retina.png has changed
diff -r ef958c44563d -r 5405f369f4a0 org/joint.org
--- a/org/joint.org	Sun Jul 22 11:30:19 2012 -0500
+++ b/org/joint.org	Mon Jul 23 03:51:13 2012 -0500
@@ -1,6 +1,29 @@
-* A self learning joint
+* A joint
+The point of this joint is that it uses exploratory motor movements to
+learn how to move to any particular position.
+visual-information -- list of functions which must each be called with the
+world the argument, each of which returns [topology data]. Each element
+of data is a number between 0 and 255 representing the intensity of
+the light recieved at that sensor.
+proprioception -- list of nullary functions, one for each joint, which
+return [heding pitch roll].
+touch -- list of functions which must each be called with a Node
+(normally the root node of the simulation) the argument, each of which
+returns [topology data]. Each element of data is a posive float
+between 0.0 and the max length of the "hairs" of which the touch sense
+is composed.
+movement -- list of functions, one for each muscle, which must be
+called with an integer between 0 and the total number of muscle fibers
+in the muscle. Each function returns a float which is (current-force/
 #+name: load-creature
 #+begin_src clojure
@@ -12,8 +35,10 @@
   (load-blender-model joint))
 (defn test-creature []
   (let [me (sphere 0.5 :color ColorRGBA/Blue :physical? false)
         creature (doto (load-creature) (body!))
@@ -21,8 +46,8 @@
         touch (touch! creature)
         touch-display (view-touch)
-        ;;vision (vision! creature)
-        ;;vision-display (view-vision)
+        vision (vision! creature)
+        vision-display (view-vision)
         ;;hearing (hearing! creature)
         ;;hearing-display (view-hearing)
@@ -37,19 +62,16 @@
         fix-display (gen-fix-display)
         floor (box 10 2 10 :position (Vector3f. 0 -9 0)
-                   :color ColorRGBA/Gray :mass 0)
-        timer (RatchetTimer. 60)
-        ]
+                   :color ColorRGBA/Gray :mass 0)]
      (nodify [floor me creature])
      (fn [world]
-       (.setTimer world timer)
-       )
+       (let [timer (RatchetTimer. 60)]
+         (.setTimer world timer)
+         (display-dilated-time world timer)))
      (fn [world tpf]
+       (.setLocalTranslation me (.getLocation (.getCamera world)))
        (fix-display world)))))
diff -r ef958c44563d -r 5405f369f4a0 org/vision.org
--- a/org/vision.org	Sun Jul 22 11:30:19 2012 -0500
+++ b/org/vision.org	Mon Jul 23 03:51:13 2012 -0500
@@ -411,8 +411,8 @@
 #+name: main
 #+begin_src clojure
 (defn vision!
-  "Returns a function which returns visual sensory data when called
-   inside a running simulation."
+  "Returns a list of functions, each of which returns visual sensory
+   data when called inside a running simulation."
   [#^Node creature & {skip :skip :or {skip 0}}]